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Daily Chat => Prayer & Praise => Topic started by: RogueSnapper on October 21, 2005, 11:14:24 AM

Title: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: RogueSnapper on October 21, 2005, 11:14:24 AM
Anna was in the ER last night, again, almost passing out, sudden onset headache. The ER doctor said suspect her heart, at the least *some* blood flow problem. One thing I'd never seen before was her "twitching". She was laying in the bed at the hospital doing it, almost like a seizure but she was awake and talking during it. That was scary as I've never seen her do it before.
She's seeing the doctor today. The ER doctor has called her, and I think said she was also calling Portland. She said there was no way they should make her wait, she needs to go NOW.

We got home around midnight, and Anna woke up this morning with a very stiff leg and isn't walking very well. She's in the shower now and then we're heading up to the doctor. We would be there already but they're not in yet!
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Marilyn on October 21, 2005, 11:22:44 AM
This sound very serious, I am praying for anna right now.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2005, 11:27:59 AM

Ohhh, dear.  I don't like to hear of our children being ill.  Please know that I'll be praying for Anna and please keep us posted.

Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2005, 01:22:37 PM
I'm adding my prayers for Anna, too.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Al Moak on October 21, 2005, 10:56:51 PM
Oh Father, I pray You'll give the doctors unusually sharp insight and wisdom in dealing with Anna'a problems.  And I pray You'll teach them - and Anna - and all those around her - wonderful things about Yourself, about Your love and power and goodness.  Oh do these things, Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: RogueSnapper on October 26, 2005, 10:19:50 PM
Thank you SOOOO much for your prayers!
We received a call today from Anna's pediatrician's office. They said that this guy: wants to see Anna. I was told they were being faxed all her info right then. He is out of town this week, but when he's back she'll get in there.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Pat on October 26, 2005, 10:32:44 PM
Where do you have to go to see this doctor?  Will it be a journey?

This is kind of encouraging news, right?

Continuing to pray for Anna...

Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: RogueSnapper on November 11, 2005, 01:50:32 PM
We went to the neurologist yesterday and found out the problem.
She has what's called a chiara malformation, where the back of her brain extends into the spinal canal.
He said he believes most of her symptoms are related to this and not to her heart.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Jane Walker on November 12, 2005, 02:17:26 AM
That's really amazing that they can find the problem like that.  Is there a way this can be remedied without too much trauma for Anna?  I'll be in prayer that everything will be taken care of and she will be "as good as new" quickly.   :)
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Nita on November 12, 2005, 02:29:09 AM
I looked at the doctor's credentials.  It seems you have gotten a good doctor for Anna.  As Jane said, it's amazing that they can find the problem so quickly.

Lord, we hold little Anna up to you in our hearts.  Our desire is for her healing.  Keep her safe in Your care, Father.  amen

edit:  I just looked at Anna's picture.  She is cute as a bunny. :)  Her smile must light up your world.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: RogueSnapper on November 12, 2005, 02:00:28 PM
Quote from: Jane Walker on November 12, 2005, 02:17:26 AM
That's really amazing that they can find the problem like that.  Is there a way this can be remedied without too much trauma for Anna?  I'll be in prayer that everything will be taken care of and she will be "as good as new" quickly.   :)

Depending in the severity of the malformation, the symptoms are treated either with drugs or with surgery.
I'm going to assume they'll do surgery. We're documenting how it is affecting her. We will do that for a month, along with seeing an eye specialist to determine if that's what caused her blindness on one side, and a speech pathologist to see if this is what's affecting her speech.
When we've seen them and done the documentation we'll go back to the neurologist and discuss our options.
I'd prefer she have the surgery over being drugged.
Also, this surgery is a zero mortality rate, while the open heart surgery was going to be much more dangerous.
The recovery time is also quite fast. The hospital stay is 3-7 days as opposed to 2 weeks to 3 months for the heart surgery, and the brain surgery total recovery is one months to a year, where the heart surgery would have had life long effects.
While we document she will be off of restrictions so that the neurologist can get an accurate picture of how much this affects her daily life. That will make this a hard month, as restricted activity has really cut down on the number of episodes she has. But...what must be done must be done. She's all excited that she can do gym class again and such and that breaks my heart because I know what's gonna happen when she does.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Al Moak on November 12, 2005, 02:39:00 PM
Oh Father, I just pray for Anna that increased activity won't cause any needless harm or pain.  Oh Father, help those neurologists to get the information they need without hurt to Anna, I pray, and give them insight and wisdom to deal with this exactly the right way.  I pray, Father, that You'll do these things through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Judy McKenna on November 12, 2005, 06:15:12 PM
I've been reading with much interest Anna's diagnosis., and condition.  I am praying for her, that the doctors will be able to treat her.
I am praying that Anna will be healed., according to God's will!
Title: Re: Anna's Heart: Update
Post by: Jane Walker on November 12, 2005, 10:15:52 PM
I'm still praying for your Anna as well as for you and the rest of the family.  I KNOW our God is an AWESOME God and He will be glorified in all of this.  I pray that He will bring peace to you and Anna and His comfort and guidance to all involved in her treatment.  Please keep us posted on her progress.  God b.ess you ... Jane