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General Chat => Chat About Anything => Topic started by: Summicron on July 21, 2008, 08:05:35 PM

Title: Walther Benser's Book, My Life With The Leica.
Post by: Summicron on July 21, 2008, 08:05:35 PM
It came through the door this morning, an although I've yet only read snippets, it looks like its going to be an interesting read, and an insight into Benser's army days as a German soldier during world war two. I've always admired Walther Benser's photography, although I've never been to any of his lectures, of which his talks were extensive. I do have a couple of his other books, Better colour with Walther Benser, and, Photographing Colour With Walther Benser, the latter of these books, I went on a hunt to find, I even considered, getting a copy off ther internet, but I eventually found a copy in a bookshop in Blackpool, a bargain for a couple of quid (seek and ye shall find). Funnily enough its a bookshop I've come across a couple of happy finds, including a Freeman Patterson book, which was in the window, I got there just as the shop was about to close.

   I don't know what it is about Walther Benser's style of photography, but it has both a gentleness and a love of life to it. Yes that's it, a love of life that's infectious, both in his pictures, and how he puts it over in his writing's, and I guess in his lecture tours