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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Week~Sept. 11

Started by Pat, September 11, 2016, 06:32:49 PM

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:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  •   Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

  • I would like to thank my friend Judith Moravek from Dayton, Ohio who very kindly composed our lovely scripture on the lamb photo below to go with today's devotional.  The lamb in the photo belonged to friends of Judy and her pastor husband.

Morning Devotional...

Jeremiah 6:16
By the late Jack Scott

The Lamb of God

Spring is not far away in this part of the globe. In a few weeks, buds will be bursting into beautiful cascades of colour.  Brown fields will give way to tender, luscious shoots of green grass. The mornings will resound again with the melody of song birds, as they flit around in their new bright spring feathers, doing the things birds do while building their nests and raising their little ones. Soon, too, the little lambs will be seen sporting on the hills and in the valleys of Ontario, and Scotland and Ireland and many other places throughout the world.

Perhaps it was in spring that John the Baptist, on seeing Jesus coming to him said: "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29  What an unusual thing to call an adult male. What a peculiar statement to make. Think of it again. "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world."

Lambs were familiar to the Jewish people of John's day. Lambs were a reminder to them of their history, when as slaves in Egypt, God had commanded them to kill a lamb, a spotless lamb, for each household and apply its blood to the lintel and door posts of their houses so that God's judgment would not fall on them. This exciting story can be read in detail in Exodus 12.

When I was a boy (many years ago), my father used to tell me stories to illustrate the Bible way of salvation. He seemed to have an endless store of them. Some of these stories I have remembered fondly over the years. One was about a man in Switzerland who was employed to repair the steeple on a local village church. So used, was he to working at heights that he did not bother to attach himself with a safety rope. He wanted freedom to move around, but alas his desire for freedom almost cost him his life. To their horror, some of the villagers saw him slip and grasp wildly to break his fall. To no avail, downward he hurtled. The villagers ran frantically to where the worker lay. He must be dead! But wonder of wonders he was alive. Instead, a lamb lay beneath him bearing his weight. The lamb was dead, crushed beneath the human load which had fallen on it.

When John the Baptist called the Lord Jesus Christ, "...the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.", he was telling his hearers that Jesus would die on the cross to take the weight of sin of the nations so that judgment need not fall on those who like the Israelites in Egypt were protected, by the blood of the lamb.

In the book of Revelation 7:9-10, we see, "a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.".

There is a lovely hymn we sometimes sing in the church where we fellowship that speaks of Christ's sacrificial work as the Lamb of God and the blessings brought to all those who are His by personal faith in Him.

The Lamb of God to slaughter led,
The King of glory see!
The crown of thorns upon His head,
They nail Him to the tree!

The Father gives His only Son,
The Lord of Glory dies
For us, the guilty and undone,
A spotless Sacrifice.

Enthroned with Thee now sits the Lord,
And in Thy bosom dwells;
Justice, that smote Him with the sword,
Our perfect pardon seals.

Eternal death was once our doom;
Now death has lost its sting;
We rose with Jesus from the tomb
Jehovah's love to sing.

 ~Robert C. Chapman~

Let me lovingly ask you a very personal question, "What is your relationship to the Lamb of God? Have you put your faith in Him to deliver you from the judgment to come?" To do this you must first agree with God that you are a helpless sinner unable to meet the demands of His law, unable to pay the price of your own sin. Then you must agree that as the Lamb of God, He has taken away your sin.

If you have trusted Him you will one day sing the song of the redeemed in heaven.

"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom
And strength and honour and glory and blessing"

Blessing and honour and glory and power
Be to Him who sits on the throne,
And to the Lamb for ever and ever
Revelation 5:11,12

The alternative is frightful. Those who do not seek the Lamb as Lord and Saviour will want to flee from Him as Judge, and will "... hide themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;  And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:  For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"   (Revelation 6:15-17).

It is my prayer that none who read this will miss the day of Salvation, and the mercy of the Lamb, for who will be able to stand in the coming day of the wrath of the Lamb.

*   *   *   *   *

Jack Scott loved his Lord! He passed away on January 10, 2001 after a lengthy illness.
He is missed greatly by his family.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


What a wonderfully important message, Pat!  And Judy's graphic is a nice companion to go along with it!
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17

Jeanne Lee

Pat, thank you for reviving Jack's "Walking In the Old Paths".  They are as apt today as they were when he first wrote them.  The lamb and scripture graphic is a perfect companion, too.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Gord Brown

 :) Good evening from the Brown household.  All is well just getting older and the aches and pains are there but the Lord always get's you through an other day.  God is so  great. :thumbsup:

Pat  Sis.  Thank you for that great word of Jack's  I know for sure that he was such a wonderful man of God.  It is wonderful how the Lord used the Lamb so many different ways.  I do hope that you are feeling a bit stronger.  God's richest blessin's to you.

Hi Larry and Pat.   I do hope that you are good.   We have had a wonderful summer with our family and then a week with my buddy and his wife we did some trails in our beautiful Algonquin Provincial Park and Noreen was able to do them to which is a miracle compared to last year.  May the Lord be with you both. :coffee:

Jeanne Lee.  Hi I also hope that you are well and had a wonderful summer.  God's richest blessing's.

To all others on C. P.  may the Lord be with you this coming week and also give lots of opportunities  to be a witness for him.

                          Love in Christ to you all   Gordon and Noreen. :cp: :rocker: :wave:
T Gordon Brown

Jeanne Lee

Gord, it's always great to see a message from you and I'm so glad you've had an enjoyable summer and to know that Noreen is doing so well.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on an overcast morning.  The forecast for the next two or three days shows a high of 85 with less than 50% chance of rain.  Yesterday was an enjoyable day with Church attendance and then getting a Firehouse Sub for my lunch.  I had made a large serving of scrambled eggs and bacon crumbles for Pat, which she ate late in the morning so she didn't want me to bring her anything for lunch.  I did make a trip over to Walmart in the late afternoon as Pat needed some prescription refills picked up.  While I was there I got my flu shot so that is done for this year and my arm isn't even sore today. 

This should be a reasonable quiet day.  I will attend my Monday noon meeting and have to make another trip to Walmart as Pat forgot that she had a prescription for pain medication that needed to be refilled.  We are going to have Chicken Noodle soup for our dinner meal tonight and the stock and chicken are ready and just have to put in some noodles and get it good and hot.  So not any significant cooking for me today, which doesn't break my heart.  :)

I did write a post here yesterday but apparently didn't notice that it hadn't posted. 

Pat, it was so good to read again one of Jack's writings on "Walking in the Old Paths" and thanks for sharing it with us.  That man had a real way with words, almost lyrical.  I also liked the graphic that Judith prepared and shared with us as it was most appropriate for the Devotional Thoughts for this week.

Gord, nice to see your posting and to know you and Noreen have enjoyed a nice summer and your outing with friends and some hiking.  You inquired about our summer. It has not been a good summer for us as Pat has been and still is struggling with back problems and back muscle spasms.  She is seeing a chiropractor three times a week, which will continue for a couple more months and then less often to try to get her back where she can be on her feet a bit.  She is also dealing with a problem with her eyes which are terribly sensitive to light.  Light can be so painful to her.  I am now having to do all of the cooking and laundry and other light household duties that she always took care of.  The saving grace is that she isn't in pain, other than for her eyes, when she is sitting in her easy chair.  I haven't needed to cook for the 54 years we have been married so this is a learning experience for me.  So far so good and she is here to guide me. 

Nice to read the other postings since I last thought I had posted.   


Larry, I'm so saddened to read of Pat's pain.  I pray for her and I hope that she sees "light at the end of the tunnel" of this dibilitating pain soon.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I'm happy that several of you have enjoyed Jack's writings.  He wrote 15 of these little devotionals for our "Manna for the Soul" on SeniorNet away back in the late 1990's and I hope to put all 15 in here again soon.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

That sounds great Pat.  I was planning on suggesting that!   (running shoes or great minds ?   :D )
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Hi everyone, A great friend from church passed away yesterday afternoon. I had the opportunity to visit him last week, we talked about many things including his fear. I reminded him that Jesus was waiting for him and would come for him, that he would no longer be in pain. He told his wife about our visit and slipped into a coma on Saturday. I told him of a couple of family members experiences when they were with some on who passed. I am so glad that I got to see him, listen to him and talk with him before he went home to Jesus.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Gord Brown

  Hi to all.  It is so good to read what is going on with you all...  Mrilyn sorry to hear about your friend that passed but he is home with Jesus and no more suffering.  Hope that you are well.

We had a great day at church yesterday.  We had our grandson's yesterday as there parents were both busy . :thumbsup:

Larry:  Sorry to here of the problems that you have had with Pat.  I had to learn to cook a bit when Noreen was not well bout with her help it happened.  I do hope that she will get feeling better.  Hope that you are doing well.  God's richest blessing's to you both. :coffee:

Good day to all and have a wonderful week. :cp: :rocker:
T Gordon Brown

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a nice 73 degree morning.  Yesterday when we got to the chiropractor's office it was hot so we decided to leave the car windows down an inch or so.  While in the office a hard rain started and we had to wait about 10 minutes after Pat's appointment was finished to get a break in the rain and get into the car, which had wet car seats.  Fortunately we had a microfiber cloth in the car so were able to wipe off the wet seats.  Shortly after we got home the skies opened up and we had a hard rain lasting maybe 20 minutes.  I sure won't need to water my yard on Thursday.  There is only a small chance for further rain today. 

The am just back from a  trip to the Walmart to get a prescription for pain pills filled for Pat and get a few other things we needed.  We have a beef roast thawed out that will go into the crock pot on low and cook throughout the day, which we will have for dinner along with some cooked vegetables for Pat and raw ones for me.  The chicken noddle soup turned out well last evening for our dinner.  I do plan on getting the laundry caught up today.  Otherwise I just plan a restful day.

I had a most unusual experience while in the grocery area of Walmart.  An older man, probably in his 50's, was approaching and I smiled at him and said good morning or something and he stopped and told me his mother had suddenly passed away 3 days ago and that was all he could think about.  I talked with him for several minutes.  His parents had been married for 62 years.  He told me that he had never had a close relationship with his father but that is now appearing.  I assured him that God will see him through this situation as he doesn't require more of us than he will provide the strength to endure.  I hope our little conversation will help him get through this day.  He obviously needed someone to talk with and I am glad I was there to be that person.

Pat, I know you understand the pain that my Pat is experiencing.  It seems like the progress is slow but we remain hopeful that she will be rid of this pain before too long.  The eye problem is probably going to stay with her the rest of her life as it is nothing new, just worse than it had been before.  I look forward to rereading the other 14 "Manna for the Soul" writing of Jack. 

Marilyn, sorry that you lot a great friend from your church.  Each good friend is a special gem and we miss them when they are gone.  It sounds like your visit on Saturday was very timely. 

Gord, It sounds like you have a very enjoyable Sunday with a great day at church and then time with your grandsons.  I also rely on Pat's guidance with my cooking. 

Jeanne Lee

Bright, sunny and cool this morning with much lower humidity.  Lots better sleeping these nights and no need for the air conditioner for the last three days - should help with the electric bill.  :)
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Gord Brown

 :)  Today is a very nice day here.  I was able last night to finally get my back lawn cut as it seems to doing a lot better than the front because of this very very hot summer that we have had. :thumbsup:

Larry.   What time is the roast going to be ready we will just come over.  HA HA HA.  Make sure you don't burn it.

Noreen is out at her Woman's Connection planning meeting this afternoon the old name was  Christian Womans Club she is the prayer coordinator  for it and she enjoy's it a lot. :thumbsup: .

Well have a great day all God's blessing's  to you all. :cp: :love:
T Gordon Brown

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

Pat, I agree with the others. This devotional message from Jack was so moving, and then the work your friend did to create the graphic is something I appreciate and admire, too.

Marilyn, so sorry about your loss. At least we know that those who have gone on before us will be there to greet us as we enter the gates of Heaven.

Larry and Pat, and Pat H., I certainly understand about pain. It's wonderful to know our Lord hears our prayers and understands our pain and physical difficulties. Larry, thanks for telling us about your encounter with the man at Walmart. That's an uplifting story.

Gord, it's really good to hear from you again.

BigSkyKen, it's great to hear your comments, too. My friend whose son lives in Montana reports that there's snow in the mountains now. Brrrr! Our high temp today is to be 92 degrees Fahrenheit.

Jeanne, I'm thankful you can save on your utility bills. They've gotten so expensive lately, and I'm afraid fixed incomes get squeezed more and more.

Y'all have a really good rest of the day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Gord Brown

 :)  Good to hear from you Ruth Ann I do hope that you are well and that you are able to do what you have strength to do each day.  God's richest blessing's.   Gordon and Noreen. :thumbsup: :cp: :love:
T Gordon Brown


I don't think I have posted since we got home from our bus trip to Michigan.  We got home on Sunday night and were wiped out all day yesterday--so we rested!  ;)  We did have an enjoyable trip and got to see more of our beautiful country we hadn't seen before.  My favorite thing was seeing two of the many lighthouses in the area and getting to climb to the top of both of them!  I do wish we had had a boat trip along near the shore so we could have seen more lighthouses!

Pat, it is good to read Jack's "walking in the Old Paths" again; thanks for posting them.  I surely hope you are feeling better now.

Larry, I hope your Pat is feeling stronger each day, with diminished pain.  That constant pain really drains a person.

Gord, good to hear you and Noreen are doing well.

Marilyn, it is hard to lose a friend, but what a blessing you had in being able to visit him just before his home-going.

I need to check on the dates of a trip we booked, as I think they have it wrong.  Important to know!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We have an overcast morning and should have moderate temperatures today.  Other than to water my flowers I have the other morning chores pretty well accomplished so can have a quiet morning here in my office. 

Yesterday turned out not to be a restful day as was super busy all morning and after I got the beef roasts brazed for the crock pots I was tired.  When I got up from my afternoon rest Pat suggested we go out to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and I jumped on that suggestion.  We were cooking the roasts on low and they weren't going to be ready for dinner.  This afternoon I plan on fixing a new batch of sausage biscuits for Pat's breakfasts.   

Late this afternoon Pat has another Chiropractic treatment and then I will meet Scott at the church for the Wednesday night dinner.  Tonight is meatloaf and mashed potatoes, salad and dessert.  We looking forward to spending a few hours with Scott this evening. 

Jeanne, every little bit helps on the bills.  I won't have to water my yard tomorrow morning as we had a nice rain a couple of days ago and have a good chance for some more.

Gord, it would be great if you could join us for dinner, although we likely would go out to eat and if I cooked I wouldn't make any guarantees about not burning something. :)  However, the roast is going to be good as it was good quality and is very tender.   

Janet, glad you are home safely and had a good vacation.  I expect those hours on the bus became a bit wearisome.  The lighthouses are interesting.  Will you be doing some painting featuring lighthouses?  I am not seeing much improvement with Pat's situation and she had some very severe spasms yesterday and had to get up early this morning and sit in her easy chair with ice at her back.  Fortunately her pain isn't constant and she is pain free as long as she stays off her feet.  However, often during the night she will move and I hear her cry out in pain or moan in pain. 


Good morning from the Twin Cities!

Larry, I sure hope Pat soon finds real relief from all that torturous pain.  You are indeed doing yeoman's work taking care of her and holding down the fort.  I am sure last evening's dinner out was a nice break for you both.  Nice to hear that your weather is moderating.  I've been hoping for a nice, long Autumn, as I am done with summer and not quite ready for winter yet!

Glad you had a nice trip to Michigan, Janet.  That is one state I've never seen, but have heard there is some pretty nice country in the Upper Peninsula.  I am too anti-social to attempt such a trip by bus, as crowds and confined quarters don't go well with me, but I'd love to wander the backroads there on my own.

Jeanne, these cooler nights make putting up with all that hot weather seem worthwhile now!  I so enjoy being able to open the windows at night and wake up to a bit of a chill in the house in the morning :)

About a month ago I had a business meeting in Louisville KY and I added an extra day to my trip to check out the Ark Encounter at Williamstown KY.  I suspect most all of you have heard about it, but in case you haven't it is a full-scale model of Noah's Ark built by Ken Ham's group, Answers In Genesis.  As a Christian-themed attraction, it should be a great ministry of sharing God's truth and proclaiming His sovereignty to a largely unbelieving world.  If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend checking it out if you ever find yourself in the neighborhood. In the coming weeks I will be sharing a few images from the trip in the photo section of CP, but just to give you an idea of how big it is, here is a shot that offers some perspective (yes, those little things at ground level on the right side are people!).
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17

Gord Brown

 :)  Big Sky Ken.  This is an amazing thing to see and there is an other one that someone has built overseas and it is to scale.  Thank you for putting this here.

Had a great day doing my volunteer at the mission today.  God is so good.  Gordon.
:cp: :rocker:
T Gordon Brown


The group we travel with by bus is planning a trip to Kentucky to see the full-scale replica of Noah's Ark.  Not sure when it will be, as Diamond Tours hasn't finalized it yet, but think we will probably go.

We enjoyed Michigan, both the lower part and the Upper Peninsula.  All the states we drove through were so green this time--wonderful to see!  Of Course, all that corn in Iowa is almost unbelievable!  Ken, I surely can understand, bus trips are definitely not for everyone!

Ruth Ann, forgive me for not addressing you yesterday!  Always good to read your posts!

We returned to the gym this morning.  We want to stay in good health as long as we can, so do what we can in that regard.

Larry, I'm so sorry Pat is in such pain!  I hope she gets relief soon, and for longer eriods of time, until the pain is only a bad memory for you both.

I need to go see the kids again today.  Beth is still declining slowly.  She doesn't even ask John to take her out to eat any more.  :'(  I keep praying.  God keeps telling me He hears every prayer and sees every tear, and that he still has good plans for Beth.  And John.

Now would be a good time to NOT see television or read news--maybe be on a LONG vacation, until after November 8!  Do you really think there will be a debate??  I'm doubting it.

But, God's in His heaven, and He knows what He's doing!  So I will choose to trust in Him and not be afraid!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Hi Gord!  I wasn't aware of the other ark, so looked it up after you mentioned it. A Dutchman did build one and it is in harbor in the Netherlands. Evidently it is an ocean-worthy vessel than had planned to ship to Brazil for the Okympics, but was postponed due to Zika virus and social upheaval concerns. The barge was involved in a collision at the Oslo harbor in June. It will be interesting to follow the news around that ark. Thanks for the info!
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17

Jeanne Lee

Janet, it's good to know you're home and that you got so much enjoyment from your trip.

Ken and Gord, it's fascinating to know models have been built according to the measurements God gave to Noah.  The photo with the very tiny people standing near it tend to give a real perspective.  Thanks for sharing!
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's been a nice day here in Nashville. The temps have been in the low 90s, but dropped after we had some showers.

It was nice that the cleaning lady came today. That always makes me feel better. :)

It's so good to see several people posting these last few days.

Y'all have a good rest of the day.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


It's so nice to read everyone's posts. 

I've had a really painful couple of weeks.  The doctor is trying to wean me down from the high dosage of prednison and I feel that this lowering is like a drug addict who is taken off his drugs cold turkey.  I've never experienced such pain.  I covet your prayers.

I won't mention all by name as I find typing even painful.   But please know I've read all and appreciated all and will pray for you all.

Pat... :)

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this Thursday morning.  My schedule this morning is the same as most Thursday mornings in that I will pick up my friend and got to coffee, take him home and then back to the Church for the Wisdom group and then will stop at Aldi's for some fresh vegetables.  Then later this afternoon Pat has her final Chiropractic treatment for this week.

I read all of the postings since yesterday before I got out of bed this morning as have limited time to post this morning.

Pat, certainly sad to see you are suffering so as you are weaned off the high dosages of that medicine.  You are in my prayers and thoughts every day.

Janet, so sorry to read of Beth's continued decline as know it is hard to see this happen and know there is nothing we can do to prevent it.  She knows she is surrounded by those who love her and sometimes that is about all we can do.

Ken, thanks for that picture of the ark as you really get a perspective of how large it is. 

Ruth Ann, Jeanne and Gord, thanks for your postings as you help keep this discussion active and contribute so much to it.   


Pat:  Thank you for using Jack's writing - I look forward to copying the ones you will be putting in here.  So sorry for your pain - and will keep on praying for relief. 

Losing a friend - we have two who are weakening and there will be a huge void in our lives. 

Janet:  Glad that you are home again - isn't our country beautiful?  So sorry to learn that Beth is weaker.  You are an inspiration!

Big Sky:  Wow is all I have to say about the size of the Ark.  Thanks for the picture. 

We are back - Don set up a full week in Seattle (my hometown) just off the bay so we could walk to the ferry and fishing pier.  We visited with cousins and my brother's son & family but stayed in a motel in a little village area - lots of walking every day.  A cousin drove us to the little mountain view area and the vista was spectacular.  They all want us to come again. 

Back to real life - the washer is going and I need to go for groceries and fit in a haircut.  Don is exhausted - he had to drive the rental car and Seattle has gone berserk with traffic. 

Hugs to everyone this morning.   


Ruth Ann, I agree that having the cleaning lady come does make us feel better!  ;)With only the two of us, the house doesn't get too cluttered (as long I keep after the picking up) but this Kansas dust keeps on settling; and the kitchen floor usually always needs mopping!

Larry, please don't overdo today.  We need our "sparkplug" here!  :)

Oh, Pat!   :'(  I'm so sorry you're in such pain!  I so wish I could help you!  Prayers are the very best medicine, and I do pray for you.  Love you so much!  <3

Carol, you two do stay busy!  We didn't do any of the driving on this trip, but were both so tired we went to bed for naps the next day after getting home!  Your week in Seattle sounds lovely, so glad you enjoyed it.

We may do another short bus trip to Branson, Mo. the first part of December, mainly to see "MOSES" in the huge Sight and Sound theater there.  We haven't received the brochure yet.  But I do have one with another company, same time, almost all the same shows, from Elite Tours.  Almost the same price, too.

I have to go to Beth's Care Plan meeting at 11:00, then a UMW meeting from noon to 1.  This afternoon I need to do some cleaning in my studio; the spiders have moved in there.  :P

Blessings to each of you today!

Oh!  Hi, Jeanne!  Love you!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Hello everyone, Just stopping in for a few minutes before I fix lunch. today  is Hospital day for Freckles and I, we go at 1pm, we do two teams per floor and there are three floors of patients at out local hospital. One Tuesdays i am taking the hospice classes for volunteer. I can take my dog to visit hospice patients in facilities only, the dogs aren't allowed to go into home is is a rule of our organization  However as volunteers we can do a lopt of other things without the dogs.

One of our group heard me singing along with one of the other volunteers and suggested that  I partner up with her to do some singing visits. who Me? I usually sing at church and that is it. I am pretty busy without taking on another  thing like going to sing for people. I love to sing but I am too busy. I know that doesn't sound like I am being doing a;l I can. Please forgive me. Once in ahbwil would be be good but bnot every week.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's great that all of y'all are here as I read the postings tonight.

And, it's wonderful to see Carol and hubby have returned safely.

I'm so sorry Pat is in such great pain, I'll be praying for you to be able to manage the pain.

Marilyn I understand your reluctance to take on more than you think you can handle - maybe you could offer to substitute if someone else takes on the weekly chores.

Janet, so sorry to learn of Beth's decline. I'm thankful y'all got back safely from your trip, too.

Larry, I surely hope your Pat's pain will ease and that once again she will be able to participate in daily activities at your house. Thank you for coming every day to update us on your activities and thoughts.

Jeanne, thank you for being here for us.

Today, my main activity was to get groceries. A parking spot was available far from the doors of the apartments, so I got my exercise walking to and from the spot - first to get a grocery cart from the storage room, then return to my car, then back to the apartment building, up the elevator, and down the long hallway to my apartment door. After unloading the groceries, I was happy to be able to rest in my recliner. :)

Much love to all who come here to speak or to read and not participate. May each of us receive God's blessings today.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful Friday morning.  We have a zero chance of rain today.  I plan on staying home today, the first day all week and I am looking forward to it.  No major cooking will be needed today as we have the beef roast and when I made the salad last night I had a big bowl of it left so won't have to do that.  Pat has the balsamic mushrooms also that I made a couple of days ago that she hasn't eaten yet.  I have some work to do here at my desk and that will be it.

On my last visit to COSTCO I bought two new king size pillows.  We started using them a couple of night ago and we both like them.  So Pat will be ordering some king size pillow cases.  Right now we are using two regular size pillow cases on each one, which works but looks rather strange. 

They are in the process of delivering the Hardy Plank siding for the new house across the street and the crew is already on site to start putting it on.  This house has really gone up quickly. 

Thank you all for your continued expressions of concern for Pat and for your prayers for her.  She is half-way through with the intensive Chiropractic treatments and was told at the beginning at about this point she will have a plateau level and she thinks she has reached it.  Hopefully soon she will see more progress. 

Carol, it sounds like you all had a very nice vacation in Seattle even if it was tiring.  I hope that Don gets rested up soon.  Was traffic worse in Seattle than in Denver?

Janet, I understand a bit about the Kansas dust as we had the same thing in Missouri when I was growing up and we had to have the windows open in warmer weather and we lived off of a dirt road.  I don't think I was ever called a "sparkplug" before but that was kind if a bit inaccurate.  Sometime I feel more that plug than the spark.  If you go to Branson in December you will be able to see some great Christmas programs if you are interested. 

Marilyn, nice of you to take the hospice class for volunteers.  You are a very caring person.  Hope you had a good hospital day with Freckles.  We each have to decide what is right for us at a given time.  It is easy to get bogged down.

Ruth Ann, sounds like you had your exercise in getting in your groceries.  Having the grocery cart is a wonderful thing and I know from taking in groceries and other things for Stacey for the eight years she lived in Atlanta.  Sometimes it is exhausting just getting the groceries from the garage to the kitchen.  When we have quite a few bags we can put them on the cart we have and that saves several trips.  We just have to bring the bags from the trunk to the garage door into the house and put them on the cart. 


Rise and Shine!  Humming the song, "Morning has broken".    :coffee:

Larry:  Seattle traffic is gridlock from all the people moving in and houses being torn down for much more dense population.  Denver is now going to require three people in cars on the Xpress lane so it is happening here too.  Houses sell in both places in matters of hours, not days and way over asking price in both cities. 

A new recipe for beef stew last night was a bummer.  Back to my tried and true.  Such a waste. 


During this summer I had a completely new experience.  I was and became a certified flagger for a road construction crew.  It was a challenging job, funneling 3 lanes of major highway into one and being aware of all the vehicles going both ways.  The biggest challenge was the time a police officer turned on his lights to get to the front of the line and then turn them off as soon as he was through the construction zone....He was in no hurry, he was traveling normal speed at the end.  This wound up causing a lot of miscommunication with us flaggers, and could have had a head on collision in that one lane if it hadn't been for the quick action of my co-worker doing the direction of 4 vehicles..... Tracey was an amazing person to work with, not a Christian by any means, dropping the "F-Bomb" at least once in a sentence.  She was very kind hearted, and an excellent driver.  Pray for Tracey as I have let her know where I stand, and now that the seed has been planted, someone needs to water and harvest this lost soul.

This winter I am going to be plowing snow.  Yes you read right. Working with John again, in separate vehicles, doing what at one time was said to be unthinkable for me. 

Don't let anyone tell you that your inner clock cannot be reset as a senior.  Typically I have been a night person, now as a result of this summer having to be at work at 6:30, i am now a morning person. Ready for and into bed by 9 at the latest.

This was just a quick update from me to you.  If you want to see a 6:00AM picture check this out.  Jeanne I hope I did that right!

Have a good day folks Love to you all.

Jane Walker

Hello everyone ... I am ready to take the trip I never wanted to take ... to California to put to rest a wonderful daughter taken too soon by the most horrific disease on earth.  I am flying out this afternoon and will be gone at least two weeks, maybe more.  I am thinking I will return on Amtrak ... I will decide that later.  One of my sisters will be on a cruise next week, and her ship will dock in San Francisco on the 29th.  She has suggested the "Sacramento Family" make a road trip to spend the day with her there.  Dot and her girls want to rent a van so we can all travel together ... I'll be there, too.  I think we're renting a van to drive to Twain Harte for Joy's memorial also.  We need to be together as much as possible these days. 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Oh my, that is fantastic, Judy. I am proud of you for taking on such challenges and using the opportunity to share the Word!  All we can do is help plant a seed and pray, leaving the heart-changing part to the Holy Spirit!  Thank you for sharing your news, and the 6:00 am photo!
Big Sky Ken
"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17


Thank you Ken.

Jane my heart goes out to you and your family at this time. Our consolation is that she is now totally healed and has no pain.


Hello Everyone...

First of all, I want to say that your photo is lovely, Judy!  Amazing morning capture.  Love it!

Jane, I will be praying for you as you journey to the Memorial Service.  Please take care and post when you are able.

Hi to everyone else.  I've read all your messages. 


Pat... :)

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Jeanne Lee

Jane, my heart and my prayers travel with you. 

Judy, what a great surprise to see a post from you - and a beautiful sunrise photo. (Yes you did just fine!  ;D )  I am relieved to know it was a totally new type of job that has been keeping you busy, and not bad health.  And judging from the past several years you'll be kept busy with winter plowing, too.  Just remember we're here and will be hoping to hear from you more often.

And now some special news from our Pat!  She has agreed that Jack's series "Walking int he Old Paths" needs to be aired again.  Starting this week (actually tomorrow) and for 18 weeks, she will be posting one every week as the devotional in the weekly Thoughts For the Week topic!  :cheer: :cheer:  The means, of course, the the rest of the "Thoughts" crew gets some time off.   :)
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful and clear South Carolina Saturday morning.  It is a very pleasant 72 degrees, or was when I was outside watering my plants.  We are suppose to get to only the mid 80's today. 

I had an enjoyable and laid back day yesterday and the car didn't leave the garage.  As far as I know now that will be the same today.  I got my desk cleared away yesterday so will have a light schedule for the football Saturday. 

Carol, thanks for the info on the traffic situation in both Seattle and Denver.  I think I will stay in North Augusta where we don't have a traffic problem and even across the river in Augusta it isn't a problem.

Judy, what a pleasant surprise.  It sounds like you had a busy summer. Did your job involve standing out in the open with a flag or driving a vehicle to escort traffic through a certain area.  It sounds like the police officer had a pretty high opinion of himself that he couldn't be bothered to take his turn in traffic if he wasn't on a specific call.  I hope the snow plowing job for both you and John go well.  I expect you will stay pretty busy with the job but you sure will have to be out in some really bad weather.  I hope all of your family is doing well.  Please say hi to John for me.  I still remember our nice visit at the truck stop when he went through Atlanta one time. 

Jane, I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers these next days as know this will be hard on you all.  Glad to see you are flying rather than driving.

Pat, I hope this finds you feeling better than you did the other day. 

Jeanne, that is good news on the posting of Jack's writing for us to enjoy again or perhaps for some to read for the first time.  All of you who have prepared and posted the weekly Devotional thoughts deserve a big "Thank You". 


I didn't realize I missed a day posting, but it seems I did!  So there were more posts to read this morning, which is always nice!  I have read them all, prayed for each of you as I read.  It's good to catch up with your lives.  <3

It is very foggy here this morning, and nice and cool.  Forecast says it will warm up as the day progresses.

Not much new here, just wanted to greet you all and tell you that you are an important part of my life.  God bless!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

I goofed  :bonk: - it's not 18 weeks but 15 weeks of Jack's messages, with the first one having been last Sunday, so 14 to go. 
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No, Jeanne!  Don't bonk yourself!!  You're forgiven!  :)
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com

Jeanne Lee

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Jane:  Being with your family at this time sounds like a very good idea.  Prayer for your strength and health through this time. 

Judy:  Nice to see your note.  You have been busy this summer learning a whole new career - stay safe everyone. 

We are not attending the area gathering picnic today - Don awoke with a sore throat and he is very tired - he is napping right now. 


I received Joni's email today and it really meant a lot to me. 

So I'm sharing it with you all.

More Than You Can Handle?
by Joni Eareckson Tada

Dear Pat,

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."    1 Corinthians 10:13

Every once in a while 1 Corinthians 10:13 bugs me. At those times I'm prone to think God couldn't expect from me what He does from others because mine is a "different story." I especially thought that way when I was lying on my hospital bed:  How can You be putting me through all this?  It's more than I can bear -- even with Your help, God!

The truth is, my story is not different.  Neither is yours.  My quadriplegia hasn't earned me any Purple Heart medals with God.  My bouts with pressure sores and lung problems haven't exempted me from 1 Corinthians 10:13. If the Lord allows crushing hardships to pile on top of all the other baggage that goes with being disabled, I can't whine.  It never can be said of me, "She has good reason to let off steam every now and then."

Whenever I entertain stubborn, stiff-necked thoughts of resentment, I've noticed I don't go forward but backward. The problems aren't easier to handle; they become harder.  I must remember Hebrews 12:4 which warns complainers, "...you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood."  What a good reminder! I'm not a martyr; nobody's drawn and quartered me, laid me on a rack, sawed me asunder, or run me through with a sword -- so things can't be that bad.

True, 1 Corinthians 10:13 may bug you when you think you must disobey because the temptation is too great. But remember, we can never be forced to disobey. We don't sin because we have to; we sin because we want to.

God, thank You for the grace to endure the losses You have allowed in my life. Whatever the trial or temptation, enable me to look to You to provide the way of escape -- and the grace to bear up under the load.


Joni and Friends

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Jeanne Lee

Thanks for that Pat.  It is good to be reminded now and then of the suffering and blessings of others.   

"I cried because I had no shoes.  And then I saw the boy who had no feet."
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Joni is an amazing woman!  Her resilience and honesty are so refreshing, and the way she bears up under her burdens puts me to shame.  :-[  She wrote Beth a personal letter not long after Beth had to go into the Care Home, also sent her a book, and it meant so much to her.  Joni shows what a blessing one can be in spite of many physical problems.  God is still using her life.

Thank you, Pat, for sharing this.
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


Last week, I introduced you to Judith who made the lovely graphic that I posted that she did to go with Jack's de votional. 

Judith has managed to register and I'd love it if you'd welcome her.

Here's the Introduce Yourself post:  Judith

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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

My goodness, it's been busy in here. I love it. :)

I've had a quiet day, but will be out and about tomorrow. It rained more than 2 1/2 inches today, so that should help with this long time we've gone with no rain at all.

May our Lord draw you up to his chest and envelop you with the warmth and safety of His great love.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


i think it's wonderful too, Ruth Ann!  Maybe we'll start to get more posts in here!

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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this beautiful Sunday morning.  The sun is out and it is still fairly cool here in the low 70's.  I am ready for Sunday School and Church this morning and then will stop to get something to bring home for our lunch as the kitchen is basically closed for business on Sunday's. 

Last evening I fixed us Tilapia and steamed cabbage and green beans.  The fish and green beans turned out well but a few of the cabbage leaves had a bit of a singe to them but still tasted fine.  I had not made steamed cabbage before.  I stayed awake late last evening watching the Georgia/ Missouri football game.  It was an exciting game and Georgia got the win by scoring with only about 1 minute to go and then Missouri fumbled and that was the game. 

I am rushed for time this morning so will try to hold my comments to only a few. 

Pat, I am glad that Judith is going to join us here and hopefully will share more of her graphics work.  Thanks for sharing Joni's writing.  It is good to be reminded that God is always there for us even in very difficult and painful times. 

Ruth Ann, that is a significant rain and sure the ground appreciated it.  We didn't get a drop of rain yesterday. 

Carol, I hope Don is feeling better and less tired today.


Good Morning I am ready for church. After service today there will be a memorial service for Monte who passed away last Sunday. One of the sisters has prepared the whole luncheon to be served afterward. This is the same sister who did all the preparations for my wedding and for the wedding of another couple. I spoke with Peggy, (Monte's wife) yesterday, she is doing well and we talked about my visit with Monte  last week Thursday just two days before he went home. She said he was so pleased with my visit , that he had been fighting  his  leaving but my visit reassured him that it was OK to go because the church family would take care of Peggy.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Happy Sunday, everyone!  It is a lovely, cool, Fall-feeling day here in my corner of Kansas.  We attended Church and Sunday School this morning, now are mostly resting.  ;)  Of course, Darrel is watching Football.

Beth and John were at church, too.  They both like this church a lot, as people go out of their way to greet them.  I appreciate that.  And they understand that Beth can and does hear and understand them; she just cannot respond in a way they would understand.  John and I, and most of the girls who take care of her can understand her, but not those who aren't around her much.  :'(

I"m trying to eat popcorn and type at the same time.  It isn't working well at all.  ^-^

Marilyn, I'm so glad you went to visit your friend before his homegoing.  That is so important, and a comfort to his wife as well, it sounds like.  Keep blooming where you are planted!

We are still waiting for rain!  Glad your area got some, Ruth Ann!  Rain is vital!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


I have two phones next to me - waiting for news on youngest son who fell off a tall ladder this afternoon.  He is being evaluated at the hospital right now and will either be admitted or go home.  A concussion - in and out of consciousness.  Also, his knee needed stitches.  Praying and praying.  Don has a cold, so he cannot go to the hospital or out.  I just had to write - knowing all of you care. 


Fastest Update Ever!

Prayers worked.  Our youngest son is going home - no concussion and he has stitches on his knee so will be on crutches. He will call us later when settled.  He was overreaching on the ladder and stepped back on the wrong spot - in the house- falling on a hard floor. 

We are so relieved. 


Janet:  How nice for Beth and John to be in church with you.  Treasure each moment, I am sure you do. 

We had a message that grandson in school in Minnesota is dating and both of them went to church this morning.  :)  I finished binding a flannel quilt this afternoon - yea, so glad that one is over.  It has been heavy to handle. 

Welcome Judith!  Where do you live?  I am SW of Denver.  It is sunny and warm today - about right for this time of the year. 

Ruth Ann:  That was a heavy rain for your area.  It sounds like you needed the moisture. 

Pat:  Thank you for sending us the notes from Joni.  Such an inspiration.  So glad to see you posting!   


Carol-rejoicing with you over the good report on your youngest son!  Also on the grandson and date!  Those things make us Moms so happy!  :thumbsup:

I am spending far too much time on computer.  Every day I say to myself, :I am NOT going to do that tomorrow..and when tomorrow comes, I do it again.  I MUST stop!  Other things far more important, need my attention!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


This topic is now locked.

Please CLICK HERE to get to our new "Thoughts for the Week".

See you there!

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