Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Al Moak on January 01, 2007, 12:32:36 AM

Title: Thoughts for the Week of February 26
Post by: Al Moak on January 01, 2007, 12:32:36 AM

  Has the whole world gone kaput?


Morning Devotional...

Psalm 12:2, 6. "They speak idly everyone with his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak . . . The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."

People's words can sometimes be alarming.  They could even produce fear, and, at times, even shame.  The Lord's words, in tremendous contrast, produce relief from all that fear and shame that's so prevalent in the world, and they often result even in joy! 

The problem is that the vast majority of the people of this world haved lived their entire lifetimes in rebelleion against their Maker. They've actually tried to ignore Him, and their focus has therefore centered around themselves along with the advantages they think they may gain over other people. 

As if that weren't enough, their mad scramble to bolster their own self importance has often resulted in meanness and lying, so, in large part, the world has been filled with the corruption from that  habitual lying.  It's actually become a dangerous environment for all who live here.

Because of all these things, this world has become a dreary place, a place of disappointment and a place of fear, a place that easily produces discouragement and expectation of failure.

In the midst of such negativity, though, there's one thing we can fairly shout about: our thankfulness for the rock-solid truth of God's Word and for the reflection of that purity and truth in the lives and words of His people!  Oh thank God, then, for the complete dependability of God's written Word!  Oh thank Him for an oasis of joy in the midst of this desert because of Jesus Christ our Savior!

The psalmist says, "The wicked prowl on every side, when violence is exalted among the sons of men."  But he is also able to say, "The words of the Lord are pure words!"

Do you need an oasis?  Turn again and again to our Lord and His Word.
Al Moak


Because He Lives (
(Click to hear music)

Words and music by William J. Gaither
copyright 1971

"He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.
Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
Matthew 28:6

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

And then one day, I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 01, 2007, 01:17:04 AM
Our new member, Shutterbugmom  posted this and I'm moving it here so we can all comment:

Quote from: shutterbugmom on December 31, 2006, 11:51:56 PM
Tonight I remember my sister who died 8 years ago tonight at the age of 44.  She fought Leukemia for almost four years and finally, God called her home.  She loved fall, like me.  She loved horses, like me.  And, like me, she loved photography!  I miss her very much!  Tonight, when I remember her I thank God for all the special times we shared together while she was on this earth.  I'm so thankful we'll be reunited in heaven one glorious day. 

New year's Blessings to all!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 01, 2007, 01:19:01 AM
Thank you Al for the great devotion

And Happy New Year to you all and may you all experience the closeness of our Saviour as you go about your daily duties in the coming year.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 01, 2007, 02:20:12 AM
Quote from: Pat on January 01, 2007, 01:17:04 AM
Our new member, Shutterbugmom  posted this and I'm moving it here so we can all comment:

Quote from: shutterbugmom on December 31, 2006, 11:51:56 PM
Tonight I remember my sister who died 8 years ago tonight at the age of 44.  She fought Leukemia for almost four years and finally, God called her home.  She loved fall, like me.  She loved horses, like me.  And, like me, she loved photography!  I miss her very much!  Tonight, when I remember her I thank God for all the special times we shared together while she was on this earth.  I'm so thankful we'll be reunited in heaven one glorious day. 

New year's Blessings to all!

Thanks, Pat ... I don't know why--maybe 'cause it's a new year--but I had to log in tonight!   :-\  That has been remedied.   :thumbsup:

Anyway, Shutterbugmom, I want to welcome you to CP and to let you know I, most certainly, understand your feelings at this time.  My daughter passed away seven years ago December 31.  I miss her terribly, as well, and I can empathisize with your feelings of loss for your sister.  Jean was 46.

I have not been around for a while but y'all probably didn't even notice.  Things just seem to be crowding me these daze.

Janet~I watched One Night With The King.  It was on at 7 pm here then repeated at 9.  I read the book and liked it better.   ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jeannine on January 01, 2007, 02:56:57 AM
Happy New Year Everyone! :cheer:

Welcome Shutterbugmom!

Hey Colin ~ good to see you back, missed ya!

Hi Jane I see you're on now too.

Sorry I've been scarce, I have been reading and praying for each one of you. I've just been busy trying to keep things on an even keel here. Sometimes I feel like the  zooKeeper.  :crazy:

Ok, gotta start meds for Michael, Have a God filled and blessed day! and New Year!!!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Gareth Parkes on January 01, 2007, 07:18:03 AM
A new year... more resolutions and good intentions.  I was struck while doing family research (genealogy) how our past is cast in stone... we cannot change the past.  We do have our present and future in our hands.  What we do today will make a significant difference in our future to our families and ourselves. 

Bless you all.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 01, 2007, 09:34:28 AM
This is a new year and I still awaken much too early in the A.M. but how else would I be able to view the promising sunrise? 

Al Your message on "God cares" - there have been two reminders to me this weekend of what you wrote.  Thank you for your message.

Shutterbug Good for you for thinking of the future and your reunion one day with your sister.  Just as Al's message that we can look to our future. 

Jane: I don't know how people live without any faith - the death of a child destroys so many but your faith sustains you. 

Larry:  Let us hope that your daughter gets the right medical treatment - it sounds like they are keeping a good watch over her but we know who is really watching.

Pat This has to be a quiet day for you and I am sorry that you are feeling sad after the phone call with your brother.  Take care.

:coffee: Don is making breakfast of biscuits and gravy, southern style.  You are all cyber welcome!  After a childhood of hot oatmeal for the daily breakfast, it is nice to have something different and I have become attached to the biscuits for after all we did live in Texas for nine years! 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Larry Hanna on January 01, 2007, 09:58:37 AM
Hi everyone. 

Al, thanks for the fine devotional. 

Shutterbug, glad you have joined us here on CP.  It is wonderful to have memories of those we have loved and lost.

The latest on our daughter is that after they again stopped the Heperin around noon yesterday her enzyme count went high again and she was put back on Heperin.  They are scheduling her for another heart cath either tomorrow or Wednesday.  Today being a holiday those procedures are not being done.  They were trying to get as many people discharged from the hospital as possible.  It is a good thing she wasn't discharged.  By Wednesday, she will have been in the hospital for one week. 

Someone sent us some cute saying from young children that I had not seen before and thought it would be a good thing to share today as we start the year 2007:

3-year-old Reese:
"Our Father, Who does art in heaven, Harold is His name. Amen."
A little boy was overheard praying: "Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time like I am."
After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong. Finally, the boy replied, "That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I wanted to stay with you guys."
I had been teaching my three-year old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer for several evenings at bedtime. She would repeat after me the lines from the prayer. Finally, she decided to go solo. I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word, right up to the end of the prayer: "Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us from E-mail.
One particular four-year-old prayed, "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."
A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping."
Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother, Joel, were sitting together in church. Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough. "You're not supposed to talk out loud in church." "Why? Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked. Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, "See those two men standing by the door? They're hushers."
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin 5, and Ryan
3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. "If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, 'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.' Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus!"
A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand. "Daddy, what happened to him?" the son asked. "He died and went to Heaven," the Dad replied. The boy thought a moment and then said, "Did God throw him back down?"
A wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" "I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied. "Just say what you hear Mommy say," the wife answered. The daughter bowed her head and said, "Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"

I did restore my laptop to its factory condition last evening and am now in the process of putting back on it the programs I want.  I should be set for the new year.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 01, 2007, 10:26:12 AM
Good morning, I am not a happy camper today. I woke up with a cold brewing. It seems that almost everyone at church yesterday either just got a cold or was just getting over a cold. Mine came from Savannah, she was sick Christmas when she was here.

Welcome  shutterbugmom It is good to remember those  who have gone home to be with the Lord.

Today is my Bebe's birthday she is 5 years old. Big doggie hugs to Bebe. This is  the dog who was found in a dumpster by my friend Kitty's son and brought to  me when she was about 4-5 weeks old. I gave her Jan 1 as her birthday.

I have to go work for Janfor about an hour today I think I mentioned that last night on here. I am also taking down my tree today.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 01, 2007, 11:00:06 AM
Hi Everyone...a cool dry day in N.Ireland. No sign of snow yet.

Hi Al....lovely devotional and I love that song Because He Lives...just in my third time of playing it and will be on a few more times!

Hi Larry...sorry about your daughter. I love the cute sayings from the children. Brilliant!

Hi Pat....take care and I am thinking of you.

Hello to Shutterbugmom...sorry for your sad loss and how you must be feeling now at this sad time of year for you. So glad you have so many happy memories of your sister and you had so much in common. Take care.

Hi Carol..Happy New Year to you!

Hi Jeannine...missed ya too!  Happy New Year!

Hi Marilyn..sorry about your cold..take care.

Did post a New Years poem yesterday...I dont know how to go back to see it!

Happy New Year to everyone!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ed on January 01, 2007, 11:09:18 AM
Off to daughters home today for our family gathering.  And of course to watch Michigan win the Rose Bowl.

Happy New year to all of you.

Now that I have a digital camera....when I learn how to use it...,.maybe I can/will post some pictures hereabouts. 

When I was figuring out a budget for retirement..there was no high speed internet on the horizon, nor was there a cellphone, nor a digital camera.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 01, 2007, 11:12:03 AM
Hi Janet....I went back to yesterdays page and I do understand what you were saying about answering a SHOUT when you have something ready for do indeed loose your has happened to me once or twice! :ticked:

Hi Ruth Ann Bice...Happy New Year.

If I have left anyone out it is not intentional.

God bless.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 01, 2007, 11:25:40 AM

Welcome, Shutterbugmom!!!  I think one thing that a Christian has that a worldly person does not have is hope.  God gives us the hope that we will be reunited with our loved ones that have passed away that was God's children, too. 

Jane ~ I also had to log in today.  Must be a New Year thing!  Did you click to always be logged in?

Ed ~ Let me know who won the Rose Bowl game.  I vowed when my husband passed away and I had control over the remote, that I didn't have to watch sports...just Ice Skating, gymnastics and the Olympics!

Kitty called me last evening to see if I would like to go out to eat with her and Bob.  So we did.  Very enjoyable.  Lots of fun.  We were home way before midnight but I did stay up to watch the New Year come in at Times Square, NYC.  God bless Dick Clark.  I got tears in my eyes when he was talking.  I grew up with Dick Clark and American Bandstand!! 

I have already made two trips to Kaye Don's driveway to take trash.  I also took Ivalou's since she is gone.  I hope the trash truck runs today....they ran on Labor Day and I am thinking they run every holiday but Christmas.  I guess I will see by evening.

After being outside twice, I looked out and it was like we had a white-out for about 5 minutes.  Snow.  But the ground is still green and brown!!

I called Kitty this morning to wish her Happy New Year.  I remember Mom calling everyone on New Year's Day and asking every one in a disguised voice, 'Is this 1-9-5-3?  Or 'Is this 1-9-4-9?'  That was before everyone had 7 digit phone numbers.  Mom got a kick out of fooling her friends with that.  Our phone number back then was 78-9...a party line...the nine meaning we answered the phone when it was a long and four shorts.  Remember that? 

I am listening and recording the Rose Bowl Parade on HGTV...non-commercial.  I will watch it this afternoon after I get caught up on the pc.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 01, 2007, 11:40:24 AM

Never alone for Jesus is with me
Walks by my side each step of the way
Companions are gone; not a friend can I see
But Jesus holds my hand day after day

He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother
Step with my step He matches each one
Someone like Him I never knew any other
Who loves me like Jesus; God's blessed Son

Loneliness in my life forever is banished
There is contentment and joy an everlasting peace
The friendships of this world so quickly have vanished
But I know with Jesus His love will not cease

I will not let my happiness depend on others
To rule my life no one is allowed
I shall always have Jesus when no one else bothers
For I have known loneliness in the midst of a crowd

Lonely are the ones who live on their own
Thinking in their lives there is no one to care
But if they have Jesus; then never truly alone
For He is with them His friendship to share

Life without Jesus is loneliness for the soul
A void that cannot be filled by any earthly friend
For it takes Jesus in the heart to make a life whole
And if He dwells there that kind of loneliness will end

Colin Moffett

No one is alone when they have Jesus.

Ettas Sue....I do love the comic things you that wain for instance! ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 01, 2007, 11:45:49 AM
Thanks, Etta Sue!  I'm going to finish watching the parade (on HGTV) and then come back and post here!

Later--no one else has posted, so I just clicked on modify.  It's so much nicer to watch the Rose Parade with no commercials.  And I enjoyed it so much more today because they didn't stop and have a bunch of entertainers sing, etc.  I always hated that, as it made us miss a lot of the floats; and that's what I want to see.  So I'm a happy camper today!  ;D

We still have no phone service, not sure if we could get out if we try, as everything is still encased in ice.  Some of the ice has fallen off the lines, I notice.  So I guess this will end someday.  ;)

Welcome to SHUTTERBUGMOM!  We hope to learn more about you as the days unfold.

Colin, your poem today speaks to my hear in a special way.  Thanks!

Larry, it is nice you can do all that computer stuff yourself.  Take good care of Larry for us, will you?

Pat, I hope you are having a good day today at your family gathering.  Sorry about the health problems in your family.

It is cold here, and I have framing and scrapbooking and cooking calling me, so I shall return later!!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 01, 2007, 06:02:42 PM
I am back home ready to relax with a nice cup of Organic Black Jasmine tea. The dogs have had their walks and I have done my shopping and gone to have lunch with Mimi at the Jalisco Cafe in Eureka. I went to Winco to buy several Lean Cuisine dinners to have on hand, to Target to buy Purina One dog food and some tablets for my cold.

It makes it so difficult to  use my CPAP  machine when I can't breathe through my nose. I should probably go to the co-op tomorrow and buy some Eucalyptus essential oil  to add to the water in my  machine.

Janet have you got your power back on  yet?

Al I forgot to tell you what a great devotional you put in today. Thank you I needed that.

Hi Jane thanks for the sweet New years card.

Nita Hello there sister My fellow dog 2 dog mom. My Skype name is tudogmom.

Kevin do the Japanese celebrate the Chinese New Year or do they have their own celebrations that are different than the Chinese.?
Talk later y-all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: shutterbugmom on January 01, 2007, 06:12:49 PM
Hi Everyone!

I'm a little overwhelmed by all the warm welcomes, so I won't reply to each of them separately.  Thank you so much!  I'm new at this forum thing, so please forgive me if I don't reply to everything or if I post in the wrong place, etc...Pat has already helped me in this area.  Thanks, Pat!

Let's see...more about me?  I've been married for 17 years.  Our girls are 13 (in four days) and 16 in one month.  I like rubberstamping, scrapbooking, reading, horses, and more.  

Now, for my favorite subject (besides God and family)!  I have always loved taking pictures.  I got my first camera at the age of 10 or so.  (My username probably should have been Mommerozzi because that's what my kids call me.)

I was in a car accident 4 years ago this May, on our way to my brother-in-law's funeral and got a concussion, whiplash, injured my T3 and T6 and I totally messed up my jaw muscles.  I was able to do little more than lie on the couch and ice my neck/back and read.  So, I did.  I began checking out books from the library.  Lots of books!  Usually 17 or so at a time.  I just began studying.  That's my background as far as photography schooling is concerned.  I've been to one photography seminar that was put on by our local camera club.  So, I guess I'm homeschooled like my girls.

I bought a Canon AE1 Program in Sept. 2003 and started putting what I'd been learning into practice, on our family vacation to Yellowstone.  I took 26 rolls of film and got some great shots.  When I returned home, I bought a used Canon EOS ELAN lle and when I got my settlement money, (which wasn't a whole lot more than we owed in medical bills) my wonderful husband let me buy my Canon 20D and a new tripod and a background stand and a flash for the camera.  

So far, my accomplishments include three Honorable Mentions, one Fourth Place and two Third place ribbons in the Western Idaho Fair.  I also was published in The Photographer's Forum's "Best of Photography Annual" as a finalist in their Spring Photography Contest in 2004 and 2005.  My pictures were also used for a publicity poster advertising my daughter's dance school recital. Ummm, I think that's it.

I'm currently judging a photography contest for a creative arts school in our area and that's been a challenging, but great experience for me.  

I'm also working on our church's very first pictorial directory.  Please pray for that project for me.  I want God's directory to glorify Him.

I take pictures of our daughters and their friends doing their Irish Step Dance (I can give you a website to see some of those pictures, if it's allowed-just let me know) on a pretty regular basis, too.  Moving targets are great practice for wildlife photography.  

To wrap it all up, I will say that my passion is capturing God's creation in as much of it's glory as I possibly can with my camera.  I especially like outdoor and wildlife photography) When my kids are grown, I'll make photography my full time business, but for now I take portraits here and there (which is not my thing) and sell fine art prints and greeting cards as often as I can.

Thanks for listening and thanks for the great devotional, Al.  I praise God for life, and for another day to capture His beauty!  I also look forward to seeing more of your photos that are posted and to posting more of mine.  I hope to get to know you all in 2007!  Blessings and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 01, 2007, 07:00:27 PM
Hi Shutterbugmon...Begooragh an'' auld Irish Step Dance! Ah never tried it maesel but it luks quer an' guid. Ye jus lift yer feet an' they fal themselves..boys o' boys! Th' wife ken fer mak mae dance..she ken! :ticked:

Look forward to the the way...I am from N. ireland. Take care!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 01, 2007, 08:33:29 PM
Shutterbugmom, do you have a shorter name we can call you?  It sounds as if you are one busy gal! And congratulations on doing so well with your photography in such a short time.  For sure, you will have lots of good photo memories of your girls.

We have phone service again!!!  YEA!!  Come to find out, Darrel's old computer was holding the line open all that time!  I hope that doesn't mean we will be charged long distance charges for all that time!  :o  I called right away to check on Beth and learned she has been very sick, sounds like a flu bug.  They have kept her quarantined in her room. 

Down in the SE corner of Colorado where I grew up, and where my brother still lives, they have terrible winter weather problems.  15 foot snowdrifts, everything buried in the snow.  He hasn't been able to get his tractors out so he could feed his cattle; the forest service has been dropping hay to them.  And 23 counties in Kansas have been declared disaster areas by our governor.  So we have not gotten the worst of this one, not by a long shot!

I got 2007 off to a good start by cutting 5 fancy double mats, and assembling some frames.  I will finish them all up tomorrow.  :)

Larry, I enjoyed the kids' sayings, thanks!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on January 01, 2007, 08:37:23 PM
Hi, friends,

I came in earlier today but ended up losing my post - ah, well, maybe that one wasn't intended to be here.  :)

Today has been a good day of rest and relaxation and getting together with family and friends.

Tomorrow - on the other hand - will call for me to be back on the job.

It's good to hear from everyone and hope that y'all are doing fine.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 01, 2007, 10:23:30 PM
Quote from: Colin on January 01, 2007, 11:12:03 AM
Hi Janet....I went back to yesterdays page and I do understand what you were saying about answering a SHOUT when you have something ready for do indeed loose your has happened to me once or twice! :ticked:

No one should lose their post.  So I want to know about this.  And Janet didn't lose hers, Colin.  It's still there if you click on "View All". (  That shows all of the shouts.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 01, 2007, 10:26:33 PM
Quote from: shutterbugmom on January 01, 2007, 06:12:49 PM
 I like rubberstamping, scrapbooking, reading, horses, and more.  

You'd be so happy to know that I received the most interesting little scrapbook/album for my Christmas present from my 9 year old granddaughter, Rebecca.  She and her mother did me the nicest little album with all pictures from the year 2006 in it.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 01, 2007, 10:34:51 PM
Pat what Janet and Colin are referring to has happened to me too. I have been writing a post in TFTW and noticed over to the left side that someone had shouted at me so I wrote a shout back and lost my post  I was working on. Now do you understand?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Nita on January 01, 2007, 10:39:54 PM
Pat, maybe Janet was posting here,  and responded to a shout in the middle, then when she went back to continue her post here, it was gone.  Is this what you meant, Janet?  That's what I thought as I read the first time, but I have been wrong once or twice. :)

So nice to meet you, Shutterbugmom.   I like mommarazzi (however you spelled it).  That's really clever. :)

Marilyn, I didn't know you could put anything besides water into your cpap machine.  I know we have different kinds, but mine says not to because it could damage the machine.  It sounds like that would be so soothing to have the oil in it, but I'd be afraid to try it.   

I've been tired again today.  I see the doctor on Thursday, so guess I'll mention that.   I've already mentioned it to my Great Physician. :)  I love Him.  Nita
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Nita on January 01, 2007, 10:40:26 PM
Oh, Marilyn said the same thing while I was being too slow in posting. lol  Nita
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 02, 2007, 07:39:47 AM
Hi Pat....if you respond to a Shout working at a certainly loose the post! :ticked: It has happened to me more than once!

Hi all....see yous later!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 02, 2007, 09:23:57 AM
Nita mine says not to put anything in it too. But putting  1-2 drops of essential oil in the water has not hurt my machine. I often put  1 drop of lavender oil in the water.

I have to go for a blood draw this morning to check my cholesterol so I am drinking plenty of water.  They always tell me to do that because they have to use the small veins to get anything from me. I do not take any of the cholesterol drugs and It went way down 6 months ago with my use of Niacin and walking the dogs daily. It should be down a lot more by  now.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 02, 2007, 09:38:49 AM
I believe most federal offices, including the post office will be closed today for the funeral of President Ford.  Isn't it amazing that the media can find out he was after all not so dumb, not so clumsy, and quite bright, a war hero and all these things?  A fine and gentle man.  The media prints and airs anything they want and years later we only then find out the bias in our news.  ....  now, off the soapbox.

Back to our regular lives around here without a holiday coming and today I am going to go and exercise this morning.  Don has a meeting in Denver. 

Colin:  I meant to mention that it is so nice to see your picture of green by your posts.  Did you make any resolutions this year?  I forgot.  I should make a resolution to try to remember.

Pat:  What a nice present - I mean your scrapbook from a granddaughter.  My GD will be 10 at the end of May. 

Ed:  So right about a budget - expenses keep rising and faster than we live our days.

Etta Sue:  LOL on the party line.  I remember those on auntiie's farm.  We had to be careful about what we said as so many would listen.  We never had a party line in Seattle -

shutterbugmom:  There, I typed it - I had shortened your name before on another post. 

Must go - it is still icy outside & Don did dig the heavy snow out of the window wells so the basement has light.  One small step....

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Larry Hanna on January 02, 2007, 10:37:39 AM
Hi everyone. 

Happy to be able to report that we went to the hospital and brought our daughter back to her apartment yesterday afternoon around 5 pm.  The cardiologists decided they could do the cath on an outpatient basis.  She still has many health issues but we will just take things one day at a time and see what God has in his plan for our lives. 

We have a truly beautiful day here in Georgia with the sun brightly out and it is suppose to go back to about 60 again today as it did yesterday.  Pat is taking down the Christmas decorations.  She didn't put up too many but it is still a big job.  I have done some carrying of items for her and then some dusting but needed to rest for awhile as don't have much endurance.  However, I am feeling much better today than I did yesterday afternoon and evening. 

Today was our senior group luncheon but we decided to pass this month as she wanted to get the house cleaned and the decorations down.  We are currently without a housekeeper and this is a good reminder of how much we appreciate her good work.  We hope she will be able to come back when she is better. 

Carol, I certainly agree with your comments on the news media.  Isn't it a shame they can't just report the facts and to see their role as something besides tearing down of our society?

I do hope Don isn't doing very much snow shoveling or moving.  That is what first tipped me off about 20 years ago to the fact that I had some serious heart issues.  I don't even own a snow shovel as wouldn't dare attempt to shovel snow anymore.  Fortunately here in Georgia that is not a big item.

Marilyn, glad you have had success in getting your cholesterol down with diet and exercise.  I have to go for another blood test this week to get mine checked again.

Pat, that sounds like a very thoughtful gift from your granddaughter.  I am sure it will mean more to you than something purchased in a store.

Ruth Ann, I always looked forward to time off from work but also getting back to it after a vacation time. 

Janet, I have been seeing and hearing the reports of the snow drifts and problems in SW Kansas.  Glad your phones are back in order.  Sure hope this is the worst storm to hit your area this year.

Shutterbugmor, it sounds like you have a nice background in photography and have experienced a lot of success with your efforts. 

Ed, sorry about the loss for your team there in MIchigan.  Our Georgia Tech team also lost after having a good lead to West Virginia.  There sure were a lot of games yesterday.

Etta Sue, I haven't watched the Rose Bowl Parade for several years but those floats are sure amazing and Janet, I sure agree with you that we don't need the entertainers singing as a part of the parade as usually they are promoting a program on the channel doing the televising.

Colin, thanks for another fine poem.  You are certainly talented.

Guess I have rested long enough so better try to finish up the dusting for Pat. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 02, 2007, 10:48:46 AM

Well, after crocheting and watching reruns on TV, I went to bed early and read a book.  The book I am reading is like remembering my younger days.  The author is from a little town in Indiana and she is about my age.  She mentions things that have completely left my memory list.  Such refreshing reading.  The author is Haven Kimmel from Mooreland, Indiana.  I know she has at least two books...maybe more.  (Since she is from Mooreland!)  ^-^

Thanks, Colin, for reminding me that I am not alone...never.  But can I be lonely without my sister next door?

Larry ~ You posted while I was composing.  Great that Stacey is home.  I know she is happy about that.  Did you see the Rocket Man on the Oklahoma float in the Rose Bowl Parade?  He was a hit.  I also recorded the parade on CBS or NBC.  What I didn't see on HGTV, I saw on the other the dragons shooting fire from their mouth 15 feet.

Bright and sunny here but cold...only 31°F.  Frost is on the punkin...oops!  No punkins out there but it is frosty everywhere!  So all the grass is light green!  And the dirt is tan!  I am hoping to go to the Dollar General for a few items and probably Subway for lunch. 

So far this new year has been a pretty good year!!  :lol:

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 02, 2007, 10:49:45 AM
Pat, as has been explained, if one is doing a POST here, and then before clicking on post, answers a SHOUT over to the left, the POST disappears, but the shout stays.  ^-^  How sweet of Rebecca to make you a little scrapbook!  I have several of the small scrapbooks, but the only ones I have done so far are the 12 x 12 or 12 x 15 ones---mostly because I have SO many photos!  They are truly a labor of love.  So you are blessed.

Carol, amen to your comments on Pres. Ford.  What does man know?  Thomas Edison was kicked out of school, they said he was too dumb to learn!  So his mother siad "He is not dumb, and I will teach him at home!"  First home school?  Nope.  And Albert Einstein's teacher said he was not bright enough to learn and should drop out of school!!  :o  Add to all that the bias of today's news media, and that is what we get.  Now I will get off my soapbox too.  ;)

We need to buy stamps today so Darrel can mail his statements--but all Federal offices are closed for Ford's funeral.  Don't you know the mail carriers are going to have a heavy load tomorrow??  I can't remember having this many days with no mail service in many years!!  We didn't get mail on Saturday because of the weather.

The sun is shining brightly this morning, so thawing should continue.  There is still ice on a lot of the high line wires.  Sunflower Electric has over 1000 broken poles, and Pioneer has lots of poles down, too.  Plus the ice was so heavy it brought down the radio and cell phone towers in our area as well.  Those guys are really earning their money now, plus more overtime than they probably want.

I think I will try to get to town today.  Probably the only stretch of bad roads are from our house to the highway.  Anyway, I'm tired of being in the house, even though I love home.

Jane, come on out of that corner, have a cup of tea with me, and let's visit!  (((hugs)))

NIta, get to feeling better and more energetic soon!!

Hello, Larry!  You posted as I was previewing, so I will read yours now.

Oops, there's Etta Sue now, too!  Hi!!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: shutterbugmom on January 02, 2007, 12:15:33 PM
Well, lets see if I post this in the right place.  The only other forum I've seen is a Christian Homeschool site that my girls go on and they all use forum names instead of their real names, mostly for safety purposes and also for fun.  I do realize that Shutterbugmom is a little long.  You may call me Kathleen. (my real name)  Can I change my log in or is it too late?

So far I've been a little lost on this site.  I want to relax and get to know people, but so far I'm a little stressed by it all.  Looks like there's a lot of you to respond to.  We are back to school today, so I have to make this short.

By the way-GO BRONCOS!  Our Boise State University football team won the Fiesta Bowl against Oklahoma last night.  We are all so proud!  What a nail-biter of a game, too.  Hollywood couldn't have scripted it better!

I hope you'll all forgive me if I can't respond to each one of you.  I am glad to meet you all and I will try to make as much time as I can to respond, but my family does need to come first.

Have a great day, everyone!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Sue on January 02, 2007, 02:18:43 PM
Hey Kathleen!

You can change your name easily without changing your sign-on.  At the top of this screen, click on profile, then toward the left under Modify Profile, choose Account Related Settings.  You will then see a screen and the first line will have your log-on name and underneath that you can type in the same you want to see when you are logged in.

I am battling a cold that has now been lingering for several days.  Hopefully with some rest in the evenings, I can have it gone in short order.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 02, 2007, 02:20:39 PM
That's okay, Kathleen ... as long as we know your name, you can leave your login as is.  It just makes it easier (for some of us) to reply to you when we know your name.  On another forum I originally logged in with a nickname and it was a very long time before anyone knew my real name.   :-[  In fact, I think some people there still don't know that "Jaywalker" is really just my first initial and last name: J. Walker.    :D  

When Pat invited me to CP she made a point of saying "we are using our real names."  soooooo   :-[  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Janet~Where are the cups?  I'm ready for that tea.    :coffee:

Hey there, all y'all other'ns  :hello:  ;D.... I'm just running through and will be back later.

Oops, there's Sue ... Looks like she has better advice for Kathleen .... what do I know? :uglystupid:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Sue on January 02, 2007, 02:41:57 PM
Jane, the only reason I know that is because that is what I did to get my name to show as "Sue" and not my log-on nickname.   ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 02, 2007, 03:04:50 PM
Here ya go, Jane   :coffee: :coffee:  What's your preference?  Coffee? Cappuccino?  Tea?  Hot chocolate?  One of each?  :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:  I aim to please!

Thanks, Kathleen.  Easier to type that than the shutterbugmom name. ;)  Don't worry or be stressed, just come in and visit when you can, you are always welcome.

We went to town and had lunch at the Senior center--chili and cinnamon rolls! Yum!  The paved road out front, after we get off the dirt road. is patchy with snow and ice, but the main highway is clear, so now I know I can go somewhere if I want.  :)

I got my framing all finished, so now I can go back to the scrap booking!

Need to watch the 700 Club, see you later!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 02, 2007, 03:13:02 PM
Thanks, Janet .... I think I'd like some Chai Tea ... How 'bout you?    :coffee:   :coffee:

Sue ... I never rarely look at all the buttons and boxes in my profile ... Thanks for the info.   <3
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 02, 2007, 04:30:56 PM
How ironic Jane, I just happened to have a little teapot with the other cup of Chai tea still in it.  I am drinking  :coffee: some right now. This is not tea from a bag, it is organic bulk tea from the Co-op. MMM sure is good.

I'd better get busy and walk the dogs before it starts to rain, it looks like it will start any minute.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 02, 2007, 04:47:26 PM
Marilyn is that other cup for me?   Huh?  Huh? Is it? purty pleeeeze .... :D

Aaaahhhhh thanks   :thumbsup: 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: InspiredGal on January 02, 2007, 04:54:49 PM
G'day everyone, from a very pleasant Sydney morning!

Praying that you all have an execptional 2007, overflowing in His mercies, love and power.

We have been very busy over the Christmas New Year season, as you can imagine with our 6 sons.

Some of you may remember that I have an exhibition of my photos running through January, with the sales going towards our return to India as missionaries in late 2007. Well, a secular tourist magazine found out about the exhibition, which is called, 'Art for India' and ran a free, full page story on me as the monthly featured artist. They even put the exhibition on the magazine's front cover.

Yesterday we spent most of the day at the exhibition and I was able to get some great new shots. One visitor yesterday was a man who owns an Art Gallery in Germany. He was very impressed with my photos BUT more than that, he told the gallery and cafe owner that he has visited over 2,000 art galleries all over the world, but he has NEVER been in one that had such a 'good feeling'. He didn't realise that it was God's presence that he felt! :) All praise and honour to Him!

The Christian gallery owners also told us that they have never sold as many items from past exhibitions than they have for mine, and it's only been open for about a week! I am in awe of what our God is doing. :)

Here's a photo of the page in the tourist magazine:


Love, :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 02, 2007, 05:23:07 PM
Hi...I just have not the time to talk to everyone and I have spent too long at this computer already! I think Carol said she liked the green thing beside my post..I think she is talking about my BEAUTIFUL garden or else she is hinting that i should use my hanky when I sneeze! 0:-)..and no I dont make resolutations! Hi Jane...see you in the corner drinking out of a mug and Karen..InspiredGal is there with you! Congratulations Karen in doing so well! :thumbsup: So glad Kathleen is calling herself Kathleen...I have just met another Kathleen in another site so I will be confused :idiot:

Take care everyone..i dont want to ignore anyone but I must go!!!!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: mybcjazz on January 02, 2007, 06:21:43 PM
Hi Everyone!

It's January 3rd here, the sun is shining, and I'm racing out the door with my camera.


In His Grip,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 02, 2007, 06:28:23 PM
Karen  WOW! great advertisment for your show.  Awesome news too. I can feel your excitement.

Yes Jane that cup is for you, enjoy your Black Chai.

Hi Colin and Kevin
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 02, 2007, 07:51:08 PM
Well all right, Jane and Marilyn.  Just party without me, then.  I will just take my cup over in Jane's corner all by myself.  No, wait!!  I see Pat and Nita---hey, girls, come on over and have a cuppa with me!!  Better yet, let's all have one together.  :thumbsup: :coffee: ;D  Nice to share with friends.

I just lost another post, probably something I did wrong.

We had a sweet surprise this afternoon.  Curtis and Mark showed up at the door!!  It's always a treat to see those grandsons!  They came up to set up Poppa Darrel's new computer for him.  Gotta love those boys!  <3

Karen, congratulations on the great publicity, and on selling so well.  God is in control, for sure!  I must find time to go to your website and check out your photos.  And find a magnifying glass so I can read the article above.  ;)

Smells like the soup is hot, see you tomorrow!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: InspiredGal on January 02, 2007, 08:06:17 PM
 :-[ Opps, sorry, I had meant to post the article that apperared in the tourist magazine. You won't need that magnifying glass now, Janet!  :D

BTW - I thought it was amazing that the editor kept in everything I said about the Lord!!! Totally awesome!!  :)

here's the article:

Karen Elengikal is a published writer and photographer from Penrith, NSW. Karen's articles and stories appear in 7 books to date, in numerous magazines and her own book, 'Kidz Battle Zone' is to be released in Australia on 07/07/07. She has been a missionary in India for 8 years. She met her husband George and married him in India in 1993 and since then they have been blessed with 6 beautiful boys. Karen and her family have been back in Australia for the last 6 years, but they plan to return to India in 2007. Karen's background is in graphic design which has well suited her creative talents in Photo Artistry.


Creativity has been an inbuilt drive since I was a small child. All throughout my childhood days I made up stories and drew pictures. My interest in photography also started young. I remember my father giving me my very first real camera when I was about 8 years old! When I first left Australian shores for a two year stint in Papua New Guinea in 1984, my mother brought me another camera, a better one! Now my cameras include a Nikon D70 and a Panasonic DMC Lumix FZ50 and what sheer delight it is to use these excellent cameras.

My absolute love for God's creation and to capture its astonishing beauty is the passion of my heart. The stunning colours, vibrant life, fascinating variety and the exquisite details of intricate masterpieces all inspire my creative instincts. I especially love using my macro lense to highlight detail that is usually not apparent to the naked eye. Whatever the scene or subject of focus, I'm always awed at the wisdom and intelligence of the Creator. His wonder and His presence is in every living thing and it's that sense of God's wonder and His presence in His creation that I desire for all to experience in my Photo Art.

The majority of my photos have been taken in and around Penrith and in the Blue Mountains although on recent trips to Melbourne and Canberra, I took advantage of the many photographic opportunities. My husband and sons all participate in my photographic excursions and are eager to help in framing the prints. My heart's desire is to see my photographs, wherever they may be taken, drawing attention to the Creator and being a source of blessing and inspiration all over the world.

Sales from Karen's Photo Art will help to provide ongoing support for their missions work in India. Karen currently exhibits her photographs at local markets, Picture Parties, online at her website '' and at Mount Hermon Estate in Bilpin. From the 16th of December to the end of January, the gallery at Mount Hermon Estate will feature Karen's Photo Art, in an exhibition entitled "Art for India". This will culminate on the 27th January in a Indian style celebration, with a authentic North Indian banquet and art auction with all funds raised going to support the Elengikal family towards their return to India. For catering purposes, booking is essential. You can phone and book at Mount Hermon Estate on 4567 0385.[/color

In his love, :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 02, 2007, 09:07:05 PM
I have to make this quick - running late :tread:

Larry:  Don said he really did stop several times - his lungs have damage from viral pnuemonia that we contacted years ago when we volunteered in Sitka, Alaska (rain forest) plus a silent heart attack, plus our higher altitude. 

Janet:  Our mailman came in his own Subaru wagon on Saturday - nothing else was moving but he was careful of the drifts.

Kathleen:  I only know the Denver Broncos - hooray for your team.  (I went to U of Washington - Huskies)

Sue:  Best wishes in conquering that cold. 

Really have to sign off.  I ran into so many people today and talked for such a long time with each - my jaw aches.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Nita on January 02, 2007, 10:37:58 PM
Karen, Isn't it great to have your FATHER promoting your showing? :)  So much good news there.  It was a joy to see and read.  I'm excited with you!!!  :thumbsup:  Your creativity is a wonderful gift from Him.   :)

Janet, I suppose it's too late for that cup of tea.  Unless you saved it for me.  Did you?  And it's still hot if you did?   Or I can drink cold tea.  I don't want to be too picky.

I got my roof fixed today!!  And it's raining tonight.   My son took off sheet rock and we found lots of wet insulation upstairs.  That was removed and will be replaced as well as new sheet rock.  Everything is open up there now so it can dry out.  My daughter's neighbor is an electrician, and he is coming (as a favor)tomorrow to check out the wiring and plug in on that wall to be sure it's safe.  This house is very old!

Kathleen, oh, don't get stressed, hon.  We don't want you to feel that.  Just come when you can and post when you want.  Don't worry about replying to each person.  Some do and some don't.  We are very relaxed most of the time. :o  Nita

ps:  Thou shalt not covet.  I don't want  Karen's camera.  I don't want Karen's camera.  I don't want Karen's camera.  There...I feel better.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on January 02, 2007, 11:45:51 PM
So many wonderful posts tonight! I've really enjoyed being here.

No, Kathleen, do what you can do - we'll understand.

This is a wonderful site, and we all try to be understanding of each person's own individual characteristics here.

That's good news about your daughter, Larry.  Etta Sue, I always enjoy your postings, though I seldom specifically mention you by name. Jane, Janice and Nita, I too am a tea lover. Name it - I most likely enjoy it (with the exception of plain green tea). The first time I tasted chai tea, it was a delightful experience.

Pat, in my instance, I had started to post by hitting the reply button. When the screen refreshed and the posting box was made available to me, a message said that two others had posted. So, I went back to view their messages, and then wasn't allowed to save my own post that I typed in the message box after returning to that dialog box. It said I had already posted the message, but I had not done so.

January 3 already! Wow - I had a really busy day today. I don't know if I even want to see the third - hopefully it won't be as "extreme" a day as today.

As a matter of fact, I don't want to post anything "out loud" about something, but I would like, if y'all have a bit of time in your prayers, to ask that y'all remember a private request for prayer from me. I most likely will be doing some in-depth thinking and decision making soon, and will share more as it is appropriate.

Y'all have a good evening.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: JudyB on January 03, 2007, 12:18:47 AM
I have not taken the time to read all the posts.  I just wanted to bring a matter of prayer up to all of you.  Pat may move this to the prayer and praise section,but I want everyone to be praying for our Aunt.  Ruthie Pat and I have an elderly aunt (91) who fell and broke her hip outside church on Sunday.  They have taken the time since then to stabilize her.  Tomorrow AM she is to have surgery.  Pray that God's will is done, and that if this is her time to go Home, that she will go peacefully.
Thank you for praying.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: shutterbugmom on January 03, 2007, 12:36:39 AM
Hello, everyone!  I just have a moment and then I must process more church directory pictures.  I'm trying to get fancy...this type should be blue, we will see if it is.  Aren't you proud of me for stretching myself?  he he

Eased back into our school day slowly, today.  Had a good afternoon and I even managed to post a couple more pictures today.  Yeah.  Took some shots of my daughter in her Irish Dance shoes but I haven't posted one of those, yet.

Loved reading all the happenings here on the site.  

JudyB, I'll be praying for your Aunt.  Especially for the Lord's will and the surgeon's steady hands in the morning.

I have a prayer request, too.  My sister-in-law's cousin (just 37) was killed in a car accident Saturday morning.  He was an only child.  Please be in prayer for his widower father.

Until next time...

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 03, 2007, 10:42:26 AM
Good morning!  Nita, we can drink that tea, hot or cold, anytime!  And Ruth Ann, you're welcome too, of course!  And any of the rest of you who would like to come!!  We will have such a good time!

Kathleen, I will go look at your new photos soon.  Today is Red Hats day, and we are going over to Montezuma (50 miles) to see a display of purses in the museum there, then we will have lunch at Donna C's Restaurant.  Anyway, I'm rushing around to get ready to go.

I went back to the gym today.  I've had to let my leg rest for about three weeks now, and am starting back slowly, sure do not want to hurt it again.  It felt good to be back, though.

At least three of our church families are still without power and phones.  And the small towns of Satanta and Sublette are totally without power.  One of the teachers from Satanta was at the gym this morning, and he said it is really eerie how dark and quiet his little town is.  They had to move all patients from their hospital and all residents from their care home to other facilities, and of course, can't start school until power is restored.  This storm is going to prove out to be very costly.

I really must go, but hope you all have a wonderful day!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 03, 2007, 10:58:27 AM
Just  stopping by on my way from Curves and my workout and on my way to get ready to go to work.  I am taking Ruth to the Senior Center for dinner, The we have a 12:30 appointment with Home Health who will be visiting Ruth today.

Over the weekend her son took my journal that I keep all her  blood sugar reading and other information in, drat. I called him and he thought that was where I had recorded the checks I have been writing to pay her bills. I won't give me the check register to write the info in he wants it on a separate piece of paper. Like I don't know what her balance is. HA!

Raining here today so it isn't cold.

Gotta go now and get busy.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jeannine on January 03, 2007, 11:39:22 AM
Good Morning All,

WOW ??? Y'all are really a busy bunch! Makes me feel like a slacker :-[. Seriously, I've been a bit busy too. The car not wanting to start as it should, Michael and today my first physical therapy appt. OWWW! It's gonna be interesting if it's gonna be this painful.

I've been reading and praying for y'll and God is surely in this place. I too don't always remember to mention everyone, sorry :-[.

Ok, time to go back into my corner again. Just thought I'd pop out and say hi, "HI!"
I hope everyone has a God filled and blessed day!

Talk to ya later,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Sonifo on January 03, 2007, 01:21:01 PM
Wanted to let everyone know how Zachery is doing.  I took him off all solid foods.  Took him off all medication as well.  And with God's help..he is doing much much better.  We are slowing putting solid foods back in his diet and finding out what foods are bad for him.  So far, milk is very bad!  Red meats aren't that great for him either.  It is going to be a long process but I am so thankful he is feeling much better.

Thanks to those who have kept him in your prayers. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 02:39:44 PM
Quote from: Marilyn on January 01, 2007, 10:34:51 PM
Pat what Janet and Colin are referring to has happened to me too. I have been writing a post in TFTW and noticed over to the left side that someone had shouted at me so I wrote a shout back and lost my post  I was working on. Now do you understand?

Sorry but I understood that the folks were saying that they lost a shout in the shoutbox.  I had no idea that it was the post in here because they posted in the shoutbox.   :-[

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 02:44:08 PM
Quote from: Colin on January 02, 2007, 07:39:47 AM
Hi Pat....if you respond to a Shout working at a certainly loose the post! :ticked: It has happened to me more than once!

Hi all....see yous later!

Thanks Colin... 

Hope we all realize now that we can't do two things at once when we're posting in here!  HAHAHAHA!

Thanks everyone for the explanations!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 02:52:00 PM
Quote from: Ruth Ann Bice on January 02, 2007, 11:45:51 PM

Pat, in my instance, I had started to post by hitting the reply button. When the screen refreshed and the posting box was made available to me, a message said that two others had posted. So, I went back to view their messages, and then wasn't allowed to save my own post that I typed in the message box after returning to that dialog box. It said I had already posted the message, but I had not done so.

Hi Ruth Ann...

When I get the message that two others or one other had posted a message, I just scroll down and I see their message or I just post mine and if I want to comment on what they said, I just post again but I see how that can happen.

Also, are you using Firefox?  I'm getting a few error messages with it and we're going to be doing an upgrade on the software soon so hopefully that might solve some little irky problems!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 02:55:15 PM
Ohhhh, Kathleen!  How terrible!  What an awful accident and how young!  Yes, definitely I'll be praying for that family.  Thanks so much for sharing with us.

By the way, it's so nice to see you posting.  Really looking forward to your getting used to this website and posting whenever you can.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 02:57:52 PM

I'm so very happy to see the news of our Zachery.  I've wondered so often how he is doing and how you are doing as well caring for his needs.

Thank you so much for posting about this and I pray that you'll get lots of answers with regard to his food that he can and must not have.  Frustrating I'm sure.

Your family is still and will stay on my Prayer List!  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 03:01:04 PM

As we pray for each other's needs in here, I thought that this might be a good hymn for us all to sing at this time.  I love the words and the message that it contains.

Thanks Judy for updating us on Auntie Flo. 


Kneel at the Cross  (
(Click to hear music)

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name
that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confesss that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11

by Charles. E. Moody

Kneel at the cross,
Christ will meet you there,
Come while he waits for you;
List to his voice,
Leave with him your care
And begin life a new.

Kneel at the cross,
Leave every care
Kneel at the cross,
Jesus will meet you there.

Kneel at the cross,
Give your idols up,
Look unto realms above;
Turn not away
To life's sparkling cup;
Trust only in His love.



Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 03, 2007, 03:59:14 PM

Did ya miss me?  I just got back from Ohio and brought Ivalou back home.  I spent the night over there last night. 

It looks like I missed the tea that was being passed around.  I can drink tea but like coffee best and cappuchino next to best.   ::)

And Soni!!  Hi there!  I was just looking at the picture of all of you and was wondering how Zachary is doing?  How old is he now?  And Troy?  He's a young man now.  And the girls, Chandraya and Lila Mae, bet they have the boys chasing them now.  Good to see you posting.  Come back when the time is convenient and let us know about you and yours. 

And Kathleen, at the bottom of the postings, if you enable notifications by clicking Notify, you will be sent an email when someone posts after you.  Even if you wait a day or two, you will go back to that forum by clicking the blue letters on your email, and you will be at the next post after you posted.  Convenient and saves the hunting for where you left off!  Try might like it!!  ^-^

I didn't sleep well last night...strange bed, too hot, too noisy.  So I know I will sleep better tonight.  And I have to get busy on the baby afghan because a shower is coming up within the next two weeks. 

:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 03, 2007, 04:07:53 PM
Ha Ha to you too Pat! :ticked: :clobber:
Of course I missed you Eatta Sue...hi to everyone all your posts and praying for you all. Take care.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Larry Hanna on January 03, 2007, 04:28:12 PM
Hi everyone. 

It is good to see all the postings since I was here yesterday morning.  We resumed our weekly Bible study with our pastor this morning.  We hadn't met for two weeks because of the holidays.  It was nice to get back to the Bible study. 

Following the Bible study a number of us responded to the request to help take down and put away the Christmas decorations from our church.  It was a big job and I must admit I wasn't much help as can't lift but did what I could.  Then a group of us went across the street and enjoyed lunch together.  I came home and took a nap.  Tonight we resume choir practice for the new year.

Karen, thanks for sharing the writeup about your exhibit and the good news of the success of the exhibit. 

Soni, certainly nice to see you post and to hear of our little pal Zachery.  I still remember his postings.  It sounds like you are on the right track.

Ruth Ann, I think I have a pretty good idea of what you are praying about. 

Janet, glad to see you are able to get out and about again.  Glad your leg is feeling better.

Kathleen, don't worry about not addressing everyone who posts.  I think we all understand that sometimes we come here with limited time to devote and if there are a lot of messages since we last posted it can be an overwhelming task to try to address everyone.  Because we mentions a few folks by name shouldn't be taken as a slight to those not mentioned and on another occasion they will be addressed.  Occasionally I try to do that as each and everyone who posts is important.  You will soon find that you begin to know us from what we reveal of our lives via our messages.  Just do what you are comfortable in doing.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 08:34:21 PM
Quote from: shutterbugmom on January 03, 2007, 12:36:39 AM
I'm trying to get fancy...this type should be blue, we will see if it is.  Aren't you proud of me for stretching myself?  he he

After you type, you can highlight all of the text that you want to be blue and then click on the color code and it will be blue.  I checked your post and you had the code right but both the "turning it on" and the "turning it off" codes were BEFORE your text so it didn't read it.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 03, 2007, 08:39:10 PM
Sad News...

Ruthie, Judy and I will be attending a funeral on Monday.  Our dear aunt came through the surgery just fine but she faded in the recovery room and is now with her Saviour in Glory.

I will miss her greatly.  She was one special lady who we all loved dearly.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: JudyB on January 03, 2007, 09:06:52 PM
Our Aunt was indeed a wonderful lady.  She will be indeed missed.  Living up here in the North it was difficult to get down to see her but we did at every possible opportunity.  The last time I had a meal with her she had cooked 8 - 9 vegetables and 4 different desserts.  What a feast.  I will remember that meal. 

Keep our family in prayer on Monday, the funeral at this point will be at 1:00pm.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 03, 2007, 09:23:45 PM
Pat, Ruthie and Judy ... Please accept my condolences for the loss you have just suffered.  I pray the Lord will sustain you with His wonderful love and PEACE in knowing your aunt is now with Him in Glory and that you will all be together once again.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on January 03, 2007, 09:58:29 PM
I'm really sad that you've lost your dear aunt. May God be very close as you grieve for her.

Ruth Ann

Soni - it's great to see your smiling face here. Please return as often as time allows. I'm thankful y'all are taking the time to determine what he can and can't eat. That's quite a challenge, but the results will most likely be quite worthwhile.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Samantha on January 03, 2007, 10:26:22 PM
Good evening everyone.  I hope you all have had a wonderful day.  I have a question that I really would like your imput on, if you can.

How does one know if they have went too far in the wrong direction with God?  It was mentioned today about if you keep Gods commandments then you love him, and if you don't then you don't love God.  (How many times have we (me) not kept the commandments? Does that mean I don't love God?)  If this is too heated, don't worry about it.
I just would like to know.  Life can be very confusing at times.

Pat, I'm so very sorry about your Aunt, and am praying for you and your family.

Remember us when you pray, also.

Thanks a bunch,

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 03, 2007, 10:32:18 PM
SONI!!  Great to see you here!  I have been thinking about Zachery so much, and wondering how he is doing.  Thanks for the update.  I trust your family all had a good Christmas.  Pop in and talk to us more often, won't you?  And we would love to hear from Zachery, too!!  He's a sweetheart!

Sure we missed you, Etta Sue, glad you are safely home.

Ruth Ann, I'm praying for you.

Pat, Ruthie and Judy, sorry about your loss, but isn't it wonderful to KNOW where your dear aunt is?  Oh, how do folks get through these times without the Lord?

My buddy Pat and I decided to drive on to Dodge City this afternoon after visiting the museum, and had such a fun afternoon shopping at Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree.  All we bought was scrapbook stuff.  :-[  I should open a store, I have enough stuff!

We saw miles of splintered highline poles East of town, some that had the big transformers on them were broken in three pieces!!  My, the forces of nature are really something!  It was warmer today, so a lot of thawing, but we are still snow covered here.

I'm tired and want to read a bit, so goodnight!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 04, 2007, 09:16:54 AM
When Don is ready, we will go to the gym  :tiredtread:  I catch up on the news as each machine has its own television, is that not techie?  It is for me.

Pat, Ruthie, and JudyB  My sympathy on the loss of your much loved aunt.

Soni  So nice to see you posting and best of all is the news that Zachery is doing well with your tender care.

Just answering the phone and tasks keep getting heaped on me because I don't have an excuse.  Now, they want me to present 3 quilts to a Habitat family at the early service on Sunday.  Trying to get my other project finished this month, feeling more than a little overwhelmed right now . 

A good friend had her eye surgery (cataract) the same week as mine and at the same clinic - a real problem for her because she can only see color out of that eye now & mine is 20/20 vision.  They are meeting with the eye doc & one of the other partners today and I am praying that she (who is a diabetic) absolutely gets the proper treatment to get her vision back. 

The third funeral for Pres. Ford was my favorite with wonderful songs and singing plus the ceremony itself.

"Morning has broken...."
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 04, 2007, 09:35:38 AM
Judy, Pat and Ruthie, I am so sorry that you aunt didn't make it out of recovery. I am praying for your family.

Last night at the Women's bible study our teacher handed out  some papers with the words  "Goals for 2007"  at the top. She told us to spend this week seeking God and asking Him what HIS goals are for us this year. Not ours but HIS. She gave us some examples of what God gave her. So far His is telling me to "Shut up and Listen" and to Turn off the Computer and TV.

So I am out of here.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 04, 2007, 10:08:01 AM
Good morning!

Carol, I know that overwhelmed feeling---been there, done that.  Darrel used to tell me all the time that I needed to learn how to say NO!  And I finally have learned to do that---sometimes.  :-\  Try not to let it stress you out.

Another busy day for us, involving a trip to Garden City.  After being home several days in a row, here we go running around!  ;)

Karen, I don't remember if I said it before; but thank you so much for putting in the article about your photo show.  I really enjoyed reading it.

Phone keeps ringing, duty calls, must go!

Addendum:  Last phone call was Beth--she is really sick, they think it may be her gall bladder.  Prayers appreciated.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Larry Hanna on January 04, 2007, 10:08:54 AM
Hi everyone.  I am writing this moring from the Saturn dealership where I am having the oil changed in the car in preparation for our trip to Florida in a little over two weeks.  We are looking forward to the trip.  After I finish here I will stop by Kaiser and get my blood test done for cholestrol.  It is a nuisance but know it is important.  

Marilyn, that is an interesting exercise to prepare the listing.  Sure hope you are not saying you are not going to use the computer at all but rather just cut back.  I am also cutting back on how many hours I use the computer although probably still spend too much time on it but truly enjoy it.

Carol, sorry to read you are feeling stressed.  I have decided I can say no as well as yes if I don't feel it is the thing for me to do.  The experience of your friend with the loss of vision sounds like my cousin who has basically lost her eyesight.  However, she also has glacoma.  I hope they will be able to help your friend.

Janet, it is always enjoyable to go shopping with a good friend.  I always enjoy doing it with my good friend and we often go to the computer store even if we don't have anyting to buy.  We haven't done that for awhile.  He is in the air heading to Las Vegas for the PC Users annual convention and then the Consumers Electronics show that follows.  He attends these events each year and has done for for many years.  He will be gone about a week and I will miss him being at coffee each day and our other contacts.

Samantha, I don't believe God ever quits loving us although I am sure he may be displeased with our actions and wayward thoughts.  We can always go to him for foregiveness if we are willing to take that action.  I am sure others will add to these thoughts.

Pat, JudyB and Ruthie, I also extend condolences on the loss of your aunt.  How wonderful it is that you had her for so many years.  Ninety plus is really something is a real blessing if she has been of sound mind and reasonable health.

Hope everyone has a good day.  We are suppose to have rain late this evening and then a lot of rain the next couple of days.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Al Moak on January 04, 2007, 10:31:47 AM
Samantha - God never tells us in His Word that the number of times we may come to Him for forgiveness is limited.  But the one thing that is very, very evident is that each time must be accompanied by true repentance.  Repentance is a combination of things.  It includes sincere sorrow for sin committed, confession of it to God (not merely to self or other people), at least some realization that it is rebellion against the infinite love of God, and a definite determination to cease committing that sin.  No matter how many times you come to God with these things, it is not too many times.  But sometimes we need to confess that we weren't as sincere as we ought to have been - then we need to repent of that too.  To sum up - the death of our Savior on the Cross was of such infinite value that all of our sins were indeed covered.  He said, "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out."
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 04, 2007, 10:34:42 AM

Ruthie, Pat and JudyB ~ So sorry to hear of your dear aunt's passing.  But isn't it wonderful with God's provision, you will see her again.  And also refreshing to know she is face to face with our Lord.

Samantha ~ God doesn't stray from us...we stray from him.  No matter what we do, he is right there if we only seek him.

Well, number three happened and is happening as I type.  I got up this morning, jumped in the shower and had my hair all suds up with shampoo and the water quit!  Yep, no water.  I noticed when I turned on the hot water that it wasn't a full stream but thought, when the pump turns on, then it will be okay.  Same as when I turned on the shower...not a forceful shower.  But it made a growling noise and stopped.  I got out and called Ivalou to see if I could come over there and rinse my hair.  I am certainly glad I live out in the country next door to Ivalou.  I am sure if anyone saw me half running across the yard with my robe on, a towel on my head and carrying towels and clothes, they would wonder what is going on with her?  But I got in Ivalou's shower and finish the job I started.  I have called the plumber...had to leave a message and no return call just yet.  Will call again if I don't hear anything by noon.  I think being without water is just about as bad as without electric.  But out here in the country when the electric is out so is my water... :'(  Anyway, I hope I get it fixed real soon.  Ali wants a drink from the faucet but there is no water!! 

<: )) ))><<~~>  <: )) ))><<~~<  <: )) ))><<~~< 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: JohnB on January 04, 2007, 10:56:18 AM
Goodmorning evryone.
We are starting the day with cloud cover but so far still no snow on the ground. This is an extremely unusual yaer up here this year. Normally we would have a foot and a half of snow on the ground by now. I am not complaining though as I enjoy not having to deal with snow on our roads. I guess to many years and unpleasant sights seen as result of weather while I was driving for a living. On monday Judy and I will be travelling south to Toronto for her Aunts funeral so we pray the weather will hold for us. Althogh in one sense this is a sad occasion, it is also a time of celebration in a life well lived. She enjoyed many years with us alll and in reason health for her age and we can take comfort in the fact that she has now gone home to be with her Lord. She has the family with fond memories of times spent with her. Judy and I were reflecting back just last night of occasions we have spent with her.
Well a new year is upon us and I was just talking to my Executive Director this morning about getting together and go over the plans for this year regarding the ministry needs. We have a busy year ahed of us and many positive things are happening. Once we put staff in place to preform varies functions in our ministry, the exe. dir talk the brakes off and the Lord has been moving in a mighty way, using us to reach truckers for the Lord. There is no doubt tha God loves truckers too. However due to schedule retraints and customer demands they often miss out on recieving much needed spiritual food. Both Christian and non-christian truckers will frequent our chapels and spend time talking to the Chaplains. It is a vital ministry that few churchs arer set up to get into so we go forth and work as you hands extended to reach the men and women of the transportation industry.
It would be greatly appreciated that folks uphold us in prayer, that we will go forth in the Lords will and that the Lord will supply the resources necassary to do his work. Pray that we will go forward in the Lords timing. That we do not get ahead of God and also that we do not lag behind Him. It si a wonderful work and I am really enjoying what I am doing as the Director of Personnel. I work from a home office which is good for the family and there is travel involved to go to the chapels but not near the same as my life on the road driving truck.
Well I will go for now and get on with some other things I need to get done.
May you all have just a Blessed day in the Lord and be in a contiuous state of worship.
In His service , Bonesy
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: shutterbugmom on January 04, 2007, 11:20:40 AM
Good morning everyone!

I just want to start by saying thank you to all of you for your encouragement and understanding, as well as tips on how to do things on this site; such grace you have shown to this newbie.  

Also, thank you for all the lovely comments about my photos that I've posted so far.  It's encouraging to hear that other people enjoy seeing my work.  God has certainly blessed me in being able to learn to capture some of his awesome creation in a respectable manner. (especially with my memory and concentration problems that I'm left with from the car accident-they say I have permanent partial disability from it...also limits my time at the computer, making my job as a photographer and forum user even harder)

But, God is gracious!  He is kind and loving.

Samantha-God's grace and mercy is sufficient to welcome you back into the fold at any moment of repentance, no matter how far you've strayed.  In Christ, we no longer have to uphold the law, though I believe we will be blessed for doing so.  Everyone sins, that's why Christ died for us.  It's that rebellious act of continuing in intentional sin that can lead us to a hardened heart.  I can tell that's not where you are, since you are seeking Him and asking for help in this area.  Hope that made sense and hope it helps.  Keep seeking Him and doing His will as best as humanly possible!  That proves you love Him, too!

Etta Sue-Sorry to hear about your water problem.  I will pray for a speedy repair!  I laughed at the word picture you gave us of running to your neighbor's house, but I suppose it wasn't so funny for you.

Ruthie, Pat and JudyB- I am praying for comfort for you.  I understand loss very well.  I have lost many close family members: Grandfather Nov. 1997, Sister Dec.31, 1998, Mother-in-law (not your average mother-in-law) Jan. 9, 2001, My Father July 9, 2001, My hubby's brother May 2, 2003.  I have been a little melancholy lately because my father's birthday was Jan. 8th (I will post a special photo that day) and then we have the anniversary of my mother-in-law's death on the 9th.  Time does make the grief come less often, but when it hits, it's still just as fresh as ever.  Just cry out to the Lord, Jesus will interpret your tears into words for the Father.  During times of grief, I have often cried out to God with no words.  He is faithful to comfort and send the comfort of others.  I'm thankful that all these family members of mine are in heaven now; not so with my sister-in-law's cousin that was recently killed in a car accident.

Guess I've rambled on long enough.  Have a blessed day, everyone!
P.S  I'm mainly a coffee gal, but I can enjoy tea as well.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 04, 2007, 11:33:23 AM


(Click to hear music)

Abba Father, let me be
Yours and Yours alone.
May my will for ever be
Evermore Your own.
Never let my heart grow cold,
Never let me go.
Abba Father, let me be
Yours and Yours alone


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 04, 2007, 11:43:06 AM
Thanks for all of your messages to Ruthie, Judy and I.  We appreciate them so much.  Our aunt was so special.

John, are you and Judy going to stay here for the night?

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Sarah on January 04, 2007, 12:30:32 PM
Hello everyone,
I hope all is well with ya'll. we got quite the snowstorm here and it knocked out our power for 46 hours then we got it back for 15 hours and back off for 5. Dad said we got about 16 inches here with 10 foot drifts in many place. Anyways I hope all is well with everyone i know we have thrown out our entire freezer and refigerator here and then at the store (Pizza Hut) we tossed everything that was in the walkin and some of the freezer in the trash can LOTS of food loss. I know that there are places in north western and south eastern cimarron as well as south western texas counties that are without power and i know at my moms place of work they have been on their generators since friday morning at 9 am. right before the storm moved in with snow  ??? they are predicting more snow starting friday so who knows that this strom will bring for us because the wind is going to be here too as normal!  :-\ anyways i need to be off and about to get things done for everything! ADIOS
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: JudyB on January 04, 2007, 03:18:41 PM
Pat it is not likely we will come down on Sunday.  WE have the two dogs to care for as well as Cimi.  Cimi will come with us, as is normal.  BUt I am concerned that the weather holds for the nwxt few days.  We will get extra hay for the dog houses and they should be ok.

We are still working on getting wood in.  A neighbour has come to help John and I hear them making excellent progress.  Donny is a good neighbour even though he has no faith in our Lord.  We use times like this to walk the talk.

Well I must go.  Have read all the posts, and am praying for each need.

God Bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 04, 2007, 04:26:50 PM

I cannot take your hand when you are in pain
Or give you my shoulder when your tears flow like rain
When you are alone; I cannot be there
All I can do is uphold you in prayer

I cannot be there to help carry your load
Or walk by your side down life's troubled road
But I can take you to my heart and carry you there
To the throne of grace in the words of a prayer

You are my friends across the ocean of waves
Our hearts all united in the One who saves
In the shadow of sorrows fallen; Jesus is there
And He comes to meet your need in answer to prayer

His will be the hand to hold in the valley of your night
When darkness creeps around; He will be your light
The lover of your soul; the friend who is always there
This Man of Sorrow who answers each prayer

To have you in my thoughts is all I can do
Across the vast distance I am thinking of you
In my Ireland home; know that I care
And I will ask for you God's blessings when I kneel in prayer

Colin Moffett

I have just read the sad loss of a dear sister gone to be with her Lord. I extend to Pat; JudyB and Ruthie my deepest sympathy. I have read many posts here from you all and in them I find; along with laughter and happiness; sorrow; pain and lonliness. As Christians; I believe we should care and help each other. I have gotten to know some of you quite well and I consider each one to be a dear friend. I finished this little poem tonight because I was thinking of you all and as poetry is the best way I can express myself..I posted it for you to read. If I do not write here at times..know I have not forgotten about you and I do read all your posts. Take care my friends and God bless.....Colin
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 04, 2007, 05:13:54 PM
Colin:   Lovely poety! 

Marilyn:  I forgot what I was going to mention to you - will just say hello & take care.

Janet:  Thinking of you and Beth!

Larry: Isn't it fun to take a laptop along

Etta Sue: LOL on your trip across the field to rinse you hair but I hope your power doesn't go out again.

Bonesy  It is great when you love your job and this sounds perfect for you plus you are not on the road so much.  Take care on your trip.

Our oldest son is on planes so often and he is giving us a lot of miles so we can put together a free trip -  a very long trip next fall.  So, Don is on the computer planning away already. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Al Moak on January 04, 2007, 06:10:26 PM
Thank you Pat for the song.  Oh that it might be and continue to be a reality!  And thank you, Colin, for the poetry to express your thoughts of wanting to be with those you love in their need, being unable to be there, but knowing that there is One Who IS there.

This is one of those strange days - you'd think it was spring already!  Sun one minute, clouds and rain the next minute.  Getting cooler and cooler, though, and I understand it's supposed to get quite cold (for here) this evening.  Snow level is to fall to 1000 feet, so it's not too far away.

Bonesy - I thank our Father that He's using you for that ministry.  I pray that He'll empower you and send to each and every soul who He may call.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 04, 2007, 06:24:33 PM
Larry I am not going to completely quit using my computer, I am just going to be spending less time  on the computer and more time in prayer and the word.

Carol you were probably going to say something to me about  our Women's' Bible study assignment. I have taken up knitting, right now I have just cast on a bunch of stitches and and knitting back and forth, maybe a lap robe if it isn't wide enough for an afghan. Mostly it is for practice.

Etta Sue What a scene you drew. Freezing weather and you in your robe and towel on  your head.

Bonsey we had a trucker  minister in our church. His name is Jim Cody. He doesn't drive long haul anymore, he drives logging trucks now and is home every night.

Lovely poem Colin. I think of you so often.

Janet praying for Beth here.

Pat, Judy and Ruthie your family is on  my church prayer chain.

Sorry to those I have left out.

Later alligators
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Liz on January 04, 2007, 07:23:22 PM
Colin, that was a most beautiful poem.  I think it touched my heart more than anything I have read lately.  Thank you.

I am sorry for your loss, Pat.  It is always hard, no matter their age. 

Have been feeling ill the past couple of weeks, so not on the computer other than to read some of the posts.  Watched the funeral services for President Ford as he was a man that I personally respected.  Was much moved by the service from his own church and by what President Carter said about them both believing in Jesus.  What a different end from that of the man in Iraq.....

Samantha, I agree with what is posted about the commandments.  Saw a little something about that subject when reading my 'Our Daily Bread' and it caught my attention. It is about the tenth commandment.

The tenth commandment takes us to the human heart. There is a modern legend in which the devil is asked what he thinks of the atomic bomb: "A mere trifle, a child's toy! I much prefer the explosive power of the human heart!

I think that God understands our human hearts and is quick to forgive.

Small Smile:

A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?"

"No", replied Johnny.  "How could he with just two worms?"

                                    ;)   ;)

Pleasant Day/Evening and God Bless.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on January 04, 2007, 10:00:58 PM
Hi, friends,

Thanks for your expressions of support. Colin, thank you for the beautiful poem.

Marilyn, I have to do the same thing occasionally - get my priorities straight. God first, others next, me last. It reminds me of the accrostic I learned a few years ago.

J esus
O thers
Y ourself

That has always really tugged at the strings of my heart.

Samantha, continue to search and reach out with questions. In my opinion, God's forgiveness is as near as the first step we take toward Him. What a comforting thought!

Oh, dear, Etta Sue, what a dilemma. Thank goodness Ivalou is close. But having your own water supply is so important...

Bonesy, my dad was a bi-vocational preacher who drove an 18-wheeler. He often was approached by other truckers about spiritual matters. In fact, his CB call sign was Good News - what a way to advertise his faith.

I'm really thankful for 2 things today - that God gives us strength to go through stressful times and feel His supporting hand and the warmth of love radiating from Heaven. Also, from a very down to earth perspective, I'm really thankful that my son felt well enough to work on my laundry room - replaced the dryer vent hose, installed the new washing machine and worked diligently at troubleshooting until he solved a pesky leak problem.

And, another reason for thanksgiving - y'all are aware that he really struggles with depression. Well, this morning, for the first time in probably 6-8 months, we actually had a several-minute conversation on general matters.

God is good, isn't He!

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: JudyB on January 04, 2007, 10:50:36 PM
Colin Thank you for the poem. 

Everyone else who is praying thank you from all of us.  Our 2 cousins, our aunts son and daughter, are having a rough time. 

We are just in from going to town.  Picked up a pattern for a dress for the wesdding.  I had the material so just a matter of putting it together.  Then the girls reminded us that we were out of dog food.  woops they wouldn't be happy campers with out food!

Got to go sewing to get organized.\
Night all JudyB
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Gord Brown on January 05, 2007, 02:01:55 AM
 Hi to all. I have looked through and read some of the postings and will try to get to read more of them inthe days to come.

Pat Ruthie and Judy and John. Well the last time that I attended Willowdale Baptist I think your aunt was there and after a few things I pointed out to her she remembered me.  I am so sorry to here that she is gone but she is in a much better place. Noreen and I will pray for you and the family and please give my condolances to them.

God Has been so good to us this past year and we want to thank you for the prayers that have gone forth on behalf of my wife and myself.

I have a very important prayer request for my nephew and his wife for there brand new baby girl Nicole she was taken into hospital just after Christmas witha viral type infection and they had to put her in an incubater and put an I.V. into her head.  She started to get better and they tool out the I.V. but had to again put it back as she got worse. Sowe ask for prayer.  Mum and Dads names are  Jeff and Cathie.

May the Lord richly bless you all  Gord. <3
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 05, 2007, 08:21:18 AM
The crew hired for these snowfalls has been outside since 5 this morning.  I have no idea how much snow has fallen but it isn't a blizzard, thankfully.

Marilyn:  I have been thinking of knitting or crocheting once again & asked a friend who continues these things for a pattern of a stole or something for when I sit just to keep my shoulders  warm.  She has lot s of patterns & knits for that Linus charity. 

JudyB:  What a talent that you can whiz through & make a dress so quickly.  Good Luck!

Gord Brown:  Peace be with your nephew & his wife as they go through this trial with their new baby.

Ruth Ann:  What a nice day you had with your son and it is so super that he could fix your plumbing needs.  It is always a great gift to have a new washing machine!  Nice that he installed it for you. 

Janet:  Hang onto your hat!  I think you have more snow headed your way, sorry to break the news.  Well, we and probably you too need the moisture. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jeannine on January 05, 2007, 08:42:04 AM
Morning All,

Pat,Ruthie, JudyB ~ I extend my condolences as well. Isn't it great to know she is with the Lord though, what a blessing her life was and still is.

Marilyn ~ if like me you have a hard time setting aside time to spend with God, I found a sure fire way this morning. Run an antivirus or spyware program and let the computer do it's thing and take all the time you want to read God's Word and just be in His presence. :thumbsup: It worked for me this morning.

Colin ~ beautiful poem. GOd has really given you a talent for that and I am grateful as it touches my heart. <3

Bonsey ~ what a wonderful ministry. My brother is a trucker and I still pray he comes to know GOd as his personal saviour.

Etta Sue ~ what a picture that must have been. :lol:

The weather here has been very unusual. It's currently 56F and jsut gray. IT's like spring is coming again, way too soon. My daffodils are trying to come up. Boy are they confused. :crazy:  Usually we have at least a few inches or more and temps in the 20's.

Everyone else have a wonderful day in the Lord and be Blessed by His grace and goodness!

Til later,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Larry Hanna on January 05, 2007, 09:41:52 AM
Hi everyone.  Today was the men's coffee at our local senior center.  We only had 8 men attend today but we enjoyed the time together.

While we were sitting there having coffee the weather alarm in the center went off and when I looked it said tornado.  However, it turns out to be a tornado watch for later in the day.  It is in the 60s here today, just too warm for this time of the year.

Colin, that was a wonderful poem.

Etta Sue, hope you get your water fixed today.

Glad to read all of the postings.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 05, 2007, 10:07:25 AM

The water is fixed!  It was a blown fuse.  Actually disintegrated!  Nothing left but the end of the fuse.  The long type fuse like a shotgun shell only the size of your little finger.  Old type fuses but I was told that until I have to replace a lot of fuses in a short amount of time, not to put breaker boxes in.  And that actually fuses are safer!   :-\  Anyway, I ended up calling a well drilling person because the plumber didn't work on water pumps for wells.  I lucked out and called the company that drilled this well and installed the water pump.  He remembered.  He also installed a new pressure switch...the new fuse was on the shelf in the basement.  So all is fine now.  Halleluia!!

Oh, did I mention that not only with the towel on my head and going to Ivalou's but I had shampoo suds sticking out from under the towel.  I had to clean my glasses when I got over there because I had shampoo suds on the lens and shafts!  I was thinking....I wonder what I would have done if this would have happened earlier when Ivalou was in Ohio!!  I do know where a key is hidden so I probably would have still went to her house.

Today is a cloudy, cloudy day.  But it is to be 58°F later in the day.  Our temps are about 20°F higher than normal about every day so far this year.  We have only been below freezing one day!!!  One Day this season!!  Indiana had better get more tourism areas...people will be coming here for the winter!!  And the prediction for the next week is still above freezing.  My furnace and heat bill loves it!!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 05, 2007, 11:06:08 AM
Etta Sue, would you please send some of that warmth over here to Kansas?  Well, really, yesterday was a beautiful day, so lots of thawing; but today it is much colder and all frozen again.  That was a good thing for me, as I got stuck right in front of the garage last evening after taking stuff to the care home for Mom and Beth.  Darrel had to come out and get the car out---but with it frozen, I was able to get out and back in today.  Our road is a muddy bog, though.  I hope the maintenance crew can get to it before too long.

The ice on the power lines in some counties near here was 7 to 8 inches in diameter!  :o  It's no wonder the poles snapped like match sticks!  Between here and Garden City, the ice even brought down the big steel power towers!!  I saw the crew over across the highway this morning, working to replace the poles.  They have crews in from other areas, and the guys are working SO hard.  God bless them.

Carol, I heard we might be in for another snow.  I really don't mind, if we don't lose power.  That three inch rain before the snow was a real blessing.  If that had all been snow, boy, we would have been buried!

Good to read everyone's posts today.  I will be back later.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 05, 2007, 11:45:34 AM
My car door was so hard to open this morning as it was frozen shut when I went out at 7 to thaw the windows so I could get on to Curves. When I got back my front door was standing wide open, I guess i didn't get it closed tight when I left. Bebe was standing inside,  thank God  she didn't decide to take run by herself.

Jeanine I  usually get up between 5 and 5:30, let the dogs out, get their food ready for when they come back in then sit down and spend anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes with the Lord. I have been doing this for  at least 7 years. I  used to get up at 6:30 but I made the extra effort to get up an hour earlier just for the Lord.

Gotta go now.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jeannine on January 05, 2007, 11:56:23 AM
Hi y'all,
Just a quick stop in to let you know that I am still Trusting_In_Him but my name is now showing as my name. A little easier.

It is currently about 60 here in ER,NY. Now I'm off to see about signing my dad up with a subscription to Sirius satellite radio. Talk to y'all later.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: shutterbugmom on January 05, 2007, 12:16:05 PM
Hello, all!

Well, this morning I'm the mother of TWO teenage daughters as today is my youngest daughter's thirteenth birthday.  Doesn't time fly?  It seems I was just holding that little newborn in my arms.  I am so thankful to the Lord and my wonderful husband that I've been able to stay at home and homeschool them all these years and haven't missed all the special moments and milestones.  We'll be taking the day off of school to celebrate this latest one.  What a blessing! 

It is 27 degrees here in Idaho right now.  We are supposed to get 2-3 inches of snow here in the valley tonight and more in mountains.

Janet-I've never personally seen that kind of ice!  Wow.  Did you get any pictures of it?

Etta Sue-Glad you got your water fixed.  Such an inconvenience!  Love the addition to my mental picture of the soap suds.  :lol:

Colin-Your poem is indeed touching.  I love writing them, too, but haven't done it so much lately.  Oh, I will try to post some pictures of my daughters in their Irish Dance dresses, like you requested.  :)

Gord Brown-I will be lifting your nephew and his wife and baby up to our Heavenly Father.  It must be so heartbreaking to see their new baby all hooked up and not be able to take her home and just enjoy her.  I will certainly pray for Nicole to be healed.

Time to get going.  Blessings to you all!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 05, 2007, 02:38:55 PM
I just got back from Noblesville after going to Taco Bell, WalMart, the Post Office and Lowe' more fuses, just in case.  It is raining but warm. 

Janet ~ Sorry!  I have a feeling if I send the warmth to you, it will be cold here then.  Sorry, you will just have to get your heat from somewhere else.   :clobber:   :lol:  I can't imagine 7"-8" diameter ice on power lines!  Whew!  We had an ice storm here about 10 years ago that felled about 10 towers north of us.  The towers that are like the one next to me. 

Kathleen ~ I love your little picture for your profile.  Looks like Idaho.  I have been on I-84 across Idaho and US-2 in the north.  We were suppose to stay on US-2 but I forgot to tell my husband to turn and ended up in Coeur d'Alene, then went to Spokane.  And I had a step-grandson stationed at Mountain Home. 

Jeannine ~ I like 'Jeannine' showing up better, don't you?  How is Michael today? 

Marilyn ~ There is a spray that you can buy that will thaw your doors and wipers easy.  I can't remember but it is something like 'Defrost'!  I used to have to use it when my car was outside all the time. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: shutterbugmom on January 05, 2007, 03:11:33 PM
Hi Etta Sue!

Thanks for the compliment.  The pictures is actually in Wyoming.  I have a B&W version in my gallery album.  It tells more about where it  was taken.  In fact, when I wrote about the picture, I forgot that I had posted it as my profile picture.  The bigger better version shows the texture of the barn, too.

I'm hunting for a decent picture of myself to use for my profile.  Wish me luck!  :)

Gotta go-"Willie Wonka" (the new version  :D ) is starting and my hubby is on his way home to help us celebrate our daughter's 13th. birthday today!

Blessings, Kathleen
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jeannine on January 05, 2007, 03:31:02 PM
Good Afternoon,

Kathleen ~ wish her a Happy Birthday from me! :)

Etta Sue ~ yes, Jeannine is a whole lot easier to see and congrats on spelling it right, it took my pastor a year to get it spelled right. :ticked: ;D  And Mr. Magoo (Michael) is doing fine. It's so good to not have him getting sick all the time.

Marilyn ~ it's great you are disciplined enough to do that. Sometimes I have to make the time since I'm always playing with pictures on the computer. I get up at midnight to take over for the nurse who is leaving and Michael is usually awake and needing mom's attention. So sidetracked at the git go.

OK, time to go. Have a blessed day/evening/night, depending on where you are and your schedule.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: JudyB on January 05, 2007, 05:05:50 PM
Hello everyone.

I am not going to comment on each post, they are all important, and you can know I pray for each person through my day.

I am about half way done my dress and this is a quick break.  I really don't like working on black, my eyes start bleering if I am at it to long. 

I am sorry for those of you who have freezing rain and the heavy snow falls.  It can be so dangerous.  It is hard to believe we still have no snow.  Temperatures are in the +6*Cmark. (42.4*F).  We are concerned that when the weather turns it will be hard and heavy going.  For the moment we are thankful as we can leave the dogs tied up when we go out and know they won't get too cold.

Well John has a Gospel Businessmens Supper to go to, so the girls and I will have an easy time with dinner.  I want to have this dress done tonight so I had better go and get sewing.

Good night everyone And God bless.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 05, 2007, 05:19:51 PM
Quote from: Jeannine on January 05, 2007, 03:31:02 PM

Etta Sue ~ yes, Jeannine is a whole lot easier to see and congrats on spelling it right, it took my pastor a year to get it spelled right. :ticked: ;D 

Jeannine~This is interesting to me   :)  My daughter's name was Jean and, of course, mine is Jane ... She named her first daughter Patricia Janean using both my name and her own in the spelling.  I guess there are many ways to spell a name.  I always thought that was pretty cool.   8)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 05, 2007, 05:36:44 PM
Hi everyone...thank you all for the lovely comments you made about my poem. I have been reading all your posts. That Etta Sue is something else! I must go now and I will see you all later...God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 05, 2007, 07:28:11 PM
Hi  Everyone. I am not going to name names this time  but I have read all the posts from everyone. I can't stay long as I have to go back to work shortly, and then I have a baby shower to attend tonight at the church.

I took Ruth to get a perm today and did some grocery shopping for her while she was there.

I  took the dogs for their walks and stopped to ask  a friends parents if they had a camp cot I could borrow, went back with the car and pick up the bed. Savannah and Forest are coming to stay the night tomorrow and go to church with me on Sunday. Gilbert is getting more lenient about them going to church. Hallelujah!!!! My prayers are being answered.

Gotta go now

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on January 05, 2007, 08:16:11 PM
Wonderful messages today. I was in two business meetings, one in which I taught a client and someone else the ins and outs of making pivot tables in Excel. That one took 3 hours. The other was a quick one - very impromptu, but brought me good news.

It's raining here in Nashville. I thought it would stop, but as I was leaving work, I had to use my security pass to get the bar across the garage to open, so turned my watch face underneath my left wrist to keep water from getting in it, the rain was so hard.

I saw Sarah peeking in the door the other day. Young lady, it's wonderful to hear from you. We love it that you let us in on your busy schedule. Hopefully today wasn't as difficult as the other one was.

Jeannine, I like your new screen name. Jane, that's neat the way your daughter spelled her baby's name. :)

I agree - it's impossible to remember all the posters' names so as to be able to respond, but I read them all, remember them, and pray for the requests.

Y'all have a good evening. I'm worn out after being "on point" for so long today.

G'nite, all!

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Gord Brown on January 05, 2007, 09:47:19 PM
 <3 Hi from Gord. 

I want to thank you all for praying for my niece and we do not have any real good news yet. They had taken her out of the incubator and also taken the I.V. out of her head but then they had to do it all over again and also keep her in I.C.U. so we ask that you will all contiue to pray for little Nicole and of course her parents.

I have been able to read lots of the postings and am enjoying them so much.  I dont know why I did not do this more often before.  I do want to say and encourage all that post that the blessings from what you put into the site are awesome and I know that more people that we encourage to do this it will encourage Pat so much more.  Some of the newer people on this site may not know that Pat and I have known each other at least 39 years and she and her husband encouraged me throughout my  Christian walk so please keep doing the same for her and this site.

Jeannean  How is Michael I hope that he is doing well and the you are good too.

Judy B.  Who is getting married? You stll have not given me an answer re what you put on the posting on dec 26th.  You put down
Gord  about those caps!  Answer please. 

God bless you all and Have a woderful day with the Lords  people on Sunday.  Good Night.   Gord.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Sarah on January 05, 2007, 11:47:30 PM
Hello all, I am awake but not for long. They are predicting 2 to 4 more inches of snow here for this evening and then it blowing all day tomorrow. I had to mess with truck today and we get a big one in to replace what was lost in the power outage. Any ways dad found out from tricounty (our electric guys) that if power goes out in any of these next snow storms (they are pretty consistant predictions for just about every friday so far) then we will be out for more than 46 hours because they are still working to fix this last storms problems  :-\ not what i want to hear but i guess you take what you get. Anyways i'm off to bed i work 745 til 5 today :S adios
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 06, 2007, 10:05:00 AM

Kathleen ~ My Mom always said, 'Don't take a picture of me.  It always looks just like me.'  So any picture of you would be fine for your profile.  I am thinking I need a new one, too! 

Jeannine ~ With a name like 'Etta Sue', I thrive to get the spelling of other people's name correct.  They get the Sue right but some people really butcher the Etta.  When I was younger I had long, dark brown hair and people thought I was part Indian.  I then told them Sue was spelled Souix!   ::)

JudyB ~ You are having similar weather as we are in Indiana.  Still only one snowfall and it was gone by noon.  So much water.  Our little ponds were gone until yesterday and now there is water again everywhere!  Thank God for my sump pump or my basement would be flooded.

Jane ~ I like Janean and Jeannine.  I graduated from high school with a Jenene.  Really didn't realize they were pronounced the same until now.  I guess today if you look at the roster in schools you would see all types of unique spellings for common names.  Ivalou and I were discussing our names last evening.  All of our lives, we have had to spell our names.  And our maiden name was Stevenson spelled SteVenson...meaning not 'ph'.

Colin ~ The suds, at least, wasn't in my mouth to make me look like a rabid dog!  But that is all over and in my past memories now.  Thank God!

Marilyn ~ I can read the joy in your post just knowing that Savannah and Forest are spending the night AND going to church with you.  Now to get Gilbert and Sara to go with you, too.

Ruth Ann ~ I wish I knew more about Excel.  All I know is self-learned and trial by error. 

Sarah ~ I, too, forgot to mention you the other day.  Good to see you pop in and post once in awhile!  Your area is sure being hit hard with the snow and wind.  Come to Indiana....nice and warm...(for January)!!

Gord ~ So sorry to read about your little niece.  My prayers are said on her behalf and all the family.

Ivalou called me yesterday afternoon and wanted to know if I would like to go to Marge's for supper.  She invited Betty also so the foursome that goes to Beef and Boards Dinner Theater ended up at Marge's last evening.  We had chili soup, hamburgers, cut veggies, cottage cheese, chocolate chip cookies and iced tea or lemonade.  What a feast!  A lot more than I would have had at home by nuking my supper.  Then we played cards.  Euchre.  I don't know how many games we played but we were all getting tired and being silly.  We are all perfectly well today!!!  Laughter is the best medicine, you know!!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 06, 2007, 10:14:50 AM
Hi everyone from a cold but sunny N. Ireland. Hope you are all well.

Gordon Brown...I think I should apologise to you. I had replied to you in a posting when you first said hello...well I thought I had replied! :idiot: I had a really long post written...was checking it in preview...forgot to post it and switched off computer! I did not realise until the next day. :ticked:
I am sorry Gordon...I should have written to you again and I do hope you were not thinking I was ignoring you. I got you in my emails this morning...thought I could read what you sent me here....but no! So I kind of forget what you have said. I do not know Belfast too well but I have heard and recognize all the place names you mentioned. I live near Portglenone in the countryside and am about 30 miles from Belfast. Our nearest large town is Ballymena which is 7 miles from me. would be nice to meet you when you come over to N. Ireland for a visit. Pat has told me a little about you...nothing I can print here...only joking!  ;) I must go back to my emails and read what else you have said. Sorry again for not getting back to you sooner. I indeed will be praying for your neice.

Kathleen..happy belated birthday wishes to you daughter.

I also keep forgetting what is in each post and who is posting if I have left anyone out..I apologise. God bless you all.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 06, 2007, 10:28:29 AM
Good Morning Gord, Etta Sue and Colin. You have all been here before  me.  Well I was here to read but didn't post just then.

Yes Etta sue I am so thrilled that they will be going to church with me. Gilbert says that Forest hates church, so I am praying that "Forest will absolutely love going to church and won't be able to get enough of church." Will you all agree with me in prayer?

I will be going to work at 9:30  at Ruth's, This morning I am cooking her meals for the weekend. I am fixing her some  baked chicken and noodles, making a salad and that should last here until I get there on Monday morning. She prepares her own breakfast. It is such a pleasure to work for her as she is so easy to please and will eat whatever I prepare for her.

I am also going for my Saturday workout at Curves. I go 4 times per week.

A lady in my Tai Chi class gave me a blanket  a few weeks ago and I have never seen a blanket so long I can double it in half lengthwise and it still fits the top of my double bed. I am going to cut it in half and use it to put in to quilts.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 06, 2007, 01:25:54 PM
Hello, friends.  My grandson Mark is here, and has been using my computer most of the morning.  He and Abby are spending the weekend with us, a rare treat!  :)

Earlier this morning, I asked if they would like pancakes for breakfast---yes--- so Abby was being helpful, as she usually is, and looking in the pantry for pancake mix.  The pantry has WAY too much STUFF in it, and she accidentally knocked a jar of cashew butter out.  It hit the tile (ceramic) floor, and glass splinters went everywhere!!  I have found them in four rooms!!  Where it hit was close to three doors.  Anyway, the oil from the cashew butter, which rises to the top, made a real mess to clean up, along with all the glass.  Abby and I both worked to clean it up, sweeping, mopping with very hot, soapy water, etc.  I said about three times "I don't want to fall!"  You guessed it---I fell.  And I'm here to tell you, ceramic tile over concrete is VERY HARD.  I fell on my right hip, and hurt both arms, jarred me from top to toe.  I couldn't get up, my feet wouldn't stay under me, kept sliding.  Darrel came in and helped me up, and I'm so thankful nothing is broken.  But I am hurting. :'(  Abby felt so bad about it, and has been trying to do all she can to help me, bless her loving heart.  Well.....this, too shall pass! :)

Poor Colorado got it again!  And they predict that next weekend, Kansas will also get another snow storm.  We could wait for that, but as Sarah said, we take what we get.  Hi, Sarah!  How about making me a Hawaiian lovers' pizza?  Thanks.  ;)

Marilyn, so happy the grands will go to church with you.  Just keep talking positively about what a wonderful thing it is to go to God's house, he will come around.  I'm sure you don't need my advice on that, though.  It will be sweet to have Mark and Abby in church with us tomorrow.  And Mark can be in our Sunday School class, too! :thumbsup:

Abby has a little friend here, and they are making some hot chocolate.  They have been out playing in the snow!  :)

I need to move around, I sure stiffen up quickly when I sit for a while.  Hope the effects of that nasty fall do not last too long.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: InspiredGal on January 06, 2007, 02:35:25 PM
Good morning all!

It's so nice to read through all your posts. I love the 'family' atmosphere here on these boards.

Yesterday I reached a milestone in my recovery since becoming sick 5 weeks ago - I drove our van to the shops.  :D It was wonderful doing a very normal thing once again! Praise Him!

The exhibition is really going well with lots of photos being sold. The Art Gallery owner is so excited and says they have never sold so many items from any other exhibition! Another point for praise to the Lord! :)

Here in Australia, we are in our school holiday which run for 7 weeks. The children return to school on the last day of January - so it's very full on at home with all the boys home, noisy and active!  :cool:  All of them are very interested in playing instruments and writing worship songs. It's such a delight to see the children using their time to worship the Lord.

There's something I need a little help in, in relation to my photos : I would like to learn how to make photomontages and superimpose a number of photos together to make one new photo. If any of you have any time to explain to me how to do this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Well it's time to get the family ready for church (it's Sunday morning here), so I'll see you all later.

Have a wonderful day!

Love, :)

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 06, 2007, 03:14:08 PM
Hi Janet...I will write this the way we would say it over sorry yae fell ah rickle again... So sorry Janet you have fell and hurt yourself. I hope you get over the effects very soon. God bless.

Hi Karen...have a wonderful day yourself! I am so pleased your photos have sold well. Take care and God bless.

Hi Marilyn..keeping you in my prayers. Take care. God bless.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 06, 2007, 03:17:08 PM
There has been an avalanche on the road we take to go to son's cabin and they are up in the mountains this week of vacation - trying to talk with them now.  It is a road that has more than a few treacherous spots of possible rock slides or avalanche and our family knows it well. 

Tomorrow, we will go to the early service as a group of quilters will present three quilts to a Habitat family. 

Marilyn:  I can just imagine your big smile today!!!!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 06, 2007, 03:22:54 PM
Janet:  So sorry but I missed reading when you fell - this has to stop!  Take care.

Colin:  Hello - Are you enjoying your weekend? 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on January 06, 2007, 05:17:40 PM
Me, too, Janet - falling is NO FUN.

Shutterbugmom, I certainly appreciate your posts.

Marilyn, great news that the kids get to go to church with you. You've waited such a long time for this!

Etta Sue, you have problems with your first name - I finally gave up. If they call me Betty Sue or Margaret Ann, or whatever, if I'm the only one around with a two-word name, I just smile and answer. And, of all things, many people don't get Bice right either - they want to put an "r" in it!

I'm wearing a wonderfully warm sweater my daughter in law gave me for Christmas. It's black with a sprinkle of light grey or white threads, that makes it look like a black tweed sweater - very comfortable and it's kept me oh, so warm ever since I put it on this morning.

Y'all have a good evening.

Ruth Ann

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 06, 2007, 06:02:25 PM
Colin I have put the tea on and anyone else who wants to join me for a cup of Black Chai.  :coffee:

Janet what are we going to do with you? you are beginning to sound like me falling so much. However, I am not claiming that; I rebuke that thought right now in the name of Jesus.  We are not going to fall down anymore. You hear me?  :-[

I am still waiting to hear from Gilbert or Sarah as to whether or not I am picking up the kids or if they are bringing them here. I called a bit ago and they were expecting some out of town company momentarily. :cool:

Carol did you make all three quilts? I think that is so nice of  your church to present them to  Habitat families.

Wow Karen photo montages, I would like to learn how to do that too. I've seen some great presentations done that way.  :thumbsup:

Inspired Gal I didn't know you have been sick or recovering from sickness. may I be so bold to ask what was the problem? ???

Jane and Nita where are you? Are you over there in the corner again eavesdropping observing? Want some tea?  <3

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 06, 2007, 07:23:10 PM
Hey yeah, I'd like some tea, Marilyn!   :coffee:  Coffee will do just as well.   :thumbsup:

I had a bit of "down" time earlier today then a friend sent a beautiful encouragement via DaySpring ecard...  That helped and then I "felt like" going to the store to wander among the real people for a while.  While there--wandering--a voice called my name.  It was a friend from our former church and the class I taught a couple years ago....She said she'd been thinking of me and was so happy to see me because she had some questions and just needed a bit of Christian fellowship ...... God arranged that for both of us!  He always knows just what I need.   :)

Sorry about all the slippery sliding around and other situations that have been mentioned here.  :-\  I know our Father has His eye on you all and He will see that everything is healed and back in fine shape immediately if not sooner.   <3
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 06, 2007, 08:08:30 PM
Marilyn, this was the first fall I have had in a long time.  And it wasn't because I am awkward, or do not have good balance---just water, slick tile and oil all together.  Not a good mix.  Ouch.

Carol, I have been watching the reports about the avalanche across the highway there in Colorado.  Goodness!  Scary!  So glad people have been safely rescued.  Do they know yet if they got everyone out?

Thanks, Colin.  I think I shall survive, albeit in color!  Beautiful shades of black and purple.  :P

Karen, glad your recovery is going well, and that your exhibition is going great!!  Must be a "God thing."  :)

Hi, Nita.  Nope, falling is no fun at all.  Glad you're enjoying your new sweater.

Hey, Jane.  Yep, God knows just what we need.  And right now, I need a hug.  Thankfully, I have three very capable and good huggers right here!  ;D

Abby and I are going to watch Frankie and Hazel, a movie from Feature Films for Families, and then it's off to bed with her.  She was up too late last night, and in the morning is church.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Larry Hanna on January 06, 2007, 08:11:21 PM
Hi everyone from balmy Georgia where we got up to 68 again today and the sun was beautiful.  We are expecting rain this evening and again tomorrow.

I was gone all morning and then went out to lunch with a couple of people while Pat was attending the ladies banquet at the church.  Etta Sue, this is a luncheon like your church has where the ladies each decorate a table with their china and crystal.  This is the first time Pat has attended this event and she enjoyed it.  I came home and rested for about 90 minutes and have been busy since.

Janet, so sorry to read of your fall and I feel for Abby as know she probably feels it was her fault when in reality it was just an accident all around. 

I have enjoyed all of the postings but am not going to make individual comments this evening.  Just wanted to check in for the day.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Sarah on January 07, 2007, 12:06:47 AM
hello all, seems like the weathermen were wrong about this last storm we got just enough to blow and that was all thankfully, however they say that this next storm for next week will be worse than the the one we got for the new year.  :-\ hopefully not but its not like i can exactly control it we are still trying to get rid of the snow from the last one and several little areas around the county are still powerless. I wanted a little more snow than we got last year (only one good snow last year about mid spring break, however i guess i need to be careful what i wish for. This weekend domenic came down he's a handful but i can deal with him i miss him when he isn't here.

Janet- if you want a hawaiian lovers just call it in and come get it... we don't deliver sorry. do you have a generator for when ya'll lose electricity, i know around here several farmers have them and before too long several homes in town will too everyone came too close to missing the big OU game.

Etta Sue- If i had the time and money I would sure head outta here and go towards a warmer destination but the snow and ice sometimes creates busy days for me because if i can't make it to work at boise then i can work around town doing welfare checks on the elderly and delivering hot meals when the power goes off and what not usually we get a few ambulance calls in too keeps me busy.

I hope all is well i'm off to bed gotta go to work in the morning. I will be back later. ADIOS
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruthie on January 07, 2007, 12:27:44 AM
Thank you Gord, Janet and everyone who sent condolences about Pat, Judy and my dear Auntie.    We all loved her!   She was an amazing women.  Judy has commented about the food she would prepare for a big family.   On her 90th birthday I went over to her house to celebrate and there was the table filled with food.   4 pies, 2 cakes, whipped cream, jello and guess who had made it all.   Auntie Flo had!   She served everybody as well!  And every Sunday for many years she prepared a big dinner for her 3 grandsons and their wives and some friends.   

About a week ago I took in upon myself to have a lady come into her house to give her a perm.  She looked lovely with nice soft curly white hair.  She thanked me and hugged me when I was leaving to go home.  I had no idea that she would go home to heaven 10 days later.   I realize now the Lord had told me to arrange the perm for her!  Praise God she is out of pain now and with the Lord.   I will miss going to her house to visit my sweet darling Auntie! :'(

God bless

Love Ruthie
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jeannine on January 07, 2007, 09:39:02 AM
Good Morning All,

Just a quick note from church. I had to come early to do the powerpoint since I did not have the bulletin at home. I usually pick it up on Saturday on the way to shopping but the car won't start. Today is the 3rd day of this and  :ticked:....

I hope everyone has a Blessed and God filled Lord's day. I will check later this afternoon and say hi.

God Bless,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Al Moak on January 07, 2007, 09:48:02 AM
Ruthie - I wanted to express my heartfelt sympathy for you all with the loss of your aunt.  May I make a suggestion?  Take special times to recall the good times you've had with her.  Also remember the good things about her personality and good heartedness.  And, while you're recalling, thank our Lord for each thing.  Make your every thought of her an occasion for thanksgiving.  And of course, tell our Lord that you too want to come where she is!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Marilyn on January 07, 2007, 10:35:18 AM
Good  Morning, the Grands are still sleeping and of course I have been up for a couple of hours. I have to go to church a little early to make the coffee and get the Fellowship Hall set up for the Adult Sunday School class, every thing is out of place because of the baby shower on Friday night. Gilbert said something about picking up the kids before church but I don't know for sure that he is.

Not raining today so far. But my Yahoo weather widget says it will.

Ok y-all have a wonderful first Sunday of the New Year celebrating our risen Lord on His day. Today is communion Sunday for us, we  do it once per month.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Colin on January 07, 2007, 12:08:47 PM


Come with me my angel band
A child of mine drifts to sleep
I must go and take their hand
And cross them over the Jordan deep

Ceased and still once beating heart
Folded hands across the breast
Come my angels; we must depart
To bring them over the waters crest

Extinguished now life's flickering flame
A soul it stands at Jordan's flood
Their hope for glory in my blessed name
And cleansed from sin in my precious blood

We will make the crossing swift
Leaving Jordan's brimming brink
A precious soul will not drift
Or in the rushing torrents sink

I will hold through waters wide
When life is gone and breath it fails
A child of mine in the flowing tide
With my hands that bore the nails

Oh you angels shining bright
Ever have you seen my face
Think when searching eyes will light
And my child at last on me will gaze

I will bear them to golden shore
Through the river's onward flow
Where my redeemed can explore
All that Heaven has to show

Their voice in sweet chorus raise
Golden crown adorns the brow
Thanking me in their hymn of praise
Lord for being in your Glory now

Colin Moffett

Thinking about Ruthie..JudyB and Pat and the death of their dear Aunt..I thought I would post this little poem about someone who dies in the Lord. I often think and have been told that it is hard for a minister of the gospel to stand at a graveside of an unsaved person...knowing in his heart as far as he knows..that that person is lost and trying to find the words to say. How different at the graveside of one who has died in the Lord. In the midst of natural grieving..there is also rejoicing and happiness that that person is already walking in the Glory.I know God will comfort our dear sisters in their sad loss.

Hi everyone else..delighted to read all your posts. Take care and God bless.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: shutterbugmom on January 07, 2007, 12:28:00 PM
Good morning everyone!

Well, I had to stay home from the house of the Lord today.  I took a fall down the last four or five stairs in our home as I went down, in the dark, to get something to ward off the headache I woke up with.  I'm not sure exactly what happened.  Think just my heal caught the edge of the stair and I just slipped.  I fell hard, but I'm doing alright.  So, I'm icing and resting.  Good thing I can worship anywhere.  Praise the Lord for that!

Janet-I'm thinking of you in my pain and wondering how you are doing from your fall.  I've been praying for you.

Colin- what beautiful beautiful poem you just posted.  You truly have a gift!  I know it stirred my heart as I read it and thought of my family members that have died and are now in heaven, especially my father since tomorrow would have been his birthday.  I will find a special way to honor and remember him.

Ruthie, JudyB and Pat-Thinking of you all and praying for you knowing that it's a Sunday without your dear Auntie making the big lunch for everyone today.  I will  suggest that you read Colin's beautiful poem and heed his advice as much as you can.  I'm praying for moments of joy, in the midst of your tears and grief today.

Better go lie down.
Blessings on this Lord's day, :bible:

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 07, 2007, 01:01:46 PM

I didn't keep notes so I won't try to remember what everyone has said.  but God gave us legs to stand on....not to fall down!!   :-\  Praying that all those who have fallen will be up and at 'em soon without pain!

Ivalou called yesterday and wanted to know if I would like to go to see a movie?  Yeah, why not?  We saw 'Flicka' with Tim McGraw as the father.    A good family type movie.  I recommend it. 

Then I came home and in the mailbox was another Baby Shower invite for Ohio.  So I crocheted a pair of baseball cleats with white socks.  They are so cute.  And you know, his Uncle is a huge (6'4½" tall) Junior in high school baseball player!!  So now I am set for gifts for this little one due Feb 13.  Adrian Carter will be his name. 

I got home early from church today.  I went to two services but then filled the car up with gas.  Then to Taco Bell.  I was going to go to WalMart but it was raining a downpour so came on home even without cappuchino!  Home a little after noon. 

I'll be back later!! 

~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ (
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Carol on January 07, 2007, 02:06:06 PM
Our quilt group presented the Habitat family of three with quilts - wrapping each one in a colorful quilt.  The youngest boy uses sign language, he has had many surgeries for tumors - a heart wrenching story of the mother and her two sons.  She is Catholic but our church has adopted her & the family as well & heavily involved in Habitat.  I didn't work on those particular quilts. 

Ruth Ann:  Your sweater must feel extra warm being a gift from a loved one. 

Marilyn:  I didn't work on those three quilts - have one set up and ready to tie now right in front of the living room window so I can look at the beautiful snow.  Thinking of you on this Sunday morning.

Jane:  I always believe that we are led in our daily living - it was meant to be that you met your old friend.

Ruthie:  How wonderful that you had such a loving auntie!  I really love what Pastor Al wrote about how you should remember her with thankfulness.

Kathleen:  Oops - another one of us falling.  And, you are just recuperating.  Please take care.

Larry:  Your temperatures sound like they are above normal temps for this time of the year.  We do have areas in our state that are way below normal snowfall. 

Don is watching a playoff game.  Hooray for Seattle winning in a playoff!  It was nice going on Sunday morning to church instead of Saturday night service as we ran into so many people we know. 


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Pat on January 07, 2007, 03:07:37 PM
Hi Everyone!

I haven't had such a busy week as this has been for a very long time.

I met up with Anna on Tuesday and we went to Niagara Falls and Judy McKenna has had TWO surgeries on her hip this week.  Please pray for dear Judy and her husband Norm.

I've read all the posts.  I won't comment on each one but it's so interesting to read.

Karen, so nice that you were able to drive to the shops.

Oops!  Now someone is knocking at the door.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 07, 2007, 03:36:12 PM
Interesting conversations here today!  We still have Mark and Abby with us, and are really enjoying their visit.  We've been to Sunday school and church, they had lunch (we are fasting) and Mark and I did some framing.  We finished up the four seasons paintings I brought him from China.  I had given him one earlier, so had three to finish.

I was thinking last night, and believe I owe Marilyn an apology.  I said I hadn't fallen in a long time, but that wasn't right---I did fall about three weeks ago as I left church, when my knee gave way.  So, sorry about that, Marilyn.

I am not feeling much effects of yesterday's fall at all today!!  Praise God!  And, Kathleen,, I will pray for you, as I'm sure your prayers for me had an effect!  It is wonderful to be able to hold each other up in prayer.

Carol, I think I would really enjoy being involved in Habitat for Humanity, but don't think they have anything going anywhere near here.

I think I will go have a cup of hot water!!  Tastes almost as good as tea, and is allowed while fasting.

God bless you all, my friends.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Gord Brown on January 07, 2007, 03:40:50 PM
 <3 Good afternoon to you all.

Well we had  a wonderful service at The house of the Lord today.
Our pastor has just started a new series on rmans for 8 weeks.  He started today calling the series  Extreme Makeover and his sermon today was on contaminated soil Rom 1-3 and also other scriptures from Romans 2 and 3 it was a very exciting sermon.

The main focus of this message series is to dicover and appricate how God takes sinful, broken and troubled people and transforms them into redeemed useful and serving children of God.

All this requires is an Extreme Makeover.

Colin. I love the poem and thanks for the email. Talk to you soon.

To all those others that have posted hope those of you who were able to get to Gods house today were blessed.  

May you all have a wonderful week.  At this point we do not have any more info on my nice but please keep praying for Nicole and her parents.  Thank you Gord.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Larry Hanna on January 07, 2007, 06:20:16 PM
Hi everyone. 

We had a very long church service this morning as we had Communion and also installed our new deacons and elders for this year.  They usually serve a three year term with a third of them replaced every year.

When we left the church it was pouring rain here also.  We didn't go out to eat after church today as we had this commitment this afternoon.

Kathleen, sure sorry to hear of your fall.  Guess we will have to shake you and Janet up in a sack (as the old saying says).  Sarah, I am sure folks in your area weren't saddened to miss a big snow.  It is nice that you can check on folks and deliver meals.

Etta Sue, that sounds like a nice movie.  I am glad they are making some family movies.

Colin, thanks for your poem today.

Marilyn, glad you were able to have your grandchildren with you last night and hope they were able to go to church with you.

Al, very well said.

Jeannine, hope you will get your car running soon.  Know it is difficult to not have a functioning car.

Ruthie, good to see you posting again.

Carol, I watched the Seattle game last night and it was quite an ending.  Know the folks in Seattle were happy with the result.

Pat, hope you will have a little less hectic week this coming week.  You need to take care of yourself and not get stretched too thinly.

Janet, certainly glad to read you are not feeling the results of your fall yesterday and that you are having such a good time with your grandchldren.

Gord, that sounds like a wonderful series of sermons. 

I started this message about 2 pm but had to go somewhere so am just now getting back to it.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruthie on January 07, 2007, 06:45:25 PM
Thank you Colin, Kathleen and Carol for your lovely replies about our Auntie.   Thank you Colin for the beautiful poem.   I will print it out so I can read it to my cousin. 

I was up at the funeral home and there were many pictures of Pat and me when we were young.    Great memories. 

I will post again after the funeral tomorrow.   God bless

Love Ruthie
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Ruthie on January 07, 2007, 06:48:50 PM

Hi Gord:

I will be praying for your neice.   Kamyl will be taking the funeral tomorrow.   Say hi to Noreen.     God bless

Love Ruthie
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Jane Walker on January 07, 2007, 06:57:41 PM
Quote from: Carol on January 07, 2007, 02:06:06 PM

Jane:  I always believe that we are led in our daily living - it was meant to be that you met your old friend.


Carol, I know this for a fact!   :)  God has led me in daily living ... sometimes moment by moment.  I haven't always recognized this nor thanked Him, but I do now!  

Yesterday, after I got over feeling blue, I know it was my Father who nudged me toward the store for that encounter with my friend.  Just like a few weeks ago when he prompted me to go out with the car and get the problem with the gas leak taken care of while I really didn't have any other pressing errands on the agenda.

I wrote of how God has always had a plan for my life -- since before I was born, the Bible says -- and, even though I messed up and got off track, He never discarded the plan nor changed His mind about it.   :)  I just reread that article to remind myself of that fact!  I don't know where to post it, or I'd share it with y'all.   :-\

Ruthie, Judy and Pat, I will be praying for the PEACE of God to enfold you all as you go through the coming days.   

Janet I am happy you are not feeling adverse effects from that fall  :thumbsup:

Kathleen I am praying for your bumps and bruises, as well.  <3

This is becoming too long so I will just say Hi to all y'all other'ns and try to get back later.   

I need to make a Happy Birthday phone call to my newly 16 year old granddaughter.   :yakyakyak: 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Janet on January 07, 2007, 09:12:45 PM
We are home from evening services, Mark and Abby have gone home, (just as we left for church), now I have no excuse for not getting my thoughts straight!

Jeannine, hope your car starts, and that it doesn't balk again.  That would be VERY frustrating.  How is Michael today?

Larry, you are always so good about addressing everyone.  I wonder how you do it; but it is so very appreciated.  How is Stacey doing now?

Jane, I would think you could post your writing right here---or over in Manna.  I'm sure Pat will let you know, but know she is so busy right now, and I'm anxious to read your article.

Ruthie, good to see you!  Thanks for telling us about your Aunt.  She sounds like a very special person, one you will always remember fondly.

Hey there, Gord!  Yes, those sound like really good and thought-provoking sermons.

I noticed when we got home from church a bit ago that Abby had left her Bible, and Mark left his shoes!  :o  He went home in his dress shoes, but for sure will be needing these.  I called to tell them about it, will have to see how we can get them back to them.

I want to finish a book I've been reading, plus do some Bible reading.  No time like the present!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Nita on January 07, 2007, 09:29:21 PM
Hi, all.

Jane, if you don't post it here, let us know where you do post it.  It's good.

Church service at 2 PM, and then Sue and I went to have fish at Captain's Choice.  I thought I was going to have to take my grandson home, about 30 miles, but it was so close to dark before I knew it.  I begged off, and will take him come tomorrow. Of course, he will miss a day of school.  He's not too upset by that. :)

Janet, seems like something always gets left behind. haha

I have to go finish washing dishes, so will say goodnight.  Nita
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: JudyB on January 07, 2007, 10:30:07 PM
Hi Folks We had company yesterday and had a great time of sharing and laughing.  The folks who were here have taken the girls for the time we are away at the funeral.  They told us not to worry about racing home to pick them up tomorrow night as they will keep them till Tuesday.  They are such a blessing to us.

It has been a damp cold day today the ground is not frozen solid but hard enough to not be mucky.

One of our sister churches in Staynor burned down this week.  The church was 110 years old.  Such a sad tragedy.  Thankfully someone had thought aahead and had a hard copu of the receipts for the donations.  They thought even that had been destroyed.  They are going to ahve to tear down what is left and rebuild.

Well GTG I want to make it an early night tonight.  Didn't sleep well last night. So I am off

Night all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Jan. 1
Post by: Etta Sue on January 07, 2007, 11:07:17 PM
My, this week has flown by. 

Here's a new area for next week. (