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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

New Every Morning ~ January 9

Started by Iain, January 09, 2004, 05:06:33 AM

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Pat - Dear sis take it easy. I thought that I might get Mr Spurgeon to ulift us with some of his wisdom. Here goes:-

The Increase of Faith

HOW CAN WE OBTAIN an increase of faith? This is a very earnest question to many. They say they want to believe, but cannot. A great deal of nonsense is talked upon this subject. Let us be strictly practical in our dealing with it.

Common sense is as much needed in religion as anywhere else. "What am I to do in order to believe?" One who was asked the best way to do a certain simple act, replied that the best way to do it was to do it at once.

We waste time in discussing methods when the action is simple. The shortest way to believe is to believe. If the Holy Spirit has made you candid, you will believe as soon as truth is set before you. You will believe it because it is true.

The gospel command is clear; "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." It is idle to evade this by questions and quibbles. The order is plain; let it be obeyed.

But still, if you have difficulty, take it before God in prayer. Tell the great Father exactly what it is that puzzles you, and beg Him by His Holy Spirit to solve the question.

If I cannot believe a statement in a book, I am glad to inquire of the author what he means by it; and if he is a true man his explanation will satisfy me; much more will the divine explanation of the hard points of Scripture satisfy the heart of the true seeker.

The Lord is willing to make himself known; go to Him and see if it is not so. Repair at once to your closet, and cry, "O Holy Spirit, lead me into the truth! What I know not, teach Thou me."

Furthermore, if faith seems difficult, it is possible that God the Holy Spirit will enable you to believe if you hear very frequently and earnestly that which you are commanded to believe. We believe many things because we have heard them so often.

Do you not find it so in common life, that if you hear a thing fifty times a day, at last you come to believe it? Some men have come to believe very unlikely statements by this process, and therefore I do not wonder that the good Spirit often blesses the method of often hearing the truth, and uses it to work faith concerning that which is to be believed. It is written, "Faith cometh by hearing"; therefore hear often.

If I earnestly and attentively hear the gospel, one of these days I shall find myself believing that which I hear, through the blessed operation of the Spirit of God upon my mind.

Only mind you hear the gospel, and do not distract your mind with either hearing or reading that which is designed to stagger you.

If that, however, should seem poor advice, I would add next, consider the testimony of others. The Samaritans believed because of what the woman told them concerning Jesus.

Many of our beliefs arise out of the testimony of others. I believe that there is such a country as Japan; I never saw it, and yet I believe that there is such a place because others have been there. I believe that I shall die; I have never died, but a great many have done so whom I once knew, and therefore I have a conviction that I shall die also.

The testimony of many convinces me of that fact.

Listen, then, to those who tell you how they were saved, how they were pardoned, how they were changed in character. If you will look into the matter you will find that somebody just like yourself has been saved.

If you have been a thief, you will find that a thief rejoiced to wash away his sin in the fountain of Christ's blood. If unhappily you have been unchaste, you will find that men and women who have fallen in that way have been cleansed and changed.

If you are in despair, you have only to get among God's people, and inquire a little, and you will discover that some of the saints have been equally in despair at times and they will be pleased to tell you how the Lord delivered them.

As you listen to one after another of those who have tried the word of God, and proved it, the divine Spirit will lead you to believe.

Have you not heard of the African who was told by the missionary that water sometimes became so hard that a man could walk on it? He declared that he believed a great many things the missionary had told him; but he would never believe that.

When he came to England it came to pass that one frosty day he saw the river frozen, but he would not venture on it. He knew that it was a deep river, and he felt certain that he would be drowned if he ventured upon it.

He could not be induced to walk the frozen water till his friend and many others went upon it; then he was persuaded, and trusted himself where others had safely ventured.

So, while you see others believe in the Lamb of God, and notice their joy and peace, you will yourself be gently led to believe. The experience of others is one of God's ways of helping us to faith. You have either to believe in Jesus or die; there is no hope for you but in Him.

A better plan is this--note the authority upon which you are commanded to believe, and this will greatly help you to faith. The authority is not mine, or you might well reject it.

But you are commanded to believe upon the authority of God himself. He bids you believe in Jesus Christ, and you must not refuse to obey your Maker. The foreman of a certain works had often heard the gospel, but he was troubled with the fear that he might not come to Christ.

His good master one day sent a card around to the works--"Come to my house immediately after work." The foreman appeared at his master's door, and the master came out, and said somewhat roughly, "What do you want, John, troubling me at this time?

Work is done, what right have you here?" "Sir," said he, "I had a card from you saying that I was to come after work." "Do you mean to say that merely because you had a card from me you are to come up to my house and call me out after business hours?"

"Well, Sir," replied the foreman, "I do not understand you, but it seems to me that, as you sent for me, I had a right to come." "Come in, John," said his master, "I have another message that I want to read to you," and he sat down and read these words: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

"Do you think after such a message from Christ that you can be wrong in coming to him?" The poor man saw it all at once, and believed in the Lord Jesus unto eternal life, because he perceived that he had good warrant and authority for believing.

So have you, poor soul! You have good authority for coming to Christ, for the Lord himself bids you trust Him.

If that does not breed faith in you, think over what it is that you have to believe--that the Lord Jesus Christ suffered in the place and stead of sinners, and is able to save all who trust Him.

Why, this is the most blessed fact that ever men were told to believe; the most suitable, the most comforting, the most divine truth that was ever set before mortal minds. I advise you to think much upon it, and search out the grace and love which it contains.

Study the four Evangelists, study Paul's epistles, and then see if the message is not such a credible one that you are forced to believe it.

If that does not do, then think upon the person of Jesus Christ--think of who He is, and what He did, and where He is, and what He is. How can you doubt Him? It is cruelty to distrust the ever truthful Jesus.

He has done nothing to deserve distrust; on the contrary, it should be easy to rely upon Him. Why crucify Him anew by unbelief? Is not this crowning Him with thorns again, and spitting upon Him again? What! is He not to be trusted?

What worse insult did the soldiers pour upon Him than this? They made Him a martyr; but you make Him a liar--this is worse by far. Do not ask how can I believe? But answer another question--How can you disbelieve?

If none of these things avail, then there is something wrong about you altogether, and my last word is, submit yourself to God! Prejudice or pride is at the bottom of this unbelief.

May the Spirit of God take away your enmity and make you yield. You are a rebel, a proud rebel, and that is why you do not believe your God. Give up your rebellion; throw down your weapons; yield at discretion, surrender to your King.

I believe that never did a soul throw up its hands in self-despair, and cry, "Lord, I yield," but what faith became easy to it before long. It is because you still have a quarrel with God, and resolve to have your own will and your own way, that therefore you cannot believe.

"How can ye believe," said Christ, "that have honour one of another?" Proud self creates unbelief. Submit, O man. Yield to your God, and then shall you sweetly believe in your Saviour.

May the Holy Ghost now work secretly but effectually with you, and bring you at this very moment to believe in the Lord Jesus! Amen.

May the peace of God rest in your soul this day and always and may His blessed Spirit abide within you and may Jesus be the Altogether Lovely One accopanying you on life's journey.

With love

Your brother in Christ



Good Morning to you All 11.06 AM in Holland

I had just something writen but then i can not post now i must make a new start

IAIN thank for the devotional this morning very good.

ETTA SUE i am sad to hear that you have arthritis i am
praying for you.

JENNY you are early this morning i was also at 6.00AM
wake up but i have had a cup tea and i am going back to my bed.

MIEKA are you back and staying in America?

This is the last day from my son's hollidays monday
he must back to his work. It is always nice when he is home but he must work again.


Lord, be my daily guide upon the journey.
Help me find Your purpose
for my life in the everyday.
Let me catch a glimpse of Your glory
in the commonplace.
Make me wise enough
to treasure the here and now
as i trust the future to You.

I wish you all a nice and a Blessed day
Bye love Ria




           A BAKER





 :) :)  I have been 'out-of-touch' with my Christian sisters & brothers.  Mostly I have been spending the early morning with my Bible and prayer.  I miss it when I cannot find the time to get here.  I like Karmat's idea of praying for each other here;  putting each of us in our loving, caring Savior's hands for His mercy and grace so undeserved for each one of us.  He knows our needs and answers our prayers.  What a wonderful way to keep each other before the LORD.  

I've been working late again..but hopefully, this will begin to slow down.  

Etta Sue, I do pray your arthritis begins to calm down.  What an awful thing to have to contend with every day.  Your posts are meaningful to me.

God bless each of you today.   love,  kathy :)
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


It's entirely too quiet in here...


Hey, guys and gals.  I hope all of you have a great day.

I survived open heart surgery.... :)

Check out my blog at


Good Morning Thank you Brother Iain for the words of Charles Spurgeon this morning.

No work for me today so I am getting the final thengs done around the house before I go to the hospital. Laundry, cleaning etc.

I also got the fabric out for making a quilt during my recovery time. I wqill set the sewing machine up too. Even lifting it up in the cabinet it is in will  be too much for me after I get home.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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It looks to be a slow start on the posts here for the day.  I have much to do, but wanted to stop in and say "HOWDY!!"

Thanks, Jeanne and Karma, for the report on those little girls!  Praise God!

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is.
                                ~~Francis Bacon
My book Rising Above available at


Janet  ;)

I like it....thanks Mr. Bacon!

Love you sis,
Jenny X

joyce robson

Oh, Iian what perfect timing your posting was .

I have been meditating on a message about the time we spend with the LORD and this fit right in.

Seconds are precious because they are a creation and a gift of God.

How we use even these small time increments makes a difference.

Since our heavenly Father has a plan for each life—that we live it for His purpose and His will—then we must consider how we spend not just years, months, and days, but even minutes and seconds. And the time to decide is now, before any more of your life passes by.

Understanding the value of each moment, the apostle Paul urges us, "Be careful how you walk . . . making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:15-16). In essence, he is instructing us, "Take advantage of every opportunity God gives you—don't waste your time!" Let Jesus be your role model for keeping a balanced schedule—

This message made me wonder last night just what did I do with my time today to honor HIS name.

I got up, cleaned the house HE provided, went to work (where HE is in total charge) helped my son --restoring his faith--helped my mom with her health problems and then went to rest.

In my prayers, I prayed that I did what I could to honor HIS name but did I do enough;

Oh, well, today I will do better and each and every day thereafter that HE gives me;; I will strive to honor HIS name more and more.

Maybe , just maybe, some one will see and draw from my love for HIM;

maybe they will see my hunger and thirst for HIM is being satisfied by the words of the daily readings in the Bible and

maybe they will see how I still have all the trials and problems associated in this earthly body and in this earthly world around us and they will see the peace and comfort that only HE can give to me that reaches full beyond human understanding.

I am just one little person but I pray that I can help some one by the knowledge of how HIS love for me has made me grow stronger and stronger in my faith.

Love in Christ,


Etta Sue

What a lovely morning.  Ivalou came over about 15 minutes after I got up today.  We talked and solved all the world's problems over coffee.   ::) ::) ::)

Also we are going to a Retirement Party this evening.  It will be fun.

It is dark and cloudy here today...only 21°F.  Cold!  Plus I got my gas tank filled for the furnace.  My, $6.57 a day to heat this place.  I am wondering what it would have cost without the insulation blown in the attic and new windows!!  I have no idea how to cut the cost other than a new furnace.

Thank you everyone for the comments about my arm .  Marilyn, hon!  Sounds like you are having similar pain.  I am praying that it isn't arthritis for you, too!  My arm doesn't hurt as bad today or maybe I am getting used to it.  I hope not!  

"The secret to dealing successfully with a child is to not be its parent."

Etta Sue

Chris & Margit Saunders

Subj: Insight for Leaders  
Date: 1/9/04 5:01:11 AM GMT Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

January 9    

Personal Life: Meditate Long and Often

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on
the work of Your hands, I spread out my hands to You; my soul longs
for You like a thirsty land.  
--Psalm 143:5-6

Among Christians of all ages and of varying shades of doctrinal
emphasis there has been fairly full agreement on one thing: They
all believed that it was important that the Christian with serious
spiritual aspirations should learn to meditate long and often on

Let a Christian insist upon rising above the poor average of
current religious experience and he will soon come up against the
need to know God Himself as the ultimate goal of all Christian
doctrine. Let him seek to explore the sacred wonders of the Triune
Godhead and he will discover that sustained and intelligently
directed meditation on the Person of God is imperative. To know
God well he must think on Him unceasingly. Nothing that man has
discovered about himself or God has revealed any short cut to pure
spirituality. It is still free, but tremendously costly.  That
Incredible Christian, 135.

"Slow me down, Lord, and quiet my heart this morning. Favor me
with an acute awareness of Your presence as I meditate quietly for
the next several minutes. I want to know You, God, so I can indeed
move well beyond that 'poor average of current religious
experience.' Amen."

joyce robson

Great post, Chris.

Need the meditation time today.

Thanks for the reminder to slow down.

Love in Christ,

Chris & Margit Saunders

There's Just Something About That Name

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus;
There's just something about that name!
Master, Savior, Jesus,
Like the fragrance after the rain;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Let all heaven and earth proclaim;
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
But there's something about that name!


Sitting here with my cup of tea and some toast. Went to my regular doctor this morning and she thinks that I have  one or two of the thoracic vertabra aout and the nerve is pinched. Prescribed Flexoril to relax the muscle I am going to see if I can get Sarah to massage out the knot. I was told not to spend so much time on the computer so I better do just that.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Chris & Margit Saunders

               "Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice,
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice."

Hope is one of our greatest gifts from God,
Remember, those who lose hope, lose everything.

"Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and Godly, in this present age.
Looking for the blessed hope, and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ."
Titus ch 2 v 12-13


Thanks Septimus and thanks Chris

Now I have the sore throat back again...still what's a sore throat between brethren..

Had a lovely sing song..I don't feel tired now and it's bedtime...It's that man again....Chris!

Good night dear ones.
God Bless.

Lee Kirkwood


A very long read this morning, but a worthy one.  While I was reading your devotional I kept thinking that "The demons believe, and they shudder".  I've been taught to stay away from bringing anyone to the Lord through "Easy believeism".  There's a very fine line here, because the world is trying to attract numbers of people to the church by playing to the world's needs.  I recently read where a pastor (I know) who was speaking with another rather popular pastor.  The popular pastor was asked if he taught against sin to those who were new to his church, and did he exercise church discipline?  He replied, "No way, I make them comfortable, and the congregation comes around them in love and friendship".  The other pastor asked: "At what time during their attendance to you introduce the dreadness of their sin and when they must confess their sins?"  The popular pastor replied that it usually takes from a year and a half to two years before they are ready to come to grips with sin.  If I were to disclose the pastors name everyone would be surprised.  This so-called "Friendly pastor" may have a congregation full of believers in Christ, but then, they are in the same camp as the "Demons".  You Iain, presented an excellent exegesis (Devotional) on belief and sin.   Salvation only comes with a brokeness and absolute contrite heart from having been such a sinner in the sight of God.  Simply stated, when man recognizes he cannot save himself from his wretchedness, he confesses those sins to the only one who can forgive him.  Thus, he becomes a true believer in Christ, and a citizen of heaven.  A church full of believers, but not confessors, are a doomed body of people.  We are not asked to "Get on the bandwagon".  We're asked to get in the boat and set sail to any port He so chooses us to go.  So THANKS for your long post, it contained meat.

Lee Kirkwood


Amen to your post on "Hope".  There actually are pastors who teach falsely that we can lose that "Hope".  Praise God, it is imposible for a true Christian to lose his/her "Hope".


I hope it is all right to ask a question here.  The term "easy believism" has been mentioned a few times in here, and that's a new one to me.  Just exactly what is meant by it?  From the discussion, I gather it must mean believing without repentance of sins---is that right?  If so, I don't understand how it can be called believing at all!  We must first be drawn by the Holy Spirit, and convicted of our sins---then we repent of those sins, and accept the sacrifice of Jesus in atonement for those sins.  THEN and only then are we a believer.

So would one of you who use the term please tell me if I am understanding you or not?  I really want to know! Thanks so much. :)
My book Rising Above available at


I received this in the email today and was asked to post it here on CP

 At the prodding of my friends, I am writing this story.
My name  Mildred Hondorf. I am a former elementary school mu sic teacher from
        Des Moines, Iowa. I've always supplemented my income by
teaching  piano
lessons-something I've done for over 30 years. Over the years I found
that children have many levels of musical ability. I've  ever had the
pleasure of having a prodigy though I have taught so talented  students.
However I've also had my share of what I call "musical challenged"
pupils. One such student was Robby. Robby was 11 years
old when his mother (a single Mom) dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I
prefer that students (especially boys!) begin at an  earlier age, which
explained to Robby. But Robby said that it had always been his mother's
dream to hear him  play the piano. So I took him as a student. Well, Robby
began with his  piano lessons and from the beginning I thought it was a
hopeless  endeavor. As much as Robby tried, he lacked the sense of tone and
basic rhythm  needed to excel. But he dutifully reviewed his scales
and some  elementary pieces that I require all my students to
learn. Over the months he tried and tried while I listened and
cringed and tried to encourage him. At the end of each weekly lesson
he'd always say, "My mom's going to hear me play someday." But it
seemed hopeless  He just did not have any inborn ability. I only knew his
mother from a distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in her aged
car to pick  him up. She always waved and smiled but never stopped in. Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons.  I thought about calling him but assumed because of his  lack of  ability  that he had decided to pursue something else. I also was glad that he stopped coming. He was a bad advertisement for my teaching!
Several weeks later I mailed to the student's homes a flyer on the
upcoming recital. To my surprise Robby (who received a flyer) asked me if he could be in the recital. I told him that the
recital was for  current pupils and because he had dropped out he really
did not qualify. He said that his mother had been sick and unable to take
 him to piano lessons but he was still practicing. "Miss Hondorf . .  I've just got  to
play!" he insisted.   I don't know what led me to allow him to play in the
recital. Maybe it  was his persistence or maybe it was something inside of
me saying that  it would be all right. The night for the recital came.
The high school  gymnasium was packed with parents, friends and
relatives. I put Robby up last in the program before I was to come up and thank
all the students and play a finishing piece. I thought that any damage he
would do would come at the end of the program and I could always
salvage his poor  performance through my "curtain closer."
Well, the recital went off without a hitch. The students had been
practicing and it showed. Then Robby came up on stage.
His clothes  were  wrinkled and his hair looked like he'd run an eggbeater through it.
"Why  didn't he dress up like the other students?" I thought.
"Why didn't  his  mother at least make him comb his hair for this special
Robby pulled out the piano bench and he began. I was surprised when he
announced that he had chosen Mozart's Concerto #21 in C Major. I was not
prepared for what I heard next. His fingers were light on the keys,
the even danced nimbly on the ivories. He went from pianissimo
to  fortissimo. From allegro to virtuoso. His suspended chords
that Mozart  demands were Magnificent! Never had I heard Mozart played so well by
people his age.
After six and a half minutes he ended in a grand crescendo and
everyone  was on their feet in wild applause
Overcome and in tears I ran up on stage and put my arms around Robby
in  joy. "I've never heard you play like that Robby! How'd you do it? "
Through the microphone Robby explained: "Well Miss Hondorf
remember I told you my Mom was sick? Well, actually she had
cancer and
passed away this morning. And well . . she was born deaf so tonight  was the first time she ever heard me play. I wanted to make
it "special."
There wasn't a dry eye in the house that evening. The people from
Social Services led Robby from the stage to be placedinto
foster care,  noticed that even their eyes were red and puffy and I
thought to myself how much richer my life had been for taking Robby as my
pupil.  No, I've never had a prodigy but that night I became prodigy. . . of  Robby's. He was the teacher and I was the pupil For it
is he that taught  me the meaning of perseverance and love and believing it yourself and maybe even taking a chance in someone and you don't know
why. Robby was killed in the senseless bombing of the Alfred
P. Murrah
 Federal Building in Oklahoma City in April of 1995.  
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Jeanne Lee

The latest weather report from the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains:  5:30 A.M. -20F, -28C.  8:45 P.M. (now) -23F, -30C!!!!!!
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Build My Mansion
(Next door to Jesus)

(Click to hear music]

Luke 23:34
"Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them,
for they do not know what they are doing'."

Words and Music by Dottie Rambo

I have no castles, no earthly kingdom,
But my cabin will do 'til I get home.
My mansion's yonder on the hills of Glory.
Oh, I hope my mansion sits near God's throne.

Build my mansion next door to Jesus,
And tell the angels I'm coming home.
It doesn't matter who lives around me
Just so my mansion sits near the throne.

My mother's mansion may be close by me
Across the golden avenue.
She was the first one to teach me of Heaven
And the very first one, Lord, to tell me about You.

Build my mansion next door to Jesus,
And tell the angels I'm coming home.
It doesn't matter who lives around me
Just so my mansion sits near God's throne.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

Marilyn, I don't know how I missed the story about Robbie before.  Now I'm drying my eyes as I get ready to shut down and get ready for bed.  
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"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"