
Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

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Help us Congratulate the Winner of Mini Challenge #106~My Favorite Things
Congratulations Fotobirder!
Bird Photos In Snow

Today's Verse

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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

Thoughts of the Week June 21, 2009

Started by JudyB, June 21, 2009, 10:46:30 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise    Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Morning Devotional...

"The Trembling Earth"

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Psalm 19:1-3.

Man is pleased to call the earth "Terra Firma" -- the firm ground. He feels secure when standing upon it. It is a term used frequently by seafarers. When they step off the ship and stand upon firm ground they feel safe, no longer threatened by death as they felt themselves to be while standing on the heaving deck.

But is the earth so firm??

Earthquakes, of which there have been quite a few recently, remind us that it is not. Earthquakes tell us that the giant sphere upon which we live is not invulnerable but can be shaken and rent like any other part of creation. Despite its size there is a power that can juggle it as a child shakes its rattle.

Earthquakes tell us that the earth is subject to decay

Earthquakes are but the death tremors of a creation cursed in consequence of man's sin. "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now."  Romans 8:22. That groaning is the groaning of death.

Earth shall not remain forever but shall pass away (a term we often use of death). "And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hand: They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail." Hebrews 1:10-12. (See also Matthew 5:18, 24:35; II Peter 3:10; Revelation 21:1)

Earthquakes are foretastes of the great and terrible day of the Lord

The end of the world shall be as one great world-wide earthquake. "See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven: Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven." Hebrews 12:25-26.

In contrast to the shaking earth where men falsely feel safe there is the unshakeable refuge of the soul

"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock."

"And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land."  Matthew 7:24-25, Isaiah 32:2.

How will your place of refuge fare in the great and terrible day of the Lord?

Only one place can withstand the power of God's wrath and that place is the refuge He himself has prepared for sinners -- the Lord Jesus Christ, God's appointed Saviour for men.

~Rev. Ivan Foster of Northern Ireland

The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide,
A shelter in the time of storm;
Secure, whatever ill betide:
A shelter in the time of storm.

Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land,
A weary land, a weary land;
Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land,
A shelter in the time of storm.


Good evening everyone.  

I trust if you able to be in the Lord's house that you had a good time of worship.  This is indeed the day that the Lord has made, and as we retire let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Good night everyone.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is an overcast morning here and the temperature isn't too bad but suppose to get into the low 90s again this afternoon.  I went to coffee and then we went to the gym to walk but weren't able to as they are having Bible School this week and the facilities are in use for that purpose.  I may meet one of the men around 3 this afternoon at the gym and walk then as everyone should be gone. 

Today is my men's luncheon.  This week we are going to a new place called Nacho Daddy's. 

Pat left a few minutes ago to go to Aldis for some groceries.  I am sure this will wear her out.  She hasn't felt at all good the last few days but said she felt a little better this morning. 

I have some more pictures from the Golden Games to put up on the website this morning along with the last of the game results. 

Janet, so glad to see you being able to report some progress these last couple of days as it pertains to Beth.  A couple of suggestions for you in terms of watching movies on your laptop.  I have found the site very good.  They have quite a few movies as well as many older TV series.  Another site with free content is and each of the TV networks make past broadcasts of some of their series available for viewing free.  They pay for these sites by advertising so sometimes you will either get some advertising before the program begins or short commercials during the program.  I find it a reasonable price for the free content.  Hope you enjoy your visit from your friends for your hometown today.

Judy, thanks for the devotional thought for this week.

Etta Sue

Church was fuller than I expected.  Only 5 out of 20 that was expected to be gone were gone...that was Ivalou, Marge, Betty and another couple. Church was awesome and 6 ladies went out to eat.  Good timing.  I was home by 1pm.

I got caught up online and then Inky and I took a nap.  I woke up thinking it was morning and wondering what I was doing in the other bedroom! 

Then it was TV all evening.  Ivalou called me when she got home.  Seems she got home while I was napping but then went to her son's for Father's Day dinner.  She said the wedding was beautiful and she had a great time.

Today I have an insurance man coming.  My supplemental insurance to Medicare has raised almost $22 since December so he is getting me another policy.  I guess insurance men are good for some things... ^-^

It is raining.  The farmers are much of their crops need to be re-done due to water drowning out the corn and soy beans.  The wheat fields are turning yeller ( ::) ) It was pouring rain a few minutes ago but now the birds are singing.  Love that sound.


Jeanne Lee

Etta Sue, I love the sound of the birds, too - except at 5:00 a.m. right outside the open bedroom window!   :D

Praise our Heavenly Father for the news that Beth seems to be making some progress. 

I probably won't be getting much accomplished as far as housework today, or the next several days, with the Wimbledon tennis matches being broadcast live on ESPN.   ::)
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Jeanne Lee

Ladies, does this sound typical?

*Shopping Plan*

In the frozen foods department of our local grocery store, I noticed a man shopping with his son.

As I walked by, he checked something off his list, and I heard him whisper conspiratorially to the child;

"You know, if we really mess this up, we'll never have to do it again."

*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*
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I like birds too.  I like sitting outside and hearing them and finally discovering what tree they're perched in.

My sis stayed last night.  She'll be here for sure the next 4 days, and then will see what's happening with her next job.  She had/has one, offered to her but the only day off is Friday.  She doesn't want to do that and miss church on Sunday.  She's going to talk to the agency that gets her jobs after work today, and if they won't agree that she can have Sunday off, and find a replacement for her, then she'll just trust the Lord to provide something else.  I'd like to ask for prayer for Sue.  Her faith is being tested now because of this.  She gets stressed when the job situation is shaky, but still she wants to be able to trust God fully and not succumb to the old stress patterns.

Early sunshine today.  The sky is a pure blue and right now I can't see a cloud anywhere.  I know where I'll be today. :)

Have a blessed day, everyone.

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I, too, love the sound of birds singing. When it's still I hear the birds singing at night here at the apartments.

A lady who lives on the second floor keeps bird feed on her window sill, and it's so much fun to watch her and her cat sitting behind the window enjoying being face to face with those birds.

And, the beautiful furry kitty in the apartment right below hers is often sitting in the window watching for those birds. What a delight to see when I park in the lot during daytime hours.

Tisie, it would certainly be lovely if you could share some of your beautiful bird photos (and stories) with us.

Janet, I was resting on the couch and holding my cell phone with great intentions of calling yesterday, and instead, that soft sofa simply swallowed me up and I awakened too late to call! Sorry I was such a sleepyhead.

Lord please be with us all today, is my prayer.
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


I have finally caught up with all the back posts that have been posted since I left on the 13th.

Janet it is so good to see you posting  the updates on Beth.  As I read through your posts I kept thinking that God is in control; and everything will be alright. I pray for Beth every time I think of her which is  at least twice per day sometimes more if I can't sleep.

Tisie Welcome to CP it is good to see you here too.

Vacation was great.  I took only a few pics and missed a great one when a small bat  came down to rest on the deck. At first I thought it was dead, so I picked up a pine needle to touch it and it spread it wings. t stayed there for a little over an hour but i still didn't take a picture. Apparently  it landed there to rest for a bit.

There was a Robin that  perched on the rear wheel of Keith's Bicycle I had to take that pi through the sliding glass door, and also one of a squirrel that I had been trying to get for days. The day I took his picture was pure coincidence.

Keith took on of me sitting in the chair on the the deck after a bike ride I was slouched and  look so fat. When I get them out of my camera  will post them.

I have to pick up the dogs this afternoon they are having their baths at this time. I called first thing this morning to check on them. I sure did miss them while I was gone. The cat Fritzy, was so glad to see us when we arrived home yesterday.

Well I have to get busy and  put another load of laundry in the dryer.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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My friends just called and will be here in a few minutes so I must get off and put this computer away for a while.

Beth is better today and will be moved to Acute Care on the 6th floor this afternoon, where she will have the same level of care, but Medicare will pay longer.  They also have some kind of special chairs that will enable her to be in different positions, which will relieve her oh-so-tired back.  God is so good.  They estimate we will be here for another three to four weeks.  Keep praying!!

Love you all, must run,
My book Rising Above available at


Janet I am praying.  God bless you this is quite an ordeal.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Not much to write about on the home front this morning.  We did get some much needed rain yesterday, but not for very long.  However, things look very green this morning.  The lawn people were here yesterday so the yard looks nice once again and they trimmed the bushes in front of my office windows so I can see out again. 

Janet, so good to read the news that Beth is being moved as this is certainly progress.  While 3 or 4 weeks is a long time yet, at least there is now an indication that this too shall pass and she will recover.  Hope your visit with your friends was just the tonic you needed to boost your spirits yesterday.

Marilyn, glad to see you are back and it sounds like you all had a nice time.  I am sure your dogs will be most happy to see you again.

Jeanne, your pastor must have quite a sense of humor.  I enjoy the jokes you share here.

Etta Sue

Not much going on here.  I was trying to do my entry to the State Fair online but couldn't seem to figure it out.  I really don't think you can enter photography online.  But I called Kitty.  She answered but we got shut off.  She called back and all she said was 'Etta Sue'.  Then I saw someone drive in the drive.  It was Kitty but she was in Bob's car.  I found out that she entered by mail so I did, too.  My entry is in the mailbox. 

I asked her what she was doing for the evening.  Nothing.  So we went for pizza.  We saw Judy B and talked to her and the waitress was one of our classmate's daughter.  So a good evening. 

Then I searched for my friend in Mexico's son.  Located him in Georgia and got an address and telephone number.  Rex Skyped me and had me to call his ex-wife (not the son in Georgia's mother...complicated situations) and give her that information as well as to tell her that Rex was going to call her in a few minutes.  Funny, how I can communicate with Rex, see and hear him 2500 miles away, and then call someone local so he knows they are home and he can call them.  Now if he could just get everyone to use Skype! 

Then I watched TV. 

This morning I took the letter to the mailbox and decided to read my devotions outside.  Love sitting at the bistro table under the umbrella.  Not a cloud in the sky!  And the birds were really happy.  I have one very vocal bird in the big Maple out front.  I never did locate him.  He is still singing.  God is great! 

Janet ~ I won't send another Patient's card until I get Beth new room number...but know that you are both in my prayers and thoughts...God Bless You Both.  Just wish I could come and sit with you and visit with Beth.

{{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}


Well we now know when Kassie is going to camp.  The 4th of July she leaves the armories at 9:00 am.  This isn't a Canadian holiday.  The next question is when is summer school.  She will be taking English for sure and possible Math.  She has admitted that she failed because of attitude.  That was a big step for her.  Now to see her move on past that ....that will be a bigger step. 

Ruth how is your brother doing?  We need an update here.

Pat how are Judy and Norm?  We need an update!

Jane praying for your daughter and grand daughters.  Will continue to do so.

Janet I am continuing to pray here.  I also pray you will continue to stay at Ronald McDonald house.

Love to you all.


Hey folks!!!  Take a look at the flower garden that we have in our competition.  The flowers are amazing!  Please take a few minutes to gather 10 votes and  then vote. 


Janet:  I second the thoughts from Larry in that if they are mentioning 3 to 4 more weeks, that truly is progress.

Hot today - we had to put the AC on yesterday - well, I probably wouldn't put it on unless the temp would be near 100* but Don always puts it on & I just go & put on long pants & a sweater.   :P

Larry:  I went to my 2nd class in Bernina embroidery (the machine is now ancient, 2005 model.  Nothing worked again & they finally decided there is something wrong in my plug-in.  It may be under warranty - not sure but it will go in for a check-up & cleaning in several weeks.  I have wasted almost two full days of trying to take that class and it was so frustrating.  Came home & took a nap.  I also dearly wish that others taking these classes would consider more quiet time - they talk right over the instructor.  Talk so much that a person can barely think. 

Judy B:  Love to look at flowers.  LOL on the 4th of July not being a Canadian holiday!  Kassie is certainly busy & that sounds very good. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Carol, I own a couple of machines I want to get repaired and in good working order, then hope to donate to either missions or a charitable cause.

My daughter in law gave me a beautiful new Singer for Mothers Day. Can't wait to get started using it!

Ruth, I would also love to hear an update of your prayer request. That will help update my prayer list.

I played piano and sang a special (The Love of God) for today's devotional meeting - we have a meeting our multi-purpose room each Tuesday morning. I noticed Etta Sue was online, so quickly sent her a Skype request to pray that everything would go off well. And, it did. Thanks for your prayers, Etta Sue.

Janet, hope you and Beth get settled in to her new situation right away.

My daughter and her fiance called yesterday, then came over and took me to purchase venetian blinds for my apartment. How cozy the rooms seem now! And, how grateful I am for their kindness and good deeds.

Y'all have a good rest of the day.
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Ruth Ann:  Is this multi-purpose room in your building?  If so, how convenient for all.  It sounds like you will have a terrific time with your new sewing machine.  And, I know that a donated machine will be so appreciated.  When we moved, I just could not sell my little used serger for anything and decided to ask someone at quilting if anyone at her church would use it - my sewing group at church did not want to learn a new machine.  It is so nice to think that the serger is now being used to make items for a mission in Africa - sewn right here in Colorado and then shipped overseas..  Your gifts will be so welcomed.  You have a very thoughtful daughter and DIL -- the entire family. 

Another afternoon sky showing threatening clouds and there is thunder.  Our concern is hail as this is the most expensive state with regard to hailstorms. 

Has anyone noticed how many banged-up cars there are driving around?  Well, the drivers are in the cars, of course.  My theory is that people are not reporting their big dings as they don't have the money.  In Switzerland, the law states autos must be repaired withing so many days and you do not see banged - up cars.


Lots of conversation about birds!  I enjoy watching all the many types of birds that come to the garden.  The other day when I was out walking, three eagles kept flying above my head.  They are such beautiful birds and amazing to watch when catching fish in the ocean.  Used to love walking the sea wall and seeing them in action.

The weather has been a tad unsettled lately.  I got caught in an unexpected cloud burst on Sunday and even with an umbrella, got partially soaked ::)
It is cool today but was pleasant walking weather and I needed to try and make my back better.  Managed to mess it up carpet bowling yest.  Could have been from the stress of one person on my team who was having heart problems and should have stayed at home.  She kept almost passing out and having to use some sort of spray in her mouth to stop the attacks.  We were all nervous wrecks by the end of our game!

Glad to learn that things are somewhat improved, Janet.  That must help a bit.....

Read something that some of you might find interesting.

At five minutes and six seconds after 4 AM on the 8th of July this year, the time and date will be 04:05:06 07/08/09.

Pleasant Day/Evening and God Bless.


Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  Have a few minutes before leaving for coffee and then plan on attending Bible Study at the church.  I am hoping Pat will feel up to going as well.  Her fibromyalgia has really had her down and out of things the last few days.  She has been extremely tired and pretty much has stayed at home.

I too was wondering about the new room number of Beth.  I am sure it helps the volunteers to get the messages to the right place with the correct room information.  I have been negligent in sending messages through the hospital system.  If I don't do things right when I think of them they don't seem to get done.

Carol, sorry to read of your frustrations with your sewing classes.  You mention hail.  I remember when we were in Denver about 5 years ago I rented a car and was very concerned about getting into a hail storm with it.  Fortunately, that didn't happen.

I have enjoyed all the messages since I last posted. 

Jeanne Lee

Good morning, folks!  I got this in this morning's email and thought "This is a good one to pass on in Christian Photographers".

*Photo Apology*

Photographer Ruth Van Bergen specialized in celebrity portraits. One wealthy woman complained that Van Bergen's photo wasn't nearly as good as the first one she had taken.

"You must forgive me." the photographer said diplomatically. "The last time I took your picture, I was ten years younger."

*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*

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Jeanne It took a minute to get that one!!!  Too funny!

Etta Sue

Not much has happened or being planned.  I did go to the funeral home to visit Dixie's husbands passing.  I saw few other classmates.  Then Dixie introduced two ladies from North Carolina that are her husband's cousins.  Edna May and Earlene.  I said, 'I remember you at Durbin School.  We rode the school bus together.'  That was probably 58 years ago or so!  I introduced myself and they remembered me.

I watched some TV and as I was getting ready to head to bed.  Then someone Skyped me.  Was I surprised and happy to talk to Ruth Ann!  A very nice chat! 

Today I will have to mow the lawn since tomorrow it is predicting to be rain again!  The grass sure has grown in 6 days! 

Marilyn ~ I am so sorry that I forgot to mention that I was glad you are back from vacation and that it sounds like you and Keith had a great time.  What is your last name now?

tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la


Sorry for my absence yesterday.  My friends stayed until about 1:30, (I cried when they came and when they left) and I hadn't brought the laptop to the hospital; when I tried to get online last night, I couldn't for some reason.  So I gave that up and watched a 90 minuter DVD movie.  It helped me unwind somewhat.

Beth's new room number is 6025 S.W.

This is actually a hospital-within-a-hospital.  It is Select Specialty Hospital; they contract two floors here in St. Francis.  Beth did receive a message from Jane this morning--thanks, Jane!  So they do find the patients if they are still in the building, I guess.

Two  of my sisters sent me birthday cards to the hospital, but didn't think to put Beth's name on them, so they were returned.  I told them they looked at the patient list, and I wasn't there.  ;)

Yes, it is progress to at least be able to see a glimmer of light at the end of this long tunnel.  And having my friends visit really gave me a boost.  Pat cut, colored and styled my hair, and as any woman can attest, that made me feel better, as well as look better.  They took me out to supper, we visited and laughed, and it really was a stress reliever.  Yesterday, after feeding Beth, we ate, then they took me to Hobby Lobby and Tuesday Morning.  I bought some scrapbook supplies for a scrapbook I will make Beth of this chapter of her life, but sent them home with Pat, as I don't have my scissors, adhesives, etc. here, and also it is hard to concentrate.  Maybe I will have her send some stuff back to me when someone else comes up, If I feel I can start working on that---AND if I get the photos printed.

I think I have said THANK YOU until I have worn the words out, but can't think of other words to,  THANK YOU ALL again for the kindnessses and prayers.

Etta Sue and Jane have sent messages nearly every day, and they are bringers of smiles to our faces!  :)

I guess I'd better go look at the challenge photos, I wasn't aware we had another one going.  Guess I have been sort of pre-occupied lately. ;)
My book Rising Above available at


Etta Sue my last name is RILEY now. I don't think I will change all my profile ID's yet. It seems that when I change something I can't get back in.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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With school finally being done I will hopefully be able to be on here more often during the summer.

It is a very hot and humid day today here in the North. It is 30*C which is 86*F with a the relative humidity of 55% making it feel more like 38*C or 100.4*F. To top that off we are under a severe weather watch 'THIS IS AN ALERT TO THE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS WITH LARGE HAIL AND DAMAGING WINDS. MONITOR WEATHER CONDITIONS..LISTEN FOR UPDATED STATEMENTS. IF THREATENING WEATHER APPROACHES TAKE IMMEDIATE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS' It would be really nice if we did have a thunderstorm tonight because the heat wave we are in may just break; however I don't think we will be that lucky.

I watch the boys (Doug and Megan's) after school while they are working and they are so exhausted from the heat they just want to sleep or go for a swim lol. Mariah is wiped today. The heat is bothering her especially this year.

I am enjoying this nice sunburn I have; questioning how I got it and trying to to touch it lol.

Well I am off to go and BBQ some supper as it is too hot to use the stove. Praying you all have a great evening.



Here is the link to the photos of my vacation they are unedited as of yet.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Nice photos, Marilyn.  Bike riding is something I would enjoy, but would have to learn, as I never had a bike when I was a kid.  And I am no longer a kid.  Maybe a 3 wheeler??  :lol:

Well, guess what?  They moved Beth AGAIN yesterday.  Now we are on the 5th floor, still in Select, room # 5029.  I hope this is the last move until she gets out of here.  It is quieter here than on 6, and she has a bed by the window, so she can actually see the outdoors for the fist time in weeks.  So it is an improvement.

Another message from you today, Jane.  Thanks!

After 12 hours here, mostly spent waiting for people to do whatever "I'll be back in just a minute" sort of stuff, then the move, I was so exhausted last night I just sat down and cried.  I asked myself why I was crying, and exhaustion was the only reason I could think of.  I feel better this morning.  ;)

It is beastly hot here in Wichita, and Darrel said it has been 101 at home.  What a hot June.  Seems strange to be missing the entire month of June..........

Yesterday, a former pastor of my niece who is Beth's age (they were great friends as kids)...anyway this former pastor of Barb's lives in Wichita, and Barb asked the wife to come visit us.  She did, and is such a lovely lady.  She also brought us some banana bread and homemade granola bars.  That was my breakfast this morning and likely will be for the next three or four days.  They aren't bringing me a tray any more.  But I did ask the nurse earlier if I could use Beth's bathroom, since she can't, and she said SURE.  I had been having to trek down the hall to a his/hers one that smells bad.  So, for sure, sometimes we have not because we ask not.

They are here to get Beth up in a chair for the first time, gotta go!
My book Rising Above available at

Etta Sue

Whew!  It is hot!  I looked at the temp before I went out to mow yesterday and it was 99°.  But I thought that was not right, that the sun was reflecting off of my white deck onto the sensor.  So I went out to mow the lawn.  Terrible.  Almost felt faint.  And all I was doing was sitting on the mower and moving about the yard.  I came in and looked at the temperature again...100°!!!  I thought, 'We haven't had 100° weather for years!  Can't be!'  Then I looked at the laptop and the temp on there....99° and the weather on TV said we broke a ten-year record. 

As I was taking my trash to Kaye Don's today I was thinking...which is worse...below zero weather or this hot stuff?  Thank God for air-conditioning! 

I have cookies baked for our church bake sale at the Farmer's Market in Noblesville.  Also taking a loaf of Zucchini Bread that I had in the freezer.  Made the cookies from a cake good.  Of course, I had to sample them! 

Kitty is going to call this afternoon and we are going somewhere to eat.  Then to the Library at Lapel so she can demonstrate how to make movies from your pictures with transitions and music.  She asked me to go as a security blanket... ^-^  Then Kitty and Bob are leaving for Hilton Head tomorrow for 2 weeks.  Bet Bob won't stay that long. 

Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the surgeon that performed the InterStim Therapy surgery for me.  I am doing much better now but still have some issues that I am not pleased about...especially when I got the bill from the surgery center!!  Wow!



Janet I KNOW you can cry out of exhaustion.  Make sure you get enough rest. 

Remember the cat bite Kassie got?  Well it is still infected.  She is on another round of antibiotics.  Pls keep her in your prayers as they cause nausea and the trots back and forth to the washroom.  Hopefully this will clear up the remainder of infection as she is 9 days away from camp. 

Yes we too are having record breaking temperatures.  But you know I complain about the cold so I will not complain about the heat.  I actually do enjoy it.  Our house is older and seems to stay cool during the day.

Has everyone voted? 

Friends of our are heading to the North West Territories to help build a church.  They are funding this trip themselves but will get a (donation) receipt for income tax purposes. They bought a new digital camera to take with them.  I am encouraging her to join CP and post her pictures.  We'll see.

Got to go