Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 12:32:52 AM

Title: New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 12:32:52 AM


Morning Devotional...

She ark...and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink.
Exodus 2:3

How could Moses' mother be so calm in the face of such a crisis?

Her precious child was the target of an evil tyrant, yet she calmly placed her precious son in the ark and into the river.

In Hebrews 11:23, it says that on the basis of faith Moses' parents, "were not afraid of the king's commandment."

Clearly, this couple had been communing with the Supreme King in the secret place.

When the heart gets in tune in the inner sanctuary, the life will be in step in the marketplace.

Whate'er the crosses mine shall be,
I will not dare to shun,
I only ask to live for Thee,
And that Thy will be done.
Thy will, O Lord, be mine each day,
While passing on my homeward way.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: karmat on October 21, 2003, 12:54:57 AM

This post is to announce that karmat hereby has



This post is number 1000!!!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 12:57:18 AM

Congratulations, Karma!

You and now a member of the
"1000 Post Club"! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: karmat on October 21, 2003, 01:00:46 AM
Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 01:09:48 AM

Come on Jane...   Pull up your chair out here where it's brighter!  I've put a fresh pot of coffee on.  Want some?

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 01:19:43 AM
As for October 20..........

This place has become a funny farm.   ;D  ;D  :P  :P

Hey there Pat (Toofy) and Karmat, what's the big deal, all men know you women talk alot. ;D ;D ;) ;)

AND, at the same time. ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 01:27:10 AM

In your devotional you said: "Clearly, this couple had been communing with the Supreme King in the secret place"  Where did this comment come from?  I have always believed that Moses' mother was told by the Lord to first hide him, andf then to place him in the small "Ark".
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 01:27:35 AM
Hey there PAT!  It took me this long to get through all the posts (and antics) since I was here earlier today!  uh yesterday???  the last time I was here anyway.   :-[

I'll have a cuppa with you, though....   (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: karmat on October 21, 2003, 01:28:18 AM
Hahahahhahahaha.  Lee.  hahahahahahahhha  ;)

Have a good night/morning/afternoon, ya'll.  It is time for me to "hush" and go to bed.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Nita on October 21, 2003, 01:47:56 AM
ok, ok.....I'll ask.  How do you get all the neat gifs you guys(gals) are using.  I know how to "get" them, and use them in email, but do you have to upload them to your webpage to put them on here?  I guess so, huh?  Huh?  Jane, I've been noticing your neat signature gifs too.  Cute.

Jeanne....I am so impressed with your submissiveness.  :) :)  And I have to agree, the zoom on the Olympus is great.  My 720 Ultra Zoom is impressive.  I can imagine how yours is.   I need to get to our photos page and see if you've posted.  My Oly is on its way to Cypress, CA now..  UPS said it should be there on Thursday.  Then I'll hear how much it will be for repairs, and that will help make my decision re a new one now.

 Mieka, you silly sweetie.  Cheekmonk, eh?  Pat, is that how your face looks after tooth extraction.  haha

  Lee, thank you for saying that my comments to Marilyn about her car were from my heart, because they were.  That was kind of you.  I'm not sure that she felt as you, haha.......(and Marilyn, I didn't mean to offend or belittle your need at all).  I just said what came to me.  I don't believe that one moment or one circumstance in our lives is ever wasted to God.  Nothing is by chance......and everything is for greater glory if we allow it.  I think it's so cool when God uses us, and our circumstances to make a visual lesson for someone else.  I just mentioned that because I like the idea of God humbling a rich person by someone like our Marilyn, who is actually a Princess.....child of the King who owns the cattle on a thousand hills.   Ahhh....I just love a mystery and seeing the good guy win. :D my mind loves an adventure.  I yam what I yam. haha  

   I'll hush now and get this today/tomorrow message posted.
   Night everyone.  I love you.  I'm knowing that more every day.  It feels so good to feel so good again.  Thank you for being you.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 01:49:15 AM
Hey You'uns I will definitely join you for a cuppa.  :D
:D :D

I can't sleep either......... sooooo where better to be but here with friends and family! ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 02:02:21 AM
In reading through the posts I just realized that I haven't told you the news about Melaura.

In her first test of the Air Cadet year she scored 100%.  OK that was to be expected as the test was on officers ranks.  She should know that from Navy League.

So she had her second test tonight on airports and the positioning and colours of the lights.  This is new material and again 100%.  Wow I was impressed.  

At the end of cadets an officer and I spoke and they want Melaura in the drill team and the biatholon team.  She is super at drill, and the biatholon will be a new thing for her.  It is the cross country skiing and marksmanship competition.  Well if she can do it good for her.  Please keep praying for this young lady as she continues with following God's direction.  The biatholon will require a lot of discipline.  So does following His will.

John leaves tomorrow in the morning early.  He is going down to PA.  Anyone of you'uns live down there?

Meeka you really are a hoot.  that picture is sooo funny of Mom Pat.

Nita I agree I would love to know how those neet things are done.  I guess a lot of experimentation and special programs.

Yes Lee we all talk alot, and I KNOW you guys love it.

Well I am going to explore other areas, so till later.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Rachelle on October 21, 2003, 02:24:25 AM
That was quite the picture of you Pat--lol my 7 year old was sitting here with me when I was reading those post..
Thought I would check things out real quick and wanted to say Al thank You  for your word of encouragement on the ACE Program..We are truely liking it. And also to answer your question we live on the Lake Coeurd'alene side..And we moved here from Lewiston Idaho about 12 years ago-We love this area..
Well, My dh wants the computer so I am going to call it a nite.
So goodnight everyone.
Quote from: Pat Scott on October 21, 2003, 12:57:18 AM

Congratulations, Karma!

You and now a member of the
"1000 Post Club"! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 02:51:30 AM
NITA~ Yup, you gotta upload 'em to your homepage or website or whatever you call that place where you store all your stuff!  Then just link to 'em whenever you take a notion!   :P    Thanks for noticing my signature gif...I've had it for a while, just don't use it much any more! hmmm     :-\

JudyB ... have a cuppa with me.  There's two there/here and I only need one!   ;)  

I need to get to bed sometime while it's still "today" here on the left coast of Oregon ... see y'all tomorrow ... today ... whenever y'all come in, okay?

(   (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 02:54:37 AM
Jane tea sounds good. :D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 02:55:36 AM
Hey, JOYFULHRT~ You mentioned the prayer centers in Spokane ... my daughter lives in Spokane, and I remember my pastor Bev talking about going to those centers at different times.  Another of my daughters used to live in Sandpoint, ID ... I've been through Post Falls ... small world, eh?

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 03:01:11 AM
JUDY B~  Just for you ... (  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 03:06:19 AM
Thankyou.  I am slightly chilled, and that will warm me up.! ! !  :)

I am going to turn in now and see if I can gat some shut eye before John calls me to take him to the truck.

Night Jane and God Bless you
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Maria on October 21, 2003, 04:08:35 AM
Good morning All / Goedemorgen allemaal 9.55AM

Pat thank you for the good devotional this morning

I am feeling me a lot better i have catch a cold a lot
couch but also that will going over.

Am I the first European?

Jane have you been to the doctor a nice dog he can writen your name

This morning i have first read in my English daybook:

May gratitude fill our hearts, because God's goodness an mercy will follow us all the way to glory.
We are indebted to Him forever.
                                           Vernon Grounds

When we stand with Christ in glory
Looking o'er life's finished story,
Then, Lord shall i fully know __
Not till then __ how much I owe__
I wish you all a good day
Hugs and Blessings
Bye for now
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Maria on October 21, 2003, 04:11:16 AM
O Pat what have you done with your photo that is terrible But i have laugh
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jenny on October 21, 2003, 04:47:26 AM
ENGLAND 9.20 a.m.

PAT..............LOVELY DEVOTIONAL. Thanks!

We are so priviliged to be able to rest in His Ark, surrounded by His love and carried to safety by the Blood of Jesus.

He that dwelleth in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Ps 91:1

As I was in the days of my youth when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle. Job 29:4

Our Heavenly Father always prepared an Ark for His Children....that Ark is over us now dear Ones and will carrry us to safety.  Moses' mother was a godfearing woman .

I would like to give a thank-you to the Hebrew Midwives in  all this LEE ..Exodus 1:17. DO WE EVER THINK ABOUT THEM...SUCH BRAVERY! Moses would have had no one to take with him out of Egypt!

Moses' mother "could see that he was a goodly child" she hid him for three months before the bulrushes incident. I know she dwelt in the "Secret place of the Most High".Ps 91:1. She did abide under "His shadow".  God was at work here, guiding the actions of His own.

                               :) :) :)

A real Wintery morning here.  There's been a hard frost overnight.  The sun is shining however and I hope to get over to the park later, wrapped up well......ALL THE THERMALS and MORE, hat,scarf, gloves long johns etc.,Somewhere under all this lot will be JENNIFER.

JUDY B and JANE Please can I come in for tea....You know I love my cups of tea...GLAD YOU DIDN'T THROW IT OUT  with Boston folks!

The Lord Bless and Keep you safe in HIS ARK.
Jenny XXX
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sarah on October 21, 2003, 05:15:34 AM
hey ya'll, i have a few hours before school. actually a few hours before i'm even suposed to be up but since i fell asleep at 7:30-8:00 last night than i can't sleep anymore. but it'll be alright i'll just read and watch infomeratials. what fun! but actually i'll read things off here and outta my bible. if not that i'll read on my school book! well i'm goin to go and catch up on reading.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: tenderheart on October 21, 2003, 08:27:21 AM
Hey good morning all....oh my goodness is your face this morning? can you show us another pic so we can see your beautiful smile.....;)
lol....I pray you are feeling a bit better today and that you will take it easy....
have a great day and take care.....
ooops almost forgot......a big welcome to joyfulhrt........I have six children and I homeschool the last two of them and am using the Christian Light Education curriculum......and they are doing very well.
nice to have you join us here.......stop by often...

Karma......1000 do you do it.?

well am off for now...God bless you all and have a great day......Paulette
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mercychild on October 21, 2003, 08:41:44 AM
No kidding Karma, I barely get in here once a day!!!  Congratulations though :D.

Pat-how are you feeling lately?  I was going to pop by and show you my new camera, and get some pointers from you, but if you've not been well, I don't want to disturb you, we can put it off till some other time.

Joyfulheart-that was my mom that posted that she homeschools two of her six kids as well.  She homeschooled me for the last half of my highschool education.  It was sooo much better than when I was in public school.  I found it so much easier to cope.  Well done on the decision to do so.

Well, I hope you are all having a wonderful day.  God be with you all.  Jen.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Janet on October 21, 2003, 09:15:21 AM
Hey, Karma!  On my screen, it said that post was your 1002nd! ;)

Mi, you are too cute!  And poor Mum Pat----she did look like a "cheekmonk" there!  OUCH!!

Sarah, you actually ENJOY those infomercials?  :P I never watch or listen to them, as soon as I hear one starting, my remote goes "click!"  But they are better than 95% of the programming these days, so go for it! ;) ;D

I need to be in Ulysses for a bond election thing today; don't know if I will leave here earlier than planned, or just what to do.  Polls are only open from 7 to 7.  :-\

Mark has gone to school and Abby is still sleeping, but I'm sure she will pop out just any minute now!

The Christian school we had in Ulysses used the ACE curriculum.  I'm not sure what the one here in Hugoton uses.

Ria and Jenny---it is probably afternoon for you by now, so ........... HELLO!!  I guess that works, no matter what time it is, doesn't it?

Talk to you all later!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Maria on October 21, 2003, 09:31:14 AM
Janet yes we are now in the afternoon it is in Holland
3.30 PM and i think in England i hour early

I wish you you all a good afternoon and evening
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Al Moak on October 21, 2003, 10:02:21 AM

In your devotional you said: "Clearly, this couple had been communing with the Supreme King in the secret place"  Where did this comment come from?  I have always believed that Moses' mother was told by the Lord to first hide him, andf then to place him in the small "Ark".

Lee - I don't know where your comment comes from!  Read Exodus 2:1-10.  You will not find anywhere there that God told Moses' mother to do the things she did.  Hebrews tells us she wasn't afraid of the king's commandment.  Why was this?  It could only be because they trusted Jehovah.  That's why his sister stood afar off, ready to come into the scene and suggest an Hebrew nursemaid (Moses' mother!).  And so it worked out.  Pharoh's commandment mattered not at all - because God overruled it completely.
I think Pat's devotional is correct as it stands, don't you?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 10:12:43 AM

Good Morning Everyone!

Well, I'm not so much a "cheekmonk" anymore today.  The swelling has gone down quite a lot but still painful.  Thanks Mieka for the fun!

It's great to be able to read all of the posts.  Today is my Avon order day so I'll be a bit busy but I'll come here for my coffee breaks!

Hey!  It's great to see conversation about the devotional I put in.  That's what it's there for!  Thanks Lee!  And thanks Al and Jenny for your comments too.

Now, I must make a pot of coffee and come back in a few minutes as I have some great photos from Ken over in Yorkshire to post!

Let's pray for our Ken.  He had triple bypass surgery earlier this year and the other day he had to go to the emergency dept. at the hospital as he was experiencing chest pain again.  I'm sure that Larry knows all about this and the upset this causes the family so let's pray for Ken and Margaret.  He's home and alright now but this wasn't too pleasant to go through.  I remember so well all of these rush trips to the emergency with Jack over the years.

I'll be back!

Oh, I must say, Ria, what a great "Moving Post!"

Have any of you peeked in and seen all of Ria's homework down in the Practice area?  She's done such a great job!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Janet on October 21, 2003, 10:13:05 AM
Hey, RIA!! Good job on using the color, bold, size and moving marquee!!!  Way to go, girl!! ;D ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 10:14:59 AM
Hi Janet, are you home yet?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Janet on October 21, 2003, 10:18:37 AM
No, Pat, but I'm ready to go home!  Have to stay today to get Abby to and from school.......but tonight I will go home!  Yea!!   ;D ;D

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sonifo on October 21, 2003, 10:22:21 AM
Aren't we a talkative bunch today!

hahahhaha....I love the new picture of Pat!

I am actually kind of speechless.  I can't figure out what to say.  I guess I am a bit tired still.  ::)

Woooohoooo...karma! 1000 posts!

Have a good one!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 10:24:40 AM

Interesting post today at Creation Moments"...

Sin Stinks!

Genesis 1:31

"Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day."

New findings about how the human nose works may help explain why a world that was perfect when it was made has come to have so many stinky things in it.

Humans and mammals hold the record among all creatures, with about 1,000 genes for odor receptors. But with only 1,000 different kinds of odor receptors, how is it we can smell over 10,000 different kinds of scents?

For example, nonanoic acid uses the same receptors as nonanol, plus two others. Nonanol literally produces the smell of a rose. Yet those same receptors, plus the extra two that nonanoic acid activate, will produce a cheesy odor. Even more amazing is the discovery that virtually identical molecules can produce very different scents. Octanol produces a rosy, orangy scent, when octanoic acid produces a rancid, sweaty odor. Yet the two molecules are identical except for an extra side chain of atoms.

This may go a long way in explaining how a perfect creation of vegetarian creatures came to have rotten smells and to be meat eaters. A minor modification of a "good" scent can turn it into a "bad" scent. This seems to be confirmed by the discovery that the same receptors that allow mice to smell grain and seeds allow rats to smell meat. The decay man's sin brought to the creation didn't mean that God had to make new things. "Good" molecules simply decayed into a slightly different form with "bad" effects. We thank God we have a Savior in His Son Jesus Christ Who will deliver us from the decay that is in the world!

Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, we thank You that in Jesus Christ, You have delivered us from the decay in the world which is a result of our own sin. Amen.

REF: John Travis, Making Sense of Scents, Science News, v. 155, April 10, 1999, p. 236

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sonifo on October 21, 2003, 10:30:42 AM
That is very interesting!  I need to start listening to creation moments again.sniff
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Marilyn on October 21, 2003, 10:45:06 AM
Good Morning. Thank you  Pat for the devotional this morning.

I am off to Arcata this morning to Bea's house, her son is going to work on the car window again to try to get it working. He doesn't think it is the motor.

It has been warmer here this past week and last night I had to take one of the blankets off the bed. I slept much better with one less blanket. I was so grateful that I slept all night without waking up once. What a nice surprise. Thank you Jesus.

About my car, I love my little car even if it is old. I don't really want to get rid of it, it is very dependable, I just want it fixed so the rain won't come in.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jenny on October 21, 2003, 10:46:10 AM

Gosh Pat, funny you popped i  to mention "Scent"  or to put it crudly "smell"..

I was very impressed this morning by the Electric man when he came to read the meter....just a nice young man doing his job....b ut he smelt absolutely lovely...perfume like flowers...can't have been after-shave.  The Lord put him on my heart and I knew he was a Christian!

That's all...just to meant something to me!

Jenny X
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Larry Hanna on October 21, 2003, 10:55:39 AM
Hi everyone.  We are blessed today with another beautiful, sunny day.  It is suppose to get up to 80 today.  After coffee this morning I had to go and have a hair cut before my wife mistook me for a dog.  

Today is Calvin Cove day and I think we will be singing hymns today and have sung old time secular songs for the last two weeks.  Then this evening I have to go next door to attend the postponed homeowner's assocation meeting.  I do hope it will be a short meeting but doubt that will be the case.  Unfortunately, I don't think our association president has ever heard of "rules of order" so the meeting just rambles on.

Interesting discussion this morning on the devotional.  

Pat, glad to read that the swelling is down this morning and that you have probably had the last extraction you will need to have done.  

Karma, congratulations on your 1,000th post.  

Janet, are you working at the election pools today or just going to vote?  Sure you will be glad to get back to your own home.

Ken, I do understand what you are going through.  Have you had to have another angiogram done?  Do hope you are feeling much better.

Jenny, stay warm today.  

Hope everyone has a great day.  I know there were some other things I wanted to say as I read through the messages but now have forgotten so will sign off for now.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Larry Hanna on October 21, 2003, 11:14:52 AM
Thanks for the reminders about the Christian Book Exchange.  It has been very dormant for some weeks and there are certainly some fine titles available.  Just click on the link under my name and you can review what is available.  

To our new folks, check this out as we exchange the books just for the postage reimbursement once the book is received.  Unfortunately, for our friends in Europe this is probably not feasible.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Rachelle on October 21, 2003, 11:49:49 AM
Hi, Wow Jane it is a small World..It was a very good meeting last night.
What church do you attend where you live? The church I attend is called Victory Gardens Fellowship-Its a brand new church and so we meet in our Pastors Home..Its in the beginning stages which is awesome to be a part of a beginning of a church-
Have a great day.
Hugs in Jesus
Quote from: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 02:55:36 AM
Hey, JOYFULHRT~ You mentioned the prayer centers in Spokane ... my daughter lives in Spokane, and I remember my pastor Bev talking about going to those centers at different times.  Another of my daughters used to live in Sandpoint, ID ... I've been through Post Falls ... small world, eh?

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mieka on October 21, 2003, 11:50:02 AM
She ark...and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink.
Exodus 2:3
How could Moses' mother be so calm in the face of such a crisis?
Her precious child was the target of an evil tyrant, yet she calmly placed her precious son in the ark and into the river.

This devotional it is very heavy on my heart today. I know this story of baby Moses. I know God was with him and found for him a home and a family to love him. With this gift of family Moses he did the wonder work of God.

I pray each day that children will all know the love of family. I cry each night for the mothers that must leave their child in a basket and never know of them again.  :'(

Mr Ken, I pray for you today.

Papa John I pray for you.

Ms Pat, I hope you are well today.

Ms Karmat (((hug)))
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: karmat on October 21, 2003, 12:04:39 PM
Back at ya, meeks (((hug)))

Moses's mother put him in a basket to save his life.  Perhaps God has plans for those babies whose mothers had to leave them in the basket as well.  And God is a big God.  I, too, pray Mieka for those mothers.  Especially one.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 12:05:15 PM
Hi, Mieka!   ;D   :-*

Rachelle~I also worship with a small fellowship, but little is much when God is in it!  ;)  In just another week, it will be 3 years since I moved here to Coos Bay, Oregon.  I didn't start attending (regularly) at the Church of the Open Bible for several months.  I didn't go any place else, either, just there and that intermittantly because I was in need of some deep healing and cherished my alone time with the Lord.  Also, I felt myself becoming too "involved" with the lovely people there <especially the pastors> and would pull away again.   "Involved?"  Now, I am on the Board of Elders, host the Women's Ministry group, and make the bulletins every week!   :-\  God had other plans, I think!   :P

[Our Women's Ministry is different from the one Marilyn spoke of... we call it that because it is for women to minister to one another ... or I should say for the Lord to minister through each woman to the others.]
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Etta Sue on October 21, 2003, 12:13:35 PM
It seems to me that I should be here at night time.  Seems there is a party going on nearly every night!!!!  You guys are having way too much fun!!!

Mieka, I love the picture of Pat.  

Karma, a 1,000 posts!  You go, girl!  

Sarah, I love it that you are posting and telling us about your schooling and mainly about trying to please your Mom.  You go, girl!  

I had an hour and half of sleeplessness early this morning.  But I didn't get out of bed until 9 a.m.  That is really late for me.  I have found that as soon as I sit in this chair, my arm starts hurting.  The only way it stops is to lower my chin.  That works great but not with bifocals!!!!! :-\  I am far-sighted but the monitor isn't far enough away to see it clearly.  So everything seems to be a tad out of focus.  Not good.  Hopefully, if I rest that nerve in my neck, it will go away!!  

Lots of 'want to do's' today.  I want to get caught up online.  I want to rearrange the furniture in my living room and sweep the whole house.  Also I have to get ready for our small group meeting tonight and attend it.  Then I am taking Jerry to his home.  Pray that his hot water heater will be fixed soon.  Saturday after getting a new heating element, he couldn't get the old one out.  Pray that his strength either returns or someone helps him fix this problem.  

I am praying that everyone has a God Blessed day!

"Our only glory is not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall."

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Maria on October 21, 2003, 12:58:23 PM
Yes Pat i go first to my school class and try but now i know

Ken i keep you in my prayers

When my son Marcel was a little boy i always must
read for him about Moses as baby But in in Children Bible there is also a picture of little Mose in his rush
little basket. He love that but when i was readdy he
started with crying and he say Mam is little Moses still
in the little basket then he will be cold.
It is very lovely how little children are thinking
sometimes i am missing that time
Bye for now
RIA :)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: nards656 on October 21, 2003, 01:04:03 PM
Hello, everybody!  Wow, there's been a lot going on in here already today, so I won't try to respond to everybody individually.  

Etta, I sure hope Jerry gets that water heater fixed.  I'm praying that someone will help him with that.  

Hey, Mi.  How are ya?

Lee - I'm personally convinced that the idea to put Moses in the basket came from God.  That doesn't mean that God ORDERED his mother to put him there, but I think it is an intelligent deduction that it was God's plan for Moses to be in that basket.  I agree with Al that there is no indication that God specifically spoke to her to put him in the basket.  I think Pat is right in that she knew to do it based on her communion with God.  However, I'm not sure God let her in on the master plan.  Maybe, but I've never had that impression.  My point is that God does lead us with a small still voice sometimes rather than using handwriting on the wall.  As well, He very often leads us without telling us where we are going.  Good discussion.  

Good day to all!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: nards656 on October 21, 2003, 01:06:29 PM
Wow.  I've got 23 posts.  Okay, 24 now.

How am I gonna keep up with my wife?  Hmmmm.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mercychild on October 21, 2003, 01:19:42 PM
Lol Bernard, that's doubtful....otherwise you have a lot of catching up to do ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 01:25:29 PM
Hey don't try to keep up, just be yourself!  You keep on with the wise answers and you will be doing good.

Ria you are so right,  children have a totally different way of looking at things.  They usually don't have the guile to taint their thoughts.  (Two new words for you to look up!  If you have a problem with them let me know and I will send the definitions)

It is a cold damp day here in the north.  The dampness seems to seep into the bones.

Pat are you still taking trips to Hamilton?  Will they be starting again?  How is your neighbour?  Have I missed these answers?

Jenny.  Love you sis.  Keep on keeping on. I covet your prayers and you can know I pray for you too.

Janet.  {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Talk again later
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: joyce robson on October 21, 2003, 01:39:40 PM
OK ,Ok ,  I give up!!!

Impossible to read all the postings while I was gone.

Pat is right; I just have to hook up my internet service in Penna. as well as Jersey.

I know I am missing a lot of good postings.

Look at Lee, just started and has beaten me already with his postings.

And Karmet, way to go!!!

Welcome to all newcomers while I was away.

I am going to prayer forum and will try to get back if I get a chance.

Take care and as always,

Love in CHrist,

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mieka on October 21, 2003, 01:52:39 PM
Did Moses mother put him in the basket because of fear?

Did God make this poor child Moses a phrophet because his life was now a gift to the water? Did his mum only have a hope that he will be found as so many others are given to hope.

Or did she have this calm because she did know it was the wish of God? Is it written or is it only the wish of many that she did know her child is in the hand of God for glory. Or was it a calm of great pain to place her child to the hand of God for his death?  :'(  Did she give away the life of her child to save her own life from the evil king?

Was she a good mother to her child?  :'(
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 02:40:21 PM
Joyce Start at today and as you have the time go back to the past NEM's.  The Have You Prayed About It gives the important news that we need to pray about.  

Meiks.  Wow what a lot of thinking you have done on this matter of Moses.  If you read further into the chapter you will see that Moses mother  set his sister to watch over him.  Miriam was probably a smaller child in build, and could hide easier.  When the Pharohs daughter found Moses his sister told her that she knew a nurse for the child.  Moses mother then raised the baby in the knowledge of the I AM.  Was she a good mother?  I believe so.  Was she afraid when she put Moses in the reid basket? I don't know, I would have been.  You can ask her when you get to heaven!  I hope this helps.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: ken on October 21, 2003, 03:19:52 PM
Hi all

Thank you for your prayers. I had a few twinges after a long hill walk. (may have overdone it a bit  ???) Good news is twinges seem to have gone and the blood tests and two ECG's I had in hospital showed I was ok and could go home.  They suggested it was lack of blood to the chest  muscile due to artery that was taken to supply blood to the heart. I hope they are right!!

God bless you all

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mercychild on October 21, 2003, 03:22:43 PM
Sounds like good news so far Ken, we'll continue praying for you.  Take it easy though, don't overdo it.  God bless you.  Jen.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sarah on October 21, 2003, 04:00:41 PM
wow  it's been an interesting day and the surprising thing is instead of being tired like i usually am i'm actually very awake but i'll prolly crash sooner or later.(i'm leaning more towards sooner since i got up so early!)
Janet  no i don't like infomertials they bore me but it was all that was on this morning and i needed some sort of noise cuz the silience was killing me!!
fair warning i really and truely cannot spell. this sunday we leave for kingfisher for NHS.  it will be a fun trip! 5 out of 6 of our members are going!
well i'm going to check u pon what i had read this morning ttyl (talk to you later)
Pat i will soon be send u some pics if i can ever remember to do it!

so anyways bye for now or as tigger says ttfn(ta ta for now)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Maria on October 21, 2003, 04:08:31 PM


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 04:20:36 PM
Well ... I've been to the doctor (as ordered by my good friends) and he has prescribed a brain MRI for next Tuesday, and I will be required to wear a heart monitor for a while <they will call me when one is available> and then I will have a treadmill test.  Thanks a lot you guys!!    ::)  :o  I feel they will not find any problem, but I am also very confident in the thoroughness of my doctor to be taking all this precaution.  I guess one never knows what might be lurking behind the scenes, and he is going to rule out all of it!  

I had a couple phone calls from my youngest daughter yesterday/last night and she is having a few problems and wants her mommy to be with her for a while.  I told her I don't know how I can untangle myself from the responsibilities (and now doctor appointments) that I have here.  I will be praying for her, her situation, and for guidance as to what the Lord wants me to do.  I'd appreciate your prayers as well.  Thanks.

Love you all .... (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 21, 2003, 04:27:06 PM
Dear Mieka, dont worry so much,  the Christian life is not a life of worry and stress, but a life of implicit trust in God to keep us and guide us all the days of our lives.
Read Hebrews chapter 11, a life of faith.
The mother of Moses was a very brave woman, who after much prayer, entrusted her son to God's care, feeling sure that he was a special child, just as you are, and that God had his (Moses)  life mapped out for him.
God knows us from the womb (see Jeremiah ch. 1)
We are all very special to God, our Father, that is why He saved us from sin, the world and the devil, sending our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to take our punishment on that cruel cross, which has now been transformed into a symbol of God's grace and love for us.
So you see, if you really can believe that every hair on our head is counted, (Matthew ch 10, )and that He chose us from the foundation of the world, (Ephesians ch. 4.)
Then why worry about where we are being led, or why, or what lies ahead.?
God is the most loving, caring Father that anyone could ever have!
And I write this as someone who never knew his father, and in the beginning of my walk with Jesus I rejoiced that at last I HAD A REAL PERFECT DAD WHO LOVED ME TO BITS!
Realising this fact set me completely free to be myself, and to trust Him totally.
Praise the Lord.
Love to you, from "Him who loved us and washed us in His own Blood,(Rev ch. 1)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sonifo on October 21, 2003, 04:27:48 PM
Jane~I am so glad you went to the doctor.  Hope you can make it through all the tests now.  ::)

Ken~Glad to hear you are ok!!!  Take it easy on your next walk.  :)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 21, 2003, 04:31:57 PM
The above letter is also to Jane and others who like me, sometimes wonder "what's happening Lord? "
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Rachelle on October 21, 2003, 04:33:42 PM
I don't know Lee-My husband is a big talker too ..LOL so Men can be quite the talkers too LOL.
Rachelle :D
Quote from: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 01:19:43 AM
As for October 20..........

This place has become a funny farm.   ;D  ;D  :P  :P

Hey there Pat (Toofy) and Karmat, what's the big deal, all men know you women talk alot. ;D ;D ;) ;)

AND, at the same time. ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Rachelle on October 21, 2003, 04:43:56 PM
Hi Everyone..
Its 1:30 now and its been a busy day..This morning my husband and I went into where he works and got flu shots. Then at 10:30 I had to take our 13 year old in for a orthadontist appointment-Today Im taking the girls to a movie (freaky friday)don't worry its not a scary movie..It is about a Mom and a Daughter and they end up switching roles lol.
Anyway it should be fun!
Went to Target after the Ortho appointment and found a Mega Doodle for my son for Christmas for 8.88 :) I am trying to buy a little here and there-so I am not caught up in the rush..This year I plan on getting them each things they really need-not just want. Educational toys, clothes etc.
I hope all of you have a blessed evening or morning..How do I upload a photo to show on here? like everyone else?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Rachelle on October 21, 2003, 04:48:11 PM
Hi Jen,
Thank You-In the past I had questioned it but, I really feel this is what God wants for our Children. I appreciate your support and it is good to talk to someone who was homeschooled and their views on it.
I wouldn't have it any other way now-My children do well with their paces and surprise me alot lol.
Quote from: mercychild on October 21, 2003, 08:41:44 AM
No kidding Karma, I barely get in here once a day!!!  Congratulations though :D.

Pat-how are you feeling lately?  I was going to pop by and show you my new camera, and get some pointers from you, but if you've not been well, I don't want to disturb you, we can put it off till some other time.

Joyfulheart-that was my mom that posted that she homeschools two of her six kids as well.  She homeschooled me for the last half of my highschool education.  It was sooo much better than when I was in public school.  I found it so much easier to cope.  Well done on the decision to do so.

Well, I hope you are all having a wonderful day.  God be with you all.  Jen.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Margit Rhone-Saunders on October 21, 2003, 04:48:58 PM
Sister Cathie Bloom
Sep 15, 2003    

Where ever you are right this minute is exactly where you are meant to be. I find that such a freeing thought. For years, while I was learning this lesson, I would find myself struggling like a fish on a hook to get free and not have to go through whichever situation I as currently in. I would whine, complain and talk about how unfair it was. One day God spoke to my heart. "Cathie, you are already on this hook, wouldn't it be a lot easier for both of us if you just relaxed and accepted it and see where it takes you from here." That was so hard for me to do. I had had one hard "knock" after another my whole life. I would sometimes think "How can things get any worse than they are now", and then of course I would find out they could. Stop struggling and realize this "once a fish is caught it is caught, until the fisherman takes it off the hook. Realize that there are lessons in each difficulty, and that once this current one ends you are coming off the hook, with the knowledge of what happened to get you there so you won't get caught in the situation again. Struggling doesn't change your situation, in fact it only makes the pain worse. Relax, knowing that when you are in a positon that you can't change no matter what you try to do, that's when God takes over in His mercy and handles things. In Christ's Love, Sister Cathie Bloom


I can think of at least one dear One this will speak to, could God be calling her here by name, but to how many more the Lord is speaking through this, laying this on their heart, only He knows?
I know it revealed my attitude,  at least a time or two....:-)

In the Love of Christ, which binds us together.


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mieka on October 21, 2003, 05:14:35 PM
Ms Margit and Mr Chris, you are a wonderful friends to me here. I thank you both for the words you share with me today.

My pain today it is for the many children that do not have a hook at all to lead them. Not many of them find in life the great fortune of love. So many will die without a name. this is my pain. I fear this will always be my pain. I will die near the water with a starfish in my hand.  :-[
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 05:19:10 PM


Forgive me, I don't know how to copy and paste to place "other" comments in framed boxes, so the below is a quote until it gets to you. :)

In your devotional you said: "Clearly, this couple had been communing with the Supreme King in the secret place"  Where did this comment come from?

Lee - I don't know where your comment comes from!  Read Exodus 2:1-10.  You will not find anywhere there that God told Moses' mother to do the things she did.  Hebrews tells us she wasn't afraid of the king's commandment.  Why was this?  It could only be because they trusted Jehovah.  That's why his sister stood afar off, ready to come into the scene and suggest an Hebrew nursemaid (Moses' mother!).  And so it worked out.  Pharoh's commandment mattered not at all - because God overruled it completely.
I think Pat's devotional is correct as it stands, don't you?


You misinterpret my post. I was not quoting our Lord.  I simply said:  " I have always believed that Moses' mother was told by the Lord to first hide him, and then to place him in the small "Ark".  

I must now qualify.  Absolutely nothing ever happens in the Word of God without His knowing it first.  I couldn't agree with you more when you say the Bible does not say anywhere that Moses mother was instructed by God to do anyhting.  However, God had to have orchestrated the whole scenerio not just from the time Moses was conceived, but in eternity past, and to his death on Mount Nebo.  Moses wasn't held in seclusion those three months just because Moses' mother thought he was "Beautiful" (As the Bible says).  I reason that ALL mothers believe their child to be beautiful, so something else far more powerful than Levi, or Moses' mother brought her to the decision that she would first shelter Moses, then place him in a reed basket and push him out into the water to float who knows where.  I  reason that this move would be insane for a mother to do such a thing.  I firmly believe that our Lord did in fact communicate with Moses' mother and specifically told her to do exactly as she did.  I also believe the Lord orchestrated Pharaoh's daughter to be in the exact spot with her handmaidens when the basket passed by.  And, I believe the Lord also had Moses' sister in the exact place at the exact time to do Pharaoh's daughters bidding. As an aside, if the basket had floated into the hands of the enemy, Moses' sister couldn't have done a thing to save him.  Now we all know that the Bible does NOT say any of the above, and I of course did not say, nor do I say now, that it has.  But I do say I believe this to be true.  My reasoning is sound Al, because the story of Moses from his beginning to his end was not in any way happenstance.  God chose Moses before the world began to lead His (God's) people from captivity.  I was not in any way disagreeing with Pat's devotional and was truly curious as to who wrote the quote.  My asking was for information only.  

My beloved brother, we are truly blessed to have the Bible as our guide.  Amen?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 05:26:43 PM

Reread your #30.  It could scare someone.  I just posted to Al, and went back to #3 and there was your post. :o :)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Chris & Margit Saunders on October 21, 2003, 05:30:48 PM
My dear Mieka,
remember the words of Jesus to Peter when he asked " what about this man Lord?"John ch. 21 v 21
Jesus more or less said." He will do what I tell him to do, YOU follow Me!"
Mieka keep your eyes upon Jesus, just follow Him, and tell others about Him too,
Dont worry about things,  about which you have no control, just follow Him.
Then your "peace will be like a river."
Isaiah ch. 66 v 12.
" Simon, Do you love Me? Feed My sheep."
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 05:38:05 PM

Your #32.  And just think of how many of those foul odors we are able to distinguish.  And the atheist believe we evolved :P  As we sing to our Lord......"How great thou art".
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 05:41:36 PM

For sure, Lee...  Oh how great our God is!


Marvelous Grace[/color][/size] (
(Click to hear music)

Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt!
Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured,
there where the blood of the Lamb was spilt.

Grace, grace, God's grace,
grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
grace, grace, God's grace,
grace that is greater than all our sin!

Sin and despair, like the sea waves cold,
threaten the soul with infinite loss;
grace that is greater, yes, grace untold,
points to the refuge, the mighty cross.

Grace, grace, God's grace,
grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
grace, grace, God's grace,
grace that is greater than all our sin!

Dark is the stain that we cannot hide.
What can avail to wash it away?
Look! There is flowing a crimson tide,
brighter than snow you may be today.

Grace, grace, God's grace,
grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
grace, grace, God's grace,
grace that is greater than all our sin!


Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 05:44:45 PM

Just read your comment.  Well said my friend.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mieka on October 21, 2003, 05:47:03 PM
 :'( Mr Chris and Ms Margit, these words tear my heart today. Again I have much to pray about before I go.

Perhaps i undarstand today why i am to catch a fish without a hook at all.

Tomorrow it is a day of prayer for me for this. I love you all for this help today.      
I Love You God :-[
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 05:49:13 PM
My dear Joyce........

I may have entered more posts than you, but I haven't said anyhting as well, or as with as much depth as you.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 06:01:09 PM

Here you are, Lee!


How Great Thou Art (
(Click to hear music)

O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.


When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"



Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: karmat on October 21, 2003, 06:10:09 PM
Jane, I just read about your youngest daughter.  I don't know how serious the situation is, but from a daughter's point of view, mommy is the greatest thing in the world ot have when the world seems too large.  I had a situation onetime where I truly needed my mom, and she had to put a lot of stuff on "hold" to help me, and we will both be eternally grateful that she did.

I guess what i am trying ot say is if you feel God wants you to be with your daughter, you need to do that.  He will work the rest of the stuff out.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 06:18:07 PM

Since yesterday morning at about 8:30 am, we've had a little girl missing in Toronto.  She's 9 years old and she was abducted from her home sometime during the night.

Please pray for little Cecilia's safe return... (
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 21, 2003, 06:44:59 PM
That's so frightening, Pat.  Please keep us posted.

I've just posted some of the pictures I took of the chalk artist last Sunday - and her theme while she was drawing was "How Great Thou Art"!!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Nita on October 21, 2003, 06:45:08 PM
Oh, Pat!  I'm praying for Celia, for the family, and that she will be covered with God's protection.   This is very sad.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Maria on October 21, 2003, 07:03:14 PM
Pat i also pray for the little girl Celia

and thank you for the two hymns maybe i can now sleep.

Goodnight  RIA
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sonifo on October 21, 2003, 07:16:37 PM
That is terrible new, Pat! I will keep her in my prayers for sure.  :'(
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Al Moak on October 21, 2003, 08:01:30 PM
I do not agree with you 100% Lee - it's closer to 1,000%!  Far, far be it from me to disagree that Moses' life was entirely ordered of God.  It is quite interesting that Moses' sister "just happened" to be standing in the right place!  Just happenstance, of course, that Moses ended up going right back to his very own mother to be brought up!  Oh God is so wise and gracious!  I believe Moses' mother was simply trusting Jehovah to care for little Moses in the basket.  I do think, however, that she knew full well that Pharoh's daughter would be coming out there at that time, and that she, like all good young women, had a very soft spot for babies.  It's pretty obvious that Moses' family knew what they were doing, but also that they trusted a loving God.
And of course God Himself knew all the while what He would do - perfectly.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Al Moak on October 21, 2003, 08:05:03 PM
Mieka - I think I'd like to be standing with you with that starfish in my hand!  We can't save them all, but we sure can make a fantastic difference for the one we're holding!
The entire human race is in rebellion, Mieka, and, as an entire race, deserves to perish.  But remember the words John quoted from Jesus, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."  And God draws some into that faith, praise His Name.  That He doesn't draw all into it is not the surprise, but that He draws any.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Al Moak on October 21, 2003, 08:05:55 PM
By the way - that answer that Christ gave is GREAT
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 08:35:08 PM

QuoteI believe Moses' mother was simply trusting Jehovah to care for little Moses in the basket.  I do think, however, that she knew full well that Pharoh's daughter would be coming out there at that time, and that she, like all good young women, had a very soft spot for babies.  It's pretty obvious that Moses' family knew what they were doing, but also that they trusted a loving God.

It's wonderful to be able to say that we trust a loving God.  Praise the Lord!

Thanks Al and Lee for your addition today!  I'm sure that this has helped Mieka.

Mieka, do you have any more questions about this?  

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 08:53:41 PM

Your questions.........
"Did she give away the life of her child to save her own life from the evil king?

Was she a good mother to her child?"

#1. Absoluitely no.  In my opinion, Moses' mother would have GIVEN her life for Moses.  Just an opinion.

#2. You bet she was a good mother.  She was obediant to God, and we must remember Mieka, Moses' mother nursed him to childhood.  Yep.  She, in our language was a jewel.  
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Ruth on October 21, 2003, 08:54:51 PM



Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 09:01:26 PM

I'd love to join you, Ruth!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Lee Kirkwood on October 21, 2003, 09:10:01 PM

How great it is that we can sit here and discuss the word of God as brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Your devotional brought a wondeful discussion that made me love Al all the more.  I hope future devotionals will be as fruitful.

Sure Ruth, you buying? ;D ;D

And as you stand there with a "star fish" in your hand, always remember that if you have given your life into the "hands" of Jesus Christ, your also standing there with Him IN your heart.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 09:39:59 PM

Amen, Lee!

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Marilyn on October 21, 2003, 10:05:57 PM
I see that both Mieka and I posted updates on the Terry Schiavo case in prayers just seconds apart.  We were tripping over each other. LOL
Sorry Mieka did I step on your toes?

I decided not to have the window in my car put up just yet, The weather has been too warm to drive around with the windows closed. I'll just deal with it for the time being.

Lee: Thank you for saying you would ride with me. I almost forgot to tell you that.

Ruth count me in for breakfast too.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 10:10:17 PM

Jane, I'm REALLY glad that you went to the doctor.  So glad that you'll be having these tests too.  This is nothing to fool around with, girl!

Thanks for making the appointment and thanks, Nita, for posting in here about it!  LOL

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Janet on October 21, 2003, 10:45:30 PM
Lee, I don't understand........what's scary about wanting to come home?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 10:47:57 PM
Janet I wondered the same thing.   ???  

Anyway ... I'm glad you made it home again!   ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Elizabeth on October 21, 2003, 10:48:41 PM
Thanks for the interesting devotional Pat.  Also to all who responded in depth.  I was especially encouraged by Chris & Margit, as so many things seem out of my control at the moment.  Rather than weaken the spirit with worry, time is better spent strengthening it with prayer.  

I get so much out of all the postings and this site really helps one to stay centred on what really matters in life.  We must not live in fear or the evil one wins!

This has been a tiring  and worrisome day, so will close now.  God Bless, Liz.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 10:49:35 PM
Ruth Yes I will join you for breakfast.  Woohoo you bet

Meika something else to remember you have Christ in your heart and He has you in His hand.

John 10:28,29
And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand.

You see you belong to the almighty God.  You will never be taken out of his hand.  Isn't that wonderful?  Think of that as you go to sleep tonight.

Love to all

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 10:49:40 PM
So nice to see you posting, Liz.  May we see your photo again?  I just loved seeing it.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 10:59:44 PM
Lee in order to understand where you were coming from I bounced all over today's postings.  I really think I have missed something.  That happens a lot lately!  LOL LOL

Any way Lee we love you.

Today has not been a good day for me either Liz.  Keep your chin up girl.  You are in His hand too!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 11:00:46 PM

Well, HELLO to you Heather!

I paged you on MSN Messenger and I've sent you an IM on here.  No reply yet but it's so good to see you here.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 11:04:52 PM
Hiya Heather.  I have sent an IM too!  Boy Pat do we think alike!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 11:13:14 PM
Lee, you must learn to put in a quote.

With the software that CP uses, it's too difficult to try and find post numbers.

All you do is highlight what you want us to know about and paste it into the blue box where you type your message.

Highlight it all and click on the second icon from the right above on the second line.  It looks like this:  (

It will look like this:

QuoteAll you do is highlight what you want us to know about and paste it into the blue box where you type your message.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 11:13:44 PM

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 11:14:29 PM
Someone has lain heavy on my heart lately.  Has anyone heard from Shinenlite lately?  I haven't seen her here for a long time?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: JudyB on October 21, 2003, 11:17:54 PM
Congratulations Ruthie!

Now Pat what are the stats?
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 11:19:07 PM

We have a Practice area where every one of you is welcome to practice the various little icons and features of this site.

Ria has filled nearly 6 pages of practicing and learning new things.  And the Moderators are so thrilled to see when people make use of this area to learn new stuff.

It's FREE!


Just open a new topic with your name on it and just fiddle around to your heart's content! ([/b]

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 11:20:58 PM

Ruthie is on her way in here.  I'll let her tell you, Judy.  Actually, I'm not sure.
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sarah on October 21, 2003, 11:21:56 PM
I figured I could stop by with one more post for tonight considering i have stayed awake far past any physically capable time for me i'm just dragging on. i figured if i could stay up til 10 or later i'd sleep all night with no problems. after last nights things i really want to do that! well i'm going to go just thought i'd pop in and say HI So
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 21, 2003, 11:23:15 PM

Hi Sarah!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Jane Walker on October 21, 2003, 11:27:22 PM
[size=+3]Congratulations, GRANDMA RUTHIE!![/size]
[size=+3]WELCOME EVELYN ANN![/size]
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Sonifo on October 21, 2003, 11:52:26 PM
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: karmat on October 22, 2003, 12:07:21 AM
Congrats Ruthie!

Sarah, I think you and my son are on the same sleeping pattern right now! ::)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Ruthie on October 22, 2003, 12:16:35 AM

Thank you Pat  ....I was reading all the interesting posts and all of a sudden there was a big birthday card of my new little granddaughter.

I'm pretty sure her name is Evelyn Ann Knight and she weighed 8lbs.   Was born today around 5:00 p.m.

She was born into a family of 2 brothers and 2 sisters, so she was the tie breaker.

I am delighted that everything is okay and can hardly wait to see her tomorrow.

Dear Sonja.....  Thank you so much for the beautiful card.  I was reading through the posts and Pat kept asking me "What page are you on now?"   I said 3, then 4, and she would just say "Oh"  and finally I came to that beautiful card and couldn't believe it.   I think you guys are amazing!!

Love Ruthie ;) ;)
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Ruthie on October 22, 2003, 12:19:54 AM

Thank you Karmat....I am very thrilled for the safe arrival of my new little granddaughter.    She is #5 for my son and daughter-in-law and #14 for me!

Isn't that wonderful!

Bless you.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: karmat on October 22, 2003, 12:23:55 AM
One more post and Sonifo will have the big 1 triple 0!!
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Ruthie on October 22, 2003, 12:24:06 AM

Thank you Jane....   I have a big family now and
realize how blessed I am.    The Lord is good.   When you have 14 to pray for it keeps you talking to the Lord for a long time.  

Sometimes I will pray when I'm driving up to Newmarket to visit them all.   It takes at least 45 minutes.

Thank you for the flowers.   You are very sweet.

Love Ruthie
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Ruthie on October 22, 2003, 12:28:42 AM

Thank you Pat... for your lovely card!   If I had a printer I would print out those beautiful cards and sit them on my table.

You are very talented and maybe one day I will be able to do that kind of posting.

Thank you for all your support and love.

Love you,

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: mieka on October 22, 2003, 12:29:09 AM
There are SO many who did give me a help today with my question on Moses and his Mother.
I did learn much more today about this.  ;D 8) ::) :)

I thank you Mr Lee very much ;D......And Mr Moak 8).....Ms Karmat a nother (((hug))).....Mr Bernard (post # 28) :P.....Mr Chris and Ms Margit.....Ms Pat ;D
And Ms Margit again, I can not believe you do have a story about a little fish (I love this story).....And Ms JudyB ::).....Ms Walker, I pray you will be most perfect for the doctor so you can go to your family ;D.....Ms Sonifo.....Ms Jenny.....Ms Pat..... Mr Ken I hope you are well today.....Ms Paulette.....Ms Sarah.....Ms Mercychild.....Ms Etta Sue.....Ms Janet.....Ms Sarah......Mr Ria.....Ms Soni.....Mr Hanna (I am SO glad you did cut your hair)......Ms Kamrat (hug)......Ms Joyfulhrt.....Ms Jane.....Mr Nards656.....Ms Pat again.....and Mr Jerry ::).....Ms Joyce Robson it is wonderful to see you.....
Ms Jeanne Lee..... and My Papa John too...Ms Nita (((hug))).....Ms Pat.....
Ms Ruth, how fun to see you.....Ms Marilyn....
Ms Ruthie and tiny Ms Evelyn Ann Knight HOOoooo HOOOOOO :o.....

It was a wonderful day to learn here for me. I love you all SO much. ;D :-*
Oh, and Mum Pat too ;D
Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 22, 2003, 12:33:14 AM

You are just the sweetest, Mi!

We love you so much.

Title: Re:New Every Morning~October 21
Post by: Pat on October 22, 2003, 12:34:00 AM
And now, I'm locking the door on yet another day.

Here's a link for you all...;action=display;threadid=1543 (;action=display;threadid=1543)