Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 12:50:00 AM

Title: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 12:50:00 AM


Morning Devotional...

Jeremiah 6:16
By the late Jack Scott

1.  Angels [/td]
[/td] [/table]

Angels, Angels, Angels. The ubiquitous angel. We find them in the Avon catalogue, in the jewellery shop window, and on the covers of glossy and not so glossy magazines. People claim to talk to angels, receive messages from angels and have angel companions. Many of those who pay great attention to the angelic hosts, oddly enough have little time for the Creator of angels or for His precious Word.

The reality of angels is not to be doubted. There are frequent references to them in the Bible. In fact, if you are interested in numbers, angels are mentioned 108 times in the Old Testament and 165 times in the New Testament. The writer to the Hebrews reminds Christians that "Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels." [/b](Hebrews 12:22).

Yes, indeed there are angels, but how did they come into existence, what is their function and what is their relationship to the Eternal Son of God?

David, King of Israel reminds us in Psalm 148 that God created all things in heaven and on earth. Verses 2 and 5 read as follows, "Praise ye Him, all His angels: praise ye Him all His hosts. Let them praise the name of the Lord; for He commanded and they were created."

Paul the Apostle assures us in Colossians 1 that this one who created all that "IS" was the Son of God. "For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible".[/b] (For the context, it is suggested that Colossians 1:12-19 be read).

These heavenly created beings have many tasks to perform, ranging from chanting the praises of the triune God to executing judgment on fallen angels and those among humankind who reject the saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  One of their principle activities is to minister to God's people. "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation?"[/b] (Hebrews 1:14)

Some people have tried to teach that Jesus Christ is an angelic being, the first created being and therefore the chief angel. Nothing could be further from the truth. The book of Hebrews in the New Testament (Hebrews 1:5-14) makes it very, very clear that while angels are created beings, the Son of God is the King Eternal uncreated and without beginning.

It is this same Jesus who became a man, lived a sinless life and has become the sacrifice for sin for all who will believe in Him. "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God." (Romans 3:25)

Just a word of warning: not all angels are good. There are fallen angels too. These are enemies of God and of the souls of humans. Those who feel that they receive guidance from angels need to be very careful. Should anyone, human or angelic point you to any other source other than Christ for salvation or direct you to take actions condemned in the word of God, flee from that being and turn quickly to Jesus Christ the Saviour of men.

"I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel which is not another: but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed." [/b](Galatians 2:6-9 New King James).

Jack Scott loved his Lord! He passed away on January 10, 2001 after a lengthy illness.
He is missed greatly by his family.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 12:51:37 AM


From Ruthie:


Please pray for LALMALSAWMA  a 21 year old medical student in Delhi, India.  Lalmalsawma has been very sick and the signs show he could have leukemia!   This young man has medical exams on Monday, Oct. 27/03.

I promised his father that we would all rally behind his son and lift him up before the Lord and ask for a healing.   Also ask God to help him with his medical exam on Monday.   Vanlal was telling us of his son's integrity and love for the Lord.

Thank you so much.   It is so good to know that we can all come in agreement and pray and be a part of the answer.

May God richly bless you all.

Love Ruthie :)

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 01:14:36 AM
Consider it prayed about Pat.

Angels....Interesting.   I am leaving this one alone.

Pat John has foung Jag on the TV and seems to want to watch it.  DAH  what else is new eh?

Interesting thing happened.  We left to pick John up and this time Jake didn't beg to come for a "LetsGo".  I wondered about it till Melaura told me he had jumped up on my bed and was laying with his head on my pillow!   :o  Well is he a person or not!  He sure thinks so.  ??? Now I have to change the pillow cases.  Oh well he doesn't complain if I am grumpy  >:( so I will not complain about pillow cases. ::)

Melaura is so excited about being allowed on CP.  Expect to see a lot of her.  Perhaps Santa will bring a camera for her.   :-X

No trace of Cecilia.  That is tonights news.  It really sounds fishy.

Well I really have to go to bed. I have a long day ahead so....
night, night all
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 01:40:03 AM

I've prayed for him and that he's studied sufficiently, and is well enough to pass the test.

I want to respond to your devotional, but will await others to post first.

Have you read todays message in "Our Daily Bread"?  It's wonderful.  As I was reading it I immediately thought of you and Jack.

Ok Pat, what's the name? ;)  Also Pat, I'm now sure the others already know, and I've just learned.....You're a NUT.

My hardy WELCOME Melaura
And yes, I've been to Scotland and love it.  I call it a trip to my roots.  Something funny though.  My father (dad) always said we were Highlanders.  Nope, we were Midlanders.  No noble roots, my ancestors were hard working farmhands similar to slaves.

Vivian says I could talk to a telephone pole and get answers.  I have my very serious side and go there often.  However, I love teasing and having a good time.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Heather Brunet on October 24, 2003, 01:55:45 AM
Well, I have decided to come back around a little more often.  I have been directed to take some "self-care" time and do something nice for myself everyday, so this is one of the things that I am going to do.  I may not be able to get on every day, but I will be around a little more often.  

Angels.....well there have been times in the last year, when feeling particularly alone, even in rooms full of people, when I have "felt" the gentle tap on my shoulder and a gentle calm surrounding me, reminding me that I am not alone, that the Holy Spirit is right there with me.  I don't know if that is an angel, or if it is the Holy Spirit Himself reminding me, but I do feel considerably better after it happens.

Alot of things in my life have changed in just a short few months, but I think the most important change is that for the first time in my life, I am actually reading my Bible daily, and putting all of my faith in Jesus.  For years I have tried to do things on my own.  Remembering my faith only when it suited me to do so.  I am starting this new routine of reading in short little bits, usually only 10 or 15 mins a day, but you know what, I am already seeing the benefits of doing so.  I have been accused in the past of being an angry person.  I discovered tonight, that I am not an angry person, I just have some situational anger that I am dealing with.  I am learning how to deal with that in appropriate ways.  I don't explode nearly as often as I used to, instead I will take some deep breaths and exhale slowly, and then I can approach the situation in a calm and relaxed manner.  I have also begun to learn how to deal with the things in my life that I need to deal with, assertively, instead of aggressively.  This in itself is a big time change....and anyone who knows me personally will know this to be true.

Anyway, enough about me.....I just wanted to let you all know what Jesus is doing in my life.

Love you all, will check in tomorrow, as long as I am able to get online.  

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Heather Brunet on October 24, 2003, 02:16:28 AM
Hey Melaura!!![/color][/size]

Love you sweetie!!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Maria on October 24, 2003, 03:57:37 AM
Good morning all 9.45AM

Pat thank you for the devotional Your Jack has writen this. Very good You must missing him very much
I pray for uou Pat.

Judy B  yes we booth are maestro this week.WELCOME MELAURA LOVE FROM RIA

Also nice to see you Heather also Love from me RIA

It is cold in Holland now it is -2* C.
And we have a little bit snow this morning and it is dark i think we are getting more snow today i don't like that. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Yesterday in the evening i remember me a song that i
was singing when i was a child i have try to translate it:

I wish to be like Jesus
so humble and so good
His words they are so kindly
His voice was always good
But sadly i am not as Jesus
that is seeing an each on me
O Saviour will me help
and make me so as you

I wish you all a very good day
God Bless you all
Bye for now
RIA :)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Maria on October 24, 2003, 04:00:20 AM

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Maria on October 24, 2003, 04:03:03 AM

                  JUDY MC KENNA

                   HAVE A NICE DAY

                    RIA :-*
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jenny on October 24, 2003, 04:19:44 AM
England 9 a.m.

Pat thank-you for Jack's Message.  It says ALL we need to know about angels.

I have reasons to praise and thank-God for my own angel.  I have known divine intervention by angels in my own life without which I wouldn't be alive. Some understand and some pooh, pooh when I tell them, but I KNOW first hand that they exist.  My own angel is a spirit messenger, going back and forth to the throne room to report on me......."The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him and delivereth them". Ps 34:7.  Thank-you Heavenly Father for GOOD ANGELS.

God Bless,
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jenny on October 24, 2003, 05:15:50 AM

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Iain on October 24, 2003, 05:21:06 AM
Pat - Your devotional this morning was the first things that I actually read on CP. Little wonder then that I was drawn back time and time again.

I wish that i had met Jack as I am sure we would have got on well together. I would have been happy sitting at his feet asking the questions.

Happy birthday Judy. LOL

Lee- I am sure that you looked the business in your kilt. Did you find out if any of your ancestors fought in the battle of Stirling Bridge?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Iain on October 24, 2003, 05:22:34 AM
'It was not you that sent me hither, but God.'

Genesis Chapter 45 Verse 8

I never tire of reading the story of Joseph. Anyone who has had difficulties in their life or unfathomable trials can take great comfort from these glorious chapters in God's Word. Thank you Lord, for Joseph and his brothers.

I find that I have no sooner said to myself that things cannot get any worse for me than they do! Often it seems to me to be one heavy stroke after another. I rise and seem to get my head above the water line for a little while then bang, down I go again! Each time I go down, I wonder if I will ever reach the surface and light again.

It is at times like this that it is all too easy to look around and be envious of others. Why do these things always seem to happen to me? Why are these things against me? Why is God against me?

Yep! I am no sooner down than I am looking for someone to blame. It cannot be me! What have I done now to deserve this? God is in control of everything. It is His doing. God is to blame! Is it just me, or have you had these thoughts as well?

An anger against God sets in. No point in reading the Bible as I cannot believe a word He tells me these days! No point in praying because I've been praying for these things for years without an answer. He is no listening to me. He is not interested in my prayers!

Oh! Poor me! Who is like me? If I were truly a Christian then these thoughts would not enter my head and these things would not be happening to me.


Read the story of Joseph! Sold by his brothers, taken from his home and family, taken to a different country, thrown into jail for a crime he did not commit and forgotten by those whom he helped bail out!

The story does not make any sense if we only read an isolated chapter. We must look at the big picture, the whole story. Only then will we marvel at God's goodness, mercy and love.

God and I were not talking to each other earlier this week. Things had plummeted badly for me and it seemed that no matter what I tried, it failed! I could do nothing right, yet I did no know what I was doing wrong!

I had been praying earnestly for certain things to happen in my life, yet the opposite seemed to be my portion. I found this so disheartening that my spirit failed, and as it did, things got even worse! I was hurt and I was angry with my God. Why did you let these things happen? It would have been just as easy for You to bless as to withhold.

I dreaded getting up in the morning. I hated myself, my life and I wasn't best pleased with God either. So what changed or what caused me to think again?
The answer -  A good night's sleep! Rest.

I had been attacked when I was physically weak and I was unable to fight against the wiles of the Evil One. The more he took advantage of my weakness the more defeated and deflated I became.

But God!

Two little words, yet they mean so much to us. God stepped in and as He did with Peter as he began to sink beneath the waves, he grabbed my hand and lifted me up. He will not let us suffer beyond what we are able to bear. He had mercy upon me and because He delighted in me, he delivered me.

He delivered me not from my trials and difficulties, as they still remain, but He delivered me from myself! I had been viewing my life chapter by chapter and sometimes even verse by verse.  

I was not seeing the big picture, the whole story. Only God knows the way that I take. He knows how to deliver His own. He knows how to bless and to set us free.

Having enjoyed a good nights rest, I felt stronger and refreshed in body this morning. The first thing I wanted to do was to pray. Then I had a hunger for His Word. I read the story of Joseph from start to finish – halting at the words at the head of this post – and I marvelled at the love of God for His people.

'It was not you that sent me hither, but God' My life is mid-chapter or even mid-verse and I have an enthusiastic hope and confidence regarding the outcome of things. My friend, do not make the same mistakes that i have made. Let God finish what He has started and try not to get in Hi way.

It is God who has placed me were I am. It is God who has ordered my circumstances. It is all of grace and all of God. I surrender my all to Him today in confidence that He does all things well.

I may get in His way from time to time. But God......


A poor student in the school of faith.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: mercychild on October 24, 2003, 07:08:10 AM

I hope you have a wonderful day.  God bless you!  Jen.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: mercychild on October 24, 2003, 07:10:24 AM
Heather, great to see you posting again!  I'll be praying for you.  I'm glad you're able to take time each day to read the Word of God.  It's funny how we know we should be doing it, and when we finally start, we're amazed at the benefits.  God bless you.

Pat, great devotional.  It's not a subject I've given much thought or research.  But it's a fascinating subject too.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: karmat on October 24, 2003, 07:27:08 AM
I'll keep this brief as I am getting ready to go shopping with my mom in Pigeon Forge, TN.  (TAS is with Bernard's parents).

I think Jack's devotion is right on.  I very much believe in the existence of angels -- good and evil.  But, I also believe that they can only do what God directs them to do.  I find that many people, under the guise of being a Christian, actually end up worshipping angels.  

There was a song out a few years ago that said, "I believe there are angels among us."  I believe that is correct as well.  "For you entertain angels unawares."  

I have a good friend who was at the beach one time.  A little boy got caught in a riptide and was in danger of drowning, so Matt swam out to help.  Unfortunately the current was too swift and strong.  (Matt is a skinny little guy).  Just when he thought it was too much, a large beefy kinda guy came to their rescue and helped them in.  

On shore, Matt began to inquire as to this man's whereabouts to thank him.  EVERYBODY there stated without a doubt the only two people in the water where Matt and the little boy.

Do angels exist?  Yes.  Do they help us?  Yes.  Can they do anything on their own power?  NO!

One of my favorite pictures is of a little boy sleeping and a huge soldier looking guardian angel standing over him.

One more thing, people do not become angels when they die.  We have something even the angels cannot sing about -- the salvation and grace of Jesus Christ.   8)

Oops, thought I said it would be short.  Sorry. ::)

have a good day all!!!!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 09:26:57 AM

(aka Tenderheart)

Baby Simon
arrived safely last night!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: mieka on October 24, 2003, 09:30:17 AM
 :) A Happy Birthday Wish for Ms McKenna  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

I hope it is a special day for you, I am awake very early so I can begin to party and rejoice in this day that God made.

I pray today for Ms Beth, I hope she will find a answers today and a peace to know what is Gods wish.  :-\

Ms KarenB, I love you and I pray you are most happy today. You are forever in my heart as my friend.  8)

I wait for the sun to wake up so I can run. The night it is long but i will treasure my time here at home for this day.
I wish everyone a good day.  :)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: mieka on October 24, 2003, 09:32:01 AM

(hi ms Pat)  ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: tenderheart on October 24, 2003, 09:37:56 AM
Well thanks very much Pat and Mieka.....I am happy and tired and the Lord was with us last night.......and blessed us with a bundle of joy.....they both are doing very well......

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY MC may the Lord our God bless you with a very warm and lovely day....!!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 09:50:19 AM

Latest on little Cecilia... (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 09:56:17 AM


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Maria on October 24, 2003, 10:16:10 AM
Happy Baby Simon
            With a nanny as PAULETTE

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Larry Hanna on October 24, 2003, 10:16:20 AM
Hi everyone.  First of all Happy Birthday Judy--hope you have a marvelous day.  I also want to welcome Melaura and I look forward to reading your postings.  Paulette, is this a new grandchild in your family?  Regardless, congratulations appear in order.

Pat, as always I appreciate the writings that Jack left and your sharing them with us from time to time in the daily devotional.  

Iain, your writing on the hardships and then triumph of Joseph and relating it to your own life helps us all focus.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts this morning.

Marilyn, happy to hear of your new computer and this will allow you to show us the pictures you will be taking with your new camera.  Keep us informed on the progress.

Pat and Ruthie, I have prayed for Lalaml Sawma and will continue to keep him in my daily prayers.  

Judyb, I had to laugh at your "changing the pillowcases" as I wondered how many times Jake has done that and you never knew.   :D :D  Pets are wonderful.

Lee, are we going to see some photos of you in your kilt?  I think my Hanna ancestors were probably from Scotland, although my immediate ancestor who first came to the USA came here from Ireland.

Heather, it is good to see you posting again and it sounds like you are on the right track in dealing with your anger.  I agree with you on the daily Bible reading.  While several years ago I got a Bible that was broken down so that you would read through it in 365 days and did read it faithfully for a year, I had gotten away from that habit.  At the beginning of this year, your Aunt Pat put up the links to a couple of locations that had plans for reading through the Bible in a year and I have been following one of the plans faithfully this year and plan to continue using another plan next year.  The one I used this year started in Genesis and only now am I finally getting to the New Testament.  I think in the future I will use a plan that combines both each day.

Ria, it sounds very cold over your way.  I know we are now having some snow in various places here in the USA but not here in Georgia.  Thanks for sharing the song.

Jenny, hope you are feeling better now from your cold or flu.  Good to see you posting and I always enjoy seeing your Bible quotes as a part of your postings.

Jen, Karma, Jane, Nita and  Mieka, hope you all have a great day as well as all those who joing us later.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 10:17:40 AM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 10:18:17 AM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 10:18:57 AM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Maria on October 24, 2003, 10:20:32 AM
Thank you Pat for the site about Cecilia
She is in my prayers

Holland and COLD  2* C

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 10:22:09 AM
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrssss... Ria! That is cold.  Get a blanket a cuddle up with a good book.  ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 10:33:09 AM
Good Morning.
And many more.

Thank you Pat for Jacks lesson on Angels, Part 1 . Looking forward to Part 2. I have often thought about the angels, it is my understanding that there are ministering angels who watch over us and report back to the father about us.

Iain thank you for reminding us that when the times are bad there is always a light on the other side of the dark tunnel. (my words)> BTW Bro. Iain, I am getting a Dell 2400, the shipping date is Oct. 29th. and Yes I will be able to show the pictures from my new camera. I hope you are feeling better Iain.

I have uninstalled a lot of stuff from my computer and will have to put everyones websites in My favorites in the new computer. I am leavind the Christian Sites in the favorites, maybe they will bless the next person who gets this computer. ;)

Judy B.  My dogs sleep on the other pillow every night. They ahve one side of the bed and I have the other. We share.  ;D

Tonight is our Steak dinner at the church to raise the money for the Fire Bibles for China, if we can raise $500. we can buy 40 Bibles.

Heather I have missed you here So glad to see you coming back.


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 10:36:58 AM
Larry   John just asked how it feels snuggling up to a pillow jake has lain on.  Well really it doesn't bother me!, he doesn't slobber in his sleep, not like some of the kids in this house! ! !  

This is the only thing I will say about angels.  They have been observed standing around our church praising God, as we worship on a Sunday.  

Today is going to be busy, I won't be back in till late tonight.  The way things go I will have a lot of reading to do. LOL  We are going into North Bay to get on with school work and do other things.  Elby is taking the iron to iron her uniform then she will be ready for cadets tonight.

For the other homeschoolers,I have found an underwater mural for the children to colour as well as a full unit study on ocean life.  IM me.

Ria we have it 3 degrees warmer here.  Plus one.

Well I am off.

Talk at ya later eh?

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 10:40:32 AM

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 10:46:11 AM

Hi Everyone!

Lee I hadn't read "Our Daily Bread" yet so went and looked and before realizing that you meant yesterday, I read today's and couldn't figure out how that would remind you of Jack and I so I went to the archives and found yesterday's and I want to thank you for that.  Certainly great thoughts and it helped me this morning.

Thanks so much, Ruthie, for bringing that very important prayer request here regarding Vanlal's son.  Boy!  It makes me feel old.  I remember when he was born!  I will be praying often between now and Sunday night.  I realize too that we won't hear more until the team arrives back in India sometime after Oct. 31st.

Judy, John liked that program while he stayed here too!

QuoteAngels....Interesting.  I am leaving this one alone.
Not sure why, Judy!

Great to see you posting, Heather.  I'm still praying for you as well as for Bonnie and Doug and it's so nice to see your name on here.  Keep us posted!

Ria, what a lovely poem.  I'm going to copy it here again.  I think it's very appropriate for us all to read it again.  Thanks!

QuoteI wish to be like Jesus
so humble and so good
His words they are so kindly
His voice was always good
But sadly i am not as Jesus
that is seeing an each on me
O Saviour will me help
and make me so as you

Nice to see you, Jenny.  Hope you are feeling much better now!  Thanks for your comments too.

Oh, Iain!  Your message has touched my heart today.  

But God!

Two little words, yet they mean so much to us. God stepped in and as He did with Peter as he began to sink beneath the waves, he grabbed my hand and lifted me up. He will not let us suffer beyond what we are able to bear. He had mercy upon me and because He delighted in me, he delivered me.

Oh that we will all experience this in our lives!  BUT GOD!


" Only God knows the way that I take. He knows how to deliver His own. He knows how to bless and to set us free."

"Let God finish what He has started and try not to get in His way.

It is God who has placed me were I am. It is God who has ordered my circumstances. It is all of grace and all of God. I surrender my all to Him today in confidence that He does all things well."

Thanks so very much today, Iain, for bringing this reader to her knees.  



(aka Mercychild)

I bet Simon will be one spoiled little boy!

Karma, I hope you have a wonderful day shopping with your Mum.  I used to love going with my mother and still wish I could do that.

What lovely cards, Sonja!  You are doing wonderful with your little graphics.  I look forward to seeing them.  

Hi sweet Mi!  Have a good day and we'll chat later on.  Love, Mum!

Marilyn, so good to read your comments as well.  Jack only wrote one on Angels.  The Part 1 refers to his numbering of the "Walking in the Old Paths".  I had asked him to write these to share on the internet many years ago and this was the first one he did.

Hi Ria...  It's so sad about Toronto's little Cecilia.  Thanks for your continued prayer.  I heard that the family were going back into the home.  They've been staying with friends while the intensive forensic tests and investigation was going on.

Larry, I've been so involved in some other reading that I fell back off my daily reading through the Bible using that plan and I am trying to "catch up" but that's not good either as I tend to be going over the portions too quickly.  I think I'd like to have the plan that has both Old and New Testaments each day as well.

Well, I'm off to see if I can complete another PSP lesson.

How are yours going Rachelle?  I'm having so many problems!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 11:08:33 AM
Interesting devotion this morning, Pat. I am printing it out right now to go over with my boys.  I might post what they think later.  Could be interesting what a child thinks about angels.  

Hope you all have a good day!

Marilyn~ Congrats on the new computer.  Can't wait to see those photos.  ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 11:13:12 AM
Angels.  The English word is from the Greek angelos, which just means "sent one, messenger."  Angels are indeed quite real, but we are not to communicate with them - at all.  We are to communicate with God directly.  We can and should thank Him for those ministering spirits and for all they do, though we probably never know exactly which things they do and which things God Himself does.  That's the way the (good) angels want it.  Their sole concern is to serve Him Who created them.  If you were able to ask an angel about it, He would tell you in no uncertain terms that you should talk to God alone, and not to angels.  We must relate to our Father through Jesus Christ, and we ought not to even be concerned about His ministering spirits - leave them to Him.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jane Walker on October 24, 2003, 11:16:14 AM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jane Walker on October 24, 2003, 11:21:22 AM

[size=+2]Welcome, BABY SIMON[/size]
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Larry Hanna on October 24, 2003, 11:21:40 AM
Pat, I thought the devotional for today on "Our Daily Bread" is also a very good one so decided to come back and put in a link so others could find it.  It only takes a couple of minutes to read it and it certainly is relavent.  Here is the link: (

Here is a link to the "Daily Bread" devotional thought for yesterday that Lee and now Pat has referred to: (

Both of these are really worth the time to read.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 11:27:27 AM
Well, talk about GMTA (great minds think alike!)

I was just going to do that as well, Larry!  I'm so glad you did as I only had yesterday's link.

Jane, such pretty cards.  Love them!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 11:31:29 AM
Wow! I am truely thankful for your honesty, Iain! You are a blessingto this site and to me.  
It always seems that you and I are feeling the same way at times. I am so thankful I am not
the only one who has these thoughts and feelings.  

Reading your post helps me to know that I am not different from anyone else.  It is normal,
I am normal. God loves me still, no matter what I do or say or think. Am I worthy to be saved?
Am I worthy to be forgiven? Yes! He loves me as much as anyone else.

You know how long that has taken me to realise?  It's been almost 20 years. I guess I
am just hard headed or maybe have a low selfesteem.

I guess the hardest part for me is when I sin, I feel so bad and ask God for forgivness at least
10 times, but I don't feel that forgiveness.  Is it me that isn't forgiving myself?  I don't know.  ???
It drains me terrible.  How do I deal with that? How can I let go?

Thank you for your post and will keep you in my prayers, brother!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 11:38:09 AM


Look who's online...

Al Moak, Pat Scott, Jenny, Chris & Margit Saunders, Jerry L. Sowers, Sonifo, Jane Walker, Etta Sue, Ria, Larry Hanna
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 24, 2003, 11:40:58 AM
Al Moak, well said!
I agree one hundred percent.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 11:42:49 AM
Every time I do anything this morning, I get interrupted!  I read Jack's comments about the angels, and I was going to comment that his thoughts were right on, then I was interrupted for about half an hour.  When I got back, then I was interrupted again to do some other things.  Then I decided to say something about angels, so I did.  Then I was interrupted!
Jack was right on.  There - I said it.

Angels are God's servants (the good ones, that is), and they don't want our praise or thanks.  God may do some of the things He does through them, but it reamains true that God did it.  Praise Him.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 11:46:29 AM
Hey guess what, folks?  I'm being interrupted again.  I'll be gone for an hour or two, but maybe I'll be back.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 11:52:17 AM

Hurry back, Al!  

We don't like interruptions that take you from us!   ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 11:53:38 AM

Let's also remember Janet today as she's travelling with Beth back to see the doctors.  Pray for Beth.  Pray that the doctors in their wisdom will find the causes for her numbness in her legs causing her to fall so often.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 24, 2003, 11:56:20 AM
Dear Sonya,
take Jesus at His word my sister,(Micah ch 7 v 18-20).
Mark ch 2 v 1-12.
Believe Him when He says "your sins which are many, are forgiven you, go in peace."
Luke ch 7 v 36-50.
Feelings can fool you but the scriptures never will, so trust them, not your feelings,
We have all been there at some point in our lives!
So..Head up! Shoulders back!
Trusting in the Word.
"If the Son sets you free you are free indeed!"
His love to you, Chris.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Iain on October 24, 2003, 12:00:10 PM
Sonja - Dear sis, I thought long and hard about writing my post this morning. Why do I do it? Because like you, I wonder if what I am experiencing the real thing.

Should a truly born again Christian feel the way I do? The answer is yes!

I am not perfect yet, but I will be one day. Others may expect Christians to live perfect lives and often we may even expect it ourselves, but it cannot be. We are sinners!!!

Sinners, though, saved by grace.

I can follow exactly what you mean when you say that you find it hard to forgive yourself. This too is because of sin! The ggod that we would do, we do not, but that which we would not, that is what we do!

It is God alone who cleanses us from our sin and He must take all the glory. He has done everything for us. All we have to do is to believe!!

Sometimes it may seem that it would be easier for us to walk on water than to believe, but that its the way it is. It is God's way of salvation.

He knows best sis. He loved us before we were even though of. Your sins and iniquities I will remember them no more. (God's words, not mine)

If He is not going to remember them, then why should we?

It seems that I will always come bottom of the class in the school of faith as I keep having to learn the same lessons over and over again. I would have given up long ago.......................But God!


Your brother in Christ


PC - Sorted!! Yippee!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 24, 2003, 12:00:22 PM
God says it, that settles it!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jenny on October 24, 2003, 12:00:37 PM

It's biting cold here.  I've just been to the park to find Sidney..bless him.  He's given  me his address and phone number so that if I can't get out I can ring him and just keep in touch over the Winter...You remember, he's my dear 91 year old friend.

I've done some washing today and it's sitting round the fire airing...a lovely smell.  I fed the cats and now to feed Sunday dog and prepare a meal for Chris and myself!

Tonight Chris will be on here so I won't post again until tomorrow..D.V.



Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 12:24:35 PM

Cecilia's may speak this afternoon.  So sad to have this little girl missing... (

Thanks so much, Iain!  I know Sonja will be happy to see your further post as I am.  That was some powerful message today for me.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Maria on October 24, 2003, 12:35:33 PM

In Holland there are 5 men arrest
They have plans new terrorism attacks
where and how they will not say
They are coming from Arabia
Now they are in prison

Bad news
I hope that never are coming new terrorism attacks
but i am afraid
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 12:36:25 PM
Quote from: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 11:13:12 AM
Angels are indeed quite real, but we are not to communicate with them - at all.  We are to communicate with God directly.  ....  We must relate to our Father through Jesus Christ, and we ought not to even be concerned about His ministering spirits - leave them to Him.

I must confess I respectfully disagree here, Al, because it was an angel that told Joseph about the Christ child.  It was angels that announced His birth to mankind.  We are told we may "entertain angels unawares."  In fact, in Luke 1, an angel came unto Mary and told her that she would bring forth the Christ child.  Mary asked... "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?"  This is clearly two way communication.  In the same chapter, Zacharias, father of John the Baptis, conversed with an angel - Gabriel himself!  GABRIEL administered the condition of "dumbness" to Zacharias, which was punishment for the statement "Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years."  (Strangely similar to Mary's words, for which she received no punishment at all, just as a side note.)  In Acts 10, Cornelius conversed with an angel, and this was how Cornelius was told to send men to Joppa to look for Peter.  

Some of these were BEFORE Christ, and most of these were before the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.  However, Cornelius was AFTER Pentecost.  

NEARLY all angels forbid the person they speak with to worship them.  Some did not.  The angel which came to Cornelius did not rebuke Cornelius for calling him "Lord."  Some imply that this means the angel was Jesus.  I have a little struggle with that because I don't believe Jesus is an angel.  The angels worship Jesus because He is the delight of Heaven.  Jesus is not called an angel when He appeared to Saul, and He is not called an angel when he appeared in a "vision" to Ananias, who ministered to Paul (Saul) by helping him receive his sight.  

An interesting thing I find in Revelation is that John was told to WRITE unto angels!  Rev 3:1 - "And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write;"... Rev 3:7 - "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write;"... Rev 3:14 - "And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;"...

In Revelation 11, an angel spoke to John himself - "Rise, and measure the temple of God..."

I personally think an emphasis on angelic beings is not in keeping with true worship of God.  I always struggle with the idea of "calling upon angels" in my own strength.  Are they at my bidding?  I don't think so; I think they only do what God commands.  I do not believe we should pray to or otherwise call upon angels.  I don't think angels run around playing the human games that Della Reese has portrayed.  I believe we are to focus on Jesus Christ and our relationship with him, and you and I are in total agreement there.  

I would be glad, however, to hear your explanation of the statment that "we are not to communicate with them at all".

Thanks so much, my friend.  Loving discussion here; hope I don't come across as argumentative.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 12:37:40 PM
Iain - thanks so much for a really encouraging post this morning.  The things to learn from Joseph are amazing!  Whatta guy!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Etta Sue on October 24, 2003, 12:44:44 PM
Sonja ~ Your question about dancing was answered in my reading today of "The Purpose Driven Life", which I now do not recommend but encourage everyone to purchase and read this book written by Rick Warren.  Chapter 13...Christians often differ on the most appropriate or authentic way to express praise to God, but these arguments usually just reflect personality and background differences.  Many forms of praise are mentioned in the Bible, among them confessing, singing, shouting, standing in honor, kneeling, dancing, making a joyful noise, testifying, playing musical instruments, and raising hands.  The best style of worship is the one that most authentically represents your love for God, based on the background and personality God gave you.

Nancy ~ I loved your email.  I saw this before in a one paragraph email.  I am so glad that someone took it a step further.  The one paragraph one was mentioned in our small study group by Pastor Mark.  I copied your post and emailed it to him.  Thanks bunches.

Mieka ~  ((((HUGS)))).  I am missing you already and you are still here...

Marilyn ~ I am so happy for you in getting a new computer.  Oh, how I am praying that your new camera and computer are compatible.  Looking forward to seeing your pictures of the California coastline.

Lee ~ I am picturing you in a kilt!!!  Then you added that your size in socks were unavailable.  Long, spindly legs, hunh?  P.S.  Your missing word question was so easy, I thought it was a trick question!

Nita ~ I love reading your posts....they are feel good posts.  I always feel better after reading them.  You are one of a kind.

Jane ~ How could anyone NOT be nice to you?  Oh, how I wish I could give blood.  I used too but my veins are the only thing small on me.   ;D They are ornery....when a needle gets close they roll away.  So I am wasting their time and mine in trying to give blood.  But I sure felt better physically and mentally when they succeeded in getting a pint out of me.  A slice of Nice Pie is heading your way!!!

Karma ~ Great advice to Nita.  BTW, how is TAS today?  I can see him being tasmanian today.

Maestro JudyB ~ Hurray!!!  Congratulations!!!!  Glad you joined the 500 Club!

Melaura ~ Great!  I do believe most of us know you already.  And I do believe you are our youngest I right, everyone?  Wish we could get others your age to would be a great encouragement!  Welcome!!!

Ruthie ~ I am glad you and Pat got to spend time with each other.  She is a great I know you know that already.

Rachelle ~ Good morning.  I see you stopped in last evening.  You threw me...I thought your sign-in name was Joyfulhrtt or something like that.  Did you change it?

Heather ~ I am happy to read that you are focusing on God more.  Nothing but good will come from this focusing.  Us humans feel we need to do things OUR way, but God's way is always best.

Ria ~ SNOW!!!!  Oh, I hope we don't have snow until....say, Christmas...for a day or two and then Spring comes our way!!!  Hahaha!

Jenny ~ I know an angel prevented me from having a terrible auto accident.  After it was all over...I remembered of being in the car but it seemed the car was driven by itself.  I was there but I wasn't there.  The accident was so close but I wasn't afraid.  It didn't scare me one bit.  My car went into a lane that I wasn't suppose to be in and then later merged into the correct lane.  A car ran the red light at a high speed and if I had been in the lane where I was suppose to be, I would have been hit.  A few minutes later I got to where I was going and it seemed that I THEN recalled all that happened.  A feeling of peace was throughout me.  Thank God for THAT angel!!

Iain ~ So happy that you posted your devotional today.  That tells me you are better today.  

Larry ~ I agree with you that we need to read His Word every day.  I read in the mornings.  There have been times that I know I won't get to read the next morning so I read it before I go to bed.  But never the NEXT morning.  Something would be missing if I don't get His message for me each day.  Just like brushing my teeth and my cup of coffee....habit!!!  

My, but it seems I have been on here for hours just reading NEM!  Two hours anyway!!!  

I do believe I am going to Noblesville and get a flu shot today.  It seems I generally wait until I have a slight cold and then wonder if I should get one then or not.  Not sniffles today so I will see if they are still available at the County Health Office this afternoon.  Then I would like to come home and finish Week Two of the Holiday PSP lessons.  I see Rachelle is doing these also.  How are you doing?  And Pat?

I like this inspiration today!!!

"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty.  They merely move it from their faces to their hearts."


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Etta Sue on October 24, 2003, 12:47:13 PM
[shadow=BLACK, RIGHT]MELAURA!!![/shadow]
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Etta Sue on October 24, 2003, 12:49:49 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Etta Sue on October 24, 2003, 12:54:33 PM

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Etta Sue on October 24, 2003, 12:56:44 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 01:19:01 PM
Yes my camera and my new computer are compatible. In fact on of the peripherals they suggested me to buy was may camera. I can't wait to unload my camera and take  more photos, I have 19 on there now and that will take me some time to fix up for  posting here and on my website.

I have stared my Christmas shopping too. Yesterday I bought a couple of little gifts for Forest and Savanah. The fake trees are in K-mart now and I may get one of those too, Just a small table top tree.

I've email the specs on my new computer to Iain to get his opinion, Hope to hear from him soon.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 01:22:39 PM
Hi Marilyn...
I'm looking forward to hearing that your new computer has arrived!  That will be so good.

I have a little fiber optic tree that I really like.  It's small, fits on top of a table and I just love it.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 01:27:19 PM
So, this one is easy also, but keep watching daily......

"I LOVE TO TELL THE .............."

Good morning my brother.  No, I really don't know if they were at the bridge.  

I'm not in your shoes at this particular time, but I'm sure you count it all glory.  Your afflictions have made you a wonderful witness for our Lord.                                                                          
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 01:31:58 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 01:45:16 PM

There isn't one single thing I could, or would add, to your post on angels.  So very well (Biblically) said.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 01:58:21 PM

I'm writing this with all the Christian love I can muster.  In answer to your question about forgivness......How many times must Jesus be crucified?  In other words, you asked, and He forgave you 2000 years ago.  He died once and for all, never to die again. It is you who does not forgive, and it is Satan who doesn't want you to believe that He has forgiven you.  It's a done deal Sonja.  We are human and we feel guilt because we sin, but that's exactly HOW a Christian should feel.  The lost do not have that Christian guilt, so they continue in their sin.  Remember also Sonja, Sinners love darkness, and we love the light of Christ. :-*  And....Ephesians 2:8-9
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 02:00:18 PM
Good words for us all, Lee.  Thanks!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 02:15:19 PM

watch out!  Nards is sneaking up on you!  Look at the posts now!  43!!!!  Wasn't that number just 22 a couple of days ago?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Iain on October 24, 2003, 02:18:01 PM
Shhhhhhhh Pat, he's sleeping!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 02:22:27 PM
Quote from: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 24, 2003, 11:56:20 AM
Dear Sonya,
take Jesus at His word my sister,(Micah ch 7 v 18-20).
Mark ch 2 v 1-12.
Believe Him when He says "your sins which are many, are forgiven you, go in peace."
Luke ch 7 v 36-50.
Feelings can fool you but the scriptures never will, so trust them, not your feelings,
We have all been there at some point in our lives!
So..Head up! Shoulders back!
Trusting in the Word.
"If the Son sets you free you are free indeed!"
His love to you, Chris.

Thank you Chris for these encouraging words. I have added that dought website to my favorites and everytime I go to feeling doughtful i will read it. Thanks!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 02:23:21 PM
Ohhhh....  OK  I'll whisper to Karma!!!!  

cuz Nards is sleeping!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: pinkie on October 24, 2003, 02:24:31 PM
I'm off to a singles retreat from TX to LA - in just a few hours...packing feverishly...  
Hey Lee...riding my bike!  heheh  HOT today COLD tomorrow.  That's how it is in TX.  High temp today 90 - high tomorrow 69 - so I have to plan for that ride home - also maybe rain.  
Shalom to all...
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 02:26:14 PM

Do you wear leather, Pinkie?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 02:27:06 PM

We just might become involved in a great theological discussion. here.  Ok, I happen to disagree with you and so does the Bible regarding Jesus being called an "angel".  Ok, I ask: Who is it that destroys all of Israel's enemies at Christ's Second Coming?"  Yes, you are right, it is none other than Jesus Christ.  Now go to Revelation 14:18-20.  Who is the angel that "Thrusts in the sharp sickle"?  The vine of the earth are all unbelievers who are cast into the Lake of Fire by Jesus (The angel in Revelation 14).

Now let's go to Genesis 16.  Who is the Angel of the Lord?  The Bible says it is the Lord who spoke to Hagar and promised that [HE] would multiply her descendants (angels can't do that).  It's a good study Nard.  I agree with most of your post, but whole hartedly disagree with your other position.  And I, like you, pray you do not take my post as being argumentitive.  I'm speaking in love.  Bless you my brother.  You're a right on Christian and I love your posts.  ;)  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 02:28:13 PM
Iain, I hope you know how much your words have touched my heart.  
Thank you soooo much!  

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 02:31:54 PM


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 02:34:15 PM
Quote from: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 01:58:21 PM

I'm writing this with all the Christian love I can muster.  In answer to your question about forgivness......How many times must Jesus be crucified?  In other words, you asked, and He forgave you 2000 years ago.  He died once and for all, never to die again. It is you who does not forgive, and it is Satan who doesn't want you to believe that He has forgiven you.  It's a done deal Sonja.  We are human and we feel guilt because we sin, but that's exactly HOW a Christian should feel.  The lost do not have that Christian guilt, so they continue in their sin.  Remember also Sonja, Sinners love darkness, and we love the light of Christ. :-*  And....Ephesians 2:8-9

Yes Sir!   ;)  ;D Thank you!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 02:40:43 PM
Hey Pat! Now look who's online.

Sonifo, Pat Scott, Cami Cutler, Jenny, nards656, Lee Kirkwood, Iain, Al Moak, Chris & Margit Saunders, pinkie

We are a busy place today.  I have learned so much today.  I can't wait to share it with my husband.  :D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 02:42:18 PM
Thank you Nards for expressing your thoughts so fully.  I find after reading them that I must change one thing (imagine me doing that!).  We ought never to initiate conversations with angels.  If God sends one or more of them to us as His messengers, and if they therefore communicate with us, then, obviously, we ought to listen.  My problem is that many go out of their way to initiate communications with angels when they should be communicating with God through Christ.  In many cases it borders on superstition, along with curiosity.  As far as Jesus being called an angel, I think there is something we should consider, and that is that in the OT there were several occasions when "the Angel of the Lord" appeared to one or another of the Patriarchs.  Many have said that such an "angel" was the preincarnate Christ.  I would tend to agree.  He too can be and indeed is a Messenger of God - as well as simultaneously being  God the Son.  This does not mean that our Lord Jesus IS an angel.  He is not an angel in the sense of being a created being or of being merely a spirit.  He is God - one with the Father and Spirit.  But He has occasionally been an "angel" in the sense that He was the Messenger of God on that particular occasion.

Nards, you say,
QuoteAn interesting thing I find in Revelation is that John was told to WRITE unto angels!  Rev 3:1 - "And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write;"... Rev 3:7 - "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write;"... Rev 3:14 - "And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;"...
Here again we need to remember the primary translation of "angel," which is "messenger."  These "angels" to whom John was to write were not necessarily of the same substance or being as Gabriel (or others), but were men - men who were delegated to take the message of God to particular branches of the Church of our Lord.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 02:43:15 PM
I'm being interrupted again!  Gotta go for a while.  Be back later, God willing.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Iain on October 24, 2003, 02:47:07 PM
Great stuff Al - you are definitely improving with age bro. Tee Hee!!!

Here is a link for Lee and Nards (when he wakes up).

The rest have read this before bros:- (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 02:50:33 PM
QuoteOk, I ask: Who is it that destroys all of Israel's enemies at Christ's Second Coming?"  Yes, you are right, it is none other than Jesus Christ.  Now go to Revelation 14:18-20.  Who is the angel that "Thrusts in the sharp sickle"?  The vine of the earth are all unbelievers who are cast into the Lake of Fire by Jesus (The angel in Revelation 14).

Now let's go to Genesis 16.  Who is the Angel of the Lord?  The Bible says it is the Lord who spoke to Hagar and promised that [HE] would multiply her descendants (angels can't do that).  

You are very correct, Lee, and I've got to do a little analysis and Word study to see how I reconcile this with my generalized view that Jesus is not an angel.  

My generalized view is structured to deal with the potential issue of Jesus' Godhood (is that a word??), angel worship, angels being "created beings" as opposed to eternal beings, and a conviction that Jesus is currently omni-present rather than limited to one spot in space as I believe angels are.  My generalized view also runs into a little conflict with Melchizadec (spelling?) due to the widely accepted belief (mine as well) that this "priest" in some form represented Jesus.  Was he a physical incarnation of the Son of God?  I'm not sure that reconciles too well with the "first coming, second coming" count of Christ's earthly appearances.  Of course, THAT can also run into trouble with the (also) widely accepted belief that Paul was an Apostle because Christ appeared to him bodily.  (I'm not sure of that, by the way.  I don't disagree, yet, I just don't really have enough facts to be argumentative either way.)

In general, my generalized view  :) is probably flawed somewhere along the way.  I would concede that Christ has appeared as an angel.  I'm not convinced that makes him an angel.  He was at one time a man.  He is no longer a man, and He was also 100% God at the same time he was 100% man.  Does an appearance as an angel make him an angel?  Hmmmm...

As another thought provoking question, since a basic tenet of Christianity is that He was 100%/100% in his FIRST coming, will it be likewise in the Second?  Will He actually occupy a physical body then, or will He simply APPEAR as a man?  Hmmmm.....  I sure don't know!

Good words, Lee.  Back at you in love :)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 02:54:38 PM
Quote from: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 02:42:18 PM
Thank you Nards for expressing your thoughts so fully.  I find after reading them that I must change one thing (imagine me doing that!).  We ought never to initiate conversations with angels.  If God sends one or more of them to us as His messengers, and if they therefore communicate with us, then, obviously, we ought to listen.  My problem is that many go out of their way to initiate communications with angels when they should be communicating with God through Christ.  In many cases it borders on superstition, along with curiosity.  As far as Jesus being called an angel, I think there is something we should consider, and that is that in the OT there were several occasions when "the Angel of the Lord" appeared to one or another of the Patriarchs.  Many have said that such an "angel" was the preincarnate Christ.  I would tend to agree.  He too can be and indeed is a Messenger of God - as well as simultaneously being  God the Son.  This does not mean that our Lord Jesus IS an angel.  He is not an angel in the sense of being a created being or of being merely a spirit.  He is God - one with the Father and Spirit.  But He has occasionally been an "angel" in the sense that He was the Messenger of God on that particular occasion.

With this "update", brother, you and I are very much in agreement, and I think you've answered some things that Lee had me wondering about as well (in my last post).  Thanks!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Rachelle on October 24, 2003, 03:01:17 PM
Happy Birthday Judy M. and Welcome to Melaura-special hugs to both of you.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Rachelle on October 24, 2003, 03:13:10 PM
Good afternoon everyone..
Just thought id stop in and read the post..
Pat I had problems with one of the lessons with the gold glitter not opening for me but, one of the moderators sent it to me..So, I will finish that lesson today and post my lessons for last week-then onto this weeks lessons lol-Im still working with the kiddo's with their school work-and then I will work on my lessons this afternoon.
Hope you can figure out your lessons-is psp 8 alot different then 7? I want to get psp 8 soon.
Ohhh and thank you for the devotion on angels --funny thing that you sent that out-because the Lord told me last night that he has angels all around us-I totally believe that God places those angels to each of us to protect and guide us.
We all have colds around here and I thought I was going to escape it but, didn't get too! :(
Anyway-hello to everyone ! and have a blessed day..
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5 & 6

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 03:18:16 PM
Quote from: Iain on October 24, 2003, 02:47:07 PM

Here is a link for Lee and Nards (when he wakes up).

Gonna have to get two pictures, I guess, one for day and one for night....  ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 24, 2003, 04:00:25 PM
Hey Nards, my Bro,
There is a good clue in Acts ch 1 v 11.
Keep the faith,
Regards Chris
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Maria on October 24, 2003, 04:03:08 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jerry L. Sowers on October 24, 2003, 04:31:37 PM
Etta Sue ~ I couldn't agree more. I think everyone should at least read Rick Warren's book. Then they will know which way they are headed. He is quite the writer. This isn't for one tribe, but for all to read.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 04:36:46 PM
HEY JERRY!!!!  Good to see you in here, my friend.  Hope you are still recovering well.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jerry L. Sowers on October 24, 2003, 04:47:23 PM
3]Thank you Nard, I am feeling pretty good. The surgeon says one - three years and we hope to improve and make it less than a year.[/size]

Pat S. would like me to say Hi to all, so
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 04:48:12 PM
Quote from: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 24, 2003, 04:00:25 PM
Hey Nards, my Bro,
There is a good clue in Acts ch 1 v 11.
Keep the faith,
Regards Chris

Good answer, but that seems to me to point to the "manner" of His return - clouds, sky, as opposed to Mary's womb, rather than the nature of His body when He returns.  NOTE: It doesn't matter one little bit to this old country boy, I just wonder, you know?? :)

The uncertainty on my part is partly spurred by His admonition to Mary to "not touch me, for I have not ascended yet to my Father" (not an exact quote, I don't think).  Some commentaries rephrase this as "do not cling to me" instead of "do not touch me", but regardless, I believe this indicates "SOME" type of change upon His ascension.  That seems to imply that He MIGHT not have a physical body when He returns.  However, another point is that WE will be RAISED from the dead, and WE will have a new BODY.  We also are guaranteed to be "LIKE HIM", which, when combined by the basic logical process, means He has a body.  (If we have a body AND we are like Him, that means He has a body.)

Boy.  I've gone a long way from angels.  Sort of.  

Good point, though, Chris.  Thanks!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 04:48:51 PM

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 04:51:30 PM

What a terrific discussion in here today!  I've so enjoyed it.  I even got out a tape and listened to it on the Doctrine of Angels by Dr. Willmington of Liberty University and I so enjoyed that.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 05:15:34 PM
Hey Nards........

Great discussion.  Personally, I believe this is what we are all about with our brothers and sisters.  Everyone profits, no one is hurt, and we all gain by showing our mutual love and understanding.  BTW, buddy, were you a Marine? (Hair) ;)

Remember the three men who came to Abraham?  Abraham spoke with only one of them (Our Lord).  Two went on to Sodom and Gamorrah, and no mention of what happened to the Lord other than Abraham bartered with Him.  Not an angel at that time, but surely a man, physically.  There are many occasions where our Lord appeared as not only man but as an "Angel of the Lord".  Here's one for you.......Jesus Christ also appeared as ("The Commander of the Army of the Lord")  And Nard, Jesus was standing there with a sword in His hand.  See Joshua 5:13-15.  Heavy, very heavy, and  awesome.  When we really stop to think about the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, the whole book is God speaking to us.  So I'm really not surprised to find our Lord presenting Himself in one of many forms for our edification.  Actualy, it's exciting.  Like Al, I'm not about to attempt communicating with angels.  And like you, I agree with Al's post.

Please allow me one more thought.  I personally have no problem with our Lord appearing to man for reasons stated in the Word with His First and Second Coming.  I reason these two great events to be so dynamic and seperate from all others because they are designed to completely change the course of sinful mankind and his existance on earth.  Boy, could we all get deep into this discussion.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 05:22:36 PM
Howdy Jerry.........

Clue me in.  Three years for what?

Etta Sue.......

Vivian says she has the same kind of veins and calls herself a "Turnip".


How's your study of Job coming along?  Have a question to ask when you near completion.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 05:37:26 PM

I'm just here weeping listening to the dear mother of Cecilia speaking to the press.  At one point she said, "Cecilia, you asked Mummy the other day if she believed in God.  Cecilia, YES, I believe in God!  I believe that God will take care of you."  and then she collapsed and had to be led from the room.

What an interview.

I'm so sad for that dear couple.

Here's a link...

They had a translator too for the Mandarin community. (

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 05:40:31 PM
Etta Sue - it's very heartening to see other people looking at Rick Warren's books.  The Purpose Driven Church is practically mandatory reading at our little church, and we're very seriously looking at Beginning Life Together - a home-Bible study help by others in Warren's church.  I had come to many of the same opinions as Warren many years ago in study of Ephesians 4, and it was therefore a tremendous encouragement to read The Purpose Driven Church.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 05:42:52 PM

Hi Al...

With all the talk in here about the book, I have it ordered but I'm not sure when I'll get it...  But I'm sure looking forward to reading it.  I guess it was Larry who first mentioned it to us about a month and a half ago.  I wish I had ordered it then.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 05:48:16 PM
Let's sing!


(Click to hear music)

by Andrae Crouch

How can I say thanks
for  the things you have done for me?
Things so undeservered,
Yet You gave to prove Your love to me?
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude.
All that I am and ever hope to be
I owe it all to Thee.

To God be the glory,
To God be the glory,
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done.
With His blood
He has saved me,
With His power
He has raised me,
To God be the glory
For the things He has done.

Just let me live my life
Let it be pleasing, Lord, to Thee;
And should I gain any praise,
Let it go to Calvary.

With His blood
He has saved me
With His pow'r
He has raised me,
To God be the glory
For the things He has done,  


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: nards656 on October 24, 2003, 06:35:55 PM
Al, Lee, Iain, Chris, others...

It's been great "discussing" with you all today.  I may not have another opportunity to post tonight, but thanks for all the great thoughts.  You've all been a great encouragement to me.

Love all of ya!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: ken on October 24, 2003, 06:50:45 PM
Pat thanks for Jacks thouhts on Angels.

Iain I know exactly where you are coming from. Last Sunday our Pastor preached on Psalm 73 which seems to sum up your thoughts completely.  I too have felt like giving up, "In vain I have washed my hands" Whats the point. But thanks God the psalmist recovered himself and was saved from himself when he considered the BIG picture.

PS 73:13 Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure;
   in vain have I washed my hands in innocence.

 PS 73:14 All day long I have been plagued;
   I have been punished every morning.

 PS 73:15 If I had said, "I will speak thus,"
   I would have betrayed your children.

 PS 73:16 When I tried to understand all this,
   it was oppressive to me

 PS 73:17 till I entered the sanctuary of God;

I hope everyone reading this will read the rest of the psalm.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 07:08:16 PM
My My I haven't seen Al be so talkative in a very long time. It looks like Lee and Nards is bringing him Out of his cocoon. ;D

Praise the Lord

This place is getting to be very active and most interesting. We have great teachers here. My compliments to Lee, Nards Al, Iain, Chris and Ken for waking us all up here.  ;)We were getting too full of ourselves. Humph maybe I'd better speak for myself only. Sorry about that Sisters. :-[

I know my posts were too full of myself. :-[ Thanks for the kick in the pants Guys. :P
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Ruthie on October 24, 2003, 07:20:13 PM

Thank you Pat for the discussion and that wonderful song "My Tribute"    To God be the Glory, for the things He has done.

I also want to thank everyone who has taken a few minutes out of your busy day to pray for LALWALSAWMA .....  if his name is hard to remember just say "Lord heal LAL in India"  God knows who he is!   His father Vanlal says that his son has been diligent and faithful in his studies and is ready for his exam on Monday, but he is weak physically.  He needs the Hand of God to touch him and heal him.  

Thank you for your faithfulness.

Love Ruthie
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Ruth on October 24, 2003, 07:20:54 PM

This has been a very long week a little of this and a little of that but just the same too busy.

I have checked in several times and have enjoyed the discussions about angels.

Heather I am glad to see you posting.
Pat: I enjoy the music I often wish it was a constant play.  Just checked for a repeat play and found it.

Have a great evening
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 07:26:20 PM
Hi Ruth...

I was just going to say that this is controlled on your computer and then I guess that you are saying you found out where to change it?

I have mine set to play continuously until I turn it off.

Hi Ken...

I just finished reading Psalm 73.  Thanks so much for sharing those thoughts with us all.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Papa John on October 24, 2003, 07:46:24 PM
Just a word to let you al know I'm doing fine.  Seems like everything tires me out.  Anyway I am getting stronger all the time I think.  The little nurse came today.  I hope you are well.  Maybe I'll so better tomorrow reading the posts, etc.

--- Papa John    ;D          <:))))><<

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jerry L. Sowers on October 24, 2003, 07:59:45 PM
Lee ~ The three years are how long it takes for some to overcome a stroke. I am trying for the year or less, Ha! Ha! I had the stroke in July and Etta Sue has been keeping everyone up to date on it. I don't write like she does. I hope to be able to take over someday though. I think of everyone on CP and I pray for their days to be happy with God. Pat S. knows me personally too! She can probably tell you about me. Nard and Karmat met me at Etta Sue's also. I was to meet Jane and her sisters, but I had the stroke that week and didn't get to. I hope to meet as many as I can though, Papa John especially since I talked to him on AOL message boards and was dragged up to srnet because of him and Norm. He was with me when Bev died., well not really, but he was close to me on the PC and I won't ever forget that. He is the best one of all. He will keep us straight and I believe him. MTYWTK!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Melaura on October 24, 2003, 08:15:51 PM
Auntie Pat,thank you for that devotional,It reminded me of Uncle Jack. Thank You.
Mr.Papa John, I have been praying for you!!!!
Ms.Ruth,how are you? Hows Mel?
Mr.Ken, thank you for those verses.
Ms.Marlyin, our God is an awosome God.
Thank you all for letting me join and feel so welcome
Melaura ;D :D ;) :) :) ;) :D ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: mieka on October 24, 2003, 08:19:30 PM
 8) It is my Papa John   8)  I am SO happy to see you and I pray for you and Ms Cornelia each day.  ;D  (((hug)))

8) MR JERRY  :o (I ate american today)  ::)
in and out burger  :-\

Ms Pat I am so sad of this little girl Cecilia. It is a great pain to me that i wish not to talk of, but my heart is with her every moment.

And Ms Ruthie, I did pray for your friend
Mr. LALWALSAWMA and I will each day for this week.

I love the talk of the angels today. I have so many questions of them.
Ms Jenny did say
......."The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him and delivereth them".
Mr Webster did not know the encampeth, but it is my wonder if the angels are here for ones that do not know Jesus too? I think, yes? is it written?  :-\

Hi everyone and a happy friday ok. 8)

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: mieka on October 24, 2003, 08:21:27 PM
 ;D Hi Ms Melaura  ;D

I am Mieka  :)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 08:28:09 PM



We're so glad to see you!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Al Moak on October 24, 2003, 08:45:30 PM
Mieka - the angels of the Lord are messengers, sent to protect God's people.  They are indeed sent to unbelievers also, but not for the same reason.  God's people are special to God, and He uses His angels for their good, whereas the rest of the world is still in rebellion against Him, so doesn't get that kind of blessing.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 08:49:39 PM

We are so glad to have you here with us. Pull up a chair and tell us all about yourself.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 08:52:39 PM
Well y-all I am off to the church for that steak dinner. BTW  last night I kept dreaming that I wqas setting up my new computer. But It won't even be shipped until the 29th. So maybe by te 5th of Nov. I will be up and running and posting photos. Guess I can start using my camera again now. HUH? ::)

Will catch up with y-all later. Love y-all.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jane Walker on October 24, 2003, 08:55:37 PM
[size=+3]WELCOME, DEERHUNTER16!![/size]

It's great to see more and more "newbies" arriving!   ;D  

Hi, Mieka!  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Janet on October 24, 2003, 10:10:05 PM
Welcome to Deerhunter, and to Melaura!

Happy birthday to Judy McKenna!

After an almost sleepless night, getting up at 5 AM and a trip to Amarillo and back (about 430 miles) I am really weary.

Great discussions on angels!  I have thoughts to add, but if I try tonight they probably wouldn't be coherent, so it will keep.

We did not receive good news from the doctor today about Beth.  My heart is very heavy.  It is hard to see the keyboard or screen through my tears.  After about 2 1/2 hours of painful tests, he told us she has extensive nerve damage, muscle atrophy, and lack of electrical impulse conductivity in both legs and both feet.

After Beth left the room I asked about her prognosis and he said it is progressive and that Beth soon will be unable to walk at all any more.  And that there is not anything they can do to help her.  I am heartbroken.  I haven't told Beth this news yet; I don't know whether or not I should.  What do you think?  She is keeping a good attitude and trying to do all she can for herself; I don't want to do anything to discourage her.  I just keep going around and around in my mind about it.  Any advice?

It surely is good to see the guys posting more in here!  And you gals, too!  I love all of you.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sonifo on October 24, 2003, 10:14:21 PM
Janet~  :'( I am so sorry to hear the news.  I was praying for Beth today.  I am not sure what you should do.  I will keep you all in my prayers.  

Love you
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 24, 2003, 10:30:15 PM
(  This is happening to me sitting here at the computer! :-\

We had a delicious chicken & biscuit dinner at the American Legion tonight, met up with some fellow Legionnaires & Auxiliary members we haven't seen in a while.  But we also found out a dear friend had died more than a week ago. :'(

Then we went to a special prayer meeting at church for service men and women, especially those associated in some way with our congregation.  Although only the pastor, four others and ourselves were there it was a really uplifting evening, with some powerful prayers being lifted to the Throne.  Three young men who are members of our little church are serving in Iraq and one is in Korea.   Others are deployed in other overseas locations and stateside - we have 17 on our "Roll of Honor".  And in the town and village of Corinth there are a total of 60 men and women in the various armed services.  

Now I think I'll get my evening preprations done and let these old eyes close.  (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 10:43:42 PM
I AM so sorry, Janet.  ( fail me.  I'm not certain what you should do but one thing definite is that you should pray about it.

I'm wondering about Beth's age.  She's old enough to get this news herself from the doctor and will she be a bit upset that it was told to you and not her?

(I'm just thinking out loud here)

I'll continue praying as I have been during this day.  I will pray that you will be aware of the Lord's guiding hand in this. (

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 10:45:27 PM

In your BIble studies you remember that there were two kinds of angels in heaven.  Those who serve God continuously, and those who followed after Satan (Lucifer).  God's holy angels are His messengers who do in fact protect followers of Jesus Christ.  The demonic angels do not serve God, and were banished from heaven to earth.  Some of them were so bad that they have been cast into the "Pit" and will remain there until released by God to do Satan's bidding [After the Rapture of God's Church].  Only "Born Again" Christians will be Raptured and will be with the Lord for ALL eternity, and if any individual is not "Born Again" they will NOT inherit the kingdom of God.  The unholy angels will be unleashed onto earth to bring death and destruction.  These [Once angels of God] will also be cast into the Lake of Fire at the close of the age.  I'm most pleased to report to you that millions upon millions will come to the Lord during the Tribulation period (As many as the sands of the sea).  Remember Mieka, all mankind that refuse to follow our Lord Jesus Christ [ALONE] will NOT be protected by God's holy angels.  Now why do I say "alone"?  Simply Mieka, there are people who call themselves pastors who would have mankind believe that Jesus is NOT the true Son of God, that He is NOT God, and that He is the brother of Satan.  Now you and I know that this kind of thinking is non other than DEMONIC.  Again, this refers to the bad angels who want mankind to [THINK] they are following after Christ, but are actually following after Satan.  THis is why you and I MUST be discerning and READ the BIble.  God will tell us all the truths we will ever want to know.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: karmat on October 24, 2003, 10:53:18 PM
Janet --  :'(  As a mother, I have no idea what i would do.  As a daughter, I would want my mother to be completely up front with me, though.  I am NOT Beth, though, but you probably know her better than anyone.  My prayers are with you.

I have hte hiccups.   >:(  Right now, I am killing them with graham crackers.  Oreos work better, but I don't have any. ;)

Glad to see so many posters today.  My mother and I had a wonderful time shopping.  She was buying birthday and Christmas presents for 4 kids, 3 children in law, and 7 grandkids.  The woman had a mission.  I am whupped.  For birthdays, instead of just one kid getting presents, she gives them all something.  The birthday kid gets some extra money, and they all get some clothes and a toy.  It's pretty cool.  And hilarious when you say, "Storm, that is a cool shirt.  Where did you get it?" and he replies, "Ninaw gave it to me for Brayden's birthday."  I guess one of the best results (aside from getting clothes year 'round) is that they look forward to their cousins' birthdays as much as their own.  

I'm off to look at some pictures.


PS -- My hiccups are gone <and there was much rejoicing>
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 10:58:56 PM
Dear Janet.........

I believe you'll know exactly  what I mean when I say that I have always seen something very special in your eyes and smile.  You know the feeling.  Some people have that unknown ability to capture those they meet.  This said Janet, I know in my heart that you will be able to take the bull by the horns and tell her the truth.  She MUST hear it, and the sooner the better.  Why? because there will be no time in her life that will make the pain (for both of you any easier).  We all know that  the shock will be devestating and the pain beyond what we have experienced because we are not going through it.  There are ways to say things, and then there are ways to say things.  You in your wisdom will find the right and most gentle and loving ways to break the news to her.  Remember Janet, our Lord knows exactly why she has been chosen to undergo this trial (And you as well).  Yes, it is a trial, and only our love and knowledge, and trust in Jesus Christ can help us to understand that better things are ahead for her.  No, of course it isn't easy and won't be, but she MUST understand that "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes."  Romans 8:28  You will know the time.  God bless you Janet.  I'll be praying for you.  I mean it.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Elizabeth on October 24, 2003, 11:00:25 PM
What interesting posts.  So much is being written about angels these days...not always to the benefit of the readers.  I like what you said Pastor Al and also share the same belief.  All the posts were most helpful and agree with what Marilyn said.  This day has certainly been focused on our Lord.

Had two small nibbles about my Condo today.  So that is encouraging.  Someone is coming to view it on Tuesday and I will leave the matter in God's hands.

Talked to Al again a few minutes ago as he looked so weak this afternoon.  His pain is starting to become worse and more medication  will be needed soon.  God is taking very good care of my friend and it is our hope that he will go home before things become really hard.

Janet, I am so sorry about Beth and can feel your pain.
I have been praying for her today and yesterday, etc. and will continue to do this.  God will help you decide what is best to say to your daughter.  I pray that He will bring peace to your heart and clarity to your thoughts as you deal with this sorrow.  LOL

Hope you all have a pleasant evening.  God Bless.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 11:05:20 PM

The next time it happens, take on teaspoon of sugar and put it on your tongue.  Hiccups is a chemical condition and this gets rid of it IMMEDIATELY
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: karmat on October 24, 2003, 11:08:32 PM
Oh, but Lee, cookies are so much more fun!!!!  ;D ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 11:09:44 PM

Tell me the old old story
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory,
Of Jesus and His love.
Tell me the story simply,
As to a little child,
For I am week and weary,
And helpless and defiled.

Tell me the old old story
Tell me the old old story
Tell me the old old story
Of Jesus and His love.
Of Jesus and His love
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 11:19:52 PM
Marilyn and Judy.........

Thanks.  Guess no one else knew it ;D ;D

Welcome Deerhunter16.  Are you?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 11:21:59 PM

I knew it!!!  I knew it!!  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 11:25:25 PM
Oh Janet {{{{{hugs}}}} I am so sorry :'( :'( to hear this news about Beth. Have been praying for both of you last night and today and well as at other times too my friend.  I cannot offer any advice other than that Lee has already said to you. She has to hear it from you. I will continue to pray for both of you.  I love you sister. You ar a special friend to me. You were there for me on the phone when I needed someone. I will try to call you tomorrow.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 11:29:32 PM
I have just finished scanning all the posts.  I will say this and it seems we all agree on this point.  There are angels.  I didn't see if we all agree that many can actually see angels.  As a wee girl Melaura would tell me of a man standing in her room at night, and he was shiny.   He told her that he was there to protect her.  I believe this was an angel.  Have anyone elses children given this kind of report?  Also I pray God's protection over everyone in our home.  After I had prayed one evening Melaura came inside just a dancing and saying that I had to go outside and see the house. I went with her and had no clue what she was on about.  She was quite dissapointed that I couldn't see the dome of angels covering our home.  It reminded me of the story about Elisha asking God to reveal the warrior angles to the servant.  

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 11:29:53 PM

Just a little message from Janet...

She's been here to read all of your lovely messages.  She wants you to know that.  She's crying and her grief is just too heavy to post tonight and she's gone to bed.

She has to get up early tomorrow to attend a seminar that was planned.  The title of the seminar is "The Secrets of Powerful Prayer" so she'll be here after she gets home.

Thanks so much for being such a caring group of people.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2003, 11:31:28 PM
Pat if you knew it whay didn't you say so.  :-* :-*

I had a great time at the Steak dinner tonight. There was avideo from one of the missionaries to China talaking about the house churches there and the lack of Bibles.
A beautiful story about a young man who prayed for a Bible and a missionary who came to the door of his home in a little village with one just for him. The Lord had told the missionary who the bible was for. Then the President of "Light for the Lost" spoke on the video urging us to do all we can to purchasr Fire Bibles for China. They have already sent 1 million Bibles and hope to sent 2 million more.

A delightful evening of fellowship too.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 11:34:14 PM

Welcome Deerhunter16.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 24, 2003, 11:36:25 PM

Yah sure. :) :) :D ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 24, 2003, 11:37:27 PM

Marilyn, cuz I saw you answered!  HAHAHA
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 11:40:16 PM
Pat I assume Janet will be back tomorrow to read what we have posted.

Janet this is a very heavy, heavy load for a mother to carry.  Fortunately you have help in carrying it.  Your Lord is right there upholding you, and Beth.  Let him carry you in this.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 11:41:25 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Pat is this a record number of postings?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: JudyB on October 24, 2003, 11:49:09 PM
                     ( DEUTERONOMY 31:6 *NJKV )
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: karmat on October 24, 2003, 11:54:55 PM
Ya'll gotta slow down.  I cna't keep up!!!  You know how slow we southerns tawlk.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: karmat on October 25, 2003, 12:03:22 AM
Nite nite.  Falling asleep in my thoughts.  ?????

Anyway.  Have a good 'un.  See you tomorrow.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 25, 2003, 12:04:24 AM

Yes, Judy, Janet will be able to read the posts.  We keep all of the New Every Morning topics.  She'll be home after her seminar.

Karma, it's the men!  And they've always said that the women like to tawk!!  HAHAHA!  I love it though, don't you?

Well, it's time to lock the door and yes, Judy, today's posting set a record!

CLICK HERE (;action=display;threadid=1558) to get to tomorrow's topic.