Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Prayer & Praise => Topic started by: photobro on February 07, 2009, 06:39:11 PM

Title: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 07, 2009, 06:39:11 PM
This morning I woke to some terrible news. I mentioned last week that my state here in Australia was going through a heatwave and that we were all worried about the threat of bushfires. Yesterday the temperature soared again to about 110 degrees. The state has literally exploded with something approaching 400 bushfires. The news I have heard is still sketchy but there are 25 confirmed deaths and that figure will surely rise.  One town(Marysville) has been left with only one house still standing. We heard of 6 people who were burnt to death in there automobile trying to escape. We have heard the 25 deaths include 2 children. There are 15 people that have been airlifted to the state's main trauma hospital with severe burns and that figure will no doubt also rise.
Last night I went to bed with the smell of smoke and fire in the air and smoke filling the sky to the north.
Please pray for all those affected by these fires and for the families of those lost. Also for the firefighters and emergency workers who are putting themselves at risk to help others.
Your brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 07, 2009, 08:48:21 PM
Ohhh, Rob!

I'm sitting here praying.  I can't even imagine what it must be like where you are.  Please, please keep us posted, Rob.

Thanks so much and God bless you and yours.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 07, 2009, 09:15:30 PM
Praying here Rob
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Jane Walker on February 07, 2009, 09:28:19 PM
I just read the headline online that states the death toll has reached 35 now.   :(  I am keeping you all in my prayers ... I can't even imagine what it must be like. 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 08, 2009, 03:29:44 AM
Thank you all for your prayers. This is such a devastating time. To update you all the latest news I have(about an hour ago) is this:
About 330,000 Hectares of land have been burnt. Some firefronts are 50 miles long.
Homes totally destroyed so far are over 700.
The death toll so far is 66.
At least 80 people have been admitted to hospitals across the state suffering from burns. The most badly burnt people(at least 18) have been admitted to The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne which has a major burns trauma unit. Three of these poor souls are not expected to survive. The Prime Minister of Australia, Mr Rudd, and The Premier of Victoria, Mr Brumby(the equivalent of your President and State Governor), have been touring the worst affected areas. As with us all they have been deeply affected by this. The army has been activated and will be assisting the emergency services. The human suffering from this has been so tragic. Literally hundreds of families have lost everything, escaping with only the shirts on their backs. Many of the bodies found so far were in their cars trying to outrun fireballs described as 4 stories high travelling at phenomenal speeds. They were trying to drive through thick smoke and many simply drove into other vehicles or into trees. With fires of this magnitude it is not the flames that kill but the radiant heat that travels ahead of the main front. I have heard descriptions of houses literally exploding into flames. As I type this I am listening to an interview with our Prime Minister who has been advised that this is one of the worst if not the worst bushfire event since European settlement began.
Please keep praying for all the souls who have been devastated by all of this,
your brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 08, 2009, 08:17:37 AM
Oh My You are being prayed for.  I cannot even begin to imagine fire of this magnitude.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Larry Hanna on February 08, 2009, 09:30:27 AM
Rob, I will certainly keep your country and people in my prayers.  This would be so frightening if you had no place to go.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Al Moak on February 08, 2009, 10:34:57 AM
Oh Rob, how devastating!  I pray that our God will make Himself most real and present to you in this emergency.  May He give all the emergency workers and fleeing families special insight and wisdom, as well as safety.  May you all know Him present with you through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 08, 2009, 12:49:57 PM
Thank you for the update, Rob.

Please take care of yourself.

I'm so sorry.  I will be praying.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Etta Sue on February 08, 2009, 02:13:50 PM
I can't imagine fires to that extent!  How devastating!  I will be praying for Australia!
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 08, 2009, 02:46:40 PM
I gave the info to our pastor and we as a church prayed this AM, We are continuing to pray.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 08, 2009, 06:23:21 PM
Thank you all so much for your prayers. We are all just in a numbed shock here. The death toll just keeps rising. It currently stands at 108 and I suppose it will keep climbing for some time yet. Three towns have been totally destroyed. Marysville has one house left standing, while Kinglake and Kinglake West each have three houses left. That one fire has a perimeter of hundreds of miles and is still out of control. I am praying for God's comfort for the victims of this tragedy. He is the one constant I know we can turn to during all of this. I will keep you updated as I hear more.
God bless you all,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 08, 2009, 08:17:23 PM
Are you in any danger?  If so get out of there!!!!

We all are praying
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 08, 2009, 09:16:56 PM
Judy I have just had a phone call from my sister offering to go there if we need to.  To give an idea of how fast these fires move, I just heard an interview with one of the people in Kinglake. He said he had been in his pool and had no warning from anyone. He heard the roar of the fire coming and had about 20 seconds to get away. He made it but his neighbour two houses down the road was caught and when they found him he was still alive but was smouldering. I don't know if he has survived.
We have an evacuation plan and many of the things we will need are already packed(Bankbooks,passports,cash,family photos etc). The area we live in is about 4 miles from an area that was destroyed in 1983 which took 75 lives, and up until these recent fires they had been worst experienced. I should point out that unless you live in suburbia it doesn't matter where you live in the country in this part of Australia, the threat of bushfires is always constant. Just to update you further, the number of homes destroyed now stands at about 750 and there about 40 fires still burning out of control. New Zealand is flying over about 400 extra firefighters to help, and the Prime minister of Great Britain has also offered any assistance they can give.
Thank you for your concern and prayers. It is so comforting to be able to share this time with other Christian brothers and sisters knowing your prayers are being offered to our Lord. When immersed in it you feel so helpless.
Your brother in Christ,

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Jane Walker on February 08, 2009, 09:50:14 PM
Quote from: photobro on February 08, 2009, 09:16:56 PM
When immersed in it you feel so helpless.
Your brother in Christ,

Rob, this is exactly what your Christian family is for ... to uphold you in prayer when you are helpless.  God bless you, brother.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: LakeLady on February 08, 2009, 10:18:47 PM
Rob, just to say my family is also praying for you and your's. 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 08, 2009, 10:45:00 PM
Rob, thank you!

We've been praying.  Our church is praying as well.

I hope you don't mind but there are several Aussie and NZ friends on our Seniors and Friends website and I have a "Have You Prayed About It?" topic on there where some of those Christians gather and I've put excerpts  from your posts here just to let them know how to pray.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 09, 2009, 12:02:27 AM
Thank you Pat, as I type this I am listening to the radio and hearing story after story of devastation and terror as people recount how they fled from the flames. People are now referring to this as not just a bushfire but as a "Firestorm". There is a lot of confusion happening now as people are looking for loved ones and can't find them. An image that stays with me is of our Prime Minister trying to offer comfort to a man who was obviously in shock. The man placed his head on the Prime Minister's shoulder and just broke down in tears.
The death toll has just been updated to 130. Listening to the radio, I have just heard another fire alert for a town to our north. The alert was as follows; "If you can see smoke on the horizon, you should evacuate. If you can see flames it is too late and you should stay with your property and defend it as best you can." I can only imagine what the people in that town must be feeling. These fires have cut electricity to many parts of the state. In fact we lost power for about 7 hours during the worst of it. I have just heard the power company is shedding power in the north of the state because the fire is threatening main supply lines. This is adding to the confusion.
Your brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 09, 2009, 12:08:56 AM
My goodness, Rob.

Is this town just to your north near to you?  Should you not be leaving too?

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 09, 2009, 12:14:55 AM
No Pat, that town is about an hour north of us by road.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 09, 2009, 12:18:23 AM
Alright, Rob.  But one hour north isn't all that far really.

I'm going to my bed but please know that I'll be praying for you as I go to sleep.  In the morning, I'll look for an update from you if there is one. 

My husband, Paul, and I just had our devotions together by phone (he's in Virginia, USA and I'm up here in Ontario, Canada) and we both prayed fervently about this situation.  And our devotions tonight was Psalm 144.  the first few verses were sort of eery reading about the fire on the mountains.  Verse 5 especially.

God bless you, Rob.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 09, 2009, 07:00:35 AM
Thank you for the update.  Stay safe.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 09, 2009, 12:20:11 PM

Please watch this folks:

A Whole Town is Burning (

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 09, 2009, 01:39:39 PM
Pat with dial up I was unable to get this.  I have seen the reports on the news though.  It is terrible.

Have you heard from Rob?  I pray he is safe.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 09, 2009, 02:19:34 PM
Haven't heard today, Judy.

Just heard though that the death total is now nearly 200.

Just so awful.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Carol on February 09, 2009, 05:09:34 PM
Rob:  My prayers are for everyone including families and firefighters.  Stay safe.  Pat is right as it sounds like these are going lightning fast and you need to get out before seeing any flames.  Take care - all of us are concerned for all of you. 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Liz on February 09, 2009, 05:16:03 PM
I am so sorry Rob.  This is a terrible time for Australia.  My sister, her daughter and SIL  all live in Meadow Brooks Retreat, Oakford, Western Australia.  Are the fires anywhere near that region?  I will continue to pray, as others are doing.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 09, 2009, 10:24:03 PM
Thank you every body for your thoughts. Liz your relatives are on the other side of the country, well away from these fires and I am sure they are safe. The current official death toll stands at 173. It seems to be a waiting game for some of our towns in the north of the state at the moment. The fires surrounding them are still out of control but the winds are not high at this point. That can all change in minutes with a freshening of the breeze or a change of wind direction.The area around our home is currently safe and we are monitoring things using the "Country Fire Authority" website. There is a page in there which logs all the outbreaks and their status. I needed to drive to a town called Berwick this morning(about 15 miles away) and drove past the remains of a small outbreak on the outskirts of the town. If the winds had been high this could easily have swept down into the town. At the moment I don't think anyone living in rural Victoria is resting easily. My thoughts right now are with those poor people who have lost everything. It is hard to put a figure on those left homeless but I have heard the count to be as low as 3,500 and as high as 5,000. If I hear a more accurate figure I will let you know. This morning I recieved an email from my sister. It contained photos from a friend of ours who had a restaurant and bed and breadfast complex in a valley about 25 miles away. It has been destroyed. I have posted three of them here. As I type I have just heard the first 100 bodies of the those lost have been brought to a temporary Morgue in Melbourne. Identification for some is going take a while.
Your brother in Christ,




Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 09, 2009, 10:33:54 PM
I have been so concerned, I have been praying, but concerned.

Stay safe, don't wait till the last moment to leave if it becomes necessary.  We here at CP are continuing to pray, and I am praying you will have the correct words for those hurting.

May God be with you
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Etta Sue on February 10, 2009, 02:00:30 PM
I just cannot imagine anything like this.  And here we are surrounded by saturated wet land!  Even my phone is static-y due to the water in the ground. 

Just know my prayers are with Australia and hopefully these fires will cease soon! 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 11, 2009, 02:15:08 AM
Hello everyone,
just an update on the current situation with the fires.
Total amount of land burnt to date- 450,000 Hectares.
Total number of houses lost to date-1,033.
The death toll still remains at 181 but there are about 100 people still missing and after this length of time that is not good.
A chilling thought; about 100 bodies have been transported to a temporary morgue in Melbourne. This morgue has been set up to accept 300 bodies. The Medical Examiner has stated that some bodies are so burnt it will not be possible to identify them. To give you and idea of the temperatures these people faced, the Pastor of my Church wrote a book some years back about bushfires that destroyed a town about 5 miles away. One of the parishioners, a retired geologist, had a number of sand samples he had collected stored in his study. When the fire went through his house was lost. Later when sifting through the remains he found the sand had turned to glass. To do this the temperature had to be about 1,500 degrees celsius(about 2,700 degrees Farenhiet).
The total number of people homeless stands at something greater than 5000. It is difficult to put a figure on this because up until this morning many of the towns destroyed have been deemed a crime scene. As a result, many of the residents were not able to get back to confirm their houses had been lost.(even though they knew the worst in their hearts.) The homeless people are finding themselves with some unique problems, for example they are having to deal with Government agencies, but they have nothing to prove who they are-no identification, no money-nothing at all. The Government has promised to bend rules and do whatever is needed to help with these problems.
Can you pray for another looming threat. There are two very large fires to the East and North-east of Melbourne. Currently the fronts are only about 8 miles from each other. If they join they would create a single fire covering in excess of 200,000 Hectares. This fire would threaten the State's water catchment area and given that we have been in the grip of a drought for some seven years now, our water reserves are down to about 32 percent. If the water is contaminated it could catastrophic. Please pray the 3000 firefighters fighting these two fires can stop this from happening.
As I type this another town has come under threat from fire and the residents have been put on high alert. As I mentioned earlier we are experiencing some relief from the extreme weather. However the cycle is expected to return to warmer weather this weekend and even though it will not be as hot, we still have major fires out of control. We are all still very worried.
Your Brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Etta Sue on February 11, 2009, 09:09:27 AM
 :tissue:   (  (  (  (  (   
Words can't express how I feel......
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 11, 2009, 09:46:32 AM
Hi Rob...

Been praying for you and wondering how you are doing. 

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 11, 2009, 10:27:58 AM
Still praying.  Like Etta Sue words can't express how I feel.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 11, 2009, 06:04:35 PM
Thank you all for your support and prayers. I finally woke this morning to some good news. It appears the firefighters may be getting the upper hand with some of these fires. At least there were no new fires logged in the Country Fire Authority website overnight, though they are still battling the large fire I mentioned yesterday. My prayer for the moment is that people do not relax thinking the danger has passed. It will be with us for some time yet. I heard a very touching story yesterday told by an elderly survivor of one of the towns destroyed(Marysville). She saw a gentleman driving around what remained of one of the streets when he came across another man staggering around in a dazed shock. He had no shoes on his feet. The gentleman stopped his vehicle and asked the man where his shoes were. The man responded he had left them in his mate's pickup and didn't know where he was. Without hesitating the gentleman bent down and removed his own shoes and socks and gave them to him. I don't know if the gentleman was a Christian but I am certain that the Holy Spirit was there in that town with those survivors.
You Brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 11, 2009, 06:22:11 PM
Oh, Rob!!!

How touching.  Thank you for sharing that here and we're all going to continue praying.  What a terrible time this has been but it's so good to hear a bit of good news surrounding it.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 11, 2009, 10:20:17 PM
Wow that is so touching

We are still praying.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Etta Sue on February 12, 2009, 11:00:37 AM
I checked out Clematis, Vic, Australia on Google Earth.  What beautiful country and so many trees.  I can understand how a fire could get out of control in your area.  I can't imagine what your country would like if it were live on Google Earth!

My prayers continue!
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 12, 2009, 10:04:13 PM
Thank you Etta Sue. Yes it is very pretty country and my wife and I love it here. That can be decieving though because of the nature of the dominant species of trees in Australia. You see Eucalypts are a very hardy tree that are adapted extremely well to fire. Their leaves have a high concentration of Eucalyptus Oil, so when they burn it is quite ferocious. From the point of view of the trees, the fire actually has a cleansing affect on the landscape. Many of the older and sickly trees will have died but the younger trees will come back strongly, and in fact we will probably begin to see new growth in the next few weeks. About 5 years down the track, the forest will have largely recovered and the only indication of the fires will be the blackened trunks of the trees, but they will all be healthy. Of course, none of this is any comfort from a Human point of view. As I sit here typing this, the smell of burnt forest is very strong in the air.
The Prime Minister has just anounced a date is to be set for a "National Day Of Mourning" because it is felt the nation needs a time to grieve. He has been in touch with the major Churches here to provide a National Church service on the day. I believe people will be asked to stop whatever they are doing and observe a minute's silence for those lost. One uplifting point is that people have opened their hearts and donated staggering amounts of food, clothing and just about anything else needed. The Red Cross launched an appeal to raise money for the victims of these fires and the last I heard the total stood at $74 million. A Melbourne newspaper has come up with a touching way of keeping the thoughts of the victims at the forefront of peoples minds and that is to wear a yellow ribbon. I feel it also gives the victims comfort in knowing how much support they have.
Please keep praying for the firefighters, the police and all the other emergency service workers and volunteers who are doing such a good job under very stressful conditions.
Your Brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 12, 2009, 10:39:54 PM
Thank you so much, Rob for posting.

I was just sitting here thinking about it and wondering what was happening.

So, you folks are alright now and out of danger? 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 13, 2009, 06:35:49 AM
OK at least there is help on the way.  How close did the fire actually come to where you live?  I did know there was oil in the eucalyptus, but never thought about that from the perspective of fire.  This is such a sad situation for you are dealing with.  HAve you heard, is there any help coming from other countries?  I am continuing to pray for those who have lost everything.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 13, 2009, 09:43:03 AM
Hello Pat and Judy,
Pat we are having some respite from the immediate threat of the fires at the moment, but to say the danger is past would be premature at this stage. I have posted a Government map from late afternoon showing the current number and position of the fires. The dark red spot marks the approximate position of Clematis where I live. Also there is a shot of the moon I took about half an hour ago. It truly is that red and that is because of the filtering affect of all the smoke in the atmosphere. The smoke is not just from the fires still burning but also from our own firefighters burning back forest toward the fire fronts to create firebreaks.
Judy, at a guess I suppose the nearest large fire is about 15 miles away. We are still getting smaller spot fires occuring all the time and some of these are closer but the firefighters can cope with them. The weather conditions at the moment are good. The fires don't seem to be moving very far but as I mentioned the other day it would only take a shift in wind direction or speed and major towns will again be threatened. The work the 4,200 firefighters are doing at the moment will hopefully go a long way to helping the situation when those wind changes occur. The weather bureau is currently advising us to expect them about Tuesday but of course that could change. I have just read a statement by a government representative that we can expect lightening strikes as early as Monday. Regarding the other countries offering help, there are quite a lot. I know Japan, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Brazil, Britain, France and even Iran have offered help. The US is sending a team of fifty specialists over to assist in the regeneration of the devastated areas and also I believe a team of specialist firefighters. We have an agreement with your country in which we share and work closely in wildfire fighting resources.
An update of the situation;
The total number of homes destroyed took a dramatic jump today to 1,831 as emergency crews were able to get into the more difficult areas. As a result the number of homeless people has now been upgraded to over 7000. The official death toll still stands at 181 but we are being told to brace ourselves for a dramatic increase as more destroyed houses are being found.
A man was arrested and charged today with lighting one of the fires that claimed 21 lives. The police are keeping his whereabouts secret for his own safety. I believe he is to be assessed as to his mental state and his suitability to stand trial. There are another four fires the police are treating as suspicious.
We recieved and email from our pastor today listing the members of our congregation affected be this disastor. One couple's daughter has lost her home. One girl's uncle has lost his home. An older couple had a rental property in one of the towns. The property was lost and the family were killed except for the father. There are many others but I think you can see from this that the fires are still overwhelming our thoughts. Please pray for these people.
Your Brother in Christ,



Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 13, 2009, 10:36:59 AM
Your updates are clear, concise and detailed.  Thank you for that.  I am continuing to pray for you and your family.  Also for the people that have been left homeless.  I understand why they are keeping that person's whereabouts secret, it would take very little to forn a lynch mob. 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: LakeLady on February 13, 2009, 01:41:02 PM
Rob, thanks for posting.  I am married to a retired law enforcement officer, we have friends who are with the federal fire agencies who fight fires such as those you are experiencing.  Both dangerous jobs at such a time as you are having.  My prayers are with you and your family, also for all of those emergency service people.  May God give strength to all.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 13, 2009, 07:48:01 PM
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I have just read that the residents of Marysville are going to be allowed back to see their town today(or what's left of it). The police will be strictly supervising them and they will be taken in on busses. As I mentioned earlier, it is still a crime scene. One lady said that she and her friends have started calling it "Ash-ville".
Your Brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Gord Brown on February 14, 2009, 05:38:55 PM
 :)Good afternoon.  I have been going over the post's and it is terrible what is happening in Austrialia and so many people have been affected and so many killed.


Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 20, 2009, 11:07:56 PM
Hello everybody,
Just a note let you all know where things stand with the bushfires. Sorry I havn't posted any news for a while but it has been a bit of a waiting game here. The weather has eased considerably and it has given the firefighters valuable time to get containment lines and firebreaks in and around the major fires. There are now only 4 fires out of control but these are not near any populated centres and don't form any threat. Sadly the official death toll now stands at 208 and will probably rise further in the coming weeks. The latest death was that of one of the firefighters who was on his truck manning a hose when a dead tree fell on him.
Tommorrow has been set aside as a "National Day Of Mourning" for the whole country. There is to be a nationally broadcast service held at one of our major sporting arenas starting at 11.00 AM. I am hoping to be able to get back from Church in time to see most of it(our service finishes at 11.00AM but I am manning the Church Book stall afterward).
I think the mood of the people seems to have moved from the initial shock we all went through and now we are trying to pick up the threads of what is left and start to move forward. It is going to be a long road for many. Please pray not only for those who have died but for the 7000+ homeless, the rebuilding process not just for peoples homes but for the communities(Schools, stores, community halls etc.) I heard an interview from the Member of Parliament representing the worst affected area and she made the point that had the fires occurred two days before they did, the death toll would probably have included many thousands of school children. They would never have been able to evacuate them quickly enough. A recent report from a senior firefighter stated that to have travelled the distance it did in the time it did, the fire must have averaged about 70 miles per hour. The flames were reported to be about 100 metres high.
Your Brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Don on February 21, 2009, 05:24:59 AM
It's good to know you are ok and hope the worst of it is over for you. I just can not imagine something like this and what it would be like to go through. Want you to know you and your country are in my prayers. You keep your eyes peeled and may the Lord give you what it takes to keep yourself and your family safe. You hang in there Bro, and keep looking up.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 21, 2009, 11:08:14 AM
OK Thank you for this update.  I am continuing to pray, not so much about the fires but for the losses.  Again we see the hand of GOd in this with the school children.  We are continuing to pray here in the north.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: LakeLady on February 21, 2009, 11:22:40 AM
Praying here for peace and strenght in recovery.  Glad to here you are well.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 21, 2009, 10:19:39 PM
Thank you for the update.

I've been out of internet range for several days and we continued to pray so it was good to see your post tonight.  Thank you so much!

God bless you and we'll keep praying.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JohnB on February 22, 2009, 09:44:04 AM
Hi Gang I'm  back on CP after a long absence but will try to stay in touch as my job allows. I still run the highways with a big truck but do get home most of the weekends with the company I now work for. Been reading on the fires in Australia and it leaves one at a loss for words except to say you are being prayed for and our thoughts are with you as you all go through this trying time. This is a time for us in the body of Christ to uphold you folks and your country before God that His will be done and that He keeps you in His loving care. I am going to run for now but will come back on this evening as we need to get ready for church and we have a pot luck lunch today so we can attend the annual church business meeting. Interact soon God bless all and have a safe and blessed day. Bonesy
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 24, 2009, 01:44:52 AM
Hello everyone,
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. We had a scare yesterday with the fires. A number of new fires flared up and one was a bit close for comfort. We first heard about it around 3.00 PM and within 10 minutes it had grown from 4 hectares to about 20 hectares(a hectare is about two and a half acres). The fire was heading toward a town just up the road from us when a sudden wind shift turned it toward a number of more heavily populated towns. If the wind shift had been more easterley it would have headed straight toward us. We kept monitoring the fire for a while and decided about 6.00 PM to pack our two autos and drive down the road to Emerald 2 miles away. We parked in the parking lot next to the town sports ground and kept monitoring the situation using the radio. Thankfully the fire didn't turn in our direction and we made the decision to return home about 9.30 PM. The firefighters have been fighting it through the night and as I type this the fire is almost out with firefighters cleaning up the spot fires. This episode has brought home to us just how unpredictable these fires are and how vigilant we need to be. At it's height the fire covered 350 hectares with more than 100 fire crews involved. The authorities are advising that Friday is looking to be another day of danger and we have to be on our guard.
The death toll has been upgraded to 210 with the passing of one of the more seriously burnt people. I was reflecting earlier on the total area of land burnt these past three weeks and I believe that it must be in the order of 450,000 hectares(1,000,000 acres) or there abouts. The loss of wildlife can only be imagined.
Please pray for safety this Friday.
Your brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Don on February 24, 2009, 07:29:03 AM
Thanks for the update Rob. Thats good news in that the fire didn't affect you even as bad as it is. I've never experienced anything like that here In North Carolina although we are under a red flag warning. We normally get 4" of rain in Feburary and this year have had only 1" and it is windy also. You keep your eyes and ears open and we will keep praying.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on February 24, 2009, 12:08:14 PM
Great to have this update, Rob!

I'm so happy that you're alright.  And we're still praying for you at this time.  It's so sad about the folks that have passed away. 

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 24, 2009, 12:30:08 PM
I have been listening to the news reports and have been praying.  May God be with you as you make decisions. 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: CapturedByGrace on February 24, 2009, 10:50:15 PM
Photobro, I am so sorry.  What devastation.  It is so sad.
Father in Heaven, I lift up to you everyone affected by these fires.  Please put your hand upon these people who have been injured, and the people who have lost loved ones.  Be with them and comfort their hearts.  Ease the pain of those who have been injured & severely burned.  Please put your hand upon the emergency teams, the firefighters, paramedics, policemen, rescue teams, etc and also the medical teams taking care of the people in the hospitals.  Let these fires cease, Lord.  Let there be rain and precipitation.  Send down your rain.  I pray and thank you and give you praise and thanksgiving.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on February 25, 2009, 06:56:33 PM
Thank you everyone for your prayers. It is such a comfort to know our fellow brothers and sisters are holding us up to the Lord. Tommorrow is looking like another day of danger and we are all waiting anxiously. I was just reading your last posts and I am glad that you were praying for rain as well. We need rain desperately. Normally we recieve about 3 3/4 inches of rain for January/February(December/January/February are our summer months). This year we have recieved about 1/8 of an inch, the driest for this period since records began. I mentioned in one of my previous posts that we had been in the grips of drought for about seven years. A friend of mine reminded me yesterday that in fact the last year we recieved average rainfall was 1996, so you can see our state here of Victoria is really "Tinder dry". It only takes a cigarette butt or carelessness with work tools and we could have the fires all over again. Please pray for safety tommorrow.
Your brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Don on February 26, 2009, 07:34:29 AM
I'm praying Rob!

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Carol on February 26, 2009, 09:28:37 AM
Photobro - Rob:  Your posts on the bush fires are just so sad.  My prayers to you and all afflicted by this frightful event. 
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Al Moak on February 26, 2009, 10:06:39 AM
Oh Father, not on the basis of deservedness, but simply upon the basis of Your mercy, send merciful rain upon the state of Victoria, I pray, through the wondrous operation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on February 26, 2009, 11:09:19 AM
Yes Lord!
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on March 04, 2009, 12:10:25 AM
Hi Rob...

Just popping in here before we have our prayer time this evening to see if there is any more news.

I'm so happy that you are alright. 

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: photobro on March 11, 2009, 03:21:21 AM
Hello everyone,
At last I can say that the fire threat is behind us. We have had cooler weather this past week and even a little rain which was so welcome. It gave the firefighters a chance to finally get on top of the last major fires and as I type there is only one remaining in a remote area of national park well away from any populated areas. The official death toll still stands at 210 and while it may still grow, we don't think it will get much bigger. That was put in sad context a few days ago when the State Coroner issued a statement that there were still many missing but it was concluded that these poor people were probably burn't so badly there was nothing left to indicate a person had been there. Nothing was left but ash, even any jewelry was melted and just pooled into the ash. This is just so sad. We are looking forward now to cooler weather as we start our Fall months and hopefully the fire threat subsides further.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the prayers and thoughts you have all been giving these past weeks. The whole time we were going through this I had such great comfort knowing you all were holding us up to our Lord. May God bless you and keep you all.
Your brother in Christ,
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Jane Walker on March 11, 2009, 03:41:46 AM
Rob, thank you, so much, for bringing us this report.  I know life will be forever altered from what you have known, but I also know that our God can erase all the horrors of this from your heart and mind.  Cling to Him and be assured that we are still remembering you, and your country, in prayer.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: LakeLady on March 11, 2009, 08:55:38 AM
Rob, strength and peace to you and to your nation.  My prayers will continue as you all go on from here.
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Don on March 11, 2009, 12:45:11 PM
Thanks for the report Rob, I'm glad that maybe you are close to the end of this experience.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: JudyB on March 11, 2009, 06:06:57 PM
Praise God.  I am continuing to pray that the last of the fires are put out.  It is sad that so many have died.  So many have been lost.  So much mourning.

BUT God is Souverign
Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: Pat on March 13, 2009, 11:34:50 PM
Hi Rob!

Thanks for sharing this news.  Yes, it's really been a trying time for you and your family members.  Now, even though it's such a sad time to realize that so many were killed, we will look forward now to seeing your photos again.

God richly bless you my dear brother.

Title: Re: Bushfires
Post by: CapturedByGrace on March 14, 2009, 03:42:52 AM
Thank you for sharing with your update.  I'm happy to hear that the fires are finally going out.  I'm sad to hear that so many people have been lost, and so much devastation has occurred.  I am continuing to pray.
Hang in there, and keep your eye on Jesus!
God bless,