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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

New Every Morning~September 10

Started by Pat, September 09, 2004, 10:52:42 PM

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The Word generates faith and regenerates us.
~Joseph Alleine~

Morning Devotional...

And Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.  
Leviticus 8:23

The ram of consecration died and its blood was then applied to three places on the priest's body.

The same principle relates to us--the New Testament priesthood: our ears, consecrated to listen to God; our hands, consecrated to work for God; our feet, consecrated to walk with God.

Can we do it?

Notice in verse 30 that oil was applied, as well as blood.

The blood of the Lamb on our behalf is made real in our daily experience by the gracious anointing of His Holy Spirit.

We can't do it, but by His Spirit, He can do it through us and He does.

Be yielding to thine unseen Guide,
love Him as He loves thee;
Time and obedience are enough,
and thou a saint shall be.
F. F.

Take My Life, and Let It Be
(Click to hear music)

Romans 12:1,2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 

Author:  Frances R. Havergal, 1836-1879
Musician:  Henri A.C. Malan, 1787-1864

Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King.
Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


hope ya'll have had a good day i know mine has been pretty good.... just stopping in for a bit to let you know i'm still around haven't had much time to post been busy getting stuff ready for our first home game tomorrow night... we have created  a team by combining 2 schools for football and going totally neutral for the mascot... we combined the Keyes Pirates with the Yarbrough Lobos for football and are the Keyes- Yarbrough Titans so it's interesting this is the 1st time these 2 schools have gone together for any sport from what i understand at least for the high schools to go together.... in basketball our guys and thier guys are rivals but maybe things will cool down with the football team now?! who knows well i'll chat with you later


Just sticking my head in to say "HI"

We're drying out here in Canton, finally, and it was wonderful to have blue skies today.  We spent the day in the Pigeon Forge, TN area, and did the Cades' Cove loop.  Got some cool pic of deer I'll try to post sometime.

Tomorrow (today?), it is off to Columbia, SC for a day at the Riverbanks Zoo. :-)



Good day to you all!

We finally got Chandraya's room done and she is sleeping in it now.  We just need curtains, a rug and her vanity (not sure where to find that).  She loves it.  I will take pictures of it tomorrow.  She is doing great in school.  She brought home her first paper and she got a star.  Everything was correct.  She had dance every night of the week and seems to be doing ok with that.  She has so much energy.  I wish I could store some of that in a box and mix it with a drink. hehehehe...

Lila Mae is excited to have her own room and sissy's old bed.  We are going to buy her a bedspread tomorrow.

Not sure if I will be online tomorrow.  We are moving my desks into the other room and cleaning this area out for the studio.  (Soni wonders if Mike is enjoying his 2 week vacation)

Hope you all have a great day.
to all!


Hey all,

I started school last week and the teacher's have already started to load on the homework.

I received some disappointing news today...our missions coordinator and our principal decided to cancel the Honduras missions trip scheduled for next March and April because we don't have enough people (we have about 11 including the adults that are going, last year we had 26)  It came as quite a shock to the team. To of my friends and I discussed it and decided we would express our opinion. We really feel we are supposed to go next year. Please be praying that God's will would be done! Thanks!


Lillie I agree with Jona that Teen Challenge is is the best program around here in the states and in other countries as well. The program is over 40 years old and was started by David Wilkerson in New York. I support Teen Challenge monthly and have been to  a few of the local functions that they have put on Fund Raisers. We are raising money for The Redwood Teen Challenge. We don't have a building here yet and have to send our local people to San francisco, San Jose, or Reno, Nevada. The Director and his wife are members of my church and graduates of the program. I know that Mike (Skief) here knows about them too.

Good Morning, thank you Pat for the devotional today. One time in the church where I was when I lived down south , we had a revival and the pastor came into the audience and annointed everyone's ear, big toe and thumb with oil. And that  verse was the text for the message.

Today I am taking Gloria shopping at K-mart. FYI it is still difficult to work for her, the mood swings really stress me out. Please keep me before the Lord today and every day.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I would definitely say that I know of Teen Challenge.  Amazingly, I had the opportunity and blessing to spend 3 days with a hero of the faith of mine almost a year ago.  David Wilkerson and his son Gary came and did a Pastor's Crusade here in Minsk.  I was able to spend quite a bit of quality time with them during that time.  I sat there in amazement many times, thinking, "I can't believe I am actually sitting here having supper with this man of God."

I would definitely check out if Teen Challenge is available for your granddaughter.  Just go in and check with your local Assemblies of God church and ask the pastor about it.  It does have one of the lowest recidivism rates in the country.  It is also done around the world.  We have one that is established here in Belarus. 

I know Al has shelved the issue, so I'll say one more little thing, then I'll shelve it as well.  The Assemblies of God and I stand between the extreme positions of Calvinism and Arminianism accepting the scriptural elements found in both teachings.  The Calvinist stresses, rightly, God's sovereignty and divine prerogative, while the Arminian stresses, also rightly, man's free will and responsibility. The two positions, however, must be considered together if they are to be properly understood. I believe in the sovereignty and divine prerogative of God untainted by arbitrariness or caprice and also in the free will and responsibility of man.  I have seen a lot of misunderstandings from people holding both positions.  People feeling that they 'have been saved,' then being able to do whatever they want without any thought to consequence.  As well as the fluctuations of belief wondering if you are truly saved.  Neither one of these positions is strong enough to stand on its own if you look at scripture as a whole.  Therefore you have to look at what the whole of scripture says. 

At what point does one then lose their salvation?  That is something that is left to God, but we do not say that it is a light or easy thing to happen.  It does take a conscious and willful decision to walk away from God (I do believe that one can walk away), although some would say that they were never saved to start with.  This is why the warnings of one's name being removed from the book of Life (How could it be in there in the first place if the person were not saved to start with?).  This also ties into the fact of our God being a covenant God, which I talked about previously in another thread, but is relevant to this one as well.

That's enough of that subject for now...  We have finished our first full week of teaching in the Bible School, and I'm enjoying my time being in the classroom again.  I've got 22 second year students in Historical Books (sometimes it is Hysterical Books - just try teaching Ruth to a bunch of single guys and gals and having to tell them that a young girl laying down at the feet of an older man in order to ask him to marry her and then spending the night is NOT normative). 

On another note, my translator is announcing his engagement in church on Sunday, so I've got to go and object.... no that's not right, go and support him.  This is a very formal thing that they do in churches here which I really like, they announce to the church their plans on getting married (gives a chance for objections), and then the church prays over them and blesses them.  It was funny earlier this week, they went in to talk with the pastor about it, and they were told, "No Kissing."  He asked, "Can I hold her hand?"  Pastor said, "I guess that is ok, but NO KISSING."  He'll be getting married October 16, and I'm excited for him, he's 26 and was starting to think that he would remain a bachelor :)
A watched clock never boils.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I am sitting here awaiting the cable people to come again.  Someone came around 5:30 pm last night  (suppose to be here between 2-5 pm) and then decided he didn't have what was needed.  I talked to his supervisor who told me he wasn't very experienced and he would send an experienced person out by 8:30 am this morning.  It is 10:21 and still no one is here.  I talked to the supervisor about 9:30 am and he told me someone would be here by 10.  This is not getting off to a very good start and is terrible customer relations.  It appears the cable company is working hard to maintain this bad reputation, although had heard that things were better than they used to be when owned by AT&T.  Of course, this is not the world most serious problem.

Pat, hope your surgery goes well and know you will appreciate the results when the black eye is gone.  Good devotional thoughts this morning.

Karma, glad to hear you all weren't washed away.  I am thinking we need to prepare better for this next week and get some battery powered lights to use in case we lose electricity again if we get some impact from Ivan.

Skief, it sounds like you will have a very interesting class this year.  Interesting marriage custom and advice from the pastor.  Young love and not even a kiss seems to be asking a lot.

Marilyn, I certainly hope you can get a new refrigerator.  Your current situation is certainly unacceptable.

CheckSix, sorry to hear that your mission trip has been cancelled.  Our church is sending a mission team to Hondurus this next week for seven days and they made a trip there in the Spring.  We also have two ladies serving as missionaries in Belize.  Not sure how long they will be there.

Sonja, it sounds like there are a lot of changes in your household.  How is your new studio progressing?

Sarah, it sounds like a good idea to combine with another school for the football season.  I attended such a small highschool that we couldn't field a football team and could hardly get enough to play basketball.  The year I graduated we had only 36 students in the highschool and the next year it was consolidated with another highschool.  My graduating class had only 6 students.

Carol, I hope you and Don get rested up and that Don didn't hurt his back too severely yesterday.

Alma, glad that you are getting some rain.  I think we have had an abundance of rain this year, especially after a couple of days ago witha bout 6 inches falling in 36 hours time.

Janet, I don't let a change of plans upset me and agree that God probably wanted me to be doing something else anyway.  It nothing else it is a lesson in patience.

Joni, the Teen Challenge program sounds like a very good thing.  So glad to hear that is has worked for your stepson.  Of course, as a grandparent our hands are often tied beyond suggesting things unless we have custody of the child. 

Etta Sue

For everyone commenting on my age being 26, Ivalou pointed out to me that I have the numbers reversed.  Does that mean that I will age 10 years in one?

Bright and sunny here in Indiana.  Kind of cool but not cool enough for a jacket if one is outside.  The sun makes it feel warmer than it is.  I am praying that today is a do-nothing day.  But it seems when I think and pray that, it doesn't turn out that way but it does turn out to be a productive day.

I have read all the posts but just wasn't motivated today to keep notes but be rest assured little prayers for each of you are going heavnward from me. 

New rooms for little girls are exciting.  :D

Waiting for someone is aggravating.  :(

Knowing you are having surgery is something to look forward to AND not.  :o

New refrigerators are nice.  :)

Sunshine after lots of rain is welcome.   ;)

Zoos are great for kids, big and little.  ;D

No kissing during an engagement   ??? I will have to think about that. 

Cancelled mission trips are disappointing.  :-\

Small schools are great even if you have to combine schools to get a team!!!!  ;D

"Life is a constant battle between carrots and chocolate."


Good morning!  I had another "short night" and am feeling pretty draggy today, but will try to keep on keeping on in spite of it.  I am trying to make a decision.  Darrel is going to Santa Rosa, N.M. tomorrow and Sunday for the open water session of his Scuba class he has been teaching, and I want to go with him because I don't want him to have to drive that 5 hours home when he is exhausted, late at night.  But I also want to go to my painting group, because a friend I haven't seen for two years is teaching the project tomorrow.  What do I do?  Darrel says I can go paint, no big deal for him to drive home alone, but........... :-\ :-\

We now have a list of friends made to call Beth while we are away.  One person is to call her each day, and if they forget, Beth is to call them.  I just wanted a "safety net" for her in case she should fall again or something.  Aren't friends great?  I really thank God for friends.

Pat, I have some Velcro---could we fasten up that eyelid with that?  ;) ;D  Seriously, I'm sorry you have had so many problems to deal with, and pray that better times will soon overtake you!  :-*

Larry, as Etta Sue has been saying---why can't people just do what they say they will do, when they say they will do it ???  It gets so frustrating, waiting on someone who was supposed to come and doesn't!  Sorry you are having to deal with this.  Hope their cable service is much better than their installation service!

I need to go see about Beth, then work on my family reunion newsletter.  See y'all later!

Hi, Etta Sue---as usual, we were posting at the same time!  We seem to do that a lot.  :D
My book Rising Above available at



Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know
(Click to hear music)

Thy Name is as ointment poured forth.
Song of Solomon 1:3

Words & Music: Lela B. Long, 20th Century


There have been names that I have loved to hear,
But never has there been a name so dear
To this heart of mine, as the Name divine,
The precious, precious Name of Jesus.

Jesus is the sweetest name I know,
And He's just the same as His lovely Name,
And that's the reason why I love Him so;
Oh, Jesus is the sweetest name I know.

There is no name in earth or heav'n above,
That we should give such honor and such love
As the blest Name, let us all acclaim,
That wondrous, glorious Name of Jesus.


And some day I shall see Him face to face
To thank and praise Him for His wondrous grace,
Which He gave to me, when He made me free,
The blessed Son of God called Jesus.


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



    God told the Israelites that a newly married man should spend the first year of his marriage doing what?

      1) making his new wife happy
      2) storing up grain
      3) having children
      4) going to war[/b][/size]

    "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


    The answer is #1--Making his new wife happy!

    I finally got to answer one first!  ;D
    My book Rising Above available at

    Chris & Margit Saunders

    September 10   

    Revival: We Need a Revival!

    And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many
    years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry." But God said to him,
    "Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will
    those things be which you have provided?" So is he who lays up
    treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. 
    -Luke 12:19-21

    We need a revival! We need a revival of consecration to death, a
    revival of happy abandonment to the will of God that will laugh at
    sacrifice and count it a privilege to bear the cross through the heat
    and burden of the day. We are too much influenced by the world and too
    little controlled by the Spirit. We of the deeper life persuasion are
    not immune to the temptations of ease and we are in grave danger of
    becoming a generation of pleasure lovers.

    Any who disagree with these conclusions are within their rights, and
    I would be the last to deny them the privilege. But in the name of a
    thousand struggling churches and disheartended pastors, may I not
    plead for a little more loyalty to the local church during this
    season of difficulty?

    May God raise up a people who will consult their pleasures less and
    the great need more.  God Tells the Man Who Cares, 159-160.

    "Lord, make me today one of those 'who will consult their pleasures
    less and the great need more.' Amen."

    You are receiving this recurring mailing because you subscribed to
    the daily Tozer devotionals from Literature Ministries International


    Yes, JANET!!

    That's the correct answer!

    1) making his new wife happy is Correct 

    Deuteronomy 24:5 says...

    When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

    "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



      For anyone refusing to bow and worship king Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue this punishment awaited them.

        1) loss of position and wealth
        2) they would be cast into a burning fiery furnace
        3) they would have their heads cut off
        4) they would have their thumbs cut off[/b][/size][/color]

    "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


    Quote from: Pat Scott on September 10, 2004, 04:21:56 PM


      For anyone refusing to bow and worship king Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue this punishment awaited them.

      And my final answer is:
      2) they would be cast into a burning fiery furnace

    I am a nobody
    Telling everybody
    There is a somebody
    That can save anybody
    borrowed from Tom Ramundo


    (Click to hear music)


    I've had many tears and sorrows,
    I've had questions for tomorrow,
    There have been times
    I didn't know right from wrong.
    But in every situation -
    God gave blessed consolation,
    That my trials come only to make me strong.

    I thank God for the mountains,
    I thank Him for the valleys
    I thank Him for the storms
    He brought me through.

    For if I'd never had a problem
    I wouldn't know that He could solve them,
    I'd never know what faith in God can do.

    Through it all -- through it all,
    I've learned to trust in Jesus,
    I've learned to trust in God.
    Through it all -- through it all,
    I've learned to depend upon His Word.

    "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


    You're Correct, Fast Eddie!

    Daniel 3:6
    "and whoever does not fall down and worship shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace."

    "Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


    Good Afternoon everyone, I have missed Jenny for the last couple of days.

    The appliance repairman is coming this afternoon or early tomorrow morning before I go to work.  I hope it is today. I stopped at the VEt ont he way home and made Bebe an appointment for Monday afternoon. Did I tell you that she "clicks" in her hip when she walks? Now she is chewing at a spot by her tail. Time to go to the Doctor for her.

    Chris while reading your dovotional the only though going through my mind is "Boy do we ever need revival" Sometime when I am praying I ask the Lord to set a rivival fire under every chair in the sanctuary. That may sound silly but all things are possible with God.


    "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
    Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


    PRAISE REPORT AND GREAT NEWS!!: I talked to my principal today after handing him a 4 page letter requesting a reconsideration of the cancellation of our mission trip. He gave the okay to continue with it after all! I'm so excited!

    Larry: Where about in Honduras is your church sending the team?


    We turned on the t.v. for news and such grim news about the hurricane coming to Florida.  It looks like a lot of places will need volunteers and wish I had the energy to help. 

    Larry:  Don's back is better today as he has "coddled" it by not driving and staying home - reading and so forth.  Sometimes we just need to have a few days like that in our busy lives.  I hope you are doing well - are you preparing for perhaps another loss of electricity? 

    Have a good and godly weekend everyone. 

    Pat Scott:  Extending my best wishes for a quick recovery on your eye surgery.


    Judy McKenna

    Checksix:  Hey - good for you!  That must have been quite a letter that you wrote your principal. (I'd sure like to know your first name....LOL

    Pat - I'm humming along with you tonight....hope you can hear me....are we "harmonizing"

    Norm and I made a list, and accomplished quite a lot today.  We are busy cleaning out cupboards. drawers etc....makes one feel good to see "stuff" that we no longer need,, and can be given away to someone else.

    Is anyone watching Jeopardy?  "Ken" finally loses after the 73rd show, and over 2.5 million dollars later.  We don't get to see the final show for several weeks yet.

    Carol:  Ontario is sending several Hydro trucks, and dozens of workers to Florida to help clean up after the hurricanes.

    we need to pray for all those who are going to be affected with "Ivan".
    "I am too blessed to be stressed".


    Judy, I am angry because they took off Jeopardy and put on "Ellen" in its place. >:(  I really enjoyed watching Ken!

    Checksix---good for you!!
    My book Rising Above available at

    Judy McKenna

    Janet: We are getting Jeopardy here.  Its on every night at 7:30.   I guess that Ellen program comes on here too, although, I sure have no interest in watching it.  Larry King interviewed her on his program a couple of nights ago.  He was so "enthralled" with her, it made me sick!! :(
    "I am too blessed to be stressed".

    Papa John

    Karma, we go to Pigeon Forge every year for a week.  Our week comes up the last of this month.  We have made that Cade’s Cove loop a number of times.  Almost always we see deer and sometimes a bear.

    Pat, in our daily Bible reading Cornelia and I read last night about the fiery furnace.  We are on schedule and read every night before we go to bed.

    Marilyn, sorry about Bebe’s clicking hips and the spot on her tail.  I hope the Vet will be able to help her problems.  I love dogs and I miss our not having a dog.  Our daughter, Rachel, has two dogs, one a dachshund and the other a Greyhound.  Tomorrow they are going to a park here in Nashville where they are having a meeting of Greyhounds.  Can you imagine a hundred Greyhounds all playing together. 

    CheckSix I’m glad he reconsidered and you may go to Honduras after all.  Our church sent two teams to Honduras this summer but I don’t know just where in the country they went.

    Well, I have read and enjoyed all the posts but I don’t feel like trying to comment on every one of them.

    1Thes 5:16-28
    16   Be joyful always;
    17   pray continually;
    18   give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
    19   Do not put out the Spirit's fire;
    20   do not treat prophecies with contempt.
    21   Test everything. Hold on to the good.
    22   Avoid every kind of evil.
    23   May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    24   The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
    25   Brothers, pray for us.
    26   Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.
    27   I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers.
    28   The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

    Tonight I am praying for those in the path of Ivan.  Granada has been devastated and it will hit Jamaica tonight.  May God be with these poor people.

    --- Papa John             
    Eph 2:8-9  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast.(NIV)

    <img src="" border=0
    alt="Click for Nashville, Tennessee Forecast" height=41 width=127>

    Judy McKenna

    Papa John:  I am praying for those poor people too.  I was wondering how your home in Florida, withstood the damage from the hurricanes....also, your friend, Norm's Florida home as well.
    "I am too blessed to be stressed".



    I should probably be asking in the book exchange, but am asking here as well. 

    My best friend is working her way through University and the course she is taking this semester is Children's literature.  Two of the books on the course of study are "BABAR" and "WIND IN THE WILLOWS".  Babar is now out of print and very hard to get.  The University bookstore was not able to get "Wind in the Willows" in in time for the course of study.  Would anyone who has these be willing to loan them to her for her studies?


    Wanna SEE what I've been up to. Click on the Blue SEE.
    "Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
    Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


    Quote from: Janet on September 10, 2004, 08:16:00 PM
    Judy, I am angry because they took off Jeopardy and put on "Ellen" in its place. >:(  I really enjoyed watching Ken!

    Checksix---good for you!!

    Did you see the article in today's paper on Ken?  If you didn't...I won't let you in on the story......
    I am a nobody
    Telling everybody
    There is a somebody
    That can save anybody
    borrowed from Tom Ramundo