Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Prayer & Praise => Topic started by: annc on April 05, 2011, 07:07:18 AM

Title: Prayer requests, please
Post by: annc on April 05, 2011, 07:07:18 AM
For all who found Mothering Sunday difficult - those who have lost mothers or children, those whose family relationships have broken down. those who have been unable to have much-wanted children, or had miscarriages or stillbirths, and especially for an e-friend K and her husband, whose one attempt at ICSII/IVF has just failed.

Another friend, KF, who respect, but does not share my faith.  She has just been told by Pain Cinic that there is nothing more to try for her chronic pain.  She also suffers from depression, and, curremyly, a viral infection.

NB - 16 years old with ME/CFS and severe seasonal affective disorder.

MS - unemployed earlier this year due to going on insulin and having PSV licence cancelled.  Now has a job which seems to me to be a rip-off.

Family of GH at his cremayion tomorrow, and of KJ at his memorial on Sunday.

CW and FG - suicidal temptations among other problrms - both Christians

Our Salvation Army Corps and officers - some problems

My back pain.  Two hip replacenets have been brilliant, but I'm awaiting a minor back procedure, and today is a 'bad pain day/'  Tat I may use my experiences to help others.
Title: Re: Prayer requests, please
Post by: Don on April 05, 2011, 07:52:36 AM
Oh Lord our needs are so great and we don't know where to go except you. Thank you Lord for being there for us in our times of need.

Lord I pray that you hear the needs of each request here and that you will touch each one in a way that only you can. We are so helpless Lord but you are a great God and know exactly what to do and when to do it. Please attend to these requests Lord and give a special touch to someone that I believe has a burdened heart for others. Lord I pray for a pain free day for your servant and the others that need you.

Thank you Lord for what you are going to do. We ask these things in your Sons Holy name.

Title: Re: Prayer requests, please
Post by: JudyB on April 05, 2011, 08:17:24 AM
Title: Re: Prayer requests, please
Post by: Jeanne Lee on April 05, 2011, 09:09:34 AM
Here, also, prayers are being said for this heart wrenching list of needs.