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Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Al Moak on December 22, 2004, 11:26:28 PM

Title: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Al Moak on December 22, 2004, 11:26:28 PM

The Greatest Gift[/color]

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Morning Devotional...

He Has Come

"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder.  And His Name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end."

Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, this prophecy announced His coming and His qualifications.  He was born - He came as an ordinary babe, relegated to a mere manger.  But yet He was also "given" - His origin was Heaven and He came as the greatest of all the gifts of God's love.  He is God.  He is Man.  And yes, He came to die for our sins, but we need so much to remember that He also came to rise from death to rule the Kingdom He took from the clutches of Satan to be His own holy people.  The "governent" - the rule - of His holy, rescued people was to be in His blessed hands.  Eventually, also at His hands, all evil will be banished from this universe, and He will be seen to be King of kings and Lord of lords, and He shall reign forever and ever. 

Oh dear saints of God!  He is now present by His Spirit to be your "wonderful Counselor!"  Wisdom that leads to eternal life comes from Him and from knowing Him!  It will indeed be seen that, even in His earthly humiliation He was and is the mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.  Oh come and bow before Him now, and let "the increase of His government and peace" know no end in your life!  As you think about His advent here, remember Him as "mighty God, everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace!"  Worship Him, not only as Babe in Bethlehem, but also as your God and the Lord of your life!


Al Moak

Joy To The World[/u]

Joy to the world! the Lord is come:
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
and heav'n and nature sing,
and heav'n and nature sing, and heav'n and nature sing.

Joy to the earth!  the Savior reigns:
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy!

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love, and wonders, and wonders of His love.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Pat on December 22, 2004, 11:33:09 PM

Quote from: tolovemoon on December 22, 2004, 08:46:58 PM

Just stopped by to say Merry Christmas!

And God Bless! Peace!

Kids are a handfull right now so I am on the run ;)

Thanks so much for your greeting!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Ruthie on December 22, 2004, 11:44:42 PM
Hi Pat:

Guess I got on before you locked the door.   I found out how to correct my computer & hope I don't have any more trouble.   The snow is still falling.  Looks like a bad storm is coming tonight and tomorrow.  This will make it bad for people travelling out of town.  It looks great though.  I will try and take some pictures of the outside.   God bless.

Love Ruthie
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Sonifo on December 22, 2004, 11:56:50 PM


Evening folks!

It has been a long cold day.  It has been snowing all day here.  I also it is snowing in Dallas or did anyway.  That is wonderful. 

Troy has been spending most his time at the pool getting ready for his next swim meet.

Zachery has been dizzy this past few days.  Not sure what is wrong with him.

Lila Mae is being her usual skunk self. hehehe

Chandraya has been practicing her writing. 

Mike is still playing Santa. hehehe..

I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I better get to bed. 
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Sue on December 23, 2004, 01:11:50 AM
Hi Mieka!  I'm so glad you're back!

And now I must get to bed.  Tomorrow's weather is not supposed to be nice, so must get some sleep before an early start to work.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Bob is okay on December 23, 2004, 02:01:56 AM
Evening folks, in another 2 minutes, (about) it will be the next day, Thursday.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on December 23, 2004, 07:08:42 AM
Good morning, our snow doesn't look as bad as they had predicted. Hope we can go down to Atlanta today as planned.

Y'all have a good day.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Carrie on December 23, 2004, 08:39:07 AM
Hello Everyone
Wow, we sure are getting quite a dump of snow here.  It will no doubt be a white Christmas!!  I am leaving for Guelph tomorrow night after church so hopefully the roads are all cleared by then.  Most of my kids I watch are not even here yet.  I assume everyone around here will be a little late today!  I still have some last minute shopping to do also.  Don't really want to go out at all in this weather.  I guess that's what I get for waiting until the day before Christmas Eve.
Anyway you all a very safe and happy Christmas!
Bless you all,
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on December 23, 2004, 08:41:57 AM
ecember 23   

Trials and Pain: Happiness is Not the Goal

You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this
life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 
--2 Timothy 2:3-4

That we are born to be happy is scarcely questioned by anyone. No
one bothers to prove that fallen men have any moral right to
happiness, or that they are in the long run any better off happy.
The only question before the house is how to get the most happiness
out of life. Almost all popular books and plays assume that personal
happiness is the legitimate end of the dramatic human struggle.

Now I submit that the whole hectic scramble after happiness is an
evil as certainly as is the scramble after money or fame or

How far wrong all this is will be discovered easily by the simple
act of reading the New Testament through once with meditation. There
the emphasis is not upon happiness but upon holiness. God is more
concerned with the state of people's hearts than with the state of
their feelings. Undoubtedly the will of God brings final happiness
to those who obey, but the most important matter is not how happy we
are but how holy. The soldier does not seek to be happy in the field;
he seeks rather to get the fighting over with, to win the war and get
back home to his loved ones. There he may enjoy himself to the full;
but while the war is on his most pressing job is to be a good
soldier, to acquit himself like a man, regardless of how he feels. 
Of God and Men, pp. 48-49

"Oh Lord, redirect my focus. Help me today to be a 'good soldier of
Jesus Christ.' Amen."

You are receiving this recurring mailing because you subscribed to
the daily Tozer devotionals from Literature Ministries International.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Carol on December 23, 2004, 09:20:18 AM
QuoteI am leaving for Guelph tomorrow night after church
Wishing you a safe trip!

Chris:  Interesting note on the pursuit of Happiness from your post -  We all want Happiness for our children, friends and yes - we seek it for ourselves , yet, I feel that the highest form of Happiness, for me, is when I am able to do something for someone else.  So many people think that if they buy this one thing - they will be Happier.  It is like the neighbor who goes out to buy something similar but larger and more expensive, the people who buy a scraper house (isn't that a disgusting realtor term) and build something much larger.  I am only thinking of this because of what is happening around a little lake here - apparently a regular very nice house is not enough and they buy a place, demolish the house & build a Taj Mahah in their quest for happiness. 
A very interesting post and I am going to reread it once more. 

Carol [/size]
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Marilyn on December 23, 2004, 09:26:33 AM
QuoteWishing you a safe trip!

Chris:  Interesting note on the pursuit of Happiness from your post -  We all want Happiness for our children, friends and yes - we seek it for ourselves , yet, I feel that the highest form of Happiness, for me, is when I am able to do something for someone else.  So many people think that if they buy this one thing - they will be Happier.  It is like the neighbor who goes out to buy something similar but larger and more expensive, the people who buy a scraper house (isn't that a disgusting realtor term) and build something much larger.  I am only thinking of this because of what is happening around a little lake here - apparently a regular very nice house is not enough and they buy a place, demolish the house & build a Taj Mahah in their quest for happiness. 
A very interesting post and I am going to reread it once more. 

Carol I have copied you post and enlarged it for you.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Marilyn on December 23, 2004, 09:30:30 AM
Good Morning, How nice to have two wonderful devotionals this morning. thank you Bro. al and Bro Chris.

Chris I don't thank you often enough for the nuggets of wisdom I get from your posts. Thank you my Scottish Brother.

I have finished my baking and today I will prepare the soup for tomorrows dinner. things always taste better the next day when the flavors have had the time to 'marry' together. I will post the recipes for the cake and the pie in the kitchen later.

Have a great and blessed day.

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: WinterRose on December 23, 2004, 09:47:39 AM
( Good Morning All ... Well, it's been snowing & blowing here in OHIO since last night & we have our share of SNOW for sure !!  If your going to ask how do I enjoy COUNTRY LIFE ... well except for the fact that we do not have a SNOW FENCE UP it makes for a lot of snow !!  I hope that the digital camera will work later this afternoon & then I can get some pictures to share with everyone so stay tune !!

Well, not much news ... except I want to wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas & A Safe one too. If your getting out & traveling take your time & get there late instead of in the ditch some place.  So, I'll do my best to stop by later on so take care & thanks so much for making me feel really welcome here !!

Warm Hugs & Love & Blessings too,
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Janet on December 23, 2004, 10:11:39 AM
Greetings from cold and snowy Kansas!  I just watched the weather on TV, and it seems the entire central and eastern parts of the US, and up into Canada, are getting loads of the white stuff.  We have only about 2 inches so far, but it makes me happy that Beth's appointment was postponed and I do not have to drive her to Liberal today, because it is very icy under the snow.  Any of you who has to get out on the roads, please be very careful!

We slept in until 8 this morning!  Yes!  And it felt great, too.  Abby slept until 8:30, and now she is ready for breakfast.  She has the eggs cracked and scrambled and is calling for me to turn on the fire under the skillet!  So I will be back in a while.

Are any of you as "OFFENDED' as I about the efforts to remove Christ from Christ-mas??  >:(
Even to the point of not allowing Christmas trees in some schools, not saying "Merry Christmas" and not allowing Nativity sets in some places?  GRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Back later!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Al Moak on December 23, 2004, 10:49:03 AM
Janet - it's time the majority ruled in this country, is it not?  Why do we let minorities get away with so much?  Why not some (un)civil disobedience?
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: nards656 on December 23, 2004, 11:01:11 AM
Quote from: Janet on December 23, 2004, 10:11:39 AM
Are any of you as "OFFENDED' as I about the efforts to remove Christ from Christ-mas??  >:(
Even to the point of not allowing Christmas trees in some schools, not saying "Merry Christmas" and not allowing Nativity sets in some places?  GRRRRRRRR!!!!!

I'm very disappointed by it as well, Janet, but there is one thing I always think of - A large percentage of the people who are working hard to remove Christ from Christmas are not Christians.  In one sense, what can we expect? 

It's difficult to swallow this, but once the issue is brought to a court or to a law official by an offended party, regardless of the beliefs of the court or the official, they cannot impose them on the situation.  They must apply the law, and often the law isn't friendly to the Christian beliefs.  It is not friendly to the Christian beliefs because it has been influenced strongly by non-Christians.  Legal precedents cannot be established as supporting Christianity, so most legal officials are frightened terribly of even ALLOWING Christian expression.   

The situation is HUGE, even bigger than most of us realize.  Yes, we are appropriately offended by it, but we still don't realize how serious it is.  The ONLY religious belief suffering from this bias is Christianity.  ALL other religions are accepted as being "culturally based."  Students from India can express Hinduism, Jews can observe Hannukah, Muslims can observe Ramadan, but Christians cannot express themselves about Christianity.  Believe me when I say that this is indeed an affirmation that Christianity is the ONLY TRUE way to God.  Why do I say that?  Well, Satan has obviously attacked it, while leaving the others alone, so isn't that a logical conclusion, since Satan doesn't fight himself?

Yes, Janet, I'm with you.  I'm offended, but my offense is more sadness.  The sadness is that the Christian church in America has become so regressive that we are really a minority.  It is also that we've not been able to effectively evangelize our coutnry to keep it focused on God.  While I don't BLAME any particular person, I think it is so sad that Satan has so effectively crippled Christianity with division, doctrine, and spiritual apathy that we are no longer effective evangelists for Christ.  The battle is for the souls of men, but Satan has deceived us into believing that the enemy is those with whom we disagree.  He has left us with the lie that it is up to US to whip our country into shape based on the supposed morals and beliefs of the founding fathers.  He has left us with the lie that praying specifically for the salvation of our leaders is hopeless.  He has left us with the lie that prayer really doesn't work.  He is now scaring us into silence.  He has convinced us that a nativity scene is really the issue.  He has made us believe that we will be safe if we can fight off men marrying men.  (I'm avoiding a particular term to hopefully protect us from bad Google ads). 

We, as Christians, are in the same boat as a doctor treating symptoms.  We fight here, we fight there.  But somehow, there's a core problem.  The core problem, in my opinion, is that American citizens, as a whole, do not have a personal relationship with God.  Whether it's from atheism or from lack of devotion, that's the core problem.  Until we focus our hearts on God and on Jesus Christ, we will only be fighting outbreaks of sin.  Will we ever defeat sin?  I, personally, have not even defeated it in my own life, so I'm pretty sure I can't keep a ghetto gangster in LA from sinning.  BUT, Jesus has defeated it.  He fights with me.  The only hope for the ghetto gangster is for Jesus Christ to be in his heart and pull him out of a life of sin.  Sure, I can be an instrument, and I should be, but I can't do it myself. 

Pray.  Before all else fails, pray.  When all else fails, pray.  After all else fails, pray. 
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Janet on December 23, 2004, 11:34:30 AM
WOW, Nards!  You have certainly hit the nail square on the head!  Yes, I, too, feel a deep sadness over the situation.  And Al, I make my protest known in my own small way by giving a lot more "Merry Christmas!" greetings, and a lot more "God bless yous" for small kindnesses and courtesies extended me or ones in my company.

But I agree that this is a spiritual battle, and will only be won in prayer and witnessing.  Our time is short, we must be about the Master's business.  If we want our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren to grow up in a FREE America, the America we know and love, we cannot be silent; we cannot fail to act in whatever way available to us.

Al, I appreciate the words in your devotional this morning, thank you.

And now------I must go make some pie crusts!  ;D

I have been working on Thailand photos, have a big batch ready to upload and post after Christmas when maybe some of you will have time to look at them.  Thanks, Al, for looking at the last ones!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Sonifo on December 23, 2004, 12:09:47 PM
It bugs me that Christ is being taken not only out of Christmas, but out of everything, but I try not to let it eat at me.  Seems like things will be coming to an end real soon. 

It is soooooo cold outside.  -7 degrees!  BRRRRRSSS...

I have a photo shoot at 2:00 today.  A 5 month old and the parents.

I'll be back later.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Etta Sue on December 23, 2004, 12:20:49 PM

Good morning!!!  I am in for the duration.  Above is what happened around here while I was sleeping.  The snowplows have been through on my road but my driveway is packed with about 2-3 feet of snow.  Glad I don't have any place I have to be today except inside!!!

This is what I saw when I opened the inside door this morning.  The storm door was frosted over.


It is pretty, isn't it?

Quote from: Pat Scott on December 22, 2004, 02:04:19 PM

Click on the Quote button, Etta Sue just at the top of the person's post that you want to quote.

And if the quote that appears in the posting box is longer that you wanted to quote, just delete what you don't want but make sure that the codes are still there that the software puts in.

I find that the quote text is so small so I click on the Font Size button and it puts in size 10pt and I can read that better in the text that is being quoted.

As soon as I read the above.....well, I remember that but I had forgotten.  I have done that but it went over the top of my head at that time.  (This stuff of getting old is getting scary!)

It is bright and sunny here....only 16°F and not to get much higher today.  BUT it is suppose to get very windy this afternoon which means all the roads will have to be cleared again.  Right now that isn't a problem.  All those guys running the snowplows are like kids with a new toy.  Come February and March is when you wait for your road to be plowed out.   ::)

'Christmas Love:  He came to pay a debt He didn't owe because we owed a debt we couldn't pay."

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: WinterRose on December 23, 2004, 12:28:04 PM
OH MY GIRLFRIEND ... I hope to get some pictures today too. We have lots of drifts all over the place here on our land so ... pictures for the TBEAR will come really soon ... Stay warm ETTA SUE !!

Back later !!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Al Moak on December 23, 2004, 12:52:57 PM
I don't mean it as mere flattery, but I hope, bro. Nards, that you know how greatly I esteem you and the wisdom our God has given you.  However, as you can well imagine, that will not result in my agreement with you on everything! 

Have you ever recited the pledge of allegiance?  Did you mean what you said?  If so, then you thereby pledged yourself in allegiance to the nation created by the Constitution.  You did so, as you do everything in life, before God, and He is therefore witness to your allegiance to the nation (including its flag, its laws, its territorial integrity, etc., etc.) He's given you.  If you were drafted, you would report, and you would fight at the behest of your nation.  Not only so, but allegiance to what this nation stands for must include the constitutional declaration of a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."  The inclusion of each of us in the phrase "by the people" may not be questioned by those who meaningfully recite the pledge, and we are therefore included in the ranks of those who ought to defend the rest of that document, as well as all those lesser laws that have devolved from it.  That defense, in order to be Christian, obviously needs to be peaceful as far as possible.  But it also needs to be deliberate and emphatic.  I believe this includes both civil and uncivil disobedience in the face of unconstitutional incursions against the rights of citizens.  I believe that when anyone requires us to avoid prayer in public places, we ought to nevertheless pray.  I believe that when it is required that a plaque containing the Ten Commandments be removed that we should take arms and prevent its removal.  I believe that it's time for Christians who have meaningfully recited the pledge to defend the constitution and all it stands for.  I don't believe that all its defense depends upon me, but I do believe that my allegiance, before God as my witness, must be real, and that it must be active, whatever sacrifice that may entail.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Marilyn on December 23, 2004, 01:15:04 PM
Janet and Al I am even offended when I see someone write XMAS on a card. I saw that on the news about using Seasons Greeting or Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. That and taking all religious holidays out. Not just the Christian views but even taking Channakah, Kwanza and Ramadan holidays out too since they all celebrate God in some way.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Pat on December 23, 2004, 01:18:08 PM

Al, if you are still online, you should leave your Yahoo Chat on and I could talk to you.  LOL

I never turn mine off and on.

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Larry Hanna on December 23, 2004, 01:22:44 PM
Hi everyone.  Just back from Calvin Cove.  The director asked that I come at 11 and we sang until about noon.  They were having a pot luck luncheon with the families of the adult day-care attendees.  This gave them time to get ready for the lunch.  There must have been at least 40 people present including some small grandchildren.  This will be the last day for Calvin Cove until after the new year.

We had a call from our grandson this morning.  He had returned from basic and advanced training of 22 weeks for the National Guard just last Saturday.  He told us that his unit has been called up to go to Iraq and he will be leaving on January 3rd.  They will first have more training and then be shipped to Iraq.  He will get to spend about 2 weeks with his wife and the new baby.  We are planning on seeing him next week and seeing the new great grandson. 

Janet, Nards, and Al, I basically agree with what you have said.  Just a few minutes ago I was watching Fox News as I ate a sandwich and the upcoming report was on the attacks on Christians all over the world.  They said things are worse in other places, especially Europe now.  I never thought I would see the day when Christ would be deliberately removed from Christmas.  I was shocked a few days ago when I went to purchase some Christmas cards at how difficult it was to find a card that even had the word Christmas on it, much less a religious theme.  I refused to purchase any that didn't say Christmas.  I also think that Sonja is on target and that we are definitely living in the last days. 

Etta Sue, Tbear (and you others with the snow)  BRRRR!!  We have a cold wind and had heavy rain all night but are not predicted to have any snow.  It is suppose to get a lot colder.  It looks like it will be a white Christmas over a lot of North America.

Janet, glad you didn't have to go to Liberal today.  I know that Abby will be keeping you busy and your heart joyful.

Marilyn, are you having your Christmas family time on Christmas Eve?  That used to be our family tradition as my sister and brother-in-law would then have Christmas on Christmas Day with his family.  Now we are pretty flexible and with no little ones to bring that special anticipation we are more laid back.  We will have our family time late Christmas afternoon.

Think I feel a nap coming on.  Hope everyone stays nice and warm today.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Janet on December 23, 2004, 02:08:47 PM
Marilyn, I have to disagree with you when you say that Ramadan celebrates God.  It does not, rather it celebrates something about Allah, who is NOT God.  IMHO, of course.  ;)

Abby and I just made five pie crusts.  That took a little longer because of her help. ;)  You don't think about how many steps are needed in doing something like that, until you are teaching someone else how to do it.  We didn't make too big a mess, and now it's all cleaned up.

Mom called and said they are having a Christmas party at the care home at 3:00 and she wants Abby there because she has a gift for her.  So I must hurry and get some mats cut, feed Abby some lunch, go find a gift for Great-Grandma for Abby to give her, buy some little frames at Alco..........and all before 3!  So I'd best get after it!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: WinterRose on December 23, 2004, 02:30:43 PM

Hello Friends ... I am finally here to post some pictures they might not say much about just how much snow we got ... but I am sure that if I were to drive around I would be able to get some more pictures but for now ... here is what I have to share !!

# 1 -
( this is looking out my patio door to the backyard - our 5 acres of land )

# 2 -
( this was taken looking out the front door across the street at the field - the pole is usually full of lights but it's off right now )

# 3 -
( this is another one looking out the front door )

So ... as you can see we did not get that much but I'm sure that in time we will get lots of snow & I'll have more pictures to share with all of you !!

My wish to all of you is to stay safe if you have to get out & drive any place so ... take care & I'll be back again soon !!


PS: Janet -- thanks again for the wonderful postcard that you sent !!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Liz on December 23, 2004, 02:39:38 PM
Good morning from our soggy little island.  I am stopping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope that all stay safe and well during the holidays.

Yes, it is sad that Jesus has been forgotten and been replaced by a mindless celebration of glitter and gifts.  I wrote this little poem many years ago and believe also posted it here.  Think it is still very much part of the current happenings:


                         How strange that people put on such a show
                         To celebrate the birth os someone they
                            don't know.
                         The stores are gaily decked and manger scenes
                          Displayed, by folks who scoff at Christ, yet
                            celebrate His day;
                          Does a potent, mystical power, permeate the
                          Christmas air, filling the hearts of mankind
                            with an urgent need to share?
                          Will God touch the world in this season
                          Of joyless mirth, that all might seek
                             the reason for this humble birth.
                           HE WALKS AMOUNG US STILL ...


Merry Christmas to all and always remember, God is very much in control.



Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Marilyn on December 23, 2004, 05:14:26 PM
Janet I added Ramadan because Allah IS God to the Muslims so it does have something to do with a religion.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: nards656 on December 23, 2004, 05:25:05 PM
Al - thanks for the kind preface to your statements :)

I honestly think I agree with what you are saying 100%.  That said, this cold has made my mind a little muddy and I might be missing your point entirely!! :)

I think we're just kind of looking at the same telephone pole from two slightly different angles and seeing two different "yard sale" signs, to be honest.  I think you are on target that we need to be vocal, visible, and very much so.  My point is that being vocal and visible without being in a good relationship with God or without praying specifically for the salvation of the people we "struggle against", we are only doing a small portion of what I personally believe Christ wants.  

Many people would stand in a picket line at an abortion clinic and never pray for the doctor inside.  There are probably those who would pray for harm to come to him.  Personally, I don't see that as Christlike.  I don't mean that as hurtful, I just believe that we should strive to be "above" the "man against man" conflict that such an attitude can bring.  

I support the 10 commandments in public places, but I don't support the attitude that they are "cultural" and "historical" and thus they should stay.  I believe they should stay because I believe that our laws should be based on God's laws.  I don't think we should make some concession and convisnce ourselves that they are not connected to God.  If we prayed for and witnessed to the atheists who want them taken down, the demands would (at least in theory) not be there for them to be taken down.  

As Christians, I believe we've fallen into a trap of trying to preserve Christianity for its historical and cultural value rather than its true message of salvation.  Thus, we've started fighting the enemy on our own, rather than letting the "battle be the Lord's".  We are indeed soldiers, and we need to fight, but we don't need to take it upon our own selves to fight the battle without properly allowing God to do what God needs to do.  

I'm all for taking a stand.  Let's take it, and let's take it publicly.  I just think we also need to make sure we are taking it in the true spirit of Jesus.  

Any less confusing?  :)
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Janet on December 23, 2004, 05:52:19 PM
Marilyn, just one more comment.  I guess I don't understand what you're saying at all; because I have seen NO evidence whatsoever of any other religion than Christianity being under attack!  No, it is all right to display the symbols of any other religion openly and that is protected.  Satan is only out to destroy all evidence of this country having been founded upon God's Word.  If you have seen or read of any Muslims having any of their freedoms curtailed (or any of the others you mentioned) I would be interested in hearing about it.  Satan isn't concerned about them because they pose no threat to his kingdom, only Christ and His followers are a threat to him.  And all of this is said in Christian love.

Abby and I went to the care home for the party.  At the end, the lady who was playing the guitar and singing asked the kids to come up and help her, and Abby and two or three others did.  They sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."  Cute!  Santa came in and gave each resident a gift.  Mom's was lotion and powder.

Beth made it through her MRI okay today.  She and John are staying in and watching Christmas movies now.  It is snowing again and the streets in town are treacherous!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on December 23, 2004, 06:16:19 PM
Remember this important point folks, read all the new testament, and you will find that  our Saviour never, ever got irritable!
He knew the hearts of all men and also new that his kingdom was not of this world, ok?
Love bears all things, love is not provoked.
Fix your eyes on Him and let the world battle away,
the anvil wears out the hammers, not the other way around!
love Chris. :D
PS, yes you are correct Carol, if only people would realise the great blessings that come through giving,it is far more blessed to give than to receive.
Marilyn , thank you sister for your kind words, much appreciated.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Al Moak on December 23, 2004, 06:46:52 PM
Well, now we are in 100 percent agreement, Nards.  I believe we should indeed take a stand in many incidences - while praying for and loving those who force us to do so.  I do believe it's time to call our fellow citizens attention to the fact that guaranteed freedom of religion is not freedom from religion.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Judy McKenna on December 23, 2004, 08:04:49 PM
Hello, my dear friends:

I've put in a call to Pat to see if she could delete the post by this so-called "new member". There is no answer at her house, however, I did leave a message.

We had a terrific snow storm in Guelph today.  I was thankful that I didn't have to go out.  I trust that all are well, .  I am praying for many of you today!

- Judy M.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: WinterRose on December 23, 2004, 08:14:39 PM
I pray that Pat gets the message ... WOW if she were LOCAL ... I would leave one too !!  But I am not so I will pray that she will see it and BAND them fast !!  Well, Judy Merry Christmas wishes and see you again soon !!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Marilyn on December 23, 2004, 08:27:37 PM
I guess It is time for me to stop trying to defend other religions with kind words about them. From now on I will not comment and will stay off the soap box and let everyone else say what is on their mind without adding my two cents. I love you all. I am not leaving you. Just being cautious with my words from now on. The "other religions" are just as fervent about theirs as we Christians are about ours. Although they don't say nice things about us, In my opinion we should still say nice things about them and pray for them to see the TRUTH.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Pat on December 23, 2004, 09:12:24 PM

Well, Satan is alive and well.

I was told the other day that if Satan is really bothering us, then we must be doing something right for the Lord!

So, we're starting to get these undesirable members registering.

PLEASE don't welcome them and if they get a chance to post before Larry Hanna or I can do something about them, please, please, please click on the button at the bottom of their post that says "Report to Moderator".  That will send an email to Larry and I immediately.

Also, will you PLEASE copy their complete post with their user name and put it into a PM and send it to Larry and I?

That way we can ban them with accuracy.

Thanks everyone and please pray for Christian Photographers and the Admin Team!  I don't know how I'd get along without them.

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Marilyn on December 23, 2004, 10:20:05 PM
I just heard on  a TV program that the Muslims also believe in the resurrection.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: karmat on December 23, 2004, 11:16:48 PM
Marilyn, I appreciate your effort at wanting to love those of other religious persuasions.  That is what Christ has called us to do.  But, in what I am reading you writing about, (and please, please forgive me if I am wrong) is that in a nutshell all religions are equal.  All (okay, maybe not all, but the "major" ones) are worshipping "God" and are as fervent about it as Christians.  (Frankly, some of them are more fervent than Christians).

We do need to love those of other religious affiliations.  There is no questions about that.  Just as I am to love those of a different color from me, a different nationality, a different lifestyle.  That does not mean that I have to embrace what they believe and think that it is equal to my own.

I would really like to know the source of the TV show you were watching.  I find it very difficult to grasp that Muslims believe in the resurrection when they don't acknowledge Jesus as the son of God.  If you are truly believing in the resurrection, it is going to change your mind about Jesus whether you want it to or not.

Several months ago, I ran across an online Koran, or a site that was explaining some Muslim beliefs.  One thing, we as Christians need to know is that Islam considers us infidels.  There is no way around it.  If you are not Muslim, you are an infidel.  I won't go into the teachings about what to do with infidels.

God and Allah are not one and the same.  (still from the site).  The only people that seem to be claiming that are secular humanists and Christians trying to reconciles some things.  Muslims will not claim it.  Why?  The Koran says that Allah is one, and he has no sons.  None.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.  If God and Allah are one in the same, how does one have a son (Jesus Christ) and the other doesn't?  To say they are the same takes Jesus out of the equation.  Taking Jesus out of the equation is what started this discussion in the first place. :-P

Back to Karma (no longer referencing what she read on the site) --  There is one religion that I know of where the followers are commanded to love those that hate you, and pray for those that persecute you.  One.  None other.  That fact alone singles it out.  Superior?  Not the best word, as it connotates pride, when in fact, it should humble us to know that our Savior loved the Roman soldiers driving the nails; the Jewish leaders screaming for his death; the homosexual I know claiming He doesn't exist and if He does, He doesn't matter; the politician using his pull to remove Christ from everything; and me.  And me.  A Christian.  Not perfect, but I believe who He said He was/is, and what He did. 

Having kind words about people of other religions is fine.  I think it is how we should believe and act.  To defend other religions, especially those that have NO acknowledgement of Jesus Christ is wrong, I think.

Marilyn, again, I think it is great that you have the heart for people that you do.  No buts.  You love people, and it shows.  It shows in ways I wish I could. 

As far as fervency -- being fervent doesn't make it right.  And you are right, we should be about loving them to the truth. 

If we were as fervent about Loving people as we are about our personal opinions, imagine the differences we could make.  <karmat swallows that last pill hard!>

I lvoe you Marilyn, and all you contribute to this site.  Please don't think this a personal attack on you.  It is not.  You just brought up some points that I grappled with not long ago, and wanted to share my opinion. 
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Skief on December 23, 2004, 11:31:20 PM
QUESTION FOR YOU MUSIC PEOPLE:  I've got a song that has been ringing through my head the past several years, but in all honesty, only the first line of the song comes to me, I want to find the full song, but can't....   The line I remember is...

"In the month of December on the 25th day, we observe a holy celebration..."   

Now with that small amount of information and the wisdom of all of you, can you help me get the rest of the song and who sang it???

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Skief on December 23, 2004, 11:47:44 PM
OK, found the lyrics, but now have to see if I can find the song tune... or who sings it... nope, found it 
It is on the album Christmas with the New Christy Minstrels now to see if I can find it available online to purchase just that song...

Sing Hosanna, Hallelujah
In the month of December on the 25th day,
we observe a holy celebration;
And with joyful hearts deck the halls in bright array,
and we sing in praise and adoration . . .
Sing Hosanna, Hallelujah!

On the eve of the Christmas then we gather 'round the fire,   
and we tell that story sweet and tender;
And we raise our glasses of the mulled winter wine, 
with a toast to the season and its splendor.
Sing Hosanna, Hallelujah!

On the morning of Christmas when we joyfully rise, 
and wake the children from their slumber;
'Tis a glad sight to see old Saint Nicholas in their eyes, 
and we're grateful for blessings without number.
Sing Hosanna, Hallelujah!

The joy our children share, 
spreads Christmas everywhere;
'Tis a glad sight to see old Saint Nicholas in their eyes, 
and we're grateful for blessings without number.
Sing Hosanna, Hallelujah!

When the Yule log is burning and the feast is on its way, 
then it's come friends and family together;
And with joyful spirits hitch old Dobbin to the sleigh, 
and we'll glide through snowy winter weather.
Sing Hosanna, Hallelujah!

In the month of December on the 25th day, 
we observe a holy celebration;
Giving thanks for a Christmas in the same old-fashioned way, 
and we sing in praise and adoration.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . . . 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . . .

Giving thanks this day, in the same old-fashioned way.
Sing Hosanna, Hallelujah!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 23
Post by: Pat on December 24, 2004, 12:16:29 AM

Mike I've never heard that song I don't think.  Nice words.

Now it's time to put Etta Sue's cat out (YIKES!!  Out in this cold, Etta Sue?)