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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

Thoughts for the Week~September 4

Started by Etta Sue, September 04, 2011, 04:35:10 PM

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Etta Sue

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

:) Quote of the Week :thumbsup:

Christianity can be condensed into four words:
Commit and
Samuel Wilberforce

Morning Devotional...

Hostile Reactions
Acts 4:5-22 NLT

   The next day the council of all the rulers and elders and teachers of religious law met in Jerusalem.  Annas the high priest was there, along with Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and other relatives of the high priest.  They brought in the two disciples and demanded, "By what power, or in whose name, have you done this?"

   Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, "Rulers and elders of our people, are we being questioned today because we've done a good deed for a crippled man? Do you want to know how he was healed?  Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead.  For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says,

   'The stone that you builders rejected
      has now become the cornerstone.'

   There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved."

   The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.  But since they could see the man who had been healed standing right there among them, there was nothing the council could say.  So they ordered Peter and John out of the council chamber and conferred among themselves.

   "What should we do with these men?" they asked each other. "We can't deny that they have performed a miraculous sign, and everybody in Jerusalem knows about it.  But to keep them from spreading their propaganda any further, we must warn them not to speak to anyone in Jesus' name again."  So they called the apostles back in and commanded them never again to speak or teach in the name of Jesus.

   But Peter and John replied, "Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him?  We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard."

   The council then threatened them further, but they finally let them go because they didn't know how to punish them without starting a riot. For everyone was praising God for this miraculous sign—the healing of a man who had been lame for more than forty years.

What excuses are you most likely to use to keep from sharing your faith?

   Although the evidence was overwhelming and irrefutable (changed lives and a healed man), the religious leaders refused to believe in Christ and continued to try to suppress the truth.     

   Don't be surprised if some people reject you and your positive witness for Christ.  When minds are closed, even the clearest  presentation of the facts can't open them.  But don't give up.  Pray for those people and continue to spread the gospel. 

   Peter and John's zeal for the Lord was so strong that they could not keep quiet.  If your courage to witness for God has weakened, pray that your boldness may increase.

The Best of the Bible--365 Must-Read Bible Passages

Etta Sue

We got home around 3:30pm.  Looks like a mini-tornado hit my maple tree but I don't see anything else damaged!  The power is back on.  At the pile of limbs by the garage that Bob and Kitty stacked was a piece of beige vinyl.  I thought it was the piece from Ivalou's shed door that keeps coming off.  She said it was in her garage.  So we walked around her house.  Nothing missing then we noticed a piece of trim missing from a living room window.  The piece of vinyl!! 

I have already had to scold Ali and Inky.  It seems when there is a cat scrimmage, it is always Ali trying to domineer Inky!  They were both running and Inky was crying like she was hurt.  Ali may be older but she still has spunk but I yelled at them.  Ali came out of the front bedroom and looked at me as if to say 'Why are you yelling?  I didn't do anything!'  Now they won't leave me alone. 

We didn't drive into Lapel but I guess there is at least one house that a tree has blown down on.  A lot of leaves in the yards and twigs. 

I am thinking I really need someone to trim this maple tree behind my house.  Now on the west side there are at least two pretty good sized limbs that are broken and twisted back on themselves.  My kitchen and utility room is a lot lighter shade outside.


Good passage for today, Etta Sue!  How we all need the boldness of Peter and John!
My book Rising Above available at



Clothes ahve been gone through.  The adults have what they want and the rest have gone to Value Village.  I kept a few things,  John has his "stash".   

We ae tired...not really sleepy tired more drained.  We would not have made it without the prayer support that we had form all you folks.  Thank you.


Judy, I am wishing I hadn't brought as much of Darrel's Mom's stuff home as we did.  Now it is time to go through it all again and pare it down a lot.

We are trying to do that with everything in the house, since this is forcing us to go through everything we own that is in the house, what better time?  I hope it can go to people who need it and bless them.
My book Rising Above available at


Thanks for information on Facebook friends. I will go through JudyB and look for Pat's name. 

AL MOAK wants to be on friends list too.  Al:  You are my friend  :) I'll check for sure that you are my friend.  I am not good on Facebook. 

My question is:  when I bring up one friend, do I have to have all of their umpteen friends notes too - It can be overwhelming.  Where can I limit the posts???

Nice day with no air running.  Don knows I wouldn't turn on the air unless it would be super hot but his being from Duluth, Minnesota - the heat bothers him.  I am putting together a small quilt for a niece's granddaughter who was born this spring.  Lots of purple in it as I know they love that color for some reason.  I will probably never see the little one as it is an iffy marriage or even if they are really married - I don't ask but this baby needs to know she is loved.  Will send a little book of bible stories along with the quilt.  Daughter & son-in-law took us to lunch to celebrate his finding a job (after almost 20 months thanks to the uncertainty).  I had a salad of beets and greens with blue cheese - yum.

Janet:  Good for you for paring down things - I try to think of what to take in case we had to evacuate for any reason.  Two sewing machines???which one, both?  All of my unfinished projects?  It sounds like you are coming along with the redo.

Etta Sue:  Did you meet Bob & Jenny?  They have two black cats and the male will bite the female on the back once in a while.  they really didn't fight. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It looks like we will have some rain perhaps this morning and certainly by the afternoon.  It apparently rained a little last night as I just took out the garbage and there was water standing on the top of the garbage can.  Other than coffee this morning and an event this evening my day is free and I plan on staying home.  Yesterday was sort of a lost day for me as had another one of those days when weariness overtook me and all I wanted to do was lay down, which is what I did for most of the day.  I did manage to go to church yesterday morning but we didn't go out for lunch.

I just heard on the news this morning that the mayor of New York has decided there isn't enough time in the 9/11 day program to include prayer.  This is just unbelievable.  What is our country becoming?

Etta Sue, it sounds like your cats are two small children with the way they play and get their feelings hurt.  Glad your house had no apparent damage.  That must have been quite a storm you all missed by being away.  Thanks for the devotional for this week.

Judy, there is always a letdown when all the folks leave and the quiet returns.  Hope you all are able to get some rest and feel better today.

Janet, I think we could all benefit from a "weeding out" of items in our homes that we really no longer use or need.  Hope your efforts go well.

Carol, I doubt very much that any paring down we might do would include any projects Pat has started.  Her quilting has brought her untold joy and so glad she has it to do when she feels like it.  I often marvel at how she has been able to accumulate so much fabric.  :)

It is suppose to be much cooler here today and currently is 72 degrees and very overcast. 

Etta Sue

Carol ~ No, I haven't met Bob and Jenny.  Just see the posts on SrNet and Seniors and Friends. 

Janet/JudyB ~ When Mom passed away, I got a lot of things.  Dishes, pots, pans, jewelry but the only furniture was her electric lift chair.  But I got the house also so no moving and storing everything.  But it took me about two months to get the house to where I could move into it.  I still haven't used her dishes...I like my pots and pans better...and seldom wear any of her jewelry.  I like the lift chair though!

Larry ~ Since I got home, I have noticed another limb on the ground.  We has mild wind last evening and see that there is a new limb right behind the house. 

This morning Ivalou and I are going to Marge's.  They, meaning her DIL and nieces and her, prepare breakfast for around 100 people.  It is all in Marge's garage with picnic tables around in the yard.  It is cool this morning.  54 degrees but no wind so it won't be too bad.


Jeanne Lee

Yesterday I had lunch at my daughter's and spent most of the afternoon, just sitting and talking.  Around 4:00 I decided it was time to head home and the 25 mile drive was totally uneventful.  But about 20 minutes after I got home the sky darkened and ten minutes after that the storms began.  Storms like I haven't seen in years.   One storm after another, with hardly a break between, until after midnight.    This morning it's still overcast and predictions are for showers and thundershowers most of the day, with flash flood warnings for the area.  I don't imagine there will be many Labor Day celebrations around here today.

I just thank the Lord that He urged me to head home in time to beat the weather.   :thumbsup:
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Larry The faberic you are refirring to is called her "stash".  As sewers we never have enough of a stash, as there are so many new wonderful faberics coming out that we "must have"!

Yes this is a quieter day inside the house.  Outside it is c-c-c-cold and really windy. The furnace thermostat is set at 50*F I have heard it cycling.  Kass is tired and still in bed.

I have very little on the agenda today. Perhaps just a general tidy up and not much more.


I am having trouble figuring out a place for the small desk I use for this laptop.  If I put it in the living room, I need a rug or something under my office chair, as the wheels will scratch or mar the wood floor.  I got up early and took all 8 drawers out of it, the heavy glass off the top; turned the desk on its back and put felt things on the bottom so it won't scratch.  I moved it and put everything back...but am using the dining room table now until I decide what to get to put under my chair.   :-\

Darrel has consented to let me paint the wood work in the bedroom, so I will get busy on that soon.  I spent hours yesterday afternoon clearing out paper stuff, off the cabinet, bar, desk and dining table.  Boy, that sure did accumulate fast while we couldn't get through the house!  And it is my most disliked chore.  So i am glad it's done!  I took out a good sized waste can full.

After I got things moved from in front of it, Darrel and I carried the silk carpet in and unrolled it in the living room.  It really doesn't appear to be damaged much at all, for which I am very happy!

I think I'll catch a short nap before I start painting and washing windows!
My book Rising Above available at

Ruth Ann Bice

Etta Sue, thank you for the great devotional. I always enjoy your newsy posts.

It's rainy here today. So, I've been cleaning in the apartment. It's a great day to mop, vacuum, dust, and put away "stuff n nonsense." :)

Also I made a great tasting squash casserole made loosely after a Weight Watchers recipe I've used for years. It incorporates squash, onion, a bit of bell pepper, eggs, breadcrumbs and grated cheese. What a nice mid-day break from my labors.

While I've worked, I listened to recorded programs from christian television. A news broadcast, a wonderful church service that I want to listen to once again, great christian music, and a great talk program emanating from Canada called 100 Huntley Street. How inspirational!

Now, to get back to work...

Love y'all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Etta Sue

Breakfast yesterday was so much fun.  A little cool.  Only in the 60's but the conversations were great! 

I came home and took a nap.

When I got up all my limbs from the Saturday night storm are gone!!  I found out this morning that Kaye Don, Barb, their daughter, Keri, and her boy-friend, Jeff are responsible for that.  Now that worry is off my mind!! 

Today is a blood draw for Ivalou.  Then swim rehab and lunch.  Ivalou is going to take something to snack on after the blood draw but we are always hungry after being in the water.

This evening is Beef and Boards.  'Singing in the Rain' will be a great show!!


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We went all day yesterday without receiving anything but a sprinkle in our area.  Other areas around had a lot of rain and apparently a couple of tornados also hit and tore up home.  We did get rain during the night.  I did have a quiet day yesterday.  We moved things around in our bedroom and changed sides of the bed as it will be easier for Pat to get up on the side I had been sleeping on.  We also ordered a drafting chair and are hopeful it will work for her to get around in the kitchen without having to stand on her feet, which is becoming very, very difficult for her to endure.  Today I just have coffee this morning and then a meeting to attend late in the morning.  The rest of the day is clear.

Etta Sue, is the fixing breakfast a ministry and how often do they do this?  This would be quite an undertaking.  Nice of your brother and family to take care of the limbs for you and your sister.  Enjoy the Beef and Boards this evening.  I wish they had something like that around here.  I remember many years ago when we lived in the Kansas City area there were two dinner theaters and they were great fun.

Jeanne, you had good timing on your drive home from your daughter's place.  

Judy, some of that new fabric and designs are very expensive but I agree they are quite attractive.  It has really cooled off up your way.  I don't think we will see over 80 degrees here later this afternoon, which is a nice change for us.  It is suppose to be overcast all day long.

Janet, it sounds like things are getting back to a semblance of normal at your house.  Glad you silk carpet wasn't ruined.  Pat and I both keep our laptops right beside our easy chairs which is very handy.

Ruth Ann, Pat put together a beautiful squash casserole for dinner last evening.  It always makes enough for several meals.  The cheese on top makes it come out of the oven looking like a picture in a food magazine.  It is tasty.  It sounds like you had a productive day yesterday.

Ruth Ann Bice

They're forecasting only a high in the low 60's today. Guess it will be time to utilize that brand new fleece jacket I purchased on sale the other day. :)

Y'all have a wonderful day.

Love to each of you!

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Hello everyone, I arrived back in Oregon and home at 2:pm yesterday. Today I have been doing laundry, went to Walmart for a few things on my way home from the gym. I have photos in my camera that I have to  take our but I did post a couple of pics of Al and Marbeth on Facebook that I took with my phone. I will get around to the pics in my camera  in a day or so, maybe even today.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Since we got that lovely rain of over an inch on Saturday, it has been delightfully cool here, only in the 70s, really pleasant.

Today I got another coat of paint on all the woodwork in the bedroom that I can get to, one corner I can't get to because the furniture there is too heavy for Darrel and me to move.  He has decided, what the hey, paint whatever you want!   ;)  It does give a fresher, more updated look.  The housekeeper was here this morning for a couple of hours, so she got the tile floors swept and mopped and the living room dusted again.  I will be so happy when we don't have so much dust to fight.

I think tomorrow I will hang some of my paintings in the LR, as it just doesn't feel like home to me without them.  If they get dusty, I can clean them again.

I took some paper work by to our insurance agent this morning, was visiting with her and told her I couldn't use my office chair on the wood floor as the wheels would scratch it.  She gave me a nice big heavy plastic mat, which is smooth, to use under my chair!!  So nice of her!  She said she had purchased it and then didn't need it in her new office.  Isn't God good?  He knows what we need, and who can supply that need.  Shanda was delighted that I could use it!

NEWS FLASH!!!  Production is starting on my book!  I got an email this week saying it is time to send in the foreword and the endorsements for it, then another saying I need to choose the multimedia options I want.  It has been so long, and then the water damage, so I really hadn't thought much about it this last month.  Thanks for remembering, Larry!  I will keep you  posted!

And now....I need to get those things emailed  to my publisher!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We had a very cool day yesterday and another on tap for today.  We ended up without getting much rain in our local area.  Our choir director's son a year or so ago opened a pizza business in a town in North Georgia.  It was pretty well destroyed by one of the tornadoes that touched down in the area a couple of days ago.  I will miss choir tonight due to another commitment so won't hear the latest update.  Fortunately, no one was injured just property damage.  I have coffee and Bible study this morning and then a trip to Walmart for Pat.  She still isn't feeling up to getting out and certainly not feeling up to shopping. 

Marilyn, glad to see you had a safe trip and are now home. 

Janet, exciting time with the production of your book moving forward.  The floor mat should certainly protect your hard wood floor.  Both Pat and I use a mat on the carpet or would have a hard time moving our chairs.

Jeanne Lee

I'm beginning to feel as though I should be wrung out.   ;D  It's been raining almost constantly since Sunday night and everything I touch feels damp.  Of course, when I came home from my daughter's late Sunday afternoon, 1/2 hour before the storms began, I completely forgot the back windows of the car were wide open.   :idiot: 

Janet, it sounds as though you are making progress toward getting your house the way you want it.  You wear me out just reading about what you're doing!   ;)
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends, we had a new record high yesterday - it was the coolest temperature for Sept 6 ever recorded here in Nashville, with the high for the day being 59. Brrr - and last week it was in the mid to high 90's!

However, those rains will be very good for our farmers.

Well, must go to physical therapy -

Much love to all,
Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Etta Sue

'Singing in the Rain' was great!  I had seen it before but had forgotten the storyline.  Great show!!  The four of us going now has decided to not join the V.I.P. next year so November 1st will be our last show.  We will see 'It's a Wonderful Life' then.

Larry, the breakfast could be a ministry since about a fourth of our church is Zellers!  But Marge and her husband started having Labor Day breakfast 29 years ago.  Junior has since passed away and Marge has been doing them herself and recently the younger Zellers have been helping out.  But Marge says this is the last year.  She will be 80 years old tomorrow and says it's time to stop.  We will see....famous last words.  Janet reminds me so much of Marge.  Even in looks and stature.  Marge is always busy doing this and that, running here and there, so even if the younger Zellers say we will do everything...she would still be in there whole heartedly!

Janet, I am so anxious to get your book and read it!  I know you will keep us informed.  And it sounds like your home will be back in order soon.  Jealous!  You will have a spic and span home!!

I just took some letters to the mailbox.  Last Saturday it was 100+ degrees here.  Right now it is 60 and starting to mist some rain and the wind is up, too.  I always know when it comes time for my birthday, it is time to get your jackets out!!  Everything goes downhill weather-wise until around March!!

My TomTom GPS went kaput on me before I got 20 miles from home last Friday.  I used Droid Navigation to guide me to Michigan.  I was driving along and it was as if someone just turned of TomTom--not powered down but off.  I tried both auxiliary outlets in the car and nothing.  I have it plugged into the laptop and it turned on fine.  Right now TomTom is updating.  When it is done, I will try it in the car again!!  If it doesn't work then, it must be the DC cable since Droid worked fine in the auxiliary outlet.  Different cables. 

I am not doing much today.  Just some laundry from over the weekend.



Remember that line about 'the best laid plans of mice and men'?  That's my day, so far, anyway.  I wanted to get busy putting the last coat of paint on the wood work in the bedroom early, but it is cloudy here and been raining lightly all day (Thank you, Lord!) so it is pretty dark in there.  Darrel took down the ceiling fan/light, and had a new one to put up, but was I got busy clearing out my closet and sorting clothes to give away.  I have a car full again.  Then I moved all the stuff everybody piled on the guest bed when we were working to get things dried out.  I needed the bed cleared so I'd have a place to pile my clothes on hangers.  Then I moved the shoe shelves out of the closet.  Well, anyhow....he finally got busy putting up the new fan/light, about the time I changed to go to red hats, but needed my help, so I helped, by then it was too late to go, so changed back into painting clothes.

I ate some lunch and decided to check my email before getting busy on that painting!  I will get it done today, if it hair-lips the governor!   ;)  Except for that corner I can't get into, that is.  I took three doors off the hinges and moved them out, so want the paint to get good and dry before hanging them again.

I did get the Foreword and Endorsements sent to my publisher, and got a nice note this morning saying they will try to move production along as quickly as possible, keeping in mind Beth's state of health.  They are really nice people with whom to work!  :)

Etta Sue, I so love live plays, but we have to drive 80 miles each way to attend them, so don't go as often as I'd like.  Why have you four decided not to go any more?

I got my wood burl clock hung this morning, but no paintings as yet!  All in good time......
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Last night was a "J" night - finally fell asleep around 5:00 a.m. and woke up at 8:15.  So today...  the weather is drippy and I'm droopy.   :D
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I hate the J nights.....Tonight will likely be one for me.


I did get my errands done. Lets see, I went tot he gym where I do all the machines except the squat machine. I just don't like that machine. I haven't been doing the rower for quite sometime as I have been trying to take care of my back with all the back pain I have had the last few months.

I went to Walmart after the gym to buy some Pet stain and order eliminator and some multi-vitamins. then I went to the Farmers Market for tomatoes came home for awhile then to the mall to have my nails done. My appt was for 11 am but she didn't get to me until 11:45, the woman before me decided to have her toes  done too when it was my turn. Good thing I had fixed Keith's and my lunch before I left,  I didn't get back home until 12:30, I had called him from the  nail place to tell him he would be home before I would and where to find his lunch.

I took both dogs for a walk together, they like that a lot. I think what I will do now is edit the photos I took over the week end and write  my blog for today and post at least one photo there and try to get some posted on this website too.

Next Monday night I am having another Sleep study,  I need a new machine and the only way I can get one is to have another Sleep study. I need a machine that I can adjust the amount of humidity it puts forth. My  current machine gets so much water in the 6 ft tubing and my mask that it runs down my face and got in my nose the other night.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Oooooh, am I tired!  But I got all that painting done!  Then I took a shower and went to the library to make a scrapbook page, as I just needed a break.  Then went to see Beth and take her some shirts I found in my closet that I knew she would like.

Now that I am home, I have eaten a peach for supper, am checking in here, then will read for a little while and go to bed.  I took some Tylenol because my shoulders/neck are hurting.  And isn't this fascinating?  ;)

'Night, All!
My book Rising Above available at


In our little somewhat borind corner or rural northern Ontario we have found the most exciting things that happen are simple normal "life".  Things like Lloyd got a second cutting of hay this year, and I wonder if Bob's oats will ripen before winter is upon us.

Last night in an act of total boredom Kassie and I went to the C Store and got buttertarts and an Arizona drink each. 

On the way there we saw a man putting out reflective cones, Being of a curious mind we asked questions.....

Here are the answers.

James Cromwell of Babe fame is filming a movie at a local farm and at the main corner we pass to go anywhere!  Now that is news.  Much better than the local gossip!  I may try to go out there and get some pics of the film crew.  Depends on how long it takes to get my work done.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We had a delightfully cool day yesterday and not suppose to be very warm today.  This morning both Pat and I have to go to the dentist.  I had hoped I was through with the dentist for a few months but part of a tooth broke off so expect it will be another crown.  Pat is just going for routine cleaning.  I then have to stop at Walmart to pickup the drafting chair we ordered.  It came to the store very quickly.  Finally, at 12:30 I have the ROMEO's luncheon.  That will be plenty for today.  I had to put on a sweater this morning as very fallish feeling.

Etta Sue

Whew!  41 emails this morning....all delightful!! 

We decided not to attend the plays because 1) we have been going for years 2) we are getting older 3) most are in the winter and 4)we don't need to be out at night driving in all kinds of weather.  So especially, Betty and I are going to watch the local movie theaters and try to attend more movies and eat out also.  Cheaper!!  And we can go for matinees then! 

Today is my class luncheon.  We are going to a Chinese or Japanese buffet.  Teppanyako Grill Supreme Buffet.  Sounds Japanese to me but I am told it is all kinds of food.  According to my GPS it is about 45 minutes away so need to leave earlier than normal. 

And yes, my GPS that did the kaput job on the way to Michigan is working okay now.  I did some updates that took about 4 hours, plugged it in the car and at least, it turned on and let me put the address for Teppanyako in my favorites. 

Sounds like it is going to be some exciting days for a few days!  Yay!

>^..^<    >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<  >^..^<


"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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