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Don: Hey Judy, It's been a long time. Hope you are doing well. 2024-12-02, 22:41:41

JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

Thoughts for the Week for Nov. 2

Started by Pat, July 07, 2008, 06:22:03 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Morning Devotional...

Spiritual Warfare and Sin:
Irreconcilable Hostility

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. --Ephesians 6:12

In the early days, when Christianity exercised a dominant influence over American thinking, men and women conceived the world to be a battleground. Our fathers believed in sin and the devil and hell as constituting one force, and they believed in God and righteousness and heaven as the other. By their very nature, these forces were opposed to each other forever in deep, grave, irreconcilable hostility. Humans, our fathers held, had to choose sides-they could not be neutral. For them it must be life or death, heaven or hell, and if they chose to come out on God's side they could expect open war with God's enemies. The fight would be real and deadly and would last as long as life continued here below. People looked forward to heaven as a return from the wars, a laying down of the sword to enjoy in peace the home prepared for them....

How different today. The fact remains the same, but the interpretation has changed completely. People think of the world, not as a battleground, but as a playground. We are not here to fight; we are here to frolic. We are not in a foreign land; we are at home. We are not getting ready to live, but we are already living, and the best we can do is rid ourselves of our inhibitions and our frustrations and live this life to the full.
Dr. Tozer in This World: Playground or Battleground?, 4-5.

"Lord, we've lost too much by becoming friendly with the enemy. Help me to be willing to take a stand for righteousness, to choose clearly to be on Your side against the enemy, to pay any price--and then to look forward to laying down my sword later in heaven. Amen."

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


This week's Trivia (thanks to Melody)

Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible

3.  What's your favourite colour?

4.  What hymn encourages you?

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.

6.  What's your favourite food

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season? Spring

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible Philippians 4:6-8

3.  What's your favourite colour? Purple

4.  What hymn encourages you? Victory in Jesus

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies. Crocheting, singing, PSP Stationery

6.  What's your favourite food anything Mexican

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?  Israel

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ? Esther and Ruth
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hi Y'all.  It's been a long time since I was here!  Have been lurking a bit these past few days.

I was going to reply to the trivia questions, but am a little late.  Guess I will send it in anyway!  And then do the new one later.

How high does it get?

1.  What is the elevation where you live? 
     4260.  We live on the plains, but it is quite high here even so.

2,  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited?
     Not sure if it is 11,000 in CO. or if at Taos, NM mountains.
     (Not sure of the altitude there).

3.  How high is your hairdo?  Rather flat, maybe half to an inch. 
     That picture is a little old.

4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten?
     3 layers.

5.  How high is the volume when you play music?
     Kinda loud.  Deaf in one ear.

6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area? $2.36 today.

7.  How high can you jump?  Jump?  You think I am THAT young?  no way  :)

8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?) 
     I wish for a peaceful end to this election. 
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Marilyn, did I  understand your replies correctly, did you get married?  Your answer sounds like you did. 
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Not yet Janice, but soon.

Welcome back. I  have be wondering  what happened to you and if we would see you back here.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


A great big :welcome: to you Janice!

I'm so very happy to see you here!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


And thanks for doing the trivia.

We just started it last week and it's so nice to see the answers from each other.  So, I'm so glad you included yours from last week.

Now we'll see your answers for this week.

And if anyone else didn't get last week's trivia done, please feel free to do them in here.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Pat:   Your message at the beginning of this thread is so "right on".  I am awake early this morning because of these thoughts running through my head - this election and how our country is swinging, how people are actually voting with no thoughts of all the Red Flag warnings out there. 

I have lost a quilting magazine that has a pattern in it for the next quilt - it had to be on this move but I have seen the magazine and still think it is somewhere in the house.  Oh, where could that be????  Have the fabric and now am ready to work on it and the pattern is gone gone gone. 

Janice:  How nice to see you posting.  How are things going for you and Earl?  You need to come and visit more often.  I imagine that you are having the same unseasonably warm weather as well - we should have rain on Tues/Wed. 

Marilyn:  Have you two decided on any date?  You know, this will be CP's first wedding amongst the posters, I believe. 

Melody - Thanks, it is kinda early in the AM for me to think. 

Needing  :coffee:


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?  Autumn

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible:  The entire tale of Job

3.  What's your favourite colour? Teal

4.  What hymn encourages you?  Beautiful Savior

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies. Quilting for peace of mind; Walking for feeling good

6.  What's your favourite food Swedish pancakes and Lingonberry sauce

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you go?  Katmandu - I want to see the children and Israel, Turkey plus all over that part of the world to follow in the steps of Jesus. 


Carol We haven't set a date yet but it will be in the spring, we have been  working on getting  the rooms ready to move my stuff in. The next time I go up I am packing up all the stuff left by the son who just went off to college and bringing it down to my grandson. This is all the toys and stuff he left behind when he and his mom moved out after the divorce. There isn't whole lot of work to be done  mostly that room and the computer room to make room for mine. Closets that contain clothes that were left behind when the boys when off to college, and don't want, those will be taken to thrift shops either here down here or there. I am also downsizing here so I won't be moving a bunch of clutter. Since I  am only there a few day each month it is taking several months to get it done.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?  Summer but it is far too short.

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible  Phil.1:21

3.  What's your favourite colour? Red

4.  What hymn encourages you? Oh so many.  Bless Be the Tie that Binds.

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.
Sewing, and ummm sewing, oh and then there is ...sewing.

6.  What's your favourite food?

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?
The Holy Land
England Scotland Wales and Ireland.

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?

Al Moak

Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season? Spring

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible "For God, Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to give us the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Cor. 4:6

3.  What's your favourite colour?  Teal

4.  What hymn encourages you?  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies. Writing, travelling

6.  What's your favourite food salmon steak

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go? England, Scotland

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?  Joshua

Etta Sue

Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favorite season?    Summer

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible   The entire book of Ruth

3.  What's your favorite colour?    Red

4.  What hymn encourages you?    Amazing Grace

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.    Photography, PSP, crocheting, reading, TV, being with friends

6.  What's your favorite food    Anything Mexican

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?     Hawaii and Mexico now that I have a friend that lives in Mexico

8.  What is one of your favorite bible characters ?   Lydia because my maternal grandmother's name was Lydia and I have a g-niece named Lydia

Etta Sue

Larry ~ Listening to you and your talk of computers, I am beginning to think that a computer never dies...can always be revived.  Is that so? 

Hi Janice....good seeing you here.  Love your emails!!

And I forgot to say HI to Jeanne Lee.....Hi!  Jeanne!!!

Ivalou and I have a funeral calling this evening.  We lost two members of God's church this past week.  One calling isn't until the end of the week and Ivalou and I will be gone.  Young man...40's......who lost his wife a couple of years ago to death.  Leaving a teenage daughter.  Misty says her Daddy is with Jesus now.   

Cloudy and overcast today but unseasonably warmer than normal for this time of year.  Yeah, for the heat bill!!!

Just got a call from Ivalou.  Her daughter, Jo, in Ohio had a gall bladder attack last evening.  She is in the hospital and is having surgery to remove her gall bladder at 12:30pm today.  Her husband will be working his last day the 8th...he is being laid off at the age of 51.  So if you all would say a prayer for Jo and her family...two kids in college, one teenager and Lydia is 10.  Thank you.

:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)



"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I'm behind a bit:

1.  What is the elevation where you live?  554 ft

2,  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited?  Not sure

3.  How high is your hairdo?  2" if fluffed, flat as pancake if straightened

4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten? 6

5.  How high is the volume when you play music? Medium at home, medium loud in the car

6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area? 2.23

7.  How high can you jump?   a foot maybe

8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?) Resolution to major problem in my life, and for my children to be filled with the spirit.
Choose you this day who you will serve; As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Isa 41:10     Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

<img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetempbig/language/www/US/MS/Belmont.gif" border=0
alt="Click for Belmont, Mississippi Forecast" height=40 width=467>

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I just got back from coffee and then a quick trip to Atlanta to pick up our daughter to bring her out.  She and Pat have appointments tomorrow morning at the chiropractor and then I will take her back to her apartment tomorrow afternoon.  She has another appointment with the foot doctor on Thursday as her foot is so painful and swollen.  

I have a luncheon at 1 pm today and that is my schedule for the day.  It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Georgia.  I don't remember the trees being more beautiful than they are this year.  The leaves haven't started to fall yet and with the low humidity the air is very clear.  

Janice, nice to see you posting again.

Pat, thanks for the devotional for this week.

Etta Sue, very often the computer can be fixed but occasionally they become very out-of-date and need to be replaced, although I don't think that is quite a true today as it used to be with the powerful machines we now have.  Sorry to hear of the troubles Ivalou's daughter and family are experiencing.


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season? Summer

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible Philippians 1:6
6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

3.  What's your favourite colour? Purple

4.  What hymn encourages you?---- All the way my Saviour leads me

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.  Bible Study-Walking-gardening, bird watching

6.  What's your favourite food ---anything with potato in it :crazy:

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?---- England , Ireland and Scotland would be on my high list :)

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ? ---Joseph because he was a man of integrity and was able to forgive his family and help them in their time on need.


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season? Spring

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible Joshua 24:15  Choose you this day whom ye will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

3.  What's your favourite colour? Blue, all shades

4.  What hymn encourages you?----Victory in Jesus, and How Great thou Art

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.   Computer, Reading (I love to read!) Football

6.  What's your favourite food ---Junk food!

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?---- Israel

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ? --Sarah, Abrahams wife, hoped against hope for a child
Choose you this day who you will serve; As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Isa 41:10     Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

<img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetempbig/language/www/US/MS/Belmont.gif" border=0
alt="Click for Belmont, Mississippi Forecast" height=40 width=467>


Another nice surprise when I answered the doorbell.  There was a smiling young gal with a mini loaf of pumpkin bread and a note from the church we just visited.  So far, three churches and three loaves of bread - now I am feeling guilty about us going to visit these and we do intend to visit more.  

Somehow, my last answer didn't transfer;

Who is your favourite bible character?  It has to be Job  and I admire him for his profound faith.

Just checked and "SeniorNet still is not back - it must have been some computer crash or a hacking.  

Don bought a radio. for his workroom. at Goodwill - we donate then look around.  It is really perfect fit for his little shelf and a SONY so it was originally very expensive but not for us on Senior Day!!!  He has finally been able to get back to making a couple of pens today.  I am heating up some frozen soup base and added a little chicken to it - my meal and he will have the chicken only and veggies.  It is windy outside and the temp dropped rather quickly.  Rain for the next two days and that is comforting.

Etta Sue:  Prayers for the family.  Hugs for all of them!!!  

Marilyn:  Sounds like a good plan for you and I pray that your future will be happy and lovely.

Larry:  It has been warmer than usual here as well - we will have to pay the Piper one of these days.  Sorry that Stacey still has foot problems.  It is so hard to keep feet elevated. 


Well, I was speaking to Paul today and he's probably setting out for Guelph on Thursday!  I can hardly wait to see him.  It's been terrible being separated for this time while he's been working on that house.  He's hoping to have the inspection done tomorrow and then they can go on to the next step--insulation and then drywalling.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Pat how many miles is it from Guelph to  where Paul is?
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


To his house in Falls Church, it's about the 500 mile mark, Marilyn.  Give or take about 25 miles or so depending on the highways we take.

To the house he's building it's a bit shorter.  Still a long journey.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


It is 207 miles  from my house to Keith's in North Bend, Oregon.

How many states do you pass through in that 500 miles?
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


I leave Ontario,
pass through from the north border to the south of New York,
Same with Pennsylvania.
Then I go through Maryland
Then Virginia.

When we go to where his new house is,

It's the same except that we pass through some of West Virginia too.
And then Virginia.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


That quite a few states.
I suppose they would all fit in California and there would still be more room.
When I moved from the desert to here it was 870 miles all within the state with room left over

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be another beautiful day here in Georgia and a great day for those who haven't voted yet.  I am so thankful we have early voting in this state and we have already done our civic duty and voted.  There should be a huge turnout. 

I don't have too much to do today.  I will go to coffee shortly and then later this morning attend a meeting.  After lunch I will take our daughter back to her apartment.  Then this evening I will be watching the voting returns and expect it to be a late night.

Pat, sure glad to see that the new house is moving along and it sounds like you soon will be able to see what it is really going to look like with the drywall put up.  Glad Paul is going to be able to join you for a few days. 

Carol, you can find some really good buys at Goodwill or other thrift stores.  It sounds like Don is ready to get back to his hobbies.  Have you started your quilting again?

Larry Hanna

Quote from: Pat on November 02, 2008, 05:19:38 PM


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?  Fall, I love the beautiful colors of the leaves and the appearance of the atmosphere in the late afternoons.

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible  John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

3.  What's your favourite colour?  Red

4.  What hymn encourages you?  Sweet Hour of Prayer

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.  Computer and reading

6.  What's your favourite food  Ice Cream

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?  Ireland or Scotland

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?   Standing on the Promises


Good day its cool here today and I was out to an early morning prayer meeting.
I have done some bible reading also and  I am reading a bible plan to read the bible through in a year.

Going to load the dish washer and than get on my treadmill  ,seeing its to cold for me to day to go for a walk. :crazy:

Blessings to you all!! <3


You know Pat I was thinking about the pictures of your wedding we were looking at.  I can hardly believe it was in May.  What a wonderful day we had.  I really loved the time we had with family.  You were a beautiful bride. 

John got the small roof over the hall reshingled yesterday.  It was quite a job with it being a drizzly day. 

It is later than I thought, gotta run.


I certainly thought there would have been more posts before now. Where is everyone?

I have been to Curves, to the Chiropractor, to work and now back at home. I didn't take the dogs for their walks yesterday because of the rain so I will take them this afternoon and hope we don't get rained on.

I really need to  work on this small afghan I started many months ago, it will be for a great grand whenever that happens again.

I have been reading my Weight watchers cookbook looking for  dessert recipes to feed Keith that are low cal, however it is all in the amount he has per serving. there sure are some tasty sounding recipes, not just desserts but main dishes as well.

Larry how are you doing on your WW regimen?

Gotta sign off now and restart this computer as the firewall has just been updated and  it need to restart.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Etta Sue


My favorite animation above.  For you who are new...look at it and wait.  Surprise! 

Pat ~ I don't think I could be parted from my new husband.  I know you have obligations in Guelph and him in Virginia but I couldn't do it.  Especially if it was a long-distance courtship!!  (I have yet to be introduced to my new husband... ;) )

My doctor appointment went well.  She talked to me about my blood sugar.  All the numbers are in the norm.  Another fasting blood draw in February and an appointment a week later. 

Then I went to vote.  50 minute wait.  Never ever before has it taken that long to vote!!!  Great that everyone is coming out to vote!! 

Then I noticed the Embarq truck at the corner west of me.  When I got home, no phone or internet.  Must be burying the line deeper so the farmer can't get into it again next spring. 

My nephew went back to the woods earlier.  I called him to ask him to stop by the house on his way home.  I have two bags of rock salt at the back door for the softener in the basement.  Afraid to carrying them down the steps.  He can handle it.  He looks like Mr. Clean...shaved head and muscles!! 

Ivalou is in Ohio.  Jo had to spend the night and didn't have a way home from the hospital.  Myself, I think she just wanted to see her Mama and Mama wanted to see her daughter.  <3  I think Ivalou will be home at least tomorrow morning.  Thank you for all the prayers.  One can't have too many prayers said for them.

<: )) ))><<~~>  <: )) ))><<~~<  <: )) ))><<~~< 



Pat ~ I don't think I could be parted from my new husband.  I know you have obligations in Guelph and him in Virginia but I couldn't do it.  Especially if it was a long-distance courtship!!  (I have yet to introduced to my new husband...  )

That's the way both Paul and I feel too but we didn't plan for a builder to go bankrupt necessitating poor Paul to have to finish building his house himself.  He's staying out there at the house in a corner of the basement on foam pads as he's paying the subcontractors by the hour and he has to be there.  And there's no place for me to be there.  :(  Soon, though.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I thought this was good for Election Day:

As I prepare to go to the polls today, I go with a heavy heart believing that though neither candidate is even close to perfect there are stark differences between the two.  I recognize that no matter which of these candidates is elected our world and our society is heading toward that day when Jesus Christ will come in full splendor and judge with power and might - unrighteousness - and He will bring in His new age of eternal glory and eternal life where all knees will bow.

As long as we have life and breath, we we are to learn His ways and and walk in them  - detesting evil and vigorously opposing it.

My friend Art Ally stated it this way in his prayer letter today
" ... I was able to spend yesterday in fasting and prayer for the future of our nation. I started out asking Him to extend His mercy one more time but ended up acknowledging His sovereignty and concluding with 'Thy will be done.'

If a McCain win doesn't return this nation to following Him again
wholdheartedly, then what's the point? Ultimately, we deserve
what we might get with an Obama presidency. But, then again,
we have always deserved what we might have gotten -- but His
mercies have continued to be extended. He may do it again -- but He will not contend with us forever. ..."

Lastly, I'm not much of a musician or singer, but I found myself drawn to the piano today and began wailing on it the following song.

"O Father, You are Sovereign"

I recorded it and am playing it over and over periodically through the day.

O Father, You are sovereign
In all the worlds You made;
Your mighty Word was spoken,
And light and life obeyed.
Your voice commands the seasons
And bounds the ocean's shore,
Sets stars within their courses
And stills the tempests' roar.

O Father, You are sovereign
In all affairs of man;
No powers of death or darkness
Can thwart Your perfect plan.
All chance and change transcending,
Supreme in time and space,
You hold your trusting children
Secure in Your embrace.

O Father, You are sovereign
The Lord of human pain,
Transmuting earthly sorrows
To gold of heavenly gain,
All evil overruling,
As none but Conqueror could,
Your love pursues its purpose-
Our souls' eternal good.

O Father, You are sovereign!
We see You dimly now,
But soon before Your triumph
Earth's every knee shall bow.
With this glad hope before us
Our faith springs forth anew:
Our Sovereign Lord and Savior,
We trust and worship You!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


I apologize for my absence yesterday.  I was having computer problems.  I think it's back to normal now, except that a LOT of emails have disappeared.  ALL of the ones I received while I was away, and I hadn't even gotten to read them, so I don't know who or what I missed.  Does anyone know how I might get them back?

I went to my chiropractor this morning for a top to toe realignment, then we went to vote.  We actually had to wait for a very short time, which has never happened before.  Oh, how I pray every Christian prayed earnestly over this election.  There is so much at stake!

Carol, you mentioned that Marilyn's might be the first wedding of CP posters---Nope!  Our dear Pat and her Paul were first!  (I think.)  Anyway I am not remembering any others just now.

Jeanne and Janice--Welcome back!!  We have missed you both and are so happy to have you posting again.

I will come back later to do this week's questions.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

I thought if I went to vote around 9:00 this morning I'd beat most of the crowd but I guess a lot of other people had the same idea.  We have four polling places in our little town and at mine I was already #153.  That's usually almost a full day's voting.  I've never had to wait in line and this morning there were four people ahead of me.  I guess these presidential candidates have really stirred things up.

Now for the trivia:

Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?  All four - each has its own special beauty.

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible - I will lift my eyes to the hills...

3.  What's your favourite colour?  Blue

4.  What hymn encourages you?  It is Well With My Soul - and - Till the Storm Passes Over

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.  Reading, computer

6.  What's your favourite food?  Chocolate and/or peanut butter

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?  I can't think of any place I'd rather be than right here.

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?  Joseph who struggled with so many troubles and never lost his faith

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Al Moak

Janet - I love that poem!  Whose is it?  Oh that we would always come with awe and worship before the sovereign God.


We took one vehicle in for an oil change & free tire rotation - using a newcomer coupon.  The newcomer coupons really have come in handy .  Walked through a very fancy store that has all sorts of things for the house - countertops, sinks and all.  Wonderful designs.  Walked away & my purse was closed the entire time. 

Pat:  I didn't realize that your builder left you in the lurch.  That is a lot of work for Paul and I hope that he gets people to show up and do their jobs in a timely fashion.  You two can handle it - you have already handled much more in your lives.  We lost a bundle this year on helping a contractor out who needed money to build a few apartments - we would go up to see the land and no one working so I guess that the contractor really didn't intend to get anything finished after all.  It is much too easy to let things go and not communicate. 

Janet:  So now you are all aligned from top to toes - good for you.  Nice to see you posting.

Larry:  Would you believe that I have not been able to sew a thing yet - company coming Saturday and tomorrow is my physical with a new doctor, but the bed and bath are ready for anyone.  I am making this next quilt out of batik cotton and need to delicately wash the pieces first and air dry and it has been too windy to do anything.  Rain & wind tomorrow - the mountains are getting snow. 


Yes, Carol...  It will be a lovely home though when Paul gets finished with it.

I've added more wedding photos if anyone would like to have  a look..


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Those are lovely photos, Pat.  Again, I wish you every happiness.

I am ready to start writing my review of our European River Cruise.  If it is published in our newspaper, I will get $100 off the price of a future trip!

I went with Darrel yesterday to Liberal and got a whole lot of photos printed, not nearly all of them, though.  And they charged me for the archival CDs and failed to include them, so I need to call them tomorrow and see what can be done about that.  I really want all the photos on CDs so I can keep them safe.

Beverly Hills Chihuahua is showing at our little movie house, this is the last night.  I think I would like to go, and avoid a couple of hours of election returns!  I will ask Darrel if he is up for that.

Al, the song didn't have the author's name, sorry.

See you later!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


As for me, I'm re-loading all my software onto the new computer, I hope I can retrieve, most of my files from the old one, or at least get someone to do that for me. The old computer crashed, trying out a disk defragmenter, not sure what caused that, everything just hung up, and nothing would budge so I ended up switching the thing off, took over an hour to get back to just the wallpaper, and no icons.

In a sense it did me a favour, the cabinet was falling apart, and I've been thinking of upgrading for some time now, the monitor kept dimming out, so what was at fault there I don't know.
  Well the new computers up and running, thought I would have problems re setting up my internet again, and my anti virus, but all that went smoothly, so back with you all again.

On board graphics are a bit ropey, so I've sent off for a decent graphics card. The other computer, I think the motherboard is ok, the graphics card is ok, won't fit in this, as its PCI, drives C & D, don't know about, but the two DVD drives should be ok, so I'll let Margery's Grandaughter have it, sh needs one for college.

Went out for the first time on Monday, which was ok, but my knee is still weak, I don't think its really ever going to improve but I'll manage, it is arthritis that's the main problem now. But if I can get going, I'll be happy, prais the Lord.

Gord Brown

Quote from: Pat on November 02, 2008, 05:19:38 PM

Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?  Summer.

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible.  Epheasians 2-8-9

3.  What's your favourite colour?  Blue

4.  What hymn encourages you?  It is well with my soul.

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.  Singing for the Lord. Going to the Y.M.C. A. Looking after grandchidren

6.  What's your favourite food.  Lobster and other seafoods.

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?  The Holy Land. Switzerland.

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?  Moses. :)

T Gordon Brown

Gord Brown

 :)   Hi to all.  Sorry have not been posting to much as my wife and myself have not been feeling to good. I ask that you all pray for us as I think that we are having side affects from our medications so we do ask for your prayers.

Thank you all and may the Lord give you a great week.  Love in Christ.  Gord and Noreen. :)
T Gordon Brown


Gord:  Sorry to read that you and Noreen are feeling ill effects from meds.  Praying this instant!

Summicron:  Don kept working at our little printer that is so nice to take along if needed and he did get it working perfectly again.  Cleaning the heads and all new ink.  The poor thing hasn't been used in several months and was having a little tantrum - now all is well.  Always something and always several hours at a time to repair something.  :-\

It is raining outside and snowing in the mountains - just a little bit of a storm.  I am much too much awake. 


   :coffee: Good morning to you.
It is a lovely day and I am just getting ready to go out for a while.
Gord-praying for you and your wife.
Trust every one will have a good day.

Etta Sue

I am all ready to go to the dentist for a filling this morning.  I haven't heard anything from Ivalou since she called from the hospital parking lot in Ohio.  She is suppose to come home today...she said. 

Later, I need to go to the bank, P.O., and fill the car and a gas container with gas.  Then mow the leaves, mole hills and grass!  Maybe I will rake leaves out of the rocks and trim the hibiscus and butterfly bushes for winter.  Maybe not.... 

Then I  need to pack for our mini-trip!

It may be a long four years.....


It may be a long four years.....

Amen Etta Sue, Amen :'(
Choose you this day who you will serve; As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Isa 41:10     Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

<img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetempbig/language/www/US/MS/Belmont.gif" border=0
alt="Click for Belmont, Mississippi Forecast" height=40 width=467>


Yes a long four year. I agree. Of course Gilbert had to call and sound elated that Obama won, with no comment from me.He asked who I voted for and I said "someone else" I wasn't about to listen to hum ridicule my vote. The rest of the family here are all Dems. I don't know about those far away.

Please pray for Gilbert's two little Min Pin dogs, they got into something while the kids were gone and  were having seizures and  semi conscious when the kids got home. They rushed them to the vet who put them on IV's and eventually said they would be OK to bring home today,  they almost lost  them, the family was so frantic trying to save their lives. Thank God they got them to the vet in time.

Raining here again this morning, but I still have to take the lady and her dogs for a walk even n the rain. I am taking my camera  as today is the day I chose to take pics for the challenge,  i hope and can at least get a few to enter.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Kassie's comment was, "The USA sneezes and Canada gets a cold."  If the USA is dreading 4 years, we are too. 

The girls have "take your kid to work day," today so I have Elizabeth with me today.  Knowing what to do sh cleared out all the garbage and proceeded to sweep the floors and vacuum the rugs.  Whew she made me tired just watching her.  Now she has time to work on a cadet project. 

Looks llike john will be home an extra couple of days, and will be going out on Thursday or Friday.  There is nothing going out before that.  so I have him home for an extra day or two.  The down side of that is he will be gone on the weekend.

Must run, still praying.


By the way If you have time today fo to the Photography area and check out the photo's our members have been posting.  Leave a comment to encourage them!



(Click to hear music)

Abba Father, let me be
Yours and Yours alone.
May my will for ever be
Evermore Your own.
Never let my heart grow cold,
Never let me go.
Abba Father, let me be
Yours and Yours alone

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


A long four years, indeed.  I am just heartsick today, can barely keep from crying.  (Not successful all the time.)  But I know Who holds tomorrow!

My friend Pat reminded me that today is Red Hats Day, so I am going to lunch with them.  I did get started on my trip report last evening.  Always projects to do, huh?  I'm sure it is the same for everyone.

If you could please pray for Beth, it will be appreciated.  She just continues her downhill slide, but says she will still get her miracle.  I'm trying to keep my faith strong for her healing.  She says if only she could use her hands again; if only she could stand, if only, if only.  The chaplains are taking special time to read her a devotional each day (she can no longer hold a book to read, and loves to read) and to pray with her.  Sometimes the burden seems almost too heavy to bear.

I wish you all a day of hope and joy, and smiles from small things.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


I think we just got a large example of what lies ahead for the world.  Thank goodness, we know who really is our saviour. 

My daughter is ill with a bad flu virus and has to drive me to the dr. tomorrow.  I have been trying to deal with another bad bladder infection and have to get something to stop the pain.  We have had to both cancel the flu shots, also due tomorrow.  Only wish it was not a 20 min. drive for her.  She is also in so much pain. 

I do not feel much like doing the questions at the moment.  Will try to do so later in the week.  Have prayed for those asking for prayer and will continue to pray for our countries. 

God Bless,


Jeanne Lee

Yes, a long four years ahead.  I have to keep reminding myself that God is in charge and nothing happens that He does not allow. 

Janet, I'm sorry to say that having been gone so long I had no idea how far Beth has slipped.  My prayers indeed for her special miracle and for strength for you and Darrel.  <3
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We are having Indian Summer here in the north.  It is almost 70 F and it is hard to be working when there is such nice weather outside.

Talk about silly mistakes.  Part of my job is to call people who are taking classes and remind them of the upcoming class.  Well I printed off the class list and started the calls only to find it was last years list not todays!  So silly.

I must get back to work

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another beautiful day here in Georgia and I continue to marvel at the beauty of the trees this year.  It looks like God has used a paint brush with many colors on the palette. 

This morning was Bible Study with our pastor.  Today we finished the study of I John and will continue next week with 2nd and 3rd John.  We then went with the group to the donut shop and then Pat and I stopped at the little buffet for lunch and had a lovely salad.  With regard to the Weight Watchers I am continuing the program.  Last week, because of my medical procedure, I lost 5 pounds from the week before and when I entered the loss the screen scolded me as that was too much. There will be a little reverse this week but have to expect that.  I have reached my first goal, which felt good, and now am working on a new goal of losing at least another 10-15 pounds and then will try to sustain that weight. 

My good friend Rod and his wife are leaving next Monday for a flight to Australia for a couple of days and then to New Zealand where they will do a ten or eleven day cruise, with day trips on land.  He purchased on of the small 8 inch screen two pound computers to take with him on this trip.  However, using the Internet on the ship costs $0.75 per minute so he won't be doing any surfing.

Liz, sorry to read you are feeling so poorly and hope the doctor helps you tomorrow.

I also am concerned about the next four years but the majority of the people in this country have spoken.  He certainly has a full plate of problems to deal with and at this point I will trust that all of this is part of God's plan. 

I have to miss choir this evening as have another commitment. 


I have come back for a minute to post something that I just read on a Christian Blog.  Perhaps it is something we all must keep in mind as the world continues to change so rapidly.

Ten Predictions AFTER Election Day and EVERY Day!

1. The Bible will still have all the answers.

2. Prayer will still work.

3. The Holy Spirit will still move.

4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.

5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.

6. There will still be singing of praise to God.

7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.

8. There will still be room at the Cross.

9. Jesus will still love you.

10. Jesus will still save the lost.

–Author unknown - found circulating the Web!

+ + + + + + + + + +




"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Janet -will lift Beth up in prayer.  <3

Jeanne Lee

Liz, those are extremely important points for us to remember.  Thanks for posting them.
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We sang this in church last Sunday and it really does have great words.

We haven't posted it on CP since 2005!!!  So, let's sing it together this evening...

Sooner or Later
(Click to hear music)

For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd;
he will lead them to springs of living water.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Revelation 3:20

Words and Music by Lula W. Koch, 1892 - ?

Sooner or later the skies will be bright,
Tears will be all wiped away;
Sooner or later, then cometh the light,
Night will be turned into day

Sooner or later cares will have flown,
Sunshine and gladness we'll see; -
Sooner or later God calleth His own,
With Him forever to be.

Sooner or later, our Lord knows the hour,
He'll send His beloved Son;
Sooner or later, in His might and pow'r
Our battles all will be won.


Sooner or later, yes, sooner for some,
Darkness will all then be past;
Sooner or later our Saviour will come -
With Him will your lot be cast?


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Liz, thanks for sharing those here today.  So true, so true!

Jeanne, I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel to see your posts in here today.  Thank you so much!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Jeanne and Melody, thanks for your prayers.

Liz, sorry Wendy is having another tough time.

Darrel's brother-in-law called a bit ago to tell us his sister had a stroke this morning, so the 96th birthday party for their Mom has been canceled, or at least postponed.  I hope Dolores gets along all right, she has been in poor health for several years now.

Guess I will see if I can go copy and answer the questions.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?
  I love all of them, but Indian Summer is my very favorite.

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible
     God has not given you a spirit of fear, but one of power, and of love, and a sound mind.  II Timothy 1:7

3.  What's your favourite colour?
     As an artist, every color; but to wear, turquoise, purple and pink.

4.  What hymn encourages you?
     It is Well with my Soul

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.
     Painting, Scuba Diving Traveling, Scrapbooking, Reading, Writing, Photography

6.  What's your favourite food

      Anything that doesn't eat me first!  Except liver..... :P

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?
     Israel, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?
     Joseph, because he was a man of integrity.

My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


How nice to see your answers, Janet.

If anyone wants to see their Trivia on here, put together about 8 to 10 questions with a theme that we can use as our title and send them in a PM to me.

Thanks again, Melody for this week's Trivia!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


well keyes is getting put all over the news for sure... too bad its from something so terrible... there have been 2 cofirmed cases of meningococcemia in this little town .... we have hit the media hard and we are pushing to get the state out here but thats worse than pulling teeth in a mad bear... they don't want anything to due with us except our tax money and its getting a lot of people rattled.... i think we should pack up the town and head downstate to the oklahoma dept of health and start trying to get the help that way.... we are getting in every source of the news whether it be online news, newpaper and tv\ radio... its quit insane... anyways i've been ranting long enough i know that it is going to be a long hard road for keyes and for the country .... its going to be fun.. i hope everyone has a good evening and i hope that ya'll are staying healthy...


Hi everyone.  Thanks for the welcome.  I am not very good at keeping caught up with posting but I will try to say hello once in awhile.

Pat, I went to see your wedding photos.  What a lovely bride you were!  And a handsome husband too.  Everyone looked good, and the entire scene was lovely....kids participating and all.  It must have been fun as well as meaningful for you and Paul.  I wish you every happiness. 

Yes, it will be a long four years, but we are instructed by scripture to pray for him and for our country.  Whatever God allows is for a reason, and I hope this country realizes what judgment means.  Remember the Babylonian exile?  We must trust God, who is Sovereign, and live a life that is pleasing for Him.  We are going to need more strength than we humanly have, in order to endure the hardships ahead.  But, His Grace is sufficient! 

Marilyn, best wishes for a happy marriage, I hope you will be very happy in your new life in Oregon. 

Etta Sue, I enjoy your emails too!  I may not always reply but I do enjoy them.  I wish I could be as active as you are, oboy, you are going constantly!   :) :) 

Janet, I did not realize that Beth's condition has deteriorated that much either.  I am so sorry.  I wish there was a way that she could read for herself.  That must be such a burden for her, to not be able to hold a book or whatever.  My prayers for her too, as well as for you. 

Carol, thanks for asking about Earl.  He is doing well considering he has so many ailments, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, etc.  I may have told some of you that he has Alzheimer's disease.  It may not be so noticeable to someone who is not around him very long, but it sure keeps me busy as caregiver. 

Hello to all others I missed. 


OK, here is my trivia questionnaire thingy......

Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?   Definitely Autumn. 

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible.  II Cor. 12:9  My Grace is sufficient for you.

3.  What's your favourite colour?   Turquoise.
4.  What hymn encourages you?  Great is Thy Faithfulness.

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.  Sudoku puzzles, sewing, computer.

6.  What's your favourite food?   Mexican.

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?
     To Arkansas to visit my sister.  (Able is the key word.  I can't sit that long   

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?  Female - Esther.  Male – David
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Sarah, I missed your post.  What a frightening thing that has happened in your town!  I hope there will be no more new cases, or else there may be a Twilight Zone situation there, huh?  Hope it settles down soon. 
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. 

I am awaiting the time to leave for morning coffee.  My schedule is very light today as don't have anything on the calender.  However, I know Pat has a little chore or two in mind for me before the day is out.  I took down the kitchen curtain yesterday and she washed it and took out a seam that make it fit very tightly on the rod and has now resewed it so it won't be so hard to get on the rod.  She plans on washing the windows in the kitchen today and putting the curtain back up, which is where I come into the picture. 

I have a couple of other projects to work on as well, including practicing the bass part of the Messiah. 

Janice, sorry to hear you are dealing with that dreadful disease Alzheimer's.  We lived with that for several years with my mother and watched it progress.  If you haven't done so I would strongly encourage you to contact the Alzheimer's Association and have a counselor come and talk with you and perhaps other family members.  We did this and it was extremely valuable in helping us understand the whole situation, especially my father to begin to accept the reality of the situation and making some decisions, while difficult, that were beneficial to mother and to him and our family.  Please don't forget to take care of yourself during this difficult time.

Sarah, sorry to read that your town cannot get the help it needs to deal with the problem.  The publicity doesn't really deal with the problem.

Janet, so sorry to read of your SIL's stroke.  You all really don't need more stress within your family circle.  However, we don't get to chose these things.  Sure hope the stroke didn't do serious damage that cannot be restored.

LIz, I liked your 10 predictions for they are certainly the truth.

Pat talked with her cousins and aunt in Florida last evening.  A couple of weeks ago her aunt came home from church and decided to pick up some avocados that had fallen on the ground.  She lost her balance and fell and because of previous broken hips and leg bones wasn't able to get up.  This was about 1 pm on Sunday afternoon.  She has a panic button but didn't wear it to church as was always with someone else.  She hadn't changed clothes and put the panic button back on before going outside.  She called and called for help but no one heard her.  She was finally able to scoot herself to her porch and spent the night there as couldn't reach the door handle to get back into the house.  Finally about 11 am on Monday morning someone heard her call for help and responded.  She spent the night in the hospital but had no more broken bones.  Her back has been bothering her since the fall however.  She will be 90 on the 19th of this month.  We are going to Florida for about three days to be there to celebrate her birthday with her.


Oh Larry How frightening for her.  I will be praying for her.

We are to have another wonderfully warm day here.  Again almost 70F

Busy day ahead, I am teaching a beginner sewing class today and that will be a treat.  The young lady comes from a long line of sewers but has never taken the leap herself. 

Must run
Have a great day everyone.


Good Morning. still pretty damp today so far, hope it will brighten up later instead of being so overcast and dreary.

My son's two little dogs are fine after their night at the vet. They think maybe the kids had spit out some  chewing gum in the yard and that the dogs got hold of that. The vet said one stick of  gum can kill a dog, it is the sweetener that is used Xylitol, very very toxic to animals.

I have to work on my car today to remove a panel   to get to the lights in the rear. My right side blinker  needs a new bulb. I will do that myself  if  it isn't raining later.

Sarah so sorry to hear about the  two children in your town, I think I saw something on the news about that.

Larry how scary for  Pat's aunt. I hope she is going to be OK.

Janice  do take care of yourself too every caregiver need a break. Here they have a group  just for the family caregivers, they have counseling  sessions weekly and resources available to help.  Have you checked into anything like that in your area.

Janet, Liz and Larry please know that  am continuing  to pray for your daughters.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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I'm astounded to read of Pat's aunt.  My goodness how awful.  I do hope that she's going to be alright.  What a night she had!

Hello to everyone else!

I need to know what John put into his big mixture a couple of weeks ago that hhe made to take on the road with him. Apparently he made it because you weren't well?

He said that he chopped up a cabbage, used some mixed beans (I think he said 3 cans) and onions and I just forget the rest.

I bought the beans and the cabbage.

Can you let me know?

Sarah how awful!  Keep us posted, ok?

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



(Click to here music)

Or click on this for a nice
Piano Solo for easy listening

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee.
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.

Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord unto me.

Summer and winter and spring-time and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.


Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Today is our weekly men's coffee at the local Senior Center.  At 1 pm today we are attending a special luncheon given for the board and invited guests of the Golden Games.  While I am not on the board I am the webmaster and computer person for them and they graciously invited Pat and I.  One of the  retirement centers here is providing a sit down dinner for our group.  I don't have anything else on my schedule for today.

I think Pat's aunt is all right other than a painful back.  She has some pain medication for the pain.

Our daughter had quite a day yesterday.  She saw the foot doctor and he put her foot in a soft cast for one week and told her as soon as she got home to put no weight on her foot by using her crutches.  Unfortunately she had to do quite a bit of walking, including going back to his office as he didn't write the prescription he gave her for pain in a way that the pharmacy would fill it.  So she had to walk back over to his office.  While she was waiting for the prescription to be filled she went to the food stamp office to sign more papers as they had called her indicating she will probably get more help than they originally said as they had heard from the disability office.  She is still waiting to hear on that claim and has a physical appointment in early December with the disability doctor.

Janice, yesterday when I wrote about the Alzheimer's Association I met to also suggest seeking a support group and was glad to see Marilyn mention it.  I did attend such a group when we were caring for my mother and it was helpful to be with others who are experiencing the caregiving experience and some of those suffering with the affliction also attend and can participate.

Marilyn, hope you don't have any problem in replacing the bulb in your car.  In this area you can go to Auto Zone or Advance Auto and they will actually replace the bulb for you for the price of the bulb.

Judy, it sounds like you have just one student in your class today.  It sounds like you are going to enjoy the experience.



Good morning to all.

Its raining here today and it looks like a good day to do some much needed work around here :)

Larry Praying for your daughter today.

Looks like I have to celebrate a birthday today at least that's what the calendar tells me!! :lol: :crazy:
God Bless <3


Yes I love teaching sewing to others.  She is a quick study as well.

John leaves for Winnipeg today, after getting the truck serviced.  He is looking forward to the different scenery, west rathewr than east.

We all slept in this morning, Kass was up and got ready and then called us.  At 14 she ius quite the yound lady, with a huge responsibility streak.  

Well I am off, I hope to have a home computer on Sunday so I will be able to do my computer work in the evening rather than the limited time in the daytime.

Have a great day everyone,


Larry I am praying for both people in your family who had a mishaop this week.  Both sound so tramatic.


Melody is it  your birthday?  If so then

Happy Birthday Melody

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Happy Birthday, Melody!  Enjoy your day.
This is also Billy Graham's birthday, he is 90 yrs young today. 
A quote today from Mr Graham......
The evangelist Billy Graham says on ageing that "just because we grow weaker physically doesn't mean we must grow weaker spiritually". ...

Thanks to Pat for the song!! I like that song, and appreciate your posting it here at CP for me!! I was online last night, and noticed it there.  My computer has gremlins in it I guess....too many times lately it has shut down what I have open, but leaves other things open.  It's weird to have that happen.  I didn't get to hear the music when I tried, it shut down too quick, and tossed me out of CP.  I was too tired as it was late, so I didn't try again at that time.  I wanted to post a thanks before trying this morning, in case it happens again. 

Larry, sorry to learn of your daughter's frustrating day, I do hope things will go a little smoother for her for awhile now.  And what a scary situation Pat's aunt had!  It reminded me of Earl's sister several years ago who had a similar thing happen to her.  She fell on her backyard concrete walkway, and she actually did have her alert button thingy on her, but it did not work!  A few hours went by and no one heard her call for help either.  She finally did as Pat's aunt did and crawled to the back door.  With great effort she finally was able to reach the door handle and get in the house to a telephone.  She also was 90, or right at it rather.  We had plans to go down there (Truth or Consequences, NM) in a couple of days to help celebrate her birthday, so we went on down right away.  She lived alone as she was a widow, and no children. 

Thanks to you and Marilyn for the advice on AD support groups, and such.  I think there is one here in our town, I may look into it someday.  Right now, I don't feel ready for that.

JudyB, glad you enjoy teaching others to sew.  I did a little of that when my two granddaughters were around 10 years old.  We had little sewing sessions along with some neighbor girls joining in.  One girl entered something in the county fair that she had made, and got a ribbon.  She said the judges thought she surely had help making the item (I have forgotten what it was), for one reason because I had let them use my serger to finish the seams, and they were surprised at seeing finished seams from a young girl. 

Everyone have a great day!
Love, Janice
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Pat:   SUCCESS!  I was able to get the music just now, and listened through it twice.  Thank you again, I will listen more times than this, I promise.  That song speaks to my heart. 

I wonder, did you play that piano yourself?

Love, Janice
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


No, Janice.  I didn't play the piano.  I found the midi file on the internet some years ago.  Making midi files is something I've not ever tried. 

I'm so happy you enjoyed that.  It's one of my favourite hymns as well.

I'm sorry that you are going through this Alzheimer journey with Earl.  Jack's sister had it for about 11 years before she was promoted to glory.  It was sad.  But we tried to talk on the telephone to her at every opportunity and we made notes about family history, etc. as she was older than Jack and she knew lots of things he didn't know.  And now, just about 8 weeks ago, Paul's older brother died as a result of it so we have experience of it for sure.

My prayers will be with you.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Victory in Jesus
(Click to hear music)

Words and Music by Eugene. M. Bartlett

I heard an old, old story, How a Saviour came from glory,
How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me;
I heard about His groaning, Of His precious blood's atoning,
Then I repented of my sins And won the victory.

O victory in Jesus, My Saviour, forever,
He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about His healing, Of His cleansing pow'r revealing,
How He made the lame to walk again And caused the blind to see;
And then I cried "Dear Jesus, Come and heal my broken spirit,"
And somehow Jesus came and bro't To me the victory.

O victory in Jesus, My Saviour, forever,
He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory,
And I heard about the streets of gold Beyond the crystal sea;
About the angels singing, And the old, redemption story,
And some sweet day I'll sing up there The song of victory.

O victory in Jesus, My Saviour, forever,
He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



Ohhh, Melody, that's beautiful!

May I "snitch" it?  I love it!  Did you make it?

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"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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You're so very :welcome: Marilyn!  ;)

As you know, one of my favourites as well!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELODY! What is it like to be 33 now?  <3

I love Victory in Jesus too Pat! :thumbsup:

Take care everyone!
The Country Poet



Victory in Jesus
(Click to hear music)

Words and Music by Eugene. M. Bartlett

I heard an old, old story, How a Saviour came from glory,
How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me;
I heard about His groaning, Of His precious blood's atoning,
Then I repented of my sins And won the victory.

O victory in Jesus, My Saviour, forever,
He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about His healing, Of His cleansing pow'r revealing,
How He made the lame to walk again And caused the blind to see;
And then I cried "Dear Jesus, Come and heal my broken spirit,"
And somehow Jesus came and bro't To me the victory.

O victory in Jesus, My Saviour, forever,
He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory,
And I heard about the streets of gold Beyond the crystal sea;
About the angels singing, And the old, redemption story,
And some sweet day I'll sing up there The song of victory.

O victory in Jesus, My Saviour, forever,
He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


The Country Poet


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



(Click to hear music)

Author:  John Fawcett, 1740-1817
Musician:  Hans G. Nageli, 1773-1836
Arr. By Lowell Mason, 1792-1872

And the multitude of them that believed
were of one heart and of one soul:
neither said any of them that ought of the things
which he possessed was his own;
but they had all things common.
Acts 4:32

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like that to that above.

Before our Father's throne
We pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one
Our comforts and our cares.

We share each other's woes,
Our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows
The sympathizing tear.

When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.

This glorious hope revives
Our courage by the way;
While each in expectation lives,
And longs to see the day.

From sorrow, toil and pain,
And sin, we shall be free,
And perfect love and friendship reign
Through all eternity.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"



A white cross marks where I lie
Stop awhile as you pass by
On my grave some poppies red
Remember me among the dead
One of many who went to war
So you can stand where you are
Among the living and the free
Your liberty bought by the blood of me

See the birds flying in the air
Like metal ones that winged it there
The airborne brave shot down in flames
Additions to the roll of names
Of the ones swallowed up in sea
Or fell in battlefield just like me
This cross so white and poppies red
Mark my place among the dead

Of those who gave flesh and blood
In air and sea and fields of mud
Though for freedom we stood true
A greater sacrifice was made for you
A battle fought and victory won
True peace was bought by God's own Son
A cross for Him who came to save
The symbol of it which marks my grave

The poppies here lying red
Speaking of the blood He shed
For your liberty I lie in this hole
He arose from one to free your soul
Think of me and remember too
All of us who died for you
Yet for liberty beyond death and sod
Remember now the Son of God

Colin Moffett
The Country Poet

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Another beautiful but bit cooler day here in Georgia.  We had a lovely rain last evening.  I don't know how much it rained but it was certainly welcome.

We are going to a meeting this morning and then will head down to Atlanta to take the wheelchair and a new box fan to our daughter's apartment.  Her apartment is very hot since they turned the heat on in the building around the first of Novmeber.  Fortunately she can open her windows and get outside air but even with the heat turned off her apartment is hot.  I remember her complaining about that last year as well as this is an older building.  With the wheelchair she can get down to her mailbox without having to use the crutches. 

Nothing else on the agenda for today.  I am sure I will watch some football when we get home but the Georgia game will likely be over by the time we get back home.

Happy Birthday Melody.  That was a beautiful graphic you posted.

Janice, do you have any assistance like someone who can stay with your husband so you can get out and away for awhile?  Sometimes when we care give we get worn down with the day to day and it is very important to have time for yourself. 


Colin, what a wonderful poem!

Thanks so much for sharing that in here. 

Hi Larry!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Good  day! Well, its raining here today and looks like it will stay that way until sometimes tomorrow.
But its still warm :

Thank You Larry for the Birthday Greetings.

Colin -Love that poem thank for sharing.

God bless all 

Always Say A Prayer (A.S.A.P.)
There's work to do, deadlines to meet,
you've got no time to spare,
But as you hurry and scurry,
always say a prayer.

In the midst of family chaos,
"quality time" is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest:
Always say a prayer.

It may seem like your worries are
more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather-
always say a prayer.

God knows how stressful life is;
He wants to ease our cares,
and He'll respond ASAP-
Always say a prayer!


Thanks for the reminder, Melody, to "Pray without ceasing!"

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

Maybe someone else knows what has happened but I don't have a clue. 

See, I had wireless internet while on my mini-trip to Greensburg, Indiana.  I could surf the web, do everything I wanted to do but I had no access to SrNet or to CP.  Both came up with the same messages...page not found or cannot access this site.  I see that SrNet is still down but you all have been posting on CP while I was puzzled wondering what happened to you all. 

Thursday and Friday were beautiful days.  Shirt sleeve weather.  We really didn't do anything but shop, eat, swim, computer, read and watch TV.  We were the second room from the lobby.  Across the hall was the ice machine and the heated indoor pool.  We only had to go maybe 20 feet for breakfast in the lobby.  Great biscuits and gravy!!  The heated pool was too cold and the hot tub was too hot but both were still very relaxing.  A great motel.  There is a farm there that has grizzly bears.  We went to see them but they must have been in hibernation...closed for the season.  Both of us said we want to come back next summer, stay a few days and see the grizzly bears...other animals, too! 

We did go to an Amish Store.  I got some Pretzel Balls.  They are about the size of peas....really good!!!  I had never even heard of Pretzel Balls before!!

But on the way home it was spitting rain.  Then I got an email from Kitty and she said it had been snowing and sleeting!!!  Only 38.2° now!!!!  What a difference a couple of days make!!

>^..^<    >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<  >^..^<


Sorry, Etta Sue.   Were you able to get to other sites?

No idea.  Maybe Larry knows.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Thank you Melody and Pat. Lovely poem Melody..did you compose it? God bless.
The Country Poet

Etta Sue

Pat ~ I even went to Bookmarks and CP and still didn't access CP.  I had a Personal Message and couldn't get to it to reply.  And yes, I used my StumbleUpon, worked my jigsaw puzzles, Instant Messages, clickables from emails to websites.  Seems everything worked but CP and SrNet.  Thought maybe both were down for troubles.  Then I came home and found out SrNet is still down but the gabby people on CP were jabbering away!!   :D  I use Firefox.  I didn't try IE, though.


Not sure then, Etta Sue.  I use Firefox and I didn't get any alerts that there was anything wrong with the site. 

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Catching up while Don fiddles with two outdoor lights - nothing is working right now.  He was quite dizzy for the entire afternoon yesterday but after a nap and some food, he was just fine.  He was just checked so there isn't any reason we can figure this out.

My cholesterol was 187 and the balance is good so I am happy - walking almost daily has taken this down for me. 

No - SeniorNet must have massive problems.  It must be frustrating for all working at that end. 

Take care everyone.  Our friends from Minnesota arrive in a few hours and I made banana cranberry walnut muffins and there is a pork roast slow cooking in the oven.  Eggplant to be cooked and a corn pudding for side dishes.  There is a frozen soup that I keep on hand and will check to see if anyone wants that as well - it is one of my basic veggie and chicken broth soups that can handle extra things. 


Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?
      I have 2 favourite seasons: spring and fall

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible
      Psa 18:2  Jehovah is my strength, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock; I will trust in Him; He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.

3.  What's your favourite colour? blues

4.  What hymn encourages you? Softly and Tenderly

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies. Art, computer, webdesign, poetry, gardening

6.  What's your favourite food. Anything that don't eat me first

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?
     Back to Northern Ireland and maybe Scotland again

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ? David

Hope you all have a God filled and blessed evening!
Psa 18:2  Jehovah is my strength, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock; I will trust in Him; He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.

<img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp/language/www/US/NY/East_Rochester.gif" border=0
alt="Click for East Rochester, New York Forecast" height=41 width=127>

Colin's Faith Inspirations
4 Given 2
Faith's Poems


Quote from: Colin on November 08, 2008, 01:45:46 PM
Thank you Melody and Pat. Lovely poem Melody..did you compose it? God bless.

No this is something I found on the Internet :)


This is for Etta Sue:

(Click title to hear music)

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, Who called me here below,
Shall be forever mine.

When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We?ve no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we'd first begun.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

Lovely, Pat.  Somehow that never sounds quite right played by anything other than bagpipes.
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Getting to Know You

1.  What's your favourite season?
      Spring....lots of good things to come!

2.  Give a scripture you like from the Bible
       Be Still And Know That I Am God   (Ps. 46:10

3.  What's your favourite colour?
        It depends on the mood of the day.

4.  What hymn encourages you?
        In The Garden.

5.  Tell us about a few of your hobbies.
         Painting, golf, carpet bowling, reading, walking.

6.  What's your favourite food
          Fresh Salmon Steak with caesar salad.   

7.  If you were able to travel any where in the world  where would  you like to go?

8.  What is one of your favourite bible characters ?
           Naomi.  God had a plan for her life and restored it.
            God always has a plan.





Just for you, Liz...

In the Garden
(Click for Music)

I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.


And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.


I'd stay in the garden with Him
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling.


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

A dark and gloomy day and only 33 degrees.  I guess you can say winter is here in Indiana. 

I am all ready for church after a wonderful night's rest.  This evening Ivalou and I will be going to a lady's home.  The Women's Fellowship will be revealing who their Secret Sisters were last year and receiving new Secret Sisters for the coming year.  I will have a Secret Sister when I return home tonight.  I know Ivalou has had fun finding things for her Secret Sisters throughout the years. 

That's it.  I pray everyone has a blessed God's day!


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Slept in a bit this morning as didn't have to get away from the house by 7:40 as I do most mornings.  I am ready for church but Pat isn't feeling well so will not be going this morning unless she changes her mind between now and 10:30.  Her leg and knee continue to bother her and she is going to try to get in to see the doctor tomorrow.

Etta Sue, the only thing I can suggest with the computer problem would be to clear the temporary internet files under the internet options in the browser.  However, that doesn't make a lot of sense since you can access from home.  One possible way to get around a problem like this would be to go to the main Home Page and then to discussions.  It sounds like you and Ivalou had a very peaceful and enjoyable few days away from home.

I am very concerned about the SeniorNet Discussions.  The last I knew there are very few people on staff at Headquarters anymore.  Usually in the past when the discussions went down there would be an e-mail but not this time.  Perhaps Pat has more insight into this issue.

LIz, I believe that God has a plan for each of our lives.  Sometimes it is hard to understand some of the paths and obstacles we must take or face but God knows where the paths lead and why we need the obstacles.  We just need to seek his will for our lives.  Hope you are feeling better this weekend.

Melody, that was a wonderful poem you shared as have been those shared by Colin.

Carol, your meal sounded delightful.  Hope your friends arrived safely.

Pat, thanks for the hymns you posted.


Good Morning I have been awake since 3AM, however I didn't  get out of bed until just after 5, I keep praying to be able to sleep until at least 5; I  go to bed between  8-8:30PM and watch TV until about 10PM and usually only get about 5 hours sleep at the most.

Larry I will be asking you how to set up my computer to Keith's router I think he said I could  plug into a USB port on the router, He is not too familiar with the how to's  of setting up the network and neither am I. Could you please send me instruction in a email that I can save until needed. Also include you phone number in case I need you to talk me through.?

It has been raining here for  over a week off an on, yesterday was the only day I didn't have a window of no rain to take the dogs for a walk. My backyard sure needs mowing and the leaves mulching. I don't mind the wetness as long as I am not out there in the rain trying to mow.

Larry I received this in an email from one of the moderators at SN

"...I don't think SN HQ is keeping Marcie any more informed than they
are the rest of us.  If you want to write the Executive Director, here's
Kristin Fabos' email.  Maybe writing her will do some good...who knows.

kfabos@hq.seniornet.org "
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Good day.
its raining here today. I just came home  from church and finished eating  a good dinner :crazy:

The worship times was great and we had our a Pastor from home missions come into speak.
His sermon centred  around the purpose of the church. He explained we are not just to passively waiting for the Lord to come back but we need to be reaching out for those who do not know the Lord. :thumbsup:

Larry -remembering Pat in prayer.


Pat thank you got that hymn for me.  It brings back a lot of memories as we sang it to close Lord's Supper.


Well I am at the store resting and taking a break.  It is so peaceful here when the store is closed. 

Church is over and I find such joy in being with friends and my "spiritual" family.  The message is always good and wow the singing was amazing.

Kassie was babysitting last night, home in the wee hours of the morning, and her and I are both tired.  I remember our parents saying that the Lord's Day was often spoilled on Saturday night.  This is so true.

Well I have a lot more emails to go through so Bue for now


I know of at least five hosts who have written to this lady, Larry and Marilyn and as yet, we have absolutely no reply.

I'm setting up some space for a forum like this and we'll see how it goes.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Thanks for the music, Pat.  I am playing 'In The Garden' while writing this.

We have had lots of heavy rain the past few days.  Such heavy rain when Wendy and I went to see the Dr. on Thursday, the highway was like a lake.  Very hard for her to drive, even in good conditions.  So many drivers were speeding and creating even more problems....

Feeling some better today.. Thanks for asking Larry.  I had a very severe reaction to the Meds this time and had to call the Dr. to find out what to do.  Wendy had to that is.  I was shaking too hard to hold even a glass in my hand.  Took graval, hot liquid and hot water bottle to get warm and stop the problems.  Necessary to continue with the meds. but no further bad reactions.  Nasty experience!! ::)

The Hour of Power is now mostly replays.  Dr. Schuller removed his son as the preacher on the program and this has caused many problems at their church.  His son preached the Bible and Salvation more than his dad's books and guess this did not go over too well.  Reading the postings of many of the church folks, it is not a happy place right now.  I hope they bring him back as the minister.

Read this today and thought it interesting.  Had not thought of things in quite this way.

You'll never find a spot where east and west are actually next to each other. In going west, you never "find" east. East goes on forever. West goes on forever. They never meet. You can't get farther from something than that.
When you read in Scripture that your forgiven sins are separated from you "as far as the east is from the west" (Ps. 103:12), you are assured that they are an immeasurable distance away—gone forever.

"Oh, East is East, and West is West,
And never the twain shall meet."
So far has God removed our sins:
Salvation is complete. —Hess

We invite defeat when we remember what we should forget.  Most of us forget to forget.....

Pleasant Day/Evening and God Bless.



Jeanne Lee

It won't surprise me at all if SeniorNet never restores the discussions.  Personally, I've given up and don't even check any more to see if it's been fixed. :( 
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We arrived home this afternoon, a day later than planned.  Darrel's sister is doing well, and the damage from the stroke was not nearly as severe as we had feared.  She is having to use a walker, is on oxygen, and her right hand "won't behave" (her words) but her attitude is really good.  They decided that since we were in town, also the brother and family from South Texas, to go ahead with the birthday/Thanksgiving dinner.  So I got to help a lot with the cooking.  When Norman would say "Janet cooked this" I would say, "Only if it's good, otherwise, Norman made it!"  ;)

Darrel's Mom looked wonderful, and seems to be doing great at 96.

I'm tired and sleepy, so will be heading to bed soon.  We did get home in time to attend our small group meeting, and it was really good.

Liz, did you get my email?  I was having computer problems, so wanted to check on that.

Janice, so good to have you here, and praying for you and Earl.

Jeanne, great having you posting again, too.

Larry, sorry Stacey is still having foot problems.

My forgetter just turned on, so will close before I say something crazy.  :lol:
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Al Moak


We're starting our new "Thoughts for the Week" a little early.