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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

Thoughts for the Week~September 11

Started by Jeanne Lee, September 11, 2011, 07:38:25 AM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...

Loved by a Trustworthy God

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."
Matthew 24:6

Nature is a pregnant creation, third-trimester heavy. When a tornado rips through a city in Kansas or an earthquake flattens a region in Pakistan, this is more than barometric changes or shifts of ancient fault lines. The universe is passing through the final hours before delivery. Painful contractions are in the forecast.

As are conflicts: "wars and rumors of wars." One nation invading another. One superpower defying another. Borders will always need checkpoints. War correspondents will always have employment. The population of the world will never see peace this side of heaven.

Christians will suffer the most. "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me" (Matt. 24:9 NIV).

But remember: "All these [challenging times] are the beginning of birth pains" (Matt. 24:8 NIV), and birth pangs aren't all bad. (Easy for me to say.) Birth pains signal the onset of the final push. The obstetrician assures the mom-to-be, "It's going to hurt for a time, but it's going to get better." Jesus assures us of the same. Global conflicts indicate our date on the maternity calendar. We are in the final hours, just a few pushes from delivery, a few brief ticks of eternity's clock from the great crowning of creation. A whole new world is coming! . . .

All things, big and small, flow out of the purpose of God and serve his good will. When the world appears out of control, it isn't. When warmongers appear to be in charge, they aren't. When ecological catastrophes dominate the day, don't let them dominate you.
Let's trust our heavenly Father.

—Fearless Glorious God, all things flow out of your purposes. You are in control even when catastrophes dominate the day. When global conflicts increase, may we remember that these are birth pangs preparing the way for a whole new, wonderful world. May we lay aside all anxiety and fear and see these singular events as signs for rejoicing and anticipating your peaceful kingdom, amen.

Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.
Psalm 27:3 RSV

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Ephesians 6:10

From Lived Loved: Experiencing God's Presence in Every Day Life
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 2011) Max Lucado

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Etta Sue

May we all remember 9/11 2001 today.

Thanks for the devotion, Jeanne.  I, too, feel we are in the beginnings of the end!

Constructive day yesterday.  Ivalou and I used Kaye Don before he left for Florida.  Our mailboxes are side by side and the snow plows had made them lean and twist!  Kaye Don fixed them.  And I had a board on my garage that needed nailed back down.  Also I needed a nut on the air filter on the Honda mower.  It kept dancing around and rattling when I mowed.  It won't now. 

I came in and got caught up online and took a book to the spare bedroom to read.  I went to sleep and slept probably 3 hours!!  I watched TV in the evening and went to bed by 10pm...slept great all night. 

I am ready for church.  Our church is small and during the announcements they ask if there are any birthdays.  The person gets up and put the amount of money of their age into a little globe bank.  I get up today!  I love that part of our church service.  Also the announcements of anniversaries!

It is suppose to get warmer today..85 degrees.  Looks cloudy right now with the sun shining some. 


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this 9/11 Day of Remembrance.  I will attend church this morning where we are having a special service with the church that meets in our building at the same time as our late service.  It is a church of Indian Presbyterians that was founded in the 1940s in India by combining Presbyterian, Methodist and Episcopalians into one church.  The service will be a combination of their service ritual and of ours.  We will also celebrate communion together.  This should be an interesting Sunday.  The choir is singing and our choir director is singing a solo appropriate to the day.  It should be an interesting and touching morning as we remember 9/11.  Yesterday was a quiet day of rest, watching football, and finishing up a library book on my smartphone library e-book application. Other than attend church today will be similar to yesterday in that this afternoon I will rest, watch the Falcons, work on the computer and read.  Pat does not plan to attend church with me today as sitting for an hour, and probably longer,  is problematic for her. 

Janet, it sounds like your remodeling plans are right on track since you have heard from your contractor.  I recently went through my clothes and got rid of things I no longer wore.  I do not have a large wardrobe but find my clothes do wear out.  Once I retired I no longer needed more than one suit and a couple of dress shirts and I have a few pair of slacks and summer and winter shirts and sweaters and that is about it in my closet.  I have one little side rack in the walk-in closet and Pat has four others.  She thinks that is about right.   :)  Hope you had a great day yesterday with your friends at the ladies' conference.

Judy, while you dread the surgery you also know that it will ultimately make you feel better.  Keep the goal in mind and take it one day at a time.  It must be getting cool up your way.  Have the trees turned yet?

Jeanne, I truly believe the role of a caregiver must be one of the most difficult in the world.  The stress of the constant unknown from one day to the next and having to be alert and there all the time is exhausting. 

Etta Sue, as I recall the presentation of the food at iHop is always very nice.  The food is also tasty.  Glad you got to go where you wanted to go.

Hi Marilyn.  I was surprised to read that Office Depot paid for your breakfast when you had to be at work early.  What did you do at Office Depot?  Stacey years ago worked for about two years in the call center taking orders.

Ruth Ann, hope the commemoration service was good.  I was invited to a special musical program later today but don't plan to go as it is almost an hour drive there and by that time of day I just don't have the energy.  I will be watching some of the TV coverage throughout the day.  I saw the visit of President's Bush and Obama at the waterfall and meeting some of the families on TV this morning while I ate breakfast.

RuthV, I have never heard of Ice apples.  We used to have a Jonathan apple trees that produced tart apples and made great pies.  This was on the farm as I was growing up.  I am sure the deer appreciate your letting them have some of the apples.

Jeanne, what an interesting devotional you have left us for the week.  It certainly presents and interesting image of world events in the larger context.

Etta Sue, the church where I grew up also had the little globe bank that people put pennies in, one for each year of birth, on their birthday weeks. 


Larry I was a Cashier and Administrative assistant. When we went to work at 6am it was to rearrange the shelves or do inventory.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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This song has been swimming through my mind yesterday and today.  Perhaps in my somewhat wharped sence of fitting, I think it fits with today's devotional.  I don't have the music....here are the words


Follow the star to a place unexpected
Would you believe after all we've projected
A child in a manger

Lowly and small, the weakest of all
Unlikeliness hero, wrapped in his mothers shawl
Just a child
Is this who we've waited for?

Cause how many kings, stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many Gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?

Bringing our gifts for the newborn savior
All that we have whether costly or meek
Because we believe
Gold for his honor and frankincense for his pleasure
And myrrh for the cross he'll suffer
Do you believe, is this who we've waited for?
It's who we've waited for

How many kings, stepped down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many Gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Only one did that for me

All for me
All for you
All for me
All for you

How Many Kings Lyrics- DOWNHERE Song words

Single Song Words by Artist / Band : DOWNHERE

HERE is the UTube video of the song. 

Jane Walker

Jeanne, thank you for that powerful message from Max Lucado ... he always has captured my attention with his ability to "paint word pictures" .

Etta Sue I like your new avatar! :)  Good for you and Ivalou for getting Kaye Don to fix things up for you before leaving for Florida!   :thumbsup:

Judy, I had never heard that song, but I agree with you that it seems fitting for today.  Very powerful ... and the video as well.  I'm so happy that I can now watch/listen to YouTube!  

I have been taking it easy all day .... just now getting online, in fact .... for some reason it just seemed like a good day to lazy(er than usual).  :D
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Back home today, I have been staying with granddaughter while her parents flew to be with son in Minnesota school.  They came back today & the airport was really heavily guarded. 

A day of remembrance -our flag is at half mast.  Glad that Don could do that as I sure couldn't figure out how to fly the flag that way. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Thank you for your messages today.

Yes, the commemoration service last evening was great. As was church this morning.

The seniors are bringing in veggies, salads and desserts for a semi-potluck dinner tomorrow - I have a huge pot of pinto beans cooking in the crockpot, seasoned with onion, a can of tomatoes, and two wonderfully large smoked turkey wings. Those beans will really be yummy tomorrow morning when I awaken. :)

May our Lord be with us and with all those bereaved and/or are broken in body because of the events of 10 years ago.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


A "J" night.  Keeping an eye on a mother cat having a first litter of kittens.  Why couldn't she have done this on Sunday morning?  5 so far. maybe 1-2 more.

Jeanne Lee

Mother cats have their own ideas of where and when to have their litters!   :D
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Ruth Ann Bice

...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Etta Sue

Church service yesterday was sad while remembering 9/11.  We live so far away from it that it seems unreal.  Last evenings TV show about one fire department in NY really brought the memories back.  So sad and so unnecessary.  Sad to think that someone hates the US that much!  And what satisfaction did they get??

Kaye Don is preparing for his 'move' to Florida.  He has decided to make his home in Florida...meaning being there more than in Indiana.  He cancelled the trash removal, cancelled his home telephone service and will make Florida his home for 7 months a year instead of 6 months.  When he cancelled his home phone they asked him if he wanted the home number for his cell phone!  He opted not to but he knows I have been thinking about giving up my home phone and going with Verizon for internet services.  May have to think more about that.  Not many people know my cell number but a lot knows my home number.  If I could use my home number as my cell, that would relinquish a lot of problems. 

Today is rehab for Ivalou and a doctor's office call for Ivalou.  She said I could drive her car.  Then when I get home, I plan to mow the yard...then later, it is church council meeting.  Hope I can get it all done.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


There is a final total of 6.  Poor mother was worn out.  The babies are fine, even split of male to female. As always they are cute but kittewns grow up into cats, and 2 is enough. they both will be fixed when the kittens are gone.

I'm heading back to have a bit of a snooze.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  This has been a very busy morning and still have my Monday men's luncheon to attend.  The housekeepers were here and the yard men should be here sometime today.  I had some business to take care of this morning.  The weather is just about perfect this morning as it is not too cool and not too hot and little humidity.  I have had a couple of emails from my best friend telling me that after flying all night they were safely in their hotel in Rome.  They will stay in Rome for 2 or 3 days and then start their cruise.  Our coffee group at McDonald's was sparse this morning as not only is my friend overseas, another man that I pick up each day has gone to Pittsburgh and won't be back until the 28th.  I will be ready to rest this afternoon.  It was a bad weekend in Atlanta for our sports teams.  The Braves lost two games and the Falcons lost.  In addition, the University of Georgia lost on Saturday. 

I have read all of the postings from yesterday but since I am running late decided not to make any individual comments today. 

Hi everyone.  This has been a very busy morning and still have my Monday men's luncheon to attend.  The housekeepers were here and the yard men should be here sometime today.  I had some business to take care of this morning.  The weather is just about perfect this morning as it is not too cool and not too hot and little humidity.  I have had a couple of emails from my best friend telling me that after flying all night they were safely in their hotel in Rome.  They will stay in Rome for 2 or 3 days and then start their cruise.  Our coffee group at McDonald's was sparse this morning as not only is my friend overseas, another man that I pick up each day has gone to Pittsburgh and won't be back until the 28th.  I will be ready to rest this afternoon.  It was a bad weekend in Atlanta for our sports teams.  The Braves lost two games and the Falcons lost.  In addition, the University of Georgia lost on Saturday. 

I have read all of the postings from yesterday but since I am running late decided not to make any individual comments today, except as follows. 

Judy, you should be able to migrate your home phone number to your cellphone.  I did that when we recently eliminated our home phones.  The old house phone number is not on my cellphone.  If you have AT&T you can have just Internet with them and not have a house phone.  They create a new phone number for your Internet but it was seamless for me.


Hello everyone,  Larry I think your post to Judy was meant for Etta Sue.

Etta Sue I like your new avatar.

My Sleep study is tonight and I have been busy this morning.  I have showered and shampooed my hair had breakfast, been to the gym vacuumed the large master bedroom and  sent off a new stationery to my stationery group, I also fixed a couple of my grand daughters photos that were too dark and re-posted them on Facebook. Whew!!

Judy we have two male cats one is neutered and the outdoor cat is not. I keep telling Keith we have to get him neutered and he seems to thing neutering is unnecessary because he is an outdoor cat. Hmmm?? that doesn't make sense to me.

Jane I missed you this morning at the gym.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Stopping in with a small story that keeps alive the hope that miracles still happen.....even now!

A 3 yr. old boy was abducted from his bedroom in Sparwood, BC and RCMP and all the local people searched.  They were certain that a known sex offender had taken him.  I was sick when reading the story in the paper, as were many others.  Yest. he was returned....to a house that was even under police protection.....and the man was not detected!   The little boy is unhurt:

At the Hebert family's church, the Sparwood Fellowship Baptist, members rejoiced and cried with news of Kienan's safe return. Pastor Ron Rutley said Mr. Hebert called him at 3:25 this morning and said simply, "Kienan's back!"

The community is pointing to his return as nothing short of a blessing. "Here we have a miracle in the valley," said acting Sparwood mayor Sharon Fraser, after visiting with the family. "Whatever the child weathered, he's certainly back to being a normal little boy," she said.

Sparwood is a small mining town in the Kootenay Rockies.

I thought you folks might enjoy this little 'true tale' after the sadness of Sunday.   :)

God Bless,



Liz: Many prayers were said for the Herbert family and Kienan!  We are rejoicing!!


Liz:  We all need good news - blessings to the family and friends of that youngster. 

We just made a trip to the library and I am bring home fewer books because of the iPad reader. The library is helping with information on how to proceed with genealogy search - this is taking over my life and I don't have time for it.   :(   Cleaned all the floors & dusted, washed clothes & ironed & all is ready except to pack the food for going to the mountains.  A neighbor couple may join us for two days - it looks like rain for some time but the elk won't care and we will be in the vehicle anyway. 

We had a card for Starbucks & both of us ordered the Salty Carmel drink - it has sugar and salt. Different - will not order again.  They were nice and said they would make another drink for us if we did not like it but that was enough coffee for the day. 

Heading out for a cheap and bulky dinner with friends.  We can get at least two meals out of the servings & the owner has given us big packages of tea to boot. 

Hi Larry:  It sounds like you lead a great social life with your frequent coffee times. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We had a most glorious day here yesterday.  I am hoping for another to follow today.  I didn't accomplish much yesterday but did manage to wear myself out.  My Monday men's luncheon was very enjoyable at Golden Corral and the usual hour stretched to 90 minutes as no one seemed anxious to leave.  Yesterday I put out on the street the treadmill we were disposing of and within a ninety minute period it was gone, which I was happy about.  Just hope they don't bring it back.  I have a light schedule for today with just an activity this morning.  I had a message from my best friend in Rome saying they would be doing a tour of the Vatican today and knew it was going to be a long day. However, it sounds like they are having a great time. 

Marilyn, hope your sleep study went well.  You had a busy day yesterday.

Liz, what a frightening story but with a happy ending at the return of the little boy. 

Carol, I go to coffee six days a week (five days at McDonald's and Friday's at the Senior Center).  I have done this for the fifteen years that I have lived in this community.  I always enjoy it and it gets me out of the house each morning and brightens my day.  That Starbucks drink sounds very different.  McDonald's has added a lot of different coffee and sweet drinks to their menu but the only one I tried, as a sample, I really didn't like. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Good morning, friends,

Yesterday I went to our craft room, and thoroughly enjoyed sitting there embroidering while the friend who runs the craft room was de-tangling yarn a handicapped participant had gotten tangled up. We had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, and I'll go back as soon as possible.

This afternoon and evening will be filled with activities, so I must do some work here in the apartment and then get ready for the rest of the day. :)

Y'all have a wonderful day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


The sleep study went as well as can be expected, I didn't sleep much and when I did it wasn't for long. I feel rather dragged out this morning. bur My hair is now clean and I am well fed. The sleep center gave me a coupon to a local restaurant for breakfast on them. I think I am going to work on making some more Blackberry jelly today.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Marilyn: It's too bad that sleep studies cannot be done in your own home. The first night in a strange bed I NEVER sleep.  I wonder how the monitors can get an accurate reading.

Larry: We live 23 km (14.2 miles) from the nearest town and 50 (31) from the nearest Tim Horton's/Coffee Time/McDonald's, so it would be an all morning excursion for us to go meet friends for coffee  ;D
I'm only 12 km (7.5 miles) from Judy and I don't get over there very often!!

I just got my car back (-$316) so I'm happy  ;)

Etta Sue

Larry, I never thought about asking the phone company if I can keep the internet and do away with my house phone.  Won't hurt to ask.  That would be cheaper yet for me if possible. 

I went to Verizon today.  I had a couple of problems with my Droid or questions.  One solved...the other, he said to hook up my Droid to the internet to see if there are any updates available for my Droid. 

Also asked about Verizon internet.  I should first call my phone company and get my home phone disconnected and my house phone number put on my cell phone.  Then go to Verizon and get the wireless thingy.  I can get the USB port one and put it in my wireless router and then both the desktop and laptop would have internet and my wireless printer would work the same as always.  If I take the laptop, just put the USB thingy in a USB port and I have wireless internet. 

How many of you use gmail?  Do you like it?  My friend in Mexico says it is great but then everything he has is great..if you get my drift!  If whatever he has is different than what I have, his is better! 

Now I think I will call the phone company and asked if I can have just the internet service.  Even if it costs me more than I pay now it would be cheaper in the long run. 

I also went to Walmart today and I have mowed the yard!  Time for a shower.  Hope no one comes before I get that done.  They wouldn't stay long...whew!!


Jeanne Lee

Etta Sue, I love your new avatar!   :thumbsup:
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Ruth Ann Bice

Yes, that is a very nice avatar, Etta Sue. :)

I'm really tired - went to a free ladies' health seminar today at a ritzy hotel downtown, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Now, to rest up for tomorrow - all told, I will be 1. taking son to license bureau to update car license, 2. go to 2 hours of physical therapy, 3. take son to doctor's appointment, 4. see another doctor late tomorrow afternoon. -- makes me tired just to think of it!   ::)

Y'all have a good rest of the day. :)

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Etta Sue

Thanks to all who commented on my avatar.  It was cropped from the group photo at my class luncheon on my birthday.  So that's me at 69 y's o!

Today Kitty is taking me out to lunch for my birthday.  She has been so busy with her 50th Class Reunion and today was her first free day.  She reminds me of Janet...here, there, everywhere, all at one time!  She said she found a new Mexican restaurant so I am anxious to try it out.  Bob doesn't care for Mexican so when we go out to eat, we both know it will be Mexican! 

It is cloudy and overcast today with predictions of rain.  Hope it doesn't rain to hard or I will be driving Kitty's car.  She doesn't do rain very well. 

I have noticed looking out my window this morning that the plants in my planter and the leaves on my Tulip Poplar tree are turning yellow.  Fall is in the air!  Hope it is a pretty fall.  The last few years the leaves have fallen before turning all their vibrant colors.

If you don't have Facebook, I will write it here.  I got my electric bill yesterday and I owe 14¢! ! !  I thought surely that is a mistake and had better check before I owe big time.  I called and it was their mistake.  I remember in June I had a big bill.  July and August were what I thought was normal.  But they sent someone out and read my meter and adjusted it so with the overcharge for three months, I owe 14¢.  I guess the meter man should get out of his truck to read my meter...he sits in his truck and reads it....about 20 feet away! ! ! !


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.   Just back from a busy morning of coffee (coffee and soft drinks are free this week whether you purchase a food item or not).  Then I went to Bible study and from there to Kaiser to pick up medicine and then to Sam's for a few items.  I did get Pat a new set of knives that they had a special feature on and a man was demonstrating.  They are suppose to last a lifetime and will be replaced even if the fault is the users.  I then went to Kohl's and got some new winter fleece pullover's that were on sale.     This is choir night.  Happy to be able to say that Pat is feeling better today. 

Marilyn, I doubt that most people sleep well in those sleep studies.  I remember when Pat did her study she reported the same thing. 

RuthV, you do live out a bit.  I wouldn't be going to coffee every morning if it were more than a mile or two.  Glad you have wheels again.

Etta Sue, I have used Gmail probably 5 years or more and love it.  I can access my e-mail from any computer and save as much as I want as they give you basically unlimited storage. It also does a good job of filtering junk main and gets most of it.  I also used the Google documents and use the Google photo feature to store my photo online.  On occasion I use Thunderbird but just to sent a message if I want to embed a graphic.  There is a way to do it in Gmail but it isn't a matter of copy and paste.

Ruth Ann, it sounds like you schedule is almost over packed for one day.  I do the same thing on occasion and end up exhausted.  However, today I got along very well and didn't even use the electric cart at Sams.

Jeanne Lee

It started out sunny this morning, but now the clouds are getting thicker.  The rest of the week, into the weekend, is expected to be cool - nightime might even get down to 40.  Guess it's time to move my fans out to the shed.
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We've had wind, rain, more wind and the sky looks like more rain.  The neighbour has dumped 15 cord of hardwood here, a job and a half for the weekend

Last night I met John late in NorthBay...about midnight, to get a cage of 5 (yes five) more finches!  Because we have cats, I keep them in our room.  I really have decided I don't need an alarm any more!  The birds do a great job of that!!!

Had a wonderful visit with Pat Monday night and Tuesday.  Enjoying myself so much that I was late in leaving!.

Talking to Kassie I heard a first (for her) in cadets.  She is IC for her flight, (IC = in command.)  Last night she had a new recruit walk up to her out of the flight at the attention command (That is a big no-no) and say I don't feel well.  She instructed him on the proper way to do that, and told him he could go to the bleachers. As he turned to walk away his tummy erupted, all over Kassie.  I have a major laundry job to do now.  She has to strip and re-polish her boots as well.. Poor cadet her must have really felt bad.  Keep Kassie in prayers, she is going through a rough time right now, in other areas of her life.

I am off to pick her and the uniform up, and to run some errands in the Bay.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I think we are to have a little cooler day here than yesterday, when it got pretty hot.  Today should be a quieter day than yesterday.  I do have an errand to run this morning and that should be it for today.  My friends should be on the ship headed to Israel this morning.  They apparently had a very enjoyable time in Rome.   Pat seems to be much better as of yesterday so think this episode of hip and leg pain should be about over. 

Judy, what a bad experience for Kassie.  So sorry to read of the rough time she is experiencing.