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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

Thoughts of the Week January 27

Started by JudyB, January 26, 2013, 11:43:37 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise! New items are being added daily!

Morning Devotional...

What, me worry?

"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life — whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes.

Matthew 6:25 NLT

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

Psalm 55:22 NLT

The mistrust of anxiety

Words of encouragement from the Master are always welcome. The stresses of life come upon us and a brother or sister in Christ reminds us that He is in control. He is sovereign, He knows when the sparrow falls, He numbers the hairs on our heads, He clothes the lilies of the field. He says not to worry about our life, and we welcome the suggestion as an encouraging pat on the back.

But how often do we view this verse as a commandment from on high? It may not carry the force of "Thou shalt not," and it may not have the emphasis of a "Go into all the world," but it is written as an imperative nonetheless. "Do not," Jesus says, and Paul echoes this injunction in Philippians: "Be anxious for nothing" (4:6). These are our liberating orders. We are told not to do something we hate doing anyway.

Dare we suggest by our worry that some catastrophe may slip by without His notice? No, "tragedies" befell Joseph, Moses, David, Jesus, Paul, and others, and God ordained them all for good. All of these surely could have worried, examining their circumstances while going through them. But looking back, we see God's perfect plan unfolding. Therefore Jesus urges, even commands: Do not worry.

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.

Adapted from At His Feetby Chris Tiegreen, Tyndale House Publishers (2003), p 40.

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
(Hold the CTL key down and Click to hear music)

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus."
Hebrews 12:2

Words & Music: by Ira F. Stanphill


I don't know about tomorrow; I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from its sunshine for its skies may turn to gray.
I don't worry o'er the future for I know what Jesus said;
And, today, I'll walk beside Him for He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand.
But, I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand!

Every step is getting brighter as the golden stairs I climb.
Every burden's getting lighter; every cloud is silver-lined.
There the sun is always shining; there no tear will dim the eye.
At the ending of the rainbow where the mountains touch the sky.

Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand.
But, I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand!

I don't know about tomorrow; it may bring me poverty.
But, the One who feeds the sparrow is the One who stands by me.
And, the path that is my portion may be through the flame or flood,
But, His presence goes before me and I'm covered with His blood.

Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand.
But, I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand!

Jane Walker

Thank you, Judy ... I think I've said this before, but this is the song my daughter sang shortly after being diagonosed with terminal cancer.  I can never again hear this without thinking of her. 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is going to be another sunny and nice day down this way.  Pat asked me to fix her breakfast this morning, which I was glad to do as it something I now know how to do well.  Just scrambled a couple of eggs and fixed toast.  I have a load of washing in the machine as she wanted to get the twin bedspread and shams washed before the housekeepers come tomorrow.  I did a couple of other household chores and now that should be done for today.  I am ready for church but don't think Pat is attending this morning as there is a reception after the services this morning in honor of our longtime choir director and asst. director who have resigned.  It will be a sad morning for the chore and those of us who had the privilege to work with these two talented ladies but time marches on and they both feel now is the time for the change.  Pat spoke with Stacey yesterday and she had been able to get a decent nights sleep Friday night and a friend had picked up a refill of her pain medication.  I will bring something home for lunch after church and then have a quiet afternoon and evening. 

Judy, I believe that the Master does calm my tempest and try to keep things in perspective.  If I can do something about a situation I try to do it but it not I let it so.  I do use the Serenity Prayer often.  You sounds like Pat is getting a bit isolated and just yesterday she wanted to go out to lunch at our local Pancake House, which has hamburgers that she really likes.  It was a very nice day and I know she enjoyed being out.

Jeanne, your worrying about the pipes isn't going to have any impact on whether they freeze.  If they freeze they can be dealt with and if they don't you have wasted your peace of mind. I will get off my soapbox and pull for you that the pipes don't freeze. 

Etta Sue, it sounds like you weren't bored yesterday.

Hi Maryilyn and RuthV

Judy, thanks for your devotional.  It says so much better what I wanted to convey to Jeanee, who I know is most aware of it but easy to forget in the midst of turmoil or concern.  Pat and Paul told me of a website called sermonaudio  that has a lot of Charles Spurgeon's sermons read very well by someone else.  I listened to part of one after I went to bed last night.  There are many other ministers listed as well and they told me of a couple of ministers they really like that have sermons on this site.

Marilyn, sure that is both a sweet moment of reflection on the hymn but also sad for you. 


Hi everyone. Just a quick post this morning to say Hi and Gods blessings to you all. I will be leaving right after lunch to hit the road again. Not happy about the short turn around this week again and had a discussion about this with my dispatcher. But I must be thankful that I have a job. Weather is cold up here today but the forecast is for some milder temperatures this week. I like that as the cold im finding harder to take every year. Guess im a good candidate to be a snowbird and go south for the winter. Well must run and get ready to go. Have a good week everyone. Bonsey
Phil. 1: 21. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Jeanne Lee

Larry, I don't worry about the pipes, I just stay aware of the potential, and take what precautions I can to prevent trouble.  Then if that's not enough, it will be time to call for expert repair of the situation.  I'm very much aware that God is in charge, but I also feel he expect me to take such reasonable measures as I am able.   :)
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Etta Sue

I certainly wasn't bored yesterday and even into the night.  I couldn't get to sleep until a couple of hours after going to bed and then I woke up too early and couldn't go back to sleep!! 

Charlene loved the necklace I crocheted for her!  I liked it, too!  I wore it and said to myself if she notices then I will give it to her.  She noticed!  But I crocheted another one this morning...22 minutes!! 

Four of us ladies went out to eat after church today.  Ivalou didn't go to church.  Then this evening is our first evening of Small Groups.  Then Wednesday night is our first Wednesday Night Live Bible Study.  So I again will be busy!  Just wish the weather would warm up. 

One of the ladies lives east of me so I told her if she didn't have to go home that she could come here and then go to Small Groups and then home.  She had some things to do in Noblesville and might come by.  She is hesitant because she is allergic to cats....among many other things. 

It is cloudy and overcast and suppose to start raining and be 40° by 2am.  The weather guessers said freezing rain at 3pm but it isn't raining yet!  If it is  freezing rain by 5pm, I am not going to go to Small Groups!



Jeanne what about contacting a local farmer (if you know one) and have him drop off some bales of hay and use them around the base of the area of the water pipes...Under the trailer so they don't look "stupid"?  would that work to ease the problem?

Etta Sue Sounds like you are heading into a busy season with those Bible studies!

Jeanne Lee

Judy, the ones under the trailer have heat tapes and are insulated.  It's the underground ones from the main line, and the drain between the trailer and the septic tank, that have frozen before.  The potential problem comes from the lack of snowpack, the depth of the underground lines, and the extended bitter cold which  is driving the frost line deeper than usual.  The last time we had this combination I wasn't prepared - followed the trailer park rules and didn't keep water dripping - and got some frozen lines.   Anyway, so far so good.  If it doesn't continue to work, I'll know the Lord is letting me be tested.   :D
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Jeanne:  I remember the days of watching for frozen pipes - in Texas of all places.  Never a problem in Minnesota where they anticipated freezing weather.  Good wishes to you. 

Etta Sue:  22 minutes to crochet a neck scarf - you must be a whiz.  That is so nice everyone can gather for your friend's rememberance. 

Larry:  Yes, everything does work out and we spend too much time fretting over things.  It sounds like it will be very soon that Stacey will have her new "system" worked out. 

We had a phone call from a neighbor at home and he and his wife have the same colds so they have been housebound for almost two weeks as well.  Now, everyone is concerned about a new stomach virus.

We went out for a couple of grocery items and there was a beautiful rainbow on the town when we returned - God's Promise.  What a wonderful reminder!

A veggie soup in the crock pot today. 

Jane:  Thinking of you. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Larry, I sent the teacup reading to a family member who has been sorely tried. The response was that they LOVED it and planned to share with a friend who needed it.

Once, when it went to 15 below zero, we had to put an electric heater in the crawl space to keep the pipes warm enough to flow. And, that was waaaaaay down south here in Nashville, TN! The kids were out of school for weeks because pipes froze in schools, etc. So, I definitely had my science lesson that year about the frost line in the soil.  :o 

My #1 son just left to return to his apartment. He came and finished off that blanket chest, so now I can use it as planned. In fact, it can even be used as seating at my tiny little table if I have guests. (The table only came with 2 chairs, and from stem to stern -- I don't guess a round table has stems and sterns -- the measurement of the table when both leaves are extended is only 36".  So, when company comes, I cover over the sink area with a wooden finished piece of wood designed to become a shelf, and that's where the buffet goes - then we can, if we all sit close, seat about 4 1/2 adults.  :cool:

All together, there's only 500 sq ft in the entire apartment, including an 8x12 walk in closet - that's where my desk and computer live along with long term overhead storage and about 4 feet of out of season clothes hanging on the rod. Also, all cleaning supplies and all bathroom linens are kept in this closet.

So, in this apartment, what you see is truly what you get. There's no place to hide anything. :)

I'm so thankful it's warm, comfortable for me, and a nice place to live in peace and quiet, yet have friends as near as about 80 steps down the hallway. :)

Y'all have a wonderful rest of the day with our Lord.

Ruth Ann

...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Darrel and I went to Amarillo on Thursday and he had the heart cath on Friday, home by 11 Friday night.  We are really disgusted with that doctor, and do not plan to go back.  Will get our family doctor to refer Darrel to a heart doctor in Garden City.  Results:  Found one artery 30% blocked, another 40% blocked, didn't do anything about it.

The van is still not repaired, so we went to Hugoton to Father's House today, thus got to see all the Crawford kin.  Love getting to see them!

Larry, Darrel bought me a Kindle Fire HD while in Amarillo.  I may be asking for assistance with it!  ;)  Curtis did get some things set up on it for me today.Glad Stacey is seeing some improvements in her living arrangements (cleaning) and hope in her health as well.  I guess I missed your posting about getting to meet Pat and Paul again.

I have wasted far too much time on the computer this afternoon!

Marilyn, the video seems to have been taken down.  I tried to see it on Facebook, with the same result.  Obama wouldn't want God to get any glory!

Must run--later!
My book Rising Above available at


Morning all.  I wish I had Pat"s frog "I Fon't Do Mornings" this morning.  However the house is warm, John, in Guelph is doing well, and God is on the Throne!

John has a trainee this week.  Back in November his company overpaid us.  When he checked back pay slips he discovered the mistake and went to the Manager about it.  This time instead taking the overpayment off our pay, they won't be paying him for training, they will take his training pay, and apply it to the overpayment.  It works for our budget as well as for theirs.  They didn't even realize there was an overpayment till John brought it to their attention.  I am so glad I am married to a man with integrity.

I do believe it is time to sing!


When Morning Gilds the Skies
(Click to hear music)

May the Name of the Lord be praised.
Job 1:21

Words: translated from German to English by Edward Caswall
Music: Laudes Domini, Joseph Barnby, in Hymns Ancient and Modern (London: 1868)

When morning gilds the skies my heart awaking cries:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer, to Jesus I repair:
May Jesus Christ be praised!

When you begin the day, O never fail to say,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
And at your work rejoice, to sing with heart and voice,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Whene'er the sweet church bell peals over hill and dell,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
O hark to what it sings, as joyously it rings,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

My tongue shall never tire of chanting with the choir,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
This song of sacred joy, it never seems to cloy,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

To God, the Word, on high, the host of angels cry,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let mortals, too, upraise their voice in hymns of praise,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Be this at meals your grace, in every time and place;
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this, when day is past, of all your thoughts the last
May Jesus Christ be praised!

When mirth for music longs, this is my song of songs:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
When evening shadows fall, this rings my curfew call,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

When sleep her balm denies, my silent spirit sighs,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
When evil thoughts molest, with this I shield my breast,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

The night becomes as day when from the heart we say:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
The powers of darkness fear when this sweet chant they hear:
May Jesus Christ be praised!

No lovelier antiphon in all high heav?n is known
Than, Jesus Christ be praised!
There to the eternal Word the eternal psalm is heard:
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Let all the earth around ring joyous with the sound:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
In heaven?s eternal bliss the loveliest strain is this:
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Sing, suns and stars of space, sing, ye that see His face,
Sing, Jesus Christ be praised!
God?s whole creation o?er, for aye and evermore
Shall Jesus Christ be praised!

In heaven's eternal bliss the loveliest strain is this,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let earth, and sea and sky from depth to height reply,
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Be this, while life is mine, my canticle divine:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Sing this eternal song through all the ages long:
May Jesus Christ be praised!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on an overcast 45 degree morning here in Georgia.  It was a sad day at church yesterday for the choir and former choir members as we said goodbye to our wonderful choir director of 14 years.  Not only was she a real professional she was a teacher and just a kind and caring person.  There was a special after church affair to recognize her long service and many tributes were spoken regarding her.  The occasion also recognized the asst. choir director, who was with us for a couple of years.  The housekeepers are here this morning and I just have my normal Monday activities.  We are going to the Olive Garden for lunch.

Jeanne, glad to see you don't worry about the pipes. 

Ruth Ann, I remember one Christmas season here in Georgia where it got so cold for an extended time that the gas lines couldn't keep enough pressure and furnaces went out.  Our neighbors across the street lost their heat but we didn't.  We did have a fireplace and some wood so didn't get too cold.  It was down to below zero for a couple of days and was in the late 80s as I recall.  That must be some adult that is 1/2.  :)  Stacey has around 500 sq ft in her apartment but has nice closets in each room, including the bathroom and pantry closet in the kitchen. 

Janet, I am glad the blockages are no higher and I doubt any cardiologist would do anything at those readings, but I am no doctor.  You will love the Kindle Fire HD and will be so nice when you travel as you can use it where they have wi-fi.  Feel free to contact me anytime if I can help.  There is a pretty good manual that is in the books section and think it has an icon on the main screen.  We got to spend about 4 hours with Pat and Paul, part of which was sharing a Chinese dinner.

Judy, I am sure John's company appreciated John's honesty in reporting the over payment. 

Jeanne Lee

Yes, indeed:  May Jesus Christ be praised!  Thank you for that hymn, Judy.  :thumbsup:

Janet, it does sound as though it's time to change doctors.  To travel all that distance and get no real result or answer is certainly not acceptable!   >:(
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Here is MONDAY with all of its attendant errands!  It seems Mondays always have more "to dos" than the other days!

I have been to the gym and had a good workout, to the Post Office---and if you haven't been today, when you do go you are in for some shocks!  Everything has changed, as of today, including prices.  >:(  I mailed one of my books to Anthony  whom I am sure most of you remember.  (He started Christian Photographers.)  Anyway, the shipping on the book was FOUR times what it was for the last one I sent internationally!  WOW!  (I  paid the difference, not Anthony, as I had told him I would do that.)

Then I went to see my wonderful Chiropractor, and now as soon as I finish this, I'll shower and get ready to go to lunch at the Senior center.  We are having chicken Parmesan today.  :)

Larry, it is sad to say goodbye to those we have enjoyed knowing and working with, and I'm sure many in your church will miss the Choir director.  None of us like change too much, it seems.  Thanks for the suggestions re the Kindle Fire.  I will check that out.  Right now, Darrel is reading a book on it, so I'm sure we will both enjoy it.  I use the Nook, as well.

Ruth Ann, your apartment sure does sound compact!  I'm sure you have to keep everything in its place!  Maybe that's a good thing?  Good you aren't financially responsible for the repairs and upkeep, anyway.

I need to get with it!
My book Rising Above available at

Etta Sue

Yesterday morning it was so cold like this kitty...20°.  Today?  49°!  And we didn't get the freezing rain that was predicted yesterday by the weather guessers!!

For those of you who crochet, here is the link to
Crocheted Necklace.  Chains and a few single crochets. 

Small groups was fun last evening.  There are to be 16 of us but not sure about a couple of them.  Ruth Ann fixed chili, crackers, cheese and peanut butter sandwiches for all of us last evening.  Then a Chocolate sheet cake with ice cream for dessert.  And drinks.  We are to meet every other Sunday night at the Fair's for 6 lessons.  We are going to study a Max Lucado book called 'Imagine Your Life Without Fear'.  I am sure it will be enjoyable and informative.  We are meeting next Sunday evening and Evelyn, Rhonda and I are in charge of the food!

Today I slept in, trying to catch up on lost sleep from Saturday night.  I have the second load of laundry in the dryer and my stomach is saying it is time to eat lunch...1:15pm!



Speaking of Kindle Fire........that would be neat to have, but not in my view of things to get. :)

I do have an mp3 player that my sister, Faye, gave me a few years back.  I've been listening to worship songs, but today went to a webpage called and have downloaded some audio books for free.  I've read Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray, but am now listening to it.  I downloaded quite a few, so will get them onto my player and have plenty of listening.

I always like reading books by the older see how they did it. :)  I'm always blessed and inspired.

Hello all!  Do you remember me?  :)


Good to see you here Nita.  You have been missed, and prayed for.


Hey!  Doesn't that look like our Nita?  ;)  Good to see you.  And I was quite surprised by Darrel's decision to buy the Kindle Fire.  Now I know why--HE is using it!  Which is fine, I can use the Nook or one of those things made of paper and printed with ink.....what's it called?  Oh, yeah!  A BOOK!  I must admit, if I'd known how much we would enjoy the eReaders, we probably would have had one a lot sooner.

The wind is just awful here today, and we are under wind advisories until 6.  If it goes down, then I will go see Beth.
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another overcast day and but not cold.  I think it is to warm up today before some stormy weather is possible tomorrow.  I have been to Aldi's this morning to get some items and need to rest before putting them up and have a meeting later this morning to attend.  That will be it for today.  Yesterday was just a routine day.  I did some searching and found a life alert system that doesn't require a phone line as it works anywhere the person is using GPS.  I will look into this as well as some other options for Stacey. 

Janet, it sounds like you will have to get Darrel his own Kindle Fire HD as it doesn't work real well sharing.  :)  Is your Nook just the book reader or a tablet?  Your mentioning the space of Ruth Ann's apartment made me recall a report I saw on the news a few nights ago about the 240 sq ft apartments being built in NYC and renting for over $900 a month on up.  Some are a bit bigger but the idea is to keep them very small with fold up bed and some fold up furniture. 

Etta Sue, no freezing rain is a very good thing.  Thanks for sharing the picture of the necklace as I couldn't visualize what it would look like.  It is very attractive.  Your book study sounds interesting.

Nita, you might be interested in a website that Pat and Paul told me about when they were here.  It is called Sermonaudio ( and that thousands of sermons that you can listen to and I believe can download.

Janet, they announced yesterday that Barnes and Noble will be closing many of their retail stores over the next 10 years.  The ebooks seem to be taking over the book world but sure it will be a long time before they replace the paper book. 


When I See the Blood
(Click to hear music)

"When I see the blood, I will pass over you." Exodus 12:13

Words & Music: John G. Foote & E. A. H (Elijah A. Hoffman?), 19th Century


Christ our Redeemer died on the cross,
Died for the sinner, paid all his due.
All who receive Him need never fear,
Yes, He will pass, will pass over you.


When I see the blood, when I see the blood,
When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you.

Chiefest of sinners, Jesus will save;
As He has promised, so He will do;
Oh, sinner, hear Him, trust in His Word,
Then He will pass, will pass over you.


Judgment is coming, all will be there.
Who have rejected, who have refused?
Oh, sinner, hasten, let Jesus in,
Oh, He will pass, will pass over you.


O great compassion! O boundless love!
Jesus hath power, Jesus is true;
All who believe are safe from the storm,
Oh, He will pass, will pass over you.



It is amazing how much you can get done when ou have something to do that you have waited for....for a long time!  I finally got logged into the Bible study course on line that I have been waiting for since the begnning of the month! Working on Leaaon 3!!!  Now to shovel the outside walk so I can get back at it!

Etta Sue

Back to square one.  The temperature got up in the fifties and the heat pump is doing what it was doing the last day of the year!!  Blowing out cool air.  So I found another company that works on Mitsubishi Electric Split-type Air Conditioners and they are to be here in the morning between 8 and 10am!  Hope they find out what is wrong! 

Funny thing is, is this is the same company that put in the original furnace in this house back in 1960!  It is probably owned now by grandchildren and has changed the name now.

I went to the pool this morning and then to a grocery to get in some items.  I needed a battery for my garage door opener remote but couldn't find one at the grocery.  So stopped at a Batteries Plus place and got one there! 

This evening is the Meal On Us at church.  Ivalou and I plan to go and I will call Betty to see if she wants to go also! 

Hi Nita!!!


Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It's been a busy few days here, but I've taken most of the time off the past 2 days since I feel a cold coming on - stuffy nose, inflamed sinuses, and beginnings of a chest cough.

So, will be "a good girl" and stay in and warm and quiet.

I, too like that necklace, and of course, it can be made in any size to fit any person's neck. I think I'll get my crochet hook down and make one - I have some yarn here that's just begging for some attention. ;)

Y'all have a good day, and I'm praying for those poor folk in Joplin, MO who were hit by another tornado today. Those storms are predicted to be here in the midst of the night.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann

p.s. - NITA! How we love you and are so glad you've come back to join us. Maybe you'll inspire others of our members that we are missing to return, too. :)
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Gord Brown

 :) Hi to all yes I am actually posting during the day I know it is hard to believe,  Well I have read the posts and it seems that you are all keeping busy.  Noreen and I are busy helping looking after the grandchildren as there parents have to work and daycare is so expensive .  Today it has been raining very heavy and for a long time but one thing it does do is get rid of the snow which we have not had to much of in the Niagara Region.

Nita:  It is so good to see you on C.P. again and we will continue to pray for you.  :thumbsup:

Larry.  It is good to here that your daughter seems a little better and I hope that you and Pat are looking after yourselves. :coffee:

HiPat. Big sis.  How are you I miss seeing you on C.P. but I am sure that your are busy Say hi to Paul. :)

Judy B.  Hi it was so nice to talk to you God's richest blessings to you and John. :thumbsup:

Well must go for now and to all others on C.P. may you all have a wonderful blessed week and many opportunity to witness for our Lord and Saviour.  Love in Christ.  Gordon and  Noreen. :cp: :rocker: :pine:
T Gordon Brown


Thank you for the wonderful welcome back. :)

I just heard this morning that we are supposed to have about 7 days with no rain!  Maybe I can get out and do some cutting back on some things.  It should have been done before...but I didn't.  I hate going out in a soggy lawn and dark clouds, ready to rain, or already raining.

I think I'm back because (you know about Faye, my sister) I find myself wanting to reconnect, pull near and be gathered around small groups that are believers and where I've felt love and connectedness before.  I know it's a comfort thing.  I've been on Facebook because all of my family post there, and haven't been posting anywhere but there.  I still will...but I just wanted to come back to you too. <3

You are dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and Faye's journey has moved me realizing that all that matters is loving God, belonging to Jesus, and loving His children.....believers and unbelievers...for Christ died for all As she said, love you've shown and love you've known....that's all that matters after you know you are secure in the Lord.   You are lovely, loving people.......yes, you are!   

I'm grateful to know you.  I mean that with my heart.


Larry, I'm not sure about the Nook.  I know you can get some "aps" for it, but haven't explored those options as yet.  I do want to learn to use the Kindle Fire HD though, so I can get email on it, post here, etc.  It will be so much easier to carry than this laptop when we travel.  And I need to find out how to get more books on the Nook, without paying more for them than I would for paperback books.  Seems to me Barnes and Noble's prices are pretty high for their eBooks.  Amazon is cheaper!

What a day!  I was up early, went to the gym, home to shower and change, to the doctor with Darrel, then lunch, brought Darrel home, back to town to see Beth, go to Alco to exchange the heated mattress pad that didn't work, go by to check on the van, then to the dentist for my teeth to get cleaned.  They found two broken fillings, so I have two more appointments.  :-\.  And tonight is our Bible Study at our small group.  I'm sleepy already!

Nita, good to have you stop by and reconnect!  Love you!

Larry, I heard about those tiny apartments in NYC that "Nanny" Bloomberg is pushing.  What a horrific price for a "closet!"  I'm glad I live in the sticks in Kansas where we at least have elbow room!

Our pinto beans are done, so think I will eat my supper now!
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Janet, what a whirlwind of a day!  Are you dizzy yet?   ;D

Nita,  :wave: it is so good to see you posting here again.  I miss you when you're not around.   
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As Nita says..... you at C.P. show God's love in every post. I'm so happy He is our Lord and King. Nita, thank you for posting Faye's comments as she journeys home. I will continue to pray for a complete healing, however God knows the present and the future (the whole picture) and I will pray that His will be done.

I'm sure everyone on C.P. would love to put their arms around you and the family as you travel this road.

On a personal note, it's been a busy day (not as busy as Janet's!!), bookkeeping, phoning and arranging stuff for my husband . I have only gone out to shovel and clear the satellite dish.

God Bless, and we will see you all tomorrow.


I have not heard about Jopin and tornadoes - sending prayers for those people. 

Nita:  Nice to read your post.  You are strong in faith and will persevere.

RuthV:  Wouldn't you think those expensive techie satellite dishes would clean themselves?    ;D  We have one at home but now going back to nothing when we return after all, we lose hours upon hours of television when the snow drops in that spot. 

Ruth Ann:  Thank you for the description of your home.  Now I can visualize you in your cozy but most hospitable place.  Nice that you have a room in the building to meet with your friends as I assume it is in your building where you play the piano for your gatherings.  I hope there is a place for all of you to go in case of a tornado siren... 

Missed a call from a cousin who wants to visit next week and bringing a cousin on her side so we will work that out & have a lunch for them.  This table sits 4 but I am hoping the patio will be warm enough for the men or else we have two little chairs so will just have to sit six in 4 places.  No room for another 1/2 person.  We will make it work. 

Hello Gord!  Nice to see you checking in here.  Regards to Noreen.  Rain?  You would think it would still be snowing in your area. 


Just home from Bible study.  We are studying Genesis, and really digging into it, and there is much richness there.  No matter how many times we read it, there is always fresh insight to be had.

Yesterday we had temps of 75 degrees---today we had snow!  You can't say Kansas weather is boring!

I discovered yesterday evening that there was water in the bottom of the lavatory cabinet in our bathroom.  It hadn't quite ruined the wood as yet, so I removed everything and dried it out good.  We couldn't tell from where the water came, and when I checked later, it was wet again!  So I called Lon (who did all the remodel after the flood) and he came right out and found the faucet was broken up inside.  He turned the water off to it and came back today.  Took the faucet off and said we need a new one, which will likely mean a trip to Garden City.  Sometimes living in a small town is a nuisance.  Well, only when you need to buy something and nobody here has it.  So we are using the laundry room bath to brush our teeth.  ;D  (See how clean they are?)  Ha!

I want to read a little bit before I go to sleep.  Goodnight, all!
My book Rising Above available at


Hi Everyone...

I got home from Winchester late Sunday night and slept most of yesterday to get rested up!  LOL

Tonight, my friend who was looking after my cat, Lauren, brought her home.  I bought her a small teapot and two mugs with spoons that matched created by the Audubon Society with sweet birds in flowers on it.  We'll enjoy tea together soon.  :)  This was a "thank you" for minding the cat.

When with Larry and Pat in the restaurant, the waiter took our photo and here it is:

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Great picture of you all.

Janet, can't you use a lending library to get books for your nook?  The books come in many formats.  Even with the mp3 player there were audio books I could get, so I'm sure they have E books.

I read this:  "(CNN) -- About three quarters of American public libraries currently lend out e-books, and in the past year libraries have seen a sharp growth in e-book borrowing. Still, well over half of U.S. library card holders don't know whether their local public library lends e-books, according to a new Pew report."

Maybe yours does.

Etta Sue

A service man is working on my heat pump as I am typing!  I sure hope he finds a problem because I know there is a problem!  It is working right now but when I asked him what he did, he said he just turned it on!!  Grrrr!! 

Tonight is the first night for our Wednesday Night Live Bible Study.  I am sure it will be a booklet and videos of someone.  It will last about 6 weeks but not sure if it is weekly or bi-weekly!

Today is Tony, my son, birthday...he is 52 now.  I don't mind saying that I am 70 but 52 is too old for a son!!  So everyone say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TONY!

Hello to all who has posted and to those who haven't....shame on you... ;)



Hope you get your heat pump fixed, Etta Sue.  There's nothing like a nice warm home.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


For you, Etta Sue. :thumbsup:  I am posting even before coffee.  And now.......I need to try to wake up.   I'll sit in my recliner with a cup of coffee and two dogs on my lap.  That's the way we roll around here.

Jeanne Lee

You're so right, Pat.  It's great to have a nice, cozy, warm home.  :) And then every time I give thanks for it in weather like we had last week, I am reminded of the poor homeless who have to resort to over-crowded public shelters - or worse yet, no shelter at all.   :'( 
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Etta Sue, is it not frustrating when what is broken, works when a repair man looks at it. That has happened to me with the car; fortunately the latest mechanic knew what was wrong by our description.  Now to just get the part!!!

Pat, lovely picture!! It's really great when we C.P.ers can meet each other this side of "home"!!

Jeanne Lee

And of course, I forgot to say how much I enjoy that picture, Pat, of you, Paul, Larry and Pat!    Thanks for sharing it with us.  :)
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127

Gord Brown

 :)  Good morning to all.  I just came back in from doing my volunteer at the mission and it was very quiet today at the pick ups that I did today. :thumbsup:  It is still raining a lot and now the wind is blowing a lot and our weather is supposed to get colder again and stronger winds.

Pat.  That is a very nice picture of you all I saw it on your face book ones.  Hope that you are well.

Etta Sue.  I sure hope that you get this furnace heat pump fixed.  It seems that when the technician comes to look at them they are o.k. and I have had the same thing with my cars. It is a real pain.

Well all the rest of you have a great day and for those of you who read but do not post we would love to be able to pray for you and your families so don;t be shy.  God's richest blessings to all.  Gordon and Noreen. :thumbsup: :cp: :rocker: :bananadance: :pine:
T Gordon Brown


We Have An Anchor
(Click to hear music)

"An anchor for the soul, firm and secure." Hebrews 6:19

Words: Priscilla J. Owens, 1882.

Music: William J. Kirkpatrick


Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift, or firm remain?


We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love.

It is safely moored, 'twill the storm withstand,
For 'tis well secured by the Savior's hand;
And the cables, passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy that blast, thro' strength divine.


It will surely hold in the Straits of Fear—
When the breakers have told that the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o'erflow.


It will firmly hold in the Floods of Death—-
When the waters cold chill our latest breath,
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the Veil.


When our eyes behold through the gath'ring night
The city of gold, our harbor bright,
We shall anchor fast by the heav'nly shore,
With the storms all past forevermore.



Well I did post but the post went poof. 

Gord stay long enough to sing with us!

It rained here all night, the snow is melting quickly right now, however this is the leading edge of a Colorado low, and we expect to be blasted with snow later today.  John called warning me not to go out.

The fellow John is training is from Russia.  He would be interesting to talk to and learn about his country. 

Have a great day folks!

Jane Walker

Happy Birthday, Tony!   :)

I've been here for a while.  Waiting for the bank to open.   :-\  I got a call last night from the fraud dept. saying they had noticed attempted charges on my bank card!   Someone tried to purchase a ticket on Kuwait Airlines for more than $1,000.   :ticked:  I'm sure glad it didn't go through, and very grateful that the bank caught it and called me about it.  I wonder who and how someone could have gotten hold of my card number.  hmmmm  Anyway, the card was deactivated immediately, and I have to go to the bank today and have a new one issued.

I also found a charge on my credit card statement that I did not make.... I have already entered a dispute for that one!  How does this stuff happen, anyway?  I'm guessing it has something to do with the phony email that went out in my name saying I was in Cyprus with a sick cousin and needed money!   :clobber:

At least I can take care of all this without too much inconvenience. 

Y'all take care now, and I'll be back d'rectly.....  ;)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  According to the TV we may be in for a pretty tough weather day here in Georgia but it will still be warm.   It sure is too warm for the end of January.  I attended Bible study this morning   I did talk with the Lifeline people again yesterday and the man assured me that the Lifeline will work on the same line as the pacemaker/defib monitor.  He also said that next month they are coming out with the GPS systems since so many people are going to cell phones and doing away with the land line. He also explained more that if a person became unconscious while lying down the Lifeline probably wouldn't detect it as that feature is based on falling to trip the sensor.  I will also check with another company that has a GPS system. 

I am running late today since I was gone all morning I am limiting my individual comments today as I need to rest. I have to research info on the gps life alert system that I purchased on Walmart this morning.  It is much less expensive a month than other plans but want to read the comments and reviews.

Judy, I know you will enjoy the Bible study you are doing.  Are you tested on the work as you go along or is it not that type of study?

Etta Sue, not good that you are having more problems with the heat pump.  At least it sounds like they will give you prompt service and have been in business a long time.

Ruth Ann, I think I heard on the radio a little bit ago that the Nashville area had some severe weather already today.  We are under a tornado watch until 4 pm.  They had a tornado in Adairsville, GA this morning, which is north of Atlanta.  Sure hope you cold doesn't develop full blown.

Nita, we are glad to have you back posting and feeling the contentedness of this group. 

Janet, if you can get apps on the Kindle then I suspect it is some form of a tablet and has wi-fi built in.  Are their icons on the main page?  If so that is a good indication it is more than an ebook reader.  Not good news on your dentist appointment.  I have a cleaning appointment in the morning. 

Jane, sorry to hear about the fraud on your bank account and glad they called you.  Stacey has indicated she is having a problem with someone charging her debit card for a cab ride in New York City.  That is all she needs.

Etta Sue

    How Great is our God!!!

            Our Creator and Redeemer . . . and do we THINK about it ???

            God's accuracy may be
            observed in the hatching of eggs.. . . . .

            For example: -the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
            -those of the canary in 14 days;
            -those of the barnyard hen in 21 days;
            -The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days;
            -those of the mallard in 35 days;
            -The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days.

            (Notice, they are all divisible by seven, the number of days in a week!)

            God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant.
            The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made. God planned that this animal would have a huge body, too large to live on two legs. For this reason He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.

            The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first. A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first. How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation!

            God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and segments, as well as in the number of grains.

            -Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind.
            -Each orange has an even number of segments.
            -Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
            -Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.
            -Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.

            -The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather.

            -All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks, and the Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundred fold all even numbers.

            God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day. Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!

            The lives of each of you may be ordered by the Lord in a beautiful way for His glory, if you will only entrust Him with your life. If you try to regulate your own life, it will only be a mess and a failure. Only the One Who made the brain and the heart can successfully guide them to a profitable end.

            I HOPE YOU FIND THIS AS FASCINATING AS I DID. May God Bless You In Ways You Never Even Dreamed. I didn't think twice about forwarding this one.

            The Bible.....
            When you carry "the Bible", Satan has a headache, when you open it, he collapses,
            when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength, AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you! And did you also know...

Etta Sue

The heat pump is working right now.  I am a little devious because of him telling me that the unit wasn't installed works great when it works.  I only paid for a service call today but he is coming back once he gets some parts from Mitsubishi and fix the unit so that it will be under 'their' warranty.  He can't warranty work on someone else's faulty installation.  Something was mentioned about the wrong freon...and only two screws was holding the outside case on the unit outside!!  It's a wonder it didn't blow away last night...I even got up and turned on the TV to see if a tornado was in the area!! 

Anyway, the cost will be less than a new unit.  They have me over a barrel.  I want my heat pump so I just about have to do what they say!  I wish sometimes I was a heating and air expert so I am not taken advantage of!!  Maybe if I were a man.... <3


Good morning Everyone, I have been here daily reading the postings, however I didn't have much to say or enough time to say it. It was just a quick run through before going to work.  It is god to see Nita and Jane posting and also Pat and Gord posting in the day time.

Today I have been to the gym and done a few things around the house and shampooed my hair. I am off until Sunday. Well it's time for me to make lunch for Keith he will be home soon.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Thanks for the hint, Nita.  I will take both the Nook and the Kindle to our library and see what they have to offer in the way of eBooks.

Larry, I don't think I know enough yet about the Kindle to do what I want to do.  I think it is quite a lot like an iPad, am I right or wrong on that?  My grandson's wife won a Nook just like the one I have, and they had put several aps on it for the little girls to play games---so, is it a tablet?  I sure don't know!  Both the Nook and the Kindle have wi-fi built into them, I do know that.

Hope you get the lifeline figured out for Stacey soon.  Good to see you and Pat in the photo with Pat and Paul.  Wish Darrel and I could have joined you!

Our little snow is fast melting, and will likely be gone by tomorrow.

Etta Sue, hope you soon have the heat pump problems resolved and without too much expense.

I am reading a wonderful book (Hard back) called Dead Heat.  It is a novel about the End Times, and even though it's a novel, it closely follows scripture; just with made-up characters.  I can barely put it down!

My book Rising Above available at


JAne there are people with scanners out there that can scan your cards as you use them, also they can scan them when they are in your purse/pocket.  A good idea would be to get one of the metal card holders that protects the information on the card.  That is what I use all the time.

It is still warm enough that the snow is melting.  I'm wishing for colder weather so this early melt stops.  Not -30* weather just a bit colder.

Larry yes I have tests to do with each lesson, and cannot get the next lesson until the test is done.  I am thoroughly enjoying this.

Keep Heather in your thoughts as she walks through the college course she is taking.  It is quite a shake up for her husband and family!  She is enjoying the work though.

Have a great day.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It looks like we are going to have a sunny day.  We had continued rain throughout most of the night but the storms had moved on.  However, there was strong wind most of the night.  At least we didn't lose power.  I will have to leave in less than an hour to go to the dentist for my 6-month cleaning appointment.  I will be glad to have that past for another time.  Depending on how Stacey is feeling today I may go down to wish her a Happy 48th Birthday in person.  We already celebrated with her earlier in the month when we were down there.  I do need to take this 5 Star Urgent Response System to her so she can start being protected.  They did come yesterday and fixed her power chair so she is mobile again.  However, yesterday she wasn't feeling up to getting out. 

Etta Sue, that was an interesting piece on God's plan for nature.  Sorry to hear you didn't get the correct installation of the heat pump.  How are we to know.  Hope they get it fixed up for you this time.  I would think it would be an EPA violation to use the wrong freon but guess the company is out of business now so not worth fighting.

Marilyn, I have been missing your postings so glad to see your message yesterday. 

Janet, it sounds like the Nook is a tablet if it can run apps.  Along the top does it list several menu items with apps being one of them?  The wi-fi built into both the Nook and Kindle are for downloading things from those companies and I believe you have to connect to your own wi-fi through the settings in order to use the features of the tablet like email and web surfing.  I am decided to go with the Lifeline unit I purchased yesterday as it will give her security whereever she goes in the city.  I wish you and Darrel could have joined us at the Chinese place as well. 

Judy, I understand that putting the card in an aluminum sleeve will also protect the cards.  Glad you are enjoying your Bible study so much.


In a bit of a hurry today I will post the hymn this afternoon.

Jeanne Lee

The wind is blowing!  and blowing!  and blowing!  "They" say gusts may be 60 mph and sustained winds are 25 to 30.

We lost power for a few seconds - just long enough to set the clocks blinking.   >:(   The ground is so saturated it's very likely trees will be coming down and if they then take wires down, we may very well lose power for a longer period.  So if I seem to disappear that's likely the reason.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


We are having sunshine in our neck of the woods.  It's beautiful........all round and yellow and matches the blue sky.  I think every green thing is reaching up to touch it. :)

Have to head out for a doc appointment, so will take advantage and do a few more errands.

Prayers for today are that we may all feel HIS presence all around us.  I so need God's touch, His mercy, His grace, His Father-ness.

Jane Walker

G'Mornin'    :)
Judy, I have never had my card out in public.... it is a debit card, and I use it for online purchases or bill paying, mostly.  I have used it at the ATM and when wiring money to my granddaughter last week.  These attempted charges were in France and Kuwait!!  Even the young man at the bank was baffled.  Says it could be some "computer nerd" or a "bad guy" from inside .... They are monitored very closely at my bank, he said, but suppose it could happen somewhere within the system.  My bank card number is nowhere in my email and elsewhere (the bank and accounts I pay online) only the last four numbers are used ... Oh well, the attempted charges were denied, and I have been issued a new card.   :thumbsup:

P.S. Hi Nita ... you came in while I had my head down, typing !   :wave:

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Hello! My goodness, it is the same here with the wind. It has been going all night like this. Gusts up to 90 mph. Pine needles are glued to the patio door from the wind and rain.  I am glad that we don't have a fishing boat tied up to the wharf. We went through this once before when we had what was called, "The Groundhog Day Gale".  My dear FIL had just sold his fishing boat and it ended up being broken up at the wharf. Sad for the new owners (this was quite a few years ago) I do pray those that do have to work on the water, keep safe. A fisherman's job can be so dangerous. I remember worrying about my DH and FIL when they were out there.  FIL has passed on, and DH is retired so no worries for us in that department.
It was nice to read all your posts. I enjoy them so much and then learning about other parts of the country.
Hard to believe that this is the last day of January. Even though I don't care for winter it seems to be going fast enough. I have been ordering my garden seeds and planning out the garden spaces of what goes where.  Early I know, but it is a good winter pastime to get this all planned out.  We have two large vegetable gardens. They keep me very busy from spring until harvest then canning and freezing.  I do look forward to it and enjoy it though.
God bless you and keep you safe as you trust in him
All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made

Etta Sue

As I am sitting here at the front window, it is snowing....sideways!  We had terrific wind again last night and snow today!  It isn't accumulating much but still snow!  And yes, the last day of January.  We need to get through two more months and April will bring showers....and lawn mowing!

Well, the temperature on the heat pump was set at 72°.  I got up in the night and my furnace had been on....registers warm.  So I checked.  69° in the house but the heat pump was throwing out warm air.  Since getting up I change the fan on the heat pump to high and the temp to 73°.  Just checking now...temp in the house 73°.  I just know that something is still wrong but at least, it is throwing out heat!! 

Today was bed changing day and the old linens are clean, folded and put away.  My Bible reading was long today since I was interrupted yesterday by the service man. 

Wednesday Night Live Bible study last night is on the book of Matthew.  Bob Russell, a retired minister from
Southeast Christian Church in Louisville is the teacher on video.  Steve prints questions and the answers are provided in the video.  We will meet every Wednesday night for 6-8 weeks!

Nothing else planned today but staying in and keeping warm!



What Shall I Give Thee, Master
(Click to hear music)


What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Thou who didst die for me.
Shall I give less of what I possess,
  Or shall I give all to Thee?

Jesus, my Lord and Savior;
  Thou hast giv'n all for me;
Thou didst leave Thy home above
  To die on Calvary.
What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Thou hast giv'n all for me;
Not just a part or half of my heart,
    I will give all to Thee.

What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Thou hast redeemed my soul;
My gift is small but it is my all—
  Surrendered to Thy control.


What shall I give Thee, Master?
  Giver of gifts divine!
I will not hold time, talents or gold—
  For everything shall be Thine.



It is amazing how quickly I have been able to check everything. Hi speed is truly wonderful!

The weather seems to be the main topic of conversation right now, here on CP and in the public  It is 12*F where I am sitting in my car, and the wind is blowing.  Christa stay warm, you too Jeanne.  I will. have to light the fire when I get home, didn't bother before I left.  You know because of the dampness it feels colder than when it is -40!

Have a great day folks.


Our daughter and family is in Minnesota for the weekend.  It is the school's Family Weekend, one of two each year and I just wanted to mention that the wind chill is minus 22 F.  I told her that she can do this for after all, there was a school day when  school was not closed and the wind chill was minus 70 degree F.  I personally drove everyone to school that day. 

We just came back from a walk and it feels so good to get out of this place and not cough - our colds are improving.  I have set up two days for lunch here next week.  Yea - meeting people again. 

Love the picture!  The one with the two Pats, one Paul and one Larry!  What a great time you must have had visiting. 

My next book to read is Max Lucado's Grace - this is a library book.  There are always a couple of Lucado's little books in the house just to pick up and browse at times. 

Jane:  There are wicked people out there and why they have to steal everything, I'll never know.  So glad you had a phone call. 

Stay safe while there are storms surrounding so many places. 


Jane, thank God for on-the-ball bank transaction checker-uppers.   I had an email once, regarding a transaction, but it was mine.  They must have just been reassuring themselves since it was an email and not a call.  I'm so glad they caught it for you.

Boy, the weather sounds bad all over....except for here....our cold is over for now and we're having sunshine.  Rain is coming again though.
This IS Oregon, after all. :)

I felt pretty good today.  Maybe getting outside is good for me.  Ya think? lol 

Carol, I like Max Lucado too.  He writes like I think. :)


Judy, do you have high speed now?  That's wonderful if you do.

The wind here overnight has been horrendous.  Today was garbage day and I have all kinds of cardboard on my sidewalk and on the front lawn and garden from someone's garbage.  :(   Oh well...

Larry, I hope that Stacey starts to feel a bit better.

Christie it's great to hear from hou.

Nita, praying for your whole family.

And to the rest a big "Hello!!!!"

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Pat I was sitting outside Tim Hortons. Took about 20 minutes to do all that I had to do.  It was so good to have everything done that fast.

I was talking to Heather a little while ago.  Yesterday it seems all Ontario had rain that froze overnight and today snow.  While walking home Heather slipped and fell straightback on her head.  I suspect her brains were shaken from the impact.  When we were talking she sounded terrible and said her whole head was throbbing.  I am hoping her husband is on the ball and calls the ambulance if she gets worse.  I am 6 hours away, my hands are tied.  This is such a helpless feeling.

I have the first section of my bible study done.  Just the written test left to do.  Then on to section 2.  This is so enjoyable! 

I'm hungry and need to go to bed.  Nigt all see you tomorrow.

Gord Brown

 :)  Just reading all the posts again and the weather has been terrible here also some of my neighbours  got some small damage but it is just the time that it takes to get it fixed. :coffee:

Etta Sue:  I am glad to here that hopefully your furnace will be fixed very soon you must be getting  very frustrated. :thumbsup:

Larry:  Glad to here that your daughter got her  power chair fixed they do cost a lot of money to keep maintained as they are so expensive to buy I used to deliver them from where I worked for a while.  Many people have them here where I live.  Look after each other. :coffee:

Must get to sleep.  Love in Christ.  Gordon and Noreen. :) :snowman: :rocker: :cp: :pine:
T Gordon Brown

Jeanne Lee

Good morning and Happy February!   :cheer:

The wind has stopped, at least for a while, but it left some pretty cold temperatures behind.   Another month before we can start to depend on a little more warmth, and then a month after that spring will be starting to pop. 

Yesterday afternoon I replenished my pantry and freezer, and my propane tanks were filled two days ago, so now I'm all set for a while.  All I have left now is to go pay my property tax and then I think I'll just hibernate and leave the weather to the Lord.   ;D

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We Shall Behold Him
(Click to hear music)

Words and Music by Dottie Rambo

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

The sky shall unfold, preparing His entrance;
The stars shall applaud Him with thunders of praise.
The sweet light in His eyes shall enhance those a waiting,
And we shall behold Him then face to face.

And we shall behold Him, we shall behold Him
Face to face in all of His glory;
And we shall behold Him, Yes, we shall behold Him
Face to face, our Saviour and Lord.

The angels shall sound the shout of His coming,
The sleeping shall rise from their slumbering place.
And those who remain shall be changed in a moment,
And we shall behold Him then face to face.

And we shall behold Him, we shall behold Him
Face to face in all of His glory;
And we shall behold Him, Yes, we shall behold Him
Face to face, our Saviour and Lord.
We shall behold Him, our Saviour and Lord.


We Shall Behold Him....I love that song. :)

Judy, maybe that means Heather is ok.

I am looking out my window at sunshine this morning. Yes, first day of February, 2013.  There will never be another.  Sitting here with my cup of coffee....Seattle's Best.  I received a sample in the mail so made it this morning.  Not my best, but maybe it's a Seattle thing. lol

We are blessed to be sharing this day. Right?  God has planned our day, our days and our final hour.  Can you imagine?  We Shall Behold Him!  Face to Face!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I am late getting here this morning as it was the morning I needed to pay bills and take care of some other business.  I did go to coffee at the Senior Center.  It is currently 36 degrees outside and the sun is shining.  Winter has returned as to be in the high 20's tonight.  Pat didn't feel like getting out today so don't expect to have to go anywhere but to the mailbox and that suits me fine.  Am going ahead and posting before reading the messages from yesterday and today.  If I can't control myself I will post more but will be from my iPad, which makes it a little more difficult to post.

Etta Sue

The wind was still terrific last night and the temps got down to single digits!  I didn't think the heat pump would work when it was that low but it did!  My house cooled some but still it was comfortable!  But I am sitting here drinking some hot tea.  The mailman just went by and I am dreading on going out for the mail.  I may just wait until tomorrow!

A church member loaned me a book to read....'To Heaven and Back' by Mary C. Neal, MD.  I started it yesterday.  A very good book.  I recommend it!

And I found out a niece got married yesterday.  The niece that had breast cancer three years ago.  Finally Keri is Mrs. Jeff Moore!

And her daughter, Jenna, sent me a message on FB to see if I could make her a scarf...picture included.  So I told her I could but for her to purchase the yarn, talk to the clerk to see how much yarn is needed and a possible pattern!  It's in her ball park now... 

I need to get busy and finish with the internet and then find some lunch.  Then read!!  Today seems like Saturday to that means I have another day to finish the book and take it back to Nancy on Sunday...

My toes are cold!



Hmmm.....I thought I posted yesterday, but maybe not.  I had another busy day, as I spent four hours interviewing Dr. Tillotson, who practiced medicine here in Ulysses for 30 years.  Very nice, interesting man.  Then I spent another four hours typing up his story.  THEN I couldn't sleep; was still awake at 5 this morning, finally fell asleep for a few minutes but had to get up to be at Pat's by 8:30 so we could put color on each other's hair.  So this is likely what I will do this afternoon.... :sleepy: 

I am trying to learn how better to use the Nook and the Kindle.  And I have been asked to work at the care home tomorrow.  :-\

Hope Heather is all right, and everybody here, as well.  See you later when I can think more clearly.
My book Rising Above available at


Heather is still suffering major big time.  I'm encouraging her to go to the hospital, however she would have to take the bus to got there, that isn't a very nice way to go.

John is finally on his way home and he has made it clear he isn;t going out till Monday morning.  Yeaaaa

Have the final test to writ for the first section of the bibe study.  Looking forward to getting that done.


Hello everyone,  Judy Heather needs to get herself to the hospital ASAP, head injuries are nothing to put off. Praying she will be able to go to the hospital. I am still wishing I had gone in when I fell last April, I still have short bursts of vertigo but not like it was for 7 long months. I waited a week before I even called my doctor and was told that was too long. I really don't think it was though.

Yeah Nita and Jane lots of nice warm sun shine here today. When I took Happy for his walk we  went down the stairs into Boynton Park, then up those steep stairs to Skyline baptist parking lot. Happy got within 3 steps of the top and wanted to go back down, I was having none of that and kept urging him until he made it up those last 3 steps, gotta keep that old boy in good shape. Bebe only wanted to walk about ½ block.

We will be going out to our usual Mexican Dinner with friends to Los dos Amigos this evening.

Oh yeah by the way in 10 months I have lost 20 lbs and 2 sizes using Sensa. it does work, I was on a plateau from October until this month. I had to eat more calories in order to lose the weight. Women are supposed to have 1200 calories per day after hey subtract the amount of calories they have burned. So I have to eat from 1650 to 1985 calories depending how much exercise I do  to burn them off. I've done real good this month, but sometimes I feel like I am over eating but actually I am not. Men have to eat at least 1800 calories.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

My internet's been down almost all week, so here I am, finally, using the church's. Mine will be back up and running tomorrow, thank goodness.

Got to go - the meeting has stopped and folk are leaving.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


JudyB:  It is always a concern when you are not right there for the children.  Hugs & a prayer.

Terrible winter weather for so many of you - stay safe. 

Nita:   I used to frequent coffee houses in my U of Wash days before  Starbucks or Seattle's Best.  We like Dunkin Doughnuts coffee and anything Kona but use whatever is on sale most of the time. 


Heather was at the hospital tonight.  Yes there is concussion, there is nothing they can give her for pain.  This is just going to take time and she has to be careful...The be careful is mom talking!

Joh n is home, its late and we are heading to bed!

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a cold 27 degree clear morning in Georgia.  I stayed home yesterday and it was a busy day.  I spent the morning paying bills and other book work that needed to be done.  After lunch and resting I go busy and activated the Urgent Alert system for Stacey.  My timing wasn't good as when I tried to set up the details on her account it wouldn't take the info.  I had to call and found out they were working on that part of their system.  So I had to come back later and finish it up.  I plan on going down to see her today.  She had been out yesterday, including seeing the chiropractor, and when I talked to her last evening she said she could hardly move and couldn't get to her computer to read the emails I had sent her with requested information.  Sure hope she is feeling better today.  I need to stop at the hardware store on the way to pick up an item and also want to stop at Fresh Foods and get something for our lunch.  By the time I get home that will be a full day.

Etta Sue, it sounds like winter in the midwest.  Glad you got the heat pump fixed on time before this cold snap.  That sounds like an interesting book.

Janet, with not sleeping well I hope working at the care home today isn't too much for you.  I worry about you overdoing.  Ge patient with yourself on the Kindle and Nook.  What you learn on one will generally be applicable on the other although the menus will be different. 

Judy, sorry to hear that Heather is still suffering so much.  The timing is terrible with her just starting her schooling.  Glad she had the situation checked out and at least knows what the problem is.  Glad John is home for the weekend.

Marilyn, sorry to hear you still have time with the vertigo.  I will be going to Pablano's, for a Mexican lunch on Monday with my men's group.  They have very good food.  Great news on your weight loss.

Ruth Ann, it sure is frustrating to have the Internet down.  Do you have a data plan on your phone?  I now have high speed service on my phone so am not tethered to my home system if there is a problem.  It is called LTE and is a step faster than 4G. 

Carol, I like Dunkin' Donuts but you can have the coffee as it is too strong for me.   

Speaking of coffee it is time to head to McDonald's to meet my friends to get the busy day started.


Really bad "J" night last night, neither John or I slept well  The house was just too hot.  It is unfortunate that we cannot adjust the temperature  by thermostat That would be super! I fell back to sleep when it cooled down somewhat.
I woke up this morning thinking Uggg morning, and the song we sang "When Morning Guilds The Sky" came to mind, "My heart awakening crys may Jesus Christ be praised!".  Yes even on the ugggg mornings He is to be praised.

Here is a hymn we have never sung before!


We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer
(Click to hear music)

"Sing to the Lord, you saints of His; praise His holy Name." Psalm 30:4

Words: Julia Bulkley Cady Cory, 1902

Music: "Kremser," Dutch melody in The Collection, Adrianus Valerius, 1625. Arranged by Eduard Kremser, 1877

We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator,
In grateful devotion our tribute we bring;
We lay it before Thee, we kneel and adore Thee,
We bless Thy holy Name, glad praises we sing.

We worship Thee, God of our fathers, we bless Thee;
Through life's storm and tempest our guide have Thou been;
When perils overtake us, escape Thou will make us,
And with Thy help, O Lord, our battles we win.

With voices united our praises we offer,
To Thee, great Jehovah, glad anthems we raise.
Thy strong arm will guide us, our God is beside us,
To Thee, our great Redeemer, forever be praise.

Cady later added this stanza for use at Christmas:

Thy love Thou didst show us, Thine only Son sending,
Who came as a Babe and Whose bed was a stall,
His blest life He gave us and then died to save us;
We praise Thee, O Lord, for Thy gift to us all.


Etta Sue

I don't think the ground hog saw his shadow here....but then, I didn't wake up until late in the morning. 

Coffee!  I used to order Kona coffee for Christmas gifts.  Flavored coffees.  Loved them for myself, too! 

I finished 'To Heaven and Back' last evening.  What a tremendous book!  Makes me 'jealous' that I haven't experienced God in that manner.  I have had two incidents that I think God was there or I wouldn't be here today!

I am tired of cold weather!  It got down to single digits again last night.  It is snowing right now but the wind isn't blowing as strong as yesterday.  I did venture out to the mail box to put in two letter and get yesterday's mail.  Not too bad.  Just don't like this chilly feeling all the time!!  I am sitting with my feet on my buckwheat microwaved pillow!  It sure feels good to my cold feet...even with two pairs of socks on!

I need to make a salad this afternoon for Small Groups tomorrow night and then I am going to see if I can whip out a crocheted scarf for myself!!  I might as well join the long scarf look!


Ruth Ann Bice

My daughter in law's mother gave me a long scarf for Christmas, Etta Sue.

It's so nice to have the internet back. But, it also was so nice to be able to borrow the service from the church to use during a meeting taking place there yesterday.

I feel stuffy - sneezed literally all morning long.

Well, y'all have a wonderful rest of the day, friends,

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Ruth Ann:  I hope your sneezing doesn't mean you are coming down with one of the bugs. 

Larry:  You'll be one happy camper to get everything set for Stacey.  Such a relief to have that extra care for her.

JudyB:  For the concussion - I hope they have Heather in a dark room for at least a day - perhaps more.  That is what they do for athletes anymore. 

Don put in a new electical outlet where the one has been iffy - ironing was really hit or miss using that spot so it is always great when he can do something himself.  He tried to work on cousin's DVD player but we all think the thing is just shot.  We visited with cousin & wife and she served strawberry cake with strawberry ice cream - yum.  I had told her not to fuss or fix lunch as we were going to eat before going to their trailer - of course, she didn't listen and it was so good.  I brought a table runner for her and she surprised me with knit socks - they are so cute & will come in handy with cooler days.  Homemade socks! 

Ready for church tomorrow.  We are used to an earlier service and 10 am seems so late - then, we have fellowship and it is almost noon when we get home. 

Gord Brown

 :)  Hi to all.  Well I got up to go to praise team practice and when I looked out the window it was snowing like crazy and it has not stopped all day I sure did get fed up cleaning my windshield on the van after we had stopped for longer than a few mins. :coffee:

When we came out of the practice I thought that they had not even touched the roads with the snow ploughs  at least we made it home safely  I did go out again as we had to take our grandsons to a birthday party and the roads were terrible then after we left the party the boys stayed with there dad we went to Walmart and did some groceries shopping then came home and I could not believe how much more snow their was in the driveway and someone had already cleaned it out when we were away.  So I guess there will be lots more to do tomorrow. :thumbsup:

Well you all have a great time tomorrow in the Lord's house and just Praise his name through Song and Preaching and Prayer.  By for Now .  Good night.  Gordon and Noreen. :snowman: :cp: :bananadance: :rocker: :pine: :snowball:

T Gordon Brown

Etta Sue

My friend, Rose, passed away yesterday afternoon.  I am not really sad.  She went through so much these last 3 years.  Now she is in the arms of God. 

I am ready for church and have my new scarf around my neck.  For those who are into scarves, I found a You Tube of '25 Ways to Wear a Scarf'.  Put that in the search part of You Tube and watch.  I found three that I really like...I don't like the big bulky knot.  I had to keep repeating that part and turn around to do it!!  Finally, I got it!

Ivalou had her light on this morning so she is going to church also.  And tonight is Small Groups.  My salad is really to go!

:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  If I remember correctly I think I posted here before starting my day yesterday.  It turned out to be a very busy one but successful in that I got the Urgent Response device completely setup and Stacey is now using it.  It even has a locator feature through GPS where we can go on line and determine where she is.  I don't anticipate needing to use this feature as we are not trying to keep track of her but should we not be able to reach her we could determine where she is using this feature. I did stop at the Fresh Market to buy a couple of delicious sandwiches and that is quite a store.  I don't think I could afford to shop there regularly.  It was 2:30 before I got home after several stops on the way down and back and was pretty beat.  I did sleep well last night and didn't get up very early this morning.  Pat is feeling like attending church so we will be going in about 60 minutes or less.  It rained here last evening but is a clear morning.  They had several inches of snow in the North Georgia mountains.  Tonight is the Super Bowl, which I will watch but don't care much which team wins.  The commercials are unbelievably expensive running up to close to $4 million dollars for a 30 second ad but they must pay off as they reach a huge audience.

Judy, when you mentioned Uggg I thought you were referring to the shoes.  :)  Sorry you had trouble sleeping due to the heat. 

Etta Sue, you are certainly having chilly weather.  It seems that my feet stay cold most of the time and that is why I enjoy the electric cover I have so much as the can feel the heat on my feet and legs when I lay down.

Ruth Ann, glad you are once again connected to the Internet.  Sure hope you are not experiencing another cold. 

Carol, you are right about my being happy to have the life alert matter settled and working.  I don't know what else I can do regarding her health.  She was feeling better yesterday but is now having trouble with her eyes and I sure hope it isn't diabetic related.  She hasn't been able to read her computer screen for several days and had to get out a magnifying glass to read something on a letter she received.  Sounds like you ladies had quite a gift exchange.  :)  Our church service starts at 11:15 so it is always late when we get out and if we go out to lunch it is usually 2 pm or after when we get home.  That is why Pat and I sometimes don't go with the group so we can select a place that we can be seated and served fairly quickly and get home a bit earlier. 

Gord, Jeanne Lee found a product that keeps the snow from sticking to her windshield.  Unfortunately I don't know the products name as that isn't something we need here in the south.  It sounds like you all are almost snowed in up your way.

Etta Sue, where there has been such suffering and no chance for recovery, death is the ultimate healing. 


Some way, my notifications have not been working.  I really miss the emails, and dislike having to type CP (fully) into the search bar, then go down to find the last post.  Oh, well, here I am!

Work was fun yesterday, but I found after I went to bed that my legs were aching so bad, I had to get up for some Tylenol.  I'm glad she only calls me now in sort-of-emergency situations.  This time, one of the homemakers stubbed her toe and broke it, and had to stay off her feet for at least a couple of days.

Super Bowl Day!  Big day for all the football fans!  I had to laugh the other night, I think it was Thursday or Friday, on Hannity's show.  They sent out a guy to the streets to talk about the Super Bowl.  He asked people if they were happy about the outcome, and not one person even realized the game hasn't been played yet!  One ditzy gal, he asked how she enjoyed the half-time show, and she said she thought it was one of the best she'd seen.  He then said, "What did you think when she brought her baby out there?"  And the answer was, "Well, I thought that was a little bit much."  (Or similar.)  Oh, my.  Do they ever watch those things and even realize how ignorant they look?  Hmmmm.

Our church is having a super bowl party.  We MIGHT go until half time.  More comfortable to watch it at home.  Then I can do other things, as I'm not a big football fan.  I enjoy watching with Darrel, but likely wouldn't watch any of the games alone.

Oops!  Darrel is already ready to go to church, and I'm still in my pajamas!  I'd better get with the program!
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

I will be so glad when all the hype about the Super Bowl is over!  Of course there will still be a few days of re-hashing everything.  And then, of course, it will be baseball spring training and pre-season games, etc.  Oh well! 

The product I found that Larry referred to is for the prevention of frost and ice when the car is idle.  It's by Prestone and is called "Frost and Ice Shield".  It comes in a plastic spray bottle and really seems to help in preventing that ice buildup that is so hard to scrape off.
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We are at Timmies again for the wifi service they have free.

I had an ultrasound this morning, which I was supposed to fast for......unfortunately no one told me about the fasting and I had a smoothie before going.  Hoping this doesn't me having to repeat the test.

We had a great evenng of company last night, friends from Powassan who are raising their grand-daughter.  At the last minute I put some muffins together so we would have a snack toeat with our coffee and hot chocolate.

I will wait to post a hymn till Pat posts, then I can post something thjat applies  to her devotional!

Bye for now


Jeanne, don't forget those 4 MILLION dollar, 30-second commercials!  They have to dissect those for days afterward, as well!  I wonder if Coca-Cola regrets releasing theirs early, since it "offended" the Muslims and stirred controversy.  Some people don't seem to have enough things to be concerned about!

Our friend Mary called as we were leaving for church and said she will be here this afternoon.  Wish I had some idea of what time.  But I can leave her a note on the door if we go to the party at church, she knows where that is and can come find us, or call me and we will come back home.  She's a little late--she promised she was coming to spend Christmas with us!  :o   ^-^

My laundry is almost all done.  Guess I will do some housework next.  Fun, fun.  NOT.  But I am very thankful to have a house to clean, one that is warm and comfortable---and paid for, too!

I'm just chit-chatting, better get off here!
My book Rising Above available at


Here is another of my stories!  Hope it doesn't get lost when the new Thoughts is posted!  Enjoy!

                                              DON R. TILLOTSON, M.D. 

Don Tillotson was born in Frankfort, Kansas on January 25, 1932.  He was the eldest of four children of Raymond and Amy Tillotson.  Don has one younger brother, Paul, and two sisters, Peggy and Betty.  When he was young, the family moved around a lot for his Dad's job; in fact almost every year, until he was about 12.  At that time, his Dad decided to go back to farming and moved his family to Shields, near Dighton.

Since he was one of four children, he always had someone to play with as a kid.  They enjoyed playing cowboys and Indians, backyard football, and other games.  They attended movies, paying 10c each for their tickets.

Don attended school in Shields, in a two-room school for 3 years, finishing his elementary schooling.  Then he attended high school in Dighton, graduating in 1950 in a class of about 45 students.  He enrolled in college at Kansas State University, obtaining a degree in agriculture.  He returned to the farm and worked with his dad one year. 

While at K-State, in his senior year, he was working as a volunteer counselor for freshmen.  He saw a girl he knew from Garden City, sitting with another girl.  She introduced him, and this girl was Shirley Miller, also from Garden City. He and Shirley married in 1955.  After he graduated, he worked for Production Credit Association for a while.  When Shirley's oldest brother was killed in a tragic accident, Don took over his farm near Deerfield for a few years.

The accident in which his brother-in-law lost his life was an explosion and fire in a restaurant in Utah.  A propane tank exploded, causing the fire in which 15 people lost their lives, among them Shirley's brother, his wife and one of their two children.  Their seven year old son survived.

After farming there for 3 ½ years, Don decided to return to school and study medicine.  At K-State, he took another year, doing pre-med classes, then transferred to KU Medical School for an additional four years, following which he worked at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri for another year, doing his internship.  Don says he had a lot of really good teachers during all his school years.
After his internship was finished, the family moved to Ulysses where Don went into practice with Dr. Marshall Brewer.  He grinned as he told me that in those days, office visits were $3.00.  He said Dr. Brewer knew everybody, and all their names, easing the way for Dr. Tillotson, who was (and still is, he says) naturally a little bit shy.  He said he and Dr. Brewer got along very well during the 30 years they worked together, even though they each had their own style of practicing medicine.  Dr. Tillotson said he really enjoyed practicing medicine, especially taking care of pregnant women and delivering their babies, even though he wouldn't have wanted to do only that aspect of medicine.  He said he was better with heart problems than Dr. Brewer was, and Dr. Brewer was better with other things than he was, so things balanced out well.  He says he really misses working with the people, but doesn't miss those phone calls at night!  He found a lot of satisfaction in helping people, even though there was sadness, too, and tragedy at times.

Dr. Tillotson and Shirley had three children.  The first two, Scott and Gwen, were born while he was still farming, so they got to be there during his med school years.  Jill was born at the end of his first year of med school.  The couple borrowed money from both sets of their parents to pay for his schooling.  He says he considered it a privilege to be able to repay that debt, and they have always appreciated the chance their parents gave them for him to become a doctor.

Don and Shirley are really happy with the choices each of their children made when they married.  They feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in their family.  They have also been blessed with six grandchildren.  Tragically, one granddaughter lost her life after a valiant battle with cystic fibrosis, and they miss her dearly.

He said that in the early 1950s when he was in college, gasoline was 19c per gallon.

When his dad moved the family to his grandfather's farm, the granddad still lived in a sod house.  The younger family had a two room house with a windmill and an outhouse.  The two boys, Don and Paul, slept in a small frame building with no electricity and no heat.  He said that wasn't necessarily typical for the time, but does show some of the differences from then to now.

When I asked how manners and morals today compare to when he was young, Dr. Tillotson said when he was a boy and young man; he thought everybody was good and honest.  He maintained this belief until he attended medical school and began practicing, at which time he found that not everyone was honest, and some had very different attitudes.

His hobbies were (and are) fishing and hunting.  He always enjoyed spending time outdoors, and really missed that during his years in medicine.

When speaking of travel experiences, he said his Mother had distant relatives from Wales.  Her grandpa lived in the U.S. but would go to Wales and bring different relatives to the states.  He brought a nephew and a niece here; the niece really wanted to live here, but because her brother wanted to return to Wales, she had to go back, too.  But the relatives here kept up correspondence with her through the years, and the Tillotsons decided to go there to visit in 1990.  They also visited England and Ireland.  In 1999 or 2000, they went back, along with his two sisters and their husbands and visited.  The granddaughter of the above mentioned niece took time off from work to drive them around and show them the sights.   Don's brothers, sisters and families have reunions every two years, and this lady comes to attend those when possible.

In the summer of 1997, the Tillotsons went to Alaska with a 5th wheel trailer and spent the summer.  Friends from pre-med school went with them on that trip and several others, including going by train across Northern Mexico and to the Copper Canyon.   Dr. Tillotson got his pilot's license and had his own plane for several years, and they flew to Baja California once and also to the East coast.  He really enjoyed flying and regrets having had to give that up because of health problems.

The accomplishments of his life that gives him the most satisfaction is being able to practice medicine in the area in which he grew up, among people he understands and appreciates;  and being married to Shirley for 58 years come June of this year.

A valuable lesson he wants to share with younger folks is this:  Find something to do with your life that you really enjoy, and then go for it!

He thinks the best years of his life were those given in service to this community in the practice of medicine.  Dr. Tillotson retired from practice in 1996, but Dr. Brewer kept on going as long as his health allowed.  We both agreed that Dr. Brewer was one of the last of the old-time country doctors.

One of the first things he saved up to buy was a shotgun—an old one from WWII from Germany.  He still has it.  He bought it at the age of 16.

Some of the jobs he worked were one summer helping to survey terraces for the Soil Conservation;  and later, he thought he needed to get some experience in taking care of people, so he got a job helping a lady take care of her husband, doing things like helping bathe him.  This was good experience for an aspiring doctor.

He was in a play once in high school, but was not comfortable being on stage, as he was shy.

Dr. Tillotson enjoys a lot of Christmas songs, especially the old ones.  He enjoys singing in a group.

One memory he shared was a story told by his grandmother.  She said they lived near Frankfort, and Indians used to travel back and forth between reservations, passing by their house.  They were never a threat, always friendly, but would stop sometimes, wanting to trade with them for things like sugar or flour.  One day an Indian came to the door with a small child, and Don's grandmother, a small child as well, was behind the door when her mother opened it.  She didn't think he could see her, but he could see her through the crack of the door, and jokingly said to her mother, "I'll trade Papooses with you."  That really scared the girl, as she thought he was serious.

Don's favorite food is a good steak.  His favorite movies are good westerns:  Shane and Lonesome Dove.

He says he wishes he had gone to medical school earlier.

Don learned to drive on his own.  It didn't seem strange at all, as he had been driving a tractor since the age of 12.  His first car (and it really belonged to his brother) was a 1948 Chevrolet convertible, blue in color.  His brother was in the Navy, was sent to Panama, so he let Don use his car while in college.

His scariest time was when he was in second grade.  They were visiting his great aunt, who had become sort of a grandma to them.  He and his brother were out away from the house, near a big shale cliff that had a huge colony of cliff swallows.  They were watching the birds, hundreds of them, and there was a huge long snake lying underneath the nests, along the base of the cliff, probably eating any eggs that fell from the nests.  He thinks this was a coach whip snake.  The snake saw the boys and came after them, hissing!  They ran as fast as they could and outran the snake, but he still remembers how scared he was.  He said that was a really fast snake!

Dr. Tillotson hopes that our country can get our democracy back.  Huge corporations can donate big sums of money to election campaigns and gain unfair advantage.  There is too much division between political parties as to how to accomplish their goals, even when they can agree what those goals should be.  The voters don't seem to have much importance.  There do not seem to be any real statesmen any more, as the only concern of those already in Washington seems to be their own re-election.

The person who most inspired Don was his Dad.  He really admired and respected his wife's father.  He was a really nice guy, and a successful farmer.  Don has many warm feelings for him.

The first president for whom he voted was Dwight David Eisenhower.
He feels the greatest achievement of the USA, and he hopes we can maintain it, is having a stable, mostly successful democracy, with freedoms most of the people of the world do not have.
The worst crime Dr. Tillotson remembers is the murders of the Clutter family near Holcomb.  This impacted his family because the Clutters were friends of Shirley's parents.   An interesting story in connection with that incident was told to Don years later.  This fellow told Don that on Sunday afternoon, following the murders on Saturday night, he and a friend had been out hunting together.  They got into an argument, and his friend jumped in the car and drove off.  This man started walking down the road, and when he came to a farm house, he went and knocked on the door, carrying his gun with him (he had been hunting, remember.)  The people yelled at him to get away from there, so he walked back to the road again.  He hadn't heard about the murders at all.  The weather was very cold, and he thought there was no way he could survive out there, and it was a long way to town, so he walked back to the farm he had just left.  He heard sirens, and the sheriff drove up and arrested him, took him to jail, and he stayed there several days.  Once he heard about the murders, he understood all this, but it was a real shock at first.  When they finally decided he had nothing to do with the Clutter murders, he was released.

Don never had his mouth washed out with soap, but it was threatened!  His favorite comic strip is Zits.

He remembers his dad saving up for a family vacation for two years.  They went to the West coast, to California.  His dad was interested in engineering marvels such as the Golden Gate Bridge, but the family enjoyed many sights.  Don was six years old at the time, and still remembers that trip.

In fourth grade, Don attempted to learn to play the melliphone.  He sang in choir in school, and still enjoys singing in groups.  He played both football and baseball in high school.

He reads a lot, mostly medical and science books.

Some of the big changes he has seen come to our area of Southwest Kansas are the change from ditch type irrigation to sprinkler systems, which are so much more efficient; and the big strides in developing new varieties of wheat, corn, etc., to increase yields.

Don remembers the big blizzard of 1957, also those awful dust storms of the '50s.

Don's parents took their family to church regularly, a practice continued by Don and Shirley through the years.

The worst thing that has happened to Dr. Tillotson was the loss of a dear granddaughter because of cystic fibrosis.  He said that having been through medical tragedies with patients families may have made his own easier to bear, but it is still very hard.

The best thing that has happened to him was marrying Shirley.

He would like to be remembered with respect and affection, as the mothers he cared for when they were having their babies seemed to think of him when he would meet and talk to them years later.

The legacy he wants to leave is the three honest, upright, good people his kids grew up to be; the kind of people he admires.

The greatest lesson he has learned in his years is how to love and accept other people who are having problems.  Everybody deserves love and respect.

A really special part of his life was the part of medical school when he got to start working with patients.

Dr. Tillotson enjoys classical music.  He likes Robert Service's poems from the gold rush days, especially The Cremation of Sam McGee.

His favorite TV show was M*A*S*H.  He says it shows the doctors in all of their humanity, telling their story accurately.

When he misbehaved at home, his punishment was a spanking.  In high school, Don was a really popular name, and they had 6 Dons in football, so the other kids nicknamed him "George."

He always liked dogs, and his favorite was an English Setter named Molly.

He was bullied some in school, but retaliated by hitting the one who hit him.  He got a bloody nose for his trouble.

Dr. Tillotson's favorite flower is the yucca, he says because they like the same kind of places he likes!

If he gets a bit depressed, Don goes off by himself and plays a computer game to take his mind off the problem.

The most important decision of his life was in choosing whom to marry.  He said, "I was looking for a western Kansas farmer's daughter who was a Methodist.  I did find that, but didn't realize then that there were a lot more things to consider.  We have spent almost 58 years working out all those things!"

He feels his worst fault has been not recognizing sooner when he was at fault and making amends more quickly.

If he were to give an 18 year old advice, it would be "Find what you really enjoy doing and go after it!"

The smartest thing his parents ever did was allowing their kids to be who they wanted to be.

This kind, caring, soft spoken man and his family have been a blessing to the Ulysses community for many years, and continue to be.  I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with him and wish them well for many more years.

My book Rising Above available at

Jane Walker

Thanks, Janet, for the story of Dr. Tillotson ... I think I would love visiting with him, too. 

I have just posted another message from Faye, in the Prayer and Praise folder.  She has been quite weak lately, and unable to write much, because of the accumulation of fluid in her lungs.  She says she feels some better today.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


Thank you, Janet. That was a really interesting life story. When I first glanced at it I said to myself, "I don't have time to read all that!"  However once I got started, I couldn't stop; not even to go and check how the football game is doing. The only reason I'm interested in sports is because that was the biggest link I had with my Dad. I would sit and watch football, baseball and hockey games with him. Even after over thirty years, a good game will hook me.

Jane, I'll go over and read Faye's message that you posted. I have told her story to many I meet and we just praise God that He is using her so mightily at this time. I will continue praying for her and her family.

Hello to all!!

It's been a great Sunday; worshiping and fellowshipping with my friends, in the Lord and you all.    :grouphug: