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Spiritually Speaking => Manna For The Soul => Poet's Corner => Topic started by: Jeannine on March 10, 2007, 05:53:29 AM

Title: Peace, Be Still
Post by: Jeannine on March 10, 2007, 05:53:29 AM

Battered by the storms of life,
pounded against the rocks by crashing waves,
waves of pain and sadness and grief,
the winds howling their glee.

You come and calm them with three words,
"Peace, be still" and they fall back.
The winds cease and the waves are calm.
And You ask, why were you so afraid, where is your faith.

Do you not know I am with you always?
I have come to heal you, comfort you, and be with you.
My life is to be given for you, to free you from sin.
You are Mine and I love you.

I will wear a crown of thorns and go to Golgotha to die.
They will nail Me to a tree, pierce My hands, feet, and side.
And My blood will be shed for you.
But I will rise again to new life.

All you need do is repent and accept My sacrifice.
You will be washed of your sins by My blood.
You are My precious child and I would save you.
I am doing this for love of you.

My blessed Saviour, I repented and accepted You.
Now I know love and peace beyond measure.
And You calm the storms that come to my life.
With You I need not fear, and with Your Peace, be still.

Jeannine Faith

I have written on and off for the last 25 yrs and never found a way to really put things down. I figured I'd try this way and it works, so I hope the words that I write will bring Glory to God, and I am His humble servant. Thanks for reading and I hope God has blessed you and will continue to.
Title: Re: Peace, Be Still
Post by: Jane Walker on March 10, 2007, 12:31:30 PM
Thank you, Jeannine.  You have "put it down" beautifully in this medium.  I can certainly understand your feeling of trying to express yourself in writing.  I've been there many times.

I have often said that I can't write unless "inspired."  Sadly, that inspiration comes infrequently because, as one person once told me, "You need a serene mind to write."  That isn't necessarily true, but one does need to find that quiet place within that can hear the One who is truly our Peace. 

I love this poem ... and I can understand where it comes from.   <3
Title: Re: Peace, Be Still
Post by: Jeannine on March 12, 2007, 03:18:12 PM
Thank you Jane, finally found a way to express myself and it works. Thank God, I have 25 yrs of stuff built up in me and can now get it out and share my love for my Saviour.

Title: Re: Peace, Be Still
Post by: Marilyn on March 12, 2007, 09:20:08 PM
You did a wonderful job of expressing your love for your Saviour, keep them coming Jeannine.
Title: Re: Peace, Be Still
Post by: Jeannine on March 13, 2007, 02:12:55 AM
Thanks Marilyn,  once I get a thought I can't seem to forget it until I put it down and now that I can....I tried journaling but it never worked for me no matter how I tried to phrase it or whatever...Now...and thanks for the encouragement.
