Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Al Moak on August 06, 2007, 12:33:49 AM

Title: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Al Moak on August 06, 2007, 12:33:49 AM

What a Caretaker!

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:


Morning Devotional...
Psalm 18:2.  "The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer; my God, my strength, in Whom I will trust; my Shield and the Horn of my Salvation, my Stronghold."

This first verse summarizes the entire psalm.  The remainder of the psalm just discusses the particulars summarized here.  In his summary, paraphrasing, the writer is just saying, "Lord, becasuse You've wonderfully done all the marvelous things I'm going to mention here, therefore You're everything to me in all of life - You're my strength, my deliverer, my everything."  Whenever there's a danger, a difficulty, or a problem, the psalmist's Lord can be depended upon to be there and to make His love known.

More importantly for us, though, and just because all of the particulars of the psalm are just as true for you and I as for the psalmist, this summary should be ours as well.

So, we need to ask - is this indeed the summary for your life or for mine?  Is He the "immoveable Rock, the Fortress that no one can overthrow, the Savior Who will restore us each and every time we stumble?  Do we know Him well enough to know beyond doubt that He will keep us?  If so, then we know He'll never get tired of us and that we can always return to Him after every fall.  In the words of the apostle Jude, "He is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy" (Jude 24).  And, dear brother or sister - He's DOING it!

Oh make Him the Anchor and everlasting surety of your soul!  He will take care of you!
Al Moak


Like a River Glorious  (
(Click to hear music)

I will extend peace to her like a river,
and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream.
Isaiah 66:12

Words: Frances R. Havergal
Music: James Mountain

Like a river glorious, is God's perfect peace,
Over all victorious, in its bright increase;
Perfect, yet it floweth, fuller every day,
Perfect, yet it groweth, deeper all the way.

Stayed upon Jehovah,
hearts are fully blest
Finding, as He promised,
perfect peace and rest.

Hidden in the hollow of His blessed hand,
Never foe can follow, never traitor stand;
Not a surge of worry, not a shade of care,
Not a blast of hurry touch the spirit there.


Every joy or trial falleth from above,
Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love;
We may trust Him fully all for us to do.
They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: outbackjack on August 06, 2007, 07:08:28 AM
I know He is my rock in good times and bad. For like Paul I have learned that contentment with godliness is great gain 1Tim 6:6; and to be content in all circumstances for He is always there and He never changes.
Just Saturday night God proved to me how faithful and protective he is.

I was cooking tea. TV was going the exhaust hood going lots of activity. In the midst of it all I heard the muffled sound of children crying. I couldn't work out where the sound was comming from. I stuck my head around the lounge door to check the TV and Jack. No it was not coming from there. I went outside - maybe it was kids over the fence? But there was no noise out there the dogs were quiet and there were no cats meowing!

I continued cooking tea but the noise returned. Was it in my head? I went up to my daughters bedroom but it was not comming from there. I then decided to ask the Lord if He was trying to get my attention. However as I did this the phone rang. My mother-in-law. I stuck the phone by my ear and started to dish up tea while chatting. My daughter came in to grab her tea and I was going to let her take it but then thought the bowl was a little ful and perhaps it best for me to take it in. So I went in the lounge and that is when I smelled the hot smell and the faintest trace of smoke. I just immediately knew it was the aircon and went over and switched it off. I pulled the plug out and it was hot and the socket had just started to turn black, Praise God I found it in time.

But this was not all. Whilst I was on the phone talking to my husband who is working hundreds of kilometers away the kids told me that the lilttle blow heater was making a smell too so they turned it off earlier. I looked at it and there was some paper stuck to the element. I opened it up and cleaned it out. Praise God twice over my home and loved ones were at risk but God helped us to avoid trouble. So interesting that this happened the night before I was due to preach.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 06, 2007, 11:21:46 AM

Al ~ Thank God we have a God that is with us all the time...during the good and the bad.  As you most know, I am a late Christian.  Looking back, I don't know how I endured without God in my life.  Yes, he is my Rock, my Strength and my Comforter.

Outbackjack ~ What a close call!  Fire is a fear that I have.  I am so happy that God nudged you to keep on investigating.  How great He is all the time.

Janet ~ At this time of typing, you are probably out of surgery and recovering...maybe even on the way home.  I am praying that everything is well with you.

Carol ~ I wish I had learned to quilt.  I only crochet but if I have a pattern, I can crochet anything....some things without a pattern.  I only knit those Grandma dish clothes.  I have crocheted everything from Barbie doll clothes to my dresses for Christmas!  Afghans to lamp shades!

Marilyn ~ You must take a picture of your quilt when you get it done.  Don't you just love sermons that are from the heart? 

Jane ~ We all have those unmentionable worries in our families.  I don't know why we keep them secrets.  God knows all about them but yet, He blesses us anyway. 

JudyB ~ I will put Monty on my prayer list.  In fact, I just said a prayer for him. 

Sarah ~ I know you are one busy gal and it means so much to us all for you stop in once in a while to say Hi to us.  Thank you for that!

Kitty is still having compter problems.  She has two relatives that promise to come fix her computers but they are no shows.  So now her husband has said she can call a guru.  But she brought her laptop here and we set her Outlook Express settings the same as mine.  I don't know if her email is okay or not.  She can read email  on Outlook Express but has to reply on Embarq webmail.  Weird! 

Then Kitty and I went to Indianapolis to the Indiana State Fair to the Open House in the Home and Family Arts building to see how our photos did.  Kitty got one of her three photos hung and she entered two framed and glassed computer generated photos in a category in the basement and got a red (second place) on one of them!!  I got all three of mine hung...that's an honor, right there.  I got a rating of 71 on each of them.  I didn't see any numbers less than 70 and the Grand Champion got 78. 

Kitty broke off a tooth below the gum Saturday and had to go to  Emergency dental.  It was a tooth that had a root canal so she had to have the tooth cut out and the root canal removed and then sewed up.  (I think that is what she said)  Therefore she could only eat soft foods.  So we stopped at Panera Bread on the way home. 

Then I followed her home and she gave me some vegetables from her garden.  Lunch today???  Bacon, tomato sandwich!  Yummm!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on August 06, 2007, 11:53:09 AM
Hi everyone.  We had a wonderful weekend at the State Park with about 400 other friends who have walked similar paths to ours.  It was a weekend of encouragement and growth.  As has been said by a couple of folks since I last read postings, we probably all have parts of our lives that we do not reveal in detail here or anywhere else publicly.  Fortunately, I think we all understand that the details aren't that important but it is the knowing that we have that Higher Power that knows everyone and will help up each day if we are but willing and seek his will for us.  

We had very nice accommodations and 5 great buffet type meals of very delicious food.  You wouldn't believe the dessert spread in the evening.  To tell the truth that is where I wanted to start my meal (and probably end it there as well) but didn't give in to that temptation.  At night they featured mountain trout that were so long that they extended beyond the edge of the plates and had lots of other good things as well.  We had very good rates as the two nights lodging and the 5 meals cost us only $167 each.  We also had a nice mountain setting.

We came home to an outdoor air pollution problem that we have again today.  You can actually see something in the air it is so thick.  Fortunately, I do not need to be outside today other than to get from the car into the cafe this morning and later will get the mail.

This afternoon the tech from ATT is suppose to be here to try to fix the problem I am having with less than satisfactory service from my DSL.  

Since there are too many postings that I have just read to try to address everyone I will just make a few individual comments.

First of all Jane, I was happy to see that Bry was able to achieve his return to the Army.  It sounds like he has matured a lot and that the specialty will be better suited to him.  No 17 year old is equipped to deal with the brutality of horror of combat.  We owe all our soldiers and their families such a debt of graditude.  It is so sad when we see the stories of shabby or neglectful things involving our veterans and their families.  I think I detect a miracles of God in putting that officer in the path to get Bry where he wants to be so that he doesn't have to return to the same thing that caused him so much trouble.

I know Janet is at the hospital for her surgery this morning.  Janet I am praying that the results will be what is expected and that the days of pain are about to come to an end with your arm.  

Outbackjack, your weekend experiences avoiding fires is very heartening.  You were indeed blessed with another of those miracles.

Al, once again your writing in our devotional is right on target.  Thanks for sharing this with us.

Marylyn, I used Earthlink DSL service for a couple of years and had good results.  I discontinued the service because I had decided to use cable for Internet and have now gone back to DSL as had so much problem with cable.

Well the housekeeper is gone now and it is time for lunch.  
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 06, 2007, 02:17:52 PM
Well last night was interesting.  It started with Kassie yelling "Get a box, hurray get a box!"  My thoughts immediately went to the dog who was pregnant.  From 8:00 p.m. till 1:45 she delivered 5 puppies.  Her tummy felt soft so I went to bed.  When the girls woke me Kassie gave me the news that she had SEVEN! but one had died, perhaps still born.  Stitches has turned out to be a good Mama.   Oh and Heather's dog had 7 puppies last night as well!

Good Message Al!

Larry I am glad your time away was good.  A change is as good as a rest I am told.yes indeed having God as the pilot is the only way to go.  I would be soo lost without Him in control. Also as you have said it really isn't important for everyone to know details of our lives, we can pray knowing God does know all.

outbackjack.  God was really with you over the weekend.  Things could have gone so wrong with out His warnings.

Janet Know I am and Have been praying.  You know.....having a Souverign God sure lets us rest.  we need not fret with Him in control.  God be with you today.

Well I have laundry to hang and more to wash.  I have spent the entire day to 1:30 preparing Meals for John to take on this weeks trip.  Five dinners, sausage and boilled eggs for breakfast and he has tinned soup for lunches.  It is quite a job, but it is a whole lot cheaper that having him buy,  At about $13 per meal..... Yes this is better and hopefully more nutritious.  Well I am off to check the photos, then off to laundry.

Love to all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 06, 2007, 03:18:25 PM
I am amazed at the talent we have here in CP.  The photography is wonderful.

Take a look and see what we have here.  Leave a comment as well. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Gord Brown on August 06, 2007, 04:53:16 PM
 :)  Hi to all.  Noreen and I have not been feeling so good since we came Back from Scotland.  We ask that you would continue to pray for us as  Noreen is seeing a new doctor this week and I have to make a new appointment to see our family doctor.

We are thankful to the Lord how he continues to give us strength to get by each day ;D

God is so good and he never let's us down and he tells us to trust him in all thing's and that;s what we try to do.

Pat: Your devotional for the last one was great.  I did enjoy Dr. John Moores hymn I have heard this many times and sung it to.   I did look at your tube and did enjoy it .  Hope that you are not doing to much.  God Bless sis. ;

Etta Sue:Hope that you are feeling o.k.  Look after yourself  I am so glad that God became your comforter

Janet:  :) Hope that the surgery went well and that you will be feeling much better soon.  Look after your arms.

Al : how are you doing . Happy belated birthday God bless. :coffee:

Marilyn:  Hope you get good results. The Lord will look after you.

Larry:  Cars are a pain they just keep on costing us more and more each time you take them to get fixed. Look after yourself .

Carol: I have not forgotten about you re: Scotland.  Please let me know when you are planniing to go  send me an email and then I will get back to you soon.  Praise the Lord for a good answer. :thumbsup:

Judy B:  Hi to you.  It sure souds that you are very busy. Noreen and I friends here this weekend and through our coversation your name came up and he said I know that name.  So he told me where you live and I said that is them.  His name is Diavid Pringle he is with Christian Transpotation so he said to say hi.  Say hi to John.  How is the honey doing? Love ya Sis  God Bless. <3

Colin:  It"s so nice to see you on C.P.  Very nice picture. Thank you for the poem.  Keep them coming.

Outbackjac:  It must be terrible not to have rain the drought must be very scary.  My brother used to live in South Adelaide and he told me about some of the heat that they used to get.  Praise the Lord how he is able to get through to us when we are not expecting things like what happened to you and your family the other day.  God"s telephone system is awesome and again he never lets us down  Praise his name. :)

There is one thing I would like to share with everyone on C.P.  I heard this today and it makes a lot of sense.


Think about what this means as there church is growing so fast.
We pray to a much more powerful God and we know that he hears our prayers. God Bless you all this week.  Gord. <3

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 06, 2007, 07:36:42 PM
Hello all you fine cper's. I don't want to leave anyone out.

Great Devotional on Psalm 18:2 Al. I have decided to read Psalm 27 for a whole month. I need to go find your study on it. 

I have been to my neighbor;s to pick some snow peas. She had told me that the vines were over loaded and that I needed to get over there.

Not much is new here  am anxious to hear from Janet.

We have begun our 40 fast. The first 10 days is one meal a day.
2nd 20 days  all entertainment
3rd 10 days all negativity
4th 10 days  a 5-7 day water/juice fast or two meals per day.
Anyone care to join me?

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Janet on August 06, 2007, 08:57:21 PM
lefty janet checking in.  surgery went well, got home around 4 or so.  quite a bit of pain but think that will pass in a few days--have to take 8 weeks of therapy, range of motion.

darrel also had a little surgery today--right big toenail removed, sides of it anyway.

long day since 4:45 am, and i am headed to bed with high hopes of actually sleeping.

thanks so much for the prayers.   <3
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 07, 2007, 12:15:33 AM
Janet I am continuing to pray for you and Daryl.  Take care and don't overdo the typing.

Yes Gord I do remember David Pringle.  So would Pat remember his father.  Sorry you havn't been feeling too well.  I am praying for both you and Noreen. 

Marilyn I would love to join you in the fast.  I can do up to the water juice fast.  That I cannot do with the digestive problems I have.  I can do the rest though.

It is after midnight.  I am off to bed.
Night all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Sarah on August 07, 2007, 08:25:47 AM
hello all
well its been a long week and its only tuesday..... anyways i hope everyone is doing well i must go put the truck up.... unfortunatly the work must continue i will type at ya'll later have a GOOD day
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on August 07, 2007, 10:08:57 AM
Hi everyone from a very hot and steamy Georgia.  We are suppose to have temps between 97 and 101 today, which is rather unusual for us as we usually don't get above the low 90s in the summer.  The air quality is also in the danger zone even 30 miles from Atlanta where I live.  Our daughter said it was really bad down her way in Atlanta.

Janet, glad to see you posting and to know the surgery went well.  It always seems that after the third day the improvement is very noticeable.  I am feel for Darrel as several years ago I had the same procedure done on both big toes in my doctors office.  Really have the shots in the toes to deaden the big toes was the worst part of it and it was just momentary, but the idea of the shots is really a downer.

Gord, sorry to read that you and your wife are not feeling well after your trip. 

JudyB, I bet those new pups are really cute.  There is something about baby animals that is so special.  Your girls are fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience these births.  Having been raised on a farm I was priviledged to experience baby animals.  You preparation of the meals for John sounds like a good idea as it gets very expensive to eat out every meal.  It used to be the breakfast was inexpensive but no more. 

I need to work on Pat's scanner as it isn't working correctly so better get busy.  I also have a meeting to attend this morning.  Pat has gone for a diagnostic test this morning.  This afternoon the ATT tech serviceman is due again as what they did yesterday did not fix the problem.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Jeannine on August 07, 2007, 10:43:29 AM
Good morning all,

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I have been reading and praying as I can. Everyone here is about the same, Frank small improvements, Michael is doing very well since his surgery and PICU visit except for a seizure on Saturday, and my shoulder is basically no change. The websites are coming along very well.

Al ~ wonderful devotional and I love the song. Never heard it before.

Janet~ praying for you as you recover from your own surgery, thought about you all day the day you had it and prayed.

Outbackjack ~ wow! God sure is good and watches over us.

Gord ~ sorry to hear of your illnesses, you and your wife, praying for you.

Larry ~ wow its warm where you are, we are about 5° behind you and it is very humid.

Hi Marilyn, JudyB, Pat, Colin, Sarah, EttaSue, Ruth, and anyone else I cant remember names for :-[. Toooo many things on my mind.

Pat~ you made a comment on my picture 3D flower New Life, I posted a quick note in the photoshop section with the pic and the link to the tutorial I followed.

Everyone have a God filled and blessed day!
In His Love,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: karmat on August 07, 2007, 11:36:35 AM
Larry, I can relate to the heat thing.  We are supposed to have a record high of 93 today.  hahahahaha

Marilyn, I want to offer encouragement to you on your fast.  While I would love to join you, it has been my experience that when I fast just to fast, I get sick.  yuck.  However, if I follow the Holy Spirit's leading and fast when it directs me, it is much better.  I once went 5 days with nothing but water.  I'm not saying you are not being led to fast, I am simply telling you why I am not joining you. :)

Janet, I hope you had a restful sleep, and recover very, very quickly and completely.

My pastor called the other night from wherever he is in Indonesia.  Said things were going well, he was loving the food, and the best Bernard could tell, two had been saved.  The pastor couldn't come out and say that for security reasons, but Bernard thinks that is what he meant.  He should be home Thursday.

have a great day!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Janet on August 07, 2007, 11:44:51 AM
hello all.  i got good sleep last night, so thankful.

keeping my arm elevated and with ice pack is difficult. 

start therapy in the morning.  leave for st. louis tomorrow.

later............ :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 07, 2007, 11:52:21 AM

Larry ~ Sounds as if you had a great weekend of visiting, viewing and eating.  My kind of weekend.  Seems like you are getting smog from Atlanta.  We have had a lot of hazy days here but it is pure humidity! 

JudyB ~ Oh, my!  Thirteen puppies!!  But aren't they so cute.  Well, maybe not yet but once they get their eyes open, they are darlings!

Gord ~ Thanks for the hopes.  I am feeling fine.  I am finally over the tickle/cough/mucuous and that is a blessing.  I found a blood pressure medicine that works for me.  Now if it would just cool down here in Indiana...but when it does that, I know winter is on its way!

Marilyn ~ Fasting is great for cleansing the body and the soul.  I fasted once for 98 hours and only then did I eat because I kind of got scared.  I only had non-caloric beverages.

Janet ~ Great to hear from you and about your surgery.  So you and Darrell both had your extremities worked on!!  Remember every day gets better after surgery.  God Bless You.  You aren't over doing it by going to St. Louis tomorrow, are you?  Wish I was heading west and could meet you in St. Louis.  Sounds like a song, doesn't it?

Sarah ~ You certainly have a great work standard.  You would be a blessing in any job opportunity.  To tell you the truth, a few years back, I didn't think that but are a super employee!  As someone said....You go, girl!

Jeannine ~ Great to hear that you and yours aren't having any setbacks.  I pray for you and yours daily.  Sometimes several times.   God Bless you and your family.

We had a downpour last evening with lots of lightening and thunder.  I had sent an email to a friend, telling her if she had any problems downloading a free .pps viewer to call me.  I couldn't get online or get any emails.  I tried before going to bed...nothing.  And this morning...nothing.  I did a restore...that didn't help.  I did a scan for virus'...that didn't help.  Then I remembered...try pushing the power button on the modem and wait a minute and turn it back on.  I did and now have internet.  I guess the modem did a hiccup.  It is terrible but I felt lost without internet! 

I have already been to the gas station for lawn mower gas and filled my tank...$40.  $2.74.9 a gallon.  It went up again...Why???

And my Weather Bug pop-up said there is a warning in my area...a heat index warning.  It is suppose to get to 95° today so they are warning every one to stay inside in the A/C...don't mow your grass until after 6pm and I shouldn't have pumped gas at 10am this morning but didn't realize the warning was in effect. 

~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@ (
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Janet on August 07, 2007, 01:43:51 PM
Etta Sue--2.79 is up?  ours went DOWN to 3.00!

just been to care home, Beth's problems continue to multiply........ :'(  another round of doctor appts for her upcoming.

I hope the trip will give me time to heal, shouldn't be doing much while on a trip!  Be home on Monday.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 07, 2007, 06:13:05 PM
Yes Etta Sue 13 puppies!  At least they are not all in my home.  Had them to the vet today and had the tails clipped.  It sounds so mean but when you see the damage of an injured tail....well this is more humane.

Janet take care.  YOu need to give yourself time to heal, and for once look after Janet and not everyone else.  Larry stay cool.  If you have air conditioning keep it going and stay inside, away from the polution.

Karma that is great news from your pastor.  There was rejoicing in heaven!

Marilyn I prayed about the fast, and like Karma I don't feel God leading that way.

This has been a quiet day.  The girls are staying with friends and so it is just mom and I. 

Well I am off for a while, I may be back tonight.
Love JudyB
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 07, 2007, 07:26:58 PM
Judy that's cool. We are fasting for the churches. There are so many churches dealing with so many problems these day and we felt led to do a fast not only for the churches but to see what God would have us to do about it.  He seems to be telling us to stop complaining and DO something about it. So we are seeking HIM. It would be hard for anyone to fast if you are fasting just to fast, you have to have a goal to fast for.

My Internet was off most of the day from what I could figure out. I couldn't get on at all this morning and it was back when I got home about 2:30.

I had about 3 -4 inches cut off my hair today to get rid of all the dry ends. It feels and looks great now. It was getting so straggly looking.

I am trying a new Chocolate product I ran across. It is dark chocolate and one of the things is does is help a person to lose weight as well as all the other benefits of dark chocolate. It is even good for diabetics because it has no sugar in it  but has the same sweeteners as Splenda. I read that pure chocolate (Cocoa) has no caffeine in it. I didn't know  that. It tastes so good. MMMMM. I love it.  
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Gord Brown on August 07, 2007, 09:12:07 PM
 :)  Good evening to all.   Hope you are all well.  Could you please pray for a couple that I have known for a long time.  His name is Ernie and he has Terminal cancer and he has one fantastic attitude towards his medical problems.  His wife is Helen and she is actually my old girlfriend from when I first came to Canada so we have kept our friendships up for many years.  Today the Holy Spirit helped me to send an email to them today regarding there lives towards the Lord. 
So this is my prayer request that they will think very seriously about making a decision for the Lord.  Praise the Lord for this oppertunity to witness to them.   
We will be travelling this coming weekend for a wedding and for a baby dedication so lots of driving so also ask for safe driving on the

Judy B:  Wow that is a lot of dog's.  How are you keeping hope that your health is good.

Marilyn:  That is wonderful what you are doing at your church I would have a hard time fasting.   The Lord will bless you for this.

My wife just came into the office to tell me that the house accross from my sister-in-laws. was broken into and she had actually seen the person trying to get in.  So she is a single mum who lost her hubby to cancer and she asked for prayer as she is very upset and worried as he saw her .  Her name is Dolly.

Thanks for the contiued prayer and God Bless.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Sarah on August 08, 2007, 12:17:40 AM
Etta Sue, i read that you said i had a good work standard.... this has been a "forced issue" or maybe its just me growing up.... i'm almost done with school and got major promotions when i transfered stores this last time... however its kinda getting to wear the bosses take advantage of me sometime i end up doing most of their work (well the only boss i have right now) being the assistant manager is kinda a crazy position i've decided u have to listen to the complaints of the employees and relay them to the RGM however the RGM tells me to tell them to be quiet (sometimes thier complaints are bogus) but then you also have to know what the RGM does to be able to fill in for them when they are gone...and this week i've done just about everything that has to be done... Inventory, scheduling, packet to the main office in liberal so anyways what i'm getting at i guess in a long winded way is that i had to be responsible for work because i can't tell the employees they ahve to be there if i don't show up on time in uniform when i'm scheduled (no double standards) anyways i'm off to be early morning tomorrow... ttyl
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Janet on August 08, 2007, 09:29:13 AM
Yes, Sarah, you are growing up.  I've seen lots of changes since I first met you several years ago.  Good for you!

We are ready to leave, but first have to get my bandage changed.  It is unraveling and dropping wads of icky gauze wherever I go.  :P  Then have to go to therapy, then we hit the road. 

See you all about Tuesday.  Try to behave while I'm away.  ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 08, 2007, 09:38:10 AM
Have a safe trip Janet.

Good Morning one and all. I have myself all ready to go to work. I still have to have my breakfast, put Bebe inthe car then come back in and feed Happy. They have had no food or water since 8:30 last night. I can't feed one and not feed the other. Bebe is going to the Vet this morning to have her teeth cleaned etc that I already told you about.

I went to another Chocolate party last night and learned a lot more about the benefits and such. If anyone wants to know more email me and I will send you a link to the website.

All is well with my job, I am loving this one.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Samantha on August 08, 2007, 09:43:58 AM
 ;)  Marilyn, you are fasting, but going to chocolate parties?!   <3 

Morning y'all!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 08, 2007, 10:15:42 AM
Samantha this week I am fasting only one meal per day. That is my lunch meal. It is not a chocolate party like you would think. I wasn't eating chocolate.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 08, 2007, 11:06:28 AM

Marilyn ~ That sounds like the same chocolate that my DIL was selling.  Xocia or something like that.  I don't think she is selling it anymore....too many in the area selling it. 

Gord ~ I will pray for Ernie and Helen.  I have always said, it is never too late to accept Christ as your Savior.  But it may be too late if you don't.  (Meaning you could die first)

Sarah ~ I have a great work standard.  You are young and with all that responsibility you will thrive in your later years.  And after your college education, I predict you will soar!  When I grow up, I want to be just like you!!

Janet ~ Have a great trip to St. Louis.  Never this a pleasure trip or a work trip or a mission trip?  Will you get to do fun things?  Botannical gardens, zoo, the Arch, baseball game, Grant's farm?

Samantha ~ Good morning to you, too.  Yeah, Marilyn fasting but having chocolate.  I could fast like that!!

Not much planned for today other than normal things.  Just trying to keep cool.  Suppose to get to 97° today!!  Suppose to be the same tomorrow but Friday, Saturday and Sunday it is to cool down to 90°!!  I just looked at my weather bug.  It is 89.9° right now with a heat index of 94° and humidity is 62%.  That sounds muggy out there.  The kind of weather you need to carry a towel to dry off after your humidity shower.  ::)

>^..^<    >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<  >^..^<

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 08, 2007, 11:36:46 AM
Etta Sue that is exactly what it is XOCAI Healthy Chocolate.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 08, 2007, 12:00:49 PM
Sarah WOW such a level head and maturity.  You are a good example to those you work with.  Keep up the good work!

Janet enjoy your time away.  Only do what the physio says so you don't reinjure your arm.  Father take care of Janet and Daryl as they travel, give them your protection while they are gone.

Yes Marilyn I could fast like that!  Only one problem I can't eat chocolate, really bad results when I do.

Morning Etta Sue, Samantha, and everyone else.

We have a break in the heat.  There is a good breeze blowing and it is really nice outside.  I am off to buy more chicken food, Boy do they eat!   One bag only lasts 2 days.  A bag is about 45 lbs. or so (25KG) I think.

Have a good day everyone.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Al Moak on August 08, 2007, 07:35:14 PM
Wow!  $2.75 and $3.00.  I wish.  Here the lowest is $3.25.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Gord Brown on August 08, 2007, 10:18:34 PM
 :)    Hi to all.   I amglad that we do not have to pay that much for gas in a Canadian dollar.  You guys in the states are still getting your gas cheaper as there is two different gallon measurement's.
So you still get more for your money.

Marilyn:   It must be nice to be able to eat this chocolate.

Pat:  How are you I hope that you are well and taking it easy.  Look after yourself. talk to you .  Sis.

The couple that I told you about last night.  I did get an email back from her and she told me that she was baptized by emersion and that she knows something is not right in her life and she also told me that the thing that is missing she know's her sister had this.  So I pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to Ernie and Helen and that I will be able to contiue to be a witness to them.   THANKS.  Gord.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 08, 2007, 11:03:25 PM
Bebe came back from the hospital about 3:30 this afternoon. They cleaned and polished her teeth, removed the dew claws from her back legs, (They called and asked my permission to do that because there were real loose.) The took off the thing on her front leg and on her shoulder. She has bandages on both back legs but not on the other wounds. She had something to eat and has been lounging on the couch most of the time. So I guess she's gonna be OK. I just gave her ½ Rimadyl (doggie aspirin) for pain.  
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Pat on August 09, 2007, 07:55:45 AM
Good Morning everyone...

This has been such a busy week for me.  Hectic actually and also, I haven't been feeling up to par.  I had a short visit to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack but it wasn't my heart although it felt like it but rather they think it's pain radiating from a back problem that I've had xrays on, etc.  So busy, busy.

Today, I'm going to drive over to Toronto area to see my brother and give him and Grace a little gift for their garden.

I have read all of the prayer requests in here and have prayed along with you folks.  Hope you've read the updates I've posted about Mick (from Photography Cafe) and his dear little baby girl, Rebecka.

My son's father-in-law, a very dear and close friend of mine who lives in Ottawa, has been diagnosed with a very serious brain tumor.  I don't know the prognosis as yet but it sounds very serious so I might be heading down to Ottawa to see him.

Everyone have a wonderful day.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on August 09, 2007, 09:36:05 AM
Hi everyone.  I have to leave in about 5 minutes to help a SeniorNet friend set up his new Dell computer. This is an older gentleman I have known for about 10 years and he is a bit technically challenged but I am happy to try to help him.  His new computer has Vista and this will be my first experience with it. 

I have read all the postings.  Pat, sorry you are experiencing so many problems and know it is frightening when you think you may be having a heart attack.  Hope you are feeling better.

Al, I paid $2.67 per gallon for gas yeserday.  That is the lowest it has been for awhile.

JudyB, those chicks must really be growing if they eat tha much food.

Marilyn, the chocolate sounds interesting.

I don't have the time this morning to address everyone but have read each and every posting here.  Time for me to leave.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Iain on August 09, 2007, 09:37:58 AM
Greetings from sunny Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, Scotland.
I feel a bit like the prodical returning home as it has been a while since I last posted here and it looks as though I am a Newby again.
Well Newby here or not I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and that is what matters.
Great to hear how God is working worldwide in your lives - most encouraging.
Pat - thought I'd let you know that I had a customer from Guelph buying goods from me at the recent Highland Games here on the island.
I mentioned your name but she did not know but would keep an eye for your name popping up.
I think she was wearing a top with Guelph University or College written on it.
Anyway I hope to be calling round for a chat a bit more regularly now and hopefully adding a crumb here and there.
Al - A wonderrful post as usual.
Love to all in Christ
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 09, 2007, 10:31:24 AM
Oh Iain it is so good to see you again.

Pat so sorry to hear that you are having more problems.

Nothing new from here to report. Bebe seems to be in some pain this morning and is rather restless. I hate to leave her to got o wrk but I have to. I would like to take her with me but 5 hours inthe car would not be a good thing for her.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Al Moak on August 09, 2007, 10:45:57 AM
Iain!!!  So very good to hear from you!  How's your physical condition?  How's the family?  God greatly bless!!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 09, 2007, 11:00:41 AM

IAIN ~ You have no idea how many times I have thought...I wonder how Iain is?  It really made my day to see your post and your picture today!  Don't be a stranger! 

Today is 60 Chix.  We are expecting at least 10 of us and will be thrilled to pieces if there are more.  Even a woman from Illinois will be here.  She married one of our classmates so three 60 Guys are going golfing while their ladies goes to 60 Chix.  Bet the ladies have more fun!! 

Then tomorrow it is grocery shopping for FROGGS...our reunion back in the woods Saturday. 

Busy, busy, busy!!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 09, 2007, 11:05:43 AM
Iain WELCOME BACK!!!  I was talking about you with my daughter just this week.  

Pat plwease take care.  You do so much for everyone else that you ignore your own health.  I know Jack would have said call an ambulance!  you drove yourself.  What if it had been a heart attack and you had an accident.  Think about what Jack would have said.  I will get off my soap box.

Gord would you please email me with the last name of your friends.  I think our friends up here know them.

Marilyn dogs can have ibuprophen.  I used that regularly with Jake when he was so sick, cheaper than buying from a vet, and yes he will be in pain.

Larry gas here is about $9.35. so gas prices are better down your way.  I heard on our news that a diesel car can get an adaption and can use vegetable oil as fuel.  For us that would be under $2. per gallon.  That would be something worth getting for the fuel savings alone.  Yes the chickens are huge, and not to be slaughtered till the Tuesday after Labour Day.

Well today is Mother's doctors appointment.  Keep her in your prayers folks please.

I will be back
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: karmat on August 09, 2007, 11:58:30 AM
Yowsers Pat!  Take care, and I'm glad it wasn't a heart attack -- sorry about the whole ordeal though.

Iain -- so glad to see you posting.

My kids are having "a day" today.  When they are not arguing and scratching eachother, they are whining.  I thnk I'll get them in the car and go riding around to do some errands.  At least that way they can't touch eachother or spill or break anything. :)

have  agreat day
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Boots on August 09, 2007, 03:18:51 PM

A big Hello to all.  It has been a while since I was here.
I enjoyed the message on Psalm 18:2, thank you Al for your wisdom.

Etta, you mentioned "golf", I think you all remember I love the game.  I believe the men will enjoy it, Etta. :D

So with the subject of golf, I offer this:
"Golf is a Christian game, requiring of its players honesty, self-control, meekness, faith, perseverance, and long-suffering.  The rules of golf reprimand ill behavior, including swearing, cheating chewing tobacco, coveting your friend's clubs, or throwing your friend's clubs.  As if this weren't proof enough, golf is played in a garden, where God intended men and women to be from the beginning."
Taken from the book "Golfing with the Master" by Phil Callaway
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on August 09, 2007, 03:40:01 PM
Iain and Boots, so nice to see you both posting today.  Hope you won't be strangers.

Karmat, sounds like one of those days that challenge a mother's patience.

JudyB, not sure how your gas price relates to our gallon but that seems extremely high.

Etta Sue, has it been a year since your FROGGs get together?  Hope it cools off a little bit before the event. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Nita on August 09, 2007, 05:02:21 PM
Karmat, ah...I remember those days with the kids.  And now it's the dogs.  If Tyson is sleeping, and Rocko comes to bed, he growls if he even touches his tail as he comes in.  Same with Rocko if Tyson gets close to him.  I can almost hear them saying,  "Mom, he's TOUCHING ME!"  It's comical as all get out.  much more comical than having your kids act that way...haha...I don't have to convince you of that.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: karmat on August 09, 2007, 06:20:58 PM
Definitely a trying day today.  the other night we went out to eat.  Whatever we do, whereever we go, Travis and Kristi are not allowed to sit next to eachother. :)  This particular night they were across the table from each other.  Travis would stick his legs straight out and almost touch Kristi.  Then, she would yell, "No Trav, stop." Then, look at me and say, "He's trying to touch me!"


Such is life though.  I figure in about 18 years, I'll be sitting here going, "I remember when . . . .and I so miss it!"

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 09, 2007, 07:52:11 PM
Oh  Karma I do understand!  I often have the grands here and we get the same thing happening.  When I lay out the rules all I get from the both is "OK."  Wish the okays worked everywhere we go.

OK Larry I did make a mistake.  Thought about it on the way to the doctors appointment.  A US gallon is about 3.5 litres.  We pay 1.08 to 113 per liter.  Muktiply that out and you get 3.78 to about 3.95.  The thing is they hope we look at your prices and think that ours are lower.  NOT!  Sorry about the mistake.

Boots good to "see" you here.  Don't be strange!

Nita aren't the 4 legged kids great?  They each have their own language and you have to understand them all.  Couldn't understand why Stitches wouldn't go out,  only to realize another dog was too close to her and I was getting the "he's touching me mom!" 

Mother's doctors appointmant went well.  All her numbers are in line and the doctor is really pleased.  He has said though that she is not to live on her own again.  So it is here for the duration. 

Well I do have to go, I won't be back tonight so God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Nita on August 09, 2007, 10:08:55 PM
I took the boys to the groomer today.  All the way over Rocko was about to have a heart attack.  He was actually crying, panting, just a nervous wreck.

Tyson, on the other hand, was my Cool Luke kind of guy.  He takes everything in stride.

When we got there, the only reason Rocko headed back to the kennels to wait their turn was Tyson remembered and went on in, Rocko following him so that he wouldn't get lost.

What was so cute this afternoon when I picked them up, was the way Rocko, who wants Tyson to never touch him, was handed to me first, after she'd leashed him.  I let him down, and moved out of the door way so Tyson could get out and come out the door.  Well, Rocko wouldn't budge.  I finally let him go where he wanted, and he went right back in, looking up at the upper kennel where Ty was being clicked to his leash.  It was so cute.  They really are just like brothers.  He wouldn't think of leaving without his brother.  When Tyson was put down, Rocko's little head went up, his prancer started and he pranced right on out of that place with his brother Ty right beside him. :)

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 09, 2007, 11:26:53 PM
Oh Nita what a wonderful story.  And "they" say stupid dogs!   No such thing in my mind.

Got to run
Nught all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Jane Walker on August 10, 2007, 02:16:51 AM
Ahhh, Nita ... you really have a couple of special little fellas there.   I know you love them and they would be totally lost without you!   
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Iain on August 10, 2007, 04:21:21 AM
Just a few of my thoughts this morning:-

Are you burdened and feeling low because of guilt and sin?

Perhaps like me this morning you feel as though you are the porest Christian who ever lived and you cannot help but wonder how God can love such a wretch.

Well consider this:-

God's love for YOU is personal.

God's love for YOU is greater than any sin.

God's love for YOU sent His only Son Jesus to the cross to wash all these sins away.

If that were not enough He has clothed YOU with a shining, spotless garment that can never be soiled.

Even more than all this He has prepared a place just for YOU with Himself in Glory for all eternity.

These few thoughts lifted my spirits as I start today and i pray they will lift yours also.

Every blessing to you all - Your brother in Christ Iain
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Jim D on August 10, 2007, 05:02:46 AM
Thanks for your encouraging thoughts and words, Al. That's an encouraging grand old hymn of the faith too!  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 10, 2007, 08:57:57 AM
Iain It is so good to see your thought this morning Just what I needed to start my day. Now I am off to Curves to do my workout. I will be back later. Thank you again Iain.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on August 10, 2007, 09:36:43 AM
Hi everyone.  Just back from coffee a the senior center here in our little town.  Will pick my friend up in an hour and we will go to the county senior center where we have the SeniorNet Computer Learning Center.  Today is our first volunteer meeting of the fall session.  We have been off for a couple of months.  Our user group begins next month.  We are not having a business lunch today since there is no meeting after lunch.

Last week we were told tha tour Learning Center president and another of the long-term volunteers were getting married.  They had both lost spouses in the last 18 months or so.  I think that is just wonderful and exciting and am so happy for both of them that they will not have to live alone.  They each are selling a home and buying into a very nice retirement community. 

JudyB, no problem on the fuel cost.  I was just having a problem getting my head around the idea your fuel could be over $9 per litre or whatever unit you have.  I was going to ask you about your MIL but see you answered my question in that she won't be going back to live in her apartment apparently.

Iain, nice to once again read your positive postings as you share your faith.

Not much else to say today.  I have been fighting a bit of a sore throat for a couple of days.  Just now took a Cold-eze and it feels better.  Hope it isn't going to become a cold.  I think it could easily relate to the severe air pollution we have had around here the last few days.  Today it is again to be over 100 degrees, not typical weather in this area of Georgia as we are at a fairly good elevation.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 10, 2007, 11:07:22 AM
Hi everyone.

Iain That was exactly what I needed today, I passed it on to my daughter and she responded the same .  We all need that kind of encouragement.   Again Thank you.

That upcoming marriage is wonderful.  God said, "It is not good that man should be alone!"

Morning Marilyn.  Have a good day.

I am having company for lunch.  6 children and 2 extra adults.  It will be a time of laughter and fun.  I have 2 of my grands for the balance of the weekend.  Better run I have laundry to hang out.

God Bless and I am continuing in prayer for all.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 10, 2007, 12:45:20 PM

Good afternoon!  Where has the day gone already? 

Boots ~ Good to see you!  Don't be a stranger!

Karma ~ My brother and I are 7 years apart.  He was always picking on me and I don't remember it, but I probably picked on him, too.  We had a dining room table that had 5 in the middle.  Mom would get enough of us fighting and would tell us to go sit under the table, one on each side of the middle leg, and sit there until we could kiss and hug each other.  Well, I was too little to care about that but Kaye Don would sit there until his stomach growled for food!!  Then reluctantly would kiss me and hug me.  You might try that on Trav and Kristi!!!   :lol:

Ivalou and I went out for breakfast and then to the grocery.  I have my cornbread made for Cornbread Salad.  I stripped my bed and have washed some things and they are in the dryer. 

Ivalou is to have 11 extra people at her place tonight and 14 overnight tomorrow night!!  I am the annex overflow.   ^-^  If she runs out of places for them to fall, they are to come over here!!   ;D :D

And no matter how hot it is, it is always 10°-15° cooler back in the woods even with a fire for cooking hot dogs and such.  You can't be back there long without a fire...just traditional! 

Looking forward to seeing everyone and everyone having a great time.  That's one reason we decided to have all our family together for FROGGS in August.  Well, really we probably ALL won't be together again unless there is a death in the family.  Sad but true!!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Jane Walker on August 10, 2007, 01:31:54 PM

Well, I must say how good it is to see Iain and Boots dropping by again!   :thumbsup:

Iain I, too, enjoy reading your thoughts.

Yesterday I went to donate blood but came home with only a bruised and sore arm ... My blood was reluctant to flow properly so, rather than continue to poke me, they let me off  :-\ 

This afternoon I will be joining my friends to sing at the care center then, tomorrow I will be driving down to Sacramento.  I want to be there for Bryan before he leaves for his new stint in the Army ... we are hoping to get some more of the family together tomorrow night so he can have a good send-off.

He actually leaves for GA on Thursday, but will most likely spend Wednesday night at the hotel with the other recruits so I'll make my return trip on Thursday. 

Lotsa stuff to do and not enough time ..... but I'll just keep at it until I get at least a little further down the road ....

Y'all take care now, y'hear? 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Gord Brown on August 10, 2007, 01:49:32 PM
 :lol:   Good afternoon to you all.    Some of you are very busy and that is good for you .  They tell me that when you are busy it keeps your mind working better especially when we are getting older.  My wife had her appointment with the specialist and he has her going to the hospital for some other tests on the 14th. of this month so again we would ask you to continue to pray for that day.

Ian:  Nice to here from someone else from the Holy Land above England  HA.HA.  I left Scotland in 19-65 and not very long after that I met Pat through her dad and it is amazing that all these years later we are still good friends and brother and sister in Christ.  Thanks for your encouraging words today.  God bless you way up there in Stornaway.  What do you do for a living?   :coffee:

Etta Sue: I just love all the different animal characters that you have at the top of your post's  Don't do to much this weekend and then get yourself to tired.

Judy B:  Did you get my email.  Also don't work to hard this weekend and look after yourself. See ya sis.

To all  others I have read your pots's and do enjoy but must get some thing's done. God bless and have a great weekend. <3:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Liz on August 10, 2007, 02:06:11 PM
I think Fall is coming early to the island!  Considering we seem to have skipped most of Spring & Summer....that shouldn't be too much of a surprise...Things in the garden are already showing signs of change and the air has a real chill.  My body certainly understands that old song, " I feel a change coming on."  :(

Nice devotional, Pastor Al.  Have not heard that music for ages.  Do you have "Jesus Is Coming Today?"  So much of the old music is being forgotten....

It is wonderful to see and read your messages again, Iain.  Many of us have greatly missed your posts.  Hope there will be many more in the future.  For someone like me, who can't get to church, it surely does help to come here.

I have found a nice little program on Sunday morning that comes from Winnipeg and is part of the Mennonite Brethren Church.  An old fashioned message that teaches the Bible and explains in a clear and concise manner.  Sort of no frills, old songs and lots of reality.  I like the way that he explained how once Christians are saved, their old sins are gone forever, and sin is not judged in future, rather we are judged by our service to Christ.  Guess, without serving Christ, we are sinners, but we can be true to Him in many ways and serve in many I right, Pastor Al??

"Without God the world would be a maze without a clue."

Bad virus has been making most of this household ill for a couple of weeks now.  The poor cats have had lots of time spent 'caring' for everyone.  They stick real close when anyone is ill....course that simply might be to catch up on their naps!!! ;)

Etta Sue, I like your new photo.  Also love all the stories about the pets.  Animals are so interesting and smart!!!  I have been reading some true stories about elephants and lions, written by a man named Ralph Helfer.  He trained Gentle Ben, the bear, Clarence the Crossed-Eyed Lion, etc.  For those of us who are older, those names are probably familiar.  Used love to train his animals....a first in his field at that time.  Stories well worth reading.

Time to go.  Pray for all who ask and some who don't....

Pleasant Day/Evening and God Bless.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Iain on August 10, 2007, 02:08:41 PM
Hi Gord

Well I'm a photographer and I also started recently converting cassettes or LP's to CD.

I did this in order that one would supplement the other and also to save all the precious sermons that have been preached over the years and recorded onto cassettes which hardly anyone uses now.

I am feeling kind of old tonight as my youngest son has just bought his first car.

He has saved up hard since he started working and now he has a car that is better than his dads!!

Apparently my old banger has no 'street cred!!'

I tried uploading some of my photos this morning but got bogged down and I seem to have lost them in cyberspace.

I'll try again tomorrow.

Lovely to hear from you all.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Nita on August 10, 2007, 02:44:32 PM
Etta Sue....cornbread salad??  That sounds interesting.

Hello to the returners. :)  It was nice to see your names and faces again.
I don't post much, but come to read and see what's going on in others lives, get prayer requests, etc.

We are feeling like Fall already too.  And we have spiders and their tree-to-tree webs that catch me in the face every morning.  These usually don't start till toward the end of August.   When I run into one, I always think of mom telling me that the wispy webs that sort of float in the air from a single line attachment somewhere, are the youngsters practicing to make webs.  Ok, Mom.  Just for you, I'll try to find something sweet in spider webs all over. :)  I just wish they'd get away from the back door and MY area of the yard.  I just want one little spot.  I guess they want one little spot and more.

Heh!  What about sharing?    And "Don't touch me!"   Nita

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Al Moak on August 10, 2007, 07:13:11 PM
Liz - thanks for the question regarding our service to Christ.  Thankfully, we are not judged for that service or lack of it, for if we were, then we'd fail indeed.  Christ's obedience to the Father is charged to our accounts, so we are judged on His righteousness, not our own.  He does indeed move by His Spirit within us to live according to His Word, and we should thank Him for that, but our failures (whenever they occur) are charged to Christ's account, not our own.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 10, 2007, 08:13:06 PM

Oh Al such a wonderful truth.  Thank you
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Boots on August 10, 2007, 08:15:38 PM

Hello to everyone.
I want to thank all that welcomed me back..( if I miss some one, forgive the old man..)  :)
Nita good to read your messages again..

Larry thank you so much for the welcome back, your posts are always interesting, and You are still doing lots of volunteer work.  Good for you.  :)

Iain you post have some good Christian advice .. thanks..  Oh yes perhaps your son will loan you his auto.   :D

Etta Sue thanks for your welcome to me.

Jane Walker thank you also, and did you use to have the handle "jay walker" ?

Gord , I liked your description of the "Holy Land" being above England.
I have a son living in York, been there about 30 years.  I like Scotland as I have visited there a few times.

Al Moak, always good to read your messages..I have often thought your middle name should be "Faith" because I have never read any thing you wrote that suggested otherwise.

Pat, I am praying for you and your Family.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 10, 2007, 08:38:02 PM
Hi every one. Hello to you Boots I've often wondered about you.

I have been so busy today that I haven't even been able to get out and walk with the dogs. I will be doing that this evening. I had to leave twice to take care of some business and now I am finishing up my laundry as I will be busy tomorrow too.

They are coming to install my Satellite dish between 8 and 12 tomorrow morning.

Fay called me  today and I will be going to her place tomorrow to do some shopping for her and out to lunch with her. Her caregiver quit and she hasn't got a new one yet. Her brother in law passed away earlier this week. The last of the relatives in her age group. She has outlived them all at 98 y.o.

In the afternoon tomorrow if the sun is out my neighbor and I will go out to Patrick's Points and see if we can see some birds or whales with our binoculars. I will also have my camera with me and look for some photo ops. I think there is something going on at the Indian village out there tomorrow too. Hopefully they will have some Salmon on  a stick that has been smoked over a campfire Indian style.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Jane Walker on August 10, 2007, 09:45:10 PM
Quote from: Boots on August 10, 2007, 08:15:38 PM

Jane Walker thank you also, and did you use to have the handle "jay walker" ?

Yup ... I am still the Jaywalker at SeniorNet ... ya found me out!   :-[ :D 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Nita on August 11, 2007, 12:16:42 AM
Jane, did you go to Sacramento??  Maybe I misunderstood.  I thought you were leaving this morning.  And YOU KNOW I never get things mixed up. lol  Nita
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Jane Walker on August 11, 2007, 02:17:49 AM
Quote from: Nita on August 11, 2007, 12:16:42 AM
Jane, did you go to Sacramento??  Maybe I misunderstood.  I thought you were leaving this morning.  And YOU KNOW I never get things mixed up. lol  Nita

I will be gone in about 3-4 hours, Nita.  Joy has managed to contact Tim and Dave and they are supposed to (try to) get their sisters to join the family at Joy and John's for a BBQ Saturday afternoon/evening.  I will be there .....  other things are causing tension and nerves are frayed so this just might be a quick trip.   :) 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 11, 2007, 09:30:34 AM
Well the trip with my neighbor has been cancelled. We decided to go to the county fair next week  maybe Friday afternoon.

Praying for you Jane.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 11, 2007, 11:29:31 AM

Nita ~ Cornbread Salad is delicious.  You can find it here ( in the Recipe Section.

I am on a run today.  Busy, busy, busy getting ready for FROGGS back in the woods.  So I won't comment individually.

I have already been back to the woods ( you can click on my profile, zoom in on where I live and the woods is at the bottom or south of my house.  Also my house is on the left, Ivalou's is in the middle and Kaye Don's is on the right.  That house across the road is a dump...been remodeling it for 10 years or more).  I went back to set up my open-air potty...a toilet seat on a 5-gallon bucket, then a curtain hung from tree to tree with bungie cords for privacy.  I was surprised to get back there and Jeff, my niece's boy friend was back there and he has really spruced up the place.  Cut down dead trees, burnt the wood/limb pile, mowed all around and even raked.  Said he has been back there about every day for two weeks.  You have to use my drive to get back there and I never saw his truck go back!! 

I am all ready to go back the 3pm except taking a shower and changing clothes.  I just know it will be a fun time!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 11, 2007, 11:56:57 AM
Etta Sue what is FROGGS?  You may have answered this before, and I missed it.

Jane will be praying, have a good time away.

Boots, It is always good to have old members back in touch.  You have been missed.

Has anyone heard from Meeka?  I miss reading her posts.

It is a hot day here in the north, Kassie got 1/2 of our lawns mowed and ran out of gas.  Also Elizabeth is chomping at the bit to mow the lawns.  You know it is something when you don't allow a child to do a job, because you love to do it yourself, it is that job they want to do themselves.  I do prefer to do the mowing myself, but it is nice to not have to worry about it.

Heather went to a Randy Travis concert at Casino Rama last night.  5000 people heard the gospel.  I was wondering if he would sing his gospel songs in that setting, and was really surprised to find he did.

Kassie and Elizabeth go to camp on Sunday, for a week.  Camp is always a good time for kids to learn about God and outdoor activities.  Pray that their spirits are stirred to follow His leading. 

Well I am off, Have a big day here.

Bye and God bless.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on August 11, 2007, 03:34:39 PM
Hi everyone.  Good to read all the postings.  Jane, hope you have a good trip and Etta Sue, enjoy your family get together.  I will ask you all to forgive me for being brief but am fighting a summer cold and am not feeling very good.  I spent the night in my easychair, which turned out to be very comfortable.  I did feel better this morning but now am not feeling up to par.  It has been a long time since I had a cold, much less one in summer. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Carol on August 11, 2007, 07:44:33 PM
Welcome home Iain!!!!!

Gord Brown:  We are going to be in Scotland sometime in October  and Don has made come committments/reservations- staying two months, Oct & November in and out of Cambridge.  I hope all is going well for you!

JudyB:  A big box full of puppies,how much fun that can be for all of you.

Al:  You always say the right thing.

Karmat:  I used to stop any "fighting" between the four children & tell them that if they "fought" they had to hug & kiss each other and apologize - believe me, the boys didn't want any of that kind of punishment.  Sometimes, all fours corners on a room had one child facing each corner.  Now they are best friends as well as brothers & sisters. 

Checking in here in higher hills, above 5,500 ft. in altitude and the temperatures have been into the low 40's (F) in early morning.  We spotted a bull moose yesterday sitting by a pond and today, osprey parents teaching their young to fly, sat by a lake & Don fished & I didn't because I knew that the fish aren't biting, so read a silly book. 

Janet:  Take care

Pat:  A big relief that it isn't your heart but a pain like that can be a heartburn as well, so they might check into it sometime. 


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Samantha on August 12, 2007, 08:27:17 AM
 :) Morning y'all! :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on August 12, 2007, 08:39:24 AM
Hi everyone.  A brief checkin this morning as this cold really has me down.  I was able to sleep in bed last night without too many coughing spells.  However, this morning I ache, it has moved into a head cold.  At least my throat isn't as sore.

I had hoped to go to church this morning as our choir is singing but obviously that is out of the question.  I had alerted the choir director last evening that I likely would not be there.  I can't image what my signing voice must sound like.  This is the first service this fall that the choir is participating in the service.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 12, 2007, 08:43:14 AM
Good Morning Samantha; How are you doing?

Good morning all. I got up at 4:30, resting and awake. I have my TV on to the Daystar channel I am so happy that once again I can watch Christian Television.

I did my weigh in Friday at Curves adn am 5 lbs away from my goal of 160 lbs. I feel so good and so healthy. My knee isn't popping much anymore either. What a relief it is to not have the knee pain that I had before I lost the weight.

I pray you will all have a blessed Sunday. Good morning Larry I am praying for you.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 12, 2007, 10:22:34 AM

Okay, for those who don't know, my maiden name is Stevenson.  So FROGGS is what do you call it when you form a word out of the first letter of a sentence?  So FROGGS stands for Friends and Relatives Of Grandma and Grandpa Stevenson.  There was 30 of us back in the woods and that was great since there was only two representing Kaye Don's side of the family.  This year was our 3rd Annual FROGGS.  Great time had by all!! 

But I am afraid I played hookey today from church.  I was so tired and probably dirty from ashes floating in the air at FROGGS that I didn't set the alarm.  I got up late...9:30pm and showered but didn't head to church.  Got to go to Ivalou's and say good bye to her 14 people that spent the night at her house!!!!

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: karmat on August 12, 2007, 04:32:59 PM
Larry, summer colds are the worst.  Not only is it hot and humid, but you feel icky too.  :(  I'm sorry; I hope you are feeling lots better.

Go Marilyn Go!  I am one pound closer to my goal.  hahahahahahaha  (I've lost a total of one pound).

ES, that sounds like such a great time.  I like family reunions, generally, though there is one branch of my family tree I'm not really close to, or care a lot about, as bad as that sounds.  One of the things Trav will be doing this fall in "Social Studies" is a family tree.  I want to make a big ole tree with branches and leaves for the different family members.

I hope ya'll had a wonderful weekend and are getting ready for an awesome week.

take care
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 12, 2007, 05:19:16 PM
Hi Folks.... I got some sad news today.  John has a cousin in Ottawa, our Nation's Capital.  He has a son Craig.  In Craig's backyard there is a swimming pool.  Craig's son, 14 months old fell into the pool and drowned.  This is so sad, the funeral was Friday.

What can you say to heart broken parents and grandparents?  So sad.

I will be back to read the posts, just need a break from telling you all this.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Carol on August 12, 2007, 05:47:45 PM
Oh,how sad whenever a child falls into a pool,lake or river.   

Larry:  Sorry about your summer cold.  Rest easy.

Do you still have the SHOUT boxes?  I can't see them.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: JudyB on August 12, 2007, 06:02:18 PM
Carol I don't see it either.  The shout box that is.

The girls are gone again.  A week at camp will do them good.  They have signed forms to go on a overnight canoe trip.  Kassie is really looking forward to that.

We had rain today for about 15 minutes.  Just enough to raise the humidity.

Yesterday I cut endive and a few other things in the garden.  Mom has taken to it and put them in the freezer.  THat is a job she loves to do.

Well I must get going, Mom is waiting to findout what I am doing for dinner.  I don't have a clue.  Guess I had better get at it!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Marilyn on August 12, 2007, 06:38:03 PM
I don't see the shout box either. What happened to the shoutbox?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on August 12, 2007, 10:03:10 PM
Hi, I'm back in from Atlanta. Was there for DIL's 3-vertebrae spinal fusion. She's home now, but in lots of pain. Hopefully, I can get caught up on my reading and really able to post again before long.

Love to all.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of August 6
Post by: Etta Sue on August 12, 2007, 11:14:15 PM

Time for a new week of thoughts beginning here (