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Spiritually Speaking => Manna For The Soul => Topic started by: joyce robson on September 28, 2004, 02:50:50 PM

Title: The Power of One
Post by: joyce robson on September 28, 2004, 02:50:50 PM
The Power of One

    Can one person dedicated to servanthood make a difference? Absolutely. We recently received a letter from a man living in rural Pennsylvania. He included a check to pay for drilling a water well in a needy area of the world. The writer detailed the amazing story of faithfulness and teamwork leading up to the contribution. Ten years earlier, his family of five (including three small children) enrolled in the "Adopt A Highway" program. Together, they donned work gloves and began picking up trash from the side of the road, separating recyclable goods from the remaining waste.

    A couple of years ago, the family heard there was a way to provide fresh water to poor communities overseas. They decided to save all proceeds from their recycling efforts to sponsor an entire well. That's when things took off.

    A woman from their church mentioned the family's project in the church bulletin. Then, as the father described, "an explosion of aluminum happened." Members of the church began recycling. People they had never met brought them crushed cans. Contractors delivered scrap aluminum from job sites. Bible study groups donated cash. A retired minister collected every can he saw, right up to his death. In a short time, the family had raised $3,600 for the well.

    "To think God can take a few soda and beer cans thrown out along a rural highway and turn them into clean, safe drinking water for people is just awesome," he wrote. Indeed, when we adopt a servant's heart, God does awesome things.

Title: Re: The Power of One
Post by: Jenny on September 29, 2004, 03:58:48 AM

Thanks Joyce...Very helpful.