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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

New Every Morning~June 17

Started by Pat, June 17, 2003, 12:17:33 AM

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Morning Devotional...

The Shepherd's Psalm~Part (i)

What do you think is the most loved portion of Holy Scripture? It may well be that great Gospel verse "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16). Thousands of children over the centuries have learned it at their mother's knee. I know I did and so did my children. What a wonderful statement it is. Many people down through the ages, since the Lord Jesus spoke these words, have received the peace and joy of eternal life through realizing their truth.

Perhaps one day I shall write an article on this grand old theme. But not today. Instead I want us to focus our attention on another great passage of scripture, almost as well loved, and dear to many since David, the shepherd king, was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write its lovely words. The portion of the scripture to which I refer is, as you will probably have guessed from my title, the twenty-third Psalm:

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

A jewel is best appreciated in all its sparkling beauty when it is viewed against the setting chosen for it by a skilled artisan. This brilliant gem is no different in this respect although more precious than all the world's lovely stones. What then is the setting chosen for this rare and beautiful rock of divine comfort? Well on the one side we have a prophetic picture of the Shepherd on the cross. See for example, Psalm 22:16-18. This is indeed an example of crucifixion written long before the awful death of crucifixion was invented by wicked minds. On the other side in Psalm 24, we are given a view of our Lord Jesus Christ Our Great Shepherd in His present glory and coming kingdom.

An old Irish preacher, James Irvine of Newcastle, Co. Down, used to explain it this way... "In Psalm 22, we see the Shepherd on the cross dying for His sheep. In Psalm 23, we have the Shepherd with His crook in his hand defending His sheep while in Psalm 24 we have the Shepherd with the crown on His head ruling His kingdom."

There is one who died for His people and now lives to reign eternally on the throne of the universe and I can call Him "My Shepherd". Is there anything more lovely, more comforting, more reassuring than this? If we bear this in mind as we study the depths and delights of the "beloved Psalm", its intrinsic value will be appreciated more and more.

Let us first look at the Person of the Shepherd.
Who is He, what is His character and what are His attributes? This world and the universe of which it forms a part had a beginning somewhere in the ancient past. This Shepherd of whom the Psalm speaks, entered this world of beginnings, yet He had no beginning. John's gospel, chapter 1 tells us that in the beginning was the Word. That is, when everything that had a beginning, began, He already existed. He goes on to inform us that the Word was God and was with God and then, Oh glorious truth, we learn that "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:14).

Mary was given the inestimable privilege of becoming the virgin mother of the humanity of our Lord, but in His eternal being as deity, He had no mother, no birth, no beginning. He always was and is the second person of the Godhead. He is also "My Shepherd." He is and always has been absolute in holiness, unlimited in knowledge, power and glory. Yet if we are of His flock, we can say with full confidence, "The Lord is My Shepherd."

When our Lord walked upon the green hills of Israel in the days of His flesh, He said, "I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep." (John 10:14). This is why it is so appropriate that the Shepherd Psalm is placed directly after a Psalm which prophesied the awful events of Mount Calvary.

You see, my dear friends, we cannot claim the wonderful blessings of the Shepherd Psalm unless, we have trusted Him in His life-giving death and are thereby counted among His sheep. The words of the Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in John's Gospel, 10:26-30 are very important.

"But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. I and My Father are one."

Have you believed in Him as your personal Saviour and Lord? He does not call on us to place our faith in anyone other than Himself. He does not tell us to hope in the apostles or any other persons, no matter how holy, blessed and exalted they may be. It is He who has loved us unto death. It is He who has borne our sins and carried our sorrows. It is only He who saves us from sin and to such as trust the good Shepherd, He gives eternal life, and they shall never perish.

Even if there were no other blessing to be found in Christ, this by itself would be wonderful news for sinners. Yet there are a multitude of blessings in store for all who come to Him for salvation from the penalty and the power of sin.

Many years ago, Thomas Kelly wrote a fine hymn which very nicely expresses the wonderful work that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished in His role as "The Good Shepherd."

We'll sing of the Shepherd that died,
That died for the sake of the flock;
His love to the utmost was tried,
But firmly endured as a rock.
When blood from a victim must flow,
This Shepherd, by pity, was led
To stand between us and the foe,
And willingly die in our stead.

Our song then for ever should be
Of the Shepherd who gave Himself thus;
No subject's so glorious as He,
No theme's so affecting to us.

We'll sing of such subjects alone,
None other our tongues shall employ,
Till fully His love becomes known
In yonder bright regions of joy.

Can you honestly say, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" for time and for eternity?

God willing we will continue our study in Psalm 23 next week as we examine some of the blessings we can experience in Him on life's path.

Jack Scott loved his Lord! He passed away on January 10, 2001 after a lengthy illness.
He is missed greatly by his family.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Al Moak

Wuddaya mean, Marilyn - where's Al.  Al is right here.  That's where he always is.  He's always here if he isn't there.  Actually, I was at our leadership team meeting at the church.  We had a nice long prayer time.  But it's time to quit now.

Judy McKenna

Oh dear... I just knew this would happen.  Tossing, turning, turned radio on., (TV hasn't anything of interest that I can find) :-[... radio at least has some soothing "Candlelight and Wine music) that I often put on, and normally it puts me to sleep. :-* :-X

Betcha Norm is asleep at the clinic, and I'm awake; ::) :-[ missing him. (remind me NEVER to complain of hs snoring, Pat....lol)., at least I would know he here beside me. :( :-*

You never know how massive and empty a queen bed is until you are made to sleep alone! :'( :-X :-\

Even little Rags keeps jumping off the bed, goes to the door looking for his Daddy.  These little guys are smarter than we give them credit for. :-\

I've tried everything to get to sleep; Serax, Tylenol, can't find a Gravol, or I'd pop that one too. :P

Maybe thats enough pill-popping for one night, do ya think so? ??? ??? :-[

I DO want to wake up this mornning. ;)

I should have put this into the "Have you Prayed about it" forum. ..SORRY!! (and way before 2:AM which iss about what it is now.

soooo, I'll toddle off AGAIN!. :( :(

Thanks for letting me "let off steam". :-[

"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Pat - only someone who walked side by side with the Good shepherd could have written such a beautiful devotion.


Here are some of my thoughts this morning:-

'Lord I believe; help thou mine unbelief.' Mark 9: 24

This must be one of the most honest and sincere petitions I have ever heard. The father of the boy sought nothing for himself, rather with an aching heart of love, he pleaded earnestly with the Lord to heal his child. 'Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.'

I am persuaded that I also must have such sincerity in my heart before I ask the Lord for anything. It is the easiest thing in the world to spout off our 'wish lists' as we pray each morning. Asking for things that we definitely want but do not necessarily need. 'My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.'

All too often we confuse our needs with our wants and there is a huge difference. Are we disappointed when our requests are not met? Do we then think that our Lord has turned His back on us? Do we feel forsaken, alone and frightened? Do we murmur and complain because things are not going our way? Do we act like spoilt children?

As parents we love our children and we want the best for them. We have prayed for them since they were in the womb. We long for their salvation and we dread illness or pain. In such cases we would rather suffer in their place instead of watching them.

We know how to clothe them and we know what food is best for them. We also know how to instruct them, how to advise against evil and how to share the Good News. All we want is the best for our children. Does God not want the same for His children? Remember, His love is perfect; ours is not!

It is good to meditate at the end of each day. Think on what requests we have made before God. Rejoice in those that have been granted and question those that have not. It will not be long before we realise that much of what has not been granted has been because it was a 'want' and not a 'need.' This in turn will encourage us to be more specific in our petitions.

There are however special times of prayer. Times of urgency and of fervour. Often I have found myself on my knees beside my bed at three or four in the morning praying for someone. They may never find out but it is something that must be done. I have learned not to refuse such promptings.

There have been times, when having met with the friend I had been praying for on such a date, and having asked if anything was wrong, and being told, 'no not that I can remember!' It is never a mistake to go on our knees before God!

I am thankful when I can simply leave such cases in the Hands of God. I do not know what a person may need, but my God does and He can meet their need better than I can. I have often been burdened for Pastors both locally and nationally. They will never know the time that others spend on their knees for them, yet hopefully their listeners will reap what we have sown in tears.

There are also times my friends when after much pleading with God and endless waiting that without warning the door we so desperately wanted open, slams in our face. These times are hard to bear and difficult to understand. We must however learn to put our Amen to everything that our God does for us.

God loves to meet His children's needs. His storehouse is full, all we have to do is ask and if we believe then it shall be given us. If however we are fearful due to weak or little faith, then plead the same prayer as this man, 'Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief.'

Our faith will be tested from time to time, of that we can be sure. It may seem as though it is tested to the limit and even beyond, but fret not my friend it will never be extinguished or destroyed.

Faith is a gift from God. The Lord did not turn away from this man, nor did He rebuke his request. He answered it!

I'll close with this short story which hopefully highlights what I have been trying to explain:-

'I need oil,' said an ancient monk; so he planted an olive sapling. 'Lord,' he prayed, 'it needs rain that its tender roots may drink and swell. Send gentle showers.' And the Lord sent gentle showers. 'Lord,' prayed the monk, 'my tree needs sun. Send sun, I pray Thee.' And the sun shone, gilding the dripping clouds. 'Now frost, my Lord, to brace its tissues,' cried the monk. And behold, the little tree stood sparkling with frost, but at evening it died.

Then the monk sought the cell of a brother monk, and told his strange experience. 'I, too, planted a little tree,' he said, 'and see! It thrives well. But I entrust my tree to its God. He who made it knows better what it needs than a man like me. I laid no condition. I fixed not ways or means. 'Lord, send what it needs,' I prayed, 'storm or sunshine, wind rain or frost. Thou hast made it and Thou dost know.'


A new day and a new beginning!  :)
What inspiring devotionals each morning.
Jack certainly loved His Lord & Savior, sharing Him with others and encouraging them to let Him come into their lives.  
The verse that Iain posted was the one which I used over and over before finally giving my all to Jesus.  There were things that I just couldn't understand and trying to explain them was impossible...therefore, I prayed and prayed until He accepted me, doubts and all.  Then, a wonderful..amazing thing happened...I no longer had any doubts!  I knew Jesus was Lord!  I was so excited and hungry for His Word.  It is still a blessing to me as I try and get my dose early in the day before wor
I have found a book that was mentioned by Ruth Bell Graham as she has read daily all her life, and her mother before her.  It was first published in the  KJV in Great Britain in 1794 by Samuel Bagster. Mrs. Graham's dgtr, Anne Lotz, has updated it to the NKJV and I ordered it on-line.  The name is Daily Light and each morning and evening is a short
page full of different Scriptures on a single subject.  
A great addition for daily reading.
Too long here!  Have a blessed day.   kathy
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


Good morning to everyone:
PAT....great devotional...must be a real comfort to know that Jack walked with His God and is now in heaven free from pain and is living in glory.....

Good day to Iain, Judy,and Kathy this lovely morn....

Judy....you are in my prayers my dear friend...:)

blessings to all of you and keep focussing your thoughts on the Lord our God.


Good morning everyone.  Pat, the devotional this morning was definitely a needed reminder, at least in my life.  Thank you.

Judy-I have crutches at the moment.  But you can still pop by if you like.  Thank you for your thoughtful offer.  Hopefully, I won't need any support for too long, I have more soccer games to play!  Although I think my dad might ban soccer for me for a while lol.  I'm sorry to hear you're so lonely :(.  Like I said, pop over any time.  At least you can have some coffee and some chat.  We're praying for you.

Well, I'm off to hobble around at work today.  Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.  I only hope and do so for you in return.  God be with you all.  Jen.


Devotions keep getting better and better.  Thank  you!!!!

Etta Sue:  You are so good at PSP that you could teach it!

Judy B: I know the drive in Wyoming that you mentioned.  Did you ever turn south to Fort Collins?  We drove to Laramie from Cheyenne once when the temperature was minus 60 degrees and there were cars and trucks all over in the ditch.  It can be windy on that highway.  Your dip in the lake sounds relaxing.  



The sun is shining, the birds are singing, God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.  Everything IN the world is not right, but we can totally lean on, trust in and rely on our Savior for everything we need to live a victorious life even amidst all the junk surrounding us.

Thanks for the two great devotionals today.  I needed to be reminded of those things.  I am prone, all too often, to try to "fix" things, in my own strength, knowing full well that there is NOTHING I can do without the Lord.  Lord, I believe--help Thou my unbelief!  Amen.

Kathy!  You aren't a newbie anymore!!  You are now a Jr. Member, and soon you will be a full member, so keep on posting.  Your post really blessed me today.  And I LOVE your photo!  Lookin' good there, girl! :)

Judy Mc, I'm sorry you had a restless night, but Norm will be home tonight, and both of you should sleep like babies!  (Contented ones, not colicky ones!)  ;) :)

Tenderheart, thanks for your words today.  God bless you.

Mercychild, you are also a blessing here.  Hope you can put away those "sticks" soon and return to your usual activities!

Carol!  Good to see you here, too!  Have a great day!

Good morning, Al!

Howdy, Iain!

A friend of mine is coming at 10:00 to paint with me.  She wants to paint someone's homeplace on an old wooden ironing board.  It will be a good time to catch up on each other's lives, as we don't see each other often.

The muddy mess is slowly drying out.  Then we will have to assess the damage.  Ugh!  In my studio, I only lost one painting, a watercolor.  I'm sorry about that because I haven't done a lot of watercolors.  But I have to remind myself that stuff is only stuff. :-\  It doesn't behoove us to get too attached to our STUFF.

God bless all of you who come to CP today.  I will stop by late this afternoon after Marceil goes home.  
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Good Morning. I agree that the devotional are getting better and better. I woke up this morning with some tension in my neck and shoulders. I'm sure it will leave soon. Nice to see so many here already this morning.

So Al you are here even when you arent here, Are you a lurker? :o ::) ::) LOL

We I am going to read the rest of the forums and will reutrn  in a bit.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Wow, has God been generous with the rain here.  It rained hard for about an hour yesterday afternoon and then last night it rained another three inches.  More is predicted today and tomorrow.

Great devotionals again today Pat and Iain.  Certainly a lot of food for contemplation.

Marilyn, even before you move you have a potential job opening.  How exciting and it sounds like the type of job that would be goog for a person in our age range.  Hope that works out for you and it will if that is where God wants you.  

Judy, sorry to read that you didn't sleep well and hope that Norm's test went well.  Pat has done that test and so has my son.  Pat used a CPAP machine for a number of years but now just uses the Breathe Right strips and gets along well.  The air from the machine was causing a lot of problems with her eyes.

Janet, it sure sounds like you came home to a mess.  However, you are so right about "stuff" not being important.  Hope the cleanup job isn't too tough.

Jen, glad to see you are able to return to work today even if you have to hobble around.

It is good to see Al, Paulette, Carol, Kathy posting in today's thread, although know that some of the posts were last night (after my bedtime which was very early as I was exhausted yesterday).  I look forward to reading many additional postings here today

Al Moak

Marilyn -
Sometimes I am a lurker.
May I never be a shirker.
I'll say the things I can
I'm just that kind of man.

I'm glad to hear about the potential job.  May our Father give you wisdom in all these things and supply you with just what is best.


Al; good to see you posting I knew I could draw you out to say something  ;D ;D. If that job is the one that the Lord has for me it will still be open when I get there. Mr. Chapman said he would keep in touch with me and let me know. It is so wonderful of God to supply my every need. I have complete faith in Him. They are also hiring for maintenance and when I told Gilbert about it he said he could use a job because his business is real slow now. He did maintenence as a tee ager with me when worked for Public Storage in Stockton. I gave him the phone number and told him to call.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Quote from: Iain on June 17, 2003, 05:29:15 AM
Pat - only someone who walked side by side with the Good shepherd could have written such a beautiful devotion.

:'( :'( :'(


Good Morning Everyone...

I have a visitor here today--Rebecca!  That's her up on the top masthead.  I should try to get a "summery" one for the summer but guess it might cool some of us off to see the snow!  

It's so good to see you all posting.

I will try to get back a little later and comment to you all but right now, my computer must be fired up with the Bubble game for Rebecca!

Love you all,


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


It's almost noon in Ottawa, but ... good morning everyone!  It's a beautiful sunny, warm day here!  We need the sun and the warmth.



Carol.  No I have never gone to Fort Collins, I have seen the sign, but no.  I have been to the Flying J at Chyenne, and occasionally we would switch drivers at that point.  If I was still fresh I would keep going and switch later in the night.  The storm you were talking about would that have been the week before Christmas in 1998? We were stopped in Laramie overnight and all the roads were closed.  I have never seen so many wrecked trucks in one streach of road in my life!!!

Pat the passage on the Shepherd was really excellent.  It reminded me of a message Sam Tulloch gave when I was in my teens.

Judy I do so understand how you feel having Norm gone.  I have found a trick though that really helps me sleep.  I haven't decided if it is the Shepherd giving rest or the enemy puting me to sleep.  I use the time in bed to recite all the Bible passages that I know by memory.  In this I find I remember more,  my soul is at peace, and sleep comes.   Another thing I do is I start praying for my husband then all the kids, both adult and little, that moves from there to praying for out pastors and missionaries.  God honours this and I have seen God move in lives.  God gives me rest or the enemy who doesn't want me to pray, or repeat God's word puts me to sleep.  One benefit I have found is that I wake up rested.

Well folks another afternoon of mowing and no I won't get stuck today. :o LOL

Have a good day, and may God richly bless you!

Etta Sue

Judy ~ Like you, I was restless last night.  Reason being is that I had a heater in my bed called 'sunburn'.  I kicked off the covers and turned on the ceiling fan.  Still too hot.  But I finally got some sleep.  My back is still stinging this morning but my yard looks good and hope those nasty weeds die after spraying them.   ::)

Good morning to everyone.  I read all the posts but, again, didn't keep notes.  Just want you all to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jerry is here and we are going to Noblesville to order me some vertical blinds for my picture window and mail a package.  Maybe find something for lunch, too.  Other than that...a do nothing day!!!

"Sign on a fish market in Anaheim:  Our fish are so fresh you wanna smack 'em."

Papa John

Well, yesterday Cornelia had some symptoms similiar to those she had before her heart attack several years ago. We went to see the doctor and he set her up for a heart angiogram which she had this morning. They found significant blockage in two arteries and put in two stents. She is spending the night in the hospital. She is doing fine.

We are so happy she recognized the symptoms and we got this treatment and avoided another heart attack.  Our faith is in God who always knows what we need.

--- Papa John    ;D          <:))))><<

Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

<img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/US/TN/Nashville.gif" border=0
alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>


I hope everything goes well for Cornelia, and she's home soon.  


That's what I had done as well Cornelia. Hope and pray that you will make a full recovery and that you will see a big difference in your energy levels.


Praying for you both.



Papa John:  Thank the Lord that Cornelia had a warning and you knew what the warning signs meant.  Adding you two on the prayer list.  

Larry:  I am assuming that your daily drive must be exhausting and rainy roads are not helping - wishing you increased energy each and every day.

Judy:  We have gassed up at the Flying J in Cheyenne - they have great prices, well - all of Wyoming is the place to buy gas or diesel.  No, I am refering to either 1962 or 63 - I am old....:0)

Janet:  Thanks - but my day is going backwards.  I have been working on a quilt software program and lost my three days of work - so that is why I quit for a while and came in here to see what was happening.  Give me patience -

Marilyn:  You have tension - well, I can't imagine why?  Moving & those nasty landlords - plus other things.  

Mieka:  Hi - how is everything going?  You are so quiet after your trip.  Did you have a good time?  



Home from work now, HOT today 105. I can't wait to be where it is much much cooler, from what I've seen on my weatherbug it has been in the low 60's in Mckinleyville. Oh for the cool weather, I can deal with cold but not with HOT.

We started the Summer Reading Program for the kids at the library today with a show called Parots Alive. A man brought 4 Macaws to perform for the kids. There were as many adults as kids, it was great. I really enjoyed the program.

Well I am going to catch up on the reading here of all that has been added since I went to work today.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Well, my visitors have all gone home now.  We had a good day.  Poor Rebecca suffers from allergies so she wasn't in "picture taking" condition today so no photos were taken.

Now, I'm going to have a look at what posts have been made.

I must comment on your post Papa John.  I'm so glad that Cornelia recognized the symptoms as well.  Whewww...  What a lot of heart ache we are having among our members.  

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Papa John: I have added Cornelia to my prayer list. Praise God that she recognized the symptoms, and is going to be just fine now. That was some quick action by her doctors.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hi everyone -

Ms Carol - Mieka: Hi - how is everything going? You are so quiet after your trip. Did you have a good time?
Oh I did have such a wonderful time with my family. I love them all so much. I think I am quiet because it is a cry day for me today. I have no idea why I cry sometimes. I think everything is just so wonderful. So I cry.

Mr Papa John, I am SO sad to know about a problem for Mama John today. I hope everything will be ok for you both.

Hi Ms Ursula, I am Mieka.  ;D

Ms Janet,
today I learn what is a behoove. = to be necessary, proper, or advantageous for <it behooves us to go> what a funny word.  I thank you. Every day I learn more words from here, some are SO strange. I am SO sad to know of the mud that hurt your pictures. I hope everything will be ok soon ms Janet.  :-\

Ms Marilyn, I hope you will love your new home. I know you will.  :)

Ms McKenna Meika: Did you "shop 'til you dropped" while you were away? If so., tell us about your purchases.
Yes I did. I shop and shop and SHOP. But I do not often buy anything. I bought a postcard for my friend Indi in the New Orleans, and I got a ladybug for my plant in the garden house. I often like more to look at things than to buy them.

It seem there is a lot of troubles today with my friends here. I pray you will all find the good within the pain.


Yes Papa John You both are on my prayer list.

Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.  Jer 33:3

The telephone line to heaven

Well no getting stuck today. I had a good time hitting rocks John is going to be so impressed with having to sharpen the mower blades! 8)

John will be home tomorrow and I will have laundry to do. LOL ;D
Blessings Judy


For those of you who are on SeniorNet and happen to know Les Winship, I was just speaking to him and he's still in the cardiac ward in our hospital here and has to have triple bypass suregery maybe in about 10 days down in London.  This man has absolutely no interest in spiritual things.  Please pray with me that I may be able to witness to him.

This Thursday is the last computer class at the senior centre and he won't be there!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I see it has been a busy day here.

Papa John, I am so happy that Cornelia had the stents put in before having another heart attack.  Believe me, I relate to her experience as does Iain.  I know you will be glad to have her home tomorrow.  

Carol, my daughter has been driving me downtown and that helps.  I have been very tired and don't think it is wise to be driving on our Interstate highways when I am not feeling up to par.  She will be able to drive me until she starts back to school on July 7th.  I did not feel very good after the treatment yesterday and all morning.  However, after my treatment this afternoon I felt a lot better.  We all went out to eat this evening.

Mieka, that was a very creative posting.  You are right that the word "behooves" is a stange one.  The English language is not an easy one.

Judy, glad you didn't get stuck with the lawnmower again today.  It sounds like you enjoy doing the mowing.  

Etta Sue, sorry to read about your sunburn.  Hope it is better tomorrow.

Hi to Ursula, Marilyn and anyone else I haven't addressed today.  It is time to call it a day.  See you all tomorrow.