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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

New Every Morning~April 17

Started by Pat, April 17, 2003, 12:43:04 AM

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Link of the day...[/font]

  • One Place  You could stay here all day and not finish looking and surfing!

  • Creation Moment Listen to the Creation Moment every day for a new creation moment!  We can learn a lot from these!  Terrific if you are home schooling.

Verse for Today...[/font]
    "The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."[/color]
    ~1 Corinthians 1:18 NIV~

    Quote of the Day...[/font]
       "Posture in worship is too often imposture."
      ~Thomas Watson~[/list]

      Some News We Should Know About...
      • A Lighthouse for the Middle East
        DUBAI, UAE  (ANS) -- Imagine the scene: A war is raging just hundreds of miles away in Iraq and some hundreds of believers from 40 nations are packed into a room in a villa in Dubai City for a second service on a Friday morning. The multi-nation worship band is leading worship as people sing with gusto surrounded by flags from each of their countries. Even though they are packed like sardines, to each of them this is a "slice of heaven."

      From our forums...

      Morning Devotional...

      When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained.... Psalm 8:3

      Our lives are too busy.

      Often we are so hemmed in by the works of man that we scarcely notice the unique glories of God's creation. The smog and bright lights of our cities dim our vision of heaven.

      Today make an effort to consider, to contemplate, some part of God's creation: a flower, a leaf, or a friendly dog.

      Examine, marvel and worship the Creator.
                                                                            --Donald Norbie

      I see Thee in the light upon the river, the shadows of the wood;
      The wild-flowers on the mountainside profess the colors of Thy dress;
      As though for my joy solely all things do Thee confess.

      --Amy Carmichael

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


      Well, it's still the 16th here, but that's ok.  I hope it's ok.

      Today's devotional seems to be a continuance of the posts yesterday. :)

      Meika, your heart is so precious to the Lord.  From what I read of your post, there was no question that you might not be going to heaven, rather a readiness and longing to be with the Lord there. :)

      Your question about thanking the Lord for preserving us was a good one.  Believe me, you make me think!
      I think that thanking God for preserving me has also to do with keeping me in God's own care through the night.  Does that make sense?

        We could die, and go to be with Him, and be very much preserved through the night. :)  Right?

         I, too, think that heaven must be very beautiful.  But for me.....what will make it beautiful is Jesus.  I will only have eyes for Him....I just want to run to Him and fall at His feet and cry my heart out.  I think only He could ever get me to rise and look into His eyes.  What a precious Savior....what a wonderful Master we serve.  He is pure Love.

       You bless me, Meika.  Don't stop posting.  Please.  Your questions are refreshing.  I know we all feel the same.       love, nita

      Ruth Ann Bice

      Good morning!

      Yes, I know the clock (and calendar) say it's morning, but since I worked until 11:30 pm, it's still "yesterday" to me.

      I didn't have opportunity to check out the days I missed because of the business trip.

      Oh, well, y'all know I love ya anyway.

      Have a good day tomorrow (er, I mean, TODAY)!

      Ruth Ann
      ...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

      Jane Walker

      Hey there, NITA!you beat me here today!  That's okay, cuz I'm right behind you ... or beside you ... or anyway, I'm here too!  

      We went to church this evening and our Pastor Bev had a wonderful, heartfelt message on the LOVE of God!  How can we ever NOT be aware of His love for us... we do seem to let it slip to the back of our minds, though, don't we?

      I'll be off to our Women's Ministry meeting tomorrow, so probably won't get here until afternoon.  Y'all take care, now, y'hear?

      love and prayers,

      P.S. Hey there, RUTH ANN - Didn't see you slipping in there while I was composing.   ;)  How was your trip ?

      Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


      Good morning Pat, Ruth Ann, Jane and Nita.  It used to be that I was the first to post in this thread, but not nowadays.  It's great to read your posts.

      Pat, it is good to look around us and see God in His creation.  I'm sure you all know the scripture in Romans that instructs us that the creation is a testimony of the existence of God and it leaves sinners without excuse in refusing to believe.

      "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."

      It's also good to know that you are creating a site here that is encouraging us all to look more closely at the creation by sharing our photographs and thoughts.

      Thanks for reminding us of these things at the beginning of the day.



      Good morning!  It's gotten cold here again, but hopefully it won't last long.  Of course, we know Who holds control over that, and I'm thankful it's not me!

      Pat- that devotional was perfect!  I was just sitting here planning and going over in my mind all the things I needed to accomplish, especially since this weekend is Easter weekend.  God is certainly faithful in showing us the lessons we most need for our days!

      Meika-that was a good question.  I used to ask myself that so often.  And you know, if we are still here on this earth instead of in God's Presence, it's because God still has a purpose for us here, He still has something for His child(ren) to accomplish. Whether it is another life to touch, a life lived for Him to show others His glory, or a few more lessons to learn before we go Home.  Of course, He would rather have us there with Him, but He will not alter His will, what He has set out for us to do or learn, must be done or learned.  And He has His Hand on us.  

      Anthony-my mom and I went to a little restaurant last night, and they had a section in their menu entitled "English Fare".  Do you know what was under it?  Among other things, steak and kidney pie!  I just thought I'd mention that since that's what you put yesterday!

      Are there any people here to read or write poetry?  I thought it might be interesting if Pat, you were to open a section where people could share pieces by their favourite poets or something.  Just a thought.

      Well, I must be off, believe it or not, at this time in the morning, there's still a line up for the computer.  God bless you all, hope you have a purposeful day in the Lord.  Jen.


      Good morning everyone...my this is a busy place today and so early yet...well Pat that was a great devotional again and i will respond to that a bit later in the day.

      My throat is still abit sore and my voice is starting to make a come back.....but am sounding rather froggy at the moment hahaha....

      Good morning to Nita. Ruth Anne and Jane...nice to see you all in so early for us anyway.....

      Hello Anthony...how are you doing this fine Thursday...good to see you again...

      well my dear hubby and 4th youngest daughter have just left to go to Peterborough today...so I would ask you to keep them in prayer as the wind is very strong and there is a call for freezing rain.....

      Ok...this is long enough now so I will say goodbye and have a great day...

      Larry Hanna

      Hi everyone.  Just a quick stop this morning before I head out to have coffee at the local cafe with my retired friends.  

      As I was driving home from choir last night the sky was clear and there was the most beautiful clear moon in the sky, certainly of God's creation.

      I will be back later.



      Good Morning from  Mountain Standard Time!  We are driving in for a blood draw for Don this morning and he will want breakfast pronto after that session.  This is a regular appointment before a physical next week.  

      Our Spirituality class on Wednesday night was so neat - several members have written of happenings in their lives and then they write about the good that comes out of the traumas.  It has been inspiring to say the least.  

      Larry:  I was touched to read about your being taken-in by people.  It is because you have such faith in your friends.  Don has had the same happenings and has no regrets also.  

      Etta Sue:  We don't mow the yard anymore as someone else comes around and takes care of outside stuff - I only work on the flower bed by the front walkway.  Don likes to turn the key and drive away.

      Good Day to all.   Carol

      Jerry L. Sowers

      Pat ~ A wonderful Devotion. I am sitting here thinking about all the beauty God has bestowed upon us here on earth. It boggles my mind to even try to think of the beauty God has saved for me in my Heavenly home. It will be so much greater than any of us can imagine.

      I will wish everyone a super happy day with our Lord and may God bless you in your endeavors today!

      Jerry L. Sowers

      I would like to post this Daily Encounter to remind all of us that it is only through Grace and our belief in Jesus can we get into Heaven, It may help anyone passing through our forums and haven't quite made up their minds or don't know how to go about being saved. I hope you all enjoy these, if not let me know. They are quite long and do take up a lot of space.


      "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
      Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
      eternal life" (John 3:16, NIV).

      "Years ago, R. G. Lee told a powerful story about a
      mountain school that had a hard time keeping a teacher. It
      seems there was a group of big, rough boys who took pride
      in running the teacher off. The biggest and roughest of
      them all was named Tom.

      "A new young teacher won over the boys, however, by letting
      them write the rules for the school--which were very
      strictly enforced with a rod. For example, cheating would
      be punished with five strokes of the rod, and stealing with
      ten strokes, both to be given with the offender's coat off.

      "Everything went well until one day Tom's lunch was stolen.
      A frail little boy in hand-me-down clothes that were too
      big for him admitted his guilt. The school rules demanded
      that he be whipped. When the teacher called the little
      fellow up front, he came whimpering and begging to leave
      his coat on. The pupils insisted he obey the rules and take
      off his coat. When he did, a deathly silence settled over
      the room, for he had no shirt on and his emaciated body
      looked like skin stretched over bones. The teacher gasped
      and dropped the rod. He knew he could never whip that
      little boy.

      "Suddenly, big Tom strode up and stood between the two.
      'I'll take it for him, Teacher, for after all it was my
      lunch he stole.' He shrugged out of his coat.

      "At the third blow the switch broke, and the teacher threw
      it in the corner and said, 'That's all, school dismissed.'

      "The frail little boy laid his hand on big Tom's arm and
      through his tears said, 'Thank you, Tom, it would have
      killed me.'"1

      And that's exactly what Jesus did for you and me when he
      died on the cross on Good Friday some 2000 years ago--he
      took your and my punishment for all our sins so we could be
      freely forgiven and given God's gift of eternal life.

      "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
      Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
      eternal life." Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins
      and, if so, have you accepted God's full and free pardon?
      You can do that right now by praying the following prayer:

      "Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner and am sorry for
      all the wrongs that I have done. I believe that your Son,
      Jesus Christ, died on the cross for my sins. Please forgive
      me. I invite you, Jesus, to come into my heart and life as
      Lord and Savior. I commit and trust my life to you. Please
      give me the desire to be what you want me to be and to do
      what you want me to do. Thank you for dying for my sins,
      for your free pardon, for your gift of eternal life, and
      for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen."

      If you prayed this prayer, please let us know by going to:

      1. Cited on www.sermons.com


      When copying, please include the following: From
         Daily Encounter (c) Dick Innes 2003. Subscribe
         from: http://www.actsweb.org/subscribe.htm


      Good Morning.  Paulette I have prayed for your husband and daughter in their travels today.
      Jerry your devotional has made my eyes leak.
      Anthony good to see you this morning.

      I had a wonderful nights rest until about 5:30am when the dogs woke me up to go outside. It is a little warmer than yesterday 43 F  but I see on the weather report that it is supposed to rain again today. Well It isn't as much rain as I will living in-in Mckinleyville.

      I had an awesome prayer meeting with our Lord this morning it was as if He were sitting right here with  me. A humorous note is that when I read the bible I read it out loud, and as I read the words "run run" my dog, Bebe, suddenly got very alert and thought she was going for a run. Now she is running back and forth living room to bedroom with her toy and standing at the door.

      I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me these dogs to keep me company and to love me and for me to love. they are precious to me. God's creatures.  Last night as I was driving to bible study I saw a puppy running down the road with a coyote pup both the same size. I just wanted to stop and pick them both up to protect them and take them back home.

      Ia m going to check the other forums here and will return later.
      Love Marilyn~~
      "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
      Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

      Etta Sue

      Good morning, everyone!  I won't mention names....you all know who you are... ;)

      I woke this morning to a cooler day and rain.  Praise God!  The farmers are very happy that they got their planting done yesterday and God blessed them with a gentle rain to start the seeds to grow strong stalks of corn and beans.  

      I am still medicating this cold.  Ivalou wanted me to go to the doctor with her this morning, but I declined since it is cooler and raining.  I have three critical things these next few days...rehearsal tonight at church, rehearsal Saturday at church and Sunday morning services at church which Jerry and I will be manning the lights and sound.  I do want to be healthy enough for this so I stayed home this morning out of the damp cool weather.  Hopefully this afternoon will be better since Jerry invited me to his place for supper!  

      I am off to the other forums.  All the links, questions, posts are great this morning.  Really brings one closer to God and I thank all of you for that.

      "Life is good for growing things."


      I have made some improvements to my homepage.  I was wondering if you all would critique it for me.  It is still under construction, but I am working on it.  If you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to tell me.  I am open to any ideas.  Thank you sooooo much.

      Oops forgot to put the link down.  hehehe..


      I also forgot to mention that there is a photo on there that is in the current challenge weather, so if you are a DPC'er don't look at the picture. ::) :o

      Jane Walker

      Just stopping by for a moment as I prepare for our Women's meeting today.  I just had to tell you, JERRY, your Daily Encounter is really a touching and powerful illustration of the Love of our Lord.  I really appreciate your sharing it with us.

      Our pastor, last night, was also teaching on the same theme ... the GREAT love the God has for us ... and that Jesus has for us ... He left the splendor of heaven, knowing His destiny was the lonely hill of Golgotha, There He laid down His life for me.  If THAT isn't love ....  one of our members sang that song last night.  I'm still overwhelmed.

      See y'all later ... not mentioning names cuz there's too many and my fingers get tired of so much typing....
      :-\  'Sides ... as Etta Sue said "You know who you are."
      Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


      Praise Report

      Yesterday I changed insurance companies for my car insurance. After I backed into that car at church the other company raised my payments from $49. a month to $68. a month it was too high to begin with for the small amount of coverage I have. I got an ad on the internet for a quote, got the quote, changed to GE casualty and my payments are now $20. a month. I have minimum coverage because my car is so old anyway an 84 VW scirocco in excellent condition I might add. runs terrific.

      "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
      Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


      Good Morning, and love to all!!!  Francy

      Larry Hanna

      Marily, it pays to check around for things like insurance.  Another blessing to have a few more pennies each month.

      Jerry, that devotional was very powerful.  I found I have a chill go up my spine as I read it.

      Sonifo, I did look at your webpage quickly.  I started to sign your guest book but the link at the bottom that says "sign my guestbook" after clicking on the previous link saying the same thing was a bit confusing.  I knew I as posting here so didn't try to leave a message.  Your webpage looks nice.

      Time for lunch and a little rest.



      Good afternoon all:

      God's creation is so wonderful.  Words are never enough and we take so very much for granted.

      Jerry your story brought tears but that always happens to me.

      I sure wish our car insurance could be $20.00 a month but a lot does depend on were you live.

      God's Blessings to you all
      In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


      Good Morning Everyone!
      Hope you are all having a wonderful day!



      I am sorry not to mention everyone by name.  I must mention Mercychilds steak and kidney pie.  If they serve food like that in Guelph, I must visit one of these days :D

      Sonja, I lelft a message in your guest book.  The website is really coming on well and I do hope that it will  be a blessing to you and that you will sell loads of prints.

      I had a bad migraine today and was having wierd things going on with my vision.  I managed to do some spring cleaning, but I haven't been on the computer much, hence the rather short message now.

      It's great to see Denise dropping by and I do trust that all is well with you.

      Jerry, that was a great devotional.  How great the father's love for us is a song we sing at church.

      Etta Sue I do pray that you will be well enough to carry out  all of your jobs over the weekend.  God has a way of strengthening us I believe.

      Marilyn I am so glad to hear about your insurance.  A young friend of mine told me that his insurance is over £1,000 per year.  I think it is disgraceful, but there is not much you can do about it.

      God bless all and catch ya later.


      Papa John

      I was going to say good morning but I notice it is already afternoon.  I was in earlier and read the posts and about ready to write something and Cornelia said,  "I want to use the phone."  Well, when that happens I give up my use of the phone.  When I get back home I'll be on cable and phone won't matter.

      Good to see so many today.  Pat, thanks for the devotional.  The 8th Psalm makes us think and wonder about how excellent, how majestic, the name of the Lord is.  It begins and ends with the line,  "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"   (NIV)

      Jerry, the story was a tear jerker.  Sometimes when I read the story of Jesus as he goes to the cross it brings a tear to my eye too.  

      --- Papa John    ;D
      Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

      <img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/US/TN/Nashville.gif" border=0
      alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>

      Jerry L. Sowers

      I will say Thank you to all of you for your compliments on my Daily Encounter! I do it for you! You are what this site is all about and I hope I can make a cheerful contribution to your day with the Lord in some small way! Thinking of Jesus on the cross brings a tear to my eye and a lump in my chest. Today, knowing Jesus as I do I find myself thinking how I would love to have taken his place and done the suffering for him.

      God Bless!!!!!


      I'm just in the door and I have to leave again for a doctor's appointment at 2:15 but thought I'd say "Hi" to you all.

      It's so windy in Guelph today.

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


      Posted by Al Moak to Mieka in yesterday's thread after the door was locked!  At least I thought I put the snib on  ;D ;D

        Meika - Our beloved sister Pat has given you a very full and excellent answer to your questions.  I too want to express to you that you needn't fear your use of English.  You use English much better than I would use your language!

        If we have believed that we were enemies of God and worshippers of ourselves, and if we have truly expressed to God that we are very, very sorry for our rebellion and sin, and if we have truly believed that Jesus Christ gave Himself for us on the Cross, that He rose from the dead and is our living Lord now, then, truly, it is better to be with Him than to be here.

        But He has things for us to do here.  He has people for us to minister to and love.  And we belong to Him now, not to ourselves, so we simply want most to be where He wants us to be, whether here to serve Him or with Him to serve Him there.

        I thank Him when I awake here because He is giving me another day to serve Him here and because I know He'll be with me.

      "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


      Papa John, we have a comedy programme on UK television where the lady of the house is referred to as she who must be obeyed.  It would seem that it is an international problem  ;D  Thank you for your input on psalm 8.  Those are lovely thoughts.

      Jerry, as you are being blessed, all of the rest of us are being blessed too.  That's what the christian life is all about, passing on the blessing of God.

      Pat, I trust that everything goes ok at the doctors and thanks for posting Al's reply to Meika.  I noticed that it had snuck in and I was wondering how it had happened.  :-\

      God bless all.  My migraine is shifting - praise the Lord.



      I found the midi that goes with Psalm 18 that Brother Al posted to day.It is a chorus that goes like this:

      I will call upon the Lord
      Who is worthy to be praised
      So shall I be saved from my enemies
      The Lord Liveth, and Blessed be my rorck
      And Let the God of my salvation be exalted.

      "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
      Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


      Jerry BTW i insttalled oscar's Thumbmaker on my computer it doesn't take much room does?
      "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
      Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website



      Sonja: so do I. I like a lot of the new gospel music and I love Southern gospel, I think The Wilburn family maybe some of my cousin somewhere down the line. My Grandfather Wilburn was from Kentucky and so are they. i could listen to Southern gospel all day long.
      Mostly for myself though I am a worshipper.
      "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
      Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website