Christian Photographers Community

Photography~Technically Speaking => General Photo Chat => Topic started by: Ben on September 16, 2004, 10:47:29 AM

Title: Good Composition-The Key To Great Photographs
Post by: Ben on September 16, 2004, 10:47:29 AM
In the posted photograph, I used several different compositional helpers to obtain a beautiful photograph.  First I used "The Rule of Thirds."  Divide your viewfinder into six equal rectangles, and where the lines intersect place the object of most significance at that point.  Note the tower in my example photograph is at this point.  Note also I used the same rule and placed the horizon 1/3rd down from the top of the frame.  I also used "Leading Lines" which in this case is not only the waters edge but also the shore line.  When I took this photograph, I waited until the waves were crashing against the rocks to make my exposure to give the image some action.  I purposely photographed this lighthouse in the morning when I knew the sunlight would side light the scene.  Side lighting gives you texture (note how rough the rocks look.)  Lastly, since this image was exposed onto film, I metered the shadows and based my exposure on them, NOT on the highlights.  Had I shot this on digital, I WOULD have metered the HIGHLIGHTS and exposed for them.  Digital and slide film share that in common, DON'T expose for the shadows.  My only "wish" was that there would have been some puffy white clouds in that deep blue sky.



Title: Re: Good Composition-The Key To Great Photographs
Post by: Pat on September 16, 2004, 03:08:10 PM
Thanks Ben!

I'm going to have to get out with my new camera and really work at getting to know it.

Title: Re: Good Composition-The Key To Great Photographs
Post by: Sonifo on September 20, 2004, 11:43:21 AM
I wish I knew a little more about metering. 
Title: Re: Good Composition-The Key To Great Photographs
Post by: gwen on October 29, 2004, 06:56:32 AM
Great tutorial, Ben. Thanks for sharing.  I'm such an amateur and have so much to learn. (and so little time)
Title: Re: Good Composition-The Key To Great Photographs
Post by: Pat on October 29, 2004, 08:53:18 AM
Gwen, I'm feeling similar but oh, I love to learn new things!

Title: Re: Good Composition-The Key To Great Photographs
Post by: gwen on November 01, 2004, 05:27:43 PM
Pat, I think wanting to learn new things helps to keep one young. This computer can keep one occupied with new things to learn eternally. I didn't get a computer til I was 58, so I really got a late start and have much in the way of "catch up" to do.
