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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

New Every Morning~July 18

Started by Pat, July 17, 2003, 11:44:23 PM

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Morning Devotional...

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.                           Psalm 119:105

The old-fashioned lamp referred to here is hand-held, for personal use in the night.

What a lovely picture of the Scriptures. It is absolutely essential to grasp the tenets and principles of the Word of God for oneself.

To trim the wick and replenish the oil is a daily necessity--and daily reading and study and meditation is essential to survive in this dark world.

Are you reading the Bible, daily looking for that light and guidance?
                                                                        --Brian Russell

Oh, Word divine! Oh, Book sublime!
Oh, Wisdom so transcending!
We look to Thee, we cling to Thee
For guiding light unending.

--S. F. Logsdon

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Judy McKenna

I've skipped a couple days posts; so I will try and get here earlier tomorrow, and read up on all you've been doing.

Meanwhile, a very warm welcome to TIM!  Its so nice you've joined us here., and please come back as frequently as you can!

Its very addicting you know!...LOL

Have a good sleep everyone.,

- Judy
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Jenny England 8.a.m.

Thankyou for that! I have read my Bible early as I'm off to get a blood test and it means the hospital as my doctor doesn't do them himself.
Please forgive this quick post therefore.

"Plant the good things of the Spirit..........after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up......let us be especially kind to everyone, especially our Christian brothers.".. Gal 6:8-10.

Speak later,
Love Jenny.


'Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.'

Hebrews 12 Verses 1 & 2

Once again the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Yes, it's true! Summer 2003 has arrived in the Western Isles and not before time.

Everyone in our village of Tong is on a high at present as tomorrow is the highlight of our calendar. The famous Lewis Highland Games takes place in our village on Saturday and preparations are well under way.

Mums and Grannies are busy baking while Dads and Granddads lend a hand erecting the big marquis and setting out the running track. Highland dancers are coming from Canada (Alberta, I think) and Zulu's from Africa will be entertaining the crowds. It truly is a wonderful family day out.

You know, it does not matter what we are involved in, there is always something that should direct out thoughts towards spiritual matters.

I started thinking upon the various races that will be held tomorrow. There will be the 100m, 200m, 400m, 1500m and the race around the village to finish. I was never great at running when I was in school, though I took part in most events. I tried my best but I was never good enough to win anything.

It is really strange! I had no real stamina for say the 1500m races, yet if a football were placed at my feet then I would happily run the equivalent of a marathon and think nothing of it!

'The Author and Finisher of our faith.' This text has captivated my thoughts. Tomorrow we will have someone to start each race and no doubt two folk holding the tape at the finish. It will not be the same person.

I thought of how I had started in the race. I had been 'just one of the crowd' mulling around aimlessly, watching this and that, passing the day with no aim, objective or purpose. It was easy to go to a lost eternity. I simply had to carry on the way I was going!

My soul however heard a call, an announcement, a herald of Good News. A race was beginning and I was invited to enter. I was heavily laden, carrying too much excess baggage to run properly and the Evangelist told me to 'lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset me.' Gladly did my soul hear this message.

Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. I came to the Author as I was, and asked for help in removing my load. It was He who had begun this work in me.  

I had to be Born Again to enter this race. I had to become a new creation in Christ Jesus. With joy unspeakable my soul accepted the cleansing, the washing, a new heart and the dynamic of the resurrected Christ.

Before I go any further, my soul was arrested this morning as I read these words, 'the sin which doth so easily beset us.' Especially 'the sin!' What sin? Ah! That sin! Yep, the one that plagues me more than any other. That darling sin of mine. The one that causes me more grief than any other. The sin of unbelief! I had to dump it!

Even as I ditch it, in my mind I wonder for how long? Bah!! Sin!

I set off at a great sprint. I love this new life and I have a great affection for my companions in this race. This newness of life is great! I shout to the spectators to 'come and join us!' They think I'm mad, but they do not know what they are missing.

I can hear some of their comments. 'Why does he not go around with us anymore?' 'This won't last, he'll soon give up and come back to us.'

I wondered how long this race going to last? Perhaps I had not paced myself properly. Some of my new friends had finished already. Theirs was a short race, now they were safely Home.


What was that? A hurdle? Who put that there? Nobody told me about obstacles being in the way! The wind also seems to be picking up! Phew! I am exhausted, I need help! I'm never going to finish!

The Author sent Words to encourage me and I was revitalised. What energy these Words contained!

There have been times when the race has seemed beyond me. Often I have felt like giving up, yet I cannot. A smile or a kind word from my companions help from time to time. Nothing beats the Words from the Author.

I must pass on His Words to the others in the race. It seems He has a Word for every obstacle in my path. Well, He should know as He had run the race before. He knows the way that I take.

The longer the race goes on the more I realise the importance of keeping my focus on the Bright Light at the finish. The track is narrow yet it is littered with handfuls of purpose.

Often I have gone off the track and found myself wallowing in a peat bog called doubt. I am laughed to scorn by the spectators who see me, however I am thankful when grace and mercy are restored by the hand of encouragement.

The love the Author has for me is beyond question. Each day He has a new Word for me. He promises glory for all those who finish the course. He has also told me that He has seen to it that everyone who has started the race, finishes it!


Your brother in Christ


Sorry for the rush. Busy weekend!!

Margit Rhone-Saunders

To Everyone in this group,
a hearty thank you for welcoming me as a separate half to the ChrisMar duo :D, though
I must confess that I'm not sure yet of how much I will get involved here. ??? :-[
After receiving an invitation, Chris joined with my blessing and did so for the two of us. He loves photography and uses it fully to glorify God, to encourage through the Word and picture, we both do and fellowship with Christians who do likewise is bonding and edifying.
You are a busy group and there are many aspects to your site, occasionally I have checked in and followed some of your postings.
Please don't misunderstand my comment now when I say I was reluctant to also join because I can see the depth in which one can get involved here.
Chris, thinking he would do me the favor, on nudging, took a repeated second invitation and signed me up as well.  :-[
So, now how do I say that I'm here not so much because I want to be, but because I had some helping hands. ??? Just say it and try to give your reason! Knowing that God works all for good to those that are called according to His purpose...I'll attempt to explain and trust not to offend.
I am very familiar with how involved a setting like this can be. Overall I am fully supportive of the fellowship of Christians on the internet, the encouragement one is able to give in this outreach, not just give but receive as well, but I know also the amount of time it can take and the required attention.
Here it is I beg your understanding, Chris and I are married just a bit over a year. I have come to a new country, to a new family and a new culture. Six months ago we moved into our new home, a home that needs much attention.
There is much for us both to adjust to and to do, we want to balance all so that we do what God wants us to,  minister through photography, encourage where He leads and yet glorify Him in our marriage too.
How can we do any without the latter first, honor God in our relationship?
You will find me supporting my husband and occasionally voicing myself to address issues, but forgive me if I don't seem to be visiting very often.
As I'm writing this, I am reminded of a section in God's Word that addresses what I want to convey. You'll find it under Deuteronomy twentyfour, verse five. It's a good word, one we cannot take as literally as would be a benefit to us for in our society one has to work for a living, but it is none-the-less a word that we should aspire to -  to not get so involved that the home fire is crying for wood, and not just for a year but always.;)
In closing let me say, I am glad that there is a group like yours and with you we will work in God's Kingdom, in one capacity or another; we will try to have a balance that will honor Him and to that end we enlist your prayer.
To God be the Glory.

In His love, Margit


Good morning all. Just a short note today, as there is much to accomplish before I start work.
Margit, I for one do understand the time constraints that our daily activities put  on us, and whenever you do have opportunity to stop by, know that we and you will be blessed for you're having taken the time to visit us.
So many changes you have been through.
how wonderful that you have your faith in and knowledge of the Lord to sustain you in your period of transition.
God knows you need Him. (We all do)
Iain: another wonderful devotional, indeed.
From where I stand I found it both convicting and reassuring.
Thanks for your obedience in posting these on His behalf.

Jen: hope all is well with you and that the blood test comes back with a good report.

Judy- Nice to hear from you. Your presence brightens up the place

Pat: Thanks again for all you do for the site. May you be richly rewarded for your dedication.

Marilyn, Al & Marbeth: Very nice photo on yesterday's post. How nice for you that you could meet and spend time in fellowship face to face.

To everyone who visits today:
"May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; May He turn His face towards you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

Your prayers are working...I'm reading my bible again and listening to the Christian radio station every day.
Thanks for your faithfulness.
PS I have posted a couple of my writings on the Manna and Poetry pages. Please take a look if you have the time.
Even after all this time,
the sun has never said to the earth,
"You Owe Me"...
Look what happens with a love like that,
It lights the world"


I just got off the treadmill after faithfully doing my exercise which is good for blood pressure and so forth.  Today, I am going to visit and hopefully help my friend who had a double mastectomy last week.  

Larry:  Thanks for the information on  Flip Album.  I have Paint Shop Pro and will check in there if they have the same kind of program and if not will surely check your out.  

Pat S:  More dental work for you - gosh, enough is enough!

Etta Sue:  When I read your note about Jerry, I thought of high-altitude sickness which is much the same as heat stroke and fluids are needed.  I trust that he is better today.

Mercychild:  The buggy ride to an Amish farm must have been so special - interesting to live even now in quiet ways.

Jenny:  Good Luck on your blood test.

Margrit:  It is nice to see you here - just come when you can.

Shinenlite:  Thank you for your blessing.

Iain:  Your village celebration must be so much fun for everyone.

Marilyn:  Glad that you are settling in so quickly. I must have missed it - the big difference in weather at your new home.  How do you define a "worshipping church"?  


Etta Sue

Jerry is still resting although he did wake me up by falling in the bathroom.  But I do believe he is gaining strength and from my doctors books, he had a heat stroke or heat exhaustion.  Everything is functioning...he is just weak.  And yes, the book said plenty of fluids so he is drinking more now.  Hopefully he will want to sit in my lift chair.  Then he can sit up or lie down without effort.  

It was a short night....also a long night filled with prayer.


Good morning everyone.

Jenny-I will be praying for you as you get your blood work done.

Carol-It was a lovely day for the beautiful ride.  It was certainly very interesting.  I think I would go again sometime.

Good morning to Margit and Shinenlite as well.

Pat-I hope you're feeling better soon.  I'll be giving you a call shortly.  

God be with you all and I hope you all have a wonderful day.  Jen.


Jenny. England 3.20 p.m.

I'm back but just a quick word before I pop to the park on my little "chariot"...now repaired...Thanks for prayers re this.

I have a dear Christian pastor friend, Peter, he encouraged me the other day when I felt I was losing my usefulness in Christ...He said "Jenny you are still in the race"......May we all feel that this is so. Eccl 9:11 tells us... "the swiftest person does not always win the race , nor the strongest man the battle , wise men are often poor  and skilful men are not necessarily famous".
Also  an encouraging word: PS 147:10 "the speed of a horse is nothing to Him. How puny in His sight is the strength of a man. But His joy is in those who reverence Him, those who expect Him to be loving and kind." See the emphasis on the "EXPECT HIM TO BE LOVING AND KIND".    Miracles abound when we are "expectant". Be EXPECTANT brothers and sisters, In Jesus'  Name I exhort you. Amen.

Enjoy the Games Iain.  Best Wishes to those in Tong.  May the weather hold out for you.


Carol Marilyn's Definition of a worshipping church: one that has a lot music and songs that edify the Lord and speak of the love they have for the Lord in song, touching the heart. To tell you the truth I really don't know how to define it. For myself, I lift my hands to the Lord, close my eyes, sometimes the tears just seem to flow all on their own and I feel this trememdous love in my heart for my Jesus.  All this takes place before the Sermon, or Bible Study class or whatever.  

Pat and Iain thank you for the devotional,

Etta sue I am so glad that Jerry is feeling a little stronger and has taken you advice and been drinking more fluids.

Jenny I got all the wonderful pictures you sent. I will answer you letter today.

So nice to see Joyce posting. Joyce you must be a busy lady.

I had a nice time with Al and Marbeth. What a sweet couple they are. It is so nice to see marriages where God is so honored.

I'll be back, my apologies to allthat I did not address, it is busy for me again today, Laundry to laundromat to dry, I really need to get to the DMV and take care of my liscense and car tags I should go to the AARP employment office  while waiting for this other job to make up their minds.
Sooooo I shall return later.

Have a wonderfully blessed day.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Good Morning Everyone!

It's so nice to see your lovely message, Margit!  Thanks for that.  We'll be so happy to see you posting just whenever you feel you have time.  

Glad that Jerry got through the night ok, Etta Sue.  I wonder if he should go to the doctor?

Hi Jenny!  Great to hear from you too from your little corner over in England!  Birmingham sure has grown a lot!

Jo, I'm so happy to see your post telling us that our prayers are working.   I know a lot of us are praying and prayer works!  Maybe we don't always get the replies we're expecting but our Lord knows best!

Jen, I'll be looking forward to your call.  I'm going shopping in awhile and having lunch with a friend.  By the way, Jen, where did you go camping?  Was it a nice spot?

Carol, I have to get back to my treadmill!  Since my daily trips to Hamilton started, I don't think I've been on it once!  

The Highland Games are coming up in Fergus soon too, Iain.  I love going.    All three of my kids did Highland Dancing when they were little and our eldest son was exceptional at it.  I'm sure they've forgotten all their steps now though!  I hope you get some photos.   I think that seeing the many, many different tartans all congregated together is sure a lovely sight to behold.

Thanks Iain for the wonderful devotion today.

Must go and get ready to leave.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


I don't remember is I have posted in here today or not.  

I hope everyone is having a good day.  My little boy is napping right now, so I am enjoying some peace and quiet, and trying to do some laundry.  

Take care, and I hope to be in here some more.



Hello everyone, I haven't been here for a while, but, here I am!

It's a beautiful, sunny afternoon in Ottawa.  Yesterday evening the clouds were soooo beautiful.  Our next-door neighbours lost their oldest child, only son, in a drowning accident about a week ago; he was 16.  Our neighbours are from Vietnam, and buddhist.  Their 12 year old daughter was sitting outside last night, watching the sunset, and I talked with her for a while.  The orange sky reminded her of her brother, she said.  She's a beautiful little girl, getting to be a beautiful young woman, and she's very sad right now.  I have to print a couple pictures for her, she would like to have the orange sunset.

Anyway, it's amazing how beautiful this world is, and how great our God is that he gave it to us to live in.  Everytime I think of how big the universe is I am just totally amazed.

I better get back to work.  Take care everyone.



Well today is another day of running. We had an early call from a friend about his father.  This gentleman, Rick's father, had cancer surgery yesterday.  They removed a fist sized growth out of his abdomen, and thank our Heavenly Father they got all the cancerous growth.  There is nothing on the liver, and if the biopsy comes out clear he won't even need Kemo!  A lot of prayer went up for Grandpa Drake.

We have a new member to our home.  She is a 6 week old kitten that is tri-coloured.  I have already taken pictures.  John wasn't too impressed but in light of the "mouse" he is accepting of her and even named her. Tess is making herself right at home.

Well I will be back to read all the posts in more detail.

Good devotional Iain,  Again!

God Bless all


Hi Ursula...

Great to see you here.  I was just ove in the "Have You Prayed About It?" area and you can be sure that I'll be praying that you'll be guided by the Lord as to what you are going to do in the future.

Don't stay away so long!


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


It's after 4 and almost time to go home from work.  I've been lurking around and seeing how a lot of you are going to Calgary for the bash.  I think it will be supercalafragilsticexpealdosious to be with each other.  What a drive you will have!  Are any of you flying? Anyway..have a great time. :)
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6


Judy, I'm glad your friend's father's surgery went well.  My mother-in-law had a growth removed from her intestine a couple of years ago, and she felt so much better afterwards!  She still talks about that.



Quote from: Pat Scott on July 18, 2003, 03:18:56 PM

Hi Ursula...

Great to see you here.  I was just ove in the "Have You Prayed About It?" area and you can be sure that I'll be praying that you'll be guided by the Lord as to what you are going to do in the future.

Don't stay away so long!


OK  ;)

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  This is one of those days when I am late getting here.  I had something I needed to take care of this morning regarding the webpage for our church and decided I was just going to have to wait on some other things that I normally do each morning.  I did get the work accomplished and feel that the pressure is off as I had wanted to get a page on the website with links to various devotional sites, including Iain's "Apples of Gold".  Our webpage had information but not much of a spiritual relavenance.  I used many of the links I had gotten from this site.  If you are interested here is the link to the webpage and then just click on "Devotional Links":  Westminster Presbyterian Church

Jerry, sure hope you are feeling better this evening.  I am sure that was a frightening experience and hope you won't have any long-lasting consequences.  Etta Sue, I know you were very concerned.

I had an interesting time at my treatment today as there was a bomb scare at the hospital, to which the doctor's offices are attached.  I was about 5 minutes from completing the hour on the EECP machine when the nurse came stopped the machine and told me of the scare and that she would feel better if I was on my way home.  I didn't argue.  When I left the parking garage, I saw many of the hospital staff standing outside.  I am sure the doctors and nurses had to stay inside with the patients.  I can't image someone pulling such a stunt.  As far as I know it was a hoax but should find out more on Monday.

Pat, the devotional text we use in a sung response following the scripture reading every Sunday.  A lot of wisdom in those words.  Iain, hope you have a wonderful time at the games tomorrow as your town celebrates.  I thought it was neat the way you worked that into a powerful message.

Ursula, sorry to hear about your church situation but am sure God will call you and your husband to a new ministry where he wants you to be.

See you all tomorrow.

Judy McKenna

Etta Sue:  Please give Jerry a hug for me.  I am so pleased to read that he is feeling some stronger., and I'm sure with the TLC, he will be "back to CP" before too long.

Jerry... we miss you!

Nice to see "our family" here growing.  Welcome Margit!  Not to worry if you can't get in here as often as you'd like, ...just pop in whenever... and say Hi to us!

Pat - Guess we'll miss the Highland games this year.  Norm and I always tried to go.  I loved the Tatoo.  Where do they get the word "Tatoo" from?

Marilyn:  Its so nice that you can meet with Al and Maybeth.  I hope to see some photos soon.

Judy B:  Your kitty sounds cute., and I like her name.  Do you have other animals?

Well, Norm and I are going out for supper....not sure where yet., we have tickets to live theatre tonight for 8:pm., so I won't be back in here until tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good evening!

L....Judy M.
"I am too blessed to be stressed".


Ursula, I'm sorry to hear about your neighbour's son.  How very sad.  I'll be praying for them.  

Pat, we went camping near Wheatly Ontario.  It was on the shores of Lake Erie.  I got some photos, I just haven't gotten them developed yet.  It was a rather small, cramped camping spot, yet a very enjoyable experience just the same.  I love camping.



For Jerry from Chris and Margit

A "Heiland Coo"


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


That's an interesting get well card there Chris and Margit.

We I accomplished a few things just on the phone with the various agencies in charge of employment for Seniors. I went to Eureka and got the business for my car taken car of and a change of address on my drivers Liscense.

I hope I didn't already post  this message.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hi everyone.  Just to let you know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth!   :D
Really, I don't have time to stay right now, but hope to later tonight.
Love, Janice
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Ps 118:24


Hi Janice!

It's so good to see you posting.  I've kept you and Earl on my prayer list and just knew I'd see you posting soon.

Great to have you back.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Jeanne Lee

I'm looking out my window right now.  It faces EAST (Yes, I'm sure it's east) and at 8:45 p.m. the sky is as pink as can be. :o  Does anyone wonder why I'm geographically challenged?   ;D

I got called in to work 1/2 day today and I'll be working full time next week.  8:00 to 5:00 makes for a long day, especially at age 71 and not used to it.  Makes for a nice paycheck, though.  ::)

We had some pretty severe thunderstorms this morning but it cleared up beautifully and by late afternoon the sun was shining brightly.  And hot.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.  Our church picnic is tomorrow afternoon - in the same park as last week's birthday party - and around noon Gene's daughter Vivien and her husband Richard will be stopping by for a quick visit on their way to a wedding.  And somewhere in the mix I have to get clothes ready for every day for work.
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


I've been trying to figure out all day what would be a good photo for the "Contrast" challenge over at DPChallenge.  That one has me more or less baffled.  Contrast is such an integral part of photography, that to take a picture of "Contrast" seems just plain weird.  I keep coming up with ideas for oposites, like black/white, new/old, dark/light, whatever, but none seem to illustrate "Contrast".

Sometimes things just aren't working, ideas I mean.



Ursula, I just don't know how many of you come up with the  ideas that you do.  LOL  I've had my mind on other things for the past few days and just can't come up with any ideas for these two current challenges.

Did you come up with an idea for Trends?

I just love the one you took entitled 'Whispers and Giggles' (or something like that!).

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Good evening all!!  Tonight was the final night for the VBS, and we had  mini carnival.  One of the members is a volunteer fire fighter, and arranged for a fire truck.  There was a got, a sheep, two rabbits and some chickens for the kids to pet.  Sack races, pie throwing (that was a hoot), cotton candy, a clown, and a pig.   The boys and girls had  contest to see who could raise the most money for Operation Christmas Child.  If the girls won, the Preacher had to kiss the pig, if the boys, then the preacher's wife.  Leave it to the members to make sure it was a tie!!!  And the pig STANK!!!  My brother and his wife were going to bring theirs, a potbelly named Lucy, but she wouldn't get in the truck!  So, one of the members brought one.  No bath or anything.  I though Patti (preachers wife) was going to pass out!!

Anyway.  Once again, I started to post with seemingly intelligent thoughts and ideas in response to what ya'll have said, but forgotten them.  One of these days, I will do something about that.

have a great night everyone (or morning or afternoon, or whatever it is when you read this!)