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Spiritually Speaking => Pastor Al Moak's Study => Manna For The Soul => Songs of Worship & Psalm 119~Psalms Studies => Topic started by: Al Moak on February 05, 2004, 09:11:51 PM

Title: Psalm 123
Post by: Al Moak on February 05, 2004, 09:11:51 PM
Psalm 123

This song, like the last one, would have been repeated, line by line, by all the people approaching the temple for morning worship.  It may, in fact, have been sung at the beginning of a special day of prayer, possibly of prayer for relief from a besieging enemy.  If such were the case, then singing these words prepared the people for that special time of prayer in the temple.

The simile here is of a servant or handmaiden looking to the hand of his/her master or mistress - looking, waiting, straining as it were, to see the slightest indication of favor and help.  Imagine, then, the master turning and looking toward the servant!  Ah, thinks the servant, he's taking notice!  With that hope he then pours forth his prayer for help, and says, "Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us!  For we are exceedingly filled with contempt - our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorn of those who are at ease, with the contempt of the proud!"

Thus begins a special day of fasting and prayer - on a note of intense, determined waiting on the only One Who can help.  The people, as they finished this song and entered the place of worship, were ready to sit or stand quietly, waiting for some word, perhaps from a prophet, who would tell them that God had heard. 

He might call them to repentance.  He might promise them victory.  He might tell them exactly what to do and how to defend themselves in their desperate circumstance.  In any case, the song was preparation by means of a call to wait on the Lord.

Are you and I concerned enough about our Lord's Church in its present-day situation to pray for help against the enemy of our souls?  Are we concerned enough to wait on God for the answer - an answer that might come from some portion of His Word?  Do we wait quietly enough and do we search the Word diligently enough to hear His call to repentance, His promise of help, or His instructions for specific situations?  Would we spend a whole day seeking His answer in that way?