Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 12:09:52 AM

Title: New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 12:09:52 AM


Please continue to pray
for Papa John

Let's pray this morning for him and his dear family.

Please join us here[/b] (;action=display;threadid=1321)

Morning Devotional...

No man taketh it [My life] from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.  
John 10:18

The Lord Jesus had power over His life and death.

We are powerless over ours. We cannot choose when, where, or even how we will die. We simply give up the ghost and bow our heads.

But when He died, it was the opposite order. He "bowed His head and gave up the ghost."

He was in complete control, and had the power to take His life again--and we're so glad He did!

"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain."
                                                         --Rex Trogdon

Behold the Lamb with glory crowned, to Him all power is given:
No place too high for Him is found, no place too high in heaven.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 01:03:05 AM


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: mieka on October 02, 2003, 01:17:27 AM

It is a wonderful flower Ms Pat, i like it
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 01:21:07 AM
Pat.  I don't know what happened.  I posted and sent two pictures of elk.  :(
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 01:22:28 AM
Hi Lee...

I posted the photos of the elk in the Canadian Mountains and Scenery topic.

I'll go and get you a link.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 01:24:13 AM

Here you are, Lee.

CLICK here[/b] (;action=display;threadid=1367)

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Nita on October 02, 2003, 01:41:26 AM
Ahhhhhhh Pat. :'( ;D  All the congratulations on my little 9th place photo, and now a happy birthday.  I feel very special all of a sudden.  I like the feeling. I hope that's ok. :)  You really are family here.

Thank you everyone for mentioning my photo in DPC.  I think 9th place is a great place to be.  I was really surprised and excited when I read where Sonifo mentioned my rating. That's the first time I knew where I was.

 Meika, I know Karma and Sonifo are there.  Marilyn is now, and you and Pat.  Who else?   It's just a fun thing to do, and keeps me using my camera.  ::)

Iain.....your devotionals are such a blessing.  Thank you.  Many times the Lord has pulled me aside to teach me......and just as many times, I've come to a place of questioning if I'd really heard Him, and finally wondering why He won't even "talk to me" here in this place where I'm  feeling isolated.  I begin to doubt, and brings that worrying about what others think.  Such SELF in it all.  His mercy and grace.......His enduring love always brings me to an understanding that I don't need to understand....just do and receive.  We are so very blessed that we have a Father who will never leave us undone.  His goal is to make us into the image of Jesus...His Son.   Whatever it takes, Lord.  Whatever it takes.

Pat thank you for your faithfulness.  I'm sitting here tonight feeling very grateful for the family of God.  

Lee, this is a wonderful, safe, inspiring place to visit and post.
Unlike that other place, you won't have to do battle at every turn....but instead, bask in the Lord's love overflowing from believers.  Family.

 A whole month of Autumn pictures??  I like this time of year.  I'll try to get some and upload to my webpage, if they haven't tossed me out yet.  I never did finish it, and just used it to store pictures.  

 Church tonight was so dear.  Our paster, Ron, is so strong in the Lord, and, though almost hard to believe, has never missed a step in ministering to others, since Bev died.  In fact (don't you think so, Jane?) I do believe he is stronger than ever. Jane said it would happen, and it is.  The devil has found no satisfaction here!!

Heh Al!  Jane says there's a chance we might get to meet you guys soon.   I'd like that.  Let us/her know. k?

  I'm heading to bed now, (it's still the 1st here, and the sleeping time of the day is upon me.) Have a very blessed day.  Nita


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 01:59:42 AM
I forgot to answer the request regarding myself.  My gosh, how does one compact 75-yrs?

Born in Los Angeles, Calif.  Served in the Merchant Marines during WWII at age 16 for one year, then another year in the Army Transport Service on a hospital ship.  We brought 43 nurses home from Manila.  All were prisoners of war from Battan.

Returned to school after the war, then served in the Air Force before and after Korea for six years.

Served 20 years on the Los Angeles Police Department. I enjoyed every moment of it, and especially the detective bureau.

After retirement I was a polygrapher examiner (Lie Detection), and had my own business as a security consultant where I traveled to many parts of the world.

Just before final retirement I worked in the film industry in Hollywood.

I was "Born Again" at age 50, and actually, I'm happy it took so long because it gave me a real appreciation for God's Grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).  It's most difficult to believe that He loved a sinner like me, and died such a horrible death so I could spend all eternity with Him.  That's love.   I hated criminals and loved putting them away.  What was the first thing the Lord did when I became a Christian?  He placed me (kicking and screaming)  ;) in the prison ministry for just over 11-years.  I learned to love them, prayed on my knees with them, hugged them, cried with them, and witnissed many men come to the Lord.  I've taught Sunday School for adults for over 12-years, and am just starting to learn.  Yes dear friends, our Lord is truly an awesome God.  We don't deserve Him.

Sometime ask me about Zacharia, a monster of a black man (A murderer, robber, burglar, and ADW) in prison.

My Vivian, a retired Los Angeles school teacher (34-years) is a wonderful Christian woman.  We have three children, 7 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren.

Oh yes, I love motorcycle riding and have a Honda Goldwing.

We now live on a small 10-acre farm in North Idaho with chickens, geese, Llamas, two cats and a dog.

Oh yes, since retirement, I've never worked so hard for no money in all my life. ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jenny on October 02, 2003, 02:24:24 AM
7.10 a.m.

LEE......Gosh you look marvellous for 75 years. Thank-you so much for giving us your testimony and for telling us about your life. That man I used to "discuss" with on the 'other' site is now a PERSON.  I thank-Our Lord for bringing you to us., another dear Brother to fellowship with. My father was a Policeman, he retired as Inspector after 30 years., a "beat" policeman and then "cars" and then "crime squad".  He plays golf and was Captain of his club until recently.  He's 87.  His name is Leslie and he is NOT a Christian!!! Please pray for him Lee.

LEE say Hello to Vivian for me.
Tell us about Zacharia.  I want to know.  I am glad there are some caring people in the prisons. Thank-you for what you do.  Have you been into "Prayers" to read about Marilyn's friend Victor? He is in prison Lee.

PAT   this is a good devotional and will give Mieka food for thought...."Whose power ?....His power".  Also Jesus said "He who does not have the Son does not have the Father..........I and the Father are one". Suddenly it will sink in for our dear little sister if we keep her in our prayers, which of course we do.

MIEKA   Hello. When do you sleep little One?

               HAPPY BIRTHDAY NITA

It is a misty chilly day here in Birmingham. U.K.
Not much to report this early. I will pop in later to see whats happening across the waters.

Blessings today Everyone.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jane Walker on October 02, 2003, 02:45:24 AM
Well ... I'm either late or early!  :-\  But one thing I do know is that it's time to say

Today the Women's Ministry group is meeting at my place and then, this evening, I get to go to dinner with Nita's family ... to wish my bestest friend (another) Happy Birthday!  ;)  I'm really happy and proud that she got 9th place in DPC, too!  I told her so tonight.   :P

Yes, Nita, I really do believe Pastor Ron is ministering stronger than ever ... told ya so  :D :P ;D

I love all y'all here ... my family.  LEE ... I'm sure you would only know me as Jaywalker (from that other place) but that's okay ... we're here now, and it's all one happy family.  I'm glad you were finally persuaded to come on over!

I was so blessed yesterday ... I received another (3rd) letter from my grandson Tim in Iraq.  He makes me so proud!  Then, I got an email from my daughter Joy, in Mexico.  And finally, my daughter Dot called me from Spokane. (I haven't heard from her since Mother's Day). and we talked for an hour and I got to talk with her two girls, Becky and Jessica.  My heart was full and I am so grateful for family.

Yup, Al, as I wrote you earlier ... Nita and I are looking forward to seeing you and your wife soon.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Maria on October 02, 2003, 06:15:32 AM
Goede middag / Good afternoon 12.05PM
i am late it is no morning more in Holland

Pat thank you for the good devotional this morning and the nice song yesterday evening.

I have had a bad night i can not good ly i have a stiff
neck I can no move my neck.

First we haven taken my son to the doctor he has get
new tape on his ankle and foot he must rest now 1
week and then he may go work again.
He say to me you have me one week home i say
that's nice i am happy when you are with me.

Now we go first something eat together.

Sue where are you living  do you have snow  over the weekend.
I have just hear on the radio the weather forecast for
Holland this weekend we get storm and rain not nice.
Now the sun is shining but it is cold i have on the
central heating.

I long to have a caring heart
To show God's love to those in need
So help me, Lord, to share a part
Of all i have trough word an deed.

I hope you all have a good day
God Bless you
Bye for now
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Maria on October 02, 2003, 06:18:11 AM


                         RIA ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Iain on October 02, 2003, 06:58:44 AM
Praise the Lord Pat - He is risen!

Nita - Hope you have a great birthday.

Lee- I don't know what you are taking bro but whatever it is keep taking it!! I hope I look that good if I manage to reach 55!!

So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the Lord said unto Moses; and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel according to their divisions by their tribes. And the land rested from war.

Joshua 11:23

God had promised Moses and then Joshua that they would inherit a new land, a land flowing with milk and honey, the land of promise. We may have thought then that once they has crossed the Jordan that all would be well, that it would be just a case of dividing the land and allowing the tribes time to settle down.

Plain sailing? An easy life? Not so!

Perhaps I too expected that once I had become a Christian then all my worries, pains and fears would end. All would be well and everything in the garden would be rosy.

Little did I realise just how wrong my thinking was!

No one really bothered the children of Israel as the sojourned through the desert. They were not bothering anyone and the only real trials that came upon them were down to themselves. Their problems truly started when they went forward to inherit the promise of God in a new land.

What kind of picture do we paint for those who we witness to? Do we tell them just about the benefits of being a Christian or do we tell them honestly that there is a warfare to be accomplished and a cross to be carried?

It was only proper that those whose land it belonged to were not going to give it up to strangers without a fight and so their battles begin. Had the Lord not been on their side they would have fallen at Jericho.

The story of Ai is one that we all must take heed of. I struggled for years with a compelling secret sin. Such was the hideousness of it that I justified myself and even legalised that particular sin in my own eyes! The last thing on earth that I wanted to do was to give it up!

When I did eventually acknowledge this sin and repent of it, the heavens opened upon my soul. I had been withholding the blessings from myself through stupidity, arrogance and pride.

Pride would not allow me to accept that I had gone wrong, after all it was God who had ordered my providence and in the end it must have been His Will for things to turn out the way they did. This, my friend is very dangerous ground and the thinking of a mind distorted by Satan.

I held onto this sin and even fed it from day to day thinking that in the end all would be well. You see nobody really knew what was going on in my mind except God. The problem is, God is not mocked!

Life will become a continual misery, a living nightmare until that which is forbidden is dealt with. It is impossible to have peace in our souls when we are offending God. We will put it down to other things to begin with, but in the end we must come face to face with the Achan within us and he must be slain.

The wars and the victories continued after Achan had been dealt with. There would have been times when spirits would have flagged and the 'I can't take anymore syndrome' would have been heard and felt by many, but onward they marched until the whole land had been taken by them.

Only then did the land find rest from war. God had fulfilled His promise, the enemies conquered, the land divided and an inheritance given to all but the tribe of Levi. God will fulfil every His Word and His promises despite our failings and murmurings!

There may be many days when the constant warfare threatens to overwhelm us. Each day, going forward, almost at the end of our tether, not knowing what this day will hold for us, yet knowing that the ongoing attacks will come. The direction of them may be hidden from us but our armour remains constant.

Daily the breastplate must be put on, the shield lifted into position and our sword firmly grasped. The battles we face today are much harder than the first ones we faced. Our skill as soldiers has increased through each victory. Now the enemy uses various tactics, some of which we are able to spot, others are new to us. All must be dealt with.

The timescale may be different for us all but God always fulfils His promises.

Some are kept waiting for many a long year while others are blessed with an early gift. Perhaps today will be the day when the battle ceases for you my friend and the promise of better things comes to pass.

If that is the case then we rejoice with you, if not then we must persevere until that day comes. Victory my friend is assured, let us therefore be valiant soldiers in today's campaign. As I was with Moses so I will be with you. There may be many against us, however God is on our side.

The day will come for all His people when our warfare is accomplished. Then and only then will our rest be eternal. There will be no more war and there will be no further enemies in Beulah's Land. God is with us today and He will be with us throughout eternity. Our Bridegroom awaits, let us do all that we can in His name while it is yet day.


Your brother in Christ


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jenny on October 02, 2003, 08:50:57 AM
1.40 p.m.

IAIN that was beautiful my dear brother. "Surely the Lord is in this place."

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked : who can know it?
I the Lord search the heart,I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings".  Jeremiah 17:9-10.

The sins of which you were so guilty are gone in to the past now far as the East is from the West so has He cast your sins from you.

Be at peace.......He knows your downsitting and your uprising and is acqainted with all your ways......

CHRIS the sage of C.P......can you advise a good Christian Penpal Web site for my son Christopher.  He is 31. I AM STILL SEEING STARS BROTHER AND SISTER.

Off I go for now.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Sonifo on October 02, 2003, 09:37:11 AM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Sonifo on October 02, 2003, 09:40:30 AM
Good morning!

Lee, it is nice to know you.  You have had a busy life.  I think we are going to have a blast with you here.  Please keep posting!   ;D

Nita~thank you for adding me to your favorites on DPC!  Keep the good ones coming girl!

I have some prints to get ready. Have a good day all!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: karmat on October 02, 2003, 10:02:07 AM
Hello everyone.  Just popping in to say Hi while hte Little Man finishes his cheerios.  I imagine by now they are all over the kitchen.  I can see him, but I can't see the bowl right now.  ::)

Happy Birthday Nita!!!!!  You know, people born in October are like the most wonderful people around don't you.   ;) ;D :P  I should know. Hahahhaha (check out hte calendar to get the full effect of that joke.)

Take care all and have a wonderful Thursday.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Etta Sue on October 02, 2003, 10:21:09 AM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Marilyn on October 02, 2003, 10:24:41 AM
Good morning. I missed a lot by shutting down early yesterday. At Bible Study last  night we went over Psalm 113 and 118 and discussed praising and honoring the Lord continually and ways that we should be doing that. We discussed hypothetical situations on how leadership might deal with people who made a show on Sunday and lived for the devil during the week. A very interesting class. Pastor wasn't there last night, there was a death in the church family in another town and he had to go there. So one of our prayer group taught the class.

Lee you have had a very interesting life. I knew you had been in law enforcement for many years,but not your Hollyweird connection.

Iain what a wonderful devotion this morning God Bless you brother, you have a wonderful gift of being able to write from your heart. Your writing show such a passion for our Lord. Thank you dear Brother.

Happy Birthday
Dear Nita
[/b] [/color] [/size]
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Etta Sue on October 02, 2003, 10:37:28 AM
I didn't keep notes.... :'(

Lee ~ Glad to meet you here on CP.  This is a family place.  We are God's children.  What better family to be in, hunh?  I am on SrNet also....MEGann on there.  I got to meet a lot of SNers in Calgary.  Wonderful trip.  Question....what is it with Los Angeles policemen going to Idaho?  I remember another LA policemen that moved there but he was also all over the TV for awhile... ??? ???  My brother is 68 and he has a Gold Wing also.  His wife has decided she doesn't like to ride on it so he isn't on it as much as he would like to be.  I was born on a cycle...well, almost.  My first ride was at 8 months.  Dad thought the wind took my breath away...I keeled over on the gas tank.  But I was asleep!!  That is my problem on a cycle...I can't keep my eyes open.  Anyway, it is great to see you found our home.  

Again, great devotions, Pat and Iain.  Love these times with God.

I am beginning to many on here are also posters on SrNet?  Jenny?  Are you?  Elizabeth, are you?  I mainly just go to Photos on SrNet.  

I am going to my son's this evening.  He has purchased a GPS like mine and wants me to show him the ropes and upload some regions for him.  Tony and Charlene are going to the Smokies this month.  They do the hiking and biking...younger than me, by far!  Also will be their first outing since Charlene's surgery.  Anyway, my potato salad is Tony's one can fix it like Mom  ;)  So that is what I am taking to contribute for dinner.  

I am so happy to see this site growing and growing.  What better place to be than in the arms of God!!

»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï«,¸¸,»ïÏï« "Life has a way of coloring your way of living--but it's you who chooses the colors."


Just in case you need some it is again!!!

Happy Baby (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Marilyn on October 02, 2003, 10:47:09 AM
I just got this in my email and thought you all might enjoy it. Warning It is a tear Jerker.

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile
They said had run the light
That caused the six-car pileup
On 109 that night.
When broken bodies lay about
And blood was everywhere,
The sirens screamed out elegies,
For death was in the air.
A mother, trapped inside her car,
Was heard above the noise;
Her plaintive plea near split the air:    
"Oh, God, please spare my boys!"
She fought to loosen her pinned hands; She struggled to get free,
But mangled metal held her fast
In grim captivity.
Her frightened eyes then focused
On where the back seat once had been, But all she saw was broken glass
Two children's seats crushed in.
Her twins were nowhere to be seen;  
She did not hear them cry,
And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,  
"Oh,God, don't let them die!"
Then firemen came and cut her loose,
But when they searched the back,
They found therein no little boys,
But the seat belts were intact.
They thought the woman had gone mad And was traveling alone,
But when they turned to question her, They discovered she was gone.
Policemen saw her running wild
And screaming above the noise
In beseeching supplication,
"Please help me find my boys!
They're four years old and wear blue shirts;  
Their jeans are blue to match."
One cop spoke up, "They're in my car, And they don't have a scratch.
They said their daddy put them there  
And gave them each a cone,
Then told them both to wait for Mom
To come and take them home.
I've searched the area high and low,    
But I can't find their dad.
He must have fled the scene,
I guess, and that is very bad."
The mother hugged the twins and said, While wiping at a tear,
"He could not flee the scene, you see,
For he's been dead a year."
The cop just looked confused and asked, "Now, how can that be true?"
The boys said, "Mommy, Daddy came
And left a kiss for you.
He told us not to worry
And that you would be all right,
And then he put us in this car with
The pretty, flashing light.
We wanted him to stay with us,
Because we miss him so,
But Mommy, he just hugged us tight
And said he had to go.
He said someday we'd understand
And told us not to fuss,
And he said to tell you,
Mommy, He's watching over us."
The mother knew without a doubt
That what they spoke was true,
For she recalled their dad's last words,  
"I will watch over you."
The firemen's notes could not explain  
The twisted, mangled car,
And how the three of them escaped
Without a single scar.
But on the cop's report was scribed,    
In print so very fine,
An angel walked the beat tonight
On Highway 109.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 10:48:34 AM
Hi Lee:

Praise God for your wonderful testimony.  I came to Jesus when I was around 6 years old and you at 50 years old.  Just as long as we come in our life time that's the important thing!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:51:34 AM
Just rushing around here...  It was time for a ( so thought I'd just bring it here and sip it while I read your posts!

I have a Guelph Hiking Trail Club executive meeting tonight so busy getting the minutes from last meeting completed.  

Also so many emails to reply to.  Sorry if you're one of them that sent me one and I haven't responded.  I wish sometimes that there were 48 hours instead of only 24 in a day!

Nice card for Nita, Sonja!  Love those little girls!

I'm sorry you have a stiff neck, Ria.  Put ice on it and then heat.  That's how I help it when I have one.  

I have a bit of a sore back this morning.  Last night (well, this morning at about 2 am) I realized that we were going to have a killer frost and I had plants from my house outside and a huge rosemary plant in a barrel and so I got to the back door in my housecoat and slippers and proceeded outside (with Geordie to protect me from the boogy men! LOL) and I stepped onto the top step and off I went---down the stairs on my back!  They were already slick with the frost and as I said,  I had my slippers on!

Well, I was lying on my back on the wet, cold grass and realized that at 2 am, I just had to get up and get back into the house but not before I dug out my rosemary!  It's 3 years old and it's so large that I didn't want it to die in the cold.

I managed to get up the stairs on all fours and today, I'm none the worse for wear except that I guess I wrenched my back and my right arm and my left leg!  I'll be fine though.  I actually giggled out there after it happened.  Geordie was so busy licking my face and arms trying to push me up! But here I am...waving my flag!  (

Iain, you never cease to amaze me with the wonderful words that tumble from your lips (or your keys!).  Thanks dear bro, for yet another devotion for all of us.

Great to read your post, Nita, from last night!  And yours too, Jane!  I'm so happy that when I close a topic around the midnight hour here in the east that those in the west will feel free to continue posting in the new topic!

Yes, Lee, as Iain says, "Keep taking whatever you're taking" as you don't look a day over 50!!!

You joker, Karma!  Birthdays in October???

QuoteI long to have a caring heart
To show God's love to those in need
So help me, Lord, to share a part
Of all i have trough word an deed.

Ria, what a meaningful poem.  Thanks for sharing it with us.

Hi Marilyn and Etta Sue!

Jenny, you're still seeing stars???

Now, we must have a party!


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 10:52:00 AM
Hi Everyone:

I am celebrating today because I am a FULL MEMBER NOW ON CP!!

It's great to have so many CP friends.  

Thank you Pat for persuading me to register.

Love Ruthie
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 10:57:11 AM

For goodness sake girl, what are you doing out at 2:00 a.m. digging up rosemary!!  

Why didn't you just throw a big blanket over it until the morning!    I hope your aches and pains will soon go away.  I bet your pooch was very concerned with you lying on the ground.

Going to work now.   Talk to you later.

Love Ruthie
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:57:21 AM
Hey, Look Who is a
now of CP!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 11:02:15 AM
Thanks Pat:

I will try and do the fancy stuff later today when I come home from work.   You know

Love Ruthie
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 11:05:32 AM



We're so glad to see you!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 11:07:00 AM

We now have


of CP!!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Janet on October 02, 2003, 11:15:13 AM
Pat, you nut!  Don't be going out in your "slippers" or you will "slip"!!!  I'm so glad you didn't do any great damage!  Next time, put on your "snow tires!"  ;D

Darrel and I are both sore all over from the day's work yesterday.  He didn't go swimming this morning, but I did, and think it helped work out the soreness.

I have to get some books wrapped and to the post office this morning for the book exchange on SN.  And this afternoon is my painting class.

I posted more family photos last night in the Family Visit thread, if you want to have a look.

Lee, thanks for sharing some of your life with us.  You really have had an interesting one.  And I know what you mean about not having time now that you are retired.  I'm not really retired, and can't seem to keep up!  Please tell us about Zacarias (right name?)  Anyway the BAD DUDE you mentioned.  Inquiring minds want to know! ;)

I will be back later if time permits.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Larry Hanna on October 02, 2003, 11:23:12 AM
Hi everyone.  Rich reading here this morning with those fine devotional thoughts.  This is like having a sermon everyday and it helps me stay focused.

Last evening we had a special "Healing and Wholeness" service.  Our minister and one of the Elders prayed individually for our needs and concerns and layed on hands and anoited with oil.  It was a very meaningful and special service.  

Nita, Happy Birthday and hope you have a great celebration this evening with family members and Jane.

Lee, thanks for telling us a bit about yourself.  You have had a very interesting and useful life and it sounds like you are truly enjoying your retirement even if you are working harder for no money.  At least it is doing what you want to do.  What did you do in Hollywood?

Pat, sorry to read about you slipping and falling last night.  I know you sure didn't need that but am thankful that you weren't seriously hurt.

Welcome Dezo! :)

Ruthie, congratulations on becoming a full member here on CP.  

Maryland, that is some story you shared.  Sort of gives one goosebumps as you read.

Etta Sue, as you know I have been a part of SeniorNet since the website began.  That is over 7 years at this point.  However, I only participate in a few discussions as it takes so much time to try to follow a large number of them.  When it started there were only a few discussions and it has really grown.  Pat, Jeanne Lee and several others were active there from the beginning as well.  

Karmat, I take it that the little one likes those Cheerios!  They have been my favorite about all my life but have given up cereal due to the high carbs.

Good to see Sonifo, Jenny, Mieka, and Ria posting today as well as those mentioned above.  Hope everyone has a great day.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Marilyn on October 02, 2003, 12:17:14 PM
Etta Sue I am also on SN. Mars and Venus, Animals, fins, and furry friends, Manna for the soul, geographic communities california etc.

I am off to work shortly and have a Doctor appointment this afternoon for the results of all those blood tests that were taken over the last 3 weeks.

Larry I am glad you enjoyed what I posted about the car accident.

Pat, you better be more careful or Geordie will be pulling you  back into the house after a terrible fall. Be careful sister we Love you.

Gotta go now TTYL
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Al Moak on October 02, 2003, 12:19:06 PM
[size=8]HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NITA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you realize it's been almost ten years since we met on SN?  Wow, time does go by, doesn't it.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: joyce robson on October 02, 2003, 12:30:46 PM
My, oh, my , so many postings already today.

Happy, Happy Birthday Nita.

Enjoy the day the LORD has made for you!!!

Janie, give Nita a birthday hug from all of us.

Yes, Al, time does fly; doesn't it.

SN was a great place to meet some of you dear folks.

I started on SN and didn't know how to post when Pat took me under her wing..
Then the good LORD directed me to Religion forums---this little babe in the bible learned so very much from gifted people like Al and Lee.

I was blessed to read Jack's posting which made me feel so very much in love with my friend, Jesus.
We are so fortunate to have Pat posting some of his writings here.

Nita saw my hunger and thirst for more knowledge of the One who created me and died for my sins and her loving words about HIS love just made me love HIM more.

Lee,do keep coming by--thank you for the kind words.

Oh, how I love these wonderful people; can't you just feel their geniune love for the LORD??

I try to post as often as I can but we are staying three and a half days in Jersey and the rest of the time in Penna. (I do not have internet in Penna.)

I enjoy my walks with my doggie along our creek which goes into the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. And with the deer walking along side of us; well, it just is so peaceful and perfect time for my quiet time with the LORD.

So I will be checking out the prayer forums and of course the latest recipes in the kitchen and then off I go to Penna.

Will talk to you later, if I get a chance.

Love in Christ,

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 01:20:20 PM

Time IS flying for you, Al MoaK!!!  It's only been SIX years!  HAHAHAHA!  Well, maybe that's "almost 10".

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 01:22:13 PM

Joyce, you MUST get internet access in PA!  You simply must!  Also, we would just love to see photos of that little creek. And your doggie too!

How about it?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jenny on October 02, 2003, 02:50:14 PM
7.45 p.m.

Now I am going to say Hello to YOU.  You and I seem to pass as ships in  the night.  I may seem not to notice you but I do and I read the postings, sometimes in the early morning over here.  I know when you are off to the "Boys" coffee mornings Larry. I am glad you received the Holy Anointing Oil....a sign of His Holy Spirit. May you receive the Healing for which you are praying...In Jesus Name. Amen!

MARILYN  I am praying that all will go well re the blood tests.  Let us know soon please....HOPE IT'S NOTHING EXPENSIVE.

ETTA SUE. Yes I did S.N. Book Discussions and Religions but I haven't for ages.  I do know dear Lee though.  He was a blessing to me. An encourager.  A true Believer

PAT  Best Wishes for the Elections.  Take care on the way home...SLEEP WELL TONIGHT ALSO GEORDIE.

Tomorrow Chris is going to get me a Digi camera....Don't know if I can use it.  Will try.
I went to Blakesley Hall.  The old Elizabethan Manor this afternoon and took some pictures......It sure was a cold and wet day...

Good night and God Bless all,
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: JudyB on October 02, 2003, 03:17:26 PM
Pat I am surprised at you digging up Rosemary! ! ! I thought she was still in N. Ireland!  Especially at 2:00 in the morning!  Mind you she may have been up and going?

Jenny that is a beautiful Picture of you.

Way to go Ruthie.

Lee it is good to meet you.  I do love L.A.  Spent may weeks (not years) driving to Montebello and overnights in truck stops.

Happy Birthday Nita

Well more teaching to do.  Bye for now
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 03:33:15 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Maria on October 02, 2003, 03:54:17 PM
Lee thank you for telling about your live and your
pictures about The Rocky Mountains are wonderfull


Congratulations Pat now we are 100

Iain i thank you for your words you are very good

I wish you all a good afternoon and evening
In Holland it is now 9.50PM
About a view hours we in Europe are going to bed.
And tomorrow morning we can read what you in
Canada and America have writen
Till Tomorrow
I love you all
Bye RIA ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 03:56:21 PM
I've posted this in Have You Prayed, but in case some don't check there, I thought I'd repeat here.  

I've just spoken to Cornelia.  Papa John is making progress, although he is understandably in a lot of pain today.  He sat up for about and hour and had some beef broth and some jello, so the nausea he was having seems to be under control.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 04:01:00 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Maria on October 02, 2003, 04:05:10 PM
Jeanne Lee how are you doing that such nice cards
for birthday's and welcome also Pat
Ria ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 04:11:09 PM
Ria, we make the cards with special graphics programs.  We both have PaintShopPro (so does Etta Sue) and I also have Phogoshop Elements, which is the only one I can use on my Mac computer.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: karmat on October 02, 2003, 05:23:56 PM
Good afternoone.  I finally got the trabman ot take a nap.  wow.  I had given him some m&m's today as a snack (along with goldfish, pears, pizza, water, milk and sprite), then my little sister came in and had brought him some more.  <karmats head was spinning around around around>  He is a bottomless pit sometimes.  

It seems as if all is going well this evening.  I'm glad to read Papa John is eating something, though admittedly hospital broth and Jello leaves a lot to be desired.  Perhaps they are motivating him to get better quicker or something.

Take care and I'll try to get back in this evening


PS == Hahahahahaha, I foiled my computer.  Just as I got ready to post, it booted me of the net.  BUT, I was able to copy and save this post.  Muhahahahahhahahahaha.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Janet on October 02, 2003, 06:33:38 PM
My painting ladies have gone home, so here I am again!  It is pretty cool here today, I'm chilly with a sweatshirt on!

Jenny-----what a lovely photo of you!  Now we can see you when we talk to you.  Like I said, doesn't God have good looking kids??

I need to see about finding something for supper.  Laters!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jane Walker on October 02, 2003, 07:23:37 PM
Hi again!  The Women's Ministry group met at my home this afternoon and it was GREAT!!  I had a balloon bouquet and a gift and card for Nita, and others brought cards and a lady brought a cheesecake and put candles on it and we sang happy birthday to Nita!  Every one said how much more they enjoyed meeting in my home instead of at the church.  I have been feeling for a long time that the Lord had something like this in mind for me, but the timing just didn't seem right.  I have remained "restfully available" and all the pieces began lining up rather quickly lately.  This is going to be a good thing, I believe.  Of course, I like it 'cause I don't have to "go" any where!  :P  I shared some things that I have written and we had a good discussion before enjoying our tea/coffee and cheesecake.  In a little while I am to meet with Nita and her family for dinner.  Maybe I'd better start toward getting ready.  

JENNY~  I love seeing your picture under your name!!!  That's great!  What a smile!

Y'all take care, and I'll try to get back here later tonight and "report" on the rest of Nita's birthday!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 08:10:42 PM

Tell Leslie that you know a guy in the States who's life has been on the same track as his.  Not too different at all.  Tell him that as police officers we had  a partner who protected us during our shift (On duty), but there has always been a partner who protects us 24-hours a day, and that's the Lord. Tell him that this old "Duffer" was too proud and too macho to admit I needed him.   Also tell him (Leslie) that I recognize it's easy to place your trust in a partner you can see every day, and that the Lord isn't one we can see with our eyes, but we can see Him with our heart.  Also tell him that as MEN we like to be in control, but if we admit it and are honest with ourselves, we can readily see that we are not at all in full control.  I can share with this guy (Your dad) because "I've been there, done that."
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 08:14:46 PM

Me too my friend.  BTW dear lady, if you're still "Jaywalking" you need a ticket. ;) :-*
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 08:21:05 PM

Even if you have to go in debt, buy a Thermopedic pillow.  Vivian says she believes that's the name for it.  I'm sure you've seen it advertised.  It's foam with an indentation in the center.  Another way of explaining it is that it looks like an ocean wave.  Vivian and I always had sore necks until we stopped punching pillows and bought a couple of them.  Sure hope your neck gets better.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 08:32:46 PM

My secret: I have a good cook.  Vivian keeps me on a Mediterranean diet.   The ladies in this forum will be quick to agree with me that a healthy and handsome dog like you will last many a year.

Our funning aside Iain, we both are "Looking up", and that means we want to leave this place.

I have a question for you good sir.  Since you mentioned Joshua (Which was an excelent post), I ask this question.  Did Jesus Christ ever hold an actual sword in His hand?  Not a trick question.  The answer can be found in Joshua.  A hint...."Remove your shoes"
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 08:38:06 PM

Thank you lovely lady.  My remaining is strickly in the Lord's hands.  Isn't it neat we have that assurance?
BTW, my absolute favorite hymn is "Blessed Assurance".  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 08:49:44 PM
Etta Sue........

Nothing like the wind blowing in your face. ;D  See the knats?

Yes, I know him well. Mark is a friend of mine.  The trial made Mark the guilty one, and the butcher O.J. went free.

There are many reitired police and firefighters here in north idaho, and I belong to an organization where we have over a hundred retired police and firefighters who meet once a month.  Our wives meet in another room where they have lunch and chat.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 08:50:41 PM


Love Ruthie ;D ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 08:55:45 PM

"The Last shall be first, and the first shall be last." :)
BUT. We both shall meet Him at the exact same time.  Right?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 09:06:37 PM
Welcome Dezo....

I'm just as new here as you are, and I'm overwhelmed with the loving posts from these dear brothers and sisters in the Lord.  This place is a taste of heaven.  All love.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 09:15:47 PM
What a nice thing to say, Lee.  A taste of heaven it is indeed - but such a teeny tiny taste.  I'm looking forward to the whole buffet.  ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Marilyn on October 02, 2003, 09:27:21 PM
Hello everyone . I am finally home from the Doctor's office. My blood tests were all normal except for cholesterol. It is up again to 246 and she put me on Lipitor for a short time to get it back down.  :(

The only other thing was that I seem to have a balance problem. I couldn't keep my balance when asked to walk a straight line by putting one foot in front of the other heel to toe. I would never pass a drunk test. Ha Ha. :o

It is so good to see so many posts here today. Lee you have really been busy posting. Good show ole boy. ;D

Going to read the prayer forum now.  Glad Papa John is at lest up and around a little bit. But his diet is atrocious.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 09:31:23 PM
Watch that cholesterol, Marilyn.  Mine's never been really high, but I started eating oatmeal and Cheerios for breakfast - didn't change anything else - and it came down quite a bit.  Have you noticed any balance problems before?  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 09:32:21 PM

In Los Angeles the movie industry shoots hundreds of films and Commercials almost daily.  The city of L.A. will not allow them to shoot without LAPD motor officers sattioned at each location.  As an example, the movie "Dark Man" had 70 motor officers on site.  I worked as a Movie Cop (Uniform and Police Motorcycle)  We rode alongside the film car, the car being filmed (With actors), rode ahead and stopped vehicles from entering the streets that would stop the filming.  We kept pedestrian traffic from getting to near the filming.

I was fortunate to have been selected to be the primary person in three commercials (They paid us very well for this).  The industry also used motor officers riding in films and commercials.  They pay was unbelievable.  BUT, I got sick of it, and made the decision to retire.

Here's something for you to look for.  Watch in a car commercial where you will see the streets are always wet.  They call in a water truck to spray water on the streets and sidewalks to enhanch the filming affects.  They even hang leaves on trees, or spread them about the street so the passing film cars wind blows the leaves about the street.  It was normal to work eighteen hours a day.  I eventually learned to have a very bad taste in my heart and mouth for actors.  You and I learned to overcome pride, but these folks are trapped in self love and an enormous amount of pride in self.  I must say I admire Arnold Swartsenegger for his admission of having committed several things he wishes he hadn't done.  When I was in the industry Arnold didn't have a very good name with we cops.  Arnold was a very self loving, cigar strutting, proud man.  In all my years in the business, this guy is the absolute first I've ever seen to admit he did bad things.  This attitude expresses Christians who recognize their faults.   No, he isn't, and he needs our prayers.  But by the grace of our Lord, there go we.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Janet on October 02, 2003, 09:41:13 PM
Lee, I would love to sit down and visit with you for hours!  Thanks for sharing.

I think I will go to bed early and read for a while.  I'm still sore from working on the floor.  We have several more days' work to do to finish, but made a good dent on it.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jane Walker on October 02, 2003, 09:46:49 PM
LEE~Not to worry ... my jaywalkin' days are behind me.   :P  I was known for my travels back and forth across the country (from Oklahoma to California and then to Washington ... and all points in between)  I have found where I want to be, so I have hung up my car keys.   ;)  No more need to travel all over the place... I'm here!  My user name on a lot of sites is Fren2Him now!  Does that tell you anything?   ;) :D ;D :P

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 09:53:32 PM
Hi Lee...

You're right we shall meet Him both at the same time.  What a wonderful day that will be when we gather around the throne and cast our crowns before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords our wonderful Lord Jesus.

Good to have you posting and giving us such interesting information about your life.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 09:56:59 PM
Just in the door from my meeting...

My goodness!  Look who's online right now!

Pat Scott, Kathy, Jeanne Lee, Sonifo, Lee Kirkwood, Sue, Ria, ruthie, Elizabeth, Janet, Jane Walker, Sarah
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 09:57:02 PM
Kathy, Jeanne Lee, Sonifo, Lee Kirkwood, Sue, Pat Scott, Ria, ruthie, Elizabeth, Janet, Jane Walker, Sarah

ELEVEN of us on line together!  Isn't that wonderful? ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 09:57:46 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! ;D :o ::) ;D ::) :o
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Sonifo on October 02, 2003, 10:00:40 PM
You 2 are hilarious!  To many vibes going around the room.  hehehhe....Have a good evening.  

Lee I also like the song Blessed assurance.  One of my favorites.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:03:54 PM



We're so happy to be able to welcome you here![/b]

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 02, 2003, 10:04:30 PM
My absolute LAST post today..........

My dear Pat.  You need to be spanked for walking outside (At night) where the Boogie man will get you.  And doing it with slippers on cold, wet, and slippery steps.  Isn't this the way it happens?  We know better, but to save a minute or two we engage in what seem to be simple activities and WHAM, we're down.  Good grief Pat, the police, and or neighbors, could well have found a very dead body the next morning.  I'm sure you recognize this was a WARNING.  NO, not just steps, but other seemingly little things as well.

Take care young one.  We all love you and care about your welfare.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:05:35 PM


Blessed Assurance (
(Click to hear music)

Words by Fanny Crosby
Music by Phoebe P. Knapp

Hebrews 10:22
"Let us draw near with a true heart
in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,
and our bodies washed with pure water

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Perfect submission, all is at rest;
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:08:37 PM

Lee, don't EVER say, "This is my last post of the night!"

There's always something that comes up that you might like to comment on. ;D ;)

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 10:08:54 PM
Hello Everyone:

Well the Liberal Party got in tonight in Ontario, Canada.

The Conservatives have been in for years and now there will be a change.

Ruthie :(
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:12:38 PM

Yes, Ruthie, it's a sad day here in Ontario.  I wouldn't have minded as much had it not been a landslide victory for them.

Oh well...  Our God is still on the throne.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Marilyn on October 02, 2003, 10:12:39 PM
Jeanne, I was so careful to watch my diet, I don't know why my cholesterol went up again I had it down and didn't change anything. I am eating oatmeal for breakfast now.

My dogs are going nuts, they just spotted at cat out the window and the noise is awful. both are standing on top of my cedar chest, good thing I have it cover up with a blanket and a quilt.

I am really feeling the cold this evening. Turned on the heat for a change. At least I don't have to deal with it being so unbearably hot any more.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Elizabeth on October 02, 2003, 10:14:57 PM
Thanks Pat & Iain.  Gosh, I am weary from reading all the posts.

Went to the city for shopping today.  Lovely day and the sun was really hot!  Have noticed that lack of moisture is affecting the trees, etc.  They are not their usual brilliant fall colors an look rather dejected...

Happy Birthday Nita.  Hope you have had a wonderful day.

Lee, you are so interesting and hope the posts will continue.  Do you look slightly like Dick Van Dyke, or is my imagination in overdrive?

Happy that Papa John is okay and will keep him on my list of prayers.  

Ria, I have have had arthritis in my neck since my late 20's and found that a goose feather pillow, with a special hard core, helped best of all.  Gave one to my daughter for her neck and it also is working.  

God's Blessings to all.  Liz.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Marilyn on October 02, 2003, 10:24:24 PM
We are happy to have you join us here.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Sue on October 02, 2003, 10:32:36 PM
It's late, so Nita, I really hope that you had a wonderful day on the anniversary of your birth.

Pat........I'm sure you would have chastised your children for doing something so silly!  I'm pleased to hear though that there was no serious damage done.

Lee, what an interesting life story you have.  My best friend's father is a retired police officer, and he is part of an international group.  He has just gotten home from a convention in Spain I believe.  

Have a good evening everyone, and I enjoyed my tea around the many tables that had to be put together to accomodate all of us here together!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 10:32:38 PM

Yes, I think Lee looks a little like Dick Van Dyke.

I go to a chiropractor for my neck.  He uses an activator.  It is very gentle.  No cracking your neck.  You lie on your stomach and he sees if your feet are level.  He can tell if a disk is slightly out of alignment and he will adjust it. That helps me.  A feather pillow would be good.  I should get one.


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:33:44 PM

So, are we still partying for Nita's birthday???[/size]


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 10:36:33 PM

Pat .... I love that Happy Birthday post.  I will have to practise and one day I will be able to post so professional like that.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Sue on October 02, 2003, 10:37:00 PM
We sure are Pat!   I've put all the tables together so we could sit and have room to chat!  Had to make room for the cake candles and ice cream too!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 02, 2003, 10:39:35 PM

Hey, Sue!  Can you believe it?  

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 10:41:07 PM
My goodness but we've been talkative today!  Over 80 posts now.  Fantastic! ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 02, 2003, 10:44:28 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: karmat on October 02, 2003, 10:49:35 PM
I'm so glad that some one else pointed out that Lee looks like Dick Van Dyke, I was going to, but figured someone would htink I was crazy.  (Or would know it, anyway).

Ya'll have certainly been "chatty" today.  Imagine what it will be when Jerry is up and running and full speed again (HI Jerry, I miss you!!!!) and Papa John is hitting on all cylinders again (Looking for a green post any day now!)

I've promised my husband I'll go to bed early tonight, so I am going to check on a couple of posts, look at a couple of pictures and call it a night.

Good night, and tomorrow is FRIDAY.   WooHOo!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Marilyn on October 02, 2003, 10:50:19 PM
My My I think today has set a record amount of posts.

I think I will say good night and I will meet you here in the mornign before I go to work.

Nitey Nite, Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Janet on October 02, 2003, 10:57:57 PM
What a nice day here on CP!  Yep, when those Karmat mentioned, plus others who have been absent lately, and our Mieka, all get back, we should have 10 pages a day!  ;)

I think I'm calling it a day, too.  I'm yawning...... :o
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Nita on October 02, 2003, 10:58:05 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  I've had a wonderful day, and now I come here to find you are still wishing me a happy birthday.  This day will be remembered as one of my special ones.  I wish I could do all the little gifts, Pat, and I'd continue the happy birthday-line dance.  Those are so cute.  Very festive, and make my heart all happy and dancing too. :)  I think a Birthday-Dump-Cake sounds really good. I did copy that recipe just the other day.

 Thank you all so very much.  You have made this a beautiful day along with my family. has been longer than it seems, but I agree with Pat.....when we get older, we think it's been longer than it is. LOL  Six years is still awhile. Right?  It seems like a few months, actually.

Pat.....have you enough scolding yet?  We just love you...but, don't go out on a slippery porch in slippery slippers at 2 am anymore.  k?  

 Jane, thank you for all the nice things you arranged at your house.  I sure wasn't expecting any of it.  You are so dear to me.  You know that.

 Karmat.....I checked the calendar for October birthdays, and I understand your interest perfectly now. :)  Yep....October is a good month for a few of us. hehe

 Lee, it's good to read your posts......hear about your life.....and isn't it nice not to have to defend a thing?  I agree with you, Elizabeth, he does look like Dick Vandyke.

 Welcome to all the newcomers.  I know I say for all of us when I say you're so welcome here.  I'm just back after an absence, so am getting acquainted again myself.  

  Well, I'll hush now and let Angel (grandaughter) have the computer.  She's been sitting here leaning her head on my shoulder waiting......waiting.......waiting..hehe

  love, nita

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Nita on October 02, 2003, 10:59:29 PM
WOW!  Look at all of us online.  I'd name you all....but I'm getting pulled off my chair. LOL
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Sarah on October 02, 2003, 11:26:38 PM
Today is definatly not a day to come in late trying to read through everything! strainful on myeyes and my eyes have been stressed out lately! i need to get to the eye dr but haven't had time and with basketball starting yesterday i might as well wait b/c i don't have time for much anymore! today i have felt sick all day so i came home after practice cleaned house for my mother (and so i don't get into anymore trouble) and slept. skipped supper cuz i didn't know if i could hold it down and got on here. and worked on homework. tomorrow our cheerleaders are headed to OKC for state. i'm staying here. there will be few teachers and about 14 students gone that will be excused for a sporting event. (even tho cheerleading is not a sport in myown opinion!) but that's a big debate around here. well i need to be off to bed
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Ruthie on October 02, 2003, 11:45:54 PM

Good night everyone ;) ;)

Love Ruthie
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Sonifo on October 02, 2003, 11:56:05 PM
Thank you Pat for the song!  Lovely!

I am off to bed myself.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 2
Post by: Pat on October 03, 2003, 12:19:42 AM

What a lovely day in Christian Photographers!

I hope you had a lovely birthday, Nita! We all did!   ;)

It's nice to see the new folks coming here.  Let's really make sure that they feel welcome.

Nice to hear that Jeanne was speaking to Cornelia and that Papa John is slowly getting a little bit stronger.  That sure is good news.

Now, it's time to lock this door and start a new topic.

I think that only once have we had more posts than today!

God bless you all.

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