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General Chat => Chat About Anything => Topic started by: muddy_sneakers on June 22, 2007, 07:53:15 PM

Title: What does 'God's Call' sound like?
Post by: muddy_sneakers on June 22, 2007, 07:53:15 PM
Okay so I know that ya probably don't get a ring on the phone or something that sounds like your Momma yellin out the back door for you, so what in the world do people mean when they say 'God has called me into such and so'?

I usually hear this when pastors are talking about how/when they came into the ministry or with full time missionaries and such, but how is it exactly that you know? I mean the call seems to come in so many different ways to so many different people at different times, I just don't get it.

I mean, I know when I was being led by the Holy Spirit to repent and turn to Jesus for salvation. Is the 'call' something like that? Is it something that you are sure of beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're meant to do or simply a desire you have that you decide to pursue?

I was always taught that we've all been 'called' into ministry it's just that some were called to be full time pastors. If that makes any sense. I don't know.

Forgive me for rambling on, I'm just curious. I've been reading about chaplains and chaplaincy opportunities and such and it got me wondering if these folks just went to Bible college or seminary and decided to become a chaplain or if they had ALWAYS known that is what God desired for them to do.

Pastor Kevin!! Maybe you could shed some light on this one for me? hehehe Anyone in the ministry or married to someone in the ministry wanna tackle my nonsensical questions?  :crazy:

Also, do you need to be an ordained minister in order to be a chaplain or can you become a chaplain with a 4 year degree in Biblical studies of some sort?

Thanks for reading all this ya'll! I REALLY appreciate it! :)