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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

Thoughts for the Week~August 19

Started by Don, August 19, 2012, 04:48:41 AM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Morning Devotional...

The Holy are Humble


And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross! Philippians 2:8

The Church in America suffered a greater loss than she has since discovered when she rejected the example of good men and chose for her pattern the celebrity of the hour. Human greatness cannot be determined by popularity polls nor by the number of lines any man rates in the public press. It is altogether unlikely that we know who our greatest men are. One thing is sure, however--the greatest man alive today is the best man alive today. That is not open to debate. To discover the good great man (granted that it would be to our profit to do so) would require more than human wisdom. For the holy man is also the humble man and the humble man will not advertise himself nor allow others to do it for him. Spiritual virtues run deep and silent. Like the tide or the pull of gravitation or the shining of the sun, they work without noise, but their gracious ministrations are felt around the whole earth. The Christian who is zealous to promote the cause of Christ can begin by living in the power of the Spirit and so reproducing the life of Christ in the sight of men. In deep humility and without ostentation he can let his light shine. The world may pretend not to see, but it will see, nevertheless, and more than likely it will get into serious trouble with its conscience over what it sees.


Andrew Murray wrote: "Pride is the likeness of Satan, humility that of Jesus." Of the aspects of Christlikeness it is probably humility that is most foreign to contemporary American culture.


Lord, You humbled Yourself in degree I can never know. Yet the more I gaze upon You the more reason I have to be humble.

From Devotions By Dr. Tozer

Eph 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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I'm here, so will just say 'good morning' and come back later!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Yesterday was sort of a lost day for me as was extremely tired all day.  I did go to coffee but when I came home I managed to read through my message boards and make a posting.  About 10 am I laid down and slept for two hours.  This is something I can't remember doing in the past.  I was up for a couple of hours and then needed to rest again for a couple more hours.  I then went to bed early last night.  I know this is boring but that was my day.  I hope to feel up to church this morning but that remains to be seen.

Carol, now you will be anticipating your bd present from Don.  Hope he wasn't upset that you saw the picture.  I don't know how anyone can look at nature and not believe there is a Higher Power that created all of this and has given us the ability to enjoy and appreciate it.

Etta Sue,  that isn't good news for Ivalou at all.  Our eyes are so important.  Hope you were able to relax yesterday and recover from your trip.

Janet, I have a good friend who has macular degeneration and has held off or slowed  further progression of it with those vitamins.  My dad had it and I am careful to have my vision checked once a year.  My dad never lost his sight other than peripheral vision in one eye from a small stroke.

Marilyn,  sorry to hear you also have some macular degeneration.  Glad it isn't severe.

Ruth Ann, I see you also have the same eye condition.  Sure hope this isn't catching as those of us without it may be in the minority.  Gald you found time for a restful day.  Is your son now living in your former home or still working on it?

Betty, I am sure that everyone understood why you missed the service.  Life intervenes and we are wise to put these things behind us and live the day we have today.  I often ask myself "how important is it" and find it doesn't rank very high on my scale of importance.

Bonnie,  I agree with you about the celebrations of life.  Mourning is important and a normal part of the life cycle but so is remembering the good times and the value of a persons life.

Don, thanks for sharing the devotional thoughts for this week. 

Etta Sue

The specialist told us that MD is caused by hereditary, old age and/or smoking.  If our parents had it, we didn't know.  And Ivalou was never a smoker but she did live with one for 35 years.  Online it says mostly white old females!  Ivalou take coumadin so that is a contributing factor as well.  Online it says to wear sunglasses outside at all times...ones with UV lenses.

I am ready for church and ready to head out the door.  Looks to be another sunny, bright day in Indiana.  Cool right now but is to warm up!



I am back.  the connection is iffy, not always able to get into the site. 

Don thank you for the devotional.  True humility is so rare in our age.

Carol Don could be having cluster migranes, they are treatable.  Until you have a final diagnosis keep digging. 

I have read all the comments and cannot possibly remember what I was going to coment on each. 

Oh Etta Sue John's mother had MD.  She lived to 90 and was able to read large print, and watch TV.  She won't be totally disabled with this.

Got to run John wants the computer.


Afternoon everyone.

I have checked out the Challenge and will be opening it for voting tomorrow night.  You have till then to add your entries, I encourage you to do so.  Have you a picture of how you or yours have Beat the Heat in Summer?!  Lets see them.  If I can post surely you can as well!


This Sunday has certainly been different from any other in my life!  Beth's friend Becki and her friend Todd were here to visit Beth, Todd had taken another friend to Longmont, Colo. to visit her family and so he could see the mountains, which he'd never seen.  Anyway, he didn't get back here until very late last night.  (Erica stayed in Longmont, and will rent a car and drive back to Fargo when she is ready to go.) I had rooms for him and Becki, so let them sleep this morning until they got up on their own, then made them breakfast.  They went into town, and I followed soon after.  They weren't at the home, so I went ahead and did another interview for my series.

When they showed up, they had been to Alco getting photos printed for Beth.  These two are wonderful people; Becki also has NF, and John has a mental illness of some kind, but he is brilliant!  Really fascinating to visit with, and has very innovative ideas which I think will be developed to help many people.  I know...TMI, but anyway----I just got home. 

All of this means I didn't go to church today, and that will likely confuse my whole week, but I felt it was important to spend more time with Beth and her friends.  I bought them lunch there at the home, and we ate in the conference room by ourselves so we could visit and laugh--which we did, a lot!  :lol:

They left at the same time I left, and were going to stop in Dodge City at the casino, as neither has been to one before.  I'm sure they won't stay long, as Todd has to be at work on Tuesday early, and they have 17 hours of driving to do!

Larry, I hope you felt up to attending church, and that your energy level will be better tomorrow.  You are so wise to know your limits, and to live fully in the present.  We can all learn a lot from you!

Judy, I'm happy to see you back in here, hope your computer problems are in the past now!

I need to type up my latest 'story'....ttyl!
My book Rising Above available at

Al Moak

Well, today was Marbeth's birthday, so, by her choice, we went for lunch to what is called the Marina Cafe on Woodley Island next to Eureka.  From the windows theere you can look at all several piers and lots and lots of boats.  It's very enjoyable.  Since my birthday was on the second, we both got a special desert.


Happy belated birthday, Al, and happy birthday, Marbeth!
My book Rising Above available at


Late birthday wishes to Al and Marbeth.  Glad you got out for a nice celebration.

The person with severe headaches is our daughter's  father-in-law.  I think he was released today and told to stay nearby but believe they are going to go back to the mountains this week and probably are ready to take their trailer back to Texas.  There is no diagnosis but think it is a viral problem.

Janet:  The mountain view isn't very clear.  This time it is smoke from the west and northwest.  Always something so sorry for Beth's friends to not see the mountains - maybe they were able to get a break.

We have been watching a show about the 20 years that Jesus was missing and it is so interesting but has to be all conjecture, of course.  Well, a lot of could be.  It is fascinating that places are still be found and there are signs that point to biblical names. 

There were so few in church this morning but the great news is that giving is way up. 

Friends are driving through here tomorrow night. 

  Thank you for devotions.  How timely the message. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Each time we begin a new page, it's so wonderful to read the Devotionals. Thanks to each of you who do this for us.

Not too much to say today, just I'm thanking our Lord for His day to worship, and to contemplate His loving kindnesses to each of us.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We had a very nice day yesterday with cooler temperatures.  I did attend church and then Pat and I went to a local restaurant for lunch.  Just resting the rest of the day.  Today is my usual Monday activities which I hope I will be up to completing.  Stacey is suppose to sign the papers on her apartment today.  She is so excited.  Once she has done that she can proceed with arranging with the movers.  I think she has already pretty much packed up her things.  We did have a brief shower last evening but it didn't last very long.

Judy, glad to see you are back online. 

Janet, it sounds like Beth's friends must have brought her a lot of happiness and are very kind and caring people.  Looking forward to your next story on the residents at the home.

Al, I want to send a Happy Birthday wish to Marbeth, even if I am a day late.  That sounds like a lovely place to dine.

Carol, know it must be frustrating for the man to have been hospitalized and have no results from the experience.  Maybe he will feel better when he gets back to Texas. 

Ruth Ann and Etta Sue, a special hi to you as read your posts.  Also a special welcome to anyone visiting us for the first time or so and would encourage you to post so we can get to know you.  You won't remain a stranger if you give us a chance to know you.

Jeanne Lee

Yesterday was just great!  The Lord provided perfect weather and the afternoon spent with two cousins and their husbands was even better than anticipated.  We had a lovely lingering lunch and then when we visited the house where our parents grew up, which is for sale, we were graciously invited in to see how much has changed over the years.   Surprisingly, although there was a lot that was new, there were also some things that were just as I remembered them.  Memories and tales of times past were flying.  Altogether a really wonderful visit.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127



I can hear the babies chirping ath the parents.  This is the second "clutch".  This has become an exciting 'experiment for us.  Unfortunately they are in a small nest and I am unable to take pictures without disturbing them  :(

We have two new members, They both have wonderful blo's take a look at the Introductions........Well worth the time!

I will  be back with a hymn soon!


He Owns The Cattle
(Click to hear music)

Words and Music by John W. Peterson

Psalm 50:10
"For every beast of the forest is mine,
and the cattle upon a thousand hills."

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
The wealth in every mine;
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills,
The sun and stars that shine.
Wonderful riches, more than tongue can tell -
He is my Father so they're mine as well;
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills -
I know that He will care for me.


Remember He also owns the hills!

I remember Gord Brown singing the top of his lungs~!!!

There are so many with physical, family, deaths amoung our ranks.  Remember we are an Army led by the Mastor Commander.


Judy, I can tell the babies are birds of some kind, but what?

Jeanne, so glad you had a great visit and got to go inside the house.  Your post was good to read, I could feel your joy radiating off the screen!

I have been to the home to read the next story to the lady I interviewed, got a couple of 'corrections' and then will take her photo in the morning.  That will give me two that I have ready in advance.  I want to get several ready so that they will always have one ready if I am away or not available.  Several people have expressed appreciation for them already, so I feel it's a good thing.

Carl Slemp, whose story I already put in here, wound up owning (so far) 30 quarters of land!  If you have priced land, you know that is a huge accomplishment!  But he needs the Lord, so I ask you to pray for him.  Thanks.  Carl purchased four of those quarters of land THIS YEAR!!  I was really surprised about that!  I met him in the hall this morning and he seemed so happy to see me, and asked when his story will be in the paper.  I told him this week, and he was so pleased.

I must be about some birthday party preparations, Saturday will be here before I know what happened!
My book Rising Above available at

Ruth Ann Bice

I'm back in from a birthday celebration. We had lots of fun. Isn't it great to know that a table full of people can have a hearty laugh without having any alcohol around!!

And, there was enough cake (home baked by one of those at the table) that they were able to share a piece with all servers in the restaurant. So, not only did our birthday lady have a great time, but the joy was spread to all who serve there including the manager. :)

Y'all have a wonderful evening with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Janet the birds I have are Zebra Finches.  I have one baby that has been flying and eating and now more.  I love to listen to them singing.  The baby isn't afraid of me at all! mind you I don't handle them at all.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Yesterday was a beautiful day here in the low 80s and more on tap for today.  I was able to do both of my normal Monday activities although could have passed on the evening one as was tired but went through with it anyway and glad I did.  Today I have only coffee this morning and an activity to attend later this morning.  Stacey now has her new apartment and called us from there yesterday after she signed the papers, paid the rent and got the key.  She continues to be very excited.  We are happy for her.  Now she will get a mover lined up and get moved as soon as she can.  It will be a relief when I know she has completed the move but am leaving that up to her to arrange and carry out.  If I am able I will plan to go and be in her old apartment as they move things out so that it won't be left alone while the movers are going up and down the elevator.

Jeanne, I couldn't go back and visit the home I was raised in again as it was torn down and a new home constructed after my folk sold it.  Glad you had such a nice weekend and a wonderful visit. Family gets more important the older we become.

Judy, you sound like a proud parent with the new birds close by.  :)  It must be fun to watch them grow. 

Janet, it sounds like you are bringing real joy to the residents of the home whose stories you are preparing and sharing in the newspaper.  It sounds like Carl will leave some very well off relatives when he passes although the government will probably force the sale of much of the land for inheritance (death) taxes.  I think you are well on your way to a new career field as a writer and newspaper columnist. 

Ruth Ann, I have never understand why people think they can't have a great time without drinking.  I always dreaded having to attend parties where alcohol was served and almost always just enjoyed a Coca Cola and didn't feel pressured to drink.  I am not judging others but for me it just isn't something I feel the need to do. 

Hi to anyone else who stops by to post or just read here today. 


Larry I agree with you on the alcohol issue.  It is sad to see so many addicted to a drink when there is so much else they can devote their llives to.  I have 2 alcoholics in my family and strive to not enable or rescue them.  It is so hard when the accusation comes "If you love me you would.......".  Tough love is hard.

I have spent most of my time scanning pictures so I have a permanent record of past history.  Most of our slides have been destroyed by time and moisture, sad fact of the time.

Time for another hymn!


Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face
(Click to hear music)

Text: Horatius Bonar, 1808-1889
Music: Edward Dearle

Bonar wrote this hymn at his brother's request.
Its first public appearance was in October 1855 in Horatius Bonar's church.
Later that same year, St. Andrew's Free Church in
Greenock, Scotland, issued it in pamphlet form.

Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face;
here would I touch and handle things unseen;
here grasp with firmer hand eternal grace,
and all my weariness upon thee lean.

This is the hour of banquet and of song;
this is the heavenly table spread for me;
here let me feast, and feasting, still prolong
the hallowed hour of fellowship with thee.

Here would I feed upon the bread of God,
here drink with thee the royal wine of heaven;
here would I lay aside each earthly load,
here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven.

Too soon we rise; the symbols disappear;
the feast, though not the love, is past and gone.
The bread and wine remove; but thou art here,
nearer than ever, still my shield and sun.

Feast after feast thus comes and passes by;
yet, passing, points to the glad feast above,
giving sweet foretaste of the festal joy,
the Lamb's great bridal feast of bliss and love.

Etta Sue

I do believe I missed posting yesterday and I don't know why I didn't!!

I do know that I am sure missing my A/C in my car.  Driving Sunday was sure hot! 

Kitty and I went to the Indiana State Fair grounds yesterday to pick up her and two other people's entries.  I didn't enter anything this year.  And then we went to Don Pablos for lunch.  I needed some things at a Walmart so got them.  Then we treated ourselves to some Dip-n-Dots ice cream.  Haven't had that for years and it was really good...but expensive!

Today I went to the pool and then for breakfast.  When I got home I decided to go to the woods and see the mess back there.  Kaye Don said a big tree fell on the fire pit since FROGGS, the 11th and this past Saturday, the 18th!  Glad it didn't fall the 11th!  Some of us wouldn't be here!  I posted a video on have to look at it sideways...I haven't figured out how to turn a video on Droid Razr or Facebook 90 degrees!

Euchre is this afternoon! 

Then tomorrow I take Hawaii to get her brakes fixed and the A/C fixed.  I am beginning to then Hawaii should be yellow instead of Crystal Red!!



I am just back from driving to Montezuma (50 miles) to take a friend and meet two other friends and have lunch.  Dee and I bought a portrait another gal in our class did of Tammie, and we wanted to give it to her.  Tammie's friend B.J. has been battling a brain tumor, but is so much better now.  When we saw her in June, she was in a wheelchair, now is up walking.  She has a cane but isn't dependent on it.  TMI....anyway, BJ's personality has undergone a radical change because of her illness--you would barely know she's the same person.  That has been really hard for Tammie, and even more so for BJ's husband of 52 years.

I had another "J" night and feel the need for a nap.  No reason not to take one, so I believe I will do just that!
My book Rising Above available at


Don is taking a nap because he has not had a nap in six days and his insomnia was causing him to just drag.  We had Almond Croissants and a Cappuccino at the French Bakery.  The couple from France have to be the happiest people we see in business and they work so hard.  They have finally hired helpers. 

I baked yams & mixed them with vanilla and no sugar for our neighbor who is on chemo and cannot have sugar.  There is a vinaigrette I am trying to figure out for the salad - he is really weak but has a good appetite and the chemo is going to be lessened in strength.  They are friends who invited us to their church and we are so happy with this church. 

JudyB:  Isn't it late in the season for birds to hatch?  I always think they are born in springtime.  How are you doing? 



I went to see the Physical Therapist who specializes in Vestibular Therapy. First he tested me by manipulating my head and had me keep my eyes opens so he could watch them as I got dizzy. Yikes that was not fun at all I was so glad when he told me I could close my eyes. Anyway I am in a cervical collar and was given a set of instructions to follow. i can take the collar off tonight no sleeping in the collar, I go back on Friday so he can test me again to see if I am still dizzy, if so he will do another manipulation of my head. He told me that he usually never has to see the patient the third time  most of the time the Vertigo is gone before the second visit. He said Medicare will pay when I have any of these episodes so to call and come to see him don't try to do any of the exercises at home.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Ruth Ann Bice

Again, it's so good to come to our conversation room. Soon, it will be time to put away the porch swing and get the fireplace cleaned so we can have big fires, good home baked cookies (no calories, OF COURSE), and plenty of mugs of steaming hot coffee, hot chocolate, or tea. At last count here in this apartment, I have 15 different varieties of tea, so I wouldn't mind bringing an assortment to our conversation room. The last box purchased was black tea with pomegranate. Yum!

Today has been one of those "yo-yo" days - drive to meet a contractor at 8:30 am - back to apartment - drive a lady with an unreliable car to the post office, then she wanted me to go to lunch with her - back to apartment - drive another lady to her doctor's appointment across town, back to her apartment building, go to the bank, then to Dollar General store - then back to the apartment again.

So, I may dream of yo-yo-ing all night long!  ;)

May God richly bless you as He sees you need His blessings - I'm praying for all our requests, and for folk who are dealing with serious health issues.

Ruth Ann

By the way, I saw this and wanted to share with y'all:

"Prayer breaks all bars, dissolves all chains, opens all prisons,
and widens all straits by which God's saints have been held."
E.M. Bounds
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Carol Zebra finches are from the warmer climates and being domesticated they are in the warmth of the house year round, thus eggs, hatchlings all year.  It is exciting to see and hear.  We had a family over for dinner Saturday night, the two older children were facinated by the fact that one of the parents never left the nest.  Often both are in it , which is surprising considering the nest is so small!

Good night all


Apparently, last night was a "J" night --- it did not cool enough.  When I finally did go back to bed for sleeping at 4 AM, I had a sneezing fit and had to just come to the couch.  It is supposed to rain somewhere in this dry state today and we all hope it will be here. 

JudyB:  Oh, I was so concerned about the poor little birds being just born and it is almost September.  My neighbors are birders so they would have known if I asked about the Zebra Finches.  We have wild Finch in our trees and shrubs. 

I have an Amazon gift card from daughter - she had to work in Georgetown, Virginia this week and couldn't get here.  Now to decide - that is a big question for me. 


Wowee!!  I just looked at my calendar, and today doesn't have a mark on it!  That means I either forgot something, or I actually have some time to do something 'unscheduled.'  I believe I will go out in the garage and get that space ready for Beth's birthday party, coming up on Saturday.  I need to do some cleaning and rearranging in there.  Also need to be sure everything is on hand for the meal we will prepare and serve.

Darrel is watching a program on TV that's full of lies---says we all came from black people.  I told him the black gene is predominate, and if we all started out black, we would all still be black.  Color doesn't matter, but TRUTH does.  Like Pres. Reagan said, "It's not that some people aren't educated, it's just that they know so much that isn't so!"  :D

Hope you get to rest today, Ruth Ann--and little Josie, too!
My book Rising Above available at