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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

CP Member's son needs prayer as does Bill too...

Started by Pat, May 12, 2005, 12:16:36 PM

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I've been remiss in putting updates in here on Joe's condition.  I lost about 8 weeks of emails in my INBOX so lost a lot of them.  So a friend of mine has sent me some for you.

Day 43 - May 25, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Yesterday we went to Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto by ambulance where the plastic surgeon examined Joe's teeth and jaw alignment.  He was very pleased with the progress and plans to remove his braces on Friday - which means
another trip to Toronto.  The trip left Joe very tired.  We did have a brief therapy session after the trip but he was too tired to cooperate fully.

This morning his therapists got to him early and worked him hard.  After his therapy he thanked the therapists for being a real help. ( Joe has generally been very cooperative andf polite to all the staff).    During therapy and again later this afternoon he walked with the assistance of one person for a distance of about 10 feet.  He is really trying but it also left him exhausted.  He slept the rest of the day except for supper.  Even this eveing when he had several visitors he slept through it all.

He continues to improve in his speaking but when tired he is still very hard to understand.

" He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:29-31

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 45 - May 27, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today was a long day for Joe.  He was not allowed to eat or drink anything until after his surgery to remove his braces.  It was hard to hear him ask for a drink every few minutes because he would forget the reason why he couldn't have any.  After the surgery he was happy to drink as much as we could supply him.

Physically Joe is getting stronger every day.  Last night he "walked" between 2 friends for about 100 feet.  His sense of balance is still not working well but he is very determined.  His left arm has been very weak as well but he is now trying to exercise it himself - especially when he is reminded to do so.  We are thankful for each little progress.

As of today we do not have an answer from the rehab hospital.  There appears to be a scheduling problem.  We hope and pray that this will soon be resolved.

We had hoped that he would be strong enough to get out of the hospital on a half day pass tomorrow as many of my family will be at our home celebrating my mother's birthday.  After spending today with Joe and seeing how the day
went we now know that this might still be too much for him so we have cancelled that idea.  We are thankful that he is close to this stage and pray for his continued improvement so that next time....

"Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders."
Psalm 72:18

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 47 - May 29, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Yesterday and today were quiet days for Joe.  He slept a lot and we are thankful for the rest that he gets.  Other than that not much change.

We appreciate the many messages received about Joe and the concerns for his improvement.  Thank you all so much for caring and praying for Joe.

As Joe's improvement slows I will only send emails periodically to keep you all informed of the major events.  The next major event we hope and pray for is that he may get moved to a rehabilitation hospital. (I will let you know.)  While we wait for this, the hospital staff is trying to help us find someone who can come to Joe to work with him.  This would really be a big help to him as he needs to get more excerise than the current staff can give him.

"But as for me, I would seek God, and I would place my cause before God; Who does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number"  Job 5:8-9

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

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Day 52 - June 3, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Joe is continuing to have small steps of improvement on a regular basis.

One area of improvement is his left arm - when he works on it, he can now unbend it to his waist. Today during physiotherapy, he needed to steady his balance and managed to completely straighten that arm for a brief period to

Late this afternoon approval was given for Joe to begin eating soft (not pureed) foods such as maccaroni and cheese. He can't have things like chicken noodle soup yet - there are too many different textures in it.

Also, as long as someone else is holding and controling the cup, Joe can begin drinking regular liquids - he won't be restricted to only thickened beverages. This will give him a greater variety of drinks.

A couple of nights ago a friend brought him a LARGE strawberry milkshake from Dairy Queen. It was almost too thick to get up a straw. Joe enjoyed it so much he managed to get about 2/3 of it down, even though it wasn't long after his supper when the milkshake was brought.

We continue to pray that a physiotherapist who specializes in the needs of a neurology patient will be contacted and contracted to work with Joe until an opening occurs in a rehab hospital.

Bill is away for the weekend. He's getting some rest & relaxation.

The visits by many friends continue. We thank each and every one.

When we see how the body works to heal and rebuild itself, we are amazed. We can only echo words from Psalm 77:14: "Thou are the God who workest wonders."

Thank you for your continuing care and prayerful support.

Laura Jansen
Bill, Joe, Alice, Richard and Ben

Day 59 - June 10, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

We want ot thank the many who keep sending us emails, cards and words of encouragement.

Joe is slowly but surely improving.  He still cannot do much on his own but can now sit on his bed unassisted for short periods of time.  It is tiring for him but he persists.  We help him to a sitting position and after a short period upright he goes back down.  He walks with a walker and 2 therapists down the halls.  His left leg still drags a bit but is definitely

We are thankful to God for every day as we see the progress.

Today we met with a representative from one of the rehab hospitals.  She was impresssed with his abilities.  He was initially scheduled to go into the slower program at rehab but now they are considering that he may be more suited for the regular program as soon as an opening comes.  This could still be several weeks from now.

The staff at the Guelph General Hospital work diligently with Joe.  They research and question everything to get him the best possible help.  We appreciate and are thankful for their diligence.

We are able to communicate better with Joe.  When he speaks - he speaks softly and knows the answers to most of the things we ask him.  We do notice that for now his short term memory sometimes lets him down.  Our prayer is
that this too will heal.

Please continue to pray for Joe.  As he gets more aware he also has more times when he is discouraged.  The healing process is slow!!!

"O Lord, Thou hast searched me and known me.
Thou dost know when I sit down and when I rise up;
Thou dost understand my thought from afar.
Thou dost scrutinize my path and my lying down,
and art intimately acquianted with all my ways.
Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold O Lord, Thou dost know it all.
Thou hast enclosed me behind and before
And laid thy hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is too high, I cannot attain to it."

Psalm 139: 1-6

Thanks to you all for caring and praying

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 66 - June 17, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

We have had a week that flew by with continued progress with Joe.

His left hand has been held close to his chest for many weeks now but we see steady progress as he tries to straighten his left arm (he is left handed) and to use his hand.  He is very determined to use his left hand as he practices writing.  Last night his first visitors book was full and on the last lines he wrote with his left hand "Book Full".  We cheered and were thankful that so many of you have come out so faithfully to encourage Joe and make entries in his visitors book for him to read later.

His short term memory is still poor so this book is a real asset.

Joe's mobility is also improving daily.  He now pulls himself into a sitting position on the bed and has even swung his legs over the side to get ready to go to the bathroom or to get into his wheelchair.  Beyond sitting he does not have the ability to balance himself.  He walks with a high walker with 2 assistants and really pushes his limits when he is in therapy.  After therapy in the mornings he sleeps a lot.

He keeps the medical staff alert.  This morning they left him in his chair beside his bed - buckled in.  He managed to slip out from under his belt, out of the chair and climb into bed.  We do not know how he did it.  He must have struggled - but he succeeded!!!

We met with a neurologist this week as well.  He was very pleased with Joe's progress and expressed high hopes for a full recovery.  We trust the Lord that he is right.  Only time will tell.  The neurologist estimated that Joe could be walking with a walker in 3-4 weeks - we'll keep you posted.

I am attaching a web address for a news article that was in the local papers this past week    http://www.thefountainpen.com/cgi-bin/showstory?id=3728
It is self explanatory.

Thanks again to you all for your support and prayers

"Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of - infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes."   Ephesians 3:20

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

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Day 74 - June 25, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

We have had a busy week working with Joe.  He is gaining strength and working hard at regaining the use of his left arm.  He can now force it to a 90 degree bend from holding it very close to his chest.  We hope and pray that with further rehab he will regain the full use of that arm and hand.  When we work with him he tries hard to use his fine motor skills but he still has a long way to go with his left hand.  Her is also regaining his balance very slowly.  It is getting easier to walk him to the bathroom from his bed.  I can manage him by myself - but the nurses still do it with two of them - for safety.  He can now sit up by himself.  One of the neurologists that examined him expects him to be walking with a walker in about 3 weeks.  We pray that he is right.

The really exciting good news came yesterday.  Joe has been approved for a transfer to Toronto Rehab Hospital for ABI (Acuired Brain Injury) patients.

We thank God for this move.  It will be a time of testing for Joe because we will be very limited in visiting him and he will be working much harder than he has been.  For us it will be a little over an hour's drive just to go see him.  We do not know the visiting hours for him but will post them next week.

Joe leaves Monday morning from Guelph to go to Toronto.  We trust that this will really help him.

According to the nursing staff - Joe had his best night's sleep at the Guelph hospital last night.  Many other nights he has been very restless and frustrated because of his limitations.

We look forward to posting his progress over the next few weeks.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support, cards, emails and prayers.

"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 84 - July 5

Over the past week many have encouraged me to keep sending the updates and others have asked for a picture of Joe as well.  See below.

I was away for a few days and my computer malfunctioned so Laura could not do the update till I fixed it last night.  My apologies for the delay.

Last week Monday Joe was moved to the Toronto Rehab Institute.  We believe the change is good for Joe but he has not come to that conclusion yet.  His opiniom of some of the staff is not very high and at times he continues to react physically rather than complain verbally.   This makes him unpredictable and a real challenge to the nurses - many of whom are much smaller than he is.  We have been warned that this is a difficult stage, even for Joe, but it is normal for this type of injury and hopefully will pass with time.

I was with him today and noticed that his balance is definitely improved over last week.  He walks much more easily and hods his head up more as well.  The problem is that he only wants to sleep and is not interested in any activities that require his participation.  He doesn't even want to eat and drink.  Today he ate only half his lunch (after skipping breakfast)  while over the last two days he ate almost nothing.

We have been encouraged to ask for friends to visit Joe because at this stage Joe needs to be stimulated to interact with others.  We are to ask him lots of questions that demand more than a one word answer.  In other words get him talking.

One of his therapists also asked for ideas of activities that they can do with Joe which are of interest to Joe.  To all of Joe's friends - Any ideas????

We are thankful for the improvements in spite of the new challenges.  Thanks to you all for your support.

"Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock"  Isaiah 26:4

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Picture of Laura, Joe and Bill
at the Fundraiser Car wash held by
Joe's Coworkers from Transgear (Linamar) 
June 18, 2005

(Click to see larger)

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Day 90 - July 11, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

It's hard to believe that it has been 90 days since Joe was injured.  Yet we look forward as Joe continues to improve.

Over the past week Joe was sedated enough that he mostly wanted to sleep.  He refused to eat and skipped several meals.

Today the doctor started to reduce the amount of his sedative and it was obvious as I arrived this evening.  He was ready to eat when I got there at 5 PM and then he wanted to go for a walk.  So right after supper I pushed him about 5 km through downtown Toronto in his wheelchair.  He really enjoyed the change of pace.

Joe can now easily sit up by himself and with help from me walks reasonably well.  His balance is not there yet but he is very determined.  Yesterday I walked him the full length of the hallway.  He needed my support but did very well.  As the doctor reduces his sedative we trust that he will get away from the desire to do nothing but sleep and will that he will have a greater desire to get out of bed and do things.

Joe's left arm is still cause for concern as he cannot straighten it more than to 90 degrees.  Beyond that point it hurts him.  He is left handed and once again his determination showed as he used his left hand to sign his name today.  We pray that this too continues to improve.

We also notice that his attention span is improving.  He is beginning to interact with his visitors and can express himself more easily - he is steadily improving and is anxious to get out of the hospital.

We continue to receive cards and emails.  We thank each one of you for your kindness, thoughts and prayers.

"Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength..."   Romans 15:1

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 95 - July 16, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Yesterday was an eventful day at Toronto Rehab.  I received a phone call in the morning from one of the staff that Joe had tried to get out of bed shortly after midnight and had fallen on the floor.  He was checked for bruising and injuries but none were found.  He was just determined to go to the bathroom alone for once - Who can blame him for that??? :)

When I arrived in the afternoon Joe wanted to get out of the hospital as soon as possible.  I have been taking him out for a walk every evening in his wheelchair.  We have done as much as 5 km in an evening.  He really enjoys these outings and yesterday he was more determined than ever to go right away.  This gives me the opportunity remind him to eat first - he generally wants to skip the meal and go.  With my help he eats first and then we leave.

Last night as we were leaving we met his physiotherapist who took a few minutes to update me on Joe's progress.  She had been trying to get Joe to walk with a cane but he refused.  I asked for the cane - explained its usefulness to Joe (he is somewhat unsteady) - handed him the cane and he was on his way.  HE WALKED BY HIMSELF DOWN THE HALL!!!  PRAISE THE LORD!

We went for our walk and several times on the sidewalks of Toronto Joe got out of his wheelchair (to ease the discomfort in his back) and walked down the street.  We are thrilled and Joe now wants to go home right away.  He
still needs more therapy so we pray that he can be patient as they continue to work with Joe.  A special brace will be introduced next week to help straighten his left arm.  We pray that he will cooperate with this as his first impulse was that he didn't need it.

Joe keeps improving mentally as well.  His conversation skills are still limited.  He answers questions with the shortest possible replies and only recently has started asking friends and family about themselves ie "How are you doing?"  The improvements are great.

We are so thankful for the continued progress.  We thank the Lord and all of you who have stood by us through these months.  We keep going - one day at a time - knowing that so many of you care and pray for us.

"Then you will walk in your way securely, and your foot will not stumble.  For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught." 
Proverbs 3:23 & 26

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 100 - July 21, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

It has been an eventful week.  Tuesday evening we brought Joe home for the night so that we could do some special things on Wednesday.

He was overwhelmed at the thought of going home and once home was ecstatic.  It was an emotionally charged evening especially since he showed such clear evidence of understanding what was going on.  We were all thrilled to have him here.

Wednesday morning I took him for a haircut and  in the afternoon took him to his work.  His coworkers had held a fundraiser for him about 4 weeks ago and wanted to present me with a check for Joe but we brought Joe instead.  It
was a special time for all of us.   Go to http://www.thefountainpen.com/cgi-bin/showstory?id=3895 to read the whole
story and see a picture of Joe.

Joe understood the purpose of the event and later on summarized by telling me that he works with "very nice people".  He toured the plant and shook hands with and got hugged by many of his coworkers.  Their care for Joe is greatly appreciatred by us.

We brought him back to the hospital last night.  He did not want to go but understands why he is there and cooperates fully.  The staff are amazed at his progress.  Today he started going down the hall on his own and is starting to socialize with the other patients.  Before this he would only stay in his room and lie in bed unless he was pursuaded to come for therapy.

What a thrilling difference.

We continue to see changes and improvements and are very thankful for all of you who care for us and Joe.  We appreciate your prayers as well.

For those who may be trying to visit Joe in Toronto - I usually take him for a walk in the evenings.  Let me know you are coming and I will wait for you.

From now on the plan is to take him home for the weekends as well so don't come to Toronto  - come to our home.  We have all appreciated the many who have visited Joe in the hospital and would not want you to be disappointed.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;  For His lovingkindness is everlasting."  Psalm 118:29

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

Day 109 - July 30, 2006

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Last weekend we had Joe at home for the weekend.  He was thrilled and so were we.

We brought him back for Monday morning to Toronto Rehab as we had a meeting with the staff who work with Joe. 

When Joe was admitted a few weeks ago he was asked what his goals were.  He stated his goals as - to learn to walk again and to speak better.  On Monday he was praised for his efforts and was asked if he had any new goals.  He promptly replied " I want to get out of here".  The repetition of his exercises and the fact that he is trapped on his floor really seem to get to him at times.  He counts the hours till I arrive at 5:00 o'clock so that we can go for a walk.

After our meeting with the staff on Monday we went for a walk.  Laura pushed the wheelchair and I walked with Joe just incase he stumbled.  The wheelchair came along just in case he got too tired to keep walking.  2 hours later Joe was still walking when we came back to the Rehab Centre.  He had refused to use trhe wheelchair and since then has refused to use it.  Wednesday night I went with a walk for Joe and he walked at least 5 km.  He still has a bit of a shuffle in his left leg but he  is always determined to keep going.

We are now using a special brace on his arm to help him try to get it straight.  It seems to be working but progress is slow.

In our recent meetings with Joe's doctors it was explained to us that one of Joe's problems is that he does not show that he has the ability to think through the steps required to complete a given task.  Without this ability to do the sequencing process Joe cannot live independantly.  Our prayer is that Joe will recover sufficiently that this necessary ability will return as part of his skill sets.  Only time will tell.

Today we had a group of Joe's friends over for a BBQ.  Joe was thrilled to see so many of his friends.  As he interacted with them we saw him laugh and enjoy the camaraderie of good friends and also noticed how his short term memory of specific events seems to be improving as he recalls the the things he has recently enjoyed.

We see constant improvements but in the meeting of the past week were reminded of the long road still ahead of Joe.  He is in good spirits.  He is kind to all and he appreciates that he is making steady albeit slow progress.

We have had an encouraging week.  Joe is improving and we have been constantly reminded that the progress we see is a true miracle.

"I have become a marvel to many;
For Thou art my strong refuge.
My mouth is filled with Thy praise,
And with Thy glory all day long."   Psalm 71:7-8

Thanks to all who continue to encourage and pray for us.

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

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Special Request - August 3, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

Today I have a special prayer request for Joe.

Joe has not been able to straighten his left arm for the last few months.  His doctor has been suggesting Botox to release the muscle and now thinks Joe may have a problem with the bone in his elbow.  An X-ray is scheduled for tomorrow and there is talk of surgery if there is a growth on the bone. 

Please pray with us that Joe regains the use of this arm soon so that drastic measures can be avoided.  It has been improving slowly - ie more straight than last week - but he still has a long way to go.

We as a family are very thankful for the many who have supported us in prayer and correspondence to date. 

Thanks for continuing to stand with us.

"Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you."  ! Peter 5:7

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

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Jane Walker

Pat, thank you for these updates on Joe.  The progress may be slow but it is steady and it is PROGRESS.  God is good and I truly believe that, with faith such as displayed by this family, Joe will know complete recovery.  I"m still praying....
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!


It has taken about 45 minutes to read all the updates  but well worththe time spent to read them.  I will continue to pray for Joe.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Marilyn, I agree with you that it is certainly worth the time to read through these postings and Pat thanks for taking the time to put in these updates.  What an ordeal Joe and his family are experiencing.  What an inspiration his folks are to others as you can read the strength they have had throughout this ordeal based on their abiding faith.  Considering where Joe was after the attack compared to where he is now it is truly a gift from God.  I pray taht Joe will continue to progress and be able to resume a full and active life.


I just finished reading through all the posts and continue to send good thoughts and prayers to this family.  What a struggle and what a wonder that Joe is improving so well.



I, too, just finished with all the updates.  Thanks, Pat.

I am so thrilled with Joe's recovery.    We will wait.......and hear about his total recovery. :) 



Thank you folks for all your posts and prayers.  When this is all over, I'm sure that Laura and Bill will be happy to read this topic.

It was nice last night, Nita as I had Jane's company during the night while I was working in the "basement" of CP.  ;D

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Al Moak

I rejoice in what God has done in Joe's recovery!  I pray it will continue.


I, too, read and caught up last night on Joe.  He is quite a miracle and I love the scriptures that have been included in each post.  What a testimony! I will be praying for his complete recovery...even though it has been inch by inch.  His family truly has faith and they are always think & pray positive.  It makes my heart glad to see this testimonial.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me.  John 14:6



Day 119 - August 9, 2005

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

A lot has happened since my last email.  Last week Joe had an X ray taken of his left arm to determine if there was any bone spurs growing in his elbow.  NONE were found. and so they increased the tension on his elbow splint.  By yesterday his harm had reached to 60 degrees from straight - an almost 20 degree improvement in 2 weeks.  The staff is thrilled with this progress and so are we.  There has therefore been no further talk of other measures.

Today I took him to visit his neurosurgeon at Sunnybrook hospital where he spent the first 4.5 weeks.   After examining him the doctor indicated that at the rate Joe is going he expects him to have a 100% recovery.  An amazing prediction - We trust that he is right!!

Joe continues to work hard at his rehab.  Tonight we again walked about 5 km.  (Very good for both of us!) and in his rehab class continues to work well with his therapists.  He was able to cook his own breakfast last Friday and this week will be instructed in other household tasks.

He still shows some short term memory loss but this too is definitely improving. 

His weekends at home are definitely the highlight of his week - so if you plan to come and visit - call us first to find out where Joe is.

We continue to appreciate those who send us emails.  Your caring and prayers have encouraged us greatly.  Thanks to you all.

"Unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think ... Unto Him be glory"  Ephesians 3:20-21

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

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Jane Walker

Wonderful news ... Each day brings improvement.  I, too, believe for 100% recovery for Joe. 
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass .... it's about learning to dance in the rain!

Larry Hanna


Praise God for Joe's continual improvement, and for his family's steadfast faith!
My book Rising Above available at JanetDamon.com


If anyone is interested in having Bill and Laura's email address just to send your encouraging messages, please let me know.

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Day 147 - September 6, 2005 - 22 days to go

Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

22 days to go before Joe comes home and he can't wait to get out of the hospital.

Over the past few weeks we have seen constant improvement in Joe's abilities.  His short term memory is improving even though he still repeats a lot of things because he forgets he has already mentioned it.  His left arm is slowly straightening out as he diligently exercises it - but it still has a ways to go.

This past weekend he phoned several relatives and was able to converse quite well - much to everyone's delight.  He definitely is remembering more of his recent events.

Last weekend we finally shared with him in detail what had happened to him.  He read the newspaper articles about his attack and concluded by saying that he can't change the past so he may as well move forward and make the most of a bad situation.  He has a very positive attitude as he strives to focus on getting out of the hospital - that is his number one goal.  He also repeated many times how thankful he is that Lucas (his roommate) is not in the hospital with him.

When Joe is discharged at the end of the month we will have to make arrangements to continue his therapy as an outpatient.  We trust that we can make the right contacts to do this.

"The Lord also will be ... a stronghold in times of trouble,  and those who know Thy name will put their trust in Thee; for Thou, O Lord, hast not forsaken those who seek Thee."   Psalm 9:9-10

We continue to value the emails and cards that keep coming.  Thanks to you all for caring, praying and sharing.

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard, & Ben

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WOW, What a blessing to read of this family's struggle and FAITH that carried them through...I have been away from CP for some time and just read all through this horrendous journey........I praise my Lord and Savior and thank HIM forHIS faithfulness.  His mercies are new every morning...and I am blessed!


Al Moak


Dear Family, Friends and Prayer Partners

In the last week we have received several requests for an update on Joe's condition.   Looking back I just noticed that it has been almost 2 months since I last wrote - I should have written sooner - my apologies.

Joe is currently living with us and will most likely stay here till early spring.  We are targetting the end of February to see if he will be ready to be on his own again.

He got out of Toronto Rehab on September 28 and 2 days later we took him to EMR for the fall Castle Conquest Paintball tournament on
September 30.  This was excellent therapy and encouragerment for him as he met many of his friends at the paintball field.  Joe played for about 1.5 hours but then realized he had to quit and take a break.  He was content that he had been able to play and be back on the field with his friends.  His goal is to try again in the spring.

Over the last few months we have been trying to adjust to new schedules as we got Joe involved in various programs.  He is now in physio and occupational therapy 3 afternoons per week and one day per week he goes to an adult ABI (Aquired Brain Injury) program.  The ABI program includes supper so he is away from 3:00 - 8:30 PM.  He seems to enjoy the variety of activities and the diversion as  he takes the city bus (by himself) to the hospital where the programs are held.   He manages this quite well but does get flustered if something goes wrong (like misplacing a bus ticket).

Thankfully he is a patient individual with a good sense of humour.

Every 4-5 days we take him to the chiropractor.  Joe's left arm is still not quite straight but very much improved.  He spends some time every day responding to emails from friends.  His typing is much slower than it used to be but the finger excerises are excellent therapy.   Also he has  a long list of specific exercises that he needs to do but he definitely needs to be reminded to do these.

His big challenge is his short term memory.  Quite often in reply to a simple question about a task or activity he will not remember.  Sometimes he doesn't even remember having eaten!!!  This is an ongoing concern but we hope and pray that as time goes on - this too will improve.

Again we feel compelled to thank the many who have encouraged us and who have sent emails to Joe (  jansen_joe@hotmail.com ) .  Please keep them coming -it helps keep him busy and encouraged.

"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proved; he is a shield to all those who trust in him."  Psalm 18:30

Thank you all for caring and sharing

Bill & Laura Jansen
Joe, Alice, Richard & Ben

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