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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts of the Month--January

Started by Larry Hanna, January 01, 2019, 09:15:35 AM

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Larry Hanna

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 Prepared by Judy Boneschansker
How to Meditate on God's Word 
 by Ken Puls
How to Meditate on God's Word 
by Ken Puls

I love God's Word and delight in its truth. Yet too often I find that
after reading my Bible or hearing a sermon, the truth, so necessary to
the wellbeing of my soul, can too easily slip away. The truth that had
for a moment captured my attention and my affections can quietly fade
amid the clutter and noise of the day.

One of the best ways to remedy this is to practice the spiritual
discipline of meditating on God's Word. It is a discipline that takes
time and intention, but one that brings great benefit to the soul. We
need to carve out time to lay hold of the truth of God's Word.

It is a bewildering paradox of our day that the Bible can be so
accessible and yet so marginalized. On the one hand our technology has
brought God's Word close at hand. It's on our phones and tablets and
computers and iPods. We have almost immediate access to several
versions of the Bible as well as a wealth of sermons and commentaries.
But this same technology also threatens to distract us and drown out
God's Word. We have become a culture obsessed with noise and
comfortable with clutter. So many sources are bringing input into our
lives: TV, radio, online news feeds, Facebook, Twitter.... More than
ever we need to make time to meditate, to dwell in God's Word.

Meditation is pondering the Word in our hearts, preaching it to our
own souls, and personally applying it to our own lives and
circumstances. It is how we sanctify our thinking and bring it into
submission to Christ—taking every thought captive. Paul tells us in
Romans 12:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal
of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).
[All Scripture references are ESV unless otherwise indicated.]

In Psalms 77 Asaph uses three verbs that capture the essence of
meditation. When he finds himself perplexed and troubled and cries out
to God, he determines to steady his soul by looking to God and laying
hold of truth. He says in verses 11 and 12:

I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
Yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
I will ponder all your work,
And meditate on your mighty deeds (Psalms 77:11-12).
Asaph uses 3 verbs in the Hebrew to describe what it means to lay hold
of truth: He says: I will remember, I will ponder, and I will

He begins with remembering (zakar)—calling to mind "the deeds of the
Lord" and His "wonders of old." He intentionally takes note of truth
and draws it back into his thinking. Asaph reflects on what God has
accomplished for His people in the past—events and epics like the
Exodus and Passover, the giving of the law on Mount Sinai, the
conquest of the Promised Land. He makes an effort not to forget all
the Lord has done.

David also speaks of remembering God:

When I remember you upon my bed,
And meditate on you in the watches of the night (Psalms 63:6).
In Psalms 143, when David is overwhelmed with trouble, he uses the
same three verbs as Asaph, beginning with "remember."

I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all that you have done;
I ponder the work of your hands (Psalms 143:5).
We are a forgetful people and God would have us to remember.
Meditation begins with remembering, bringing back into our minds the
truths and praises and promises of God.

But, second, Asaph also uses a word that is translated in Psalms 77:12
"I ponder."

I will ponder all your work,
And meditate on your mighty deeds (Psalms 77:12).
This is the verb hagah in the Hebrew. It is found in numerous places
in the Old Testament and is translated as "ponder" or "meditate":

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do
according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your
way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8).
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And on his law he meditates day and night (Psalms 1:2).
When I remember you upon my bed,
and meditate on you in the watches of the night (Psalms 63:6).
In Psalms 2 it is used of the nations "plotting" against God.

Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain? (Psalms 2:1)
The word literally means "to let resound." It is used in Psalms 92:3
of the sound or tones of a musical instrument as it resonates.

On an instrument of ten strings,
On the lute, And on the harp,
With harmonious [or resounding] sound (Psalms 92:3).
It is used also in Psalms 9:16.

The LORD is known by the judgment He executes;
The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
Meditation. Selah  (Psalms 9:16).
It is not entirely clear if the use of the word here is a musical
instruction for the musicians to play an interlude—letting the
instruments resound—or if it is an instruction to the congregation—let
this truth resound within yourselves.

We find the term also at the end of Psalms 19:

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer (Psalms 19:14).
In other words: Let the inward tones of my heart be acceptable in Your
sight, O Lord...

This is how we want the truth of Scripture to fill us and impact us—as
we hear it and sing it and pray it—as Paul tells us in Colossians
3:16, let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly! Let it dwell in us in
a way that resounds and reverberates in and through our lives.

We see another use of the word in Isaiah 31:4 that helps us understand
its intent. Isaiah uses the word in reference to a lion:

For thus the LORD said to me,
 "As a lion or a young lion growls over his prey" (Isaiah 31:4)
The word for growl or roar is this word for meditation. Have you ever
heard a lion when he roars? He does not just use his voice. His entire
being reverberates. This is meditation. Letting God's Word resound
from within the very center of our being.

Meditation involves remembering, and resounding, but finally Asaph
speaks of meditating.

I will ponder all your work,
and meditate on your mighty deeds (Psalms 77:12).
This word siyach means to muse and wonder and dwell on—to think deeply
about something. Used literally it means to murmur, mumble or talk to

In a negative sense it can mean "to complain." It is the idea that
something has so taken hold of your thinking that you can't stop
thinking about it. So on the negative side—it troubles you and
disturbs you and draws out complaint; but on the positive side—it
captivates you and enraptures your thinking so that you "dwell on" it.
This is the way we want God's truth to lay hold of us—so that we can't
but dwell on it, so that it captures our thinking and finds it way
into our choices and decisions.

The Puritans thought of meditation this way as they described it as
"preaching to yourself." We take the Word of God that we hear and
read, and we mull it over in our minds and then bring it to bear upon
our lives in personal exhortations.

It is a word that is found often in the Old Testament, especially in the psalms.

May my meditation be pleasing to him,
for I rejoice in the LORD (Psalms 104:34).
I will meditate on your precepts
and fix my eyes on your ways (Psalms 119:15).
Oh how I love your law!
It is my meditation all the day (Psalms 119:97).
When we meditate we think about God's Word. We dwell on it and then as
opportunities arise, we preach it to ourselves. We inject it into our
thoughts as we make decisions, as we admonish and instruct our souls
to choose right things and walk down right paths.

This is the essence of meditation. It is evoking the truth, embracing
it and embedding it in our lives. It is intentionally focusing on
recalling God's truth that it might resound in our hearts and become
that grid through which we sift and measure our thoughts and actions.

Meditation is a crucial Christian discipline and a vital means of
grace that we must treasure and practice. But it is a discipline that
takes time and effort. Accessibility can never beat intentionality.
Don't assume that having God's Word close at hand means you have it
close at heart. Carve out time in your day to remember, time to
ponder, time to preach to yourself. The world around us can too easily
choke out what is needful and good for our souls. Don't allow God's
truth to slip away from you. Be intentional and diligent and your

Dr. Kenneth Puls is the Director of Publications and the Study Center
for Founders Ministries, Cape Coral, FL. Founders Ministries exists to
work for the recovery of the gospel and the biblical re-formation of
local churches. They have a myriad of ministries that are given to
that two-pronged effort, including a church planting network, an
online study center, a publishing house, a quarterly journal, regional
conferences and events, minister search list, friends list, and church
list. In addition to this their  website is filled with resources for
pastors, students, church leaders and serious Christians.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone and Happy New Year. We have another cloudy and warm day ahead. We have a 20% chance of rain throughout the day and that percentage goes up this evening. I am thankful as we start this new year that I am still around.  I don't have anything particular planned for today but do have several projects I can work on if I want to do so.  Pat and I plan on eating out for our main meal today, probably at Diablo's, which is one of our favorite places.  There are a lot of good games on this afternoon.  The University of Georgia plays at 8:20 this evening so I probably will not watch the game, or very much of it, as that is a very late start. 

Judy, thanks for developing the New Thoughts Devotional to get us started off on our new year.  That is a very thoughtful piece with much to ponder. 

Robot, the Isle of Mann has a lot to be very proud of.  I enjoyed reading about some of the accomplishments.

Jane, glad to see you are home safe even if a little banged up from your fall.  It sounds like it is time for your family to come and visit you.  It is too bad when families have disagreements that separate one from another but certainly not uncommon.  I am glad you had a good time while you were there and did get to see many members of your family. 

John, I hope this year will be a good one for you and Judy and all of your family.  Are you snowed in up your way?


Good morning. I had my follow up appointment with my Dr. yesterday, she gave me the results of the Echo of my heart, She said I have an enlarged heart  probably due to having me a 50 year smoker, I quit in 2003. She said I've  most likely had AFIB for many years and didn't know it. In retrospect, yes I do  believe I did as I can remember instances of the irregular heart beat.So now she has me on two  blood pressure pills. Metoprolol and Amlodipine, she also put me on Eliquis blood thinner. I go see her again in a month. when I called to find out how much the latter cost I was in shock, $180 for 30 pills.(that was my co-pay) So I applied directly to the manufacturer for patient assistance. I will hear from them later.The rd. gave me enough samples to last for a month.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Happy New Year Everyone.  Thank you Larry for the new month, however I can't see the post.  Does anyone else have that problem? There is just a BIG blank space.  I will go to John's computer and see if hr has the same problem that I am having. 

We had a lot of snow yesterday. It took John an hour and a half to blow out the driveway, a job that takes at most 45 minutes with a normal day of snow.  We got the snow blower for $300 back in '08 from a roadside mechanic. He took 2 machines and made one good one out of them. Other than routine maintenance it has worked well. 

Have a wonderful week folks I will be back!

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. Our day starts our at 60 degrees but we are to have cloudy skies today with mostly a 20% chance of rain throughout the day.  The high is suppose to get to 66 this afternoon.  Our day yesterday was brightened when our son came out for a couple of hours and he finally got his Christmas presents.  We didn't make it to Diablo's as we had planned yesterday or plan on going early this afternoon and Scott may join us for lunch.  At 4 pm he has his personal interview at T-Mobile and is really looking forward to it.  After that is over he plans on coming out for awhile this evening. 

Marilyn, glad you saw your doctor.  That one medicine she prescribed would be too expensive for me.  Nice that she gave you samples for a month. 

Judy, the reason you may not have been able to see the posting I helped you with is that I had to work on it for quite awhile.  I checked and it is not locked but that wouldn't prevent anyone from seeing it.  If you still have this problem please let me know.


Larry it is too expensive for me as well that I why I have app0lid to the company for patient assistance, Etta Sue did the same and got hers free of charge.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Larry it is my computer.  I can see the devotional on John's computer.....

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is early for me but I woke up a little after 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep so after laying in bed for quite awhile I decided to get up and get busy.  The main activity this morning is to pick up my friend and we will go to coffee.  After I drop him back at his apartment I need to stop at the Credit Union close by and cash some savings bonds that have matured and then go on over to Walmart and pick up a prescription for Pat.  That will be plenty for today.  Yesterday we did go to Diablo's for lunch and then around 6 pm Scott came out and spent a couple of hours with us.  We are going to have another rainy day with the high in the mid-60's.  So I will keep my umbrella with me when I am out of the car this morning.

Marilyn, I will be pulling for you to get patient assistance on the medication. 

Judy, glad you have determined it is your computer and not a problem with the software.  Have you tried opening this page in another browser.  I sometimes find it will work in one and not another.


May this new year treat all of you kindly and healthy. 

Jane:  Hugs to you.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. Today is a 100% rainy day until late evening.  A couple of things I had planned to try to do today are going to have to wait until next week.  I had a good nights sleep last night but am so tired this morning I can hardly force myself to move but did get my kitchen chores done and things set out for Pat's breakfast, although I may see if she feels up to preparing it herself.  I think today will basically be a day of rest.


It was snowing in Tucson and at their Mount Lemmon a couple of days.  People were skiing on what I would call skimpy snow.  Today is warmer - no need to shovel snow here as the sun melts it pretty quickly. 

Judy:  It sounds like you have a pretty large driveway.  When we lived in Minnesota, we had a double width driveway and sometimes the young neighbor's son would drive over with his motorized plow.  It was heaven sent to see him clearing the driveway. 

Our new politicians could use a bar of soap to wash their potty mouths.  How embarrassing things have become. 

Here, I hope to learn a little more on family genealogy with a class beginning next week.   


Here is another "change" we have seen.  Now, in Great Britain, the comfort saying is:  "Our thoughts are with...", not "Our thoughts and prayers are with".   Notice the word "prayers" is gone.  From Theresa May on down to everyone else, Christians are being shunned.   


Thanks to help from Larry, I got back on here!  I don't know what happened, but the last post I could access was in December when that month was locked.  Thanks for the help, Larry!  You're a peach!

It has finally warmed up a little here, and is to be warmer the next few days.  Still a lot of ice in town, have to be very careful, especially when getting out of the car!  When I went to town this morning, the road was still frozen, which is better than sloppy!  ;)

I have been playing in my studio this week.  Maybe if I keep practicing, I will learn to loosen up using those watercolors!  I posted a couple on Facebook this afternoon.

Larry, sorry you're feeling so tired.  I know I'm not nearly as strong as I was a year ago, as my back starts hurting after doing anything for over an hour.  I'm not happy about that, but still so thankful to have excellent health and be able to do most things.

Carol, Happy New Year to you!  I'd like to spend a weekend there and soak up some of the warmth!  :)

Marilyn, hope you find some help with that ridiculously expensive blood thinner.  What a rip-off!

Do you remember when I was writing stories about the older folks here in our county?  The fellow I wrote the very first one about passed away Christmas eve, and his family had them use the entire story on the back of his funeral folders (they were the size of a full page, folded in half).  And they did put my byline at the bottom.  They said they were so happy I did that, as they learned things about him they would never have known otherwise.  His nephew asked him why he never told him some of those things, and he said, "You never asked."

See you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at


I just noticed the time on the post I just did says 1:02:54 am!  I should have been in bed hours ago!!  :o   It's actually 7:00 pm!
My book Rising Above available at


My eye surgery on Thursday went well, funny thing I can see better out of that eye than the left  where I had the first one done. That one is still a bit fuzzy, although with prescription glasses the left was worse than the right already.

Sorry you are having some tired spells Larry. Hop0e you feel better.

Janet we are all getting older and it "ain't" no fun at all right? My back bothers me much more than before, I need to see the Chiropractor again but have to wait until my eye heals.

Carol, I saw where there was some bad weather  in your wintering ares, maybe it was New Mexico and not AZ.

The roof is coming along taking longer than expected due to  them having to replace plywood and some rafters that were rotted. Yesterday they had to rip off all the gutters and part of some eaves. Supposed to have a storm this weekend, no more leaks (I hope), We were having a leak in the front foyer every time it rained after the got the black felt down.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Finally we have a bright and clear sky today with no rain in the forecast.  I have another quiet day planned as still not feeling very energetic. 

Carol, something wrong with the picture in that you had snow in Tucson.  At least you don't need a snow shovel.  I agree that the level of public discourse is certainly declining.  Is the word prayer becoming politically incorrect? 

Janet, good to see you found us again.  When I helped Judy set up the Devotions for this month I forgot to put in the link to the new month. So glad that your health is still good as that is such a blessing.  I have seen quite a decline in my health this last few weeks as doing simple things is leaving me breathless and many days I have this great sense of weariness.  However, I am very thankful that I am not in pain very often if I don't push too hard.  It was nice of the family to use the story you had written about the man who passed.  If you go into your profile you should be able to change the time zone so your messages will reflect the correct time.  Just click on your name and go to the Forum Profile and you can change the time zone.

Marilyn, glad your eye surgery went well and hope your fuzzy vision in the other eye soon clears up.  You live in an area where it is probably hard to find many days to work on a roof.  I hope they get yours fixed soon and the leaks stop.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone on a beautiful sunny and crisp morning.  However we are expecting to get to 68 degrees today.  I am not going to Sunday School or Church this morning as just don't have the energy.  I didn't accomplish anything yesterday and it appears this may be a duplicate.  Pat even fixed my breakfast this morning and there is something wrong with this picture as I should be fixing hers but I appreciate her help.  I hope I can get up enough energy so we can go out for our main meal today.


Sunday morning and it is foggy and damp.  We brought our good friend to a coffee house this morning and so dismayed to notice she has suddenly turned a corner of mental weakness.  I am in shock.  We decided not to call her daughter - just right now.  Our friend has two nephews who have moved her so I will leave it to them to check on her - they do see her several times a week.  Feeling so sad right now.

Janet:  One of these days we should visit - I wonder if there is anything half way?  Just a thought.  Don is busy planning ---he wants to visit our oldest son & wife when they stay in California for some weeks - I detest driving into the area. 

Larry:  Take a good look at who was voted in - and I wonder what in the world are people thinking.  Nothing family or church oriented. 

Marilyn: Prayers for your vision in your first eye procedure become clear soon. 

Back to my preparation for Genealogy class in the morning. 



Hmmm...I was here this morning and posted, but it seems to have disappeared!  ??? :-\

Oh, well, maybe it wasn't that important.

Carol, I would love a chance to visit with you.  When You are in Colorado, you're much closer to SW Kansas than when in Arizona.  Maybe we can figure out something shen you are back in Colorado.  We do need to go to Colo. Springs.

Stuff going on here, don't feel much like posting, so see you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  This is our third beautiful and sunny day.  It is 44 right now but we have an expected high of 67.  I am happy to write this morning that I am feeling like my old self.  Late yesterday afternoon it was like a wave passed over me and I knew things were looking up.  I have had spells like the last three days from time to time although this last one of three days may have been the worst.  So I will enjoy today and not worry about tomorrow.  I have three errands to run this morning which will not take very long.  The rest of the day is free. I did watch a lot of college basketball and some of the pro football games yesterday. 

Carol, if I understand your message there was a deterioration in the memory ability of your friend not an improvement.  I hope you will enjoy your Genealogy class this morning.

Janet, I hope you had a good day yesterday.  You said stuff was going on there.  When that happens to me I ask myself just how important is that stuff and will I even remember it days, weeks or months from now.


Larry, I usually do not let "stuff" bother me, but this stuff had to do with John.  He is in very poor health, and I think I've mentioned in the past my attempts to get him to go to a doctor, to no avail. Yesterday afternoon we went to visit Diane and Jeff, I was missing my daughter and needed to see her.  Mid-afternoon I got a frantic call from one of John's neighbors in the apartment building where he lives.  She said they were all very worried about him, as they knew he had been sick; he even refused the offer of a piece of Pizza from them at a meeting they were having a few days ago.. Said his car hadn't been moved for two days, that they had pounded and pounded on his door and he wouldn't answer; what could I do?  I told her we would come home and I would try to figure something out, so we came home.  After talking it over with Darrel on the way home, I called the police and asked them to do a welfare check on John; gave them his address, apt. number, make of his car, my name and number, John's phone number(s) etc.  Then I called the gal back who had called me, and she said his door wasn't locked (?) He's from a big city, and as far as I have known, always locks up tight!  She asked if she should go in, I told her the police were on their way, so just wait for them.  In just a few minutes, John called me, and I couldn't understand what he was saying.  He had to repeat it four times before I understood he was saying "I've got a sore throat." >:(  :(  Was that enough reason to ignore his ringing phones, the pounding on his door, etc., and get everyone in a stew over him??  :ticked:   I heard a man saying to him (one of the police, I'm sure) "You need to let us take you to the emergency room and get you checked out."  I encouraged him to do that, thought he agreed, and I hung up.  But when I called him this morning, he said no, he didn't go see a doctor.  I asked why, and he said "I didn't want to!" I was imagining him in there dead, and having to deal with things, with absolutely no authority over anything of his, and his relatives being in New York.  Frustrating!!! His apartment is piled high, looks like the TV show "Hoarders."  And he will not listen to me about anything. So now you may understand my frustration last evening. :-\

Darrel and I just got home from a shopping trip to Garden City, groceries, mostly.

Have a good evening!
My book Rising Above available at


My first class in genealogy wasn't as planned.  For some reason, the entire computer classroom could not get online.  I just took notes and I will try to figure out something before the next class. 

Yesterday, I made a frozen turkey loaf with gravy in the iPot and it turned out very well - considering I was guessing most of the time.  There is enough ingredients for me to make Split Pea Soup in the instant Pot - maybe tonight or at least tomorrow.  This is addicting. 

Janet:  You and Darrel surely do not need this stress with John.  We live at the south end of Denver so it isn't far to the Springs.  I remember you have been in that area previously. 

Larry:  I am happy to read that you are feeling better.  Sometimes, a person just gets tired and needs extra rest.  We sure do not keep up with things as much as we did years ago.  And, we notice just visiting can be tiring too - as much as we like to visit.  I will most certainly check more often on our friend and will not say anything to her relatives just to see if they comment on the changes.  But if she looks like she is truly failing, we will be sure to make aware our thoughts.  This is the kind of thing that happens to anyone at any time.  Anyone could have an "off" day too.  I am hopeful. 

Congratulations to Fotobirder
- I have looked at the colorful Jay bird and enjoyed it so much.  Thank you Fotobirder


...oh my, John is such a worry and placing an extra burden on you and you really do not need that...I have come across a similar situation before like this when a person shuns all forms of help...It was one of Richards male friends in his 60s some years ago, no matter who tried to help him get help that he needed, he shunned the lot, even GP appointments he never turned up for that a caring friend had booked on his behalf, eventually the GP surgery struck him off after him refusing to open the door to a home visit, ( he was Diabetic )...Well the outcome of this story was the police eventually were called to his house by the Indian newsagent across the road who asked a neighbour key holder to go check on him, only to both be met by filth and stench and a mess so bad that they couldn't go inside...Sadly the police found him dead in his bed...This was a man who had lived with his mother, never married nor had no interest in dating women nor finding a wife, who when after the death of his mother he went further down hill and depression by spending most of his time in bed with the curtains drawn during the day and only popping across the road to the newsagent for his paper, milk or some foodstuffs....

Janet, there is very little one can do for someone who doesn't want help...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another clear and beautiful day here in South Carolina with an expected high of 71 degrees. The only thing I have to do today is go to Walmart in a few minutes to pick up an online grocery order and get a prescription for Pat.  We might go to Ruby Tuesdays for our main meal today as they have their $5 hamburger and fries offer until 3 pm.  I was pleased this morning to read that the  Clemson University football team had become the National Champions by beating Alabama rather handily last night.  I watched the first half of the game but it had started late and I didn't want to stay up until 11:30 or after to finish the game.

Janet, with regard to John he is an example of a person who will not let others help him and he is not willing to take good care of himself.  He is an adult and that is his right.  I know you care for him and worry about him but he is not your responsibility and your worry accomplishes nothing. 

Carol, it is interesting how often our plans don't work out as as expected.  It seems that when we need it the most our electronics sometime let us down.  It sounds like you are getting a lot of use from your Instant Pot. 

Jackie, you are so right in that there is little one can do for another adult who refuses such help.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another sunny morning but today we will only get to 55 degrees.  Only two things on the schedule for today.  In about 40 minutes my friend will be here to work with me an hour.  Then this evening our Wednesday night dinners start again for the winter.  It is wings, mac and cheese, salad and dessert and this menu seems to be a favorite with the Wednesday night dinner group.  I seem to be running in slow gear this morning.


Larry:  You may think the instant pot (pressure cooker) could be addicting but I sure want to get my money's worth out of it.  I usually make two or three meals for the two of us in one recipe and bring a dish to our older neighbor.  She likes anything.  It was on sale for the 6 quart size at $85 one day with free shipping and some additional accessories - have never seen it that good after that one-day sale.  So, that is a lot of money to not be used often.  Anyway, I have liked everything cooked so far.  My split pea soup was not at thick as usual but the broth was so nice.    A Wednesday night supper out sounds great.  You made the right decision to move closer to Scott. 

We are very unhappy over the politics that are in our home state - more and more drugs allowed.  They are taking everything to the nth degree and on and on.  Bizarre and unhealthy.

We went to our Wednesday discount sale day and bought Acorn squash, zucchini as well as other veggies. 



I painted today, that always makes me happy!  Even if they don't turn out well, I have fun, and after all, it's only paper!

Our road is finally getting dried out enough that we can drive on it; have been driving across the grass, and that's not a good thing--for the grass, anyway.

Not much news from my corner.  I think we are going back to the gym tomorrow, after a long absence due to traveling.  Darrel was dressed to go yesterday, but I had other plans, so we waited.

Our Wednesday night church dinners started up again tonight, we had chili and cinnamon rolls.

I have an Instant Pot, too, but have barely used it.
I find the instructions very confusing.  :-\

I need to check online and see if I can find some good watercolor paper on sale.  :)
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is a sunny and chilly morning here in South Carolina and isn't suppose to get above 50 degrees today. I just called my friend and told him I wouldn't be going to coffee this morning as just don't have the energy.  We did go to the dinner at the Church last evening but it wasn't memorable other than I sat next to a man who is new to our Church and I had never seen before. We had a nice visit.  I had texted Scott yesterday afternoon to ask him to meet us at the door where we enter the Church and then take and park the car, which he did and I really appreciated it.  He then came out and spent a couple of hours with us.  Ruby Tuesdays has a buy one get one free meal today.  We might go to that if I can get up enough energy by mid-afternoon. 

Carol, I expect once you get over the first time jitters with the Instant Pot you will like it.  It avoid a lot of standing at the stove and makes really good meals.  Pat bought her Instant Pot on sale also for about the price you mentioned but I don't remember what came with it and know she later bought a number of other accessories to go with it.  It seems that what is happening in our country with drugs and some other things is like the old adage about the nose of the camel in the tent.

Janet, it sounds like your Wednesday night Church dinner may have been better than ours.  Glad you were able to paint yesterday.  It has been a long time since I had a really good cinnamon roll and I like them fixed as sticky buns.  Have you watched any video on using the Instant Pot?


My post disappeared.

Eyes are doing great saw the eye DR. yesterday and will have the final pot op appointment the end of this month, then we will see if I need glasses.

I have to spend my share of the Part D before I can get the Eliquis from the company for no cost. So I paid $187. for 30 day supply  yesterday.

I fired the Occupational therapist because she was so condescending to Keith treating him like a total invalid which he isn't. She also insulted the intelligence of the caregiver and talked down to me as well.

He no longer needs a walker or a gate belt and can take a shower by himself. She suggested that I need to hire a full time live in caregiver. Not gonna happen that's what I am. Grrrr makes me mad just telling all y'all about it.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is another sunny but chilly morning here and we are only going to get up into the low 50's this afternoon.  After a couple extreme exhaustion days I am feeling more alive this morning.  I have fixed Pat's breakfast and emptied the dish washer.  I plan on taking the rest of the morning quietly.  Our house keeper will be here in about 25 minutes.  Since I am feeling like getting out today we plan on going out to eat our main meal at Honey from the Rock and then stopping at the shoe store as I need a new pair of shoes and I want ones that I don't have to tie.  That will be plenty for today. 

Marilyn, good for you in firing the Occupational Therapist if you were not happy with the person.  It sounds like Keith is making good progress in his physical recovery.  I hope the Eliquis is helpful to you.  Those insurance deductibles gets us all at the beginning of the year.