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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Month ~ May

Started by JudyB, May 01, 2019, 11:12:20 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Morning Devotional...

When he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.                                   Luke 15:20

Slow are the steps of repentance, but swift are the feet of forgiveness. 

God can run where we can scarcely limp, and if we are limping towards Him, He will run towards us.

These kisses were given in a hurry; the story is narrated so that there is a sense of haste in the very wording of it.

His father "ran, and fell on his neck and kissed him"--eagerly, he did not delay, for though he was out of breath he was not out of love.

Your Father's many kisses will make you forget your brother's frowns.
                                                             ~C. H. Spurgeon~

Two things the prodigal would never understand:
Why he had fled love for the dark streets and the black wine,
Or why, when he quit the swinecote,
Love ran to meet him on the road.


Hello everyone.  This is a bit of history for you.  This was the first devotional that Pat prepared for May 1st, 2003 the year Christian Photographers started.

I tried calling Pat tonight however there was no answer, She could possibly have been sleeping.

We have had more winter weather today, freezing rain and in many areas snow. This is unusual even for us in NE Ontario.
School buses were not running and most of the children stayed home. 

Have a great day and may God richly bless you.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We have a clear sky this morning and we are to get up into the high 80's this afternoon.  Nothing particular on my schedule for today other than seeing Scott, who will be here before long to take his mother to an routine appointment down at the hospital.  Then he will come back to spend some time with us this evening. My blood pressure is pretty low this morning being 73/48 and guess that may be why I am pretty breathless this morning and no energy.  I am going to offer a few comments this morning as got nothing done here in my office yesterday but posting to the discussion boards but want to get some other things accomplished. 

Jackie, I ordered non-slip socks to wear when I go to bed and until I have shoes or slippers on during the day.  Also put a gripper that fold in half on my bed table.  I am ordering a ramp for our garage into the house.

Janet, do you use some type of anti-virus anti-hacking software.  I hate to bear bad news but your computer can become infected anytime it is on.  Sorry your pain is worse and hope you get some answers from your CT scan. 

Judy, thanks for getting us started on a new page for May.  The Prodigal Son story in the Bible is one I really relate to as feel I have lived the experience with our son.  I hope you will let us know how Pat is doing when you hear from her.


Judy:  Thank you for setting up the latest spot.  It sounds like you have had a long winter as well as here.  Finally, today the sun is out - it could have been winter yesterday.  I fear for the ranchers when winter weather stays so cold this late.  Gentle hug to Pat.

Yesterday was the end of the season bible study - so, the speaker was a missionary.  It was also the last meeting and everyone brings food.  I made pumpkin bread.  About froze just walking in and out of church.  It was so soothing to my mind to meet with friends and have morning prayers with them.   Later, we walked to a neighbor's house - Don is working on a travel plan for them.  It was also a frustrating time for him as the speaker on his laptop isn't good at all.  Oh, well - it will all work out somehow.    Their son came over and installed the light on my old Singer Featherweight sewing machine.  I could not get it right & wasted so much time and he did it in a minute. 

Larry:  Rest well - everything can wait.  Hello to your Pat.  I wish she could motivate me to start sewing something. 

There are too many projects on the list, and I feel overwhelmed by the genealogy I should be doing - there is one more friend to call and check on ---my mother always said "Friends are Golden" and I agree.

Have a good day - or evening - FRIENDS


Larry, I'm always happy to see a post from you when I come in here!  I am supposed to hear back from my Dr. today re the CT scan, if she doesn't call soon, I will call her.  I am feeling considerably better this morning, as I had a much better night's sleep last night than for the previous several. I need to check somehow to see if I have a virus protection on here.  I forgot to ask Curtis when he was here, and I'm not sure how to check on this Mac. Lots of things I haven't yet learned about a Mac.  :-[

I finally got busy and started packing for Florida this morning.  Daughter Kerri is supposed to come this weekend, and I will have to move the suitcases off the bed so she will have a place to sleep!

I have a chiropractic app't. at 10:30, then UMW meeting at 11:30, if I'm out of Dr's office by then.

We had a real cloudburst last night!  Boy, it was LOUD!
But it only lasted about 15 minutes, we got probably 1/4 inch of rain from it.

Back to the laundry!

I came back to greet Carol, and thank Judy for opening the new month on here.  Hello, Carol!  Thank you, Judy!  Love and hugs to Pat!
My book Rising Above available at


Good Morning Janet  From a sunny Isle of Man.


Greetings Carol A good day to you friend, late afternoon here at 4.19pm, by my reckoning it will be 11.19am where you live. 


Greetings Larry  Now do wear those socks! :)

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We have a cloudy morning and it is suppose to get to 84 this afternoon with a fairly good chance of some rain, which would be welcome.  Our housekeeper is here. That is the only thing on the schedule for today so it should be a quiet afternoon and evening.  I did have a good night's sleep this morning but after I sat up on the side of the bed I felt my energy drain.  Have any of you experienced such a feeling? Pat got her second Instant Pot, the 3 quart one, on Wednesday and she and Scott had to do quite a bit of rearrangement of things in the kitchen to accommodate both of them side by side.  She is telling folks her large Instant Pot had a baby.

Carol, ranchers have a tough life as they have to be out in all types of weather.  I am sure you will miss your Bible study weekly sessions but the summer months will go by quickly.  Has Don ever thought about getting external speakers for his laptop.  They now have them that are very small.  I have had a beautiful set of desktop speakers for my office that Scott gave me for Christmas many years ago.  I usually use earphones to listen to anything on my laptop and it works well.  Glad you got the light fixed on your old singer Featherweight.  It has been awhile since Pat used her Featherweight that is all set up in the sun room area.  Many days now the things I want to get done in a day are put off to another day as just not up to tackling them.  I just have one project to tackle later this morning but it will remain to be seen whether laying down takes precedence after I finish with the message boards.

Janet, nice to read that you were feeling better yesterday so maybe the worst is behind you and being in Florida will give you time future heal since I hope you will get more rest. 

Ellie, I just wear the socks to bed as I have cold feet.  The new non-slip socks I am getting today or tomorrow in the mail I will use the same way.  They are suppose to be warm and have a padded heal.  Maybe I can wear them in place of my house slippers as my feet swell and the slippers get tight on my feet.


Greetings Larry  My hubby has cold feet and even colder hands, the latter part of his medical condition.

We had sunny spells earlier today, mind you the weather is cold again on the Isle of Man, 53F today.


Greetings all:  I have been working on little projects and making a bit of head-way.   

Ellie: We are 5 hours ahead of you - I certainly hope you will feel warmer breezes soon. 

LARRY:  Pat's new baby won't wake her at night.   ;) I still use a crock pot and keep trying new things in the iPot.  This is it - I don't want to get any more "new" things.  Enough!

Don is bringing the new HP laptop back and will get a refund and we won't do business with Office---- anymore.  They were no help.  The problem was an inside speaker with all static and noise, we could not understand anything.  Under warranty - they would transfer all our data and photos for over $100 - I told them we are NOT going to pay for that service.  We just smiled and took our laptop and now with it cleansed, we will find something else. 

Janet:  Take time to smell the roses.  It is so nice and green around here. 

We are expecting a friend and her daughter and a ditzy dog - am not sure yet but they will be on the road this weekend. 

My task today was to go through a huge box of photos.  I found photos of a missionary who lived with us when I was 10-11 years of age - about 7 or more months.  He was working and saving to go to Venezuela.  Jake did live there for years & had a family - later the children came to the states & came to see us one afternoon.  Now, after all these years (Jake and Freida have passed) - I found his son is a pastor in Oklahoma.  I have been calling the church and no answer but sure do want too send a couple of photos to his son.   This is so exciting - so many stories to tell his son.

Larry:  My two sewing machines are in a south-facing basement area and that should be a bedroom but we don't usually have company long enough that they care - they get a darker room with bath & a tiny kitchen plus the patio so they can get up and we don't even hear them.  How does Pat plan to use the two iPots? 



Greetings Carol  As I write this message it is 12.06pm, and early morning where you live at 7.06am.   Sorry to here of the problems with the company want $100 to transfer data and photos

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another sunny morning starting out 71 degrees and going up into the low 80's this afternoon with a 50% chance of rain.  I laid down yesterday about 10:30 and stayed their until around 3 pm. I finished listening to an audio book that I had just started the night before.  I took my shower this morning and washed my hair and it took up my days supply of energy.  I have nothing else I need to do today other than read and post here in the message boards. I did open a package of medicine I had gotten from my health insurer and got the good news that one of the expensive drug Renexa I have taken for years finally has a generic and so rather than the $80 copay I have had in the past it is now $15 for a three month supply.  Just like getting a little pay raise.  I now just have one expensive drug that is $125 co-pay for a three month supply.

Ellie, I guess we get use to the cold hands and cold feet after having them so long.  I don't envy you with that cold temperature on the Isle. 

Carol, I think Pat has now decided to put her crock pots (large and small) away in the attic or on the shelves out in our garage.  She feels the Instant Pots will do what she will want to do.  It sounds like Don had a bad sound card in his laptop.  Best Buy will take electronics back for a brief period but still charge you a restocking fee, which is aggravating. I had good luck buying computers and other electronics from Micro Center as they had knowledgeable salespersons and very good prices.  I have also purchased several computers online. Pat has several ideas of how she will use the small Instant Pot including fixing rice or smaller dishes for us.  It remains to be seen how much it is used.


Good wonderful day to all!  I have been up and ready to walk with a friend/neighbor for two hours. She must have forgotten (it happens a lot with her). Part of the reason is she is a lot of back pain and her doctor at Kaiser says they have nothing else to give her.  Really?  I think not!  I hope she gets a new doctor but we can't help her decide.  Anyway, we have a Tens unit (it pulses a bit for some relief from pain} and used it for back surgery (me) years ago, I hope she will try to use it.

It is a beautiful morning here.  Don has spent a couple of days fussing over the computer and will take it back this afternoon.  He needs to find another & we will not buy anything at that store again. 

Larry:  Sorry that your morning ritual is so exhausting.  Be sure to take extra care when you are using the shower, etc.  Do you have one of those chairs for the shower?  My friend had to hire a home health aide for her husband & that was a great relief for both of them.  This younger lady is working at several homes in the community - I hope you can find someone who would do things for you - like cleaning the fridge, helping dress wounds, etc.  Great news that one prescription is lowering in cost.  Some of these drugs are beyond evil prices. I finally used the iPot in the Slow Cooker mode - it worked great. 


Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. It is another cloudy morning with some rain predicted for this afernoon.  Late last night we had some significant rain but haven't heard how much.  It is needed around here.  I didn't have a very restful night although did get some sleep.  It is hard to get into a position on the bed that is comfortable due to the tail bone being so sore.  We will have a very restful and quiet day today as far as I know now.  I am going to try to stay up this morning until 11:30 or noon.  I hope to watch the golf tournament late this afternoon.  Yesterday when I tuned in to it they were in a rain delay and showing some previous tourney.  We did have TV dinners last night for dinner.  Mine was Marie Callendar sweet and sour chicken and rice with a side of carrots and broccoli.  Pat had a Weight Watchers Dinner but I was able to eat only half of mine to Pat finished it. 

Carol,  I think it is great you can walk for two hours.  I am doing well taking the few steps I take now here in the house, although trying to walk up and down our hallway from the kitchen to my office several times a day and that leaves me exhausted.  When I used to walk at the mall my next door neighbor and I would go together and it make the walking much more enjoyable.  I know your neighbor is happy that you will walk with her.  Pat has gone to the pain clinic here and they have nothing else to offer her as the shots didn't work and the surgeon said the back surgery wouldn't help her.  She does get relief from the TENS unit and she has a good one that was very moderately priced.  I do have one of the bath chairs in the attic but don't need it as the shower has a built in seat although I would rather stand.  I hope I am a ways away from needing some help from a health aid but it is getting closer as am continuing to decline in health.  Glad your used the iPot and were satisfied with the results.


Good Sunday all!  We went to the more quiet Saturday 5 PM service last night.  It is better for Don's hearing issues but---- neither of the two extra aids they had available worked so he understood less than half of the visiting pastor.  It is discouraging, to say the least.  His hearing problem is distortion and not a soul understands when I tell them that is the issue.  We are grateful for a quiet home and children/friends who keep being friends.  Very grateful for Saturday service.

Reading of rockets flying into Israel - Prayers for a quick end to the this skirmish. 

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. Our day is starting out with nice sunshine but it is suppose to be partly or mostly cloudy all day long.  Yesterday turned out to not be a very good day as around noon I had another bad call here in my office.  I had been up and using the walker and was ready to sit down at my desk.  I reached back of me for my the arm of my office chair while holding onto one handle of my walker.  I am not sure what happened but some way I lost my balance and fell backward to the floor.  Of course I couldn't get up but finally was able to move out enough so that I could lay down and Pat called Scott, who came right out and was able to lift me upright again.  I landed on my sore tail bone and then my back hit my waste can.  Fortunately I did not hit my head and I broke nothing.  However, I have a bigger and darker bruise at my tail bone and two very large bruises on my back plus several other smaller bruises on my arms.  I dreaded last night but took 2 Tylenol and was able to lay on my sides rather than my back and I slept without pain all night, which was a very pleasant surprise.  It took me an hour this morning to get dressed and out of the bedroom so moving very slowly.  This morning I made a change in where I have my side table so that it is back of me in the area where I fell yesterday.  This is the beginning of the 5th month since the deterioration of my health started and it has been a steady downhill rather than getting better as I had hoped.   Fortunately I have no doctor's appointment until Wednesday morning so plan a quiet day today.  I read all of the postings in the discussions when I went to bed last night using my iPhone.  I am going to just check in today as really don't feel like sitting here at my desk this morning.


Larry:  Having a fall is what we are all afraid of happening. So sorry, it does sound like you will mend from this incident. I hope and pray you can keep the pain under control while mending.

I am about to check email to find out if our friend and daughter are staying overnight with us on their drive to Minnesota. 

Perhaps winter is over here -- then, again one forecast bit of snow later this week.


Good morning!  Somehow, I got dropped from the loop and hadn't had any notifications for several days; then had trouble finding my place again, but here I am!

We are getting ready to load the suitcases and leave for Garden City.  Our flight boards at 3:00 for Dallas, then on to Orlando.  Grandson called and asked for our Record Locater key and checked us in online; and I printed out the boarding passes, so we are good to go!  Looking forward to a fun and restful time in the warmer climate there.  They both work, so we will be on our own quite a bit, I expect.  We do plan on renting a car, so can go wherever we feel we can navigate to.  With phones and GPS, we should be okay.  We shall see!

Larry, I'm so sorry you fell again!  I pray that does not happen any more, in the Name of Jesus!

Father God, I lift Larry to you today.  I pray You will increase his strength and protect him from any more falls.  I pray the soreness and bruising will heal in supernatural time, and that Larry will feel encompassed by Your peace, love and mercy, like a warm, fuzzy blanket.  I pray Your wisdom for Larry, Pat and Scott in Larry's care, so they will know the best ways to handle each situation that arises.  Show them your love and mercy, Lord,
In the Mighty Name of Jesus,

I'm not leaving the country, so I plan on staying in touch while we are away. Taking along both phone and iPad this time.

Carol, bless you for being such a caring neighbor and loving wife.

Hello to all the rest of you!  Come and tell us what's happening in your world!
My book Rising Above available at


Amen to Janet's prayer for Larry
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Richards funeral - cremation is taking place tomorrow...His sister ( 83 ) hubby ( 85 ) and daughter are already down and been round to see me...My daughter not long phoned and said they will be leaving to come here in the early hours of tomorrow morning...I have told them ( daughter and grandson, he is driving ) that there are 4 busy motorways, and no motorway in Dorset, so have a good 30 plus miles from the last motorway to reach my home where the hearse will be coming to...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We are to be mostly cloudy with some rain chances through out the day and a high of around 84 late this afternoon.  Yesterday was pretty much of a lost day for me as spent all of it, except about 30 minutes here in my office, sitting in my easy chair with heat to my lower back for a couple of minutes and then off and then again on throughout the part of the day I wasn't laying down.  I had a more comfortable night last night and was able to sleep on my back part of the night.  I did get my new gripper socks yesterday afternoon and really like them.  I won't be slipping in them and they will serve the same purpose as my house slippers.  I hope spend most of the morning here in my office as have several things I want to check out.  There is nothing else on the schedule for today.  One of the men in my Sunday School class came by yesterday with a quart and half of chicken noodle soup he had made and then sat down for a few minutes and we visited.  We had his soup as our supper last evening and it was very good. 

Jackie, you will be in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day.  I am glad you will have family around you today.  I am sending some cyber hugs to you today.

Joy, :hb3:  I know the celebrations are pretty well over but just treat yourself very kindly today. 

Janet, thanks for that beautiful prayer you posted for me.  I do put my life in God's hands and mentally visualize myself holding the hand of Jesus during these days. I hope I can have a witness for him by the way I approach each day.  I hope your trip went well to Florida and that you are having a good time.  You are wise to rent a car for the time you are there and can do what you want to do. 

Carol, I am doing all I can think of to do to avoid another fall.  I move very slowly with my hands on the walker unless I can hold onto a counter or something else study that won't give way.  I notice that the discomfort is less today than yesterday although still very sore and I have some really terribly large bruises on my back.


Richards funeral went perfect today...My daughter and grandson were with me...There was a good turnout...The hearse and limousine came to my home, I sat in front with the lovely driver and was well looked after in such comfort....even took us after the service the short distance to the church hall, where two of my lovely friends laid on a table buffet of sandwiches, pork pie, quiches and small cakes, cups of teas and coffee's...then the limousine brought us back home...Even the weather was dry, warm and sunny...I stood up to say a list of positives about Richard...the lovely Celebrant lady took my hand and helped me up the steps...The lovely funeral director who has been constantly by my side ( he took me to register Richards death and two days later took me to his chapel of rest ) even complemented me on how lovely I looked in what I was wearing...I cant praise them both up enough, they have been marvellous to me, and my friends who organised the church hall foodstuffs...I was so proud to show off my tall and handsome grandson ( 30 ) and my daughter ( 50 in September ) I am confident that this has patched up-mended our long rift, everything was daughter at one point even took my hand as the final chapter was spoken and the see-through curtain closed around him- the coffin......
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


My cell phone buzzed - alert of a school shooting in Highlands Ranch - we are a suburb south of Denver.  None listed as critical but definite injuries.  Pray for family, friends all in the area.   


Well, I just came in minutes ago to check on everyone here. 

Happy Landings to Janet as she and hubby enjoy a getaway.

Jackie:  How wonderful for a great sending-off for your husband.  And, such caring people on what could have been such a stressful day. 

Update:  7 injured - perhaps 8 injured in the school shooting.  ANOTHER DARK DAY FOR COLORADO.  Please pray for children, family, teachers and the overworked law enforcement.   


Yesterday reminded so much of Columbine. praying fior the victims of this awful shooting.  What is this country coming to, there have been  too many mass shootings?

Jackie I am so glad that you had a reunion with your daughter and grandson. I pray that this is the end of the not communicating with you.The service sounds wonderful, very kind people.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. We are to have a mostly or partly cloudy day all day with a high of 85.  I have a doctor's appointment with the kidney doctor in about 2 hours.  Scott will take me so I can use the transport chair.  I did have a good day yesterday but not as peppy this morning. I tried to put on my shoes this morning but my feet were too swollen so have had to switch back to my house slippers.  I don't have much time to post this morning so will limit my comments.  I have read all of the postings. 

Jackie, thanks for sharing the good news concerning the memorial service for Richard.  Often the things we worry about were not worth our time and effort.  Take it easy the next few days and be good to yourself.  Things are going to work out for you in the days ahead.

Carol, another school shooting near you and a terrible tragedy with the loss of one life.  I haven't seen an update as of today.


Marilyn:  Yes, this school trauma brings back memories of Columbine school.  I lived fairly close to that school when it happened - we were in the foothills. 

Here is the latest on one young hero. 

HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. - A Colorado teen set to join the U.S. Marines this summer is credited with helping subdue a gunman during a shooting at his Denver-area school on Tuesday.

The Marines said Brendan Bialy helped saved lives during the attack at the STEM School Highlands Ranch. One student died, and two suspects are in custody.

"Brendan's courage and commitment to swiftly ending this tragic incident at the risk of his own safety is admirable and inspiring," Capt. Michael Maggitti said in a statement. "His decisive actions resulted in the safety and protection of his teachers and fellow classmates."

Bialy joined the Marines under the Delayed Entry Program, and is scheduled to ship out for basic training this summer.

Student Nui Giasolli told NBC's "Today" show that multiple students in her literature class jumped at the shooter, including the student who was fatally shot.

"They were very heroic," she said of the students who confronted the shooter. "I can't thank them enough."

What we know now: Colorado school shooting updates: STEM school to be closed this week after 1 dead, 8 injured


Too sad for words.

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  Just checking in this morning.


Hi Larry!  Good to "see" you this morning.  It is snowing here and we probably should stay off the road because......newcomers to the area do not know how to drive on hills with snow.  It is a fact!

A lot of people are saying prayers today.  Too bad it takes a tragedy for remembering how to pray.