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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

New Every Morning~October 10

Started by Janet, October 09, 2006, 09:21:10 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

A Soldier Comes Home

He had compassion on them (Mark 6:34, NLT). 

Dear friends:

A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a friend I'd like to bring home with me."

"Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him."

"There's something you should know," the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."

"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."

"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."

"Son," said the father, "you don't know what you're asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own."

At that point the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a telephone call from the San Francisco Police Department. Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror, they also discovered something they didn't know: Their son had only one arm and one leg.

The parents in this story are like many people. They find it easy to love those who may be attractive or are fun to have around, but tend to not like people who inconvenience them or make them feel uncomfortable. They would rather stay away from people who aren't as healthy, beautiful, or smart as they are.

Thankfully, there's Someone who won't treat us that way, Someone who loves us with an unconditional love and who welcomes us into His forever family, regardless of how many wounds we may have from life's battles, and we are commanded to follow His example.

Yours for fulfilling the Great Commission each year until our Lord returns,

Bill Bright

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Janet, I've read that before, but it's still really good.  Can you imagine what happened in the hearts of those parents?   

I came to get some of Sue's dinner.  Sue, I like squash!  :) 



That is such a sad story, Janet.  It is true how people treat someone who is physically different.  Wendy can hardly walk and people are always staring at her.  She won't go to many places now, even tho' very attractive....

Sue, your dinner sounds good.  I do not use pie filling, use raw canned pumpkin.  Have put the recipe in the dessert spot....it is a old one that my Mom used to make and tastes good. :)

Time to call it a night.  Misty has my chair, so guess I will sit at the table and read for a time.  She has become very quick at taking over my spot!!

God Bless,



Morning All,
     I too have read that story and it is sad.

     This'll be short since my computer internet went the way of the dodo, it totally disappeared and now I get to figure out why.  So this is coming from my laptop. Weird that I have internet through the wireless router but not on the main computer that it's hooked into. Oh well.... ???

May everyone have a blessed day in our wonderful Savior and Lord! <3

Psa 18:2  Jehovah is my strength, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock; I will trust in Him; He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.

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Colin's Faith Inspirations
4 Given 2
Faith's Poems


Dear Friends,

I hope that this letter finds each of you doing well. I know that I've been an AWFUL FRIEND / PEN PAL via e mail but things have been very busy around here & if & when I do get on it's mainly to check e mail & hit a few places on the web & then get off line. But, I just wanted to drop a letter off to all of you & tell you what is new & to catch up on all that has been happening with us.

1st ~ As you remember back in December 2005 I was a basket case because my loving husband of 28 years was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease & well it's been almost 1 year since he found out & well the news on him is pretty good in some ways ... He went through a number of REMICADE TREATMENTS over the last 10 months & well he went to see his GI SPECIALIST { Gastor – Interoligist } * sorry about the spelling * well he told him that he NO LONGER needs to be going in for his REMICADE TREATMENTS which is a BIG BLESSINGS because they cost $ MEGA * BUCKS $ but the insurance company was picking up the TAB each & every time that he had one so that was a BIG SIGH of RELIEF. He is wanting him however to stay on his medication that he has been taking & so he will be going back in December to see him again for a 1 year CHECK UP & I pray that he tells us that he can stay AWAY from SURGERY. So, I have been really counting my blessings with this. So, please if you could keep him in prayer for the next couple of months & once he has this 1 YEAR CHECK UP ... I will update you on what has happen. 

2nd ~ My son who is still living at home has had a number of job interviews for as he has been looking into a BETTER PAYING JOB & well he had some good news come from one of them as he is working for a COMPANY out of MICHIGAN & works from home & we are pleased about that but ... they might HIRE HIM in after the 1st of the year ... which means MOVING AWAY from the NEST but I am sure that he will do fine on his own.

3rd ~ Let me see well my daughter celebrated her 18th BIRTHDAY this past month & so she had her 1st MIXED PARTY & good time was had by all. She received a lot of wonderful gifts from her classmates too. It's hard to believe that starting in NOVEMBER she will be taking DRIVING SCHOOL & so I'll soon have another driver on the road L Also busy time around here for her ... with COLLEGE DAYS which means only one thing ... she graduates in MAY 2007 so then L I'll have all of my kids done with school.

We took a mini vacation this year & it was a lot of fun too. We are hoping for a real vacation this next summer out east to visit my family & that should be a lot of fun too.

So, I am sure that your wondering about myself what have I been up too ... well sit back & take a read ...

Well ... I've been busy with helping out my loving husband with the basement as we really wanted to get it done so that our daughter could have her 18th birthday party down there with her friends & so we did get it done and she had her party and so my job right now is to finish decorating & fixing it up with some little touches hear and there but for the most part it is done.

I've also been helping out with the PRE – KINDERGARTEN CLASS in the mornings that I take KALYN into school & that is a lot of fun ... what exactly do I do you might ask ? Well, I have been putting names on papers, running papers off & this week I was able to fix up the bulletin board in the main hall as you come into school with some of the art work so that has been a lot of fun. This next week they will be starting program practice which I am sure that there teacher will not be needing my help so I will be doing some other jobs for some of the other teachers & I've also been cleaning the church building on Wednesday afternoons so that has been a lot of fun too.

If your wondering whatever happen to the JOBS that my daughter & I had at the restaurant in town ... Well things have been very SLOOOOOW & that means a lot of folks have either left ... been let go ... just have not been called back ... which in our case they tell us that we are still employed there but neither one of us have seen work in about 6½ months so I really do not think that we will be returning anytime soon which ... myself I'd rather find a better paying job.

Well my friends this has turned into more of a NOVEL then a letter so I think that you have a pretty much good idea of what has been happening at this end of the world with me so I do hope that you will all continue to keep us in prayer & also to know that I am still around & that I keep each of you in prayer ... each morning & night before going to bed so ... do let me hear from you when you get a chance.

So, if I am a MEMBER on your web site & you get this e mail please tell everyone hello & let them know that I am alive & well & hope to return sometime soon.

Until the next time ...
In Christian Love Always, Karen

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another beautiful day here in Georgia.  Just back from coffee and Pat and I have something to attend to later this morning.  After work hours this evening, the man who is replacing me as the webmaster for our church is coming over so I can brief him and turn over the reins.  Yesterday I prepared the documentation and a CD with some of the files I have saved on my computer.

TBear, nice to hear from you again.  It sounds like your household has been very busy.  Glad to read that your husband is doing well as is your family.  These young ones grow up quickly. 

Sue, your Thanksgiving dinner sounds good although there are a couple of items that are not on my favorite list.  It sounds like no one would have gone away hungry.

Jeannine, I believe the reason you have Internet on your laptop is that the Internet connectiion goes into the router and then you probably have an Ethernet connection to your laptop or a wireless card that works off the router.

Liz, glad to know I am not the only one who spoils their cat.  :)

Janet, that was a very touching devotional today.  I had not read that story before.  I have never tried a deep fried turkey although our son has or had one of those fryers.  I try to stay away from fried foods as much as possible.

Marilyn, certainly sorry to hear that Ruth broke her hip.  This seems to happen so often to older folks.  Thanks for your comment on my new photo.  That was taken in Denver in a group photo and I just cut out my portion.  It was time for a new picture.  I have missed where you are going on your trip. 

Etta Sue, I have watched Extreme Makeover a time or two but just didn't find it my "cup of tea".  Perhaps I haven't given it a chance.  I am glad you enjoy it and it certainly is a positive show.

Hope everyone has a nice day.

Ruth Ann, sorry to hear that your son has required another back surgery.  Sometimes it seems that once they start the surgery there is a series of such surgeries.  I hope this one will give him relief.  Those little ones can really tire us out when we are not used to being around them.

Nita, we don't have church services on Sunday evening either.  We do have Bible study on Wednesday evenings but no worship service as such then.

Etta Sue

Sounds like there is only one difference between Canada Thanksgivings and U.S. Thanksgiving....the couch potatoes watching football after the big dinner! 

And Sue, I like squash.  Mom used to make squash pie...about the same way as pumpkin pie and I liked it better than squash.  It was lighter...not as dense.  I remember we had a couple that used to drop in at supper time and Mom could never say no to them sitting down and eating.  Mom had fixed Squash pies...probably 6 of them because the oven held 6 pies!  The lady after eating the main course had a piece of squash pie.  Then she asked Mom if she could have another piece.  She ate the second piece.  Then Mom mentioned that it was squash and the lady jumped up and ran outdoors and everything she ate ended up on the ground.  Mom wasn't so pleasant to her after that.  Always told her exactly what she had to eat and if the woman didn't like it, she didn't eat it. 

Larry ~ Are you sporting a new profile photo?  If not, you are still a handsome man. 

Janet ~ What a sad story of the soldier.  Can't imagine my parents rejecting me for any reason whatsoever. 

TBear ~ Glad you found a second or two to drop in and tell us your busyness.  Come back often.

Jeannine ~ Routers are beyond my intelligence.  I don't have one and I don't know anything about them....except they seem to cause people problems at time.

Liz ~ Yes, raw pumpkin is the best.  Even store bought 'raw' pumpkin isn't as good as the pumpkin right from the vine.  Same with squash!

Nita ~ I wish everyone would email ABC and tell them to lower the background music on their TV shows.  It seems that there are several shows on ABC that I watch and the music drowns out what the people are saying.  I have especially noticed this on Extreme Makeover-Home Edition.  But I still love the show.  Ivalou doesn't watch it because she wants to see HOW they do everything...I told her it wasn't a design show but a feel-good show.  And yes, those two little boys were darling! 

Tonight is 'Beef and Boards' and we are going to see South Pacific.  Can't wait to 'Wash that Man Right Out of My Hair'!



iIonly have a few minutes before I lave for work but  here I am to say thanks to Janet for the Soldier story.

Thank you Larry for mentioning Ruth's broken hip. I know that we read these posts but sometimes it helps to mention it when someone asks for prayer. Not everyone does and  appreciate your doing so. I like the way you try to acknowledge everyone in your posts, that is so encouraging.

Liz I love pumpkin pie and Squash pie as well. I have made sweet potato pie and  my Grands didn't know the difference. My  DIL says "Oh it tastes like pumpkin." DUH.

Etta Sue I envy  your beautiful yard but I am so glad I don't have to mow it. I get plenty of exercise walking my mower around these two small yards.

Hi Tbear so good to see you posting here again. Thanks for bringing us up to date on your family.

Oops time for me to go. Sorry for leaving out anyone.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Thanks for the comments on the story of the young soldier.  As you saw, it is a Bill Bright devotional.  I had a hard time choosing between two I really liked, his and another.  Maybe I will use the other one next week.

I am having a really hard time keeping the email weeded out.  I get WAY too many!  Not personal ones, or even forwards from friends, but political ones, commercial ones, etc.  And I do subscribe to a spam filter, too.  Just takes too much of my valuable time!

Marilyn, I have heard it said many times that elderly people's hips break and then they fall.  I don't know, but for sure it could happen either way.  That is so sad, though, because the healing is slow at that age.

Karen (TBear) good to hear from you and catch up on your family's news.  Glad your husband is better.  Whenever I hear about Chrons (sp?) I always think of Soni's little Zachery.

Larry, I really like your new photo.  I do so want to meet you and Pat!

Etta Sue, I love South Pacific too.  Enjoy double for me, will you?  :)

Darrel gave me a scare yesterday with pain which closely resembled that he had last year before his second stent placement.  He finally took a nitro and it didn't help, so decided it wasn't his heart.  He is better today and I'm so thankful.

I am going to the ladies tea this afternoon at the care home to share about China.  Should be fun.

I must run, lots to do today before the tea at three!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


This is a bit long, but I know we all grieved with the Amish in the awful tragedy of the school murders.  This is a very good commentary on it, I think.

A Lesson from the Amish:
Choosing to Love changes Everything!
This is an excerpt from Craig R. Smith's excellent article.

Some call the Amish old-fashioned. They don't watch TV or listen to the radio. They don't fill their minds with the toxic waste coming from Hollywood. They work hard, love their families and love God. I think we all owe the Amish a collective sense of gratitude, for they have shown us this week what America could be if we shut off the iPods, turned off the TV, ignored the agenda-driven media and simply walked in light. They chose to love and not hate. I can only hope each member on Capitol Hill and across the nation heard the message coming from Pennsylvania this week.

The difference between being ordinary and extraordinary is simply a choice. A choice to be great is never easy and may take sacrifice, but that is why there are plenty of ordinary folks in America yet very few truly extraordinary.

This week America witnessed this principle in the most profound way. A group of peace-loving, hard-working, self-sufficient, faithful citizens laid to rest their precious children who were cut down in their early years at the hand of a man in Nickel Mines, Pa. We all know the story.

After the smoke settled and the reports started to pour forth, we watched as a group of extraordinary people responded to this tragedy as only extraordinary people would. They mourned and cried and then went about the grim task of hand digging the graves in which their children would soon be laid to rest. Afterwards they arranged, by meeting all the requirements of the state, to make the sorrowful trip to the coroner's office to take possession of the lifeless bodies so a funeral and subsequent burial could take place.

They drove their horse and buggies to the gravesites and buried their dead. Every last shovelful of dirt was gently placed on the coffin with the same care and attention as it was removed by the love of a father, brother or uncle. All the while the state offered transportation, counseling and various services in hopes of making this tragedy less burdensome. The response was "Thank you, but all we ask is for our privacy and your prayers".

To the Amish, I express my heartfelt sorrow and mourning for your loss. The nation grieves with you. But we also rejoice in knowing your faith proves to us all there is more than this life.[end excerpt]

Here at Laptop, our hearts bleed for the anguish these peace loving folks have endured and we have made the following observations:

The Amish didn't ask for handouts.

The Amish didn't ask for grief counselors.

The Amish didn't ask for money.

The Amish forgave their attacker.

The Amish showed America that one can live in the world without being of the world.

The Amish showed that no one is immune to evil.

The Amish proved that circumstances do not dictate responses!

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


 :coffee:Sipping coffee - I just put new handles on my sewing desk & do love the power screw driver!  Invented just for a klutzh like me. 

I have been reading a lot of C.S. Lewis & now want to find more of his writings.  Tomorrow night is our Spirituality & I believe about 40 people show up most of the time.  I can also go in the afternoon this week on Wed. for quilting - it is only tied quilts but they are made with love & tender hearts.  Also, an aging friend wants to get out of her assisted living home more & that would be a good thing for me to do - sometimes the needs are almost overwhelming.

Janet:  What a shocker to read that the Amish are not on television screaming for help & criticizing. 

Larry:  I really like your new picture.  You look younger. Good that you have a replacement for the church web site.  that takes a lot of time.

TBear:  It was really nice to read your note.  Your husband has a disease that we know a young woman who has the same & she is doing well - best wishes to him. 

Al Moak:  I know a place a Minnesota that celebrates Leif Erickkson (sp) for discovering this place first..... :D  Of course, he didn't hang around. 



Hi folks...

Well, I didn't get home till so very late last night from Janice's.  We had a wonderful time and my goodness what a dinner!  She had:

brussel sprouts
sweet potatoes
cranberry sauce

Then after a break in eating we had dessert:

apple pie
pumpkin pie
whipped cream

We were thoroughly fed!

Today, I took Norm McKenna down to Hamilton to see a specialist and it was a lovely drive through the countryside.  Home in time to make supper and now here I am!

Judy McKenna gets out of the hospital on Thursday I believe.

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Al Moak

Thank you Janet for that Amish story.  What a beautiful example!


Well, the ladies at the care home seemed to enjoy my presentation a lot.  I took some things we brought from China to show them, and also asked a couple of easy questions about what I had presented, and gave the ones who answered correctly a little prize, also things from China.

I think Beth is looking a lot better---her color has improved so much!

Pat, first you ate stuffing, and finally, you were stuffed!  ;)  That's the way it usually happens.

Tomorrow is my sweet husband's 69th birthday, and we are going to go to Garden City to celebrate by going to Home Depot (a man's paradise! ;))  He has been wanting to get over there for weeks now.  We will probably eat out somewhere, too.

Good to hear that Judy McKenna will soon be home, I know she and Norm will both be very happy about that.

I have to say that I do not think I could be as the Amish in that situation.  I'm afraid I would not be nearly so forgiving of such utter evil.  God bless them.

Tomorrow is swimming day!!  :fish: Seems almost a vacation after the other days' workouts.  :tiredtread:   :em:
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Time to lock the door on yet another day...


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