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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Month ~ April

Started by JudyB, April 04, 2020, 10:04:58 AM

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Judy!!   :)  many thanks - I was singing along.  I love "Ten Thousand Reasons" and ask ALEXA to play that often. What is more comforting than "It is well with my soul"?   

Picking up meds this afternoon.  We can use a drive-thru for prescriptions, and that is better than standing in line.  There is still snow on the ground but this too shall pass.  I had a refreshing walk yesterday all bundled up like it was January.  We are keeping up with the news and pleasantly surprised as to how generous citizens are in helping those less fortunate.  This is a good time for teaching and listening.



... thank you i did enjoy that..After i lost my Richard 11th April 2019 i bought five Joni Eareckson Tada books but had no idea she had such a lovely singing voice..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Greetings Everyone  With the restrictions due to Coronavirus, most of my day indoors.  Newscasts tell us, a small number of people don't adhere to the guidelines our Governments are advising us to do. Carol, praise be to the folk who help others.  Ellie     


Greetings Everyone  On a sunny April afternoon and one one out and about where we live.  Which is how it should be.   Ellie



Greetings Everyone  It was announced this afternoon, the restrictions in place in the UK regarding Coronavirus will stay in place for at least another three weeks.  Ellie

Jane Walker

Well, well, look who managed to get back in here!  I really wasn't far away, just didn't have much energy (or words) to join in the conversation.  Sorry.  I've been a bit frustrated with my facebook account. The last few daze I've tried to upload photos, access my notifications(I saw 3)and other functions and every thing was blocked for me and I was stuck in limbo.  This morning I decided to try a different browser.  Whatta ya know!!  Things are purring along just fine now.  Guess I shouldn't be so stuck on habit and more open to admitting I just could be wrong once in a while.

I still don't have anything to say worthwhile so maybe I should just mosey on out of here until later.  My daughter has taken to calling me every evening lately.  She is working from home with her job.  So is her daughter, Becky. They are in the same house lately, also have a "home school" 8 year old.  It is a lot of stress, at times, because Karmen is "authority resistant" according to her mother!  Not an easy task to be trying to work and monitor a child's schoolwork at the same time.  I don't envy them at all.  Add to that, they are having to stay inside for the majority of the day.  Only short "necessary" trips out.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Greetings Jane  Technology is splendid until it does not work as it should. Gee and to think when I was very young, we listened to steam radio as we called it.  :)    Ellie


 Happy Thursday, Y'All!

God to see several new posts in here today.  Our Governor has extended the "Stay Home" order until May 3. I hope to goodness they get the guidelines in place for people to go back to work by then.  Staying home is fine for people like us who are retired, but not at all good for young people who need to be earning a living. And I also hope they will figure out a way to let the kids go back to school, before the parents pull their hair out!  (Their own, not the kids'.)  LOL

We are having some nice days, then cold nights.  I had intentions of going for a walk today with the dogs, but got busy in my studio doing a little painting, some framing, some rearranging of things on the walls.  So I didn't go walking.  Need to be getting more exercise!

I'll say goodnight for now, hope to chat with you all tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Chris Saunders

"We are going to receive a Kingdom which cannot be moved, so let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear.
For our God is a consuming fire"
Heb 12.

He is a consuming fire indeed, it is fire that burns up the dross, and the chaff. Fire cleanses, burns up germs, disease. As a young man I used to watch the farmers burn up the stubble fields after harvest, the smoke was seen for miles. If it went across a road then you couldn't see to drive. Then after all disease was burnt the field could then be plowed and another different crop planted.
God also burnt up all offerings made to Him. For they were still unclean, offered by sinful man... Accepted but purified by fire.
Satan and all his helpers will one day be burned in the fire, then at last there will be peace on earth, a new, beautiful, perfect earth, for the old earth too will have been burned up with fire.
Carpe diem. Serve the Lord with gladness, be on fire for Christ!



Greetings Janet There have been a few people joining in with house parties in the UK and being seen miles and miles away from their homes.  Which is contrary to  the guidelines in place.  As long as we all  keep to the guidelines, the sooner rather than the later restrictions might be lifted.  It is the scientists and clinicians, that State Governors take their advice from.  Ellie   


Ellie, unfortunately, that isn't always true.  We have some governors here in the US who are so power hungry that they just love to see how much they can bend people to their wills.  There will be more and more protests if this keeps up.  THEY think they know far better than the people themselves, what is good for us.  And all the while, they live their high and mighty lives in their ivory palaces.  It cannot last!

Judy, that song Take Heart is so fitting for today's crisis.  And I love Greater is the One
by Mercy Me, too. I have it on a CD in my car.

I walked about a mile today with the dogs.  It was a lovely day to be out walking, need to do that more. Too easy to get lazy just staying in the house.

Jane!!  So good to see you pop in again!  See?  We don't bite!

Carol, it's nice that you can get your groceries put into your car trunk, and that your son comes and visits in the driveway with you.  I so miss my family.   :'(

Tomorrow I shall do some laundry.  What an exciting life!  :D   But I am very thankful to have laundry machines, hot water and detergent.  I surely wouldn't want to make lye soap, carry and heat water, scrub them on the old rub board and hang them on the fence to dry!  See how easy we have it?  I do remember my mom making lye soap--what a job!  From the time I was old enough to pay attention to such things, we had a wringer washing machine, though.  Memories!

I need to find a good book to read.  And stop watching so much of the news!  :-\

See you all soon!

I came back to say that our next door neighbors had a big party a few nights ago.  They all parked their cars near our house, beside the trees, so they couldn't be seen from the road.  I don't know if they stayed in the cars or not, but they sure played some LOUD music!  And no, I didn't call the cops on them.  They weren't bothering me, so I felt it wasn't my business.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


... a powerful message to us all, yes, " Take Heart "
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Good Day!  We are one day closer to freedom - I just read an article from a relative of a scientist predicting one more year of safe living before the cure is ready.  We need to Keep on Taking Heart.  We must. 

I was in the ER at a fairly new hospital two nights ago.  They treated me so well, I just cannot thank them enough.  Feeling better today and miracle drugs are lessening the pain.  So thankful for world-class health care here.  My worry was mostly for Don as he was with me for hours.  The dear nurse assistant brought him a sandwich and water. 

Ellie:  So very nice to see you posting from far away. 

Judy:  Love "Take Heart".  You are our cheerleader! 

Jane:  Keep on posting even more, we all need this breath of fresh air in our homes.  Bless the grandchildren.  How difficult it must be for parents.

Judy:  Many thanks - you keep us remembering why we are here and how we must give thanks for every little happy spot in life.  Best to John! Thanks for the message from Chris!

Janet:  Please take time for yourself - I know you have so many tasks -

It is a little gesture but I want to tell you - our granddaughter made a basket of little goodies and put a sign out for the UPS or any delivery driver on the block to take a snack with a thanks for their work.  Because of the way they work now, there are many drivers or mail trucks in a week doing their jobs without a word of thanks. --If scientists say this is too early, why don't the politicians listen?  It is really tough on business and losing a job is such a shock and even depressing, especially now.  The recent grads are not finding jobs, we know two who graduated early and there is nothing.   

Of course, it had to happen.  There is a rise in crime because some people just have to steal anything they want. 

On a thankful note - my electric tea kettle stopped working and Don bought a new one - this one gets hot but the exterior only feels warm.  I appreciate not being singed by getting near it. 


Greetings Carol  Far away yes, but with the splendid technology of modern times we are near at the click of a mouse.  Ellie


Greetings Janet  At least 185 countries are affected by Coronavirus.  And the fight against it should be led by the expertise of the scientists and clinicians.  Law makers can only manage the pandemic, by the advice they receive from the scientists and clinicians.  As in most cases, lawmakers are generally lay people with proficiency in the profession they learned prior to becoming law makers.  We here, are people who live on a small island and are told what guidelines we must follow, the same guidelines residents of the UK are informed about. And to stop transmission of Covid-19, the two most important influences to stop it is social distancing between people of 2 metres.  Coupled with the over 70's, we are advised in the UK and the Island here, stay at home.   Ellie


Carol, sorry to learn you had a necessary trip to the hospital.  Glad you're back home now, and thankful with you for the staff member taking care of Don.  That eased your mind and helps in the healing.  Times are really hard for so many people.

I think the Governor of Michigan will soon be regretting her draconian, and very stupid rules!  The citizens there are rising up in protest, and something's gotta give!

I'm thoroughly disgusted with our governor, too.  She has "ruled" that abortions are "essential and life-affirming", but that all churches must be closed.  Almost immediately, two lawsuits were filed against her for the church closings.  They were using social distancing and all the other rules; still she says they cannot conduct church services.  NOTHING is more vital than our connection to God our Maker!!

Okay, off my soapbox now.  :ticked:   ;D

I have the laundry going and Darrel has returned from a trip to the grocery store.  I told him to wear his mask, and when he got home he said the only ones wearing masks today were elderly people; the checkers and other store workers weren't wearing them.  That surprises me, as about half the people we saw on our last trip to town were wearing masks.  Ours is one of the 24% of counties in the US with NO cases of Covid-19, but I don't want our people to get careless, either.

We are blessed that all our kids and grandkids are still working.  Daughter who is a paralegal is working every other day, as they have a big enough staff in the office that splitting them is the only way to maintain the distancing.  Pilot grandson says the crisis has actually boosted his line of work, as he hauls cargo. He pilots 767s, so they hold a LOT of stuff.  Both granddaughters in law are working from home and eldest daughter's business is rated essential as it's agriculture related (greenhouse and nursery.)  I won't bother you with the rest, but am so happy none have lost their incomes!

If ever there was a time we needed to pray, this is it!  I'm trying to stay in an attitude of prayer, mentioning those on the front lines of this, and especially our President and Vice President, very often. I do not think God is finished with America!!

Do some of you remember Ruth Ann Bice?  She used to post often in the old days.  Anyway, she surprised me with a video phone call this morning!  She is doing well; living in an apartment only two blocks from her daughter, and able to take care of her own needs mostly, so that was good to hear.  Thought you'd like to know, too!

I need to go swap out my laundry and put away the dishes!

Blessings to all.  How are you, Jackie?  Good to see you posting!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


I learned today that Gary Mcspadden passed on to glory on the 15th.  A sadness for us, and a day of victory for him!



Chris Saunders

"Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content with what you have, for He has said" I will never leave you nor forsake you."
So we may boldly say.." The Lord is my Helper, I will not fear what man shall do to me."..Heb. 13.

This passage has encouraged so many of us through the years, it harks back to Genesis 28 v 15.
God's promise to Jacob about the promised land. And everything came to pass just as He did promise, for God is not a man that He should lie. Only humans lie, God cannot lie, and this promise too is being fulfilled as we speak, God is with us and will be with us, even if we forget Him He will not forget us.
We are sealed with the Lord Who is the Spirit for a Eternity, does this give you confidence.. Can you go out today knowing that you are not alone, never alone. Be bold, be strong, and remember Nehemiah 8 v 10, " The joy of the Lord is your strength" The Lord rejoices over His people, and He adds to our number every day.
We are a vast multitude of chosen people, we are never alone!



Good morning everyone. I too have done a few loads of laundry. Yesterday I was blessed with a whole case of Radishes, some green beans and peppers. I have been packing up  one gallon plastic bags and blessing others. 3 of my neighbors, 2 friends from church, and  1 Furry Friend. human.I alway pray that "Lord today  let me be a blessing to someone".

We are doing well. Yesterday a friend an I took our dogs  out to the Empire lakes to walk the trails. There were a lot of other people out there fishing and walking. All social distancing. I didn't see anyone wearing masks.It was so nice to get out and spend some time  talking with a friend.I also visit with a neighbor almost every day  on her patio across the table from her.

 In my humble opinion, I don't think the governor of Michigan is being overly cautions about  taking care of her constituents.  Everyone needs to be concerned about their neighbor and stay home. Going back to work when you might be carrying the virus germs is not a very good idea. Some are asymptomatic and can still pass the virus to other. As for the President to call for the people protesting to liberate the state is a dangerous thing to say. I saw pictures of people carrying gun. The precept of violence is a possible  explosion and people getting hurt.  Pay more attention to the Scientists, Doctors and professionals.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Taking a break from washing & ironing.  Also, setting up a list of groceries & other for the store. l They are out of Baking Powder and this is the third week.  Some people go in and grab every piece of a product - it is getting grim out there.  Sad to say. 

Janet:  Next time, please send greetings from all of us to Ruth Ann.  We sure do miss her. 

Judy:  As always, thank you for the music I am about to click on and thanks to Chris - and to you for posting his uplifting notes. 

I do not see a 100% cure/ending for this virus.  There will always be mistakes and lazy people who do not want to listen to safety advice.  We just have to live our own lives with a deeper trust in following our faith.  Still, I do believe there will be a breakthrough in medicine that will find a solution for this virus.  Praying for a newborn baby girl in Minnesota right now - she is beautiful and healthy.  Everyone wants to protect her from any harm so there are lots of prayers for a better future. 

Meanwhile, this is a good time to check on friends and family.  Try to call someone you haven't chatted with for some time - they really appreciate this effort.  Especially so with elderly aunties and cousins. 

Jane Walker

Okay... I'm back!! :)  I have not been outside my home except to get the mail and, once every couple weeks, to pickup my groceries that have been ordered online.  That's made a bit of a problem for me this morning.

I will need to go over and pick up my groceries this afternoon but my car wouldn't start!!  ??? I figured it was a dead battery, since the car's been sitting there for a couple weeks.  The last time I was out (for my groceries) I needed to have someone jump start my car for me.  This morning I called AAA and got the battery charged.  Hopefully it will still be up and running when I need to go to the store.  I guess the best thing is to go out there and start the car every day and let the motor run for a while to keep the battery charged.  This staying at home thing has it drawbacks, I guess, altho I usually stay home anyway.  Oh, well, we all must find a way to exist during this time.

I "see" Ruth Ann on face book from time to time. Mostly just as she comments on someone's post, tho. She and I had a great visit/conversation, years ago at the Atlanta bash, and a few phone conversations since then, but not lately. She is a great friend, and I miss her.

It's a beautiful sunshiney day here on the Oregon coast so I think I'll just take a stroll out to the porch and enjoy it for a while ... taking my Kindle with me so I can read.

See y'all next time ....  :wave: 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


It is good seeing both Jane Walker and Ruth Ann back with us...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Greetings Marilyn   We do see coverage on the UK news channels about Coronavirus problems in parts of America.  And we are of the same mind that the Governor of Michigan is not being unduly cautious about wanting to take care of her citizens, while Coronavirus is causing such health issues in America and around the world.   We are over seventy, put eleven on that for my age.  And on the Island, we are asked to self-isolate as much as we can and maintain the 2 metres between other people when we have to buy foodstuffs.   75% of our shops are closed and the same percentages of workplaces.   For the reason you mention about someone carrying the virus and having no symptoms.   I have mentioned about parties being ended; in what way can a number of people be 2 metres apart in a lounge in a friend's home? The health guidelines are there to try and protect them and others!    We saw the pictures of people carrying guns, that frightens us!   I will endorse your thoughts in relation to paying attention to Scientists, Clinicians, and the professionals.  In the United Kingdom it is the Scientists, Clinicians and the professionals that advise the Government. 


Greetings Carol    Like you, we both are unsure if there will be a 100% cure, then again, so many scientists and many more people in many countries are working on a vaccine; we should put faith in they will find a cure.   There will people who do not listen to safety advice, it could be said, they don't want to be told what is best for them to safeguard their health.   And prayers from both of us for the new born baby girl in Minnesota, for her health and future happiness.  And we all wherever we live, should look out for elderly friends and neighbours.    Ellie

Jane Walker

Hello, again, from Oregon's south coast.  :wave:

I told you before that my daughter was working from home, well, I just received a phone call from her saying she, and all of her co-workers, have been "furloughed"!  She was told it is nationwide for her company, but that doesn't help a whole lot.  So this puts our nation's unemployment numbers significantly higher. They're telling her "until mid-June" but it will all depend on when the VA begins to treat the "non-essential" medical needs of veterans.  Her work is in co-ordination with the VA in securing medical appointments for veterans. So you can see it is a very big IF in all cases.  ???

I went out to pick up my groceries yesterday. That's it for my ventures forth into the outside world for at least a couple more weeks. I don't mind because I am a stay at home sort of person anyway.  As long as I can pay my bills and communicate with family and friends online I'm okay. I can even shop online if I have such a desire.  :)

Times are tough right now but that's when the tough manage to rise above it. I'll be off now and see what else I can get myself into before the day is over.  :D
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


I had been waiting until seeing some posts on here before I posted again.  Now that you have almost all been here, I will just say "Hello!  Good to "see" you all, and hope you all continue to do well."

I did convey your best wishes to our Ruth Ann.  It was a video chat, and she looked good!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com