Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Al Moak on December 29, 2004, 11:46:42 PM

Title: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Al Moak on December 29, 2004, 11:46:42 PM

We need to participate in the only true and everlasting joy - that of Christ[/color]

Check out Our Monthly December Challenge!

Signs of the Christmas Season[/b]

December Challenge (



Morning Devotional...

It May be Soon
Is it possible that the coming year will be the one in which our Lord returns?  Wouldn't it be wonderful to be ready for that return?  We will be ready, you know, if we're living our present lives to the glory of our God.  But the writer to the Hebrews tells us that we can indeed happily and successfully live our present lives to the glory of God!  And he tells us why we should, and he tells us how we actually can do so.  He says, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. “

All the souls of all who have died in Christ are now before His Throne - and they are rejoicing!  That great throng constitutes a "great cloud of witnesses," an uncountable number of those who are now experiencing the joy of their Lord. Our Lord's own joy was to do the will of His Father.  In fact, in His mind, even the awful Cross became an avenue to joy!  It is His joy that we need to experience.  But by remembering that throng of witnesses to the reality of His joy, we too can can endure the tribulations of this life, live to His glory, and look forward to experiencing His everlasting joy!  He may soon return!

Al Moak

Christ Our Hope[/u]

O Christ, our hope, our heart's desire,
Redemption's only spring!
Ceator of the world art Thou,
Its Savior and its King.

How vast the mercy and the love
Which laid our sins on Thee,
And led Thee to a cruel death,
To set Thy people free.

But now the bands of death are burst,
The ransom has been paid;
And Thou art on Thy Father's throne,
In glorious robes arrayed.

O Christ, be Thou our lasting joy,
Our ever great reward!
our only glory may it be
To glory in the Lord. 
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Judy McKenna on December 29, 2004, 11:53:55 PM
This is an important reminder, Al....especially when we see whats happening in Asia.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Judy McKenna on December 30, 2004, 12:01:34 AM
Larry:  I mean't to tell you that you did a wonderful job "in the kitchen"... and hey... you are very important to Pat....afterall....who would she try all those wonderful  receipes on?...LOL...we wives need a "guinea pig" you know! :D

Suzanne:  Great to see you!.  How was your Christmas?

Missing Member:  Does anyone remember "KAY"?  I miss her.  Perhaps, if each of us would contact a CP member who hasn't been seen on here for awhile; we could encourage them to start the year 2005 with a post from one of them.

am I explaining myself right? >:( :o :o
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 12:12:33 AM

It's John's birthday today!  Hope you have a wonderful time while you're visiting Beth, John!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 12:13:43 AM

What a great idea, Judy!  I sure wish that everyone would "adopt" some of our members who don't post and make them welcome!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: hammer1958 on December 30, 2004, 12:26:35 AM
Thank You for the Birthday wishes. I am having a wonderful time visiting Beth, She is a great hostess. She got Me good Tonight(Dec 29th). She surprised Me with a cake at dinner with friends of hers. She also has something planned for tomorrow. I don't know what is in that devious mind of hers. She has Me scared. She's trying to get me back for not telling her about her surprise Birthday party.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 12:44:28 AM

Ohhh, John!  What fun!  We'll all be waiting to see what she has planned for you tomorrow.

Make sure you click on your name and see the slice of cake there!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Suzanne on December 30, 2004, 03:14:42 AM
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on December 30, 2004, 08:21:15 AM
December 30   

Trials and Pain: Moses' Prayer

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. 
--Psalm 90:12

A few days after these words appear in print the old year of our Lord
will have gone to join the long procession of years and centuries
that move on into the shadows of a past that can come no more.

In the year just gone the world has been writing history, not with
ink only but with blood and tears; not in the quiet of the study but
in violence, terror and death in city streets and along the borders
of nations; and other and milder but more significant history has
been written by incredible feats of power in sending man-made objects
out to circle the moon and the sun....

To each one fortunate enough to live out [this year], God will have
given 365 days broken into 8,760 hours. Of these hours, 2,920 will
have been spent in sleep, and about the same number at work. An
equal number has been given us to spend in reverent preparation for
the moment when days and years shall cease and time shall be no
more. What prayer could be more spiritually appropriate than that of
Moses, the man of God: "Teach us to number our days aright, that we
may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12).
The Warfare of the Spirit, pp. 145-147

"So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of
wisdom.  Amen"

You are receiving this recurring mailing because you subscribed to
the daily Tozer devotionals from Literature Ministries International.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on December 30, 2004, 08:26:59 AM
Asia is devastated, to know just how to pray can be an overwhelming feeling.
God is there though, He is in the midst of the disaster and many tales of Miracles will come out of this trouble, He will be ministering to the sick, the injured and the homeless using aid workers and just the local brave people, lets just lift them all up and pray His strength and encouragement for them all.
Let us pray especially for Christians there that God will give them the right words to say, not at all easy when people ask " why did He allow this to happen."
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: WinterRose on December 30, 2004, 09:38:12 AM
May your day be filled with love & joy & happiness too !

Ok Ladies & Gentleman ...

I'm just here 4 a bit a lot of things 2 do around the house today because we have company coming in tomorrow so I just wanted to stop in & say HELLO & wanted 2 wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Do hope that this next year will be a wonderful one for everyone. Keep all those overseas in prayer too. I hope to look up & see where my two pen pals are at Sri - Lanka & the other is in Maylisa so I've some snail mail from them & I'm going to see where there at & when I do I'll post it so do keep them in prayer because after what I saw on TV last nite I told my hubby that I am afarid to think that I've maybe lost 2 friends ... so do keep them in prayer. There names are EVE & KATRINA so thanks gang !!

When & if I get a break today ... I will check back in and so till then take care & be sure to check out all the games & also my MENU for the day & post your meals too.

Hugs & Blessings always,

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Etta Sue on December 30, 2004, 10:47:55 AM

John, I am praying this birthday is your happiest birthday ever and that you have many, many more birthdays just like this one....only better.

Larry, again...thank you for all you do.  The Recipe Index is wonderful!

Trish and Jacob...please forgive me for not congratulating you earlier on your new baby.  Please, keep us posted on the progress of your widdle one...  :D

Karma, you crack me up!  I recognized those two items also, but forgot to mention them.   ;D  ;D

My prayers are for all the lost lives in Asia, for all the survivors and for all their friends and families. 

Man, my house is smelling gooooooood!  I have a pot of soup beans with ham on the stove.  Later I will fix some cornbread.  I know...that isn't on my diet but diet day is coming way too soon!

Speaking of is soupy outside, too!  Foggy morn.  Still foggy at 10:45 a.m. EST.

"If in the last year you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse--you may be dead!"

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: karmat on December 30, 2004, 10:50:05 AM
Hi all!  Just runnin' through.  Students will be here in a bit, and I still need to get dressed (I'm in my pjs) and eat something. 

have an awesome day.

I'll be back later, hopefully.


HI Etta Sue.  You posted while I was typing!  I think we'll come to your house for supper.  okay?  :-)  Of course, nards doesn't get off until 5 this evening, so that would put us at your house sometime in the morning.  Just keep it warm!  hahahaha
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Al Moak on December 30, 2004, 11:05:02 AM
Well, this is going to be a different sort of day - for sure!  Marbeth and I, having had our anniversary on the 26th, will actually celebrate it this evening at a local restaurant - hopefully with our pastor and his wife.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 11:13:59 AM


Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Al Moak on December 30, 2004, 12:09:07 PM
That's a beautifully colored anniv. wish!  Thank you!  What do they call that shade of gold?
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 12:10:09 PM


Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 12:10:54 PM
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Al Moak on December 30, 2004, 12:16:44 PM
The profundity is overwhelming.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Janet on December 30, 2004, 12:18:34 PM
I don't know if this will post, but am trying.



We were away from early morning until midnight last night, in case anyone noticed my absence yesterday.

Congratulations to Trish and Jacob on the expected arrival of a new little one.  I already told both of you, but another time won't hurt!  ;)

I need to play catch up around here, then I have more photos ready to post.

It is terrible to think of the over 114,000 lives lost in Asia, and the toll rising each hour.......many will never be found.  But the stories of miraculous survival and rescue are awesome at the same time.  This has to be among the worst natural disasters in history.

I will try to get back connection is blinking on and off, and I have to keep rebooting.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Al Moak on December 30, 2004, 12:24:07 PM
Thanks so much, Janet!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Jane Walker on December 30, 2004, 01:25:30 PM
( ( (

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Carrie on December 30, 2004, 01:44:51 PM
Hello Everyone,
Happy Birthday John!!
Happy Anniversary Al and Marbeth!!
T-Bear I will most definately remeber Eve and Katrina in my prayers.
Tomorrow is my son Bailey's seventh birthday so I am having friends and family over tomorrow afternoon for cake and ice-cream and then we are off to a friends house to spend the evening together bringing in the New Year!  So if I do not get a chance to get on here tomorrow then I would like to wish you all a very HAPPY AND SAFE NEW YEAR!!!!!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Larry Hanna on December 30, 2004, 03:14:42 PM
Hi everyone.  We are a balmy 64 degrees today and suppose to have 70 or higher tomorrow.  This evening we are going out to eat with our friends who are back from Florida for the holidays and will be returning Saturday and won't be back until spring.  We are going to Appleby's as a friend gave me a gift card as a thank you for helping he and his wife with their computer.  The spent all morning taking care of paperwork and getting the bills scheduled for payment next week. 

Happy Birthday John. 

Happy Anniversary Al and Marbeth and I hope you have a great time out tonight.

Carrie, know tomorrow will be a big day for your son as turning 7 is a big step forward.

Janet, of course we missed you yesterday.  However, know that you have a very busy schedule.  Hope your computer connection starts cooperating.

Etta Sue, your bean soup sounds good although I will pass on the cornbread.  Do you ever make bean soup with the 15 bean mix?  It has been a long time since we had that but I always enjoyed it especially with some ham in the soup.

Tbear, sure hope you hear from your friends in Asia. 

Al, a fine devotional this morning.  The signs are certainly pointing to the Last Days so we need to be watchful and be ready.

Judy, glad to see you posting today.  My wife usually tries out new recipes when we have company that way if it isn't very good we don't have so much of it to eat.  (Aren't I terrible?)  In 42 years that has seldom been a problem as she is a very good cook.

Good to see each of you posting today. 

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: hammer1958 on December 30, 2004, 03:43:24 PM
Dave, welcome to Christian Photography, nice to see you joined too, it's a wonderful place to come to. hope to see a lot of you in here.everyone else Dware 54 is another friend of Beth's and Mine from the NF chat room. He is also the husband of daves_sweet_tater aka Toni.' also once again Thank You all for the Birthday Wishes, it has been a pretty good birthday so far.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Marilyn on December 30, 2004, 04:38:45 PM
Hi everybody. It is cooooooooold here today and rainnnnnnny too. I am going to ATTEMPT to make pie crust. I got some granny smith apples yesterday and decided it is time I learned to make my own pie crust.

So Got to go now.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Etta Sue on December 30, 2004, 05:40:46 PM

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Etta Sue on December 30, 2004, 05:44:12 PM

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Al Moak on December 30, 2004, 05:45:29 PM
Etta Sue - that's a really nice anniv. "card."  I don't think I ever saw one quite like it.  Thanks!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on December 30, 2004, 05:53:48 PM
Al and Marbeth, life is a struggle, and you both have struggled on through thick and thin! :)
:) ;) :D
Victory in Jesus.

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: WinterRose on December 30, 2004, 06:12:05 PM
( Well, all just wanted to stop in a let everyone know (Larry) I've NOT heard from my PEN PALS at all so I've e mail addresses so I'm going to try and e mail both of them & see what happens & will let everyone now if I do hear anything. Dinner arrived ( PEPPERONI - PIZZA ) so take care & I'll return again later before bed I hope so take care & see you all again soon !!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 08:36:36 PM

Dear Friend,

We were blessed beyond measure as Larry King interviewed Joni Eareckson Tada for the full one hour where the Gospel was boldly and graciously proclaimed this summer.

Due to overwhelming response, and a 25% rise in viewer ship, CNN and Larry King have chosen to broadcast this interview again Saturday, Januray 1, 2005. I thought you would want to know. Please be sure to check your local listings for Larry King Live show times.

If you'd like to read a topical summary of her interview, visit us at
We invite you to send us your comments at
A transcript of the program can be viewed at


Steve Appel
Director of Communications

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Janet on December 30, 2004, 08:41:30 PM

Beth ordered a chocolate birthday cake for John, and brought over some steaks, so Darrel and I cooked supper for Beth and John.  He will probably remember this birthday!  ;D

My connection was crazy all afternoon, just now was able to get CP again.  I hope this was a temproary aberration, I sure don't like it when I can't get on.

Thanks, Larry, glad someone noticed I was missing.  ;) ;D

I'm thinking I need to be getting my letter out which I didn't do for Christmas!  8)  Maybe I will get started on that..........

Edit:  Thanks for that information, Pat.  That was one dynamite interview!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on December 30, 2004, 08:49:11 PM
Janet, have you emptied your temporary internet files lately? This could be affecting your connection. Also makes your computer run much slower.

I'm so very thankful for today. It was not stressful at work, I received a little recognition (from an anonymous person who recommended me for an award), and I had 2 precious hours to program a report that will save me tons of time and, eventually, will go to my helper to do each month. Thus it will free up a more time for all the additional programming I must do before March of next year.

I'm also VERY grateful - my pain level is probably down to a 3 now - on Sunday I would have put it at a 9 or better.

Y'all have a good evening.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Papa John on December 30, 2004, 09:14:37 PM
Another day has gone by and I don’t know where it went.  It started out this morning when Cornelia said it was time to print Birthday greetings to friends whose birthday’s are in January.  These were mostly people we know at church.  So I printed up about 30 greetings.

Then I got to reading in my book and the morning was gone.  This afternoon we went over to see my sister, Genevieve.  And then there were errands, hardware store, get gasoline in the car, Krogers, dry cleaners, etc.

Well, I was getting ready to do some serious computer stuff and she said we needed to make some pictures before we took down the Christmas tree.  So finally I am writing and I forget what I was going to say.


Ruth Ann, I’m glad your pain level has gone down.  One of the things we can look forward to when we get to heaven is there won’t be any more pain.

Rev 21:3-4 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.  He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away"  (NIV)

--- Papa John          <;D)))><<   
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: WinterRose on December 30, 2004, 09:52:11 PM
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 30, 2004, 10:35:09 PM

Marilyn, that's beautiful!  Thanks so much!

TBear, see you Friday!  Have a great sleep!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Janet on December 30, 2004, 11:01:44 PM
Ruth Ann, I'm so glad your pain is more managable today, and hope it continues to abate.  I don't know how you keep working with the problems you have.  You have true grit!  Thanks for your suggestion---I did do that, and tried to defrag, but it said it wasn't needed at this time.  Then I ran Spy Stprmer and found 28 bugs and deleted those, and still I'm having problems.  I just posted more photos of Thailand, and the last ones got lost, will have to do those again when things are working better.  I don't want to keep having to do it over.

Papa John, that does sound like a busy day!  Good to see you.

Marilyn, what a pretty New Year's Card.  You did good, girl! ;D

Hey, Soni Baloney!!  Where are you???  We miss you in here.

I'm going to sack out.  My long day yesterday is catching up with me, I think.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~December 30
Post by: Pat on December 31, 2004, 12:06:09 AM
Time to lock the door.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2004 and wouldn't it be nice if all of our members came and posted tomorrow and told us where they were posting from (country/state/province)?

I hope that many will.