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Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Janet on October 23, 2006, 09:11:55 PM

Title: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Janet on October 23, 2006, 09:11:55 PM

From Our Forums :thumbsup: [/center]


Morning Devotional...


Nothing But The Blood of Jesus

This is my blood, which seals the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out to forgive the sins of many (Matthew 26:27-28, NLT).

Dear friends:

Our Lord Jesus made an astonishing and mysterious statement: "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:53-54, NIV).

Because of those words, first-century Christians were accused of being cannibals! Before I became a Christian, I did not think they were cannibals, but as I mentioned earlier, I thought such words were gross and offensive -- actually pagan. They seemed so out of place in our modern, sophisticated culture, where science so-called is worshipped by so many.

I was especially offended by the words of certain hymns, such as, "What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus," and "There is a fountain filled with blood..."

But then I met Jesus. Through the Word of God, the Holy Spirit revealed to me His reality, His deity, His power, and His great love and grace. And of course, since Jesus was the exact representation of the Father (John 14:9, Hebrews 1:3), I came to know my heavenly Father for the first time. I learned the true meaning of the body and blood of Christ, and what His broken body and shed blood had done for me. I began to weep with gratitude. It was awesome.

Later I was asked to be a deacon in the church, which is a rare honor for a young man in his 20's. The First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood was a very prestigious church with a lot of wealthy, influential people. And I remember the first time I served communion. As I served the wafer and the grape juice representing the body and blood, I was deeply, deeply moved to think that I was serving -- symbolically to me -- the very real blood. Suddenly, I remembered that old hymn, "What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. O! precious is the flow that makes me white as snow; no other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus."

I began to sob quietly.

Yours for fulfilling the Great Commission each year until our Lord returns,

Bill Bright
Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Jane Walker on October 23, 2006, 10:04:36 PM
Hey there!  I just thought I'd come in here while Janet is waiting to lock the door on "yesterday" ...  I went for my flu shot today and then did a little grocery shopping.

There is a cold wind blowing around these parts and I think "someone" said there is a chance of rain in the forecast.  I just might have to break down and build a fire in the stove soon. 

I have plenty of wood -- all stacked and ready -- so I have no worries.  The chimney has been cleaned and all's well.  I have a good friend who will keep wood in my woodshed and the price is perfect -- FREE!  I am so blessed to have good friends.

My daughter Joy is planning a road trip to the states next month so is busily trying to line up her itinerary.  I'll be happy to meet up with her wherever she wants or wait until she can make it to Oregon, whichever way the wind blows. 

I'll get out of the way now and let someone else in to say Howdy!

Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Janet on October 23, 2006, 10:16:19 PM
Howdy!  ;)  Glad you are all stocked up and ready for winter, Jane.  How nice that you will be seeing Joy before too long.

The reason I need to get to bed early is that we must be up and out on the road early in the morning.  Darrel has been having pains shooting down his left arm for several days.  He thought it might just be a muscle sprain or something, but today the pains have been coming even when he was sitting still and doing nothing.  That worried him enough to call his cardiologist, who said GET DOWN HERE (to Amarillo) by 10 AM tomorrow.  I pray he doesn't need another stent but we just need to go find out.  Sometimes it is a nuisance living "way out in the sticks."  :-\

Larry, glad you are doing about the same---at least not worse!  We need and appreciate you around here.

I hope we can be home in time for our friend's funeral service on Thursday afternoon, but don't know.  I called his wife to warn her we may not make it, and she said she will be needing me later.

And now I bid you all good night.
Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 23, 2006, 10:26:11 PM
Howdy, I don't think I posted today. well I know I didn't. I Went to Ruth's today to do some more cleaning, and I practically scrubbed the paint off one of the cupboards. I am going back Wednesday to do some more. I spoke to her today she is doing well but they won;'t let her walk on her own yet she still has a catheter. she is anxious to get out of the convalescent home.

It was another beautiful day here I took both dogs out for their walks then took the neighbor to pick up her little Jack Russell at the vet where it is being treated for heart worm. I am also giving a friend a ride home from work tomorrow is the last day for that.
I have been thinking about  joining Curves, I can use more exercise if I am going to lose 20 lbs, I have to lose this gut fat. I am tired of carrying it around. I think that is what is effecting my  knee.

Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Carol on October 23, 2006, 11:12:06 PM
It isn't Tuesday for a few hours here.

Pat:  It sounds like you had a great weekend.  I am with you on the feeling a bit sleepy and should have just taken  a nap this afternoon.  Oh, well. 

Janet:  No doubt you will be on the road bright and early Tuesday.  Yes, living in the outskirts does have the concern about medical care.  Wishing you two the very best & sending prayers.

Marilyn:  Go for it!  We finally joined a local gym last year because every winter our walking would taper off on the windy & too cold days until it really did matter. 

Jane:  I just love the smell of a wood stove and toast made on the top just like mom.  Do you put toast on the top of your stove? 

Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Marilyn on October 24, 2006, 11:19:21 AM
Happy Birthday Judy Mckenna
Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Etta Sue on October 24, 2006, 01:08:42 PM

Larry ~ I will let Kitty know about Networking Magic.  That should help but really I think she needs a guru.  So many techs have had her change things, that I think one tech needs to fix it like it should be fixed. 

I didn't do much yesterday and the furnace man didn't come back yet.  I haven't heard from him today either.  Just glad that I have the electric fireplace for was below freezing this morning. 

I got up early today and Kaye Don, Barb, Ivalou and I went out for breakfast for Barb's birthday.  Her birthday is Nov 17 but they will be in Florida.  Just glad I already had her gift since I didn't know we were going until almost 10pm last night!   

Now I need to change a couple of light bulbs and get my feet up.

tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la
Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Larry Hanna on October 24, 2006, 06:04:14 PM
Hi everyone.  Another busy day here on a beautiful cool crisp Georgia autumn day.  Pat and I both had dental appointments this morning for cleaning and each have one cavity under an old filling so will be making a return trip.  Pat thought she had broken a tooth but it turned out to be the filling came out.  We then went to Kaiser and I stood in a long line to get some medicine I needed and Pat had a blood test drawn.  We then went to a Mexican restruarant for lunch/dinner and then stopped at the sewing machine store.  Pat wants a new Bernina 440 quilters machine and she had a demonstration.  Carol have you seen that machine?  Then it was back to Kaiser for my flu shot as had gotten there too late this morning to get it.  Finally we stopped at the library and Kroger for an item and came home.  I took a brief nap and have taken up residence in my easychair for the evening.

Janet, sorry to hear that Darrel is having arm pain as that is always worrisome.  Having the pain when not under stress is disturbing and so glad he is getting things checked out.  Thanks for the devotional today. 

Pat, glad you had such a good time over the weekend.

Nothing much else to write about so will say bye for now.

Judy, happy birthday.

Etta Sue, you are probably correct in that a guru is needed to straighten out the computer situation for Kitty. 

Marilyn, I am sure the exercise would be good for you.  It sounds like you really applied the "elbow grease" to that cabinet.

Jane, when it gets cold I want some heat on.  Glad you have plenty of wood so you will be warm this winter.

Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Sarah on October 24, 2006, 07:40:31 PM
hello all, i'm around... been busy with school and work like always... my friend is doing alright... she continues to be scared (who wouldn't be at 19) however she is staying strong for her family...the lovely weather we are having ( Hot COld HOT COLD HOT COLD) is really messing with my knees and shoulders GRRRR... oh well soon it will stay cold and i'll stay on some sort of med so i can move.... anyways i need to study for some tests i have hope all is well ttyl
Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Carol on October 24, 2006, 08:27:50 PM
Sarah:  It would be difficult at any age to have to go through the test your friend has now. 

I am bleary in my left eye from cataract surgery this morning.  Don has been waiting on me all day and I am so anxious for that eye to clear.  I have a whole new compassion for low-vision people.

Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Janet on October 24, 2006, 08:54:34 PM
We are back home, and praise God, it isn't Darrel's heart!  He has pinched nerves at the top of his spine that cause the pain, so the doctor showed him some stretching exercises to relieve it.  I'm so glad we didn't have to stay.

Carol, it is a real pain to have eye problems, isn't it?  My vision fluctuates a lot, and it is really a nuisance.  Glad your cataract surgery is over.

I am beyond weary, so heading to bed before too long.

Larry, what a busy day you had!

Marilyn, want to come scrub my cabinets?  I notice they are needing a washing............

Etta Sue, did you make a handmade gift for Barb?

See you all tomorrow.  I had a reminder call on the phone (recorded) that I have a dental appointment at 10:20 tomorrow for a cleaning.  ^-^
Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: SmokeytheDog on October 24, 2006, 09:56:46 PM
Well this is the last time I'll be logging in till I get back to work after vacation.
That will be in 2 and a half weeks 8)
The wife and I will be going to Sedona again for a week's stay at this B&B we stayed at last year. I hope to get some great shots to shate with you all!
Title: Re: New Every Morning~October 24
Post by: Pat on October 25, 2006, 12:27:50 AM
I sure hope you have a wonderful vacation, Smokey!

Will look forward to seeing your photos when you get back!

Tiime to lock the door now.