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Spiritually Speaking => Manna For The Soul => Poet's Corner => Topic started by: Jeannine on March 12, 2008, 04:05:12 PM

Title: Grace and Mercy
Post by: Jeannine on March 12, 2008, 04:05:12 PM
With the Easter season upon us, I thought I would post this. God bless you all.


The sky is dark and foreboding
A man hangs in agony between heaven and earth
Bearing with dignity the cruelty of the cross
Yet His agony and death will bring new birth

The cruelty and inhumanity of man
Visited on a gentle and caring lamb of sacrifice
Pouring out His precious blood in a crimson flood
For the forgiveness of sin the ultimate price

From healing hands and feet nail pierced
From blessed head with cruel thorns crowned
At the last breath declaring "it is finished"
Such grace, mercy and forgiveness abound

A triumphant cry from One feeling forsaken
By His own and by His heavenly Father
Yet He knew it would be this way
To die for those He called sister and brother

He chose to follow His Father's will
For love of me to die on that cruel tree
His side spear pierced flowing with blood and water
To cleanse me of my sins, to be set free

If only I have the courage to kneel
At the foot of His cross and repent
To be filled with His grace and mercy
A precious gift to me, heaven sent

The weight of the darkened sky
Reflect the weight of the sins in my soul
The storm that is unleashed at His last breath
Is like the release of my sins, made whole

As I cry out for mercy and forgiveness
My soul that hung in the balance bought at great price
Weighted down with sin so dark, now redeemed
With His loving and willing sacrifice

Jeannine Faith
Title: Re: Grace and Mercy
Post by: Al Moak on March 12, 2008, 06:10:13 PM
Jeannine - I rejoice at the genuineness and intensity of your love or our Lord's Cross.  He has an eternal hold on you!  Praise His Name!
Title: Re: Grace and Mercy
Post by: Jeannine on March 13, 2008, 02:28:20 AM
Thank you Al, I have always had a deep and abiding love for my Saviour and what He did for us. And now as a parent, I cannot fathom the depth of God's love in sending His Son to die for us. I can only accept it with deep humility and praise Him and hopefully share that with others so they may come to know His grace and mercy, in any way I can. God bless! and again Thank you for the lovely comment.