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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Month ~ June

Started by JudyB, June 02, 2019, 03:59:26 PM

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  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!


Devotional of Chris Saunders

Ephesians 6 : 12

The born again man or woman is always involved in spiritual warfare, sometimes not too bad, at other times really terrible. Satan usually uses other people to do it, sometimes just tension, pressure or anxieties. It can seem relentless, bringing sleeplessness, tiredness, worry.
The young church which was formed in the book of Acts when 3000 Jews became Christians in one day.. Was a great miracle of God's redeeming grace, He had chosen them and now He called them into the Kingdom.
They were to take the Gospel, the good news of grace into all the world, this is what the Nation of Israel were meant to do, but failed miserably in it, the Jews were meant to have made the gentiles yearn to become God's people, but instead they kept the good news to themselves.
It was only when our Lord Jesus came that the "Light to lighten the Gentiles" actually worked for them.
But when the church was born, almost immediately the attacks began.. the "circumcision" hated the followers of this " false Messiah" this son of a carpenter..
Spiritual and physical warfare began and continued, the "Christians" were scattered to Jerusalem, Samaria and to the ends of the earth, taking the gospel with them. It began then and continues today, the true church is at war, and will always be at war, mostly on the defensive, for the church means no harm to anyone, the church is a great source of good in the world.
And because of the good that the born again believers do, they become number one target of God's enemy the devil, Satan, the accuser, the great Antagonist.
We desire to further God's Kingdom on earth, Satan desires to stop us doing this.
If the Evil One can put us out of action, stopping our work, then He is delighted, and there are times in our lives when we come under the most intense pressure, anxious and worried about families, friends, situations we take out eyes off the only One Who can give us relief, and victory in these battles, fear attacks our mind, we fret.
But all through the Gospels Jesus tell us not to fret, not to worry, not to be afraid of circumstances or evil tidings, but instead to look to Him, to keep our eyes firmly upon Him to see what He will do, for He allows things to come into our lives for His own Glory, He will most certainly work it all for good.
"Greater is He"..I'm sure you can finish that verse yourself.
I have brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling at this very moment, I know He will bring them through, and they too know that He will bring them through, but at this moment in time they are suffering, the warfare is very real.
Just quoting scripture doesn't always help, although eventually it shall.. they need a hug, kind gentle words, encouragement of the right kind.
There will once again be times of refreshing from our gentle, kind, loving God, but right now we have to be faithful to Him and quit ourselves like men.
Be bold, be strong, trust, soldier on. It will most certainly come to an end and we shall look back with more understand than we have right now!


(Click to hear music)

Master, the tempest is raging!
The billows are tossing high!
The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness,
No shelter or help is nigh;
Carest Thou not that we perish?
How canst Thou lie asleep,
When each moment so madly is threatening
A grave in the angry deep?

The winds and the waves obey Thy will,
Peace, be still!
Whether the wrath of the storm tossed sea,
Or demons or men, or whatever it be
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean, and earth, and skies;
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace, be still! Peace, be still!
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace, peace, be still!

Master, with anguish of spirit
I bow in my grief today;
The depths of my sad heart are troubled
Oh, waken and save, I pray!
Torrents of sin and of anguish
Sweep o'er my sinking soul;
And I perish! I perish! dear Master
Oh, hasten, and take control.


Master, the terror is over,
The elements sweetly rest;
Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored,
And heaven's within my breast;
Linger, O blessed Redeemer!
Leave me alone no more;
And with joy I shall make the blest harbor,
And rest on the blissful shore.


Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone. I can see the sun is shining as I look through the window that is right beside my big computer.  Pat put up curtains in here not too long ago and I had to tie one of the panels with a rubber band so I can see between our house and the neighbor and see a tiny portion of the street.  After all a fellow needs to keep and eye on his neighborhood.  I got up at 4 am again this morning as once again didn't have my bed set just right.  I will eventually get the patterns of up and down with this hospital bed. 

I got a lot of things done yesterday and will get quite a few more done today that I can do from my computer at a very slow pace.  My heart seems to have decided to act differently with some pounding in the chest upon exertion rather than angina pain.  I think it ma have to do with the heart valve that the doctor spent a long time listening to on my final appointment with her.  It is taking longer for me to recover my breath and regain a little energy.  At least I am all cleaned up for the day and have had my breakfast and morning pills and am dressed and can now just sit quietly here at my desk and take care  of some things. 

Janet, it is hard to believe it is again Bible School time.  I can remember as a child I always looked forward to Bible School and now they really have some good materials to help theme and decorate for it, something that didn't exist many years ago or  the Church I attended couldn't have afforded. I agree that my brain is working as only had that one day of brain fog.  I am happy and content and was thinking this morning how much work has been done and is being done to get things the way I want them and that it would be a shame to not have many more days on this earth to enjoy the efforts.  However, none of this is something I can control. I am the one to have you and all our other fine cyber family as good friends.  I hope you got a lot of hugs from those Great Grandchildren.

Ellie,  glad your hubby and I are quite a lot alike in terms of being able to plan ahead and then be flexible to make adjustments if something doesn't work out like you thought it might.

Judy, thanks for getting us off on a new month of Thoughts for June.  What a wonderful Devotional of Chris Saunders and, in my view, right on target. I don't have my speakers hooked up yet here on my big computer but I have sung and played that song many times over my lifetime.


Thank you Judy for beginning the month of June.  Also, thank you Chris Saunders for your message.

Our weekend was changed quickly when eldest son and wife came here - to store things in our house and bring a trailer of stuff to their son's storage unit.  They will be back at the end of the month. 

Larry:  It is so nice that you have a room set up to your specifications.  Also, you can keep an eye on the neighborhood.  Your messages are strong in faith and so much appreciated.

Off to buy things to fill the fridge.  We had company & family over three days last week.  Love it and also  :crazy:



I'm about out of energy for the day.  This morning, Darrel asked me what was on our agenda, and I told him I thought we needed to work on making room in the garage for the camper.  So that's what we did.  It entailed quite a lot of work and some heavy lifting that took both of us to accomplish. But we got almost all of it done.  We have a queen sized bed, a refrigerator, a dishwasher and some other items we're looking for homes for, not to sell, but to give to anyone who wants or needs them.  I made several calls, but no luck so far.  The appliances need some repairs, but nothing hard or expensive.

Larry, I hope the pounding in your chest eases up, and that you can feel good and do things you like to do for quite a long time yet!  I know you're ready to go, but we aren't ready for you to leave us yet!

We're worried about finding a route to Florida and back that will let us miss the many flooded areas.  And we're getting more rain tonight, too.

Carol, when parents have extra room, we always seem to wind up storing things for our kids, don't we?  I'm sure you were happy to see your son and his wife!

We had a nice visit with grands and great-grands last night.  The girls are growing up much too quickly!! Eldest will be 12 in September!  Doesn't seem possible!

I'm going to work a bit more on editing George's book, then off to bed!  G'Night!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It seems we have an overcast morning and temps only in the 80's today with a 60% chance of some showers around 3 pm.

It is hard to find the right words to tell you how much better and stronger I feel this morning than I have the last couple of days with no energy and very shaky on my feet.  It felt so good to be able to stand up easily, walk in the kitchen (keeping something close at hand to hold onto as didn't want to get carried away.)  The aid should be here around 10 pm and probably by the time she leaves Pat will be back from her dental appointment.  She will be driving herself there as it is pretty much a straight shot mainly over on I-20.  I will continue to work on a few things left on my list but can take things nice and slow. So life is good and I have nothing to complain about.  I hope you all will experience a similar nice day.  My best friend even called me on Facetime last night right after I had turned out the lights but not gone to sleep and we were able to talk a bit.

Carol, having company does delete the old food supply but being able to share it with our family and friends is always a joy. My mother always put out our best when a neighbor or relative would be there for a meal (but we never went hungry and I don't think my mother knew how to be a less than great cook being a farmer's wife. Nice you have a place your son can store some things. 

Janet, I hope you were able to get some good rest last night after all that physical effort but expect you are feeling the impact of doing it today.  I hope you can take it easy and not feel rushed today. I find I get much more joy from giving something away rather than selling it. I always felt that way when I was able to help someone with a computer related problem and never accepted money for it which, if my solution didn't work, they could feel bad at me because I realized there was a whole lot I didn't know about computers and still don't.  As I have written above, this feels like day and night the difference in how I feel today than the last 2 or 3 days.  Are you going back to Florida to bring home the camper or whatever you purchased (can't remember).  I expect most of the Interstates would be OK although you never know.  They are built on a higher plane but obviously that doesn't prevent Mother Nature from doing what nature will do.  Your great grandchildren are certainly growing up quickly.  I well remember when they were born and the joy they brought to everyone (and sure they still do).

Larry Hanna

  I just read this in one of the Devotional I get daily and thought it was really good and wanted to share it with you all today. 

The Stranger
 (Author Unknown)
A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer, and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to welcome me into the world a few months later.
As I grew up I never questioned his place in our family. Mom taught me to love the Word of God, and Dad taught me to obey it. But the stranger was our storyteller. He could weave the most fascinating tales. Adventures, mysteries, and comedies were daily conversations. He could hold our whole family spellbound for hours each evening. He was like a friend to the whole family.
He took Dad, Bill, and me to our first major league baseball game. He was always encouraging us to see the movies and he even made arrangements to introduce us to several movie stars.
The stranger was an incessant talker. Dad didn't seem to mind, but sometimes Mom would quietly get up - while the rest of us were enthralled with one of his stories of faraway places - go to her room, read her Bible, and pray. I wonder now if she ever prayed that the stranger would leave.
You see, my dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions. But this stranger never felt an obligation to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our house-not from us, from our friends, or adults. Our longtime visitor, however, used occasional four letter words that burned my ears and made Dad squirm. To my knowledge the stranger was never confronted.
My Dad was a teetotaler who didn't permit alcohol in his home - not even for cooking. But the stranger felt like we needed exposure and enlightened us to other ways of life. He offered us beer and other alcoholic beverages often. He made cigarettes look tasty, cigars manly, and pipes distinguished. He talked freely ( too much, too freely) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing. I know now that my early concepts of the man/woman relationship were influenced by the stranger.
As I look back, I believe it was the grace of God that the stranger did not influence us more. Time after time he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked and never asked to leave.
More than thirty years have passed since the stranger moved in with the young family on Morningside Drive. But if I were to walk into my parents' den today, you would still see him sitting over in a corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures.
His name?.....We always just called him...TV.


Larry:  Good post!  We notice how television is more and more tasteless and we will not even watch the so-called nightime comedians.  They are not funny - just crude and I really dub them hateful as well.  Why people laugh over anything they say - it is the dumbing down of society. 

It is just wonderful to read that you are feeling better today - prayers for you and Pat! 


Larry Hanna...
...oh yes tv, thank heavens we have a turn off or change channel button...Do you remember Mary Whitehouse CBE? She launched the Clean Up TV Campaign in January 1964..She passed away November 2001 (aged 91)
We need a Mary Whitehouse today...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


Greetings Carol  You are so right about how television is becoming crude.  Comedians have to use the naughty words to make a joke funny, it seems, but by the laughter some people seem to enjoy it.  Tasteless it is to me! 


Greetings Jackie  You are right, that if we don't like some television programmes, we have the turn off button.  Mrs Whitehouse was a splendid lady, but sometimes she complained about programmes, that did not deserve it.  Do you remember the BBC's Wednesday plays, one was Cathy Come Home which she complained about.  It proved a huge hit, as it told the story of what life could be for some people who faced hard times in the 1960's and how little help was given to them. 


Greetings Larry  Splendid to see your long message and your positive attitude.   


..yes I do remember that film, Cathy Come Home, Carol White..I saw it at the cinema many years ago...Hard to believe I was 15 when that film came out...
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  We have another overcast morning and expecting a high around 90 degrees this afternoon with a lower than 50% of some popup showers. I got up a little after 4 am this morning but had gotten about 5 hours of good sleep.  So far my sleep has been limited to about 2 hours at a time and then a quick trip to the bathroom is required. 

As I read all the posting in the three discussions I follow I noted that things seemed to have really improved from what we were talking about yesterday and sure glad to see it.  While probably not as peppy today as I was yesterday I still am getting around using the rollator.  I have had breakfast, downloaded an operating system update for my iPad and iPhone, am all dressed and done a few other chores.  I see the rest of the day as a very restful one. 

I started to listen to an audio book last evening that I had downloaded but realized I was too tired so shut it off and will restart listening later today or this evening.  Yesterday was a very productive day and a great day for me as I only used the wheelchair to get up to my big computer and used the Rollator the rest of the day.  I felt much strongly and it felt very good to walk, which I did quite a bit of.  I did a number of telephone calls including one to the SimpliSafe Home Security System folks as their great sale and special offers were expiring at midnight.  I got it all ordered and this time no hold was placed on the transaction as a security measure.  The good news is that I will end up paying less than I had thought when I first talked to them.  The have a panic feature that you can push a button to call for help and so I won't need to get a separate Life Alert to wear.  I actually am buying the equipment for the system and then the monthly monitoring charge is only $25/month.  This will be a project for my BIL when he visits in a few weeks.  So that was two things taken care of at once.  I got some changes started on some other accounts via online but will need to do a little more on that. 

Scott texted me last night saying he would like to come out and have lunch with Pat and I and then expect he will go home and rest until evening when he and the girls will be here. 

Carol, I agree with you on how tasteless some of the so called comedy on TV has become.  I prefer the old program that you wouldn't be embarrassed to sit and watch with your kids.  A number of years ago on a visit we were making in Missouri my niece and her then husband wanted to treat Pat and I and we went to a "comedy" club. I didn't enjoy a minute of it as the "comedy" was so crude and vulgar and I was very glad when it was over for the evening.  I know we all know the words we are hearing and I don't consider myself a prude, but have never liked swearing or foul language.  I just chose in my life to use my vocabulary to express myself and stay away from using four or vulgar or using the Lord's name in vain.  It has served me well.  In all the years I have been active in the morning men's coffee groups I have never found that these men needed to resort to lewd or vulgar language.  I think all of the men are Christians and many were war veterans and just super guys.  Thanks for the prayers for Pat and I. I try to pray for all of our cyber family dealing with problems of various kinds as well as just asking for God's guidance in my life and that I spend time in meditation so I may hear that still small voice providing the guidance.

Jackie, I do remember Mary Whitehouse although couldn't have recalled her name.  There are not several groups working to rate TV and movies.  Over here it appears that those with some religious slant are making the money for the companies and not the filth. 

Ellie, obviously some people do like the naughty words.  It is quite an education to walk in the malls and I am sure in many of our schools and listen to how the students speak. However, I have no current knowledge as haven't been to a mall to walk around in a long time.  I really don't believe in censorship because that is letting someone else make the decisions for us.  One of our rights in the USA has long been the freedom of speech, religion, etc. and it appears these are quickly being taken away because a few people are offended.  I just wonder what these young folks entering the labor market are going to do when there is no safe spot provided. Pat and I are both very fond of BBC television programming and using our headphones helps us understand what is being spoken.  I had intended to be brief in my postings today but see I have missed the mark already. 

I hope you all have a blessed day.


Greetings Jackie  Do you remember that Ray Brooks was in Cathy Come Home, as well as Geoffrey Palmer.  And Ray Brooks was the voice of Mr Benn, who  appeared in book form as well as animated series on BBC.


Greetings Larry  It seems for some, naughty words are part of some peoples everyday language, not mine I must say.  There has to be some form of censorship, in particular with film scenes, as the modern day films can be embarrassing for a number of people to watch.  As for the spoken word, censorship cannot be applied, unless it crosses the line of decency.  In the UK and the Isle of Man, we also maintain they freedom of speech and that freedom should never be taken away from us.  Splendid post today from you Larry. 


Good morning!  I have certainly had a different kind of morning from any previous one!
I have already been to the doctor!  :-\ I realized early (really early) this morning that I have another UTI, and want to be rid of it before we leave for Florida.  My doctor very kindly had given me her cell number and told me she's always at the office by 7:30 and to call her anytime I need I did!  I couldn't get the prescription yet because the drug store wasn't yet open!

Yes, I agree about the foul language. When we were growing up, about the worst words we heard were 'hell' or 'damn', and how I wish that was the worst we heard now!  Darrel was watching a movie last week when I came in, and the main character couldn't speak one sentence without using the F word at least twice in it.  VERY POOR vocabulary. I despise that word!!  Well, I'm sure we are all in agreement on this subject!  :thumbsup:

It's time for me to go paint, but I'm waiting for an email that Darrel needs me to print for him (he says he doesn't know how!) before I leave. Something he needs to sign and get in the mail today... So instead of being early today, looks like I'll be late.  It's okay.

Larry, your upbeat and cheery messages make my heart smile!!  Blessings to you and Pat. 

Carol, there are a lot of TV shows we just won't watch any more.  We surely were enjoying watching Jeopardy while James Holzhauer was winning!  I think there was something "funny" about his losing on Monday...Just didn't seem quite right somehow.  The young lady who 'beat' him seems to not have nearly as good an attitude as James has.  We will see, huh?  We saw that over half his winnings are being taken by taxes!  Still, over one million dollars to keep, for such a short time of "work" is something most (or none) of us will ever see!

Hello, Ellie and Jackie!  Good to read your posts this morning!

I'll see now if that email has come!  TTYL!!
My book Rising Above available at

Larry Hanna

Hi Everyone.  It is another cloudy day today and we actually had some rain last evening and brief showers during the night.  Finally some cooler weather.  Scott and the girls were out yesterday afternoon and ate dinner with us and basically finished up the few remaining tasks that can be done.  I am still awaiting the grab bars and have to order the floor covering I want since Lowe's only carries the smaller width. 

I didn't sleep very well last night and spent several hour in further organization of my desk and tray table.  I probably got 4 hours of sleep but got up early feeling better than yesterday and I have been walking and standing a lot this morning.  Scott had to take his car to the garage for some repair and when he gets through he will be out.  I hope to have him take me to the Credit Union so I can cash the first of the savings bonds.  I am going to access my safe deposit box and everything in a tote bag to bring home and inventory and then we will go back at the first of the week.  We will also stop at Wendy's to take advantage of the fifty cent Frostie and may bring some home to put in the freezer.  That will be plenty for today.

We did give Elizabeth the new Chromebook last evening and she was surprised and from what she told Pat no one had ever done something like that for her before.  It gave Pat and I great pleasure to give her the gift to help her with her college work that she is doing online and I know that I won't be around to see her graduate.  She needs the tools now not when she graduates. 

Ellie, I have never understood why we have to see everything in films so graphically.  We do have film ratings over here but anything goes on cable. 

Janet, glad you have acted quickly to deal with your medical situation.  Hope the medicine clears it up quickly.  When do you plan to leave for Florida? Like you I despise the "F" word.  Scott got both our laser printers online and working yesterday evening.  I have a B&W one here in my "man cave" and the color laser is still in where I had my office.  I am glad you find some of the things I write to make your heart smile.  It was inevitable that James on Jeopardy would eventually lose.  He will be back with the opportunity to win more money in some of their tournaments.  The young lady that beat him is very smart and deserved to win.


Greetings Larry  Splendid seeing your post today.  Busy here with with computer work, as I write my letters on the desktop computer, instead of hand writing them now!


Happy Thursday to you all!

I have an eye appointment at 1:00, until then, I am working of laundry, a few cleaning chores, and starting my packing for the trip.

Larry, we plan to leave Monday morning for Florida.
I had been worrying about the trip, Darrel's driving long hours, the flooding, traffic, etc. but the Lord reminded me that He goes with us everywhere we go and is always there to protect and guide.  We only need to ask! Now I'm feeling much better about it!

I am enjoying watching the coverage of the 75th anniversary of D-Day.  Having just been there on Omaha beach a short time ago makes it much more real to me. It's so sad that thousands and thousands of young men lost their lives in that campaign, but war is always hell.  We need to be diligent in praying for our President, military and leaders, and the voting public in our country!!  ("Nuff said!)

 Larry, glad Elizabeth appreciated the Chromebook.
 I told Darrel that if we use the camper like we should, I want a small laptop computer to take along.  This huge Mac isn't going anywhere!  ;)

Darrel just got back from a trip out to Dollar
General.  He thought of something he thought he needed!  ;)

Ellie, very few people write even friendly letters by hand anymore.  Well, they write very few letters, period!  A hand written letter is a gift, these days!
Then again, if you write to a young person in cursive, they may not even be able to read it!!   :lol:
My book Rising Above available at


Greetings Janet  Enjoy your trip to Florida, we have only been there once, a few years ago.  Our thoughts are with you on your travels.

I prefer to hand write letters, but technology sees most of us on the old keyboard.

Larry Hanna

   Hi Everyone.   We are to have some showers over the next few hours and cooler temperatures.  Scott will be here later this morning to take me to our bank to take care of some business.  I had a rather strange night as was tired when I retired around 8:30 last evening and got some needed sleep in short increments.  Then about 1 am I realized I wasn't likely to get anymore sleep so I got up and good got cleaned up and dressed for the day.  I worked away at sorting out old records and getting correspondence ready and then filed away.  I got a lot done and finally around 5 am realized I was pretty tired again so laid back down and slept for another couple of hours. 

I don't like to write anything too personal that others might be offended by but just can't help myself this morning.  Hospice brought in a potty chair to use in my bathroom and that is the most uncomfortable piece of equipment I think I have ever encountered.  It must have been designed by the devil to make a persons life more miserable.  I am going to ask the nurse today about getting a larger commode as don't see how anyone of much size could even fit into the one I have.  I know this isn't one of life's more serious problems but it does take on importance at these times of our lives. 

I have nothing else planned for today and Scott will be working again tonight.  He has finally, at long last, decided he must have the carpal tunnel surgery.  His hand and arm has been dumb and tingling for a long time.  He tried to open a can of something last evening at dinner time and created extreme pain for himself.  He did get his car back from the shop around 4 pm and he said he didn't realize how bad it needed attention and now drove like a new car. 

One last little telling on myself.  When I had been busy buying what I needed to set up this "man cave" I had picked out an office chair to use here at my big computer as the arms of the wheelchair or the rollator get in the way of typing.  I thought the chair should be here by now but yesterday when I looked at the Office Depot site where I had bought the chair I decided that I had it waiting in the shopping cart so had never placed the order.  That has now been corrected and the chair should be here soon. 

Ellie, I can't remember the last time I prepared a letter in handwriting and however I sent it to is probably still trying to read it as my hand writing is terrible. I plan on using Facebook and the Messenger feature a lot more but will have to do some study to better understand it.

Janet, you sure are right about war being hell.  However, nations must protect themselves or they won't have a nation.  I sure would recommend you check out the Chromebook.  It is small and has no maintenance.  There are thousands of Google apps free in the Play store and there is no maintenance required as you save nothing on your local computer but in the Google cloud.  They do all the maintenance and dealing with viruses etc and it is a great idea and one that is fast approaching for regular computers.   


Larry, thanks so much for the advice re the Chromebook!  I will check into that! I hope they bring you a different potty chair asap!! There is no reason for you to be uncomfortable in any way that can so easily be prevented!

I had the carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand, and oh, what a relief!  The surgery is rather simple, but makes such a big difference.  I imagine if it has been postponed a long time, it might be a bit harder to recover from, though.  Give Scott my best wishes on that situation!

Larry, since you were talking about preferring to give things away rather than sell them, I wanted to share that as we were getting the garage cleaned out, making room for our new "playhouse", I called every place I could think of, locally, to offer some things we wanted to give away.  No takers!  Then, the next day I got a call from our pastor.  He asked if we had a bed we wanted to donate (He was one of those I had called.) I said "YES!!  Then, he hesitantly asked if I had some sheets for it.  I said "yes, and I will find some pillows and blankets, too."  He and the pastor of the Church of Christ came out to get the things, loaded them, then Pastor Todd asked, " you have anything to sit on?"  I asked him to wait a minute while I conferred with Darrel, who was standing right there. I asked him if he wanted to give away the bench seat from our old van, which we'd been using as a couch, when we had family reunions, etc.  It folds down flat, so could be used as a bed or a couch.  He agreed, so I found two small pillows and more blankets for that.  Pastor said this lady's husband had died, she has two young daughters 3 1/2 years old, and has NOTHING. She moved here to live with a friend, then the friend left and moved somewhere else.  I offered some skillets, pans, dishes, etc., but he said he would inquire about those things first. Anyway, it is a blessing to be able to bless someone, and I do hope those things help this young family.

I talked to my sister Doris this morning, and she said she is in terrible pain, her cancer is really ramping up; so I must really bear down in prayer for my dear sister.  She's ready to go, but I don't want her to have to suffer before she goes.  :'(

I  have almost all my packing done.  Now I'm concerned we may have to come home sooner; depending on how Doris does.  God is in control!

I'd better stop, before this gets so long nobody wants to read it!  Sorry!  :-[
My book Rising Above available at


Thunder is in the area and the typical afternoon showers and storms are gathering.  That is what it is when you live close to the mountains. 

We are back from the older VA building where there were only 4   people in the waiting room.  This is the worst waste of taxpayer money I have ever seen.  The new building does not have room for primary care doctors - they couldn't get that fixed in how many years???   Just burning up the money now. 

Larry:  Laughing at your chair being designed by the devil.  Is there no one on earth with common sense?  I do hope Scott has success with carpel tunnel surgery.  Don's surgery was OK for some time - now, they talk about something else.  It takes a long time to heal.  Scott has enough on his plate - bless his heart!

Ellie I dated Don for 6 weeks - he was in the Air Force - then I was sent to Washington DC for work and we wrote for 9 months.  Letters are the best way of getting to really know someone - in my opinion.   :)

Janet:  Prayers for Doris - keeping pain under control.  Giving your extra stuff away is so sweet and generous.  There are so many people hurting - I see it in the high rent prices and food and gas have gone up too.  Only the affluent don't notice the cost of living going up. 

I will say - "It will all work out".  Somehow, it always does.  "It'll be alright".  Safe travel.   


Greetings Larry  Splendid seeing your post today.


Greetings Janet  Our thoughts are with you and Doris.


Greetings Carol  I knew hubby for quite a time before we wed.  Splendid you agree with me about letters being the best way to get to know someone.  Much more personal that texts.


Just testing, testing, we are having alterations again on our site and when I clicked on Oldiesmanns links I wasn't getting anywhere...hope when changes are done I can still get in to post...I was up till late last night playing around with a couple of separate photos of me and Richard, dont know how I managed it in the end but after a lot of playing around, photocopying two separate photos together, then using my PSP programme followed by resizing, then placing them in image shack photo storage..managed to join two together as one...then printing them on photo paper on my printer, I have now placed one in an oak photo frame in the living room along with the photos of my three dogs and the dogs ashes containers and a vase of flowers..and now you see the photo of the two of us as my avatar...I am trying to make it a tad larger..
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly


AS I SIT HERE SAFE IN HEAVEN...( for all who are going through a grieving process as I am..)

To many I am forgotten
Just a sad story from the past
but to those that love and lost me
the memories will always last

As I sit here safe in heaven
and watch you everyday
I try and let you know with signs
I never went away...

I hear you when your speaking
and watch you as you sleep
I even place my arms around you
to calm you as you weep

I see you wish the days away
as you beg to have me home
so I try and send you messages
that you are not alone

Don't feel guilty that you have a life
that was denied to me
oh, heaven is truly beautiful,
just you wait and see

Please live your life and laugh again
Enjoy yourself, be free!
Then I'll know with every breath you take
you're taking one for me...

~ by Hazel Birdsall
" there is no such thing as an ending, only a place where you leave the story "
~ Muriel Donnelly

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is now 5 am and still very dark outside.  We did have a much cooler day here yesterday and some rain on and off with some heavy rains nearby.  By midday we have a good chance of getting more rain.

It was a very strange day and night last night.  The nurse was here around noon and after seeing my feet and legs got hold of the doctor and they put me on 60 mg of Lasik and boy did it work.  I am to keep my feet up about the height of my head.  Throughout the rest of the afternoon, evening and until 3 am when I got up to do my email and message boards I made many trips to the bathroom, about 30 minutes apart.  I also could go back to sleep, even if for such a brief time.  I did feel rested when I got an now here at my desk I apparently fell asleep sitting in my wheelchair.  I don't remember ever going to sleep at my desk nor being able to do so in my easy chair.  I guess things are now well under control or they are completed that I can truly relax, which I plan on doing all weekend. I know of nothing else on the agenda for the weekend and that is just the way I want it, although sure wouldn't turn away a friend from the door.  Pat needs a couple of days of rest as well.  

Janet, the nurse indicated I was probably stuck with the potty chair they brought me so I will give it no more concern.  I am going to try to call them today about getting  a quad cane.  We have an old one we  have used to hold our shower door open but I wasn't able to adjust it.  I am not sure they are open on Saturday.  I think because Scott's wife had the carpal tunnel surgery and it really wasn't very successful he has been afraid to have it done.  The pain and numbness he has experienced for so long has finally reached  the point where he now will have it done.  I have known many people who have had it done most successful, including my folks. It is getting hard to find places to take donations.  I found a place in Atlanta called the "Atlanta Mission" that would take anything and we gave a lot of stuff away to them when we moved 20 years ago.  I also had called them when Stacey passed away but when we and they got to her apartment the remaining things, that we planned to donate, at been cleaned out by the apartment management.  Here in North Augusta, 22 churches have gone together to create a Community Ministries and they do not refuse any donations. How awesome is God to put what you wanted to donate to use by someone who needs it.  Good work. It does make our hearts feel good when we can help out someone else.  So sorry your sister is now having so much pain from the cancer.  

Carol, government has never been know for saving money and often don't really do things very well as they are bogged down in so my regulation, laws, etc. and none of them, although they talk a good game, are really interested in saving money.  I worked with this for most of my 33 years of working.  If you didn't spend everything you were allotted in a given year then you were penalized the next year.  I know they from experience and after trying to save money I decided I just hurt the people who worked for our Region and so after that I saw to it that we utilized whatever was allocated to us.  Scott told me he spent a lot of time researching the Carpal Tunnel situation the other night and discovered they now call it the Carpal Tunnel release.  Scott has quite a lot of leave he can use and usually loses using it because he won't take a vacation.  The job he does he probably will be able to do as he deals with the customers. You are so right that things someway always turn out right but at the time it may seem they are not.  We are not a patient people and God acts according to his time table. 

Ellie, thanks.  Yesterday and last night were great. Pat and I wrote many letters to each other before we married, especially during the summer where she was 100 miles away.  I know that Pat still has a shoebox full of them but I sure have no desire to read them.  

Jackie, it sounds like you did a great job with the photos.  I am not sure you can make the avatar any bigger here.