Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Pat on June 20, 2003, 11:58:41 PM

Title: New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 20, 2003, 11:58:41 PM

Morning Devotional...

The Shepherd's Psalm~Part (v)

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He restores my soul;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Not far from the city of Guelph, in the valley of the Eramosa River, nestles a neat little hamlet of rough hewn houses. By Ontario standards, this pretty little place is quite old. Although there is no need for me to do so, I occasionally drive through this sleepy place on my way to or from our local major highway.

Who were the first settlers? What was their life like? What were their aspirations and hopes, joys and sorrows? To try to find an answer to these and other intriguing questions, I decided one day, a few summers ago, to explore the necropolis that surrounds the hamlet's only church. I found that the mortal remains of several generations of Presbyterians lie awaiting the resurrection morning beneath the cold clay. Well kept tomb stones declare their names, and in some cases their faith in the Saviour of sinners. A few of the head stones record something of their long forgotten lives and exploits.

One old block of granite records that the two interred beneath were born in the north of Ireland in the last century, married there and emigrated to this part of the world. Underneath the descriptive words, a verse of Scripture is quoted:

"These are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 7:14"

As I read this inscription a lump seemed to form in my throat and a wee tear appeared in the corner of my eye.

Probably I shall never know this side of eternity what this couple suffered. The heartaches they felt, the broken dreams, sadness, pain or penury they endured as they struggled on in a new land are now veiled in history. The vicissitudes experienced in a harsh environment are not etched in the dark grave stone. The words "came out of great tribulation"  can only point back to excessive trial and hardship; to dark days and desperation.

When the Psalmist said: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" (Psalm 23:4), he must have had some awful tribulation in mind. Days of dark despair and drowning disappointment had been his lot.

The old Jewish Targum interprets Psalm 23:4 to be a prophetic reference to the horrors of the Jewish captivity in Babylon, while Aben Ezra says it speaks of grievous calamities.

John Gill, in his commentary, explains it this way: "Afflictions attend the people of God in this life; there is a continued series of them, so that they may be said to walk in them; these are the way in which they walk to heaven, and through which they enter the kingdom; for though they continue long, and one affliction comes after another, yet there will be an end at last; they will walk and wade through them, and come out of great tribulations."

Perhaps you, my friend, are experiencing great tribulation. Do you see yourself as captive to circumstances? Do you know what it is to suffer deep affliction? Do you feel deserted and alone? Does trouble come upon trouble like the rolling of mighty waves at high tide against a storm tossed ship, near a rocky shore. Then the rest of this verse is meant for you if you are one of the sheep of the Lord's flock:

"I will fear no evil; For you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

If we know the Good Shepherd; the one who gave His life for the sheep, we need not fear the evils of time and circumstance. He is Sovereign in all His ways. He knows our every need. He has experienced while walking as a Man among men the heartache, sorrow and trials common to humankind. If we understand His Sovereign power as God Eternal, and His sympathy as our High Priest, we will be enabled to declare with King Solomon, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."[/i] (Proverbs 18:10 NKJV).

There is an old much loved hymn based on Psalm 31:15:

My times are in Thy hand;
My God, I wish them there;
My life, my soul, my all, I leave
Entirely to Thy care.

My times are in Thy hand;
Whatever they may be;
Pleasing or painful, dark or bright,
As best may seem to Thee.

My times are in Thy hand
Why should I doubt or fear?
A father's hand will never cause
His child a needless tear.

My times are in Thy hand,
Jesus, the Crucified!
The hand my many sins have pierced
Is now my guard and guide.

My times are in Thy hand,
Jesus, my advocate!
Nor can that hand be stretched in vain
For me to supplicate.
[/b] [/i] [/color]

Yes, He is with us all the way, not only in the coveted "Mountain top experiences" but also in the dark and dismal valleys of despair and death.

Our dear Shepherd is always armed with two implements: "His rod and His staff".  In old times the rod was used to defend the flock from wild animals and thieves, and one day He will use that rod on the enemies of truth and Zion's King will be seen to reign in righteousness. We who are His elect own His royal rule in time. In eternity His Kingship and glory will also be manifested to those who hate Him. They, too, will recognize Him but, oh, too late! Even now He uses the rod to defend His believing people from dangers both seen and uncomprehended.

The second implement He carries is the staff, the purpose of which was to direct the sheep. Sometimes the sheep would rather go their own way but have to be forced to travel in paths that lead them safely home. Their path of choice would lead to places of danger and ruin, but the path of the shepherd's choosing leads to the peace and security of green pastures and the still waters.

Well may we with David pray, "Uphold my steps in Your paths, That my footsteps may not slip." (Psalm 17:5 NKJV).

Let's retrace our steps to the old grave yard and take one more look at the stone which held our attention. Let's read the last part of the inscription once more "and have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb". Only those on the pilgrimage of life who have washed their robes in the blood of Calvary's Lamb will come safely through. None of those who are "blood washed" will ever perish. That is why they can say "I will fear no evil".

Have you been to Calvary's fountain and have you by faith been cleansed of your sin? If the answer is "Yes", then you have the Royal right to appropriate the words of Psalm 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." If you are His by sovereign grace, then God, the Holy Spirit inspired the Psalmist to write these words for your blessing, reassurance and comfort.

Jack Scott loved his Lord! He passed away on January 10, 2001 after a lengthy illness.
He is missed greatly by his family.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 12:17:51 AM

Just wanted to say before retiring for the night...

It's so good to see that Cornelia is home, Papa John!  I'm interested to see too how you are.  Keep us posted.

Sonja, I was saddened to read that Zachery is having a flareup of Chrohn's.  I really am.  I'll be praying for you all.

Larry, do you go on Saturday?  What is the name of this treatment again?  Is it new?

Now, I'm off to bed.  I'm going to a BBQ tomorrow near Milton, Ontario for a 60th Birthday and a 30th Wedding Anniversary.  I'm looking forward to the terrific Sing-song that we usually have of all the old hymns.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Sonifo on June 21, 2003, 12:37:39 AM
thanks Pat, Janet and Mercychild for your prayers.

Hope you all have a good day.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Janice on June 21, 2003, 01:32:31 AM
Good evening everyone.    I thought I could get here before closing time tonight but I see it was not to be!  Haha.  Reminds me of the time when my brother and I were in the 3rd or 4th grade in school.  For some reason I had gotten in the habit of being tardy at school.  Our teacher asked my brother why I was late, did I have chores to do at home that caused me to be late?  He told her, "Naw, she's just lazy!"  (I admit to being slow, actually).

We have had several showers and mild storms the past week.  It seems unreal to have humidity and actual puddles around.  Maybe our water bill will be reasonable this month!  

Sonja, I hope Zachery is doing better by now.  That must be a very troublesome problem for him, and in turn to you as well.  I had mild Crohn's several years ago.  I had to take an anti-inflammatory med for about a year and it got OK.  I hope his is much better now.

Janet, when you mentioned that it looked like John and Beth were only going to be good friends, I thought of the old saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder!"  It may blossom and grow yet, that would be nice.  They make a handsome couple.  (I saw the photo you posted).  

Larry, I agree with the others who were encouraging you to allow friends to drive you for your treatments.  It would mean a blessing for both of you, a generous spirit of taking as well as of giving.  I hope you see improvement and feel better soon.  You need that energy to go have that cuppa with your friends!  

Papa John, I am so glad that Cornelia is home again.  You must both be very happy about that.  Hope she continues to get better, and no more incidents like before.  How is your back feeling by now?  

Marilyn, just 3 more weeks.  That is certainly a goal worthy of great anticipation!  Moving is never easy but I am thinking this move will be worth it for you!!  

Etta Sue, and Jerry,  our pastor is in Indiana to perform a wedding ceremony tomorrow.  I don't know what town though.  Jerry, how funny when you said Calgary is too many  $$$$$$  from Indiana!!!   I know the feeling!  

Pat, do you ever get a day off?  You are constantly on the go, and working at something or other!  I could never keep up with you.  Was the girl who graduated last night the one wearing the crocheted cap you made last winter?  She is so pretty!   I used your pattern and made about 4 of those caps.  

Hello to everyone else, good to see you all here every day, and I love all the wonderful devotionals and music, etc.  Pat, I really like the one "Till the storm passes by".   My OASIS choir sang that one at the nursing home on Tuesday of this week.  

Well, here it is a good half hour since I began typing this, I am using my Word 2000 to type so as not to make too many boo boos and lose it.  My computer has a bad habit of freezing up on me sometimes.  I better say good night, sleep tight, and see you in the morning light!   (Fooled you, didn't I?)  
Love,  Janice

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: mieka on June 21, 2003, 03:48:35 AM
 :-\ Ms Pat, I think you need rest. I have a wory for you today.

Ms Sonifo, I pray for your family to have good health.

Ms Janice, it is very nice to see you post today. I do love so much to know of the stories of times past.

I sometimes have such a hard time to undarstand the words as they are written. Please forgive me for this question if it is not ok to ask it.

"and have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb".

I think it is a idiom, yes?
They have wash the robes and made them white..., this is to show they have no more sin because they have ask forgivness, yes?

The Blood of the lamb is that Jesus have die for them, yes?

So this is to mean, they who have ask forgivness from God and who have accept Jesus and know he die for them will not become destroyed.

Do I undarstand this correct?  :-\

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Iain on June 21, 2003, 06:31:58 AM
Pat - I have probably enjoyed this part of Psalm 23 the most. I needed the encouragement this morning and Jack's writings provided just that. A tonic indeed from a fellow Celt.

Meika - I think you are grasping this hard language. Well done lass. Everyone who has been saved, who is saved and who will be saved will have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. The 'robes' are just their souls. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son cleanses us from all sin. What love?

Larry - Are you feeling any benefit from your treatment?

Papa John - I just love to hear of prayers answered.

Everyone - It is not important for us all to write a post. It is however, important that our circle of friends, brought together by Jesus and united under His banner should be fervent in prayer for one another. I am sure that is the case and perhaps others are able to write what you cannot. Perhaps your prayers are being answered through them.

Although the next post is what was in my mind early this morning I feel that I should pass this one further thought on to you:-

We all ask the Lord to do great things for us. We all want a closer walk with Him. Well, perhaps we would enjoy more of His fellowship if we acknowledge Him in more of the 'little things' in life. It may be a good execise for us all this Lord's Day to think of all the 'little things' that the Lord has done for us this week. You may be surprised at the result. I hope so.


Your brother in Christ

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Iain on June 21, 2003, 06:32:51 AM
'What is that to thee, follow thou Me.'

It is easy to see the virtues in other people. It is easy to see other Christians as shining lights when we feel so worthless and useless. How are you measuring your witness dear friend? By your own standards or by God's word?

My friends in Romania tell me that they love to do their work in 'the shadows.' What does that mean? Well, they truly love the Lord and they desire to serve Him yet they are content to take a back seat when the praise is handed out.

There is a song which says that 'it is the little things which make a house a home.' True! Same in the Christian life my dear friend. It may only be a smile, a pat on the back, a kind word, a sympathetic look or a gift in season. These 'little' things in your eyes are great things in God's eyes.

Perhaps you are answering an Email when you do not feel like doing so. Perhaps you are giving a word of encouragement when you need encouragement yourself.

I have so little strength, in fact I am not all that sure of my own salvation, yet something is drawing me towards the Lord. Is that your testimony dear brother or sister, if so then give God the glory by honouring His name.

Remember God says, them that honour Me I will honour. The Lord will do great things for you, if you let Him. Look not to your fellow man, rather look to God. He is saying to you heart right now, I have loved you with an everlasting love, you are Mine.


Your brother in Christ


'Just where you stand in the conflict,
there is your place.
Just where you think you are useless,
Hide not your face.

God placed you there for a purpose,
Whatever it be;
Think He has chosen you for it;
Work loyally.

Gird on your armour! Be faithful
At toil or at rest!
Whatever it be, never doubting
God's way is best.

Out in the fight or on picket
Stand firm and true;
This is the work which your master
Gives you to do.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 09:20:41 AM
Good Morning Everyone...

I guess it's afternoon for you, Iain!  I enjoyed the Shepherd's Psalm today as well, Iain.  How we do get discouraged sometimes but it's so wonderful that the Lord can encourage us to "Keep on".  Your words too, Iain, I found refreshing to my soul today.  Thanks so much for them.

Janice, it's always so good to hear from you whether you're late or not!  Today you were early for this thread!   ;D

I'm printing photos for the Lion's Club of last Saturday's bridge opening so must go and get this finished as the fellow is picking them up in about 15 minutes.

Talk to you later
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 09:21:32 AM
Iain, did you write that poem?  Or is that an old hymn?  I'm not familiar with it but it's certainly lovely.

Good Morning, Etta Sue!

I saw both Larry and Papa John online as well but not they have left...  :'(
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Carol on June 21, 2003, 09:40:08 AM
Hi Pat!  I see that you are online right now.  Thank you for posting for me.  I will never in my life be able to write a composition so wonderouly good as Jack Scott - I mean his message has been so compelling and true and we are priveleged to know Jack through his writings.  Perhaps, that is what was planned all along.  


Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Etta Sue on June 21, 2003, 09:53:32 AM
Marilyn ~ I know you will be sooooo happy when these three weeks are up.  You will have a lot of changes and I pray they will all be happy, positive changes.  And don't look back at the desert.  I lived happily at Greenfield until I told them that I would be moving once I got this house fixed up.  They didn't have a kind word to say to me then.

Sonja ~ That is sad to hear of Zachary's disease flaring up again.  He is a trooper though.  He will handle it....probably better than Mom.

Pat ~ Yep, that's right....we will meet again in Calgary.  Have you heard anything about the Toledo Trotters???  Thank you for the morning devotional.

Papa John ~ I do wish you were going to Calgary.  But Nashville isn't all that far away from me so I am sure we will meet someday!  I used to drive to Anniston, Alabama, and back on a weekend.  I know I can get to Nashville to see you and Cornelia.

Jerry ~ Yes, Calgary is $$$$ but I haven't been anywhere for over a few days since 2001 so I am overdue.  Besides Ivalou will halve the expense with me and we are great traveling companions.  And, yes, we will be careful!!

Janet ~ What book did you read to Abby?  The TV is full of Harry Potter right now.  It seems that the kids that really like those books seems to be obsessed.  My church says they are a no-no!  Wizardry!!

Jen ~ I hope you got the pictures posted.  I am going to see as soon as I get this posted!!

JudyB ~ Thanks for the devotional.  It is wonderful that His spirit is so good that 'once saved, always saved'.  Sometimes that is hard to think about.  Satan can/could/will/does get us in all kinds of sin but satan cannot harm our souls or take away our eternal life with God in Heaven.  That is His word and we have to have faith in his word to know that it is true.

Janet ~ Is so good to see you posting.  When I see your posts, it makes me feel all is right in your world.  Hmmm! You tend to being slow/late.  Me, if I can't get there early, I don't want to go.  Jerry and I are usually the first in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings...  Hmmm!  You have had lots of rain and we haven't had any rain for over a week.  But the grass is still growing...

Mieka ~  Hugs to you!!!  I believe Iain answered your question so correct but I also believe you answered it correct also.  English is so hard to understand...that's what the foreigners say...You, Mieka, have a great understanding with the English language.  Better than me, sometimes and I have heard English and spoke English for almost 61 years!!!!!!

Iain ~ Thank you for your thoughts this morning.  I walked to the mailbox to mail a letter this morning and thought what a great morning to sit on my deck for my coffee and Bible reading.  It was chilly...62°F. I was cold but it still took a long time to read.  I kept hearing sounds and seeing things that I take for granted.  So I guess I was thinking of the little things to give God thanks for.  But your thoughts was about our little things we do in God's name.  Yes, a kind word, a smile, just being there for someone are little things that we can do to honor God.  

Jerry is coming today.  He is going to grill some chicken breasts and I am going to fix baked potatoes in the microwave.  Maybe some green beans and rolls, too.  Then we will mow this more time!!!

I pray that all of you have a great day and prepare yourselves for a day for the Lord tomorrow.

"My memory is excellent.  There are only three things I can't remember.  I can't remember faces, I can't remember names, and ... I've forgotten the third thing."

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 21, 2003, 10:06:15 AM
Hi everyone.  God has given us the most glorious day here in Georgia.  It was 54 degrees, a new record low for the first day of summer, not a cloud in the sky and very low humidity.  It is suppose to get into the 80s today.  What a gift and everything is so green due to all the rain we have had.  They came and mowed my yard yesterday and it looks very nice for the weekend.

Pat, I do not go for the treatments on the weekend and will also not go on July 4th as that is a holiday in the US and all the offices are closed.  Even though I go down to the hospital, the treatment is in a doctor's office in a building attached to the hospital.  Iain, I do believe I am feeling quite a bit better.  Still have room for a lot of improvement but am not having any angina and seem to have more energy all ready.  From what I have read it is usually about the 3rd or 4th week that big differences are noted.

Sure sorry to read that Zachery is having additional problems.  Hope his next treatment will give him comfort.

Pat, another wonderful segment of writing on the 23rd Psalm.  I will hate to see this series end.  Iain, isn't it wonderful that God uses us in spite of our weaknesses, doubts and failings when we have been cleaned with the Savior's blood.  I look forward to your writings each morning.

Mieka, good to see you posting this morning.  Carol, I know you didn't post about the donuts here but I got a chuckle from your confession that you had actually had two and not one.   However, I could tell you really enjoyed every bite.   :)

Papa John, do you suppose Cornelia was doing a lot of thinking while she was in the hospital of item for your "to do" list?   ;D  Sure glad she is home and feeling better.

Janice, thanks for the words of encouragement.  I have asked a friend to take me to my treatment on Monday as my daughter has a medical appointment then and can't drive me.  Our discussion here on this matter certainly helped me change the way I was looking at things.

I have a church member coming by in a little while to see if I can help him with some software he has purchased related to a business.  He has just joined our church and I don't think I have met him yet so am looking forward to meeting him.

I hope everyone has a very nice weekend.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Marilyn on June 21, 2003, 10:13:20 AM
Good Morning.Thank you pPat for the devotional this morning and thank you Iain for reminding us to thank God for all the little things in our lives.

Etta Sue my Pastor told me the same thing Thursday night at choir practice. "Don't Look back" to just move on now twiththe rest of my life.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache, didn't do anything about it but pray and thank the Lord. It is almost gone now and I am still praising the Lord.

I am going to finish reading last nights posts and I will be back later.

Hi Larry I see you were posting at the same time as me. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on June 21, 2003, 10:22:09 AM
Good morning, friends,

It's a lovely day here in Nashville. (By the way, Etta Sue, I'm in the same town with Papa John and Cornelia. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get together!)

Pat has posted a nice photo of my son Mark and Kassie. You'll find them at the bottom of the discussion about our thanksgiving that Pam is doing so well in her pregnancy. It's in the pictures section.

I get to see them this coming weekend! We haven't been together since Kassie's recital, so I'm anxious to head down Atlanta way.

I think I'll drive to Kroger today - they're having triple coupon day and that will certainly help the budget! When I use coupons, I calculate the savings achieved and that money goes into a special fund at our church that builds missionary homes and repairs mission churches. It's a small amount, but over the 6-months time between offerings, it mounts up.

Mieka - great to see you again. We really missed you.

Y'all have a great day.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Marilyn on June 21, 2003, 10:40:15 AM
My landlord has already been working on the pump. For those understand motors, the points are sticking and he is going to replace them. Jerry I know you know what I am talking about. Ruthann You have a very nice day shopping. It is 59 here today cool for the summer, it was rather chilly last night had to use the blanket again.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: JudyB on June 21, 2003, 10:50:40 AM
This is the first day of summer.  I plan on getting out and enjoying it.  I have mowing to do and I want to start to build a flower garden.  I won't be able to plant in it till next year, this year is to Kill off all the deep grass roots, then start feeding the soil.

If there is no sun where you are, can you become the son-light so others can see His light?

John was just saying that when he has gone south in the truck he has been able to sleep without the air conditioner going.  Have You folks had a cooler summer so far?

Etta and Pat thank you for your kind comments.  

Well I have to go and mow.  Have a good day folks, and may God bless you and you feel his presence as you go about your day.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 11:42:09 AM

Enjoy your mowing, Judy!  

Let's sing.  Let's sing it slowly and meaningfully!


There's Just Something About That Name[/size][/color] (
(Click to here music)

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There's just something about that name
Master, Saviour, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all Heaven and Earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms
Will all pass away
But there's something about that Name.


Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: mieka on June 21, 2003, 12:11:21 PM
 ;D I sang it Very Slow.  8)

Ms Ruth Ann Bice, How wonderful to see a picture of you. It is a beautiful picture of you.  :)

Mr. Iain, I thank you that you help me to undarstand the devotional today.

Ms Carol, I agree of Mr Jack and his writing. These are wonderful words that help to bloom the words of God into flowers that everyone can enjoy. It is a great help to me when I try to undarstand them.

Ms Etta Sue, I thank you that you think I can speak the English well, I wish it was truth, but I do cheat. I hope one day I can do it as well as you think I can. ((hug)).

Mr Hanna, it is always nice to see you here.

Ms Judy B, it has been very cold here. I am ready to go back to the Jamaica.

And I love you Ms Pat.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Jane Walker on June 21, 2003, 12:36:27 PM
Thank you, Pat.  I've sung that song so many times ... and always slowly and with meaning!   :P

Yesterday I got to do something I've not been able to do in a few years  ::)  I joined a group of ladies as we sang at the Nursing Home near here.  This is the NH where Nita's mother had been, also where another friend's mother was just before her death a couple weeks ago.  This lady had made a lot of friends there, as she tended her mother, and spend many hours there.  The staff at the NH scheduled our little group to sing and play gospel music yesterday.  Wanda says "it just may work out to a once-a-month thing."  I used to go every week to sing at the nursing home in the little town where I lived in Oklahoma.  I have missed this ... maybe I will be back into this ministry here in my new home, y'think?   ;)

I've been touring CP quite a bit lately, working puzzles, checking out the photos and stopping by the Prayer requests, but not necessarily "speaking up."   :-[  Please be assured that I am aware of all of your joys and concerns ... I am praying always for my friends.  I read that "After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before." (Job 42:10 NIV)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Etta Sue on June 21, 2003, 12:37:15 PM
Sorry, Ruth Ann....I completely forgot you are from Nashville also.  Certainly, when I get back down that way, we can all find a place to share a meal or snack.  BTW, love your profile photo!!!!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Jane Walker on June 21, 2003, 12:45:44 PM
ETTA SUE - You came in right behind me and I didn't see you!   :o  You just have to put Nashville, TN on your itinerary for the very near future!  Some of the greatest, and most loving, people I know live there!  Namely Ruth Ann and Papa John and Cornelia!  You will so enjoy them ... I always do!  

Yes, Ruth Ann ... that's really a good signature photo of you!   ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 01:09:51 PM
Glad you're investigating CP Jane!  

I think that we should get a new member though, don't you?  I've been looking at Ethan's name down there all week so it's time for someone new!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Marilyn on June 21, 2003, 01:13:37 PM
Ruth Ann I really like your photo, now I can put a face to your name. always a nice thing to be able tosee those you are talking to.

Pat it seems that everyone I have invited, well almost everyone, joins but does not post. CammiJ posts but I can't think of any others.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 01:18:04 PM
You've done a wonderful job of "recruiting", Marilyn!    It's sad when people don't post but guess it's the way everywhere.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 01:47:37 PM

Well, look after the shop everyone!  I'm off now to attend the BBQ.

I saw Iain here a little while ago but I don't see where he posted...


(Hope he heard that!)( (

Please watch for anyone new and make them welcome!  Talk to you later one this evening.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Iain on June 21, 2003, 01:58:47 PM
Pat - dear sis, simply getting near my computer these days is a miracle in inself!! My kids take it in turn to doing their Instant Messenger thing. When I get a chance I log in and try to catch up with the readings.

I do not think that the poem I quoted this morning is a hymn. If it is I whave not heard it. - Author Unknown!

Might get a chance to call in again later.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Marilyn on June 21, 2003, 02:16:10 PM
The pump is fixed and I am almost done watering the trees. Just stopping in to tell y-all the good news.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Janet on June 21, 2003, 02:41:34 PM
I see a lovely photo of our Ruth Ann today!  Good deal!

Marilyn, I'm glad you got that pump fixed, and the count-down to your move will move right along now!  YEAAAA!!

Etta Sue, you can bet it was NOT Harry Potter I read to Abby last night!  It was "A Child's Garden of Verses" by Robert Louis Stevenson, and then "The Night Before Christmas" by S. Clement Moore.  Both classics.  She loves any kind of Christmas stories, and always seems to choose one of those.  I have grave reservations about the Harry Potter stuff........Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry........yuck.  But some Christians buy them for their children, and take them to see the movies and all.  Everyone has to make their own decisions on that stuff.  But if it is questionable, I do not want to be responsible for exposing my grandkids to it.  End of sermon.......... ;) ;D

Iain, we really are so happy you joined us here, and look forward to your posts a lot.  God bless you, brother.

Today is John's last day in Kansas for this trip.  I wonder how Beth will feel when he has gone.  I think she will really miss him, he's been so kind to her.  His train leaves near midnight from Garden City.

We are having really cool and wet weather here, too, plus high winds.  Strange beginning for summer.  Nice in some ways, but sure is different!

I want to see if there are any new photos today.  See y'all later!  ;D 8)

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on June 21, 2003, 03:55:45 PM
Aw, shucks, friends,

Y'all embarrass me. Pat's the one that suggested that picture. Isn't she GREAT to hendle the graphics for those of us who are "graphics challenged!"

When I went to Kroger today I had only a few coupons, but that triple offer allowed me to save nearly $10 toward my church offering. Isn't God good - in SO many ways.

Y'all have a wonderful day.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Sonifo on June 21, 2003, 05:45:18 PM

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Papa John on June 21, 2003, 06:20:23 PM
Well, I can't believe I haven't written in here today.  I came in and read and then left with the intention of coming back but didn't do it.

I would like to add what may be a different point of view about our salvation in Christ.  Many of us believe that when we are thinking about the security we have in Christ that we shouldn't conclude that there are no longer dangers for us as we live in this world.  I believe we still have a choice to continue to put our faith in Christ or to renounce his grace and forgiveness. Consider these warnings:

1 Pet 5:8-9  Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.  (NIV)

Gal 5:4  You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. (NIV)

2 Pet 1:5-10  For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;  and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;  and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.  For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.  Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall,  (NIV)

2 Pet 2:20-22  If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.  It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them.  Of them the proverbs are true: "A dog returns to its vomit," and, "A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud."  (NIV)

I call attention to these warnings, and there are many more, because I hope no one would reach the conclusion that after becoming a Christian one can just sit idly by and think everything is OK and that we have no responsibilities.  I know that it is by the blood of Christ we are saved and that we cannot be saved by our good works.  But we must continue to believe in Jesus.  There we have safety and no one can separate us from God's wonderful love.

--- Papa John    ;D          <:))))><<

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Al Moak on June 21, 2003, 06:44:25 PM
There is absolutely no question that following the new birth we must continue to believe, and we must also serve the living Christ.  But I thank God so very, very much for Philippians 1:6 - "being confident of this very thing, that He Who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."  The only reason there can be that a previously lost sinner can believe, continue to believe, and finally triumph is the blessed work of Jesus Christ by His Spirit.  As He said, "Without Me you can do nothing."  He will work in us continually, moving us to hang on, moving us to love Him, moving us to life and good works.  Without His work we would be and remain lifeless.  We were "dead in trespasses and sin," and the dead can do nothing without being brought to life and kept in life.  Praise the living Christ!

It is so true that we must not sit back and expect to be wafted into heaven on the breeze of grace.  Grace doesn't work that way.  Grace moves us to action, faith, love, and works.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Janice on June 21, 2003, 07:04:00 PM
Hi to Etta Sue, Al, Larry, and Papa John.  I see you all are here in the room just now.
I will go back and read the postings later, but wanted to say hello before "poof" you are gone!
Hope you are having a great day!
Love,  Janice
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Janice on June 21, 2003, 07:37:41 PM
Ruth Ann, what a lovely photo of you.  I don't remember seeing that one before.  
It would be nice if you and Etta Sue, Papa John and Cornelia could have a get together sometime!  Maybe even a few others could make it.  

Well, I will go back and read a few more postings now.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Jane Walker on June 21, 2003, 07:47:03 PM
Going along with the discussion here today, I'd like to share with you the devotional from Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest:
The Ministry of the Inner Life
"You are . . . a royal priesthood . . ." (1 Peter 2:9).
By what right have we become "a royal priesthood"?  It is by the right of the atonement by the Cross of Christ that this has been accomplished.  Are we prepared to purposely disregard ourselves and to launch out into the priestly work of prayer?  The continual inner-searching we do in an effort to see if we are what we ought to be generates a self-centered, sickly type of Christianity, not the vigorous and simple life of a child of God.  Until we get into this right and proper relationship with God, it is simply a case of our "hanging on by the skin of our teeth," although we say, "What a wonderful victory I have!"  Yet there is nothing at all in that which indicates the miracle of redemption.  Launch out in reckless, unrestrained belief that the redemption is complete.  Then don't worry anymore about yourself, but begin to do as Jesus Christ has said, in essence, "Pray for the friend who comes to you at midnight, pray for the saints of God, and pray for all men."  Pray with the realization that you are perfect only in Christ Jesus, not on the basis of this argument: "Oh, Lord, I have done my best; please hear me now."
    How long is it going to take God to free us from the unhealthy habit of thinking only about ourselves?  We must get to the point of being sick to death of ourselves, until there is no longer any surprise at anything God might tell us about ourselves.  We cannot reach and understand the depths of our own meagerness.  There is only one place where we are right with God, and that is in Christ Jesus.  Once we are there, we have to pour out our lives for all we are worth in this ministry of the inner life.
God is so good ... ALL the time! :D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Etta Sue on June 21, 2003, 08:06:47 PM
Sonja ~ Oh, no!  Hail can do a lot of damage to just about anything in its path.  Possessions can be replaced.  Was your family safe?  Take those pictures....even for the insurance people!!

Janice ~ I am sorry.  I wrote a post to you this morning but titled it to 'Janet'.  All these 'J's' in here gets me confused.  (My excuse and I am sticking to it!!!)

Janet ~ I was wondering this morning if John was still with Beth and now you have answered my wonderings.  They will probably miss each other, for sure.  

Great to see Papa John, Al and Jane posting mini-sermons.  They are all for what they are intended to be....learning more about God's Word.

Iain ~ Good to see you stopping in.  Did you get two turns at the computer today???   ;D

Jerry and I got the yard mowed and I cleaned off the deck with the hose.  Ivalou mowed and when she put her mower away, her garage door broke.  It wouldn't come back down.  So she moved the mower to the double garage door and Jerry got the small door down.  At least, no varmits can get in now.  She will have to get it worked on or replaced... :'(

I pray that everyone attends a church of their choice tomorrow on the Lord's Day.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on June 21, 2003, 08:48:50 PM
Sonifo, I remember the tremendous power of hailstorms.

One Sunday when my son was about 3, he had gone with his daddy to take some elderly folk home who were past the age of driving. It was a warm day, so he fell asleep on the back seat of our volkswagen van.

Since lunch wasn't quite finished, we decided to let Danny sleep a few moments. Then a really B-A-A-A-D hailstorm hit. It was so bad that I ran to the door of the garage and prepared to dash out to the van to rescue Danny, who I felt certain would be frightened out of his wits and screaming.

Instead, I saw the most wondrous picture. My little son had pressed his face so hard against the window that his little nose was all squished against the window and his cheeks were flattened against the glass. His little hands were pressed against the window until each point of contact was a bit white from the pressure.

His huge blue eyes were upturned and his mouth had dropped open. His face was a study in AWE.

In only a moment or two, the storm passed over and I dashed out to the van. He leaped into my arms, pointed his finger upward and said in a hushed voice:

"Mommy! I jus' heard GOD walkin' on the woof!"

Still brings a lump to my throat to remember that statement.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Marilyn on June 21, 2003, 09:03:04 PM
The Resume of Jesus Christ

Honest, dependable Son of God
seeks management position in the
Heart department of all mankind.


Died on the cross, buried and resurrected
in the third day with "all power".
Worked with people of all nationalities,
and all economic and educational levels.

Casting out demons, Rescuing those in trouble
Leadership and empowerment abilities.
Multilingual and communication skills for
understanding people and explaining
Biblical truths.

Divine Work Experience

Lord and Savior
redeemed human race from sin
Financial advisor and provider
assisting in times of need
Omnipresent communications consultant.
Hearing and answering prayers
International physician healing all
sickness and disease.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 21, 2003, 09:08:15 PM
Wow!  It's been so long since I've been here I'll be forever catching up! :-[   Maybe I should introduce myself all over again? ;D

I've just skimmed today's postings and will go back to read more thoroughly and also read the days I've missed.  Can't believe the days have flown by so quickly!  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Janet on June 21, 2003, 09:44:52 PM
  Oh, Sonja! :'(  I'm so sorry about your van!  What about the roof of your house?  Your pretty yard?  I hate those destructive hailstorms!  Be sure and let us know about this later, along with the pictures.

Curtis and Mark are here now, and we had ribs again for supper!   :P Good stuff!  Along with a big salad and french fried sweet potatoes.  They all liked it a lot.  Abby really chows down on those ribs! ;) ;D

Etta Sue, I noticed you said Janet and meant Janice!  It happens to me a lot, there are so many whose names are similar to mine.  No biggie! :D

I hope Curtis has now remedied my problem of locating my photos when I use the HP camera and have to download them on Darrel's computer.  He tried, anyway!  I just love these boys to pieces!

I must get off here and enjoy my kids some more.  See you tomorrow!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 10:44:16 PM


We're REALLY so very glad to see you!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: mercychild on June 21, 2003, 11:15:11 PM

Sonja, sorry to hear about your van.  I'm glad no one was injured though.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 21, 2003, 11:17:36 PM
OH, Sonja, I can't believe what you've been through.  My goodness if it's not one thing, it's another.  I'm so sorry.  Is your van completely ruined?  What a mess!  

Hang in there, sweetie.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Marilyn on June 21, 2003, 11:38:17 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~June 21
Post by: Pat on June 22, 2003, 12:07:45 AM

It's that time again...time to lock this thread and open one for tomorrow.

It was so nice to be able to welcome "Pinkie" to our forums.  Let's make sure that she feels very welcome indeed.

Now, let's continue our conversation in tomorrow's thread...  Click Here (;action=display;threadid=716)