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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Week~October 26

Started by Janet, September 06, 2008, 02:12:06 PM

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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  A special hi to Jeanne Lee.  It is great to see you posting here and it brings back memories of early days on SeniorNet.  Are you still helping out at your City Hall?

We had about 30 trick or treaters last evening, including about 5 young people who came back for a second time after teaming up with several others.  It was a beautiful night here but chilly again this morning. 

Today is a big football day here in Georgia as it is the Georgia/Florida football game.  It comes on at 3:30 this afternoon so it won't interfere with my afternoon nap.

I enjoyed the trivia questions.  Don't know whether I can come up with any but will have to see.

Carol, Pat has a little iron she keeps handy at her sewing machine. She keeps a little ironing board on a little table that pulls up to her sewing machine to the left.

Not much on the schedule today. We will attend a meeting this morning and then have a restful and quiet afternoon and evening.  Tomorrow is commitment Sunday at our church to make our financial pledges for the next year followed by a fellowship luncheon.

Hope everyone has a nice day.


How high does it get?

1.  What is the elevation where you live?  658 feet.

2,  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited? Rocky Mountain National Park - 11,000 ft.

3.  How high is your hairdo?  Flat, original comb-over

4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten? 5

5.  How high is the volume when you play music? Hearing loss causes the volume to be high all the time.

6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area? $2.15 (It was 1.96 south of Lima Ohio yesterday)

7.  How high can you jump?  I don't jump, I might break my leg

8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?)  I quit making wishes years ago, but if I had to make a wish it would be:  Aside from Jesus' return, I guess I'd say my youngest daughter and family would really come to understand Jesus' offers and accept it.
I am a nobody
Telling everybody
There is a somebody
That can save anybody
borrowed from Tom Ramundo


Hello!!  I have been numbered among the missing for weeks now.  Got home last night, and it feels wonderful to be here.  I don't want to go away again for a long least a week!  ;)

It's been fun reading all the posts for this week, and I will come back later to answer the How High questions.

In my painting class this week, I actually completed FOUR paintings, a record for me.  I told my painting buddy I thought it was because I was so tired that I didn't worry about making mistakes!  Painting is always such a joy for me.

Larry, I am so happy your test turned out all right and you had no ill effects.  Pat, I hope you do not have to have one.

I have thousands of emails to get through, plus all the other catching up, so I'd best get to it!
My book Rising Above available at

Jeanne Lee

Hi to you, too, Larry.  And I also I remember those early days at SN - things aren't looking good there right now.  :(
Click for Corinth, New York Forecast" border="0" height="41" width="127


Quote from: Pat on October 31, 2008, 12:43:56 PM

Trivia questions...

How high does it get?

1.  What is the elevation where you live?    10 ft

2,  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited?  Uh....never been to Colorado, but I've been to North Bend, Oregon which is 16 ft.  I was dizzy from lack of air.

3.  How high is your hairdo?   Higher than it was before I got my perm.

4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten?  3

5.  How high is the volume when you play music?  Medium

6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area?    I'm not sure.  Maybe $2.90 app.  I haven't checked Walmart or Safeway price.  They're usually lower.

7.  How high can you jump? It's according to what I am jumping for.  Probably higher than Al. :)

8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?)

That my family would all come to know Jesus Christ and to accept the Free Gift of salvation.  That's my greatest desire.


Just for you, Pat. :)

Heh!  My last answer jumped right out of the quote box. 

Rainy and rainy here this morning.  This was the day I'd chosen to take pictures for our new challenge, but unless it lightens just a tad, or we get some shadows or something, I may have to wait till Wednesday. 

Jeanne, SN has been down  a lot lately.  I feel bad for Marcie and the volunteers, also the tech people, but they don't have to face a mostly frustrated group of seniors. :)

Welcome home.........again.........Janet. You are the most travelin' woman I know. :)

Have a blessed day this perfect Saturday.  Nita


Well, what fun reading your trivia answers!

This is fun!

I've been sent one for next week. 

If you can put together some questions about a certain theme (Such as the name of this one was "How high does it get?", please send me a PM or email with them in and we'll have a great time here in our Coffee Shop during the week!

To post your answers, just click on the "Quote" button and all of the questions will appear in your post and you need only to insert your answers.

Great fun!

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

How high does it get?

1.  What is the elevation where you live?
       772 ft. elevation
2.  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited?
       10,023 ft - The summit of Haleakala Mountain in Maui, Hawaii
3.  How high is your hairdo?
       Depends on how high the curls are...maybe a couple of inches
4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten?
       3 layers
5.  How high is the volume when you play music?
       Pretty high when I am alone...lower when someone is with me
6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area?
       $2.17.9 a gallon Thursday evening
7.  How high can you jump?
       Not sure but know that I can jump down farther than jump up!
8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?)
       Good health.  God in my head, eyes, mouth and heart and enough       money to last my days here on earth.

Etta Sue

I forgot I had Halloween graphics.....

I started to do the 'How High' last night and I didn't have internet.  Checked the was dead.  Called Ivalou and she didn't answer.  Went over there and her phone was dead also.  Called Embarq and they said it would be fixed by 7pm tonight.  I got a call this morning....Tom (we are first name basis since I have Embarq DSL) said a corn picker got the line.  Seems the farmers are almost to the roads anymore and they don't leave much room for things like phone lines that are buried.  But I am back in the running again. 

Nice kind of warm day in central Indiana.  I want to close my crawl-space vents and put in styrofoam this afternoon.  Every little thing helps for lower heat bills.  Also need to put a new battery in the garage door remote in the car.  Have to push the button too many times for the door to go up or down. 

That's it for today!!!


It looks like a lot of people have similar wishes for how high the moon too.  Pat - I would never jump off a cliff - I just meant jumping & didn't think how high.   ;)  It is surprising that so many people have been to Colorado. 

We hung a few more pictures today, did an hour walk and I was able to do it today.  It is so mild outside that I only wore a cotton long-sleeved shirt as a top.  We need moisture...There is chicken in the crock pot and we are going to a 5 PM service at another new to us church that is about ten minutes away. 

Larry:  You didn't wish for yourself but that is so sweet to wish for your wife and daughter. 

Don set up the laptop and little printer in my downstairs sewing room so here I am - the wireless works well.  Sunny and light in here.  On our walk this morning, we met one of our neighbors who lost his wife this week from complications of Alzheimer's Disease.  He is a WWII vet and now he will be able to take care of himself as he seems pretty strong for his age - he has been caring for her and she became suspicious of anything, very difficult for him. 

Listening to classical music now at a medium/soft volume. 


I was very close to Colorado once!  I was on I-80 at the corner where Nebraska and Wyoming meet!  I saw a sign pointing south to Colorado and it was sooooo close but Dad and I were in such a hurry to get to Idaho!  So no Colorado for me.  :(

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


How high does it get?

1.  What is the elevation where you live?
         35M (115 ft.)
2.  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited?
         about 5,000 ft. in the rockies...Banff, etc.
3.  How high is your hairdo?
         depends on how hard it rains
4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten?
         5 or 6 thin layers in my Danish cake
5.  How high is the volume when you play music?
         High, unless using earphones...deaf in one ear!
6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area?
         Not sure
7.  How high can you jump?
          Would depend on the emergency
8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?)
          I stopped wishing a long time ago.  Now I pray. :)



Great answers, Liz!

Does your hair get higher if it rains?  ;)

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Quote from: Pat on October 31, 2008, 12:43:56 PM

           How High Does it Get?
1.  What is the elevation where you live?
    3,300 feet

2,  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited?
      13,500 feet, in Cuzco, Peru.  It is 1500 feet higher than Machu Picchu!

3.  How high is your hairdo?
     Maybe a couple of inches--We had much higher ones in the 70s, didn't we? 

4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten?
     Seven layers!  Darrel and Kerri made a gourmet cake of some kind one year for Thanksgiving.  It took
     them all morning.  :)

5.  How high is the volume when you play music?
     Pretty high when a song comes on that I really like!

6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area?
     It was $2.39 yesterday when I filled the car.

7.  How high can you jump?
     Haven't tried that lately, but maybe 18 inches or so.  But why?

8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?)
For Beth to be able to walk again, and for the salvation of loved ones.  For this election to have what I consider to be a favorable outcome.  For Jesus to come SOON.
My book Rising Above available at


I'm sorry about the print size in the above post, don't know why it is so small.

Boy, busy day today!  As I finished posting this morning, Curtis, Toni and Lexi arrived, then Jeff a few minutes later.  Jeff went right back (just came to haul up his skid steer for Darrel and Curt to use in unloading some heavy tools and machinery).  Then Diane, Jeff, Mark and Abby came for supper.  So I was busy all day, now have the leaves taken out of the dining table, and the dishwasher is running; Darrel is in bed, and I am headed that way, too.  I will be more than happy to have that extra hour in the morning.

Nita, thanks for the welcome home.  I don't think I was missed in here much, but that's okay, too.  8)

'Night, all! :sleep:
My book Rising Above available at


I think you were missed, Janet.

I didn't think you would be 3,000 feet out there on the prairies.  :) 

Thanks for answering all the questions. 

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Yep, 3,000 feet.  Don't forget, we are right next door to Colorado!  This area is called the high plains.
My book Rising Above available at


That's really interesting.  I loved this trivia.  Wish everyone had done it! 

Great to have you home, Janet.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

I am all ready for church.  Ivalou is driving today.  She drove last week.  But since there were two days in a row this week that were odd days, she is driving again...even days for her.  Works for us. 

I had a long day yesterday since I changed my clocks yesterday morning.  I went to bed early so still got that extra hour of sleep. 

Kaye Don and Barb are in Florida.  She called Ivalou last evening and they are in Bradenton.

I am coming right along with my are the rest of you doing?  Wouldn't it be fun to post pictures of our each individual afghan?

Cloudy today...I hope no rain until I get back home.  I might melt!! 



We went to church last night and received the Sacraments along with the congregation.  Very nice church and the message was so good.  They do a lot of good work for Uganda as well as things in the city right here.  Every church we have gone to does a whole lot of outside work besides their own bible studies and so forth. 

I slept so late and then wondered why Don turned the light on --tis the sun.

There is one church here that also has a Wednesday night service & singing and if our company doesn't come this week, we will try to visit that one as well.  We have been there on a Sunday morning and liked it as well. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  I am ready for church but it still isn't time to go.  As I mentioned yesterday we will be having a congregational dinner after services this morning to celebrate our commitment Sunday. 

I am having some problems with my desktop computer and have been trying to uninstall and reinstall the Windows One Care on it but am running into problems.  I will keep working on it until I get it fixed.

Janet, great to see you posting again 

Jeanne, I am concerned about SeniorNet as well.  I think they are really feeling the financial pinch that the country is experiencing. There is a lot of unrest in our Learning Center as well and we are positioning ourselves to be able to continue without affiliation with SN if we have to do so.

Carol, I think I would be very confused as to what church to attend if I tried out too many as sure each has something to recommend them.  However, sure you and Don will make the right choice if you follow God's leading.


Just on my way to church.  Sunday School is great too.  We have a wonderful young man teaching the adult class and it's such a feast.

Talk to you all later

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


1.  What is the elevation where you live? 142 ft. according to Wikipedia

2,  What is the highest elevation you've ever visited? On the way through Colorado - 11,000 ft.

3.  How high is your hairdo?  It depends on whether I wear it down ( 1")or piled on top of my head (3") I have a lot of hair.
4.  How many layers was the highest cake you've ever eaten?4

5.  How high is the volume when you play music? Medium at home, medium loud in the car

6.  How high is the price of gas/petrol in your area? On Saturday I was it advertised at $2.39

7.  How high can you jump?  maybe 15"

8.  How high is the moon?  (meaning what do you wish for most?) That all our children in this blended family (My 5+ spouses and grands and  his 3) would ask Jesus into their hearts and be active in the church of their choice.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hi everyone, I haven't been on line for 2 days, It has finally stopped raining for a bit, probably more to come. Sun is out currently. Not much else is new for now, I have a lot of catching up to reading emails and n SN if they are back up.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


We're starting our new "Thoughts for the Week" a little early.

I'm leaving for church in a few minutes.


"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"