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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09


Started by Pat, January 01, 2004, 12:32:25 AM

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Morning Devotional...

Lo, I am with you alway....
Matthew 28:20

What encouragement and comfort as we face the unknown path of a New Year.

Notice, the Lord does not promise to deliver us from the trial, but He has promised to be with us in it.

Daniel's friends were not delivered from the fiery furnace, but when the king looked in he saw, not three men in the furnace, but a fourth, "like unto the Son of God."

The sweet psalmist of Israel wrote, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." Why? "For Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me."

As we cross the threshold of another year, may it be with renewed confidence in the never-failing promise of His presence.
--Wm. Burnett

He is with you, not in sunshine only but also in the shade;
He is with you at beginning, and until the last, long hill is made.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Pat Scott, Lee Kirkwood, Nita, Jane Walker

I see you online!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Melaura is giggling because Pat said Happy New Year to herself !Heheheheh.  Sorry Aunt Pat.!

I had a phone call from a cousin in Holland.  It was nice he called but, I think he was three sheets to the wind.  Too bad he doesn't know our Lord. He doesn't need the spirits, just the Spirit

I downloaded a program to read through the Bible in a year.  I have tried this many times but I study by cross referencing and find it hard to just read the Word. I will try again.

We had a freeky thing happen about 15 minutes ago.  Melaura went to the window to look out and there was a car parked behind shrubbery and a man standing looking at the house.  Unusual as we are so far in the boonies.  The nearest house is 10 minutes walk away.  I am staying up to keep a watch out and will have the phone handy.  Don't think this was "First Footing" Pat.

Well Night all and Happy New Year to all.



Oh, be careful, Judy!

Yes, I thought about saying Happy New Year to myself after it was posted but I thought, "Oh no one will notice!"

Thanks Melaura for noticing!


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Lee Kirkwood

Aren't we humans funny?  We say "HAPPY NEW YEAR" but don't know what the new year will bring.  I just wrote a short communication to Chris and said something similar.  I wonder if we Christians should adapt a new saying?  Perhaps........Praise the Lord, Sing out with joy, Thanks to Jesus, Preach the Word, Look-up, Perhaps this year, Homeward bound, or whatever.  Maybe, Happy New Year Jesus.  But then, we are burdened with the knowledge that our loved ones might be lost forever.  I say this because my oldest daughter and son are not believers.  This is is a very sad thing for me because I was not a Christian in their formative years and did not bring them up in a Christian home.  They are not the only ones I pray for, as other members of my family, two brothers, and five of my seven grandchildren are also non believers.  My prayer?  I pray the Lord will open their closed eyes and ears that they might see and hear His call.  I can't stand the thought of their eternity as it now stands.

It is truly refreshing to daily read your uplifted voices for our Lord.

I still think Janet's a nut.


Nice to hear from you Lee.  Yes, PRAISE THE LORD, LEE!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Lee Kirkwood

Yes, Mieka's post was sad.  It was also a strong reminder to us all that we are truly blessed to have been born in freedom with the gifts that go with it.  Mieka's sadness brought to mind a hidden, and very deep meaning of hope we all have.   Although we have many of the things Mieka longs for, we too are living with our own hope.  The joy of our hope is that though we may have been blessed, or not blessed, with things, we too have hope.  Our hope is in our Lord Jesus Christ, and "neither eye has seen, nor mind conceived" as to what our loving Lord has waiting for us in His heaven.  So like Mieka, we long to be with our Father also.  He is our Hope.

Lee Kirkwood


Your devotional is exactly why I frefuse to fly in planes.

"Lo(w) I will always be with you." ;)

Lee Kirkwood


Don't wait. Call the police


2004 is almost here. And I'm still awake.  Way to go....Nita ;D

Judy, that would frighten me.  I agree with Lee..I would call the police even if it's just to report that someone was there. If he's innocent, let him explain to the police.

Happy New Year everyone......to those who are still waiting, and to those who arrived ahead of the rest.  God bless!


usually I say " Have a Blessed New Year"  I personally feel that is more appropriate than the traditional Happy New Year.  Even during trying times we are blessed because that is WHO He is.  We are blessed in all that He has done for us.  Soooooooo


The police will have a patrol drive by frequently tonight and for the next couple of nights.

I am off to bed.

Night all




Your devotional is exactly why I frefuse to fly in planes.
I must be really tired.  What did the devotional have to do with flying??  I have read it a couple of times!

Jane Walker

It is still 2003 here on the coast of Oregon... I am enjoying all your friendship and happy posts for the year ahead.  This is the 4th anniversary of my daughter Jean's death.  I am feeling a bit reflective, and oh so confident in my Savior's control.  His arms of Love are around me, holdong me close to His heart.  I love Him more now than ever before, if that is possible.

I am eagerly anticipating the New Year with my Lord and Savior in complete control of my life and destiny.  

Y'all have a wonderful, peaceful, God blessed new year!  I love y'all and hope to be around to interact with each and every one of y'all as the year 2004 unfolds.

Love in Him,
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


I would like to wish everyone a Blessed New Year.

Thank you Pat for the devotional.  How very apt for today.

I didn't get the posts from yesterday read, so will have to spend some time later today reading them and catching up.

I am finally off to bed for a few hours rest and then tomorrow a full day of relaxation as the statutory holiday means no work for me!

Good Night Everyone!


Quote from: Lee Kirkwood on January 01, 2004, 02:10:18 AM
Yes, Mieka's post was sad.  It was also a strong reminder to us all that we are truly blessed to have been born in freedom with the gifts that go with it.  Mieka's sadness brought to mind a hidden, and very deep meaning of hope we all have.   Although we have many of the things Mieka longs for, we too are living with our own hope.  The joy of our hope is that though we may have been blessed, or not blessed, with things, we too have hope.  Our hope is in our Lord Jesus Christ, and "neither eye has seen, nor mind conceived" as to what our loving Lord has waiting for us in His heaven.  So like Mieka, we long to be with our Father also.  He is our Hope.

I thank you SO much Mr Lee. I wish you well for the new year.

I love you all  8)

and I love you God.


I couldn't sleep.  

I just thought I'd try once more to get into SeniorNet but this silly computer won't let me.  The pages just won't load.  I will try to get someone to look at the computer next week after the holidays.

Hello to you all who are still up or just getting up.

I can't believe that it's 2004!!!

Good night again.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


A good night Ms Pat. I love you.

Jane Walker

Hi PAT! Sorry you couldn't sleep ... what a way to start the New Year!
 I am praying for a most blessed new year for all here...and our loved ones.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


A happy and blessed New Year to all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I want to take this opportunity to say 'thank you' all for your fellowship and love since I joined CP. This website is special and I believe honoured by God. It is a 'city set upon a hill' and 'a light in a dark place.'

I pray that you will each enjoy an abundance of grace in your souls and that our Beloved Saviour Redeemer would become more and more precious to us all with each passing minute.

May His banner of love be over us today and always.

Happy New Year.

Your brother in Christ



Pat - A wonderful devotional to start the year. May you continue to serve your Lord in your own unique style and manner on this website.

'Choose life.'

Deuteronomy Chapter 30 Verse 19

There are many things that I dislike about this time of year. While for many it is a time of joy and celebration for others is holds nothing but heartache and pain. I suppose that my own emotions today are somewhere in between.

As I look back, I do so not only on 2003 but on all the other years of my life.  It is difficult not to think of parents, loved ones and friends who partnered us along life's pathway for a while only to be taken from us. I am so thankful for all the good memories that I have, memories which no man can take from me.

I cannot dwell on my past. I stand at the dawn of yet another year in my sojourn. What will 2004 hold for me? Do I look through 'rose tinted' glasses or with foreboding? Do I see much fruit or am I to come face to face with more giants?

I need a reality check and I must go to the place where resolutions are scorned and repentance brings joy in the presence of angels. I take my soul to the place where truth met with mercy, where righteousness and peace kissed mutually. It is the place where chaos turns to order, where fear is cast out and where I am accepted 'just as I am.'

I have grown fond of this place over the years. There have been days when I confess that I have not felt 'the need' to go. There have been mornings when I am simply carrying on from where I dwelt through the night watches.

There is not a day when I do not visit this place. I am a spiritual being and I need energising and this is the place where my spiritual batteries are charged.

Repentance is the order of the day, not only for my sins in 2003 but for the sins already committed in 2004! I am filthy and I need cleansing and I know of no other place to go than to the foot of the Cross.

It is here that I behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. It is here, having made confession of my sins and shortcomings that I am washed in the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness.

I do not make myself clean, God does. I do not wash away my sins, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son does. I do not presume that my sins are forgiven, I simply believe it!

I do what God tells me to do and soon I am aware that my filthy garments have been changed for robes of righteousness. Robes given to me by God Himself. All His children are clothed alike, not one better than the other.  

What I have done is chosen life.

I have chosen Jesus to be my Saviour, my Friend, my Guide and my Companion for today. He called me as He will call many today to repentance. He saved me by dying on the cross for me. He feely offered me salvation and He freely offered me hope and life. He offers you the same today.

I have my plans for today as I am sure that you have. They may turn out as expected or they may not. You see I have committed my way today to my Lord. I have learned that His way is always best.

Today He holds the reins of my life and that is the way I want things to remain. Should I take control again then pain and sorry will not be far away.

Today is the start of a new spiritual adventure. It's called the rest of my life. I know not how long it will last but I am thankful that my Guide knows the way that I take.

He does all things well and hitherto He has helped me. An eternity with my Beloved beckons however while breath remains I am happy to surrender my all to Him.

This morning He gave me a choice. I chose life and I pray that you would as well. Leave behind the years that the locusts have eaten and come, follow Jesus. May you enjoy a blessed New Year. May you enjoy Jesus.

We have a message that should not be kept to ourselves, make someone's day special and tell them the Good News. Tell them to choose life. Tell them to choose Jesus.

'The Lord thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. And the Lord thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee. And thou shalt return and obey the voice of the Lord, and do all his commandments which I command thee this day. And the Lord thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the Lord will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers: If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law, and if thou turn unto the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul.'

Deuteronomy Chapter 30 verses 6 – 10.


GOOD MORNING  NEW YEAR  11.25AM in Holland


I have had a bad beginning of this new year a sleepless night now i am sleepy but my father is coming.

Now it is very silent outsite and cold-2*C and no sun.



Lord, let me welcome the challenge
of this new year,
with hope in my heart
and faith in Your goodness.
Let me look forward to each day on the way
as a many-splendored gift from You.

   This is today my pray i hope it may be also yours.



PAT thank you for the devotional this morning it is sad that you have had a sleepless night
but i also.

IAIN thank you also for your devotional
very good brother
I also have chosen for Jesus HE IS MY DEAREST FRIEND

Bye love Ria


Pat, Iain and Ria

Thank-you all for the promises which I will hold as my own for the coming year..."Lo I am with you always" and Deut 30:6-10 and Judges 18:6.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Late last night, just before we entered the New Year, a crisis arose within my family.  I will not share the circumstances here only to say that I immediately gave it to the Lord. I felt His peace and He told me to "Stand Still"....Idid, I prayed and received His peace.  I slept so well.

This morning I felt to phone the person concerned and I was given these words by the Lord:-

"Don't be paralysed by this mighty army! For the battle is not yours but God's.
Take your places; stand quietly and see the incredible rescue operation God will perform for you.Don't be afraid or discouraged" 2 Chr 20:15-17

I want to share with you all as I know some have unsolved problems within their own or their loved ones' lives.  I urge you in this New Year to "Stand Still" more often...not to run.As we get older we learn the wisdom in "standing still."    

              Let Go and Let God 2004

Love you,


Jenny - Greetings my dear sis.

You have shown in one post the true nature of living by faith. Some preachers try for decades to preach without success on what you have preached to us in a few lines.

May the rest of this year follow the good start you have made leaning upon Jesus.

Ria, I will be praying that you will be given songs to sing in the night and that you will find rest for your soul as you lay your head upon your pillow. Enjoy the day with your father.


Like Judy I wish everyone a Blessed New Year with trusting our God for everything.  It is a feeling of peace as Jenny says to be able to just turn our problems over to Him and rest in His assurance that He knows and cares and answers in His time.  He is truly our best friend!

I have been lifted up spiritually by this site and all of you brothers & sisters in Christ.  It is a welcome site to come to anytime...in fact I come here first when I get on-line.

Ria, I hope your day improves and that you may be able to take a nap after lunch/dinner. I have tried to e-mail you but it comes back to me.  Maybe I have the wrong address.

Pat, you, too, need to catch a nap today.  I had a stomach virus and went to bed last night at 8:30...it was a long night :(

Marilyn, just 11 more days before your surgery.  I am praying for you.

God Bless all of you.  
love, kathy :)
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


Good Morning, I too have been unable to sleep. First of all the rain has been pouring all night long and there is one place on my house by my bedroom window that sounds liuke a loud drip, drop, drip ,drop , when the rain is heavy. Then after I turned off the tV I could hear the bass part of someones music thumping. At midnight the booms from the firecracers and wheatever, caused my Happydog to get all freaked out. Not all in that order.

So at 4:30 I decided to get up and have been here reading all the posts and thinking about  al lthe blessings that our Lord gave me this past year and the changes I would like to make for the coming year in my walk with Him.

You have all been in my prayers throughout the night, as I always pray when I can't sleep, some more I have prayed for more than others.

I didn't finish reading my Bible through I am still in Hebrews. For Christmas my Pastor and his wife gave each of us a little book with a Bible reading plan for the year. Plus we will be starting the Purp[ose Driven Life.

Oh Yes Kathy you just had to remind me about my trip to the hospital, Just kidding. That is always on my mind. Thinking of  whether or not they will have Herbal tea? Will I have to eat beef? What if I just telll them I am a vegetarian? What will they feed me? Will I go on Sunday before surgery or will I go on Monday early in the morning? Are only a few of the questions I have.

Better go now for my prayer Bible time.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Some great thoughts for our New Year.

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Romans 10:13)

Today people everywhere are gathering together to celebrate the first bright moments of the New Year.

Yet, for thousands of others, this day will be the toughest 24 hours of their lives. For those people, New Year's will serve only as a dim reminder of loneliness and loss. It will simply mark the beginning of another year of failure.

What about you? What's this year really going to be like for you?

You may appear to be happy enough. You may be passing out seasonal smiles and holiday greetings just like everybody else. But inside, you may hurt. You may be disappointed. You may even feel like you can't go on.

If so, I want you to know something. All of that can change in an instant. You can start your life over today and make this New Year's Day the most joyful day of your life!

How many times have you said to yourself, "If I could just start over, I'd do it all differently"? That doesn't have to be simply an idle wish. Jesus Christ has actually made it possible. That's His Christmas present to you. He paid the price for all your sins. He paid the penalty for all your mistakes.

That's the reason He came to earth. That's the reason He was born--so you could start over!

You may look at your life and say, "But I've made some terrible mistakes. I've done some despicable things." That doesn't matter. Jesus paid the price for them all!

How can you make a new start? Romans 10:9 says that "if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." It's as easy as saying, "Jesus, I'm turning my life over to You. From this day forward I'm Yours."

What better time to turn your life around than on this first day of the New Year. Right now, wherever you are, just give your life to Jesus. Then jump up and down and holler, "Praise God, I'm starting all over!" And find out what it really means to have a Happy New Year!

Scripture Study: Romans 10:1-13
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Chris & Margit Saunders

We stayed up rather late last evening, as many of you seemed to have done.
So we had a nice lie in :)
Margit cooked a lovely breakfast, and as she brought it through, I had the radio playing low in the background, as we took each others hand to say grace, just as our hands touched on came Mendelssohn's Wedding March!
What a stirring tune that is!
We both laughed.
Then after, I thought about the fact that we, as believers are indeed wedded to our Beloved, our Saviour.
And how wonderful it shall be when He comes for His Bride, the Church, without spot or blemish, what a day that shall be, and as we go into this new year let us be unafraid, for He goes before us ever, all is planned for us, the various joys and also trials that He has for us shall only make us more fit ( by grace alone)  for the Kingdom in which we shall reign with Him forever, take heart friends, 2004 will be full of great adventures!
Does anyone know the great song "With God's hand in mine?"
That's how we go forward, holding onto Father's Hand.


Chris & Margit Saunders

Regarding that beautiful song "With God's Hand in mine."
This is the only man whom I know that has sang it, I used to have his CD, but I think I lent it out, and never got it back. :)



My Dear, dear Brother Iain.......see how your prayers for me have given me strength...

Chris and Margit I sent your New year Greeting...the water and the bridge...to my friend Carol.  She's a beautiful Christian and lives just down the road, this weather we are communicating more by e mail.
Did your ears burn?  Carol said just as the e mail with your message entered her "mail" box she was praying and there was her answer to the prayer. I thought you would like to know how the Lord uses you ...even beyond the bounds of C.P. dear bro. and sis.

KathyHope you feel much better.

Well it's pouring with rain and a dark, gloomy day but we have Jesus to keep us warm and cheerful...Yes?

I will see you all later.
Love Jenny.


Good morning/afternoon!

Jenny, the short words you have spoke are so awesome.  Faith is something I struggle with daily, but I am learning each day as each of my prayers are answered that God will answer our prayers.  Now I just need to find the patients.  :)  Thank you, sister for you wonderful words.

My Goals for this Year

1)  Be more active in my church.  

2) Help someone to learn more about the Lord.

3) Learn more scriptures and memorize them.

4) Invest in some photography lighting and backgrounds.

Start up a photography business by the end of the year.  (God willing of course)

7) Remember and keep doing what I learned last year.

My husbandand boys  went to a Christian Teen Blast last night.  They had an 80 ft waterslide, food and games like pool and volleyball, basketball.  They also had a Christian band "Apoligetix" play and a musician to entertain the kids. At around 1:30am they had Power praise and worship.  I wonder how many were saved last night because of that. We have 4 of their CD's.  They got home around 3:45 am. I have yet to hear how it went.

I have great news.  What a way to ring in the Blessed New Year (as Judy would say).
Lila Mae went in her potty chair without me telling her all night.  Another milestone and another baby growing up in my house.  I can't have any more kids so this is very sad for me.   :'(  But I feel so blessed that God has given me 4 wonderful children who are pleasing to the Lord.  Thank you, Lord!

Not sure what we have planned for the day.  
The men will probably sleep in.  
Maybe do some laundry.

Hey Pat!  I had a dream I met you last night.  I also met everyone else in here and we were singing praised to God.  It was a wonderful dream.

Have a good day in the Lord everyone.



Pat & Marilyn:  sorry to hear that you couldn't sleep.  It is hard to catch up on your sleep at times.  Take it easy - both of you - today.

We were going to drive to son's cabin in the mountains but he was not feeling well, so, we drove over to spend some time with two grands and took them to a movie "Peter Pan" to get them out of the house.  Then, we had to buy some groceries before the stores closed and came home to a quiet evening here.  All of our children were in their homes spending the same quiet evenings as no one in this family ventures out on the worst driving night of the year.  At midnight, a strong wind came up but it didn't keep me awake.  

I made some personal resolutions, as usual.  

Lee:  You mentioned saying "Happy New Year" as it doesn't seem right all the time and I feel the same way.  Am working on other things to say -

We met a missionary who is with www.thefamily.org/
and he needs help in buying a motorhome to bring food and clothing to orphans in Mexicio City so I am having him meet with our pastor and some others in town.  He is an Apache from New Mexico and works in Mexico - has anyone heard of this organization?  If so, please e-mail me.  Thank you

Best wishes to everyone for good health and stamina and peace to all.  Carol


I'm watching the pre-parade show on the Travel Channel.  I love the Tournament of Roses Parade!!

Hello, dear Jenny!  Love you!

I enjoyed the music, Chris--thank you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Chris & Margit Saunders

Ohhhhhh Jenny, thank you,
That's the reason for the photography with scripture, and when we get a little feedback, well that's a bonus.
God bless you. :) ;) :D


Soni:  What a New Year's gift for you - Lily Mae's great accomplishment.  Yes, not a baby anymore - well, she will always be your baby!   And, such a fun night for the men in your family.  



QuoteHey Pat!  I had a dream I met you last night.  I also met everyone else in here and we were singing praised to God.  It was a wonderful dream.

Soni That was no dream.  We will meet some day, in Glory, and we WILL sing praises to our Saviour.  He was giving you a taste of what that will be like.


Soni... Love you too...

"You gotta have a dream, or how you goin t'have a dream come true"...as the song says.

Janet I can feel the love coming over the ocean...it's Jesus' doing!...Love and Blessings in Him for 2004 and for those grandsons...

Gosh, I can't keep away today..

I love all of you.
{{{HUGS}}} across the ocean.

Lee Kirkwood


I too am watching the Rose Parade.  Then football, then football, then football, then football, then crash.  I'm an SC fan, always have been, so GO USC.  They really are #1


Just rushing in here as I'm leaving soon for Janice's.

Sonja, nice dream!  Singing praises to God will be so wonderful.  Our time will be filled with worshiping Him.

Must go..  Lots to do yet.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Chris & Margit Saunders

Margit Rhone-Saunders

Yet, for thousands of others, this day will be the toughest 24 hours of their lives. For those people, New Year's will serve only as a dim reminder of loneliness and loss. It will simply mark the beginning of another year of failure.

Dear Janet, dear All,

don't mean to ignore the rest of you but I've only gotten thus far in my reading and felt I wanted to share something of which Janet's letter reminded me.
I've only been living here in England about a year and a half, last Christmas season we spent in Germany, so, it is only this year that I saw the following.
Flashing across the television screen from time to time, throughout the season,  is a repeated message:

"If you are alone or if you are not enjoying the holidays and you'd like to talk to someone call this number......someone is there to listen and to help."

It's not much, but what CARELINE is offering is a little piece of rope, another voice, another person to converse with, someone who understands the plight of the lonely heart.

It impressed me for exactly those reasons that Janet mentioned, there are so many who, especially over the holidays,  feel so abandoned and forlorn.

My only wish is,  that the voice, the extension of rope, could point the seeker to Christ because we all know that only in Him, although we may be lonely, we are never alone, never without hope to be given by the Living God.
A lonely seeker will be glad for any voice, but we know what even greater impact there would be on his/her life, if only they met Christ.

Can we be that voice that points to Him, here, as we have been, and in all that we do each and every day, we don't know where that lonely heart, the seeker, will be, will meet with us.

Off to a blessed, adventurous new year in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

In His love, Margit

Papa John

Well, here we are on New Year's Day, 2004.  We have so many wonderful blessings.  I think today of some 30,000 people who were killed in the earthquake in Iran.  I think about the turmoil of war and violence in Iraq.  I think of those places in the world where there isn't enough food for people to eat and little children die of starvation.   ---  And here we are, living in peace and quiet, having an abundance of "things" and more than enough of everything we need.

In Lystra Barnabas and Paul said, "Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy."[/b]  Acts 14:17  (NIV)

God has been good to us.  Let us be thankful and praise God this year not only because of the peaceful life we have but especially for the spiritual blessings we have in Christ.  "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:  Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. [/b] Eph 1:1-3(NIV)

Today Rachel, daughter, and her family are coming for lunch.  We will have black eyed peas, cornbread, country ham.  Black eyed peas are a tradition here for New Year's Day.  

Mieka, where are you right now?  How long will you be there?  You may have said but somehow I missed it.

--- Papa John    ;D          <:))))><<

Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

<img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/US/TN/Nashville.gif" border=0
alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>


Christian Photographers

How does that sound?  Think we can do it?

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Well here I am watching the Rose Bowl Parade too. but no football if I can help it. If there is nothing else on I will shut of the TV and read my Bible. Or go somewhere and visit someone.

I have been one of those lonely, sad and depressed persons in the past but I am doing so much better now that I am on medication. I have cut it down to once a day now though instead of twice.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Etta Sue


Thank you all for your wonderful words of praise and thankfulness.  We truly have lots to be thankful for.  Too many things to count.  I love JudyB's answer to Sonja.  Yes, we will all meet some day!  What a wonderful thing Christ did for us.  

The New Year came in very quiet out here in the country.  No fireworks, no horns honking, no one running around shouting.  Quite different than living in the city!  Jerry and I did stay up for the New Year but shortly went to la la land.  I must have really been tired...I didn't get up until almost 10 am!  I sure don't want to get my nights and days mixed up due to this arm.  BTW, it does feel somewhat better today!  But I am not shouting that for fear my arm will start hurting again.

"If you can learn to laugh in spite of the circumstances that surround you, you will enrich others, enrich yourself, and more than that, you will last!"



I got this in the email from a friend of mine.

"The bee is scientifically too big, its wingspan too narrow, for it to fly, yet it flies around anyway doing what God made it do."          Thelma Wells

Remember God can use us in spite of our limitations.


What a good quote, Sonja!  Thanks for sharing that.

God DOES do the impossible, doesn't He?

Well, Andrew and Terena have arrived and are putting all the parcels into the car.

I'm going to be off now after I post this...IF I get it posted.  There's something really wrong with this machine.  Everything is so slow.

I've done all of the necessary janitorial duties on it but still it's out of memory so often.

Must get it checked out.  I can't get on SeniorNet at all nor DPC right now.  And I limp along in here.

No more whining, Pat!  

Off to celebrate!

Talk to you really late tonight.

Love you all!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Happy and Blessed New Year

Thank you Pat,    Iain,    Jenny,    Chris,  &  Lee for your great devotionals.

It is true that we can trust the Lord for whatever comes in the New Year and we can trust Him and "stand still" and "wait for Him" especially when there are sad and upsetting things in our life.   I have to tell myself many times to "give it over to God and let Him deal with it"

Last night at church, our Pastor, Charles Price spoke from Phil. 4:6.   He said "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer, let your requests be known to God"    In otherwords, "if we are anxious and upset, pass the buck over to God and His peace that transcends understanding will be ours"    The peace comes from knowing God is in the problem.

Commit it to Him and he will keep it.

Praying for God's Blessing in 2004 on CP and everyone here.

Love Ruthie
The Lord is my light and my salvation Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  
Ps. 27:1


 Happy new year all!!!

We had fun last nite at the teen bash!!!  ;D
They had some fun on the go stuff over there to.
There was the energater I think that is what it is called. ??? A vellcro wall it didnt work that well. :'(
then they had a type of boxing one. it is where you have a hard foam poll at the ends of the poll are two bean bag cooshie things. You have to try to make the other person fall off the foam stands on to this air up thing.
then there was the equellater wherev you go against some one and try to mak baskets in the hoop.

I bought a cd and got it signed.

It was fun ;D ;D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D  :D :D ;D ;D


Good devotional Pat. Happy new year.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this 1st day of 2004.  We are blessed with a truly beautiful day outside and we had a wonderful morning.  We attended at brunch at the home of friends.  There were 22 of us there with lots of good food and Christian fellowship.  We all attend the same church and most of us attend the same Sunday School class.  This is the second or third year we have gotten together like this.  We did home in time to watch the Georgia and Purdue football game.  Obviously we are all pulling for Georgia and they are doing well so far.

Lot of good postings today and the devotional thoughts are outstanding.  I am starting a new Bible reading plan today as finished reading through the Bible yesterday using the plan of reading from the beginning to the end.  This year I am going to use an alternative plan so that it will include readings from the both the Old and New Testament each week.  


I have just finished baking a batch of Peanut Butter walnut cookies. I don't bake at home as much as I used to before I was working so much.

My Photo at DPC got DQ'ed for what the email said was because it had text and the text was copyrighted. It was a scripture. The same photo that I posted here in photos with a scripture.''

Only one person commented on it to me, but the email said there were several who said it should be DQ'ed. Oh well live and learn. Maybe next time I can sneak in something spiritual.

I think it was because it was a scripture.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Chris & Margit Saunders

Got this mail from a friend tonight, any of you folks familiar with this strange meal? lol :D

Well, Happy New Year.  

Brenda and I got up a little late this morning ... later than our usual 5:00 a.m. ... and I put on a big pot of Black Eyed Peas to cook ... seasoned with REAL Hog Jowl.  I made a cast iron skillet of corn bread too.  Then of course we had to have at least one hot dog today.  The peas and jowl are for prosperity and the hot dogs for good health and happiness all year long.  Such are the traditions of the South.


Chris and Margit...
These "Yankees" have some funny ideas  well they eat "dogs" don't they!
Sh...shush, some of my best friends are Americans.....I found them on C.P. Love them all.

Ruthie Blessings for 2004 dear sister.

Nite, nite,
Sleep tight..
Jenny ...


Troy Hello.
I had a sneaky look at your profile...wow you are a very "with it" young man.
Keep those posts coming...
See you soon.God bless and Happy New Year.
Jenny :D

Chris & Margit Saunders

Chris & Margit Saunders

Jenny, there's  a scripture you might like on the photo page,
our canal. :)


aw y-all better quit pickin on us Americans. So we eat hog jowls, black eye peas and hot dogs and cornbread. So what. We even eat okra, turnip greens, kale, mustard greens, Swiss chard, collard greens, and other stuff too.  8)
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Quote from: Marilyn Fisher on January 01, 2004, 03:15:25 PM

My Photo at DPC got DQ'ed for what the email said was because it had text and the text was copyrighted. It was a scripture. The same photo that I posted here in photos with a scripture.''

Only one person commented on it to me, but the email said there were several who said it should be DQ'ed. Oh well live and learn. Maybe next time I can sneak in something spiritual.

I think it was because it was a scripture.

Marilyn, it was dq'ed because no text is allowed in any challenges.  The only exception was the motivational poster one.  The copyright thing is talking about people who put the copyright symbol and name on their pictures.  It was not your text that they were referring to.  

I believe the email usually says something like, "From the rules: Text: No text may be added to your submission. This includes copyright statements. Please read the challenge submission rules."

It was a good picture, btw.  I liked the colors.  And, please, keep submitting "scriptural" stuff, just don't put the scripture on the pictures.  Use it for your titles.  

Jeanne Lee

May you all receive the Lord's blessings in abundance in the coming year, until they overflow and bless those around you as well!

Last night for the first time in years, Gene and I watched the ball come down in Times Square in New York City.  We had invited the couple who live in the trailer just behind us to share the bottle of wine my boss had given me for Christmas (he gives one to everyone in the office every year) and spent a lovely quiet evening talking with them.  

I never woke up until 9:15 this morning, which is very late for me and found that Gene had needed his headache medicine sometime during the night.  When he finally got up it was almost 1:00 but his headache was gone.  It did kind of mess up the schedule for his eye drops, though.   :-\
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Karma that is what it said. When I read the rules for December I must have missed that part. I printed out a copy when I first joined up  and need  to read the rules again.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


"Quays"is a lovely picture and perfect scripture for me also.I am sending it to Carol my friend ..she loves your pictures too.
I have just enjoyed a tour of the photographs area.  I needed to catch up as I missed so much when this "puter" crashed again and again and......

I thoroughly recommend visitors to have a good look at the wonderful photographs on this site..God is so good to us on here.  So many gifted folks and many lovely areas to be photographed.

Thanks all concerned..
'Especially Chris tonight as he had some 'specials' for me at this time. Chris is especially gifted and is a real blessing to us as he has a strenuous day job yet manages to take some amazing pictures in his spare time..I don't know how he does find the time to do so much.

Good night now brethren.  It's 12.30 a.m. Friday morning here in England.

See you all later.

Ruth Ann Bice

How delightful - maybe my computer made a new year's resolution to keep working better! No screen refreshes yet.

It has been wonderful to read your posts. Also, I saw some significant changes in my home and family this last year. May God's will be done and, should my family members truly establish a loving, trusting relationship with our Saviour, then I'll praise Him forever more.

Jenny, sorry for the distressing news you're having to deal with. It's so good that we each can carry our burdens to Him who shares the yoke with us to make our burdens lighter. I'll be praying for you and for all involved in whatever the problem may be.

Who asked about eating blackeyed peas and cornbread?? I had blackeyed peas, stewed some cabbage, and fried some strips of hog jowl (which is seasoned like bacon) and certainly wished for cornbread, but I would be the only one to eat it, so I didn't bake any.

Y'all have a wonderful evening. I think it's about time to "rest on my laurels" today and get ready for another workday tomorrow.

It's so great to see christians of all ages and all persuasions coming together here in such a wonderful bond of unity. I love you all.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Jenny My you are up late.  Having trouble sleeping?

Pat with your puter, get an upgrade of your virus checker and rescan.  It may be you have one of the nasty bugs, also someone may be using the unused portions of your memory to store stuff.  It might be wise to give Kent a call and see if he can help over the phone.

Well this has been a quiet day, not much done, but tomorrow we are collapsing our tree. Then all the decorations will be away and our house will be back in order.  I love real trees but the mess of needles is a nuisance,

Chris I do love your scripture pictures.  They are wonderful.  I too have passed some on, and they have blessed the recipients.  Thank you for this freedom.

Well all back to the normal schedule on Saturday, so I won't be on as much again.

God Bless


Lee, your team won in the Rose Bowl!!  Good for them, and for you........even if you do think I'm a nut! :-\

We heard a really distressing report about the quarterback of KSU being taken off the field and charged with sexual assualt.  This is so horrible.......if he is guilty of that, and lets the team down right here in the bowl game..........GRRRR!!!!!  I just do not understand, and it makes me angry.

I got most of my Christmas things hauled back upstairs today.  All but the tree; and I have the ornaments off it.  Darrel will have to help me carry it upstairs.

I wanted to go to a movie tonight, but Darrel was watching football (still is :-\) so I didn't even mention it.

And the morning and the evening were the first day.....of 2004.  Hope it a good start for all of you.

T Bone, good to see you again!  Come and post more often!

Mullet, glad you guys had such a good time last night!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


I think I will have a nice hot  cup of
and relax some more, I have been doing plenty of that today. I am thinking of when I will be off work for all that time recuperating, I will probably be bored to death.

It will be a good time to learn more about the computer. I uninstalled PSP 8 and did a system restore on my computer back to 12/15/03 before I had all that other stuff in here.  Now I have ordered Paintshop Photo Album 4 at $29.95. Another Jasc program for photo editing.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


HI Janet, Ruth, Judy Mc, and Jeanne, I see you online.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Judy McKenna

Oh Hi to you too Marilyn.... You are very observant to notice who all is online!

Marilyn - If your surgery was here in Ontario, you would have to come into hospital the morning of, regardless of how early it was booked.

Yes...here you can request a vegetarian menu.  They probably will do that for you as well.  They probably will have a dietician call...a good idea would be to request that.

I must go back and read Meika's post.,...how long are you in the States for Meika?

Jeanne:  Perhaps that wine was the cause of Gene's headache.... a neighbour of ours is dreadfully allergic to any red wines.

Last night we had a delightful time with a group of friends from church.  There were 17 of us., and it was strictly "pot-luck"... you eat what you bring.  There was a lovely array of foods., then the host closed the evening off with a devotional...ending just at midnight.

This is the 10th year this same group of friends get together.  They are all precious to us....its the family we don't have, here in Guelph!

Jenny:  I will be praying for you, and your family situation.

Love to all... and God's blessing to each of you in 2004!

"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Hello all and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I have a big long list of resolutions this year.  Most times, I just say, "Nope, not doing that."  Thought I'd do something different this time, though.  :P  It was the quietest New Year's Eve we have had since we were married.  We have some neighbors who like to bring in the New Year with a bang -- usually from several sticks of dynamite.  

:o ::)

We noticed a fire engine at one of their houses, then they left, and all was quiet.  Shew.  Last year, the TNT scared my sister's horses and one of them hurt his leg pretty bad running through barbed wire.  

Glad to see everyone checking in and doing well.

Marilyn-- I kinda thought maybe you had meant to submit that picture for the motivational poster challenge.  It would have fit well there, and text was allowed in that one.  I'm glad to see you submitting over there regularly.  If you don't take some of the comments personally, it can be a good place to learn and grow as a photographer.

Take care ya'll.  I have a Mary Kay retreat tomorrow evening and Saturday, so I probably won't be on for a little while.  Take care and I'll poke my head in before I go to bed tonight, maybe.


Judy McKenna

Hey Karma:  I need some Mary Kay....love their products! :D

I see where "Grandma" is online....but not posting....shame, shame....just kidding of course.  We love to see new members..so. come and post.  There is always a warm welcome here on CP!

"I am too blessed to be stressed".



We are so glad to have you join us here at CP. Come on in and tell us about yourself.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Judy McKenna

Thank you Marilyn, for posting that welcome for Grandmaemt  ...That was really beautiful!
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


I wish everyone a very Blessed New Year

Our day was quiet made a few long distance phone calls to loved ones, I will need to close my eyes when the bill comes in.

Ruth Ann you should have made the cornbread and invited me down.

My new year's resolutiion should be to take notes while reading CP.

Something I do often is click on the hymn and listen  while reading, who else does the same??????

I wish that we all have a good nights rest.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6



O How I Love Jesus
(Click to hear music)

"Because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Words: Frederick Whitfield, 1855.
Music: 19th Century American melody


There is a Name I love to hear,
I love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in my ear,
The sweetest Name on earth.


O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!

It tells me of a Savior's love,
Who died to set me free;
It tells me of His precious blood,
The sinner's perfect plea.


It tells me of a Father's smile
Beaming upon His child;
It cheers me through this little while,
Through desert, waste, and wild.


It tells me what my Father hath
In store for every day,
And though I tread a darksome path,
Yields sunshine all the way.


It tells of One whose loving heart
Can feel my deepest woe;
Who in each sorrow bears
A part that none can bear below.


It bids my trembling heart rejoice.
It dries each rising tear.
It tells me, in a "still small voice,"
To trust and never fear.


Jesus, the Name I love so well,
The Name I love to hear:
No saint on earth its worth can tell,
No heart conceive how dear.


This Name shall shed its fragrance still
Along this thorny road,
Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill
That leads me up to God.


And there with all the blood-bought throng,
From sin and sorrow free,
I'll sing the new eternal song
Of Jesus' love for me.


Jane Walker

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!  Thanks for the laugh, Jane!  I think it might make me cry, too, I have eaten so many sweets the past couple of weeks! ;D
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Jane that cartoon was a reminder of my goal for the year.  I really dislike the word resolution, don't you?  Anyway I aim to eat healthier, not to loose weight but perhaps that will be a welcomed by-product?  

Marilyn I will join you for tes, will you have crumpets too?  How bout some eckles cakes?  I will have to introduce you to some of these yummies.

Well night all I am going to bed.

God bless


Hello all,

Sorry that I have not posted in such a long time, I do like the fellowship here, it is just that the last month has been very hectic and busy.

May everyone have a year in which the mercies of God are daily made evident to you, the joy of Jesus is a reality that transcends all circumstances, and the power of the Holy Spirit is made ever real in your life.

"Here is a test to see if your mission in life is finished: if you're still alive, it's not" — A.W. Tozer


Thank you, Paul!  We wish you a Blessed Happy New Year too.  Please come back often and tell us how your year is going.  

Jane~thanks for the laugh.  I am like Janet, I am a bit bummed because I ate to much sweets and fat .   :-X :'(  But I will soon work it off.  I usually do, just takes longer the older I get.  ::)

Lila Mae went another day of doing great without her diaper.  
She is doing such a good job on her own.  Get's me all excited seeing her progress and grow up.

She also counted to 5 but skipped number 2.  Too precious.

I am heading to
Hope you all sleep well tonight.




How are you?  I have missed seeing you in here.  How was your Christmas?  How is the Christmas break going with the youngens?  Check back with us, girl.  We would love to hear from you.


HI Everyone!!

Long Time since I have been here-but want you guys to know that I have been thinking of you-I pray that all of you have a blessed New Year. We had a wonderful Christmas and the Lord really blessed us--I am now getting things geared back up for the rest of our School Year and also getting things ready for our son Zacharys 5th Birthday..He will be 5 on Sunday--He has an order in for  a Car Cake and a Big Big Truck! lol
I have talked with Meika a few times and She wished everyone well..
I hope that all of you are well-and I will try and keep up..

Hugs in Jesus
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct thy paths.

Lee Kirkwood

Marilyn And Chris............

Marylin, no wonder you were depressed. You mean to actually say you would put......."hog jowls, black eye peas and hot dogs and cornbread, okra, turnip greens, kale, mustard greens, Swiss chard, collard greens, and other stuff too"; in your poor stomach?

Chris......Don't believe her, I wouldn't touch any of that horrible sounding stuff ;D

Marilyn.......I have just the answer for your depression........You don't watch football ;D  NOthing like a good game to cheer one up.  

Lee Kirkwood


Vivian has a magnet sign on the fridge that says "I'm allergic to food, everytime I eat I break out in fat".

Lee Kirkwood

Jeanne Lee........

When we lived in Studio City, California we lived in the hills above Universal Studios.  Our next door neighbor was a writer in the film industry and one of his good friends was John Wayne.  John gave Vernon a case of personalized (His own label) wine.  Vernon knew how I loved John Wayne, so he gave me three of the  bottles.  I wouldn't break the seal for ten thousand dollars.


Hi Everyone...

I haven't been in long.  We had a lovely time with the family.  I'll read the posts from today in the morning.

I do see though that we have a new member!

Let's all welcome her warmly!

Here's a link for our new topic...


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"