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Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Jeanne Lee on May 07, 2017, 09:30:28 AM

Title: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 07, 2017, 09:30:28 AM


:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:


Morning Devotional...

Our Father in Heaven

In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Matthew 6:9

Recommended Reading
Leviticus 22:32

Approaching the throne of God in prayer is simple and yet it is complex. When we pray, we are told to address our petition to ?our Father in heaven.? For those of us who have had a wonderful father here on earth, that instruction gives a clear connection on how to approach our Father in heaven. And yet, we are also addressing our supplication to the Creator and Lord of the universe?the One who made all things, including us.

Because He loves us, we can address Him as ?Father.? The Aramaic Abba might be used by a young child addressing his father as ?Daddy.? But because of Who He is, we are to approach Him with reverence. We must not in any way diminish His glory or presume when we pray, ?For the LORD Most High is awesome; He is a great King over all the earth? (Psalm 47:2). Someday we will be at home with our Father in heaven?it is a thought too wonderful to fully imagine?but until that day, we have the privilege of approaching ?Our Father in heaven? through prayer.

Humble prayer to our heavenly Father, in deep faith in Jesus Christ, is essential to qualify us for the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
Henry B. Eyring
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 07, 2017, 09:38:03 AM
I seem to have been "in the doldrums" the last couple of weeks.  I'll try to do better.   :(
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 07, 2017, 11:08:08 AM
Jeanne Lee....we do what we can, when we can... :thumbsup: as for the doldrums, everything shall pass, or so they keep telling me...Jeanne, as they often tell us..." a problem shared, is a problem halved....."
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 07, 2017, 02:24:33 PM
The dance recital was nice, except for being so looonngg!  Each of our two oldest girls was in three dances, and Jenna in two, interspersed among dozens of other dances by the various age groups and the solos.  It was enjoyable, but we didn't get home until midnight!  Made it harder to get up this morning and be at choir practice by 8:30. We were having problems with the bridge passage in one song, but we got it right today, praise God!  :D

John brought Beth in as we were practicing, so when we finished I went down to see her and was so thrilled by the way she looked.  She was SMILING, and looked SO much better than she has looked in weeks!  So I have much for which to praise our loving God today.

Our wonderful hard-working crews, along with crews from 13 other Electric Cooperatives, have now reduced the number of residential meters down to 960!  They are still replacing the broken poles.

The wheat is standing up again, most of it, so they are hopeful the loss won't be as complete as they first thought.

The movie "Bucket List" is on and I want to watch it.  Back later!

Oops!  I messed up again.  Sorry.
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 07, 2017, 04:29:14 PM
Larry, I decided to check and see what the "free" gifts were, and the only one I was interested in was a tactical flashlight.  I bought one for $5 some time ago, and this was FREE -- for only $14.95 shipping cost!  I contacted Apple support and they put an ad blocker on my computer, so I haven't seen any more of this aggravating junk.  :P
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 08, 2017, 08:51:22 AM
Hi everyone.  Another cool but beautiful morning.  I hope to have a rather full day today as got up feeling rested for the first time in several days.  I have fixed Pat's breakfast and a new batch of her sausage muffins in the oven.  Then I want to get over to Costco as they open and get a few items.  Finally, if I am not too worn out I want to attend my Monday noon meeting.

Jeanne, so good to see your posting here yesterday.  We all were becoming very concerned that you might be back in the hospital.  Thanks for getting us started on a new month.  Very good posting on Prayer and our Heavenly Father.

Jackie, I agree that a problem shared is a problem halved. 

Janet, I wonder why the recital had to be so long.  Some of those children are pretty young to stay up that late.  Great that Beth is looking better.  That also sounds like good news for the wheat farmers.  Glad to see you got the ad blocker on your computer.   
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 08, 2017, 02:04:39 PM
Jeanne:  What can we do to bring you out of the doldrums?   :cheer:

In the past two days, three people have been hit by lightning here - In this county.  One lady was on a horse and both she and the horse died and a girl there was listed as critical.  The previous day, a lady was watching a baseball game at a school.  This is one of the worst states for lightning strikes. 

This week is full of appointments and to top it off - a friend and daughter are planning to arrive but we have not been told which day. 

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on May 08, 2017, 08:00:03 PM
Hi, friends,
I've been sick for over a week, but have been thankful, this week to be able to read the postings.

Our Heavenly Father knows each of us and really cares about our problems.

Y'all have a wonderful evening.

Love, Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 09, 2017, 02:21:18 AM
Ruth Ann....God bless you, you have hit it on the nail,...." Our Heavenly Father knows each of us and really cares about our problems..."  so true, he cares about us even if no one else does...
We are also truly thankful to have forums like ours to air, and share the fact that we are dealing with much of our problems we openly post on here is up to us...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 09, 2017, 10:25:19 AM
Hi everyone.  It is another beautiful day here in South Carolina and is predicted to get to 90 degrees this afternoon.  Today was suppose to be my Echo cardiogram but was called a little bit ago saying the tech was ill today so it was rescheduled until the 19th.  I have written to my doctor's office regarding the followup appointment I had with the Cardiologist on Friday to see if that appointment shouldn't also be rescheduled since the test results won't be available.  I did manage to accomplish all that I had set out to do yesterday and had a day when I felt reasonable good.  However, I seem to be paying for it today and am glad I can stay home. 

We did receive the sad news that my brother-in-laws mother had passed away last evening.  She was near 100 years old and had been in the nursing home probably for the last 10 years or more.  She was wonderful person who taught Sunday School for over 50 years and taught high school mathematics for many years.  Her older son was a very good friend of both Pat and mine during out college years and was actually a part of our wedding.  It has always been my intention that we would be there as support for my BIL and Sister but life intervenes and neither Pat nor I am really up to flying to Kansas City and then driving a 100 miles to the town where the funeral will be held.   

Carol, shocking news about the folks killed by lightning.  I know that Florida is also a State with lots of lightning strikes.  To bad your planned guests can't give you specific times they will be there to visit with you.  I always tried to let anyone we were visiting know what our plans were so they could plan accordingly.  Will the friend and her daughter being staying overnight or just be there for a daytime visit?

Ruth Ann, so sorry that you have been sick for the last several days.  Glad you could post and let us know and I know you are in good hands when your place your trust in our Lord and Savior. 

Jackie, I hope you know that you have many friends here that certainly care about you and your health issues.  I doubt that there are any of us that post in these discussions that don't have health issues and need the support and prayers of our friends here.   
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 09, 2017, 11:20:01 AM
Larry Hanna....sad that you B-I-L's mother never made it to 100...
...oh I wasn't referring to nobody cares on our forum, just a figure of speech, if I felt they never cared I wouldn't be posting on here... :P
This evening is my monthly MS social yet I have no Idea as to who or what will be our tonight topic, they never knew themselves last month, so tonight will be a complete surprise...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 09, 2017, 11:33:59 AM
Ruth Ann:  I am sorry that you have been ill.  It is good to see your post and I hope that you can get outside for some fresh springtime air. 

Larry:  Our good friend always has trouble making a decision - I wouldn't say that to her.  Her late husband was the same and we never knew until the last minute when they were on a long trip just what day or time they would arrive.  We are used to it - I have cooked and frozen food for these times.  :)  She has a big heart and would offer to help anyone if possible. 

Yesterday afternoon we had a big storm in this area and lots of hail damage.  The hail here was quite small - the ravine in back was full but since they worked on the drainage system, we are wary buy not panicked.  We just watched the side road where very few knew enough to slow their cars.  Our house has had two new roofs in the last three years so insurance is a big concern.  Now the car insurance will rise.  Two more afternoons are iffy in the weathercast too.

Tonight is a quilt meeting just down the street.  Don will play cribbage.  Tomorrow is the final bible study meeting and it will be all about food - everyone brings a dish so there are tables of food. 

Larry:  Your BIL's mother sounds like a wonderful person to meet.  You mention not being able to "be there" and I feel the same ache as well.  We have lived away from "home" for so many years and missed so many funerals - not able to help my parents on a daily basis.  So many things.  I believe we are where we are needed for other things that may seem minor to us but we certainly do not know the overall plan for our lives.  prayers for your Echo cardiogram next week.  Gentle hug to Pat!
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 09, 2017, 03:35:00 PM
Larry so sorry to hear about the loss of your BIL's mother, she sound like a wonderful woman.

Not much new here today, although it is a very beautiful day. I wish this weather could continue for a while but the rain is due back on Thursday.

Keith has a Urologist appointment for June6th  and has to see a Retina Specialist at the Casey eye institute  in July. Our summer is being filled with long trips and I am the only driver. DMV has requested  that he surrender  his license, The eye Dr said he is n o longer able to drive until he gets his eyes fixed. But wew still don't know what is wrong with his eyes onther that no peripheral vision to speak of.
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 09, 2017, 09:36:07 PM
Larry, so good to read that you had a day in which you felt better!  May they come often!  Sorry to read of your B-I-L's mother's death.  She is now enjoying the glories of heaven, but those left here are feeling her absence.

The Dance program was very long because so many are enrolled in that dance academy.  At least we didn't have to go back on Sunday afternoon, when the rest of the recital was held, as our girls weren't in that part.

Marilyn, sorry that Keith isn't allowed to drive any longer.  I hope Darrel is able to keep driving for a long time, as I cannot (or should not) drive at night.  So far, I can see fine to drive in the daytime,
but I prefer to have him drive.

Carol, that's scary to hear about those lightning strikes!  When I was still at home, my dad lost two cows at once, one on either side of a barbed wire fence, when lightning struck close by and followed the wires.  One cow fell over one way, and the other one the other way.  Pretty freaky.

We had a beautiful day today and I got my flowers set out that Diane gave me for Mother's Day.
  They are predicting rain, so I hope we don't get lots of wind with it.

Ruth Ann, sorry you weren't feeling well, but glad you're better now.

And I wrote Pat an email, which she did answer.  She is still suffering terrible pain and can barely do anything.  I feel so bad for her.  :'(  Please remember to pray for her.

We attended Great-granddaughter Chelsea's Kindergarten graduation last night, and it was such fun! They wore caps and gowns and had a whole program of songs and poems.  Each child had a special part (there were only 13 in the class.)  Chelsea led the Pledge of Allegiance.  She really had a time keeping her tassel where it belonged and her cap on her head.  It fell off on the floor once;
she calmly turned around, retrieved it, put it back on and never missed a word of the song they were singing.  If any of you visit my FB page, you will see some pictures of this event there.

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 10, 2017, 08:41:14 AM
Hi everyone. Another beautiful morning and currently 72 degrees but headed to the low 90's this afternoon.  The only think on my schedule today is our Wednesday night dinner at the Church and visiting with Scott and Jennifer.  I may make a quick trip to the ATM at the nearby credit union this morning.  Pat has her gifts group at the Church this morning and then will stop by Walmart to pick up the online order she placed yesterday.  Since my Echo was rescheduled to a later day I was able to stay home yesterday, for which I was very thankful, as guess my good day on Monday caught up with me as about all I felt like doing was laying down, which I did a lot of yesterday. 

Jackie, hope you had a nice time at the monthly MS meeting and found the program to your liking.  Did you have some good treats after the meeting?

Carol, this world needs all types of people with different personalities as that is what makes like interesting.  If we all walked the same path and felt the same way it would really be boring.  It sounds like you are prepared whenever your friends stop by to visit. Your friend sounds like a wonderful woman.  Glad you missed the large hail stones.  When I heard about them in the Denver area I remembered the roof problems you had experienced in the past few years.  I hope Don had a good night at Cribbage. 

Carol and Marilyn, my BIL's mother was a wonderful ladies but has been ready to meet the Lord for many years as she had lost her sight and I believe most of her hearing.  Years ago she had a trip planned to Israel but had heart problems and her doctor advised against making the trip and wanted her to have heart surgery.  Her response was  no to the surgery and if she died in Israel what better place could there be.  Sorry to learn that Keith has been asked to surrender his driver's license at this time. 

Janet, it sounds like a blessing that the dance recital for the little ones all occurred in one night.  Losing two cows to a farmer is a big loss.  I don't recall we ever lost an animal to lightning although did lose one or two animals, the reason for which I no longer remember.  I haven't had the energy yet to buy any flowers for this year.  What type of flowers did you set out?  Glad you heard from Pat and sure wish her news had been better.  I do pray for her often.  Your great grandchildren are growing fast as the years speed by.  I remember when your grandson married and then Chelsea was born.  I love to see the little ones at Church as they simply take what comes along and don't let a lot bother them at least for very long. 
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on May 10, 2017, 02:29:41 PM
Hi, friends,

I'm better each day, thanks be to our Lord.

I even went out to the bank and stopped to get a fast food sandwich for lunch.

The sunshine is beautiful, with a brisk breeze, and little puffs of pollen floating by on the breeze.

Y'all have a good day.

Love to all, Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 10, 2017, 09:21:06 PM
This was the last morning of women's bible study and everyone brings food - we could have fed a small army. 

That was this morning and later I went to the monthly needle arts group and just chatted with about 8 women from the neighborhood.  Desert and coffee of course. 

Ruth Ann:  So glad that you were out and about today. 

This is unbelievable - this city is going to mandate how many people can sit on a porch and smoke marijuana.   The neighbors upwind from one son both smoke pot so our son cannot take his dog out or sit outdoors when they are puffing away..   Janet - I can see you just fuming over an issue like this one.  Always something.

Larry:  Tell Pat that my neighbor (an excellent quilter) has started to work on her UFO stash.  She has categorized and numbered 88 unfinished - that is some mountain of fabric.   

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 11, 2017, 05:45:12 AM
Good morning, a warm, sunny start to our day...not long back from an 8.30am  annual GP appointment, well at least I talked and got some things off my chest, and she listened.... of course she took my blood pressure which surprise surprise was on the high side, but I told her I have probably caused that myself due to the subject I had been talking to her about, re, my homelife, we both agreed, anyway I am back there to see the nurse -vampire a week on Friday...

While we were in the surgery a neighbour was also in there for the same reason, vampire visit..he told us the cremation is taking place tomorrow, re, our parkhome site neighbour who passed away a couple of weeks ago, well seems they done a post mortem on him...seems that along with another serious medical issue he had, he was made to drive another car compared to his usual larger car, whereby the car was a tad smaller, and on doing so he had to cram his body into a tighter space causing his stomach ulcer to burst, hence his death...

I understand he was not to everyone's liking, ( personally I take people as I find them, ) seems the feedback is mainly on his fowl language, not the easiest to get on with but, amongst his enemies their are friends who I am assuming will be going to his send off....I am one who intends on going if Richard can get the full details of time and whereabouts...I so want to pay my respects as I remember the evening whilst we passed our cars and I wound down my passenger side window to ask him at such and such a time, would be the same time we said goodbye to my darling Benji at the vets, and if he would say a prayer for Benji, he said he would, now its my turn to to pay my respects to him.....
Larry this time round I never won anything from the MS raffle...maybe next time I will be luckier...
Oh I forgot to answer a previous question, re, my future church reading, the passage will be taken from our bible...

Oh yes the MS social evening talk was very interesting, I had actually walked in the door with the lady and had said to her..." so you are our tonight's speaker, still not knowing the subject...Well she turned out to be Kay Townsend, author-historian...her life as a travelling showman, and her family...( not gypsy ) before WW1 and WW2 ...the stories and humour just came one after the other, she was a minefield of knowledge...she talked of the value now of some of the rides, the traction engines, the factory which was very close to where I used to live in Watford who made the vehicles ( Scammell ) where some of the rides are now, shipped abroad, one valuable ride they managed to trace and bring back...Link to author and books...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 11, 2017, 08:23:47 AM
Yes found out he is to be cremated 9.15am tomorrow...already I have printed out an AA route-planner, a 20 minute, 9 mile journey, and google mapped the layout and car park.... the crematorium does look a pleasant resting place next door to their cemetery....   
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 11, 2017, 09:01:11 AM
Hi everyone. We are in for a very hot day today in the upper 90's.  I have an appointment at 10:30 with the lung doctor.  This is the annual required visit related to my CPAP machine.  There have been no issues so this will be just a routine visit.  Yesterday evening I opened a new 10 pound bag of beautiful red delicious apples but the first two I took out had spoiled spots on them.  So I will be returning the whole bag to Costco later this morning.  They guarantee satisfaction and I am certainly not satisfied.  It is a 10 lb bag and I have bought them numerous times in the past without a problem. 

I don't have much available time this morning so will try to be brief as want to catch up on yesterday and this morning postings before I leave the house. 

Carol, sometimes I think insanity reins.  How are drug tests done in Colorado now that pot is legal? Does your neighbor have 88 quilt tops done? 

Jackie, glad you enjoyed your MS speaker last evening.  Maybe the next time with be your time to win in the MS raaffle. It sounds like a delightful evening.  Nice of you and R to attend the services for your neighbor.  Does your Church use the King James Bible or a later version? 
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 11, 2017, 11:06:06 AM
I spotted John B looking in - hope to hear from you John! 

The annual last morning of bible study was a feast as usual.  The afternoon sewing group, at a house a few doors up the street, was great as well.  Here,  I heated leftover casserole for Don's dinner. 

Larry:  She has 88 projects still unfinished.  I could bet that she will never finish because when there is a need for any charity quilt she plans and makes a masterpiece.  Many loving stitches. 

Don is off to the men's monthly breakfast.  I am so glad he can go again all because they found a problem with his hearing aides that blocked the sound.  It is really a prayer come true that he can hear better.  Not perfect but we don't ask for that - just reasonable.  I still go to meetings of any importance and take phone calls, etc.  I worry that I won't understand someone entirely too. 

Dark clouds here - I think our friend has driven a different way back to Minnesota and forgotten to let us know.  Oh, well.  It keeps me on my toes - always expecting unexpected company. 

Here comes the sun.... for a few minutes anyway. 

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 11, 2017, 01:08:50 PM
Wow!  It's almost noon already!  I can't believe how the hours have flown this morning.  I got up plenty early, just tried to do too much, I guess.  We did go to the gym, though.
Trying not to let that slide, as it is too important to our health.

Toni had told me Lexi's program started at 7:00 last night; we arrived at 6:45 and had already missed her class's part.  ???  It started at 6:30!  Toni said, "I don't know why I told you that!"  We did see her get a bunch of awards, though, so all was not lost.  Tonight we go to Hugoton for Lexi's and Chelsea's piano recital.  That one starts at 6:00--I double checked!  So we will be there at 5:30.   ;)

Larry, I forgot to answer your question about the kinds of flowers I set out.  They are geraniums and petunias.  Those do well here in spite of the winds we get.  The only place I have for flowers is two old bathtubs and some big pots in front of the house, but they really brighten things up, and I can see them from the windows in my prayer room.  :)

It is raining again today, and our road is so sloppy with mud we can barely get out.   :P

Yes, Carol, I would get very 'exercised' if we had pot smokers puffing away so bad one couldn't evade their junk.  Who would have ever thought?  And other states no want to legalize it?   :idiot: :uglystupid:

That would be a small mountain of fabric, for sure! 

Larry, I am to have an Echo cardiogram on Monday.  I have no idea what to expect, but probably it isn't invasive, right?  They are going to see if I have a mitral valve prolapse.  Darrel will get a holter monitor to see if he is having some electrical problem they can catch.  I fully expect good results for both of us.

Jackie, glad you enjoyed your MS meeting.  Sounds like it was very informative and educational,
and even fun!  Good wishes on your small trip to the memorial service for the neighbor.  What a freaky cause of death--one I'd never heard of before, anyway.

Many serious issues facing our world today, but our God is able to take care of things. I got scammed again a few days ago and prayed fervently that God would help me find a way that it wouldn't be costly for us.  He did, I got things all resolved, my computer protected, and I pray I never fall for a scheme like that again--EVER.  God is truly good, and He truly cares about all the issues of our lives, both small and great!   :) :thumbsup:  The solution involved getting my credit card canceled and disputing the charges, which my bank assures me will not be a problem.  They handle a lot of issues like this, for the cards associated with our bank.  I'm ever so grateful.

Ruth Ann, good to read that you are able to be out and about some.  I think often of how much you love to help people, even those times you could use help yourself.  Bless you.

I spoke to a friend this morning who told me a mutual friend had lost 350 head of sheep in the blizzard.  So sad.  Said they all huddled together and suffocated each other.  :(

Time to find something for lunch, I guess.  ::)
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 12, 2017, 06:13:40 AM
Guess been back half hour, time now is was a beautiful cremation service, non-religious as we found out one of his daughters had been converted into Muslim, so a mixture was present as I personally think Allan ( the diseased ) may have been Jewish...The musics played really summed him up, and the speech made us laugh as it really did sum him up, as Allan was a true cockney, a down to earth man who never held back from what he wanted to say but, as the daughters pointed out, inside he was a gentle and caring person who also done, and gave a lot to charities...We were told his wishes was for us to donate monies to a charity of our own choice that works in UK...Two of the three songs that were played, again summed him up perfectly..." As long as he needs me..." ( from the musical Oliver, ) then later came " Dance with my father again..." cant remember the third final song before departure...
Before we went in I introduced myself to the daughter who Allan had told me had the same illness as me, MS, we hugged whilst I told her that her father had mentioned her to me...Everybody who attended was well turned out in the formal black attire, we only recognised five from our parkhome site, our parkhome site manager, a couple who lived next door and one other male....It was mentioned Allan also had adopted children-child during the first daughters speech, the daughter with MS...then the humorous speech came from the Muslim daughter, told the way that Allan would have told it, ( minus the blasphemy, ) we all so recognised him, so very true to detail...yes hankies were at the ready...
After the service outside I briefly spoke to Muslim man, guess, must have been his S-I-L...just to tell him it was a beautiful service, just perfect for Allan...Strangely as we drove out from our home  we was driving behind his car full of family, he noticed us as we passed him when he briefly stopped...
Sad thing, when we came out to make way back to the carpark, the next group were filling up to go in which was very large and included teens in casual and light coloured clothing amongst the adults..we were told the next cremation due was for a 17 year old, we believe to be a boy...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 12, 2017, 09:26:07 AM
It is a beautiful sunny morning and we think the storms are over.  Very sad at the loss of animals and there were people who were hit by lightning as well. 

We brought Chili Rellenos over to our neighbors - he is six years into fighting cancer.  He wanted a spicy sauce (being from Texas).  They have so few visitors - I don't know why people shun the very ill so often.  His wife is still recuperating from a hard fall on ice breaking bones in her right hand and shoulder.  Both of them are on more than a few prayer lists.  We stayed just over an hour (way past our normal 20 minutes) and had a marvelous time.  Each time is a gift for us - they are so strong in faith.  Don and I feel that we were meant to meet them and attend their church. 

Interesting ordering the mexican food because the girl at the counter could speak no English.  She knew nothing and had to be helped but she did have 3 silver things attached to her face. Ugh

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 12, 2017, 10:29:58 AM
Hi everyone. We are expecting another hot day getting to 90 degrees this afternoon.  Yesterday we got into the mid-90's and it was humid.  When I got to the doctor's office yesterday for my appointment they asked me hadn't I gotten the call that she wasn't going to be there.  I had not and when I got home I checked my call list back for three weeks and their number was not present.  Fortunately this was just across the river, probably about 6 miles away.  So I left and stopped at Costco to return the apples and replace them.  I ate a quick lunch there and came home and laid down for two hours plus.  All three doctor's appointments/tests were rescheduled this week. 

There is nothing on the schedule that I must do today. I did make a tripr to Walmart to pick up a prescription for Pat and get a few other items.  I was able to get the electric cart and that helped as seem to be dragging today.  Yesterday afternoon Pat made a gallon of chili so we will be having some of that for our dinner tonight so no more cooking needed for today other than to fix my lunch.  I did fix Pat's breakfast and unloaded the dishwasher.

Carol, it seems Pat always has several projects underway at the same time but nothing like your friend. She finds lots of patterns and instructions on the Internet quilting sites and will print them out.  I know she will never get to most of them but it gives her joy to do this and that is all that matters.  So glad some of Don's hearing has been restored and he can now enjoy life more. 

Janet, too bad you missed Lexi's class part but glad you saw her get the awards.  It sounds like those girls are kept very busy with dance and piano.  I had petunias in the two hanging baskets I had on the back patio last summer.  I haven't felt up to shopping for new flowers this year and right now the thought of having to water things everyday seems a bit overwhelming, although it is not a hard job. Don't worry about the Echocardiogram as it is non-invasive. It is an ultrasound test.  I see there are different types of this test and only one would be invasive.  I have never that the Transesophageal echocardiogram.  Check out the WebMD website which provides a description of the tests. .  We have to be alert all the time for scams anymore.  Too bad these crooks don't use their talents to benefit society rather than steal from it and make folks miserable. 

Jackie, that sounds like it was quite a different funeral.  I guess I will never understand why any woman would convert to be a Muslim the way women are treated as second class citizens.  The world is certainly changing daily. 
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 13, 2017, 03:05:16 AM
...hope all went well re, your Kieth's Urologist, and eye retina appointments...guess he will be happy to see the end of this year out, free of any future hospital visits...

...what is your FB page? I would like to visit it if I knew where to find it...
Janet by now you should have had your echo cardiogram....hope not too evasive a procedure as I read you wasn't sure what nor how it was going to be done...Oh, I misread that, it hasn't yet taken place, it is next Monday...
Yes it does sound a " freaky " sort of death but although I only ever saw Allan inside his then large car and not out of it, I wasn't too aware of his size but knew he looked a large man sitting behind that wheel, although Richard ( person I live with ) had seen him standing, and said he was large...on that basis I am now understanding how cramped in a smaller car his body must have been...
Agghh, what is it with these " scammers " haven't they got a decent life, that all they want to do is ruin other decent peoples lives, I hope one day they all get their comeuppance...their just deserts...well I know someone who is watching their every move, the great Man up above..

...these insurance companies know they have got us where they need us, re, your roof damage....once a claim is put in they penalise us the following year with their sky high if only we could turn the tables on them...
I am surprised to read that Marijuana is legal to puff away at, in your part of the world, with no care for neighbours nor pets...
Carol I want to come to your Bible study feast... ;)
It so saddens me to hear of loss to our animals, they dont stand a chance...
It is nice you are so caring of your neighbours who seem to be " shunned " from others visits...

Larry Hanna...
...hope Costo exchanged or gave you refund for the bad apples they sold you...
I will have to do a check on which version of Bible our church uses as we rarely need to refer to the bible, although sometimes I will look for the page of our readings, we usually have two...but many parishioners do not follow, they just listen...
Larry that wasn't very nice of them not to leave you that call that they stated they had left may have been a short drive but they could have still had the decency to have prevented you the wasted trip...hope next time they dont mess up with your rescheduled appointment, dont they know you have a life too...
I cant really respond as to why any woman would choose to convert to Muslim...nor as to why Allans daughter converted, just that I wasn't aware until I saw her, I never got to speak to her only the other MS daughter but, I think the man I briefly spoke to may have been her hubby...
Well I have nothing of excitement planned for my today but, we never know what is waiting for us round that corner, let us just hope that whatever is waiting is good rather than bad....I place today in the hand of our God...

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 13, 2017, 08:26:05 AM
Hi everyone.  We have an overcast morning and anticipated rain throughout the day.  We need the rain so no complaints and that will delay starting to have to water the yard.  Our big activity for the day is taking our granddaughter and her boyfriend, Scott and Pat and I to the Chop House Restaurant.  It is a very fine restaurant that we have used for special occasions ever since we moved here.  I called yesterday and made reservations for 3:30 and also arranged for a small birthday cake to be served after we finish the meal.  We have not met Jennifer's boy friend yet so that will be nice.  Scott really likes him.

Jackie,  I need to correct the record in that late yesterday afternoon I found the voice mail from the doctor's office saying the appointment would have to be rescheduled.  I think it had not been delivered until yesterday by AT&T even though it was a call from several days ago.  I did get the apples exchanged without a problem and the new bag is fine. 
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 13, 2017, 10:50:46 AM
Don gave me an ALEXA months ago when it was a real cheap deal.  All I did this morning was to ask it to play Gospel music.  Almost 100% was Elvis - he really was into gospel as that was his foundation - singing in church.  I had a chance to see him in person once but didn't think he was very nice and my friend went and had a great time. 

Prayers are being answered cautiously about our friend who had emergency surgery for a colon rupture.  It is almost three weeks but he is now able to speak with relatives.  That is great news.

Today is the one day of the year that our post office picks up any dry groceries we put out and all goes to the Food Bank.  Sadly, hardly anyone puts anything out - what could be easier? 

Jackie:  We are prone to having hail damage in this area so insurance is rated higher just for living here.  It is one of the things that we could drop but paying the monthly is better than paying for the whole roof - or windows soo.  So it goes.  We just expect everything to be more expensive each and every year.  ---- It was nice of you to go to the visitation. 

I have been mending some clothes for our friend with her hand and elbow bones broken.  We are so glad that they have finally started to ask for help and they definitely need a hand.  She can't drive and he is housebound except for medical visits so neighbors and friends have been offering to help for ages - now, she is accepting help. 

Larry:  Enjoy your meal with Scott and his daughter. 
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 13, 2017, 11:56:31 AM
Jackie Keith's Urologist appointment isn;'t until next month and the Eye institute appointment is in July. We had to spread things out since  we have 3 long trips this summer, so we made them  each be a  month apart.  In June we go on vacation to Sunriver and that is a 4.5 hr drive.  the eye Institute in July is a a 4 hour drive and the wedding in August is another 4  hour drive. With me doing all the driving it would be too hard on me to cram all the appointments together, as Freckles will also be going with us. I don't leave her with anyone any more. Last year she stayed with a friend but that friend has moved to southern California.

It is raining here again today, in between showers yesterday our neighbor  took care of all the overgrowth  of ivy and blackberry brambles in our yard. It is almost time for the sprin  cleanup trucks to come around ant take it all away,  Now the backyard looks great  and will be getting a lot more sun We still have to rake up a lot of the ivy that will be an off and jon job as the stuff falls out fo the trees where it had grown. He chjopped oit all off  from the bottow up about 4 ft to kill the ivy..
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 13, 2017, 12:27:44 PM
Jackie, FB is Facebook, and you can find my page under my name.  ;)

We were going to work on our garden plot today, but just now it is quite chilly, and the wind is blowing.  >:(  Since I would like my hair to look nice for church tomorrow and the Mothers' Day Tea at the Legacy, guess we won't be doing that just yet.  Darrel went out, then came right back in and sat down in front of the TV again.   :-\  I am going to go work in my studio soon.  Only three weeks until the painting class I look forward to so much each year!  It's always the first full week of June.

Can you believe how much they charge for pillow cases these days?  You can buy a set of sheets for the cost of four pillow cases!  I guess I need to buy fabric, and make some myself.  I used to make a lot of them when the kids were home.  Either that or just "bite the bullet" and buy them.  :ticked:

I want to sign up for LifeLock protection, which is to protect you from identity theft, money theft,
etc.  I think it would be well worth the price, which, last I knew was $50.00 per year. 

Larry, your planned meal sounds lovely.  I don't know what we will be doing for lunch tomorrow.The tea at the care home is at 3:00 P.M.

Our Abby is home for the summer!   :D  And today is her mom Diane's birthday!  I called to wish her a happy one.  If I hadn't already seen her five times this week, I would probably go see her today!

Marilyn, there is such a difference in the way people in different areas see trips.  Out here "in the sticks" as some say, we think of a 4 hour or 4 1/2 hour trip as commonplace.  We used to drive to Amarillo, Texas, do whatever we needed to do, doctor's visits, mostly, do a little shopping, go visit Darrel's sister and then drive home all in one day.  That's four hours from here.  We aren't as tough as that now, so we would stay overnight if we had a lot to do.  But we sometimes still drive home after just visiting his sister.  Just going someplace to shop where there are more choices than here involves driving at least an hour or more each way.  Darrel usually always drives, but I can still drive it alone with no problem.  I just prefer that he drive, as his vision  is better than mine.  I'm not criticizing, please understand,
just commenting on the different expectations of folks from more populated areas than Kansas!

Carol, you are so kind and such a gracious hostess.  I admire you so much!  :)

And if I don't get off this computer and get with it, another day will go by with nothing done toward preparing for my class!
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 13, 2017, 12:59:38 PM
Janet....ah yes FaceBook, not sure why that never clicked, guess my mind went blank or had a senior moment... :-[ 
I have never become a member of that...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 13, 2017, 02:05:00 PM
Janet I so detest driving on the freeway anymore, Living in a rural community like North bend and Coos bay i can get any place within the two towns in 5-10 minutes at the most. I wouldn't mind driving and hour or two to get to where we needed to go. Driving up or down thwe coast fpor 4 or 5 hours is a piece of cake for me, it is just the freeway traffic that I don't like. We always spend the night so I don't have to drive home another 4-5 hours in the same day.However I have driven 10 hours straight before toostopping only to eat and go potty.
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 13, 2017, 02:57:40 PM
The murder trial has begun of the stepfather who murdered the two year old little boy who lived in a small and quiet village very close to where we are....
Larry, you will remember this story I posted last year on S& F....The boyfriend of the little boys mother is telling that the mother did it....So sad as on occasion we have driven past the house which is a group of three next door to a small church, ( you can see the church with its blue placard sign, ) which must have been terrible for the church and parishioners that this happened under their noses, and that even they nor the church could not save him...Hope whichever one did it, the truth will come out, and that person will duly be punished....Link to story last year, and the now trial, this doesn't make for pleasant reading, but then, do they ever?....
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on May 13, 2017, 09:54:51 PM
Hi, friends,

I'm excited tonight to learn that Jacqueline and I have a slight bond - one of my sons lived in England for 28 years, and one of the places he  lived was in Watford. I've been there before.

I've learned that my son who lives in Atlanta is to meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning before driving back home to be with his wife and mother in law. I certainly appreciate that.

May God's love be with us all today.

Love to all, Ruth Ann

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 14, 2017, 12:55:32 AM
Ruth Ann... dont realise how much my eyes lit up when I saw the word Watford...Watford was, or is, still my hometown where myself and my family, ( my fathers side ) all came from, that is the place where my heart still very much is, I lived there until my early I am living 130 plus miles away..I am inquisitive to learn where in Watford your son lived and what part in Watford you had visited, I am assuming the same part your son lived...It was only yesterday I was thinking of Cassiobury Park, the miniature railway, the bridge, canal with its barges, all the wonderful memories of my mother taking me there as a child, then myself taking my young daughter, not forgetting the dog walk with my late dear Petra, that place has good memories for me...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 14, 2017, 02:13:08 AM
Ruth Ann... is a link to the old gates that were once the entrance to Cassiobury park, think when they were demolished it caused an uproar, but this is the Cassiobury Park that I remember, the entrance I best remember walking
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 14, 2017, 05:34:28 AM
I am leaving this minute for Church, this morning will incorporate Holy Communion so I tens to stay a few minutes longer, then follow up with a cup of tea or coffee, and maybe the odd chat, depending on who else stays, or leaves...Wishing everyone a Christian Sunday morning....
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 14, 2017, 09:50:39 AM
Larry Hanna... asked me what version of the bible I will be taking my reading from....Well I was given a choice of three Sundays so  laughingly I chose the first Sunday choice  of 4th June..and told her this will be my first church reading so I would rather get it over with with the earlier choice, unknown to me that when they gave out the future notices they mentioned the Bishop to attend on one of our meetings, I didn't catch the date...well, she will be attending on my reading day, so with panic settling in, I am sure our church will be packed out, and on looking at my reading, where I summoned help in some pronunciations, much to our amusements, I was casually told that my reading is the second hardest reading so, not only do I have to deal with the correct pronunciation of words but, I may be reading to a full house... ;D
Well as I have previously mentioned, we do have a sense of humour...I was given the option of going with a later date but, I said I shall stay with this one as I am a confident reader and, if I can get through this reading, everything else will be a doddle...The Vicar and wife gave me a little help in the pronunciations, put his arm around me, well as I said we can all see the funny side as they gently reminded me that others who have read it have also struggled with the words...Oh and I was allowed to bring home our bible so as to practice, and practice I shall certainly be doing...
The piece I am to read is from Holy Bible ( New International Version ) ACTS... chapter 2... verses 1-21...
Amongst the  few words I need to master are...
Galileans - Parthians - Medes - Elamites -  Mesopotamia -Judea - Cappadocia - Pontus - Phrygia - Pamphylia - Cyrene...they are basically all one sentence...
The words I may particularly struggle with on the day are Mesopotamia and Cappadocia but, if I remember it is pronounced as an S rather than a C, I should be ok....
Oh almost forgot...there is a funny part I also will have to read, quoting: " Some however made fun of them and said, They have had too much to drink..." and " These men are not drunk, its only nine in the morning..."  I just hope I can say them without laughing..

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 14, 2017, 10:10:39 AM
Happy Mother's Day!  We attended a service last night and Don could understand the speakers so that was a happy time.  Today, I will see 3 of the 4 children and one granddaughter - we will meet all for lunch at one son's house.  I could almost call it a farm with all the animals.  Chickens, ducks and 3 dogs.  Something is always moving. 

The weather is perfect now with cool nights and mornings.  Did anyone see the beautiful orange colored moon last night? 

Janet:  Don't put me on a pedestal, I can be grumpy  ::)  As for taking in company, my folks would invite people to stay and we had a wonderful missionary stay with us for 9 months when I was young.  Would never forget his peaceful demeanor.  He was saving to go to Venezuela way inland. 

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 14, 2017, 01:12:57 PM
Happy Mothers Day to all you who are mothers!  I received a card, gift and flowers to plant from eldest daughter Diane, and a card from youngest daughter Kerri (that was a treat, as she doesn't always do that.)  Beth was always faithful to remember me, and I'm sure she is today, but being unable to do anything, even communicate clearly, it's really hard for her.  John is better, so they were at church this morning.  And Darrel took me out to lunch, so it's been a lovely morning.  The tea at the care home is at 3:00.

Jackie, those gates (or that gate) was beautiful.  Too bad they were demolished.  I hate to see beautiful old things destroyed.  :(  Good luck with your reading; I'm sure you will do a fine job.

Carol, you are truly blessed today!  I'm looking forward to seeing granddaughter Abby soon; but she reports for her summer job in the morning!  So not sure when I'll be seeing her.

Larry, how is your and Pat's day going?  I hope all is well with you.

Ruth Ann, glad you had a Mothers Day breakfast with your son!  Sweet.

I am very sleepy, as I didn't sleep well last night, so I think I will go attempt to take a nap before tea time.  See you all soon.   8)
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 14, 2017, 05:12:36 PM
I would be so happy to hear from any of my children or grandchildren. The day isn't over yet so  someone may call. I have been talking with Gilbert every day to make sure he is OK but I haven't heard from him for 2 and a half days and I am getting worried. There is so much turmoil in his life at this time and Sarah has threatened him with bodily harm so many times sice she decided to get a divorce and still live in the smae house. He is so stressed out most of the time and so is Forest.
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 15, 2017, 01:07:43 AM
...I was so wanting to wish my American Christian friends a belated Mothers day but on reading your post seems to be a tad similar to mine, re, my now estranged daughter...but unlike my American friends our Mothering Sunday this year came on 26th March, four days after my Birthday...For all who did meet with their children, grands, I hope your day went well, and to plan....
Marilyn, I hope before your day ended you did hear from them, and decided to pay you a visit, if not all, maybe these special days I know, can be a very lonely time...

...they got rid of those magnificent gates and castle featured brickwork, all in the name of progress...It was to widen, and change the layout of the road, and move the roundabout if I it is just a wide opening somewhere to the front, not to the side, as it once was...I wonder if the three paddling pools are still there? that's where my mother would take me, far at the other end, near to the miniature train and the canal bridge...Link to railway...children and adults...

Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 15, 2017, 05:10:53 PM
I did talk to Gilbert yesterday and he is fine.  Just staying at home and taking it easy.

I  hurt my back this morning, pruning the Rhododendrons and carrying the trimmings to the street for pickup.
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 16, 2017, 09:10:58 AM
Hi everyone.  We are headed for a very hot 95 degrees this afternoon.  Fortunately Pat appointment with the pain doctor is this morning before it gets so hot.  Nothing else on the schedule for today.  Pat did enjoy her Circle luncheon yesterday. 

When I came here to read and post yesterday the site was down and I never got back.  So I am a bit behind.

Marilyn, so sorry that Gilbert is having such problems.  That sounds like a really bad situation. Glad to see he did call you and reassure you he was fine.  I hope you didn't do too much damage to your back.

Janet, it sounds like your Mother's Day was enjoyable and packed with activity. 

Carol, that must have been a real treat for Don to be able to understand the speakers at the Church service.  It sounds like you have a very nice Mother's Day.

Jackie, it is very sad when our family has problems but there are probably few families without some type of troubles.  We often have to make our own happiness and not expect someone else to do so since that gives them control over us. I am sure your Bible reading will be fine and the Bishop is just a person like all of the others in attendance.  None of us are perfect and not expected to be.  When you get through that one sentence with all of those places mentioned you will have it made.  Perhaps it would be helpful to listen to this passage being read.   Here is a great Bible site and if you click on the little speaker (the fifth little brown symbol) it will play the passages.  I hope this helps you with the pronunciation. I do remember the story of the little boy being murdered.  It seems these things happen too often. 

Ruth Ann, so glad you were able to have breakfast with your son on Mother's Day.  Is this your son that lives in Atlanta?
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 16, 2017, 09:21:56 AM
Marilyn, I'm so sorry about your back.  Is it something the chiropractor will be able to relieve?  You need to slow down, girl, and let other people help once in a while!   ;)

Jackie, we'll all want to know how you do with the reading in church.  When I was still able to get to church one of my favorite activities was being the "reader" for the service.
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 16, 2017, 09:55:37 AM
Jeanne Lee...
...I have a couple more weeks to learn my lines... ;)
I am a confident reader, and will enjoy reading but, however many times I read ( practice in my home,) those hard to pronounce words they tend to be said differently each time...Like Larry Hanna advises...I have already my short term memory on how he pronounces Cappadocia seems to catch me out every it Cappadoshia - Cappodochia, Cappodoshia, or Cappadosia.....Mesopotamia is the other word I still have to master, is it tamier or tarmier?....well whatever it is, I shall still most probably say the incorrect one on the day...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 16, 2017, 11:34:42 AM
Jackie, how many in the congregation do you suppose know the correct pronunciation of those words?  And remember, the person's native language will have an effect on the pronunciation, too.  I found out years ago that  a French speaking reader will pronounce a latin word/phrase differently that a person with an English native language.  So don't dwell too much on pronunciation and concentrate more on the meaning of the scripture.  Just say the word the way it looks to you.   ;)
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 16, 2017, 11:46:25 AM
Jeanne Lee...
...thank you, that was what I thought, who would even know if I had pronounced a word wrong, only someone else who has had that reading before me, maybe....  :thumbsup:  oh and not forgetting the visiting Bishop...
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 16, 2017, 12:05:19 PM
Jeanne I will be seeing the chiropractor at 11 this morning, I've already called first thing.
Title: Re: Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 16, 2017, 02:54:40 PM
Interesting that those in Turkey, where Cappadocia is located, pronounce it Cappadokia!  They use literal spelling and pronunciation of all words.  Once I got used to hearing it that way, I liked it better than the way I'd always heard it in church and pronounced it myself when reading the Scriptures  (Cappadoshia).  And a hint, Jackie, Mesopotamia has no "r" in it; it's just pronounced as spelled!  ;)  As Jeanne said, it won't matter in the least if you don't say a word the way someone else would, as that doesn't affect the meaning of the Scripture in the least.

What a day!  Darrel went back to Garden to get the holter monitor off.  I thought I'd have a little "extra" time (what is that??)  But then I had some phone calls after I got home from the gym, and they took all the time between getting my shower and having to leave for chiropractic appointment.
I had called my painting buddy to meet me for lunch at the Senior Center, but I had the chiro app't at 11:00, had to wait over an hour, so was almost late to lunch and Dee and I had barely any time to visit, as I had to be home for the housekeeper at 1:00.  And when I got here, Darrel had beaten me home!  Had I known he was here I wouldn't have had to rush around so.  Oh, well.....

I did have the echocardiogram yesterday.  Both of us have appointments tomorrow with the cardiologist, who is coming here, so won't have to make the drive to Garden for those.  It took the gal 45 minutes to do my test!  I was really surprised it took that long.

I want to watch the 700 Club which is starting in five minutes, so see you later!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Pat on May 17, 2017, 02:41:54 AM
Hi Everyone...

Not sleeping too well these nights so I thought I'd pop in and say "Hello"!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 17, 2017, 03:01:58 AM
Good morning - good night Pat, I trust you have had, or are having, a better nights sleep...seems we have missed each other by 20 minutes...

Janet....guess at the end of the day, when it comes to the actual reading, we only have one chance to make it sound as it should, or mess it up... :D

Anyway, I am hoping this reading will be the first of many, just never attended a small community church like this before where I feel I can become a part of it....Again they are aware that my condition plays a big part as to whether or not I attend on any particular Sunday, just hope and pray my body is up to it on that day, if not I shall do the reading one way or another..even if the microphone has to come to me, " where there's a will, there's a way..." as my late father would often tell me...

Janet...all the best on your echocardiogram test result today..

Marilyn...I hope your chiropractor came up trumps, re, your back dislocation....
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 17, 2017, 08:29:50 AM
Hi everyone.  We have an overcast morning and it is suppose to be partly cloudy all day long.  The forecast is for it to get to 90 degrees this afternoon.  Our main activity this morning is to get Pat to her dental appointment over in Augusta.  They called yesterday and asked if she could come about 15 minutes sooner than scheduled so she will have to hurry around a little more than usual in the morning. 

At her pain doctor appointment yesterday he decided only to prescribe Gabafenion as she has been in much less pain the last three or four days.  She is to go back next week for x-rays on her neck area and then see the pain doctor in a month.  It was about noon when she got finished at the doctor's office and we decided to eat our main meal of the day out.  So we went to the next pizza place in downtown North Augusta.  It is called Your Pie.  When we went in there was a long line waiting and we knew Pat really couldn't stand in line that long so we decided to leave.  The owner saw us go out the door and before we got to the car he called to us to come on in and he would get take care of us and that he did.  In this place you pay one price for a 10 inch pizza, select the crust and sauce you want on it and the type of cheese and then what ever meat (s) you want and choose from many other items available.  He took our order away from the line and found us a place to sit.  It took quite awhile before we got our pizzas but we were in no hurry.  I didn't pay right after I gave my order as one would do in the line so after we had been served our pizza he came to the table to ask how we liked it (and it very good as was cooked in a fire oven) and at that time I said what do I owe you and he said nothing because he hadn't gotten our order in quickly enough.  I protested but not too hard and as we left I saw him again and offered to pay but he again refused.  So we had a free meal.  Between the coupon to have a free meal at the Chop House in the future and our pizza yesterday this was a real red letter week. Tonight will be our next to last dinner at the Church and then we expect Scott and Jennifer to come out for a little while.

Jeanne, I so agree with you and Janet that no one is going to think a thing about a name of a country in the Bible being pronounced in a different way.  Probably most of us have had the same experience and I have heard different ministers pronounce them differently. 

Jackie, glad to see you were aware of the Bible Gateway.  You will do fine with the reading and your willingness to do this would more than offset any little missed pronunciation.  The Bishop isn't there to judge you so just relax and enjoy the experience of doing something new and something that helps your Church. 

Marilyn, sure hope the chiropractor was able to give you some comfort. 

Janet, as I recall it does take between 30 and 45 minutes for the Echo Cardiogram.  Too bad you didn't have more time with your painting friend. I will be interested in the results you and Darrel receive today form the cardiologist.

Pat, as always it so good to see a posting from you.  Not being able to sleep much combined with serious pain is not a good combination.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 17, 2017, 08:58:13 AM
With all this discussion about Jackie's reading of the Pentecost verses in Acts, I keep remembering how it's celebrated in my church - and I'm sure many others.  Those verses are read by members of our congregation in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, German, Finnish, Norwegian and Latvian - all at the same time.   ;D

But of course, what's important is not the reading of them, but that these verses are the history of how the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles and eventually to us.  Praise God that He has given us the opportunity to learn about it. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 17, 2017, 09:01:27 AM
Pat, it's really good to see a post from you.  And as we all know, it doesn't matter what time it is when you come here - with our widespread membership it's always the "right time".   ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 17, 2017, 10:21:59 AM
Jeanne are so right...we ARE open all hours...come day or come night.. :sleep:

...You have a real mix of a congregation... ;)

Larry sure have a very helpful and accommodating " Your Pie " restaurant, owner-manager....
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: JudyB on May 17, 2017, 01:40:28 PM
This has been a long 3 weeks for me.  My blood sugar is rollercoastering and I have trouble when it drops.  John id much better, the brace he needs to wear is very confining, however he is mostly out of pain.  No pain meds are needed at all. He doesn't sleep well as he needs to be somewhat alert when changing position,  To roll onto his side he needs to be like a log, whole body all at once. 

We are at last having spring like weather.  Much of Canada has been dealing with flooding, we are blessed as we are on a hill and the creek hasn't flooded this year.  The township has stayed on top of the road keeping it well graded and above the creek level.

Trilliums are out!  It is so beautiful to see the spring wild flowers growing, I really need to dust off my camera and  pictures!. having lost my license because of the blood sugar issues that will be a problem.

Before John went into hospital we managed to get the bathroom in upstairs thankfully Doug made himself available to get it done on time.  It is wonderful not to have to go downstairs to use the bathroom. 

God is good, he is keeping us and that is all that counts in the long run!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 17, 2017, 02:14:06 PM
Judy, I'm so glad to see your post! 

Not glad, of course, to read that your blood sugar is acting up, but at least you give us a specific problem to pray for.  Not because the Lord needs to know, but because we do.  :-)

Good to know John's back is responding to treatment and that he has a helpful brace.  It must be hard, though, to have to be awake at night just to turn over.  Prayers continue for him, too.

I'm sure you'll find a way to get that camera out and working again.  We'll be happy to see your spring flowers - and then your summer flowers - and then the autumn colors - and we won't mention the next season after that!   ;D
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 17, 2017, 07:51:34 PM
I'm here!  :)  I have tried numerous times to get here, but, due to raging winds, our internet was down!  :(  They had predicted tennis ball sized hail for us last night, but praise God, we didn't get that!  In fact, we got no hail at all, but not too far north of here, at Scott Lake,
they got it.  I hope it didn't ravage the church camp there, but likely there is big damage.  And around Great Bend and Pawnee Rock, they had tornadoes.  A lot more of the same is predicted for tonight.   :-\   It really seems to be the year for drastic weather!

Judy, so nice to see your post.  So sorry about your health problems, though.  I do hope you can get that blood pressure under control!  I will continue to pray about that.  And glad John is on the mend.  It's really rough when both partners are having difficulties at the same time.

Pat!  Always good to have you pop in for a minute, but wish you could have been sleeping soundly instead, at that hour.  Prayers continue.

Darrel and I both went to see the heart doctor today and, just as I prayed and fully expected, we both got good reports!   He said my echocardiogram was excellent, one of the best he's seen!
  :D  He said they expect a heart in one my age to pump at 50%, and mine is pumping at 65%!!
What a blessing!  And my valves are perfect, he said!  So I can mark that off my list of concerns,
for sure!  He gave us both an appointment for 6 months from now, again here in town.  :thumbsup:

Our TV in the bedroom hadn't been working for several months, so while the internet was down,
Darrel called Pioneer and they sent a guy out.  It was s strange problem, but he got it solved,
so that's nice.  Darrel had missed having that one working.

Larry, that was very kind of The Pie manager to take care of you, and then not charge you.  And you have a coupon for another free meal, so you are being blessed this week, too!  Yay!

I guess that's about all I have to say for now! :wave:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: JudyB on May 17, 2017, 08:54:26 PM
I didn't post because I want sympathy, I don't, however I really do covet your prayers.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 17, 2017, 09:26:31 PM
OK, Judy.  I can handle that - lots of prayers, but NO sympathy!   :D
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 18, 2017, 01:26:28 AM
It has sure been good seeing posts from both Pat and Judy this week...It was also helpful and informative to hear what if anything is-has been going on with their lives, re, family and-or medical issues, and filling us in, re, updates, and, or progress reports....Prayers are very much needed for all our medical issues, and will continue to be my-our number one priority....seems between us we have many medical issues to deal with...We are keeping our God very busy..

Well nothing much on my today agenda, just that I will be alone for most of the day-13 hours, as Richard has to take his car back to Vauxhall to swap it over, he is soon to leave, is a 300 mile plus, two way journey to near where we used to live, then he will give himself some time to visit  friend and a family member before making the hectic travelling journey back, he will have to take in four hectic Motorways that are known to get very busy and built up, particularly the M 4 and M 25 near to Heathrow Airport....Our dog Toby might not get his walk until late tonight when he gets back, doubt I will be able to walk him, we live down in the valley and at the top of the downhill slope...but hey, we are lucky, we do have a long length-ed, grassed back garden...

I will find things around the home to do and keep me occupied, I found myself with Richards help last night, at  ;D changing both sets of bed linen, ( must have had a burst of energy, ) I had been putting it off for weeks-months,  :-[ the changing over from Winter to Summer thickness I can do the piles of washing today in the washing machine, then tumble dryer, that should pass some time... :thumbsup:

Not sure I will get to play catch-up on tv and, or, recordings, as our areas tv transmitter went down last night, and it seems to be on and off at the moment, so we are both guessing they are still working on it, it is affecting a whole area of it is going to be spending time on the computer until they get us all back into service..

Tomorrow I face the vampire visit...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 18, 2017, 04:12:47 AM
Good morning Judy... :wave:

Forgot to mention, Richard will be on the road nine of those 13 hours...
Think today, for safety sake, I should keep both front and back doors unlocked..( not to let unwelcome intruders in but, in case I take a fall )
Well the sun is out after yesterdays day of rain, rain, and rain..
So far, and it is still only, I have fed Toby, put out birdseed and changed the water, now just about to go feed myself...then after, maybe I will change out of this dressing gown..
The washing machine has so far been filled with one load, now in the dryer, got another three loads to do by my reckoning...
Our new neighbour popped over yesterday to collect a couple of small parcels the post courier dropped off with us, they have finally sold their hopefully no more flitting backwards and forwards to his new home on our parkhome site...He told us he is to have a stomach operation today, hope all goes well for him...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 18, 2017, 08:47:28 AM
Hi everyone.  It looks like we can expect another day like yesterday with some cloud and some sun and a high of 92 degrees.  This will likely be my typical Thursday as will pick up my friend for coffee, take him home afterwards and if I feel up to it go to the Church for the Wisdom group.  That will be plenty for today. 

We had a nice dinner at Church last evening and a very nice visit with Scott.  Jennifer didn't make it to the dinner and did not come out with Scott last night.  Pat's dental appointment went well and she had no new cavities.  When we finished at the dentist we went to a new meat market and got some meat.  It was fairly close to where the dentists office but quite away from our home so doubt we will be going back. 

Jeanne, the churches we have attended have also, on occasion, had these verses read in a foreign language or languages.  Last year our long-time member from Nigeria read them. 

Jackie, I have already told several people about our dining experience at the Your Pie restaurant and will continue to do so.  The same is true for the Chop House restaurant.  We got a $75 gift card from the restaurant manager.  I hope you enjoy your quiet day today.  That sounds like a very tiring trip that Richard is having to make.  I guess he will be driving home in another new car?

Judy, I did not realize that you are diabetic.  Sorry about the problem you are having with the blood sugar and know it to be either too low or two high is a really bad thing.  Nice to read that John is doing well in his recovery and mostly out of pain. Glad you have avoided the flooding.  God is watching over you both as he is each of us.

Janet, sure glad you missed the hail.  You are having some terrible weather in Western Kansas.  Hope you were fine last night also.  So glad you got good reports from the Cardiologist.  A 65% ejection factor is excellent as the norm is around 55%. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 18, 2017, 09:56:43 AM
Great to see both Pat and JudyB - we miss your posts.

JudyB:  Are you doing any knitting in your spare (little spare) time?  Give your hubby a greeting from me.  Miss the really nice posts he did when driving all those years.  It snowed here today and the mountains are heavy so there will surely be flooding somewhere.  Having a nearby bathroom is great for you two.   

Pat and Judy:  Praying for your comfort and peaceful, restful sleep. 

We had a long time last night with lightning all around and snow this morning although none of this was predicted. 

There is only one reliable source of our living - our Bible. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: JudyB on May 18, 2017, 10:56:08 AM
Larry I am not diabetic, the opposite is the problem, I am hypoglycemic or low blood sugar.....I almost think it is worse because you can work your sugars down with exercise, but I have to keep eating the good carbs to try to stabilize the sugars.

Carol yes I am knitting. I have a sweater just about finished, then 2 for myself to knit up .  I am wanting to knit for the family for Christmas as well!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 18, 2017, 02:06:28 PM
Judy do you have a sim ple kniited hat pattern nthat you can email to0 me. Keith  wants me to knit him a hat and I am not much of a knitter.  I think my circular knitting needles are a 10? would that be too big. I have knitted dishcloths but those are pretty easy.

My back was fine for a day then slipped out again. I need to go back to the Chiropractor but It will have to wait un til Monday.  So I will just take Aleve, and walk a lot to try to ease the pain.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 18, 2017, 05:17:07 PM
Praise the Lord, the hail missed us again!  More predicted for the next several days, so that will keep me praying!

Kristi was waiting for my cardiology report, and since it was so good, she had me do intervals this morning.  So I did 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3.7 mph, with intervals every two minutes at a 10%
incline for one minute.  I really was perspiring, but not especially tired.  Much easier than the running intervals, anyway for me, it was.

Jeanne, hearing those scriptures read in several languages at once would be almost like the first Day of Pentecost!  I would love to hear that!  Wow!

I notice this computer (or the keyboard?) often skips to another line without finishing the one it is on.  Probably something I'm doing, but I don't yet know what.   ::)

Judy, I hope today finds you feeling better.  I know that for one who is used to being busy and on the go, having to slow down and take care of ourselves is difficult, and we are tempted to lose patience with ourselves.  But just do what you can, the rest will wait--or it won't matter.  (((hugs)))

Larry, what a nice gift certificate you have for the Chop House!  Darrel gets gift cards to Applebee's when he pays our Discover bill.  They offer them for other restaurants, but that's the only one anywhere near us.  So we eat at Applebee's in either Liberal or Garden City occasionally.

I want to go to the library to meet with my friends for an hour or two, see you later!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 19, 2017, 05:48:52 AM
Good morning, not much on my today's agenda apart from leaving in an hour for my " vampire " visit...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 19, 2017, 08:25:41 AM
Sample of blood taken, and with blood pressure reads, ( she took two ) that were higher than she wanted..although second was a tad lower, but still high...I told her it maybe because I dont take my BP meds every day, sometimes I skip a day. Now I have been told, and by the expression on her face....she thinks I have been a naughty girl, so I made a promise from now on, every day...didn't consider I was doing myself any harm...Told to make an appointment to go see her in a months time, she will take another reading...

On the way back we stopped off at dairy farm shop - restaurant, where our local milk comes from...which is stocked with chutneys, biscuits, cakes and just about everything, even wicker baskets that are made from local residents...Bought a latte, Richard bought a cappuccino and bacon-salad snack for himself, I had not long had my breakfast, and so had he...  ;D We sat outside in the sun, with a tad of a fresh breeze, I sat facing the four visible large cow fields, whilst watching what the trailer was getting up to, whilst the cows were being inquisitive, and following behind it...

Oh and who would believe you would see the moon-albeit only half, in a shadow be out on a clear sky day, with the sun behind you, but  it was, and this was coming up to mid day, isn't God's universe - planet, just wonderful...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 19, 2017, 09:58:40 AM
Hi everyone.  This has been an interesting morning.  Late yesterday afternoon our kitchen sink clogged up and so I had to call our handyman to fix it and he was here shortly after 8 am.  Then I get a call regarding my echo cardiogram that was scheduled for 3 pm asking if I could come in at 11 or 2 pm today.  I said I would be happy to be there at 11 rather than late this afternoon.  Our cleaning lady should be here before very long.  That is enough for one day.  I am hopeful Pat will want to go out to eat late this afternoon for our evening meal. 

I didn't make it to the Wisdom group yesterday as after going to coffee and returning my friend home I decided I was just too tired to go back downtown and try to concentrate for an hour. 

Carol, it sounds like you came through the snow storm OK last night.  You are so right about the one reliable source for living. 

Judy, my wife is also hypoglycemic and so far has had no problem with her blood sugar that we are aware.  She tries to limit as much as possible eating carbs.  It sounds like you will be keeping those knitting needles clicking for the months ahead.  I do hope each day finds John feeling better and not overdoing so he has time to heal properly.

Marilyn, sorry to hear that your back slipped out again.  Glad you got at least one good day from your treatment. 

Janet, glad to see you missed the hail.  The warning for the Midwest were certainly dire yesterday but know they are general and not very specific.   Glad you are able to do the exercises and now not have to worry about your heart.  I suggest you do a Google search on the problem skipping to another line.  It seems that others have usually had the same problem and offer advise.  We used the Discover card for years and years but after joining Costco switched to American Express and now they have gone to a Citi Card and it pay a bigger refund once a year on our purchases. 

Jackie, I do the vampire was kind to you.  Do you have a smart phone?  I have a great blood pressure reading app on mine and the app is also available for the Android phones.  Yesterday morning I took it and the pressure was too low to measure but later in the day it went up so that it registered. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 19, 2017, 11:40:20 AM
Yesterday, we did the most unusual thing.  We went to see the movie "The Case for Christ" written by Lee Strobel.  (He used to belong to and speak at our big church here).  So, we loved the movie, I have read the book and other books by Strobel.  The acting isn't top notch but the story is so fascinating.  He was an investigative reporter for a Chicago newspaper and set out to take down the mystery to him of the death and resurrrection  of Christ.  Do yourself a favor and read the book and or see the movie.  We went to the 10:20 AM movie because the roads were OK and we were in a wet and heavy snowstorm.  Then, stopped for an Asian meal and brought 1/2 home for leftovers.  Perfect!

Six of us are planning to get together next week for a birthday lunch.  There is a medical issue with two of the husbands, two have lost their husbands and one gal has early Dementia.  So, we shall see how many can come. 

JudyB:  Christmas comes so fast.  It seems that everything is going faster each and every day.  Are you sewing anything?  I need someone to prod me on with my latest quilt - the forever quilt.  Don has his medical issues with hypoglycemia (rarely) and diabetes so we know the balance is difficult.  Hugs to you. 

Marilyn:  Are you wearing a back support?  I have to put mine on once in a while - it is hot in the summer when needed but it does help. 

We had the nicest hand-written note from a pastor here - we visited another church on a Saturday night.  Don could understand the speaker and we will try this again - the music was short and sweet so he could tolerate it.  Our regular church has gone over to the teenagers and is like a jazz festival and with that loud music, he can almost be disoriented.  Not for the faint of heart.  Others sometimes stand outside for that 15 minutes and come in and I consider that to be most unfair and thoughtless.  Had my say.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: JudyB on May 19, 2017, 11:45:03 AM
Marilyn I have a pattern, PM me with your email address.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 19, 2017, 06:01:31 PM
hello everyone.  Judy I sent you a pm.

I went for my yearly check up this morning My cholesterol is down, she gave me a pain shot  for my back that will last all day (non narcotic) Gave me a perscription for Meloxicam and once for Gabapentin to help with the Neuropathy pain in my toes.  I only take the Meloxicam if the pain is my back is really bad so this bottle of n30 will probably last me 6 or more moths. My blood work was great I will be getting my yearly mammogram soon.

Larry how does that ap would for the blood pressure reading?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 19, 2017, 06:56:12 PM
I've been away all day and it looks like still a couple more days.  One outlet i the living room has burned out - of course it's the first in a series so all those following are dead, too.  And that includes this computer and peripherals.  I have fixrd an emergency type setup but it's not really good or comfortable  for computer use.  So I'll be missing for a while.   :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 20, 2017, 09:32:13 AM
Hi everyone.  It is an overcast and very humid morning as I found when I went to put letters in the mailbox. 

I have been busy this morning and made myself a to-do list of things I hope to accomplish today and have several done already but had to sit down and rest.  I soon will fix Pat's sausage muffins and have already fried the sausage.  I have grated the two pounds of cheese.

On Wednesday Scott rearranged our family room furniture so that my easy chair is facing the TV, as does Pat's. rather than be to the side.  I was finding that if I watched the TV my neck started hurting so we put the divan where my chair and side table had been.  Now the electrical cords are visible back of the end table next to my chair so I need to get them hidden as much as possible as they are unsightly.  We have a plan in mind and hope it will work. I also need to bring Pat's laptop down and get the software all updated, which is not a hard job. 

Last evening we went to the other new restaurant in North Augusta that opened last week. It is called Diablo's and is called a Southwest Grill.  It was quite tasty and I know we will go back from time to time.   

Carol, that sounds like a good movie and book.  I will have to keep it in mind although we don't go to the theater so will have to wait until it comes to Netflix or Amazon video.  It sounds like a nice get together for next week.  At our old church our lunch group that went out after services many Sunday's included several widows or widowers and one of the ladies had Dementia.  We always had a great time.  I certainly agree with you about the loud music.  I do think God can hear it without the need to amplify it beyond tolerance for a lot of people. 

Marilyn, Pat takes both Meloxicam (as needed and usually just half a pill as she found the full dosage was too much) and just started on Gabapentin to see if it helps her back and leg pain.  Right now she is doing better than she has for many months although now her fibromyalgia seems to be on the uptick. It sounds like you had a pretty good medical report.  The blood pressure app is called ICare Health Monitor.  I use my right hand and put one finger over the flash on the back of the camera and hold the screen with my thumb and it collects that data and then gives me a readout.  I really like it as much easier to use than the cuff.  It is suppose to be accurate within 11 points either way and I checked it out after the nurse took it at the doctor's office the other day and it was within that range. There is a similar app for the Android phones.   

Jeanne, thanks for letting us know of your electrical problem so we won't worry about you being away for a couple of days. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on May 20, 2017, 05:35:50 PM
Hi, friends,

I'm not very talkative today, but thankful to be in your company. That's very good company, by the way! :)

I'm so thankful I don't have to be outside this afternoon.  We're having heavy rains and thunderstorms. So thankful I have a nice, dry apartment.

I've been working on a form, for a friend of mine who still works. I enjoyed the work, but am thankful I have a full time occupation - retired! :)

Y'all have a good evening.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 20, 2017, 06:13:00 PM
Thank for the info Larry I downloaded it it to my phone but I think I may download it to my tablet as well.

I went to music practice last night at the church, It was practicing my song. It is the Gaither homecoming version of It is well with my soul and i just could not hit phelp's high notes. i had to drop back down to my normal range.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 21, 2017, 01:51:41 AM
...I envy you your singing voice....apparently I read, far better than I sing.... :-[
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 21, 2017, 08:31:07 AM
Hi everyone.  It is another overcast morning.  It is cooler this morning and only suppose to get up to 82, which will be a pleasant change.  We do have an 80% chance of rain today.  Pat and I will go to Sunday School and Church this morning, get something to eat before we come home and then have a restful rest of the day. 

Ruth Ann, maybe some of your rain will come over this way and we need it.  I find it pretty much a full-time job to be retired and am also thankful that I no longer work or even have the volunteer responsibilities I used to have. 

Marilyn, I bet your solo will be fine without the very high notes.  I find it strains my voice now to sing about a high C note so usually drop down an octave and I no longer have any strength in my voice. 

Jackie, I think I am with you in reading better than I sing anymore.  I did enjoy the 50 or so years of singing in my Church choirs but now that is just a memory, all be it a nice one. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 21, 2017, 09:09:44 AM
Electric outlet replaced and everything back to as normal as anything ever is in my house.    :thumbup:

Wouldn't you love to hear Marilyn sing "It Is Well With My Soul"?  Having me sing a solo would be an excellent way to accomplish evacuation of a building.   ;D
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on May 22, 2017, 03:14:45 AM
Hi, friends,

While everyone is sleeping, I've been working in my office. I had a small project due tomorrow, so finished that and e-mailed the work to the man who asked for it.

I'm so thankful I can still read. A number of years ago, my eye specialist said within 10 years I would be blind in one eye, and sight growing dim in the other. That time has come and gone, and thanks be to God, I'm still able to see.

My sister in law was supposed to be transferred to the rehab center yesterday.  I didn't hear if that occurred. So, am still caring for her kitty, and now I need to pick up other functions such as fetching and carrying for her while she's in rehab. I'll covet your prayers that my strength will hold out.

Y'all have a good rest of the day.

Love to all, Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 22, 2017, 03:41:24 AM
Ruth Ann...
...I am not sleeping...been up almost three hours is now 8.45am here in UK...and we are soon to leave to take our dog Toby to the pet groomers, a 20-30 minute one way drive, the appointment is for 9.30...I am going with them this time just for the change of scenery, and to actually get out of the home...

Oh what rejoicing news...your sight is still intact...

Try not to push your strength limits more than they are cable of...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 22, 2017, 07:09:59 AM
Good morning!   I forgot to post for a couple of days, so have just read all the ones I hadn't, and wanted to greet you all before I go to my "War Room" and spend time with Father God.

I'm finding the weekends very trying, when I used to really look forward to them.  That's because when we are here all day, Darrel is eating constantly!  Now, he's a big boy, and I don't mind his eating, except he's eating things he shouldn't eat, and I am concerned for his health.  I keep telling him I love him and want to keep him around,
but that doesn't slow him down a bit.  :'(  Last night, I went to bed at 7:00, just so I wouldn't have to see him eat anything else, and to get away from the TV!  I read for quite a while before I went to sleep.

Ruth Ann, I am praying for my eyes as well.  I have been told I have Macular Degeneration, which my mother had, and I pray that God will allow me to see to read until He calls me home.  I read for hours every day, and my eye doctor said that will not make it advance any faster, so I just keep reading.  And painting sometimes.

I have a short (I hope!) appointment this morning with the dermatologist who removed the skin cancer from my nose a while back, just for a check-up.

Time to go to my prayer room.  I love my quiet time!  See you wonderful folks later.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 22, 2017, 09:06:38 AM
Hi everyone.  I was expecting it to be rainy this morning and today but once again the forecast has been changed to only a 50% chance this afternoon but higher tonight.  We should get into the high 80's this afternoon.  Today should be a fairly quiet day.  I do need to get to Aldi's for some vegetables as the bin is empty.  I may attend my Monday noon meeting if I have the energy.  That will be it for today. 

We did go to Sunday School and Church yesterday.  It was graduation Sunday and the high school and college graduates were honored and two of the seniors gave testimonies, in place of the sermon, about growing up in our Church.  Each year scholarships are awarded by the ladies Circles and some individual scholarship endowments.  They awarded 27 separate scholarships. All of the students plan on attending college.  Pat and I then went to a place we like and shared a very large club sandwich for lunch and each took a nice long nap when we got home.  I ended the afternoon by watching the conclusion of the golf match, which ended up regulation in a tie and required they play an additional hole. 

Jeanne, glad your electrical circuits are all back to normal.  Your singing can't be that bad.  :)

Ruth Ann, so happy to read that your eyesight is still working well.  You obviously have taken good care of your eyes.  I didn't realize your SIL was back in the rehab center.  She sure wasn't home very long.  I hope you pace yourself well and don't get too tired in trying to care for her needs. 

Jackie, does Toby like to be groomed?  Glad you can get out of the house for awhile today.

Janet, you are certainly correct that Darrel is an adult and makes his own decisions.  I expect he knows well what is not good for him but sometimes that doesn't stop us from doing it like eating too much or the wrong thing.  Glad you are still able to read.  Problems with eyes are so scary. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: JudyB on May 22, 2017, 10:38:29 AM
Marilyn sent you the pattern.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 22, 2017, 11:40:02 AM
Good news...if indeed it can be called good news but...the little boy murdered in the quiet village short distance away from where we live...the man HAS been found guilty.....As I have previously mentioned, not even the church next door could save little Harry....well at least he is now away from his short life of torture...Link to story, be aware it doesn't make for pleasant reading...we passed the house again this morning, it always sends a chill down me.....
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 22, 2017, 12:11:57 PM
Good morning one and all. I dropped Freckles off at the groomer on my way to then gym this morning I will pick her up later today, she doesn't like the hir dryer so she will be air dried and take longer.

Janet I too have some Macular Degeneration, I have the dry kind and also a cararact in one eye. Eye dr. said that the removal of the cataract could possibly cause the MD to  i crease faster or not. Just have to wait and see.

I have a chiropractor appointment is a few minutes so that's all for now, gotta go.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 22, 2017, 01:47:02 PM
Larry Hanna...
...on our way back Richard needed some milk so we passed by our lane and went to the dairy farm shop again, we sat outside, no one else around,
the cows had moved further, the horizon we see, I now know the sea is the other side but, we cant see it from where we are...Both of us had a cappuccino before setting off back home, then less that an our indoors, Richard went back in the opposite direction to go collect Toby...

I am thinking we could all write a book on each and every one of our ailments, I too can write off a long list I suffer daily...Meralgia Paresthetica being one of them...although my trouble is inner thigh...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 22, 2017, 05:06:13 PM

Today is our Anniversary
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 23, 2017, 01:00:54 AM

...wishing you both a very
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...and may you have many more....well as many as our God will allow you... :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 23, 2017, 08:35:53 AM
Well sadly, once again our tvs are making for grim viewing....the terrorist attack of late yesterday evening  ( I had gone to bed so never knew until this morning, 5am...) has been on from the minute I got up, ( I saw the computer page headline ) although I never put the tv on until Richard got up...and it is still on now at gone 1pm, it hasn't taken a break on BB1 and ITV.... all programmes have so far been cancelled...think to resume in an hour's time...What is happening? that young children, teens and family cant go to a concert nowadays, go there, enjoy themselves and come back home safe...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 23, 2017, 08:46:01 AM
Hi everyone.  We awoke this morning to a good rain shower.  I have no idea of how long it had been going on.  More rain is in the forecast for today although not a 100% chance.  The only thing on the schedule today is that Pat has a 10:15 appointment to get her neck area x-rayed which was ordered when she saw the pain doctor last week.  I will probably drive her there although she could drive herself so if it is raining I can drop her off and pick her up at the door of the clinic.  Yesterday I got caught in a traffic backup on I-20 at the bridge crossing the Savannah River that separates South Carolina from Georgia.  There is a good chance they will not be working today because of the rain and the trip will be an easy one.  If not we will probably drive downtown and then back up on the other side of the river on a very nice road called the Riverwatch Parkway.  It will take several minutes more but we won't be caught in a traffic jam on the Interstate. 

Today is our Senior Luncheon at Church but I am taking a pass and not attending.  It is the last one until the fall.  So I expect to have a very laid back day. 

Jackie, hopefully justice has been done for the little murdered boy.  Some children end up with terrible children who abuse them so. Was the dairy store open and you just enjoyed the view sitting outside?  It sounds like you live very close to the sea.  Terrible event at the concert.  This is mainly what is on our TV as well for the short time Pat had the TV on this morning.  When a person has no regard for his/her own life I guess they don't care a thing about others and can easily be misled into a line of thinking that killings others is somehow a good thing.

Marilyn, Happy Anniversary.  That is a very nice picture.  How many years now? Sorry to learn that you also have Macular Degeneration.  The only eye problem I seem to have is the quickly developing cataracts which make my vision not as good as it used to be but not yet ready to have them removed.  I bet Freckles was sweet smelling and looked great when you picked him up yesterday. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 23, 2017, 11:21:38 AM
I hadn't heard about the latest terrorist attack until I was watching TV at the gym this morning.  So sad that they think "Allah" is going to reward them with 72 virgins in paradise for killing innocent people.  Until we can somehow change what they--mothers, mostly--teach their young children, how can we ever change this?  I don't think we can just kill them all, because they multiply like rabbits; having at least four "wives" apiece.

Why do young women live with drug addicts and abusers, and even leave their innocent little kids alone with them?  So much sin and sorrow in the world.

BUT GOD!!  Yes, God is able to save to the uttermost all those who call on Him! 
And that is cause for rejoicing today!!   :) :D :thumbsup:

Marilyn, I love the way you fixed up your wedding picture!  How many years is it now?
Happy Anniversary, and I hope you can enjoy many more together!

Larry, I would really like to visit the area where you live.  It sounds so pretty, and that is a part of the US we haven't visited yet.

I had a good workout at the gym today: one mile on the treadmill, lots of balance exercises, then leg work.  Which means weights tomorrow for my arms!  I do like to stay mobile.  ;)

Can you believe next Monday is Memorial Day?  I went and purchased more flowers for Darrel's family's graves, as we are the only ones left here to take care of it.  But I don't mind at all.  I like to go out on Memorial Day when the Veterans have their ceremony, too, and walk around and visit with folks--when the weather is nice!

Later, peeps!/color]
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 23, 2017, 11:50:56 AM
Prayers for the people of Manchester. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 23, 2017, 12:04:42 PM
It is a sunny but chilly day here.  There is so much snow in the mountains that the ski resorts have opened again after being closed for about a week.  This means water for the farmers downhill - for this year. 

Don is off to a VA clinic this morning and I am getting things ready for him to have Cribbage buddies over tonight.  It is a quilting night for me at another house.  Early afternoon is my yearly physical and then the appointments end.  A dear friend of ours had emergency surgery on Easter and his daughter told me that he is possibly going to his home in another week - such a long recovery.  Wishing we could be there to help but he is in Arizona now and it is hot now.  Sizzling hot. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 23, 2017, 12:08:30 PM
Janet  and Larry Hanna...I will keep you informed once we know how many years they give him...hopefully he will serve a life sentence...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on May 23, 2017, 09:29:29 PM
Good evening, friends,

I'm so thankful I could stay home today. But tomorrow's going to be very busy, and I learned from tv that the weather's due to be wet and cool tomorrow. Maybe it won't be too long of a walk to the doors at the health care center from a parking place. I need to take special medical equipment to my sister in law tomorrow, along with a few other things.

Then, of course, caring for her kitty's needs.Along with purchasing cat food for him.

I'm so sad about the Manchester debacle. We need to pray for all involved.

Thank you for sharing your news with us.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 24, 2017, 09:06:53 AM
Hi everyone.  It is another overcast morning with rain expected sometime in the afternoon.  Yesterday we had quite a bit of rain and my gauge has close to 1 1/2 inches showing.  I can see the yard was most appreciative as has really greened up.  I did take Pat to get her x-ray yesterday and fortunately, due to the rain, the Interstate wasn't backed up so it was an easy trip. 

Today is the day that both Pat and I have appointments with our Cardiologist.  Unfortunately they could not be scheduled back to back so will take Pat for her appointment and then bring her home and then a little later go back for my appointment.  Fortunately, it is only about a 15 minute drive to the doctor's office.  Tonight is our next to last Wednesday night dinner at the Church and tonight is Italian night, which is always good.  Scott is working this evening so will not be able to attend nor come out to visit but hopefully Jennifer will come and have dinner with me and then come out to the house for a little while.  That will be it for today.

Janet, this is a beautiful part of the country.  There are many things to see around Atlanta and there is much beauty here in South Carolina.  We would love for you and Darrel to come and see us and we have a spare bedroom with a king sized bed just waiting for guests.  I am glad you can do the exercises at the gym. 

Carol, it sounds like the additional snow this year is a blessing for all concerned unless it results in unwanted flooding.  Nice that Don can play cribbage with a group of buddies while you are quilting. 

Jackie, I agree with you that the man has no business out in society. 

Ruth Ann, is your SIL now in a health care facility?  Perhaps you could ask for someone to help you with the medical equipment.  It sounds like you will have a full day today.   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 24, 2017, 01:26:24 PM
That wedding photo was taken last year  for our "Church" wedding. Actual time  is really 8 years.

Today is Keith's birthday. I won a gift certificate for a local steak house so we will be going there for dinner tonight. At the gym I go to we have some little game each month and win prize, this month's is Bingo. I've won this certificate and also one to the Health food store that I;'ve already used.

All is well here, We are very blessed. Keith will be seeing the Urologist on the 6th. I have my Mammo on the 1st, Then Keith goes up to  the Oregon Health and Science University Casey eye Institute for  his eyes. The DMV has already asked him to turn in his drivers license until he can pass the eye and drivers test again. 9If he can) He has no perpheral vision and a cyst on something behind his eye. Optic nerve or retina we don't know), he will be seeing a Retina Specialist.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 24, 2017, 01:48:41 PM
One more mild day and then back to chilly and wet for several days.  Saves money when I don't need to use fans or a/c, or the furnace.   :D

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 24, 2017, 05:36:19 PM
Not a lot happening here in my corner of the world today.
  Went to the gym and did circuit exercises with the class, something I hadn't done in months.  Then I spent time on the phone trying to find out why we can't seem to get the refund from the trip insurance for that trip we had to cancel when Beth was so sick.
Insurance companies are really quick to take your money but they don't like to give any of it back when things happen.  Never did get any satisfaction.  >:( :( :-\

I asked Darrel if we could run down to Hugoton, he was agreeable, so we drove over and took Diane to lunch, picked up more plants for our garden and went to the grocery store and got a few items.  So the day has gone.

Larry, hope you both got good reports from the doctor today!

There is no reason I know why I should be so darn tired--but I am.  :-\

See you all tomorrow--same place if not same time!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 24, 2017, 06:17:27 PM
Janet:  As for the insurance rebate, get in touch with your state insurance department - they should have a designated official for just such issues. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 24, 2017, 09:50:25 PM
I had to come in to tell you about a news item from the mountains - an hour away.  Pictures of a heavily damaged car was on the news with the entire bumper torn off.  The culprit was a bear that wanted to get in the car.  It turns out the car is used for delivering doughnuts and even with none in the back seat, that bear has quite a nose. Lots of stories when people live in animal territory.   :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 25, 2017, 07:21:13 AM
Richard could not wait in any longer, he said he had to take Toby for his walk, he wanted to get back as he was awaiting for a return Doctor call, re, his COPD inhaler, his monthly supply has almost run out. as he would normally wait for me to get in and out of the shower, checking on my I was just about to take my very quick shower when the tv announced a one minute silence for the victims of Manchester, so I waited and stood to pay my respects...I dont shower every day, the least I get inside that shower the better but, this evening we are having our parkhome sites annual AGM meeting in the next villages hall, unlike last year May, we were newbies, we have added one or two newcomers to our site since, but it is not compulsory to attend, as with last year, think less than half turned up...

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 25, 2017, 07:52:44 AM
Jackie, I was checking the latest results of the french Open Tennis Tournament and I couldn't help but wonder what we would do with some of their names...Lucie Hradecka; Jil Teichmann;  Valentini Grammatikopoulou... among others! Pity the poor announcers!   :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 25, 2017, 09:43:29 AM
Hi everyone.  We have a beautiful morning so far with sunny, cooler temperature and less humidity.  However, the clouds are moving in and our area is under a severe thunderstorm warning until early afternoon.  We were under a tornado watch almost all day yesterday but fortunately only had some heavy rain during the afternoon. 

I have nothing planned for today so am just going to stay home as far as I know now.  The man I usually pickup and take to coffee has a dental appointment this morning so I won't be going to coffee and plan on skipping the Wisdom Class also.  Pat even fixed her own breakfast this morning.

Yesterday we were both able to see the Cardiologist at the same time which worked out well.  My test results and echo results were mostly good.  She is having me start taking folic Acid and Thiamine and also suggested getting a monthly B-12 shot to try to increase my energy level.  She also ordered a Oximeter one night test to see if my oxygen levels are falling while I am asleep since this is not uncommon with heart failure.  Jennifer joined me for dinner at the Church and then came out and spent a couple of hours with us.

Marilyn, I hope the steak dinner for Keith's birthday was very tasty.  Having a gift certificate really helps when it comes time to pay the bill.  Glad it won't be long now before Keith can have his Urology and eye appointments. 

Jeanne, thanks for sending the cooler day down our way yesterday and again for today.  I wonder how the announcers can handle some of the names in football and also in the PGA Golf Association as there are so many now playing from other countries.

Janet, I hope the trip insurance you bought wasn't a scam and that you do get your money back.  Are you going to have a big garden this year?  I can't seem to find the energy or the desire to go and purchase any flowers to plant for us this year.  As I indicated above Pat and I both had good reports from the doctor.  She doesn't have to go back for a year and I will continue to see the Cardiologist on a 4 month appointment basis.  You at least have a reason to be tired as you are so busy.  Are you still not getting a good nights sleep.  Have you ever been tested for sleep Apnea as that can certainly cause tiredness. 

Carol, I saw something in the news about the car where the bear had torn off the bumper.  I wonder if that is a first.  Those must be powerful donuts. 

Jackie, we were suppose to have a homeowner's meeting last year and again this year in April.  However, it didn't happen.  A management company has been hired to handle the business of the Association and I have no idea who the officers are but have not needed to know.  I hope you all have a good meeting this evening.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 25, 2017, 11:27:44 AM
Jeanne Lee...
...after you, I will wait until you master them first, then I will come in, and give them a go... ;D

Larry Hanna...
...I dont think there is anything I need to raise at this evenings AGM, but it has been playing on my mind that as or when any of our site residents are taken to hospital or pass away as Allan recently did, I would sure like a better procedure undertaken s regards to informing all tenants, and not as it presently seems to be, by word of mouth, or bits we find to read under obituaries...but no doubt I shall be keeping shtum if no one raises the same subject...we will be leaving in less than 2 & a half hours time, it is to take place at 7pm...

Oh Larry, the mysterious officers, sounds a tad like our parkhome site owner ( not manager, our manager is on site, ) mind you, as long as he receives our monthly direct debit ground rent, I guess that's all that matters...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 25, 2017, 12:09:26 PM
Jeanne Lee...
...I'm still struggling with " Cappadocia..."  :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 25, 2017, 08:32:09 PM
Larry, thank you so much for your gracious invitation to visit.  And should we find ourselves in your area, I will contact you.  I think it would be too much for you and Pat to host us, but I would really love to meet and spend an hour or two with you.  Maybe that will happen!  :)

I'm pretty sure the Trip Mate Insurance isn't a scam; but they want records of every doctor who has ever treated Beth, dates, etc.  Her file is nearly four inches thick!  I know they aren't going to read all that stuff, and besides, that's not what they said they would do.  I let them know we are plenty unhappy with them.  Now I'm going to try another tactic:  ask for a travel voucher instead of the cash.  The lady at Grand Circle Travel said that should be much simpler, and they should stop sending more papers asking for more information.  Sigh.....  GCT is in Boston; Trip Mate Ins. is in Kansas City.

Beth has lost another four pounds.  :'(

I really overdid it yesterday at the gym, and hardly slept at all last night for the pain.  I ached all over, got up three times to take Tylenol, finally stayed up and read for an hour, and maybe got two hours' sleep.  And I'm so sore I can barely get out of a chair and hobble around.  Went and walked a half mile this morning, then did some stretches.  That did help, but OUCHIE!!  (Yes, I should know better, I know. :-[ :-\ )

And I'm going to bed and read for a while.  The way I feel, I may keep my eyes open for five minutes!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 26, 2017, 05:00:44 AM
Praise the Lord, I had a much better night!  Several good, solid hours of sleep, and feeling so much better!   :) :)

I plan to attend the funeral of the lady who lived in the next room to Beth for the past seven or more years.  That will be at 10:00 this morning.  She was such a sweet person,
now we can rejoice that she is back with her husband, who died some years ago.

I pray blessings on all of you this day!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 26, 2017, 05:33:34 AM
...will your Beth be attending also? or isn't she up to it? if not, she will be there in spirit, if not in body...

It was quite a turn out last night for our annual parkhome sites AGM meeting...nothing to worry about or concern us this year, apart from one of the three committee speakers that we must have to continue ( Chairman ) told us he is to move away in six months, and no showing of hands when asked " who would like to take over"? it is a must that we  have the three, ( Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary )otherwise we have no committee, it will, I assume, fold...of course the opportunity arose that the Treasurer might want to take over his roles, leaving an open position for a new treasurer, but that didn't come to much either...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 26, 2017, 06:31:24 AM
We seem to collect newcomers to our site from the entertainment side of life...we also lost a couple January but since gained another couple, or the man is at least...Only found our last night at our AGM meeting last night, when he offered his services...well this morning Richard found out what they call themselves, cant find them on youtube but this is their website...our new parkhome site neighbour is in the centre...Link to " Party With the Silhouettes..."
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 26, 2017, 09:10:43 AM
Hi everyone.  Our day is getting started off as a beautiful sunny and calm day and we are to get only into the low-80's this afternoon.  As yesterday was I expect today will also be a quiet and restful day.  I haven't checked with Pat yet but we may go out late this afternoon for our main meal for today.  Otherwise, I don't plan to go anywhere today. 

Jackie, does your community have a website that could provide such information or at least an email listing that one of the officers could use to inform the community of such events as a death or new residents?  Yesterday I was listening to our fine Christian radio station and a minister was speaking of Isiah and pronounced as I have never heard it pronounced before.  I give words my best shot and then think no more about them. 

Janet, I assure you we can always talk and would go out to eat.  The housekeeper changes the beds so that isn't a problem and there is a separate bathroom.  i assure you that you would be most welcome whether for a couple hours of visiting or an overnight visit.  I fail to understand what Beth's complete medical history would have to do with a recent health event that prevented you from traveling.  I suppose many people give up when they see what is requested and the insurance doesn't have to pay off.  Under the Hippa Act a lot of people would not have access to such information.  Sorry to see you overdid at the gym and paid a price for it in terms of your sleep and aching.  Glad to see you are feeling better today.  It is amazing what a good nights sleep can do for us. 

Jackie, I expect the problem in finding folks willing to serve on a committee for your homeowner's is a problem that is common to most homeowner's associations.  It sounds like you live in a very valued area.  Maybe you will have built in entertainment.  I looked at their website and it appears they stay pretty busy.   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 26, 2017, 12:58:02 PM
Maybe I do need a keeper!   :o

I put together a loaf of plain white bread in the machine this morning and it just signaled it was done.  I know the weather can affect bread, especially the humidity, and I had adjusted the amount of liquid, I thought to compensate.  But when I just went and turned the loaf out of the bin it was only about an inch thick.  I started to wonder if my machine was getting worn out and suddenly remembered...  I never even got the yeast out of the refrigerator!   :uglystupid:

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 26, 2017, 01:32:31 PM
LOL Jeanne, I ahve done that too. So you made un leavened bread. Communion bread. You can now take communion at home.

I sure over did myself at eating on Keith's birthday the 24th. I was so stuffed  and today i am seeing the results on  my scale. I am up 3 lbs since Wednesday It didn't show up the  next day but sure did today.

It is a beautiful day here the temp is kinda low though. I took Freckles out for a walk after breakfast. and Went to the gym first thing this m orning then came home and fixed breakfast.

Janet I think it might be illegal for the insurance company to ask for Beth's medical records
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 27, 2017, 03:45:42 AM
Jeanne Lee...
...what are we going to do with you?... ;D

...this is UKs info, re, medical reports....dont know if US follow the same guideline...

" What are your legal rights surrounding your medical records?
Your insurance company can't apply for a medical report about you without your consent. The law surrounding this is governed by the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988.
You can request to see the report before it's sent to your insurer. This means that once it's been written, you'll have 21 days to view and approve it. Your GP won't send the report to your insurer without your consent.
If you don't want to see your report initially, you still have the right to view a copy of it within six months, although you may be charged for the photocopy.
If the report contains any aspects that you disagree with, you can ask for it to be amended. If your GP refuses for any reason, then you can ask to include a statement of your objections for your insurer to see...."

Well its just coming up to 9am, and last night I had spent so long on the computer, umming and arrrhing, whilst looking up ( Tetrapods - Quad Canes, ) I have come to the conclusion that my walking has become worse, more so after I have taken the two three decking steps ( I have a handrail bar ) but the steps lead up to our high and sloping grassed garden, so once I let go of the bar, I am surrounded by emptiness, and cant move either way, and I do need to go feed the birds or go pick up Tobys dog poo on occasion, so I thought, either a frame without wheels, then I thought that might damage the grass eventually, but now I have just this minute placed an order for the wider based legs walking cane, I shall see how that goes first, if it gives me the security I need...

Oh the joys of getting old, and added to that, bad health... ::)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 27, 2017, 04:26:22 AM
Forgot to mention, I also got on the phone to ( I call him the metal man ) the man who makes and fits wrought iron hand rails and bars, he is the one recommended from our parkhome site manager when we moved here a year ago, the one we used to fit our handrails back and front but, where we park the car I have to walk down a steep slope to our front of home where I cant manage that by myself, even getting out of the car the door slams back on because of the slope..but behind the alcove where we park the car we have a back-way to our back garden but, they are a set of large concrete steps, then a set of another as you turn but, the downside, there are no bars to grab hold of, but I think this would be a quicker and safer way for me to get into my home but, I do need a metal handrail going all the way so, yesterday I got onto the phone, and have arranged for him to come take a look..(  I dont think Richard was too happy as he is thinking more money outlay, but I told him, needs are needs, especially mine, ) only downside, he is very busy now and said it could take a fortnight before he takes a look, then a possible two months before he comes to fit it, ( and yes, he is aware I have MS ) oh well, whats to be, will be... ::)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 27, 2017, 09:21:06 AM
Hi everyone.  It is another sunny and calm morning but we are headed up to 90 degrees this afternoon.  I slept in later this morning so am getting a slow start to the day.  The only thing on the schedule is we plan to eat out in the late afternoon and then on the way home pick up the online grocery order from Walmart.  Yesterday was just a calm and restful day.

Jeanne, It sounds like you may have baked a pita bread.  :) 

Marilyn, I am sure the 3 lbs will disappear quickly.  It does sound like you had a delicious and generous meal for Keith's birthday. 

Jackie, I hope the new cane is the ticket for you and gives you stability.  We have one of those in our bathroom that Pat uses on one side and has the hand rail on the other.  It is nice that they stand up by themselves.  Pat didn't want to use it when she needed the cane for stability as was concerned she might trip herself on the extended legs.  This was a cane my daughter-in-law had and gave to Pat.  All of those steps and inclines sound treacherous when you are not stable in your walking.  Getting more hand rails seems like a very good thing. You sure don't need broken bones to deal with on top of the MS. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 27, 2017, 10:26:43 AM
Good morning!  I've been up for hours, but just getting around to start the tasks of the day.  ;)

You folks are so kind and helpful!  I really appreciate your concern about our trip insurance, but I do need to clarify what I said.  They haven't actually asked for Beth's medical records, just are asking so many questions that it would probably be easier to send them the whole lot!  Our doctor (hers and ours) has already filled the forms out once; now they want more!  He explained that hers is an ongoing condition, that there was a sudden and severe exacerbation in both the NF and the MS, that she had quite quickly lost over 30 pounds, etc.  It's just very frustrating.  I'd rather just get a travel voucher for the amount than keep messing with those people!  I was on hold on the phone with them for 20 minutes; then got cut off!  Grrr.  I do not enjoy dealing with this kind of problems!

Anyway, thank you Marilyn, Carol, Jacquelyn and others for your kind help.  It is appreciated.

No, Jackie, I didn't take Beth to the funeral, as she was at a doctor's appointment, and John was using the van to take her.  It's really hard for me to take her places now,
and often she doesn't feel up to going. 

I got a new book that my sister Shirley recommended I read to Beth.  It is "Joni and Ken, the Untold Story" by Joni Earickson Tada, the lady who was paralyzed in a diving accident when she was a teenager.  So now, to find time to go read to her.  I'm thinking maybe I should wait till after my painting class, which starts a week from Monday.

Darrel drove me to get my nails done yesterday and we got more Memorial flowers at Walmart.  I so appreciate my kind, loving husband!

Jeanne, your bread story reminds me of me!  I had a similar outcome many years ago when making cream puffs.  They didn't PUFF!  I don't remember for sure if they even use yeast, I think I was doubling the recipe and forgot to double the eggs!  :D  I doubt
any cook has never had one of those kitchen "oops!"   8)

Today I want to get my palette prepared for class.  ;)  Who knows if I will ever get this opportunity for 5 days of painting with treasured friends again?  The lady who runs the art center where we meet is almost 90, and several in the class are older than me.
Who knows about tomorrow, let alone next year?  Hmmmm....I guess attending two funerals in two days gets us thinking about such things.  I'm usually a very optimistic person, and I'm not really pessimistic about this, I hope.  Just realistic!

I want to bake a breakfast casserole for Dee and I, and a couple other things, as there is nowhere in Fowler to get breakfast.  They do have what's called The Pit Stop, where you can buy pre-made, fried stuff but it's not good, not healthy.  There are a couple places where we can eat supper, both open only certain evenings.  They no longer even have a grocery store!  That's sad, as they used to have a good one.  Lots of small town are losing their grocery stores, here in Kansas.

Jackie, be careful, and stay busy inside as you wait for the new railings.  It's so important to stay safe, as falls are really bad for us as we get older.

Before this turns into a book, I will stop and get busy on other things!   :dogrun:

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 28, 2017, 05:02:13 AM
Getting ready to leave for church within the next 35-40 minutes, and yes, I am still rehearsing for next week... ;D   

...just received a community send out email, sent from the lady from my church who run functions from the village hall, telling of an Open House Garden, with cream tea this afternoon somewhere within the next village, see how it goes, we may go along but they are forecasting showers...the garden of course will not close because of rain, nor not deter serious gardeners from turning up...
...I am also hoping it is accessible for the disabled...

...wishing all a blessed Sunday...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 28, 2017, 08:30:55 AM
Hi everyone.  It looks like it is going to be another nice day here in South Carolina with only a very low chance of any rain.  It will again get up to around 90 degrees by late afternoon.  We are going to Sunday School and Church this morning and then out to lunch.  Nothing else planned other than watching the end of the PGA golf tourney later this afternoon.  We did go out to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's last evening and then stopped to pick up the groceries from the online order.  Unfortunately they didn't have several of the items on our list so it was a very small order. 

Janet, I hope they soon resolve the trip insurance problem.  I hope you are able to attend more painting weeks in the future.  The 90 year old lady reminds me of the neighbor and goo friend.  She was a very talented artist and made ceramics firing them in your own kiln.  She conducted classes and as far as I know she probably is still doing it although well into her 90's.  They live in a retirement community in Springfield, Ohio which was where they grew up.  She has been in a wheelchair for many years. 

Jackie, I hope you have been able to attend the Open House Garden.  One of the reasons we enjoy the British television shows is to see the beautiful gardens. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 28, 2017, 12:47:00 PM
Good Sunday to all!  We had a wonderful visit with two grandchildren.  They are home and they are now hosting two young men from Sweden - hockey players.  I told them to ask about the little town where most of our relatives now reside.  It is in the (brrrrr) very far northern end of the country. 

The mountain view is incredible right now with heavy snow - we are hoping the melt will be slow and not dangerous for flooding. 

Larry:  Online ordering isn't always perfect.  It just makes a second trip to the store too often.  W mart discontinued another favorite product for no reason and we found ourselves ordering a huge box of it from Walmart online with free delivery.  This time it was less costly than the same at Amazon.  It pays to check everything out.  :)

It is too quiet here today with just the two of us.  I found a mistake in my quilting project and must spend time cutting 4 pieces so the pattern of lines are in sync with the entire top.  Luckily, there is enough fabric to fix the error - which I could not see until the entire stack of blocks was laid out in order.  Giving thanks that the error was caught before sewing everything together. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 28, 2017, 01:17:54 PM
We are just home from attending two churches this morning!
We nipped out early (from back seats) at the Methodist Church and went to Oasis where we attended for many years.  We wanted to see how they are progressing on their building renovation.  The building i9s a huge one, donated by a man who bought it with the intention of opening another grocery store.  He changed his mind and moved away.

Anyway, they are making progress on it, and paying as they go, which in my opinion (which doesn't matter) is the wise thing to do, rather than going deep into debt for a building.  Former pastor wanted to borrow 3-5 Million dollars and make many structural changes to the metal building, which would have been very costly.  His attitude is the reason we left.  The pastor now is really good, but when we got home Darrel said he isn't ready to change again.  "You can, but I'm not," he said.  I said that NO, we are not going to attend different churches!  If we did that, he would stop going.  He agreed he probably would.  So we will stay where we are.

Darrel wanted to go put out the flowers at the cemetery yesterday, and I'm so glad we didn't, because the wind and dirt blew, then it rained, which would have ruined them.

Carol, good to have visits with grandchildren.  I love those times.  It takes so much patience to be a quilter, especially when it comes to fixing mistakes.  Good for you!

Jackie, I hope you can go to the garden thing, sounds lovely.  Nobody around here has a beautiful yard or garden without a lot of work!  The weather just isn't conducive to natural beauty in that way.  Some people do what is required and do have beautiful places.  We just don't have the energy for it anymore.

I have no idea what we are eating for lunch.  I think I will suggest going out--I'm getting hungry!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 28, 2017, 04:24:42 PM
A small group of us stayed behind for a briefing meeting on who is doing what and where everything will be going, including the seat for the lady Bishop, they will be using the now empty far back alter and seating, it has carpeting and steps but the steps wont interfere with me as they will be keeping the church lectern where it is, a short distance away with just one low ground step to negotiate...I was told the handful of us will come in an hour earlier, for me 45 minutes so I can rehearse my speech...I know it is going to be packed out as the reason the lady Bishop is coming, is for the vicars wife.... Including Licencing as LLM...Licenced Lay Ministry...also known as taking place...

We didn't go to the villages gardens cream tea as it come over with rain, rain didn't stay for long but Richard doesn't like wet... ::) so we may try tomorrow, it is on the two days...of course I seem to be forgetting this weekend is a Bank Holiday...

This coming Wednesday and Friday for the next six weeks, Richard starts his Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...COPD course, each session will last 2 hours 45 minutes...a total of 33 hours by end week six...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 28, 2017, 05:27:59 PM
Hi everyone not much is new here for us today. I have taken Freckles for a couple of walks and will be taking her for another very soon.

We went to church this morning as usual on Sunday morning. I sand on the m ike up front with  the others on the last  song. the pastor joined in too on his guitar.

The sun is shining  and the temp is 56?

Jackie I've never heard of a 6 week course for COPD. I ahve cOPD and all I had was a polysomnography and literature from my Dr. as well as getting my COPD machine.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 29, 2017, 01:10:08 AM
...I believe the course is called..." Pulmonary Rehabilitation..." a specialised programme which consists of dietary advice, exercise tailored to ones need, psychological and emotional support, and education about the condition...sounds like its for a mixture of people that all share lung problems...Info taken from our NHS website...

"  The programmes are provided by a number of different healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, nurse specialists and dietitians..."

That is more help and advise than I got when I was diagnosed with my MS two years ago..... ::)
and not forgetting the MS male nurse I did see was so so rude, he had a very rude approach to his patients, in how he spoke and treated us, that I refused to go back to see him in the 3-4 or 5 months time....He had a reputation as rude I later found out...people either liked him or they didn't, and I didn't, he had me almost crying....It even started off bad when my appointment that I was given over the phone, with no letter back up, turned out that my name on arrival was nowhere to be seen in their books...a complete mix-up with my appointment in the hospital... >:(
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 29, 2017, 09:06:52 AM
Hi everyone.  It is going to be another hot day in the lower 90's on this Memorial Dy.  The schedule is light today.  Pat needs to get some blood tests done so will take her.  Scott and Jennifer plan on coming out sometime this afternoon as Scott has taken the day off.  This would have been his deceased wife's birthday and it was a tradition for him to take that day off of work each year and he has wanted to continue it.  Jennifer has fixed a cake for the occasion. 

The man who won the PGA Tourney yesterday was born and  lives in our county.  This is the second tournament he has won this year.  I enjoyed watching the last three hours of the event.  After Church yesterday we stopped and got our lunch and brought it home to eat as it was very hot and neither one of us felt like eating out.  I got a Firehouse Sub and then went through the drive thru at Zaxby's (a chain here in the South) for a nice salad with chicken strips on it. 

Carol, Pat has also found that it pays to shop around and compare prices on Amazon and Walmart and perhaps other places.  The mountains sound beautiful out your way.  It sounds like you found your quilting error before sewing the pieces together. 

Janet, our Church a number of years ago borrowed several million dollars to build the family center and classrooms.  It is a beautiful building but has really impacted the Church.  Early this year they were able to refinance the debt and freed up around $15,000 a month that had been going primarily for interest with a special campaign that raised $1.2 million in contributions.  This was in additional to a commitment by the members to pay on the original mortgage for the past 15 years.  It sounds like the Oasis Church is very wise in having the money to do the work before starting it. 

Jackie, your services next week sound like a very big affair.  Hope you will be able to do the garden tour today.  Is there treatment involved in the six week COPD course that Richard will be taking? I remember the problems you had with the MS male nurse.  He obviously wasn't suited for the type of job he had. 

Marilyn, is your COPD machine like a CPAP machine?   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 29, 2017, 09:23:45 AM
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 29, 2017, 03:34:48 PM
Jeanne:  Love the picture!

Memorial Day - I have been listening to a radio host having people call in and remembering those lost in our wars. 

We went for an early walk this morning and met a son at his house - he asked us to dog-sit for a little trip he wants to take.  This old dog is not well so we will most likely stay in son's home.  It looks like another afternoon rain will appear later today - so common when you live close to the mountains.  There are flood warnings in some areas (not us) and rivers are running close to flood stage right now.  The price paid for water for farmers in some other states east of here. 

It has been six weeks since a good friend had emergency colon surgery.  He surprised us with a phone call today - hooray!  He is finally home with 5 days per week of physical therapy.  Amazing to recover - we are thrilled to hear his voice again.  He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona so we won't be seeing him for some time since the temps are sizzling there now. 

Our DIL is back from a London business trip.  She and her group were not allowed to go to tourist areas but did have a few hours of sight seeing from a vehicle. 

Perhaps a quick and short nap before I tackle the everlasting quilt again????  Sounds like I am already snoozing.  See you later. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 29, 2017, 03:44:42 PM
Larry I mean't to say my CPAP machine not a COPD machine. I use two different inhalers for the. One is daily and one is rescue inhaler which I have hardly ever needed to use.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 30, 2017, 09:30:32 AM
Hi everyone.  We are in for a cloudy day today and not as hot only up to 85 degrees this afternoon.  After an early evening with a severe thunderstorm watch we ended up with only a short downpour.  It probably was not much in the way of help.  Only a 20% chance of rain this afternoon.  I have no plans to leave the house today but need to fix some more sausage muffins or Pat's breakfast and chop up some green onions.  I also have to call and reschedule my dental cleaning as found yesterday I had another appointment at the same time. 

We had a nice time with Scott and Jennifer last evening.  Scott brought over everything needed and made a taco pie that was very good.  We fixed a salad to so with it.  Jennifer had made a Coca Cola cake that was delicious.  As I mentioned yesterday this was in memory of his wife's birthday. 

Carol, I am sure your son will appreciate your staying with his dog while he is on a little trip.  It would be less upsetting for the dog not to take him from his familiar surroundings. With all the snow your area had this winter I am sure the flooding will not be unexpected.  Great that your good friend is recovering from the surgery.  I bet you are glad to have your DIL back safely from London.  It is sad that it is now so dangerous to even visit tourist places. 

Marilyn, I wondered if you hadn't met the CPAP as you had never mentioned the COPD machine before although you have mentioned you having the COPD.  Pat has been diagnosed with asthma and now uses an inhaler two or three times a day.   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 30, 2017, 10:33:22 AM
Well our weather has been better than the Bank Holdiday weekend, at least it is staying dry, but with very little sun...

I made a slight mishap, Richards COPD course tomorrow is a one hour 45 minutes not two hours 45 minutes per session...

Metal man phoned said he was coming on site so he would be available to come take a look at our back concrete steps, see what he can do, see what we-I want, take measurements etc...boy when I got there to this side, the bottom side, I never realised just how many we have, nor how large and steep the steps are, anyway we have all settled on a metal bar running the whole length, the stairs dont run all the way down, they do a left turn bend, then the bar will be secured with a bar secured in the ground to the side, and not straight in front, seeings I still have to do a right turn and walk the length of our back path, before taking another couple of concrete steps and on opening the decking matching painted wooden gate before I step onto our decking, then the back door, where our kitchen is...He is to phone his estimate through...He still reckons it would be near the two months before he comes to fit them, he has to make them first, this is a busy time for him...

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on May 30, 2017, 11:15:07 AM
My goodness, Jackie!  It certainly is complicated for you to get out.  If I had that kind of a setup I'd never go anywhere, probably not even to a see a doctor - unless it with first responders carrying me on a stretcher.  You sure do have a lot of patience getting all those adjustments and adaptations done.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 30, 2017, 11:43:43 AM
Jeanne Lee...
...I know, and to think I gave up a two storey house with carpeted stairs and a banister rail for this, what was I thinking.... ;D
...oh, and not forgetting a flat garden..
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 30, 2017, 12:03:42 PM
Do any of the rest of you feel like this is Monday?  I'm having trouble thinking it's Tuesday already, as it felt like two Sundays in a row!  I did go out to the cemetery for the program by the American Legion, which was very nice.  One boy who had just graduated High School sang the National Anthem, and another played Taps on his trumpet at the end.  Both did a wonderful job!  Love our young people!

Speaking of young people, we have a very sad funeral to attend today.  The 21 year-old son of our Education Director at church passed away.  I haven't heard the finding of his autopsy, but he was found unresponsive, taken to hospital and passed away.  They suspected either an unknown before now heart defect, or an aneurism.  There are four younger siblings.  So sad.  Our pastor has been overwhelmed lately.  He has this funeral today, then his aunt's funeral in Tulsa on Thursday.  That will make five funerals he has conducted in seven days!  :o  :

Larry, Oasis church doesn't have the money on hand to do the needed renovations but are doing the work as funds come in and trusting God to be able to finish.  No date set for that to be done.

Jeanne I really like that picture you posted for Memorial Day!  At our cemetery, by each Veteran's grave there is a metal cross, and on Memorial Day each cross has a wreath on it, and an American flag on top of it.  So meaningful, and such love and hard work to do that each year.

Jackie, our Beth wasn't diagnosed with MS when she should have been, and by the time they did it, there was nothing they could do to help, as they said she'd had MS for at least 10 to 20 years!  :'(  I know that having mobility problems is hard at any time, and I am so thankful for my health every day.  Beth would be thrilled just to have her voice back, or be able to use her hands!   :( :'(  I do hope the metal man gets your railings up in a timely manner and they will be a help and a blessing to you.

I went for a walk last evening and saw really dark clouds to the West and the South,
heard thunder rumbling so decided to get back to the house.  Soon after I got here,
we did have rain, another quarter inch.  It's wonderful for the crops and yards and gardens.  I hope it continues to rain once a week through August!!  8)  Maybe that's a bit optimistic, but better to be an optimist than a pessimist!  ;)

Carol, how nice to have a son within walking distance!  Nice of you to stay with the dog.

As I came back from the cemetery yesterday, I stopped at Sonic and got us a hamburger and a small shake each for lunch.  When I got home, Darrel had just put ribs on the barbecue, but he was glad I brought it because the ribs weren't done for quite a while.  So they were supper and plenty left for another meal or two.

May the Lord bless you and keep you;
May the Lord make his face shine upon you,
And may He give you peace.

This is my prayer and blessing on you today, my friends.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on May 31, 2017, 02:05:00 AM
..cant be an easy life being a Pastor...they too are humans and have emotional feelings too, just like the rest of his congregation...I dont think I could do the job of cremations and burials so many times throughout the year without built up emotions, then having to deal with ones own...

...oh yes, I often dont know what day it is...this Bank Holiday weekend has once again gotten me confused...At the start of the week so many times I refered to Richard starting hid COPD course on the Tuesday, only for a correction from him that it's the Wednesday ( today ) now I woke up this morning sure the day was a what happened to Wednesday?  :D
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on May 31, 2017, 09:35:21 AM
Hi everyone.  It looks like we are in for another cloudy day but will see temperatures in the high 80's this afternoon.  Yesterday was just a quiet day.  In a little while Scott will be over and we will make a quick trip to Costco for a few items.  Then we have the last Wednesday night dinner at the church until after the summer.  It will be outside grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings.  Then Jennifer and Scott will come out and spend a little time with us.

Jackie, glad to see you have at least had the first step completed on getting the railing. 

Janet, we have some really fine young people like those you mentioned.  Very sad about the young man who passed away.  That must be a terrible shock to his family as well as the Church. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on May 31, 2017, 11:49:35 AM
Another sweet morning here with fresh air and sunshine.  Don is headed to the VA for 2 tests scheduled 4 hours apart.  They have a nice cafeteria where he can read a book and sip coffee.  I have a dental appointment in the other direction and need to swing by a fabric store.  Yes, I really NEED to go to the fabric store because I made a mistake...

Janet:   Thank you for the blessing this morning.  Same back to you and Beth!!!! 

It has been just super to have one son close. He always walks over here and we have treats for his dog - now those days are coming to an end. 

We made a trip to W-mart and found (again) they have discontinued three of the items we look for - it is so annoying.  They keep track of what is generally popular.  Finding they carry less and less of sugar-free items. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 31, 2017, 12:58:42 PM
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all doing well this morning. As for me I went to the ngymbmefore breakfast as I always do. Since I had 3 days off from the gym I've not had two days of intense workouts and I feel great.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on May 31, 2017, 06:03:20 PM
Marilyn--the WHAT?? breakfast??
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on May 31, 2017, 09:20:54 PM
Gym before breakfast.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 01, 2017, 08:42:01 AM
Hi everyone.  We are suppose to see another cloudy day and another high up close to 90 degrees.  Yesterday I was so weary all day long that it was an effort to do anything.  I spend a good part of the day laying down resting.  Scott did come over around noon and we made a quick trip to Costco but when I got home I skipped lunch and laid down again.  He and I did have dinner at the Church last evening and he then came out for the evening.  Jennifer was not feeling well and decided to not go to the dinner or come out for the evening.  I got her a dinner to go that Scott took to her before she came out.  I am looking forward to coffee this morning with my men friends and then hope to still have enough energy to attend the Wisdom group as I have missed it for the last couple of weeks. 

Carol, they had pictures and a story on the news last night about the tanker truck that caught fire.  Hopefully they have the Interstate open this morning and your family will get to work and you and you and Don will get to your appointments. 

Marilyn, I had the same question as Janet as didn't pick up on your gym visit.  Nice to see you had a couple of days feeling better. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on June 01, 2017, 03:25:13 PM
Well I wonder what the third thing will be to go wrong. Today it is the garage door. The whole unit that raises and lowers the door has to be replaced because it is so old they won't work on it. It has no safety latches on either side of the door and that is mandatory these days. So the new unit will have a battery back up incase the power goes off and also will work on WiFi. I just hope there is also a remote control to open the door.  My friend who is taking care of our cats will need to come in through the garage so the two younger cats don't escape when she opens the front door. if she come in through the garage and closes that door and they get out they will only be in the garage.  We do not allow those two cats to go outside.

Well it is not time to take freckles over to the hospital to meet with the other teams who will be visiting the patients with us. Then after that I have to go for the yearly smashing.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 01, 2017, 08:14:53 PM
 Oh, boy, has this been a bad day for me, and last night as well.  I have no idea why, but I was really sick, hurting all over, terrible headache, chills,
then sweating.  I had to go to the bathroom often, and the last time I couldn't even get back to the bed.  I had to yell at Darrel a few times before he woke up and came to help me. :P  :-[  I got up and showered, and went to my Chiropractor (He always does me much more good than the MD).  When I got home I put my pajamas back on and crawled back into bed until after 3 PM.  I hope I can sleep tonight!  Sorry, I know....TMI

Our friends from church to whom Darrel loaned our '95 Mercury brought it back this afternoon.  They totaled their car in a roll-over accident during that crazy blizzard the last of April.  They located one they liked in Lawrence, and someone was taking them to Garden City to get on Amtrak this evening to go pick it up.  I'm glad to have it back before my week of painting, as several times while I've been in Fowler, they had really violent storms.  If a car is going to get hailed on, better the old one than the almost new one!  ;)

Marilyn, when I scrolled past your post just now, I figured out what you meant.  But I wondered what kind of exotic breakfast you had attended.   :lol:

I hope I feel good tomorrow, as I want to finish getting things together for class!

In spite of all the hours in bed, I'm still tired, so don't think I will be up much longer.

OH!!  I did finally get my new computer glasses yesterday!  That's a good thing!

I'm sure Beth is wondering what happened to me, as I have missed two days visiting her now.  I'm glad she misses me, and that she is a forgiving person./color]
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 02, 2017, 09:40:57 AM
Hi everyone. I am getting a late start this morning as when I tried to start using my desktop all kinds of things happened as I think there must have been a Microsoft update during the night.  Finally I had to manually turn it off and reboot and now everything seems to be working.  We are going to have a another warm day up to about 90 degrees but we do have sun today after two days of clouds.  The schedule is light today.  The housekeeper will be here in a few minutes and we may go out for our main meal later this afternoon. 

Yesterday was the best day, in terms of how I was feeling, that I have had in sometime.  I woke up ready to tackle the world and held up reasonably well all day.  I am still feeling pretty good today but won't push it.  I may go in a little while and see if I can find some flowers for my front porch. 

Marilyn, sorry about your need to replace your garage door opener.  It sounds like it had provided good service for a long time.  I bet Freckles enjoyed all the special attention yesterday.  That is a win-win situation for the patients and Freckles.

Janet, sure hope today finds you feeling better.  Could you have had a bit of food poisoning since it came on so quickly and you got so sick and weak? 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 02, 2017, 01:18:00 PM
I just can't get over how awful the news is concerning a so-called comedian and her inappropriate portraying of a president dead.  To even think people are so full of hatred that they say nothing is wrong with that kind of mentality - now, she is accusing the president's family of bullying. What next?

Don is off on an early walk and I must get down in the basement to cut fabric - after my mistake last week.  Next week is all appointments so I will try to get some meals ready (freeze then warm up on those days).  Must pick up my prescription as WMart messed up my monthly script once again. 

Larry:  We try not to go on I-25 that runs north and south as it is so crowded and we can get around the city by other roads sometimes.  The freeway is open but it looks like they will be redoing a large area later.  A tire exploded on the truck that made it swerve into the medium. 

Janet:  Your loaning a car to friends in need is a gift of love!  .  Send a housekeeper here please, my day yesterday was spent trying to fix two rug cleaner machines.  One is a stand-up that has always been so good and the other is a hand-held model I use for stairs and little rugs.  Both died yesterday.  What are the odds of that happening? 

Don always brings home the pamphlets given out by the VA Chapel - he brought home 3 this week and they are so comforting.  Some days we see some terribly injured guys and gals and he told me that yesterday was one of those days.  Those heroes have very difficult days we have never encountered. 

Larry:  Having a computer is very like a Love/Hate experience. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on June 02, 2017, 09:07:41 PM
Hi, friends,

Well, today's going to be one of those days with the computer ruling the roost, not the user. But, of course, we may need to add in "user errors." :)

I've really enjoyed catching up with y'all this evening.

I've been occupied with care for my sister in law and for her cat. He's 14 years old now, and still doing pretty well. And thank God, she is now germ free and not on isolation any more.

Y'all have a wonderful evening.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 02, 2017, 10:24:52 PM
Good evening! 
I got up thinking "I feel like myself again today" but by the time Darrel got up, I knew I still had a ways to go, so I determined to not overdo today.

I went and got my hair cut and styled, stopped in at Dr. Saxon's to say hello to Beth and John, ate lunch at the Senior Center, then went to the care home to see Beth for a little while, but felt too tired to take her outdoors and read to her.  Then I came home and went to bed for about 2 1/2 hours. 

I'm planning to go to Campo, the tiny town I grew up near, tomorrow to attend a dear couple's 75th wedding anniversary!  75 years!  Isn't that amazing?  I have known them virtually all my life, grew up with their daughters.  They live in central or northern Colorado now, but are having their anniversary observation there where they lived for so many years and are known by nearly everyone around there.  My sister who lives here wants to go, too, so we will go together.

Larry, I really don't think it was food poisoning, as I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and the "attack" hit during the night.  My stomach didn't feel just right,
and so I didn't feel like eating.  Then later, I was so happy there was barely anything in there to throw up!   Wonderful to hear that you had a really good day!!  :) 8) :thumbsup:

Carol, isn't it hard to believe people do such terrible things, then think just saying "I'm sorry" erases it? (the Griffin woman) I read that she got fired, but that isn't sufficient punishment for the trauma she caused an 11 year old boy.  And SHE is being bullied? 

I have such a heart for our Veterans, and such respect.  There just aren't words.

Ruth Ann, it's so nice to see a post from you!  God bless!

Time for me to head to bed again.  Really, I don't spend ALL my time there!  ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 03, 2017, 08:24:23 AM
Hi everyone.  It is another beautiful and sunny morning here in South Carolina and we are headed up to 90 degrees.  This is a replica of the day we had yesterday.  I have a fairly quiet day planned.  I am going to attend a 10:30 am Al-Anon meeting this morning and then rest this afternoon and probably watch some of the PGA golf tournament.  Yesterday evening we did go to Walmart for prescriptions and then stopped at the Dairy Queen for hamburgers and a Dairy Queen treat. 

Carol, I was shocked at the stupidity of Kathy Griffin and then shocked again when she came out with a claim she was being bullied.  I really felt for Thrump's young eleven year old son.  I am glad you know other roads to get around the area you live than having to use I-25.  I remember how crowded it was years ago when we came to Denver for the family reunion.  We are watching a British series called Foyle's War and the episode last night was at the point the war was over but showed the terribly mentally damaged condition of some of the returning soldiers as well as the physical damage.  Wars are terrible things.

Ruth Ann, good to read that your SIL is now germ free and out of isolation. 

Janet, after reading all you did yesterday I came to the conclusion that might have come close to overdoing.  :)  Glad you felt up to all of those things. I am sure Beth was glad to see you.  Having 75 years of marriage is really something. Nice you will be able to attend the celebration.  Is Campo very far from where you live?  It is a shame that there seem to be many veterans who are now homeless when this country spends so much money on things that are not essential.  At least in my opinion it seems such a waste to send a space vehicle to the sun as it undoubtedly will be burned up as it approaches the sun.  Guess I am getting old and opinionated.   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 03, 2017, 10:09:25 AM
I'm back after a couple of days off - one that I apparently over-did and one getting over it.  Nothing major, but I may need to change the way I do my shopping.   :( 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 04, 2017, 01:40:20 AM
Well just a short few hours away from my grand speech, 3 & a half to 4 & a half hours...I am a little bit nervous and a lot excited at the same time...must admit I will be glad when its all over...I had been practising and practising all week...and worrying about the what iff's...what if my right leg, the meralgia pareasthetica, plays up at that very moment and I said I would make my own way up to the lecturn, and now I cant, or I get up but I find I cant get back, I cant leg and walking is that unpredictable...what if I am bursting for the loo, seeings I will be getting there earlier than usual, my MS causes me bladder problems...I have bought myself a new tetrapod walking aid, if I use it today in church, will it get in the way and trip anybody up, will it be sturdy enough for me, it does wobble, can I trust it?...
This is where I have to put my trust in God, to make everything go, as I want it to go, right, and just stop least I have one consolation, I read a whole lot better than I sing...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 04, 2017, 02:24:31 AM
Sadly I was about to take myself to bed last night when we had ourselves another " Breaking News " story...another heart of London terrorist attack, which kept me glued to the tv for another hour, till almost midnight... :(
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 04, 2017, 08:00:03 AM
Hi everyone.  We are in for another hot day in the 90's.  This will be Church day and getting something to eat either to bring home or eat out depending on how tired we are after church.  I will rest and listen to Don's program and then catch the end of the golf match.  Yesterday was  pretty quiet day.  I did go to my meeting yesterday and watch the golf match for about 3 hours. 

Jackie, with all the work you put into preparation for your reading this morning at your Church that I am confident it went very well.  They did have a couple of reports on the new London terror attack on the news last night.  I am sure there will be more information about it today.  It is hard to fight insanity especially when it is conducted for one or a few people.  What I heard is that they were dealing with attacks in three different places. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 04, 2017, 08:22:55 AM
I am back from church, yay, I am one happy went word perfect, with no hiccups, just nicely flowing...several individuals congratulated me on my speech....but I will always remember those words, " Galileans, Parthians, Medes, Elemites, Mesopotamia, Judea, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Libya, Cyrene, Cretans, Pontus, Asia, and not forgetting Cappadocia... :thumbsup:

Ha ha, our previous church warden got us all up along with the lady Bishop for a photo shoot, kept us there so long as he couldn't get the camera to take the photos, that caused a bit of amusement between us...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 04, 2017, 09:43:47 AM
Jackie, I was so glad to see your posts this morning.  I had been concerned when  there was nothing from you for three days.  You know how we are when we don't hear from someone!   ;)  I'm glad your reading went well this morning - I knew you could do it!   :D

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 04, 2017, 10:03:44 AM
Jeanne Lee...well I will never forget ( New International Version....ACTS Chapter 2 Verses 1-21 ) in a hurry...

I skipped breakfast for this, now I am going to award myself a blackcurrant Sundae, it has been sitting there since yesterday...oh did I mention, I have lost of weight this week...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 04, 2017, 01:37:46 PM
We attended the evening service last night and it fits our style. 

Ruth Ann:  Who will take care of YOU?  You are in my prayers. 

We should have a special prayer for all who live alone - there are many in here. 

Larry:  Foyles War was so interesting.  Love the British series they put out.

Jeanne:  Can you do a sizeable shopping online and just pick it up?  I mean once or twice a month have them load the car.  Or, splurge on a monthly delivery - it is either $7 or $8 here I understand.  They will bring it right to your door I am sure. Take care.

Jackie:  I thought of you last night when a woman read the message with all of the difficult names - some I have never heard of before or at least have forgotten.  Congratulations on your success and for being a volunteer. 

We are considering changing to a different church and have visited last night 3 times - it is more traditional and not everything we like but we cannot stand the loud and jazzy music of the mega church anymore.  Getting too old for that music that takes over the sermon.  I will stay with the mega church mid-week bible study.  Many of us are disappointed with the teenage music and most stand outside for almost 20 minutes before going to their seats.  Church should be for everyone. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 04, 2017, 01:56:32 PM
Carol, I can only have non-perishables delivered.  The order is then delivered by USPS and huge boxes, filled with lots of unnecessary extra plastic packing, just get tossed on the porch.  For at least $50 to get free shipping, otherwise it's almost double the price of the items.  Things like milk, cheese, butter, etc. aren't available for delivery. 

There is one store that will prepare your order for pickup & put it in your car, but it's a little more than 20 miles over hills and lots of curves - not too bad in summer, but winter....  So I couldn't really ask anyone to do that.

Plus, I really hate online shopping!   :ticked:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 05, 2017, 01:11:56 PM
Hi everyone.  It has been a busy morning and just now having the opportunity to make a short post.  Pat had to get some blood tests before an appointment on Wednesday an I went to the Prompt Care doctor in our new medical facility in North Augusta. They could not do the testing needed there and sent me on to the ER where I have spend the rest of the morning.  After an ultrasound and another test they determined it was not something to be concerned about but have referred me to a Urologist.  Pat came on home after dropping me off at the hospital and the came an picked me up.  Needless to say that used my energy supply for today.  We did have a nice rain last evening and I was able to turn my sprinklers off so it didn't water this morning. 

Jackie, glad your reading went so well and I am not surprised at all.  The next time they need you to read you won't be as concerned.

Carol, we enjoy the British shows as well and have watched a number of series.  Have you watched the series about Queen Elizabeth.  It is a Netflix original and very good. Another series we loved was Monarch of the Glen set in Scotland.  We also liked the Doc Martin series.

Jeanne, I sure know what you mean about the big boxes and packing material.  Fortunately I can break it down and store it in the garage.  Sometimes they send small things in big boxes. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 05, 2017, 01:20:29 PM
Just been on our news...the monster who killed little Harry the child who lived in a near small village, not far from us, has been given LIFE....he has got what he deserves...I understand that many prisoners dont take too kindly to child killers...

Larry Hanna, I should bet by now you have seen your fair share of the inside of hospitals....guess at the end of the day, all re require is to keep away and just get on with our life, let us hope and pray your visit will be just that, a one off visit, and nothing more....

I also remember being in your place end of last year, re the Gynaecologist followed by the Urologist...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 05, 2017, 03:42:19 PM
Jeanne Lee:  Yes, you do have three good reasons not to shop online. 

Larry:  We have watch most of the noted British series - except Elizabeth.  Well, you now know the ins and outs of your new medical facility.  Prompt Care sounds like what we see out here - numerous ER small buildings as often as we see a Walgreens on corners.  Expensive and not as experienced as a top level rated hospital.  Does it sound like a Doc in the Box? 

Another afternoon of hail and winds is expected so we did our errands early in the day.  All our neighbors are commenting on the abundance of rabbits running around and it is because the coyote den isn't in the ravine this year.  Missing their howling whenever the firetruck or ambulance is in the area.  Otherwise, they can be pushy and can bite - then, you go for a rabies shot although they usually don't have the disease.

A load of dark fabric is in the dryer and I will iron it soon.  It is a dark gray and I was afraid the color might bleed when washed after being sewn on a quilt edge.  It looks like there was no dye in the wash water so they must have taken care of that dye at the factory. 

The temperature outdoors keeps dropping and it is getting dark with clouds. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on June 05, 2017, 04:45:11 PM
Keith goes for his Urologist appointment tomorrow afternoon. I am going with nhim because he (Keith) prefers me to be with him. to remember all that he is told.
We are leaving for Sunriver next Tuesday so it is rather hectic getting everything done that needs to be done. his Dr appointment, freckles vet Visit, Grocery shopping and packing for the trip. Freckles is going with us so she has to get all her shots before we leave and get some Tick protection.

Off to my Tai Chi practice now
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 06, 2017, 03:08:17 AM
...thank you for your congratulations on my success, re, my church reading...I really threw myself in at the deep end as even our new church warden didn't want it as he said the words weren't easy to pronounce, he said I was " brave " taking it on..  ;D

I wish you the best in finding your new " forever " church...
The church I attend does not seem to be a family church, mainly mid age and older, no young family's nor children, although we had one young couple or sometimes just the father with a small boy who usually cries during the sermon, but then father takes him outside before bringing him back in, but they are not there every week...Also we tend to just have the one nationality, this church suits me...

...that sure rings a bell, quoting...." because he (Keith) prefers me to be with him. to remember all that he is told..."
I am the same as what I miss Richard picks up, although we will have differentiating recollections of what we were told...I am usually correct... ^-^ but its still nice to have two pairs of ears...

Oh talking of " ticks " we never had a problem at our old location but since moving here a year ago we have seen the odd tick...they are horrible things..I remember 35 years ago when I briefly lived in St Lucia West Indies... I bought a puppy who was riddled with those horrible blood sucking things, it got dealt with...
We are now debating on getting another " Seresto " tick collar but they come rather expensive and can only be got on vet prescription, which   they now charge around the ?15 mark, and that's before the layout to purchase one...
Seresto was what our vet gave us last year, we nearly died with shock when she asked for ?80 ( $100 ) for the two...

Jeanne Lee... shopping is all I do, have done for some years...I now know the shops I can trust and will confidently use often...

Oh our weather yesterday was rain and strong winds, doesn't look like our next 15 day weather forecast is showing summer...but then I dont like heat, well not the sun variety, I really do not like it when UK has a heatwave, I tend to get ratty, yes, rattier than usual... :P ... Now as for Richard, he loves the heat, nor does he feel the cold during winter...

Nothing on my today agenda, not long taken in my organic vegi - box delivery, he comes 7.30 ish in the morning..
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 06, 2017, 03:44:31 AM
Hm, strange..not sure why the question mark ? came us as the UK pound sign...?
..that was meant to post as the ?15 mark and ?80 for the two..
Its done it again, but only once posted not when you preview... ??? 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 06, 2017, 08:03:43 AM
Hi everyone.  It is an overcast morning and is suppose to be a lot cooler today than the last couple of day.  Not much to write about this morning.  Will have to leave in a little while to go to the podiatrist, who is about 30 minutes away.

Jackie, I have also heard that prisoners don't take kindly to child killers so the man will likely have a tough time in prison if he can survive there at all.  I have been hospitalized numerous time over the years.  This time it was just to the ER and think that could have been avoided but would still have had to have the test done to determine whether my problem was serious, which is wasn't.  I was only in the ER for a couple of hours.

Carol, I have watched Elizabeth and it was a good series as well.  It was about the first Queen Elizabeth.  This prompt care unit is set up by the big University Hospital.  It  appears they are equipped to deal mainly with cold, flu and things of that type. Do you use the color catchers in your washing of fabric or other colored things.  Pat has used them for a long while and they really work. 

Marilyn, I am sure Keith will be glad to have the Urologist appointment over.  It does sound like you will be keeping busy between now and next Tuesday. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 06, 2017, 04:57:25 PM
Poor London and all the other places in Europe on these attacks.  Keeping all in my prayers.

Larry:  Yes, I do use the color catcher and it has been a fabric saver.  This fabric did not lose any color so that is good.  Wishing I had the energy to do more sewing today but a trip to the dentist and veggie store was enough.  We have so many new buildings around here and did notice an ER that said University on it.  You would not believe it but building apartments, adding new lanes to the roads and of the building cranes are everywhere you look over the city. 

Jackie:  We have been privileged to have several "forever" churches in our lives.  We even started one from scratch with less than a dozen people and a young pastor.  It is huge - in Texas - now and we would barely know it.  Loved all the work with evangelism - I even got university of Texas credits for that paper so it was a double treat for me.  We were younger and had more stamina.  Now, I just want to be of some help but not totally involved - just looking for the good word message.   

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 07, 2017, 03:01:58 AM
Carol... wouldn't believe what I just done...I was inquisitive to google map Baptist Churches within our area of Dorset, then I looked them up in Watford, Hertfordshire, the town I grew up in, and only moved away 14-15 years ago before moving to Bedfordshire, our next County and, hey I found one...only to surprise myself by recognising one as the church I went to weekly that held my " Brownies " sessions, age 11, ( I was a late joiner as most by that age had joined the Girl Guides...) the church which now calls itself ( Grace ) has now brought back so many very young and wonderful memories...Which include one Sunday marching in our busy road, following our brass band...complete in uniform of brown dress, brown leather belt, brown beret and yellow tie, along with any badges we had earned pinned onto our dress...just so strange to see that church again...

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 07, 2017, 08:54:57 AM
Hi everyone. We have an overcast and cooler day ahead with a high around 76 degrees and only a low chance of rain.  We did get a nice rain yesterday afternoon and I won't need to water tomorrow so can leave the sprinkling system off.  Today is another doctor appointment day and this one is for Pat.  Then this evening we plan on going to the Pizza Hut for our dinner so we can see our son for a few minutes.  He generally is off on Wednesday but it filling in for someone this week.  Not sure whether Jennifer will join us as she apparently had a bout of food poisoning Monday night and ended up in the ER.  I  learned yesterday that two more restaurants will be opening in North Augusta.  Chipotle Mexican Grill's new building is almost done and will open right away and an IHOP later.

Carol, we also had the experience of being a part of the establishment of a church when we first moved to Georgia many years ago.  The minister lived in our neighborhood and was making house to house visits.  We hadn't found a new church to attend so decided we would join his church, a Methodist Church.  We started in a double wide mobile home.  It was an interesting experience.  We then had to move away for a career advancement and when we went back some years later a big new church had been built.  There seems to be quite a bit of home building going on around here although we don't see the cranes.  Home building has picked up as this is considered a desirable place to live.

Jackie, those are nice memories of your childhood by finding that picture of the Church.   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 07, 2017, 09:18:03 AM
...Yes our one night a week Brownies, myself and another friend would stop off at a small fish shop just round the corner, after Brownies in the evening when on our way home, and buy ourselves a portion of chips dunked in vinegar...I couldn't have vinegar now as I have a hiatus hernia and would suffer acid or reflux...and to think we only paid fourpence halfpenny ( our old currency ) for a portion of chips wrapped in newspaper...Where did that childhood go?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 07, 2017, 04:21:45 PM
Very unsettling experience at a new dentist's office yesterday.  After the pain killer left me - there was so much pain and I checked that the cleaning disk had clipped my mouth in several places - it wasn't pleasant.  Why didn't anyone say something?  I have to go back for one more visit and have pre-paid all.  so, some Advil is helping me through last night and today - plus a little nap helped.  I could use a softee toy or a sweet doggie to ease everything.

Don wanted to take us to a late breakfast in the foothills.  Do you think we could even get on that highway?  Total road block - we ended up turning off after sitting in traffic. 

Jackie:  Google maps are great - be aware that they can have errors too.  Nice that you "found" a familiar place.  Fondly remembering the wonderful fish and chips tossed with malt vinegar in the UK.  I liked your "old" currency. 

Larry:  Food poisoning is so scary. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 08, 2017, 07:38:39 AM
Hi everyone.  It is starting out a beautiful morning with the blue sky and bright sun.  We are to get only into the low 80's today.  Today will be my typical Thursday with coffee and my Wisdom group.  I do need to grate up a pound of cheddar cheese before I leave this morning. 

Yesterday morning was spent with Pat's doctor appointment and she doesn't need to see this doctor again for 4 months.  Last evening we did go to the Pizza Hut for dinner and took both cars and left the Cruiser for Scott to drive home and keep for a week as he can add a little Freon in the A/C.  Jennifer was still recouping from the food poisoning, which apparently came from a little piece of lobster she had shared with a friend as they both became sick and she passed on joining us for dinner.  He was pretty busy so only got to speak to him a couple of short periods but that was all right as we got to see him and didn't want to interfere with his job. 

Jackie, I have never had chips wrapped in a newspaper and never dunked chips in vinegar.  I think I will stay with ketchup. 

Carol, that was a terrible experience you had with the teeth cleaning.  I hope you are feeling much better today.  It sounds like it wasn't a very skilled hygienist.  Since those little cuts bleed she had to know what she had done.  It is terrible when you can't even access the freeway.  I really dislike getting stopped in traffic on a freeway as I suppose everyone does.     
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 08, 2017, 12:02:57 PM
Giving thanks - Don had a fall on the front step today and has a bruise on his leg.  He was carrying leftover from going to the men's breakfast and turned to wave or something and missed the step.  Only a bruise - we are so fortunate.  Giving thanks.  I think he may have been pointing out the little birds nest on a decorated wire basket I hang on the front brick wall.  Every year the same bird occupies the space and we usually direct visitors to walk through the garage into the laundry area instead of coming through the front door. 

Larry: Food poisoning can be so serious and it is very good that Jennifer got the care she needed. 

It is good that we can air the investigations of our own government - there have been a lot of times over years that many things should have been investigated but issues were dropped. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on June 08, 2017, 05:40:40 PM
Keith's PSA was 7.4 up from 5.4 a couple of months ago.  He said he does not want a biopsy maybe he will have the other blood test that will tell us what his risk if ove the advancement of cancer. So far  nothing could be determined from the  digital exam by the PA.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 09, 2017, 09:00:21 AM
Hi everyone.  It looks like we will have another nice day with clouds in the afternoon.  We are to get only to 84 degrees this afternoon.  Yesterday was a perfect Spring day with low humidity and a light breeze. 

Yesterday was the best day I have had in quite awhile in terms of how I was feeling.  However, I realize that I need a day of rest from an active day and fortunately the calendar is clear for today.  There was nothing out of the ordinary in what I did but just enjoyed things more. 

My good friend Richard called me yesterday afternoon asking for Pat and I pray for his wife Pam who has been diagnosed with colon cancer and will have surgery on Tuesday.  She has suffered many health issues over the years but is a lady of strong faith.  If you will please include Pam in your prayers for a few days. 

Carol, when I read that Don had fallen I was sure happy to see it was only a bruise and not a broken bone.  All it takes is one little misstep. In this house we have to use the front door if we don't open the big garage door and so we disturb the mother bird who has used the same nest for the last three years.  I am now seeing those little heads popping over the edge of the next wanting the next bite of food.  They are so cute.  I think after Scott's terrible bout with food poisoning several months ago they were not going to fool around this time like he did which caused him to be hospitalized for a couple of days.  Wouldn't it be nice if as much energy were put into building America as there is in tearing it down.

Marilyn, having had the biopsy of the prostate it isn't that bad.  Has he actually been diagnosed with cancer?  However, we each have to make our own decisions. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 09, 2017, 11:24:09 AM
We will have to have the air conditioning on this afternoon - unless a cooling storm passes this way.  -- it is already so hot the air did start.  My problem with it is that I sew in the basement and it is so chilly that I have a flannel shirt on when downstairs.   :D  We have covers on the vents but the stairway is open so it stays cold downstairs. 

Larry:  Prayers for your friends wife, Pam. 

Larry:  Nice that the Lord gave all of us some entertainment with birds and animals.

Marilyn:  Prayers for successful treatment and care. 

Yesterday, we had an Amber Alert  for a ten-year old girl.  Unfortunately, she was found but not alive.  Terribly sad for the family and friends.  Children should be safe.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on June 09, 2017, 01:16:51 PM
I keep losing my post.

Thank you Carol for the prayers.

Larry I think if it wasn't for my insistence he would not have gone to the Dr. in the first place. The PSA was 7.47, he has to go for another the end of July and an appointemnt  on August 2.  He doesn't want the biopsy just yet but was told that there is a 30% chance he has cancer.  The problem is that the only insurance he has is the Medicare, n o supplement at all. We applied to late  for him to get the medicare advantage plan that I have. He is stubborn when it comes to his wallet.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on June 10, 2017, 02:47:23 AM
Hi, friends,

This has been a very busy week.  A quarterly visit with my PCP, and then on another day, an earwax removal. It builds up and interferes with my hearing. Then, of course, it's every other day to feed and care for the cat. So, I really rested today.  And, of course, there's grocery shopping for tomorrow as well as kitty care.

Each of you does such a good job of posting! Thank you so much. 

Y'all have a good day.
Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 10, 2017, 08:42:49 AM
Hi everyone.  It is a nice sunny morning but is suppose to become partly cloudy this afternoon.  We expect to get to bout 90 degrees this afternoon.  I have a light schedule planned for today.  I will attend a 10:30 meeting and then spend the rest of the day home.  Later this afternoon I will watch some of the St. Jude's Golf Tourney.  Many of the big names in golf have skipped this event as next week is the U. S. Open Championship, which is one of the big tournaments each year.  About the only thing I accomplished yesterday was to prepare our dinner last night.  Usually about once a week we have a "salad supper" which is a nice green salad and either tuna or chicken salad on top. 

Carol, when we lived in Maryland years ago we had a finished family room in our basement and it was always chilly so can relate to your comment about your basement.  We also had an Amber Alert in our area on Friday and I haven't heard whether the child has been found safe or not. 

Marilyn, while most prostate cancer is very slow growing and is usually not life threatening, some is not and it is best to know.  I watched a dear friend die of prostate cancer and it is a tough way to go. 

Ruth Ann, it seems that going for doctor appointments is very tiring even though we mainly sit and wait and the driving to and fro.  I hope you will have a quieter week coming up. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 10, 2017, 09:53:35 AM
Yesterday, I had my first bone scan.  This is a new building and everything is ultra modern.  Such a wonderful staff - they are part of a group that does mammograms in another building.

Did you see the video of a distracted woman checking her cell phone - she walked right into an opening on a sidewalk and was apparently injured.  It looked like she went in head first.  These people are driving too - even with children in their vehicles.

When was the last time in this country was anyone criticized  for hiring a Christian?  Apparently, one senator doesn't like a Christian for being chosen for a job. 

Don has an hour and 15 minutes to drive and park at the VA so his visits take up a lot of each appointment.  I usually go with him - often stopping at the chapel on the way out.  Such a peaceful spot for the vets and family and so appreciated. 

Larry:  To me - golf is so boring.  They whisper.   :D
  Enjoy watching the game - Don watches as well. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 10, 2017, 11:32:05 AM
Pat...on your special day....

( (
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 10, 2017, 01:31:16 PM
Happy Birthday Pat!!!  :groupwave:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 10, 2017, 09:25:13 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR PAT!!! :hb2: :hb3:And I so hope today found you feeling better!

I had a wonderful 5 days painting with friends.  It was bitterswseet, though, because Glenn (our instructor( told us this was his last class.  He is full-time caregiver to his 95-year-old mother, and he just cannot be gone often.  He told us the first morning, and he cried---and we cried---then we dried our eyes and determined to get the very most out of this final opportunity of painting with him.  I finished two paintings, and am pretty happy with how they turned out.

When I visited Beth today, I could tell she had gone downhill, just in the short time I was away.   :'(   John wasn't there, she was in the dining room, so I fed her.  She didn't eat very much, and is so weak and tired.  Hard to watch.  :'(

I have read all of your posts now, so am caught up again.  I must start unsubscribing to emails in wholesale lots.  Well over 1,000 came in the few days I was away.  I get so tired of wading through them!

We had beautiful weather while I was in Fowler, including a very nice rain, but nothing violent, so that was good.

I'm exhausted, heading to bed now.  Have to wash my hair in the morning, as I missed my appointment this week and am looking pretty ratty.

Love you folks!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 11, 2017, 02:00:37 AM
Janet... heart goes out to you and Beth...I would be one of the first to say it...MS is a b*** of an illness...I know, I am living it...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 11, 2017, 08:50:53 AM
Hi everyone.  The morning is starting out overcast and it is suppose to be partly cloudy all day long.  However, it really won't keep us much cooler as we will reach 90 degrees again this afternoon.  We expect this to be our usual Sunday with Sunday School and Church and then going somewhere for lunch or picking up something to bring home to eat.  I plan on having a Facetime conversation with my best friend later this afternoon and then watching the conclusion of the golf match. 

Carol, I read that about the Senator saying because the man believed in Christ he wasn't qualified for the position in Government.  Can you imagine what would have happened in this country if this Senator had been elected President.  Isn't it nice that there are still Chapels in hospitals with our "political correctness".  Is there still a cross in that VA chapel?    I really enjoy watching the golf matches and like that there isn't usually a lot of sustained noise. 

Pat, Happy Birthdday.

Janet, glad to see you safely home.  I saw the posting you made in Facebook of you with your friend and your paintings.  Can you or another member of your class step up and become the instructor since Glen cannot continue so your group doesn't cease to exist?  You paint so well that you have to have a lot to offer others. Janet, my heart goes out to you as you see Beth's health again decline.  Beth has endured so much in her life and yet more hurdles to go until she can be completely healed in the presence of our Lord and loving God.

Jackie, glad to see your posting today as don't remember seeing one yesterday.  Hope you are having a good day.   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 11, 2017, 12:22:58 PM
Larry, the future of the class depends mainly on the lady who has been running the Art Center now for many years.  She said, "It just depends on what happens.  I could drop dead tomorrow."  My answer was that could happen to any of us!
I could teach, I taught for many years, but everyone in that class is as good a painter as I am.  We discussed just having the class and helping each other, critiquing each other's work, as that would be great fun, but it depends on Martha.  So I guess we wait to see what she wants to do.

Church was fun this morning.  They had VBS last week, and our church partners with two other churches, to share expenses as well as help for that.  They had well over 200 kids each day, and 73 volunteers.  Anyway, this morning, the kids led the singing, told what their lessons were for each night, and the pertinent Bible verse.  Then, instead of a sermon, they played a video of our Pastor reading the Bible story to the kids the first night.  (He was there this morning.)  I felt a little bad I couldn't help, but then I would have missed my painting class!  This way, I got the feeling of being in Bible School again!

Okay!  Time to start unsubscribing to a bunch of those pesky emails!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 11, 2017, 12:49:08 PM
And now the French Open tennis tournament is over.  I'm very limited for the channels available for watching live, but did get to see the ladies final yesterday and the men today.  the ladies were dull...  no aggression at all, it was like watching a couple of friends playing a couple of friendly sets at the municipal courts.  They never even seemed to perspire!  But the men really fought it out, even though Nadal took Warwaski in straight sets it was exciting.  Now for the next grand slam - Wimbledon in July.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jane Walker on June 11, 2017, 06:10:46 PM
Well, y'all may not remember me, but I decided to drop by and say  :wave: Hello.
Last weekend Ron, the man who takes care of my yard, managed to cut my phone line with the weedeater so I had to spend the entire week unable to access the internet.  How many games of Solitaire or Mahjong can a person play in a day anyway?  Multiply that by 6 days and you will get an idea of how bored I have been!  The phone techs were here Friday evening and spliced the wire and wrapped it, heavily with black tape.  Of course it has been raining all week, off and on, so Ron couldn't come back to finish the yard.  I also have ordered a new weedeater and will be able to pick it up at the store by Thursday. 

I am looking forward to my two sisters and my daughter, Dottie, visit the last week of this month.  We haven't all been together in a long time.  My sisters were in California for a reunion a few years ago, but Dottie wasn't there at the time.  Joy was always the event planner for such occasions and, now that she's gone, it looks like we're on our own.  I told Dottie that I just don't feel like making the drive down there, especially in the heat of the summer.  She planned her vacation days for the last of June and wanted to come here, so I notified my sisters and they both wanted to come at that time as well.  One sister lives in Missouri and the other is in Tennessee so they will have some traveling to do.  They'll fly into Eugene and rent a car to drive while we're all together.  Kathi says that way neither Dottie nor I will have to put miles on our cars.   :thumbsup: 

I still enjoy coming by and visiting with y'all via your posts ... I just feel so "out of it" when it comes to posting.  I do "see" some of y'all on Facebook as well so I keep up on stuff -- mostly my family's doings.   :)

I've had a number of calls (which I don't answer) and mailings telling me that I qualify for Medical Alert and I need to take advantage of these offers before June 30.  I don't feel I need that just now, but I have asked a couple others if they thought it was a good idea.  Today I was watching TV and there was the advertisement for Life Alert.  I thought I'd check how that differs from the Medical alert so went online to find out.  I'm glad I did it before calling the 800 number for Medical Alert .... they have a Fraud Alert right on their home page!  and  Why do people do that?  One really has to be doubly cautious when we're in the "elderly" category

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on June 11, 2017, 08:55:27 PM
Hi Jane good to see your posting.

Not much new here today we had a luncheon after church today that was supposed to be a picnic at the beach but yesterday it was decided to have it at the church instead. Music practice went well Friday night. I will be singing again on July 2nd for the 4th of July celebration. I am singing This Land is Your Land. Pastor will be on the Banjo, Debbie  on her 12 string guitar and vocals. We are trying to get her husband to sing with me and share my mic. We will see. My practice of It is well with my soul is going well. Pastor decided it would be better for my to sing to him playing the piano instead of me trying to hit those too high notes that David Phelps does on the Gaither video.

I think I am just about packed up for our trip. Oh my getting Freckles stuff ready is like packing my own bag. Her food,  brushes, dry shampoo, medications, leashes and harnesses. She has a traveling harness that hooks up to the seat belt in the car, Oh and two beds for her, one for nighttime in the bedroom and one for day time in the living room.  Can you tell she is one spoiled dog?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 12, 2017, 10:59:40 AM
Our weather today is dry, warm, sunny and quite pleasant...Just taken a short drive out with Richard to one of two local garden centres, I as usual have to cling onto the top of his arm-sleeve whilst the nerves are doing what my nerves usually do at the inside thigh of my right leg...I picked up a small size duo of gardeners hand-creams ready to take to my MS social evening tomorrow evening for their raffle table...
Yesterday I ordered online a small white metal side table for the garden, so whilst Richard is still in bed in the mornings I can sit outside on our cushion padded but rusty bench, ( bench that previous owners left behind, it has, and still does come in useful, ) especially when I have made my first cup of tea of the morning and I let our Toby out to do his toilet or whatever, he often just sniffs around once I coax him out with a treat...the table should be here in around 8 days...
This morning I took in parcel of two summer coloured patterned jersey skirts, one coral one a pale blue, ( no ironing needed, ) just wash and dry..:thumbsup:
Other than that, nothing else on my today agenda...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 12, 2017, 11:16:21 AM
Hi everyone.  It is an overcast morning and will be cloudy all afternoon with only a 20% chance of rain.  Yesterday at Church we had a commissioning service for the eleven members of our Church that will go to Boliva on a mission trip.  This is the 32nd year for them to go and this year is a building year and they plan on putting in a wooden floor for the church that has been built by missionaries in the past.  They also hold a Bible School for the children.  Where they are going is over eleven thousand feet above sea level.  I would have great difficult breathing at that height.

This should be one of the lighter weeks on my calendar in sometime.  No appointments and only a plan to go to coffee on Thursday and a meeting on Saturday.  I just got in from hooking up one of the hoses for the summer and washing off our front porch under the birds nest.  Those little birdies have been very busy the last couple of days doing what birds do and left a lot of little deposits.  While outside I grabbed my hedge shears and trimmed off the tops of the three little bushes on either side of the walkway and driveway.  Last year these little jobs would not have tired me but it sure did this morning.  I do plan on a quick trip to Aldi's later this morning as we need several items.  However, that may have to wait until after I rest this afternoon.  I also need to fix some sausage muffins later today.

Janet, it sounds like your painting class has considered all of the possibilities and will make appropriate decisions at the time they need to be made.  Your suggestion to help and critique each others work sounds like a good idea.  Our Bible School starts next week and they are expecting over 300 children to attend based on past experience.  It sounds like a good idea to combine several churches to have the Bible School. 

Jeanne, I saw that Nadal won that tournament for the 10th time.  Wimbledon is always a big tournament.  The golf match was good yesterday as several in contention until almost the end and the winner is a young man who won there last year and think it was only his second win on tour.

Jane, of course we remember you and delight in seeing your postings pop up whenever you feel like posting.  Glad you got your phone line fixed.  I hope you have an emergency cell phone or alert in situations like what you experienced. Your reunion with your sisters and Dottie sound like it should be most enjoyable.  I got Stacey a 5 Star emergency alert by Great Call and it worked beautifully and was available for her use whereever she went not just in her apartment as some of the units are.  They can be purchased at Walmart and there is no contracts but just a monthly monitoring fee which is reasonable.  When Stacey died we passed it on to our DIL who used it several times when she fell and needed help.  It sure gave us and our son a good feeling knowing that help was at a push of a button to notify someone or call 911.  Here is a link to what we used if you care to check it out: .  If Pat or I are ever left alone that is one of the first things that will be done to get a new resubscribe to the new service.  I am a big believer in being prepared as it only take an instant for a fall.  It uses a GPS tracking system so you can be located where ever you may be.

Marilyn, a piano accompaniment is always good.  Perhaps you can sing those higher notes an octave lower.  The message will be the same.  Wow, Freckles is a bit spoiled.  Will you have to have an attached trailer for all of that gear.  :)

Jackie, your garden bench sounds perfect for an early morning cup of tea and the little table should come in handy.  We talked about getting a porch swing for our back patio but think we probably will not as the season where we could use it is rather short and our comfortable chairs are too inviting.  We do have patio furniture with chairs and table out there. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on June 12, 2017, 02:36:42 PM
Larry it is a good thing I have a small SUV to put all of her belonging in with bours and the groceries too.  :lol:  Yes she is a bit spoiled.

I do sing those higher notes an octave lower at times. But the Gaither video has too many peoiple singing  that they almost drown me out. That's why the Pastor decided tom play the accompaniment for me. Which I really appreciate instead of competing with the Gather choir.

Jackie I  Usually get up while Keith stays in be take Freckles out for her toileting come back in get dressed, feed the animals and sit down with my cup of coffee to enjhoy the quite time alone before getting my day started.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 12, 2017, 04:11:35 PM
...I always say the mornings are the best part of my days...the quiet me time...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 12, 2017, 05:54:42 PM
How nice to find all the chatty messages in here today!

Jane!  Wonderful to have a post from you today!  We miss you when you don't come in,
and it's been a long time!  I hope you enjoy your family get-together.  Nice that you aren't the one having to do the traveling this time.

Jackie, all the worrying you did about the reading in church before the fact, reminded me of a funny story I heard a long time ago.  Seems this lady went to the doctor and she was telling him she was so worried about this, that, and the other, until he finally spoke up and said, "You need to stop worrying!  Why, 90% of the things we worry about never happen!"  To which she retorted, "See there?  Don't tell me it doesn't do any good!"

Your bench and table will make mornings even more enjoyable for you!  I love my early morning times with the Lord.  I get up much earlier than does Darrel, go into my little "prayer room" and open the windows to the lovely cool morning air, get my coffee,
let the cat in so she can snuggle beside me, and spend about two hours reading the Word, praying and journaling.  That's the very best time of my day!

Marilyn, Freckles sounds like packing for a toddler!  Glad you have her to enjoy, and if you want to spoil her rotten, that's okay--she's your dog!

Larry, good to see you have a lighter week this week.  I hope you can just relax and enjoy it.  Yes, birds are messy, even tiny ones eat and leave droppings!  When Beth had Ruffles, her cockatoo, we all enjoyed her because she could talk, and did funny things,
like sneaking up on the cat when we let her outside while Darrel was out there grilling,
and taking a quick nip at her tail!  But, oh, my!  Was she ever messy!  She could sling seeds and feathers several feet around her cage!  That's why I didn't want to have her in my house, when Beth had to move to the care home.  We all miss Ruffles, still.    :(                                                         

It's very hot and dry here again today, on the way to 101 again.  But I am so thankful that most of the time it cools off at night, and the early mornings are delightfully cool.

Darrel just noticed I have an appointment on the calendar to get my eye checked in the morning in Garden City, where the tiny cancer was removed. 

I had a really sweet surprise earlier!!  My phone rang, I didn't recognize the number,
but it was in this area, so I answered, and it was Abby!  She was calling on her work phone.  She asked if I was home, yes, so she asked if I would make her a peanut butter sandwich and bring it out to the highway.  Of course!  But before I could get finished, she was at the door!  She said when she packed her lunch, she forgot to include some carbs.  She looks wonderful, but has lost weight and is thin, so is trying to eat properly.  I sent her off with a sandwich, an apple, two granola bars and a freshly filled water jug.  And a huge hug!  She was on her way to a field up near Garden City to finish her day.  I hadn't seen her much at all since she's been home, so it was a special treat!   :) 8) :thumbsup:

I have the laundry all done and put away, was planning to start another painting tomorrow, but guess I will go to Garden instead.  :-\

I wish you all many blessings for the day!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 13, 2017, 02:01:41 AM
Janet... she is still worrying about that 10%...? give me that 10% any day... ;D

Oh yes mornings ( still are, just not the same, ) used to be my favourite times of the day, the days when all three of my furbabies were still with me, when I came downstairs to three waggy tails all so happy to see me, the mornings I gave each one kisses and cuddles, I so so miss that life, the morning routine, I dont get any of that from our one remaining, Toby, but hey, " whats to be , will be, " seems to now be my number one saying...

Yes our rusty bench is just to the side of our back kitchen door, by the wall... think most mornings I can just about make that short walk, once I manoeuvre myself over that one step down onto our decking...but if you was to see our surrounding scenery, the greenery and hills, ( I really do feel blessed to be in such a gorgeous and Idyllic place ) so quiet, so peaceful just wish I could attract the birds that I left behind at my old address, then I would certainly be in heaven, I love everything green, the trees and the birds, that is my Ideal....Links...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 13, 2017, 06:11:48 AM
As my late father often would say...." God works in mysterious ways..." he sure does....

It was this Monday " metal man " surprised us by coming to do a full measure up of the metal bar rail leading from our car parking bay to our back garden, he just turned up with no warning, ( you can see the positioning, re, my photo links above..) Then an hour ago today we heard drilling and low and behold, there was metal man already putting the handrail in place...this is being all done in 2 & a half weeks since speaking to him, when he said this was a busy period and he was looking at an 8 week job wait...Yay, this should make my life a tad easier, may need to get some non-slip matting, similar as the decking green matting, for the concrete steps for when the freeze comes, or the rain...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 13, 2017, 07:39:01 AM
Oh dear I stand corrected, the rail apart from the bottom piece ( which he has to cut, then welder, ) was fitted but he has now taken the rail down for " galvanising " and cutting that last piece that twists to the last concrete step, says another 2 - 3 weeks, well its still earlier than the 2 months but, thought it would be completed today, yet I almost remarked that the rail never had that polished shine to it, now I know why......
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 13, 2017, 08:59:45 AM
Hi everyone.  It is to be another hot 91 degree afternoon with little chance of rain.  We plan on staying home and having a quiet day.

Marilyn, I hadn't realized you had planned to sing with a sound track.  The piano will let your voice we heard.  It would be hard to compete with the Gaither Choir.  It is nice to be able to start a day off quietly. 

Janet, that is a cute sorry.  Nice that you have the quiet time.  I guess my quiet time is right after lunch when I go to lay down for a couple of hours.  I have started listening to the Gospels in audio, which are available in the Your Version Bible that I have on my phone.  Eventually I hope to listen to the whole Bible.  Sometimes I read the Scripture as I listen to it. These little birds are bad enough to clean up after but they won't be in the nest too long and I have the garden hose handy.  I sure wouldn't want a big bird.  Hope your trip Garden City and your eye check turn out well.  It is hard to keep up with all the appointments we seem to have as we grow older.  What a nice treat to have Abby drop by for a hug and a sandwich. 

Jackie, there is one thing certain in life and that it that we are going to experience change.  I often think back for a few moments about how joyful it was to have the children small.  Of course, at the time it wasn't always joyful.  :)  Glad you bench is close to your kitchen door and you don't have to go into your garden to sit.  I looked at your pictures and you sure do have a beautiful backyard setting.  I can't recall ever seeing steps from a porch up to a backyard like you have.  How wonderful that you are getting the railing in before you expected although it won't be today.  You know it is going to happen. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 13, 2017, 09:29:30 AM
Larry Hanna...
...the concrete steps are the set where you see the white car at the far end, second photo...I can just about manage those concrete steps other side of the blue gate if I grip onto the side where the wooden boulders are to the left....The steps to the car are steeper, and several steps more, I havnt yet had a count of how many, must be a set of at least 8, could be more...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 14, 2017, 02:02:55 AM
Jeanne Lee...on your special day...

( (
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 14, 2017, 05:06:32 AM
Terrible news footage this morning..a 24 story tower block on fire...dont know how many deaths..stories of people and children throwing themselves out of the window...reminiscences of the twin towers...the fire is out of control...started around, eye witnesses of starting on the fourth floor..
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 14, 2017, 09:03:47 AM
Hi everyone. It is another nice morning and we expect it to the partly cloudy all day and get to about 92 degrees.  Yesterday was an interesting day as before noon my neighbor stopped in and we visited for over an hour.  Then in late afternoon a good friend from where I used to live and who I saw often was on his was to North Carolina and called from the South Carolina welcome center on I-20 saying he was near by and could he stop by.  He was here in a few minutes and we spent an enjoyable couple of hours visiting.  Then I got a text saying a couple of shirts I had ordered from Costco had been delivered.  I checked and no shirts so I looked at the order and our old address ended up on the order.  I have no idea how that happened but it did.  So today I am going to contact my former next door neighbor and ask for his help as he knows the young man who bought our house and hopefully can pick up the package and mail it to me.  So it was not a normal day.

Today we are going to celebrate Father's Day early as Scott has to work on Father's Day.  We will meet at a restaurant and then come to the house to later enjoy cake that our granddaughter is making for the occasion.  Pat has a meeting this morning at the Church with your Gifts group that make things for charity and for the bazaar held in the fall.  So it is going to be a full day. 

Jackie, steps can certainly be difficult.  I try to avoid them as much as possible as does Pat.  Anymore I always hold on to a handrail if it is available.  That is terrible news about the tower fire.  Where is it located.  They haven't had anything about it on the news because here all the news relates to shooting of two of our Congressmen and a couple of police officers at a ball field as their was a practice for a baseball game to be held tomorrow night where the two political parties play against each other for charity.  Fortunately they have captured the shooter.

Happy Birthday Jeanne. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 14, 2017, 09:29:51 AM
Larry Hanna... has been on non stop on our BBC news channels...I should have made it clear that it is not terrorist related...Yes it has just come on our news about the congress shooting but, it quickly came back to our top story of the fire...they are saying 74 being treated in hospital, 20 critical, 6 deaths but the toll is expected to rise as many are still uncountable...especially as the fire took hold in such a short time...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 14, 2017, 01:24:33 PM
Very sad news on the shooting in Washington, D.C. - and of the massive fire in London. 

There is always more and more to pray for - the list gets longer.

We just dropped a neighbor friend at a hospital as she cannot drive with damage to her hand - her husband is fighting cancer and had to go in for several days.  Anyway, she has been main caregiver for over six years now and is the most pleasant person you could meet.  They are strong in faith.  Inspirational to both of us!  They go about doing their good deeds with no fanfare - wishing you could all meet them.

Sipping clear liquids for tomorrows scope - so far I don't feel hungry. 

The quilt group met here last night - they are all so talented.  My blueberry loaf tasted fine but the bottom stuck to the pans and it turned out to be more of a crumble than a loaf.  Oh, well - sometimes things just don't work out. 

A cousin from Minnesota just called and they are coming to visit us after the 4th. They will have two grandsons with them (the kids live in Kyrgyzstan & parents are missionaries). 

Happy Birthday Jeanne

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 14, 2017, 02:12:50 PM
Thanks for the birthday wishes - although I was kind of hoping no one would notice.   ;D

Plus, today's tragic events don't make for a happy celebration of the day.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 14, 2017, 03:26:49 PM
Jeanne Lee...
...I didn't notice, honestly, ( says Pinocchio, ) a little birdie told me so... ;D

Carol... are so right, hardly a week goes by before we turn on our morning tv, to more doom and gloom...
...hope you hear positive news tomorrow, re, your what I would do, come home and reward yourself with a cream cake...or two...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 14, 2017, 03:34:06 PM
Jackie    :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 14, 2017, 07:34:34 PM
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR JEANNE!! :hb2: :hb3:  If you could have waited until Monday, we could have had a party together!  ;)

Yes, that fire in London is terrible, as is the deliberate attempted murders at the ballpark, and then followed by the killing of 3 or 4 UPS employees by a fellow worker, who then turned the gun on himself.  So much fear, hate and evil in the world today.  Sigh.

Jackie, I don't know what you meant about the 10%.  Sorry.  Glad you're getting your railings up sooner than expected.

Beth's college friend, Mindi came to visit today and asked me to come in, too.  We had a nice visit, and between John, Mindi and I, we were able to understand what Beth was saying, so she felt more a part of the conversation.  Good morning!  Then Curtis (grandson) called and asked me to go to lunch with him, another nice surprise.  I love it when the kids or grands want to spend time with me.

And I had a wonderful two-hour conversation last night with my youngest daughter Kerri.  God is SO good to me!  :) :D 8)

I shall talk to you all again tomorrow!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 14, 2017, 09:39:09 PM
Oh yes!  Let's party together, Janet.  Maybe we can get our third June baby, Pat, to join us.   Anyone else?     :clap:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 15, 2017, 12:25:38 AM
...I am assuming she is still worrying about that 10% that does happen...

...I never heard on our news about your UPS  killings...yes a sad society we now live in but for every bad, thankfully there are more good...

Jeanne Lee...
...We are long overdue a party, any excuse for having one... :thumbsup:  I notice Oldiesmann's is the 30th June...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 15, 2017, 01:49:35 AM
Meant to have posted that I have been up since 4.30 - 4.45 am this morning, almost an hour before my usual...and for some strange reason since I have been on the computer, and whilst talking to myself, I have been feeling rather on the negative side, as to asking myself, as the well known Cilla Black song goes..." Whats it all about " Alfie ...I wake up every morning with the same ole illness, the reminder it is there, as soon as I step out of bed, I know the day is going to be the same as yesterday, the day before and so on...and I have no reason as to why this feeling of negativity today...Anyway just making myself a Horlicks chocolate drink, maybe that will buck me up...yes calories, more weight gain...see what I mean? even that has to bring out the negative in me..
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 15, 2017, 09:06:53 AM
Hi everyone. It looks like we are in for another low 90's day but do have some chance of rain later today and for the next several days.  I will go to the men's coffee this morning after picking up my friend at the assisted living facility.  I am not going to attend the Wisdom group at church as have several other things to accomplish this morning and just have limited energy. 

Yesterday the builder brought and put down a block of sod over the exposed irrigation pipe in the back yard which I certainly appreciated.  Late yesterday afternoon Scott, Jennifer, Pat and I went to the new Diablos restaurant here in North Augusta for our Father's Day Celebration and then spent the early evening hours visiting after coming back the house.  My granddaughter gave me a beautiful Grandfather card.  We didn't have the cake as she wasn't feeling well enough to make it and we certainly didn't need it after having the Tex-Mex meal out. 

Jackie, it sounds like your news stations cover a story like ours do that it is 24 hours of the same story over and over.  I like to know what is going on but don't need to see it repeated or listen to multiple people talk about it.  That fire is certainly a tragic event.  I hope that negative feeling you have today is now a thing of the past and you are able to enjoy the rest of the day.  Many of our days are mundane with nothing different but that is just life.

Carol, you all are so helpful to your neighbors.  You say the neighbors are an inspiration and I am sure you and your husband are an inspiration to others.  Hope your scope does or has gone well today. 

Janet, it sounds like you have a busy but enjoyable visiting day with Beth and her company as well as with Curtis and Kerri.  Family is so important but often their may be something that breaks good communication and understanding in a family and that so sad. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 15, 2017, 11:18:22 AM
:lol:  Jackie, that joke was for YOU, not Beth!  (And it was a joke!) 

Jeanne, YES, of course we want Pat, after all she is NINE whole days older than me!
;)  How I would love for us to be able to get together--along with Larry and Pat, Carol, Jane, Ruth Ann, Judy and John--the whole bunch!!  Well, we can dream, anyway, right?
If I skipped anyone, it isn't intentional, I'm trying to hurry! 

I'm meeting my painting buddy for lunch at the Senior Center, and I have a new T-shirt for Beth, so will take that by, and then I need a few items from Dollar General.  I have such an exciting day, don't you think?  ;)

I hope everyone is having a most blessed day today!  I'm a happy camper because the wind is NOT blowing today!  :clap: :clap: :clap:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 15, 2017, 11:41:27 AM
Janet... I am baffled...not sure how Beth's name has come into it...I picked up on the, worrying... :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on June 16, 2017, 12:06:27 AM
Hi, friends,

I've thoroughly enjoyed visiting with y'all today. The postings were great.

I loved seeing the photos and also the birthday greetings. It's too late to mention y'all by name, but note that I see those greetings, and wish you a wonderful life for this new year God has given.

I'm sorry for the illnesses and pain that we've experienced. I prayed for each one as I was going through the postings.

The doctor is trying me on a very old (40 years or so) medication that he thinks will help several issues I've been dealing with. I wasn't certain after several days, but yesterday was one of the best days I've had in years. Oh, how thankful I am that God has given wisdom and judgment to the medical personnel, and to the researchers, and others, who can utilize their skills to help folks. :)

Y'all have a good rest of today.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 16, 2017, 08:26:13 AM
Ruth Ann... good day is better than none...hopefully after one year it will be starting a new pattern, maybe and hopefully this will be the first of many...

Larry Hanna...
...yes over and over again, sad thing is, you will often get someone broadcasting standing in front of the shell of high rise block of flats, but it doesn't seem to register that what we are now looking at is a tomb, with still unidentified bodies inside...

An early morning visit seeing the nurse for another BP reading, well, a tad lower, in the acceptable reading bracket but, still a tad higher than we were hoping for, but acceptable, only just...
...The nurse did notice and mention that my right foot is swollen, I have noticed the top of the foot swollen in the past...I told her due to my MS I do suffer with Raynauds, both feet, or at least that is what is on my medical records but I know it is probably not, but more to do with my MS, I told her my toes get very painful and is more my right side of body that is affected, re, my top of leg inside thigh...

Woke up this morning with my stomach out of sorts, a touch of a stomach bug after a few trips to the loo but, after only eating some slices of toast when I got back from the surgery, ( did put a smidgen of butter on it, ) hope it has now settled itself, well no trips to the loo as yet....After we came out from the surgery we nipped into at least three different village shops where I was hoping to find packets of either Melba toast or French toasts but, they had never even heard of them, let alone sold them, even after I told them they would normally be on the same shelf as I picked up a fresh loaf of wholemeal bread, and that was what I least they have heard of bread...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 16, 2017, 09:43:52 AM
Hi everyone. The day has started overcast and we have a good opportunity for more rain this afternoon.  Late yesterday afternoon and then again last night we had we had over an inch of rain.  The housekeeper will be here this morning.  I have nothing special on my agenda for today.  Pat is getting a haircut this morning.

Janet, a get together would be great but know it is now just a dream unless folks come to see us.  It seems dollar stores are all around us.  They must be very profitable.  Our preference is the Dollar Tree but also occasionally go to the Dollar General.  I thought the wind always blew in Kansas and Oklahoma.  :)

Ruth Ann, great to see you had a good day.  I expect many of the old medicines still have usefulness as you have found.  However, these are not the ones promoted by the many drug reps that visit the doctors.  Kaiser had a great policy of having a central point to deal with drug reps rather than having them bothering all of the doctors.  I sure hope the old medicine continues to help you.

Jackie, like you I can't understand what is gained by standing beside the road after a snow storm or at the ocean during a hurricane or at the site of a car crash or building fire.  I guess it gives the reporters something to do.  Glad your blood pressure was acceptable when it was checked today.  You reminded me to check mine and it was 91/57.  I have always had low blood pressure but my cardiologist wants to see the bottom number around 65. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 16, 2017, 12:20:54 PM
Larry Hanna...
...a month ago by BP reading was 151, she reminded me today when I asked, not sure what over, as I only go with the top numbers...this time round it was 147, my first BP reading with same nurse last year when we first moved here was 137 or something, the lowest I had ever had a reading, in fact I was worried it was too low...Most of my previous readings from a year or so back, after going on BP medication was usually around the 145 mark which my previous surgery were usually pleased with...but for some reason, seems this surgery nurse wants it lower..
Oh and my previous reading I told nurse I wasn't taking my med's everyday but since a month ago I told her I have been, so I guess my today's reading was still a tad too high, seeings that I am not skipping them.....
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Carol on June 16, 2017, 12:56:35 PM
How nice to read all your posts - my cyber friends! 

Ruth Ann:  Good that your doctor recognizes the older meds for you in this case.  He has an open mind.  May this medicine do the job in the best way for you.

Janet:  That would be a super group gathering.  Keeping in touch with the family is so wonderful. 

Well, it is the day after my procedure and I think I will stay close to home even though I have "itchy feet" to go somewhere.  Catching up on laundry. 

Jackie:  I am so impressed with The Queen.  She has made visits to the latest survivors - she was at the hospital in Manchester as well.  Pat on her back!  Take care of your BP. 

We could crawl into our hiding places and not pay attention to all the terrible things going around - I am forcing myself to find the good news that comes out of these situations.

Here, the little bird with a nest by our front door has flown the coop so to speak.  I did get to see the fuzzy newborns once.  She ( the same bird each year) is one proud and super mom - always guarding the eggs and  super vigilant.   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Janet on June 16, 2017, 02:36:22 PM
Well, I have a new "do" which was much needed after two weeks!  Of course I washed my hair and did the best I could with it, but I like it better when Brenda does it!

I had a wonderful day yesterday!  The weather was nice (NO wind!) and not too hot;
My painting buddy Dee met us for lunch, bringing me three bags of lemon drops, and later when I went to the library to meet my little scrapbooking group, they surprised me with a sweet birthday party!  :)  Nan made me a luscious lemon cake--the best I've ever eaten!
There were also little sandwiches and other treats, and all so delicious!  I got several beautiful cards, a lovely bouquet, a coloring book, some stamps for scrapbooking or card making, a little jewelry box, and just when I couldn't eat another bite, Darrel's classmate Darrell called to say they were in town and could we meet them for supper.
So I came home and picked up Darrel, and we met three other couples.  I took along the rest of the cake to share with them, and they all enjoyed a small slice.  Now I won't be tempted to eat all the rest by myself--there is no more of it!
So, if the kids don't remember my birthday, I have already celebrated.   ;)  Oh!  Lest you think I ate even MORE---I didn't eat supper!  I just went along to visit and share my cake.  If I had eaten any more, I would have been sick!

Carol, glad your procedure is now in the rearview mirror.  I'm sure you will feel more like getting out tomorrow.  Interesting about your and Larry's little feathered friends.
:) 8)

Jackie, I hope your day that started out as a "downer" has by now become an "upper!"  I often find it's what's going on in my mind that makes all the difference.  So look in the mirror and tell that beautiful face looking back at you that she is God's child, dearly beloved, blessed, precious, and able to do all things through Christ Who gives her strength!  (((hugs)))

Ruth Ann, so good to hear you had a good day.  May it be followed by many more!

Larry, I know having a get-together is a pipe dream as all of us are getting further into our senior years.  But it's fun to dream!  And I still plan to visit you if I get anywhere near your area!

Darrel finally called our former doctor and will go next week to "re-establish care" with him. ^-^

Hey Jeanne!  How are you this fine day?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 16, 2017, 03:29:05 PM
...I have always had a lot of respect for our Queen and I can say the same for most of our royals....Carol, did you do as I said, treated yourself to that cream cake, once you got home after your procedure yesterday?...

It is getting now where one is almost afraid to turn on their tv in the morning, for wondering..."  what next..."

Janet... downer has stayed with me for two consecutive days now, I have become ratty and yet too will pass....I simply love the Idea of what you are asking me to do, " looking in at the mirror..." that is such a spiritual mantra...You know what? think I will give it a try, who knows, it may even work... 0:-)

I have got your birthday date down as next Monday, is that correct or has it already passed?
Janet, even " pipe dreams " have a way of becoming a my late father would often say..." never say never...."

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 17, 2017, 08:52:59 AM
Hi everyone.  It is going to be another hot and humid day with still some chance of more rain this afternoon.  We did have another nice gentle rain for 30 minutes or so yesterday afternoon.  When I came to my office this morning my computer was locked up.  I knew Microsoft was going to install the latest update last night and it apparently has done a number on my computer.  I have turned off the power and back on several times without effect.  So I am using my Chromebook this morning.  I don't have much on the schedule today.  I will attend a Saturday morning meeting in a little while and later this afternoon tune in on the golf match.  Many of the world's best golfers did not make the cut to continue to play this weekend, including the World's number one ranked player.

Late last night I had a text from my good friend saying that his wife Pam's surgery had resulted in a finding that the growth was not cancer as two doctors were 98% sure it was.  Prayer certainly does work as that is wonderful news. 

Jackie, I think if I ever had a blood pressure reading like yours I would think something was drastically wrong with me.  It is a little higher this morning so maybe I will find a little more energy today. I think your queen has always handled herself with great dignity and has kept her country first.  All of the events and things she has had to do over these many years must be very tiring for her.  I see her husband will soon retire from public life. I hope you are feeling more upbeat today.

Carol, I agree it is tempting to ignore the news but I think that is what the politicians would like for us to do so I won't do that as we need an informed voting base and not just follow along like sheep,  Glad you test is over and hope you will feel up to getting out and about today.

Janet, what a great and deserved day you had Friday.  You obviously have many good friends and know you are indeed a good friend to many. That was good advice to shared with Jackie about loving ourselves as we are all God's children and he doesn't create any junk.  I would be upset if I knew you were in our area and didn't get together with us. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Marilyn on June 17, 2017, 12:36:46 PM
Janet it sounds like you really had a feast,

We are at Sunriver aong with Freckles this year. It has been cold and cloudy up til today. It is going to get warmer and warmer over rhe next few days.

Just thought I would pop in and let you know I am still alive. ?A feww years ago Jane and I met up with Pat, Paul and Paul's brother and sistrer inb law here ib Oegon fr an afternoon of chow and talk. Ir was sure nice to met all of them.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Pat on June 17, 2017, 06:17:34 PM
Sorry I missed your birthday, Jeanne...


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Pat on June 17, 2017, 06:20:47 PM


Thank you so much for the birthday greetings.

I've been having trouble with my old computer so had to get another one and it has Windows 10 in it and I'm having great difficulty with that.

This past week, I've had lab tests, x-rays and three doctor appointments!  It's been a long journey!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 18, 2017, 02:31:06 AM
Pat, bless you for the rose but... not the nicest way to celebrate ones birthday...I shall be praying that your next birthday keeps you well away from those buildings called " hospitals...."
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 18, 2017, 04:51:30 AM
Well, I will soon be leaving for church in the next 40-45 minutes...I am going but for the last 5 or so days I have not been in the right frame of mind, my usual happy self....I have become aggressive and emotional...basically the horrible side is coming out of me, I am becoming very nasty...I will no doubt blame it on our weather, we are in the centre of one of our UK heatwaves, and unlike Richard who cant get enough of the heat, everything is going perfect for him... for me it makes me very ratty and brings out the worst in me...roll on Autumn...or a little rain and thunder might cheer me up...

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Larry Hanna on June 18, 2017, 08:02:51 AM
Hi everyone. We do have a sunny Sunday morning after another nice rain last evening.  It is only suppose to be in the high 80's today with a continue chance of a little more rain.  I expect it will be a typical Sunday for us as we plan on going to Sunday School and Church and then will get some lunch.  Later this afternoon I will watch the conclusion of the men's golf tournament. 

Marilyn, I hope you now have some nice weather for the remainder of your vacation Sunriver.  It is nice to get away but also nice when we get back home,

Pat, for me the key in using Windows 10 was to rely on my desktop and the new tab page of the Google Chrome browser using the Speed Dial 2 Chrome Extension.  Also when I can't find something in Windows 10 I will do a search using the search bar or use a Google search and can usually find what I am looking for.  You certainly had a busy medical week last week.  I do hope this week will give you time to rest.

Jackie, sure hope you are feeling brighter with a lifted mood after attending your Church services. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jacqueline on June 18, 2017, 08:40:32 AM
Larry Hanna...
...yes I felt more myself for the 1 &  a half hours at church, it was good while it lasted... at least I was amongst good company, I talked and I smiled, I may have even laughed I am back home, back to the atmosphere, solidarity - loneliness...even the dog totally ignores me...
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Month of May 2017
Post by: Jeanne Lee on June 18, 2017, 10:26:57 AM
I've almost let the entire month of June slip by, but we can still have a couple of weeks of new devotional:  HERE (