Christian Photographers Community

Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Janet on November 19, 2006, 03:31:57 PM

Title: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 19, 2006, 03:31:57 PM


:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:


Morning Devotional...

Today's Insight

That Perfect Peace

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you (Isaiah 26:3, NLT).

Long ago a man sought the perfect picture of peace. Not finding one that truly satisfied, the man announced a contest to produce this masterpiece.

This challenge stirred the imagination of artists everywhere, and paintings arrived from far and wide. Finally, the great day of revelation arrived. The judges uncovered one peaceful scene after another, while the viewers clapped and cheered.

The tensions grew. Only two pictures remained veiled. As a judge pulled the cover from one, a hush fell over the crowd. A mirror-smooth lake reflected beautiful, green birches under the soft blush of the evening sky. Along the grassy shore, a flock of sheep grazed undisturbed. Surely this was the winner.

Finally, the very last entry was uncovered by the artist himself, and the crowd gasped in surprise. Could this be peace?

The painting showed a tumultuous waterfall cascading down a rocky precipice. The crowd could almost feel its cold, penetrating spray. Stormy, gray clouds threatened to explode with lightning, wind and rain. In the midst of the thundering noises and bitter chill, a spindly little tree clung to the rocks at the edge of the falls. One of its branches reached out in front of the torrential waters as if foolishly seeking to experience its full power. In the elbow of that branch, a little bird had built a nest. Content and undisturbed in her stormy surroundings, she rested on her eggs. With her eyes closed and her wings ready to cover her little ones, she manifested a peace that transcends all earthly worry.

Like that little bird, we live in a world of great turmoil and stormy surroundings. Strife, violence and uncertainty are all around us, constantly threatening to overwhelm us. We are tiny and we seem so vulnerable to the powerful and destructive forces of the world.

Yet in the midst of all that, God gives us His supernatural peace. Our Lord tells us, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27, NIV).

We know that peace is God's will for us. Most of the New Testament letters, each word inspired by the Holy Spirit, begin with something like "Grace and peace to you."

Always remember: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV).

Yours for fulfilling the Great Commission each year until our Lord returns,

Bill Bright


We're thankful for your blessings, Lord,
  Your watchful eye above.
For freedom's bell that tolls for all
  In this dear land we love.

We're thankful, Lord, for useful work,
  For measure of good health,
For family ties and friendships dear,
  More precious than this wealth.

For all your tender mercies, Lord,
  For sunshine and for rain,
For golden harvest, richly blessed
  In yield of fruit and grain.

In this Thanksgiving week, dear Lord,
  We bow in humble prayer,
We're thankful for your blessings, Lord,
  Your gifts are everywhere.
Kay Hoffman
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 20, 2006, 12:31:48 AM

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jim D on November 20, 2006, 04:40:52 AM
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!

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Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: mybcjazz on November 20, 2006, 07:43:12 AM

Thanks for the nice devotional today.  As a person with excellent skills as a painter, I'm sure the story from Bill Bright was really special to you.

I am relaxing with a warm dog beside me.  Those are just two things I'm thankful for at this moment--a time to relax and a faithful companion (that could use a bath) <3.

In His Grip,
Jazz Kevin
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 20, 2006, 09:24:58 AM

He bowed his head and said a prayer
Just a heartbroken little boy
He whispered; Jesus, are you listening there
Will you bring me love, peace and joy?

He knelt beside the altar stone
Set up by him in meadow grass
He poured his heart out there all alone
Jesus; when will my sorrows pass

For down my cheeks the tears they run
In my life I have no love
I heard I must come to you God's Son
For a happy home above

When will my pain and heartaches cease?
For happiness I often dream
And endlessly I search for peace
But my tears are flowing like this passing stream

And the boy knelt there with lowered head
His body marked from beatings sore
Mocking words had filled him with fear and dread
And his breaking heart could take no more

The ceiling of his prayer house was the blue domed sky
And the pillars were the sycamore trees
The hedge walls of his meadow chapel echoed to his cry
As he prayed to his Saviour on his knees

Then Jesus stood near in that place
And met with the boy kneeling there
Where love was given; peace and amazing grace
And an answer to a childish prayer

The boy; now a man; looks back through the years
To that wonderful day long ago
When kneeling at a stone in sorrow and tears
His loving Saviour heard him crying in the meadow

Colin Moffett

A testimony poem written with tears.

That Perfect Peace....what wonderful words Janet they are to me. What a lovely post you have started of with. I do not know much about your Thanksgiving week; but I realised as I was reading your post; how much I have to thank my dear Saviour for. I decided to start with my testimony poem...or part of my testimony as it is too hurtful to relate in full... but this is where my relationship with my Lord began more than forty five years ago. What wonderful peace and joy He brought to a broken little boy's heart when clouds of despair shadowed him and the storms of his life threatened to blow him away. I do not care how many poems I write...I will never find the words to tell what Jesus means to me. I have so much to be THANKFUL for!
Janet; you and I will have to discuss painting more in full. Does Liz paint as well and anyone else? I have not painted recently. I paint more in arcrylics now because I like to "footer" with my paintings. Ask Pat what "footer" means! Hello to everybody else! Have a blessed day.
God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 20, 2006, 10:05:29 AM
Hi Folks it has been a while since I have been here.  Between health problem of faily and general busyness It has been difficult to get all that I have neded to do, done.

Janet I love the story of the little bird.  To be at peace like that is truly a God thing.

We had a pastor from Guelph at our church yesterday AM.  Joel Zanti_ _ _ _ _ I can't spell his last name!  He spoke on the courage of Mary in the Christas story.  How she didn't exhalt herself but "pondered these things in nher heart".  Can you imagine a teenage girl, promised in marriage, finding herself pregnant, and having to face her family, friends, and world, knowing she was still a virgin? That is the ultimate of courage.  Going back to the 60's a friend became pregnant and she was wisked away to a home so as to not embarrass her family.  Imagine the implications back before Jesus was born!  Then look at the courage of Joseph, in following through with a wedding, knowing people would look at him as being the father and knowing he wasn't!  I can imagine the only place of peace was at Elizabeth's home.  Mary showed true courage, courage we rarely see in this fast paced workl.

It is a cold day here in the north. y fingers have seized in the cold!  Gotta get them warm so Bye for now.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 20, 2006, 10:43:14 AM
Nice to see all who have dropped by for their coffee or cup of tea today.

I just drove my granddaughter to school as she slept in.  Yes, it's a little chilly out there.

Thanks so much, Colin for sharing that lovely poem. 

Judy, great to see you!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 20, 2006, 10:57:23 AM
Hi everyone.  Just back from coffee, going to the vets to settle the final bill for Mr. Tiggers, and then to Krogers for a few grocery items.  I did get scrimp for dinner tonight so am looking forward to having that and Pat has made a pie that is in the refrigerator.

Janet, I always get something from the writing of Bill Bright.  His life and work was a wonderful testimony of his love of Christ.

Colin, a beautiful, sad but very positive poem.  Thanks for sharing it today.  It is easy to see that you pour your heart into your poetry, but I suppose that is characteristic of most poets.  We have a good friend who is a poet.

JudyB, nice to see you posting today.  You have been away too long but understand you have a busy life with young children and grandchildren.

Kevin, I expect your faithful companion would prefer not to have a bath.  :)

Under His Shadow, I have never seen the Pilgrim half dollar before.  Thanks for sharing it.

Pat, that is a lovely graphic for Thanksgiving.

Trisha, hope you get the report from your doctor today that you are wanting.

I have a quiet day planned and don't think I have to get out anymore today other than to get the mail.  Then the rest of the week I have something planned for each day including attending a wedding and reception for one of the ladies in our church choir.  Hope everyone has a nice day.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 20, 2006, 11:01:06 AM
Judy, great to see you back!  Sorry it is so cold up your way.  I just heard on the radio that our temp is to be 77 on Thursday!  :)  No excuse for any of us here not to go for a walk after Thanksgiving dinner!  ;)

Colin, your poem is heart-touching.  I can relate to the pain of the little boy you were.  I, too, experienced beatings, and much screaming of insulting things, which damages a child's value of himself so much.  And when that kind of treatment comes from the very ones who should love and protect and nurture us, the pain goes even deeper.  Along with you, I praise my Jesus for his kind, loving arms into which even a young child can flee in times of danger and heartbreak.  Blessings, brother.

Yes, Liz also paints, and her granddaughter, Amanda, does wonderful drawings!  She is really talented.  Liz has posted some examples of her work somewhere here on CP.  Al's wife, Marbeth, also does some painting.

I am having a hard time realizing that this is Thanksgiving week!  Where does the time go????  :-\

Kevin, you and Jazz have a great day!  Both Beth's and our dog got into something last week and they positively REEKED!!  :P  Must have rolled around on something dead.  It wasn't skunk, but PHEW!!

I will be back later.  Hope everyone has a God-blessed day!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 20, 2006, 11:04:06 AM
Hey, Pat!  What does "footer" mean?

Hi, Larry, we were composing at the same time.

I really liked the Pilgrim half-dollar, too, never saw one of those!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 20, 2006, 11:27:12 AM
Footer...  Actually, this is a word I've not seen in print the way I've heard it pronounced.  I've heard folks say, "I've done nothing today but footer about!".  Or a fellow might say, "What you footering about lass?"

I would say, that it means something like fiddling about or doing nothing serious, just pottering about.

It's a word that we just knew the meaning of because of the way it was used.

Does that make sense?

The fellow across the landing from where we lived was from north Antrim and he used it all the time but it was pronouced so differently than "footer".  Almost like "futrin" about.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 20, 2006, 11:29:23 AM

Here's how Colin probably "tocks"... 

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN (  and laugh!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 20, 2006, 12:57:45 PM

Pat ~ I remember someone saying...flitterin' your life away.  Or why are you flutterin' about?  Possibly the same thing.  And the Scotish accent.  I understood some of it but not all.  Love the lilt in the voice. 

I had an exciting time this morning.  I heard a loud motor noise and realized it was either a plane or helicopter.  I went outside on the deck with my slippers on but didn't see anything.  I came in, grabbed my camera and went to the bedroom window.  There was the helicopter over the power lines.  He was just hovering.  I took several pictures...kept focusing on the tree limbs instead of the helicopter.  Then I noticed a man on the power lines.  He was walking on the wires.   :o  It looked like he was tethered from the wires to his jacket.  He walked on the wires on all fours.  His feet never left the wires...shuffled his feet.  He was going backwards.   :o  The helicopter came up to him and he got on a platform and unhooked his tether line.  There are three sets of wires with four wires each so the helicopter moved over to the middle set and the man got out again.  He walked on the wires toward the tower, did some things and walked backwards.  Then the helicopter picked him up again.  Then moved to the wires closest to me.  The man walked the wires again, did some things and walked backwards to the helicopter.  Then they flew almost directly above me.  There is a platform on the bottom of the helicopter that probably sticks out 6 feet from the runners.  The man was sitting on the corner of the platform while the helicopter whizzed away to the next tower to the north.  Cars and trucks were stopped on my road watching them.  There is no way either of those men make enough money to do their jobs!!   :uglystupid:  Just hope my pictures turn out. 

Today is a day that the more. I hurry the behinder I get.  I am doing laundry right now.  I have talked on the phone a few times and it is almost 1pm.  I need to eat and then start my Christmas decorating.  I used to do all of it in one afternoon but I am allowing more time since Father Time is knocking on my door.  And Mr. Arthur Itis doesn't help much either!

I am listening to Christmas music to get me in the mood.  Also it snowed last night but it is almost all gone now.

<OO> <oo> <OO> <oo> <OO> <oo> <OO> <oo> <OO> <oo>
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 20, 2006, 01:00:27 PM
Oh, my Etta Sue!

What an exciting morning for you!  Yes, I hope your photos turn out as well.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Sue on November 20, 2006, 02:38:17 PM
Hello everyone.

Colin your wife has a great day for her birthday!  I will even be willing to share my cake with her... ;D

Going back a few days to the "farm" chat, I remember sliding down under a cows belly one day while going the pond to go skating.  I was not impressed and if I remember correctly, was really rather scared.  Now I laugh about it.

Now must get back to work, and get my day finished before heading out the the bank for the daily deposit.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 20, 2006, 06:01:15 PM

He had been rich; but not unto God
His wealth counted for nothing beneath the sod
In torment he lifted his eyes beyond the grave
And saw Lazarus the beggar in Heaven dwelling safe

He called in his pain and deep despair
Please send Lazarus from Heaven there
For I have five brothers who needs repent
They will believe if someone from the dead is sent

But the answer came back loud and clear
If the preachers of the gospel they will not hear
And are not persuaded what is said
Neither will they believe someone raised form the dead

We remember King David when he was a lad
He ran with a sling and five smooth stones that he had
Goliath was smitten and at his feet the giant fell
Because David had faith in God and knew all would be well

We know Jesus was sent and was crucified on a tree
Because He preached to sinners; come believe in me
He fed the five thousand with fish and five loaves of bread
But He hung on a cross until He was dead

We should learn from history or what Jesus told
How God was aware of five sparrows that were sold
We are more precious to Him than many of them
But if we trust not in Him our souls we condemn

Too late to cry when Jesus shall arise
Are we prepared for Him like the five that were wise?
Their lamps filled with oil ready to meet the bridegroom
Or shall we perish like the other five who sealed their own doom

Twice the five fingers on each hand the commandments that were given
Fingers pressed together in a repentant prayer up to Heaven
For the commandments are broken and we need Jesus hand to grasp
And be held by the five fingers before we take our last gasp

Colin Moffett

I am doing my own little countdown to Christmas! Just five weeks to go from today.

Hi you share the same birth date with Marlene? Spare me some of your cake as well. My birthday is the next day! Marlene and I were nearly born on the same day and guess what...we were married on the same day! Remarkable!

Hi Etta Sue...hope your photos turn out well too. I am not Irish although I was born in Ireland but I am Irish because I live in Ireland but I am actually British and a Ulster Scot. I live in Northern Ireland which is North of the South but some of the South is more North than us. We have green men who are not men who are not orange...and black men who are not black but some of them might be black. Now that you are confused...Pat will explain it all fer she did a quer job on futrin or footer.

Hi Pat...I could not get your link to work. Dear knows what was on it.

Hi Janet....poor you as well then. I will give you a hug. We must have a yarn about painting.

Hi Larry...thank you for your kind comments. Yes my poems are from the heart

God bless everyone
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 20, 2006, 06:42:28 PM
Sorry I am so late gettng here today, When I got up this morning my cable was not working so no computer, then I went to work before 8 am and have just now got around to the computer again. I have to fix put new innerds in my toilet tank still. I didn't even got to workout this morning I had to go this afternoon and walk the dogs too,. They had two days that they didn't get their walks.

Good to see everyone posing tday.  Hello to all y-all.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 20, 2006, 06:59:13 PM
Colin, you'll have to get your son to help you with the right program to listen to that.  I just listened again.  They speak of Cullybacky and Ballyhalbert!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jim D on November 20, 2006, 07:20:48 PM
Hi everyone. We were having computer problems last week, but after getting it formatted & having Best Buy re-install Win. XP, we're up & running again. The downside is that now, non-teckie-me is having to find & re-install all the programs that were deleted during the formatting. :(

Very nice devotional, Janet. It took me back in memory 30+ yrs. ago to my Bible college days, when a favorite Bible teacher shared that story about the bird by the waterfall with my class. Seems like just yesterday.

My sister & brother-in-law from Il. visited with us a few days in early Nov., which is another reason I haven't been around here much lately. This week my wife & I are having a friend over to our home for Thanksgiving dinner & fellowship.

The Pilgrim Tercentenry Commemorativ Half Dollar was minted by the US Mint in 1920-1921 to commemorate the 300th anniv. of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. Some were melted down later on and the net mintage is still fairly small at 152,000 coins of the 1920 version, and an even scarcer amount of only 20,000 1921's. I'll try to post a photo of its reverse side also, in case anyone might like to see it.

I'm thankful for sooo many blessings the Lord has given me;  my salvation, a continual showering of His love, grace, and mercy, my wife and other living relatives & friends, our freedoms in the United States,  all of my faculties, great church,spiritual leaders and Bible teachers my entire Christian life, gainful employment most of my life, as well as medical & pension benefits now that I've recently retired, etc., etc. The list is endless!

God bless every one of you with an increasing revelation of His personal love, concern, and high purpose for you this Thanksgiving and throughout this upcoming holiday season!
Jim / UHS

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Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 20, 2006, 07:58:57 PM
Thanks for sharing that Jim.  Have you lived in California all your life? 

What Bible School did you go to?  Jack and I met in Toronto at Bible School.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 20, 2006, 09:24:25 PM
I love that coin!  My husband has collected coins his entire life, but he doesn't have one of those!

I thought "FOOTER" would have that kind of meaning.  I say putter, or piddle or mess with---all about the same, huh?

Colin, here is a little about the origin of our Thanksgiving holiday:   

Thanksgiving Proclamation

Following is the 1863 Lincoln Presidential Proclamation – celebrated
shortly after Lincoln committed his life to Christ and celebrated
while America was still in the midst of its Civil War. It was this
proclamation which eventually led to the establishment of our
national Thanksgiving holiday.

By the President of the United States of America

The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the
blessings of fruitful years and healthful skies. To these bounties,
which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the
Source from which they come, others have been added which are of so
extraordinary a nature that they can not fail to penetrate and soften
even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful
providence of Almighty God.

In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity,
which has sometimes seemed to foreign states to invite and to provoke
their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order
has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and
harmony has prevailed everywhere, except in the theater of military
conflict, while that theater has been greatly contracted by the
advancing armies and navies of the Union.

Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the field of
peaceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plow,
the shuttle, or the ship; the ax has enlarged the borders of our
settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the
precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than theretofore.
Population has steadily increased notwithstanding the waste that has
been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield, and the
country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and
vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large
increase of freedom.

No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out
these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High
God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath
nevertheless remembered mercy.

It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly,
reverently, and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one
voice, by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow-
citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are
at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart
and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of
thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the
heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the
ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and
blessings they do also, with humble penitence for our national
perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those
who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the
lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and
fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the
wounds of the nation and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent
with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony,
tranquility, and union.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal
of the United States to be affixed.

A. Lincoln

YIPPEE!!  I finished my China album today!!!  I'm so happy to have it done! :thumbsup:  Go, me!  ;)

Etta Sue, that would really be something to watch that helicopter and the wire walker!  Wow!  Hope your photos turn out great.  In China, there was a wire stretched from one side of the gorge to the other, above the Yangtze River, and there wer some acrobats up on it.  One was riding a motorcycle on the wire, dangling another in a sort of swing contraption.  And he was riding fast, too!  :o  I got a few shots of them, though.

I just watched most of a Charlie Brown Special, don't know the name but it was about playing marbles.  Cute.  I love Charlie Brown!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on November 20, 2006, 09:42:54 PM
Hi, friends, I see that Janet posted just as I was opening up my reply space. Hi, Janet. It's good to see you - I appreciated the devotional. Sometimes life itself is just that tumultuous, but God sees us through. That's where the perfect peace for me comes from - trusting Him.

Yes, Thanksgiving is SO fast approaching. I almost feel like it was hiding in a little corner of the calendar and jumped out at me the latter part of last week, yelling "BOO!" 

At any rate, it's good to be here. And, Colin, no matter if you understand the reasons behind our Thanksgiving Day, I'm glad that you have so many reasons of your own for Thanksgiving.

You know - come to think of it, my husband and I married on the same day, too! Imagine that.  :lol:

My family has used the phrase "flittering" away your time. And, we have Scottish roots, so Pat's explanation is quite clear to me.

Y'all have a good evening.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jim D on November 21, 2006, 01:43:06 AM
Quote from: Pat on November 20, 2006, 07:58:57 PM
Thanks for sharing that Jim.  Have you lived in California all your life?
Hi Pat.
No, I was born & raised in Wisconsin, but have lived in Ca. since 1964.

Quote from: Pat on November 20, 2006, 07:58:57 PMWhat Bible School did you go to?  Jack and I met in Toronto at Bible School.

I attended (night) classes at Life Bible College in Los Angeles, part time, off & on, in the early to mid 1970's, while working full-time during the day. At that time it was connected with Angeles Temple, which was founded by the late evangelist, Aimee Semple McPherson. They relocated to Monrovia or San Dimas, Ca. in the 1980's and are now called "Life Pacific College".

I only took Bible subject classes, and didn't graduate, but managed to tally about 1 1/2 years worth of units in all. I was a new believer then and the Lord really used those classes to get me firmly established in His truth. :)

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 21, 2006, 08:28:13 AM
Good morning...afternoon with me! Cold outside and raining. The sun is shining too. The weather is confused like us Irish!

Janet...thank you for your full explanation of thanksgiving. I always thought it was a bit like our harvest thanksgiving which we hold in all of our churches when the harvest is gathered in. Thank you for your enlightening post.
What medium do you like to paint in? Have you a favourite? What do you like to paint? Have a lovely day Janet...God bless
I smiled when you said piddle..over here that means relieving your bladder!

Hi Ruth...I do have much to be thankful for. It's nice you and your husband got married on the same day! Lovely to know you have Scottish roots...Have a lovely day
Ruth..God bless

Hi Pat....I have heard that website. Cullybackey yin not yin! Houl yer tongue an' sey nithin! Hae a quer dae tae yersel an weel hae a blether later! God bless...Pat

Boy I was so sick yesterday...went to the doctor with four chips in my ears and two peas up my nose. Oh doctor; I said; I dont feel well...what could be the matter? He took one look at me and then replied...Well for a start; I can see you are not eating properly!  Ha Ha

See you all later

God bless

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 21, 2006, 09:58:49 AM
Hi everyone.  Colin, you are something else.  Keep up the good work as there is almost always a smile or chuckle in your postings and it is great.

Just back from coffee this morning.  We have decided to give ourselves a day off from coffee this week and will not meet on Thursday.  The cafe where we meet is going to be closed after Wednesday for the rest of the week so we will go to the McDonald's on Saturday and the Senior Center on Friday.

Pat is attending her monthly quilting guild meeting today and will probably go out to lunch with her friend.  So I have the house all to myself.  Our house seems unusually quiet now that we don't have Mr. Tiggers.  Pat and I have both commented about it. 

Good to see everyone posting.  I have some projects to work on today and then this evening we have Choir practice.  I also need to work on the bass part of the music as I now have a practice CD that the choir director made for us.  The bass section was the last to get the CDs.

It is cold here today but the sun is shining and there doesn't appear to be any clouds close by. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 21, 2006, 10:05:36 AM
Quote Colin
"Hi Etta Sue...hope your photos turn out well too. I am not Irish although I was born in Ireland but I am Irish because I live in Ireland but I am actually British and a Ulster Scot. I live in Northern Ireland which is North of the South but some of the South is more North than us. We have green men who are not men who are not orange...and black men who are not black but some of them might be black. Now that you are confused...Pat will explain it all fer she did a quer job on futrin or footer."

Colin not only do I understand what you say, but I found it very ummmm reminiscent of the year I spent in N.Ireland with Pat and her dear hubby Jack.  Oh such memories Ey Pat!!

Jim Where in CA do you live?  My Husband and I spent many happy days delivering and picking up freight in CA.  One thing that always amazed us.  There is always even at night major backups on most freeways!  Only once with our cousin did we get back to our truck without the stop and go traffic.

I need to relate something to you all, in the hope to encourage.

On Sunday we had a major need come up.  What the need was is rirrelevant.  John and I both prayed "Lord I don't kow how you are going to meet this need, but there is nothing we can do, so it is in Your hands."

As we drove down the road we saw something on the seat that we hadn't seen before.  Part of the need met.  As we spoke to a friend the balance of the need was met.  The amazingly freeky part of this story is that no one knew what the need was. God came through at the 12th hour.  I have heard a family group sing a song that is about Jesus going to the grave site of Lazaras (sp) and being 3 days late but right on tme.  God always blesses us His people, with being right on time.  Discouragement is common amoung Christians, but, if we truly will leave our burden at the cross, He will be right on time with His answer.  He owns the cattle on a thousand hills is true, but we often forget that He owns the hills too.  Be encouraged, God is still on the throne, and He has the resourses to meet any need.

Pat it is cold here in the north.  Brrrrrrrrrr give me California or Florida from November to May, and my joints won't seize up like they are doing today.

Have a good day and also a God day everyone.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 21, 2006, 10:36:04 AM
Good Morning Everyone...

Just a quick nip in and nip out as I have to do an errand but wanted to just let you know I've read up till now and had some giggles for sure.

Yep, Judy, sweet memories!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 21, 2006, 10:47:19 AM

Colin ~ Am I am thinking that you and Marlene have the same kids, right?  I have one sister, Ivalou, and one brother, Kaye Don.  I told Kaye Don once that I have something that he will never have and he looked at me like I was crazy...he tends to have everything he wants.  I told him, 'I have a brother!'  And when people ask me how many in my family, I answer, 'I have one sister and one brother but my brother has two sisters!'  My husband used to sing a song about 'I'm My Own Grandpa'.  Wish he were here to tell me the words. 

Well, I got my Christmas tree decorated and my decorations up.  Now I need to go to the garage and get my red plastic bows and put them on my deck.  That's all I do outside.  I am resting today and this afternoon is Euchre Club so that will be fun.  Tomorrow I will dust and run the sweeper.  And I must get some presents wrapped.  A Christmas tree without gifts under it doesn't look right.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 21, 2006, 10:56:37 AM
Oh my Etta Sue you already have your tree up? I need to put my lights back around my front door, I had to remove them when the put in a new part of the jamb to connect the screen door.

I have been to work out and back  home again.  Next I will be going over to Ruth's to do some more cleaning, I am trying to get all the cupboards washed and the house spotless before she gets out of the convalescent hospital.  I only go over for a couple of hours at a time and do a couple of things.

I fixed my  toilet yesterday afternoon after I got back from walking the dogs. An easy job. I  sure didn't want to have to wait for the Landlord to send someone out here, it takes forever to get anything done. I am still witing for the new shower they promised me when I moved in here  14 months ago. Last winter they took to fan off my heater to get a new on and I still don't have it fixed. lastmoth I reminded them and they sen someone out to get the numbers ff the heater, HA! they haven't been back.

Our cable company was purchased by Suddenlink a few months ago and this week we have to change our email addresses, so all of you who are in my address book will be getting that from me.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 21, 2006, 12:03:22 PM

Marlene bought a toilet brush
And said; hi Colin you
Use this every time
You pay a visit to the loo

Two days later
She heard the toilet flush
Colin darling; she called
Hope you have used the toilet brush

I have my dear; Colin moaned
As he sprayed the air with vapour
Its ok I suppose
But I prefer the toilet paper!

Can you help me with my homework?
Gregory asked his Dad one night
Colin looked at his son and said
Not really; I don't think it would just be right

Gregory studied a moment
At his Dad's reply
Well I know that; he said
But at least just give it a try!

Colin bought Marlene a rocket
For her birthday was coming soon
And when she finally received it
Marlene was over the moon!

Colin Moffett
:uglystupid:     :lol:

I thought I would post this poem so you could see what a highly intelligent member you have in me.

Hi of the first girl I had a notion of. She was only nine and so was I! Hope you are keeping well.

Hi Etta Sue...we have the same kids. Marlene has two and I have two and there is only two. Great you have your Christmas tree up. We do not put ours up until end of November. Keep well Etta. I still have dimples and smiling Irish eyes.

Hi Judyb...Glad you understood what I was saying for I had myself confused. Wish you and Pat could come and visit sometime. Take care.

Hi Larry...I try my best..Marlene says I am a very trying person! When we lost Patch; at the start; we were always looking round expecting him to appear. Sometimes I would call for him without thinking. Marlene had him spoiled. She called him darling...more than she called me! Take care Larry.

Pat...I am dying to tell these people I was talking to a wonderful lady with a delightful accent and infectious laughter... wish I could remember who she was!!
God bless.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 21, 2006, 01:19:07 PM
Let me explain about me having my tree up so soon.  What used to take me one day now takes me two.  So I decided to do my Christmas decorations in shifts.

I usually put my tree up Friday after Thanksgiving but since I will be busy visiting with my niece that day, I decided I had better start early and get it all done.  AND I haven't put up Christmas for the past two years.  I am enjoying it and so far the furkids just look at all of it. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Sue on November 21, 2006, 01:25:13 PM
Hello everyone

Colin, my birthdate is December 14.

My tree and decorations won't be going up until at least the first week of December.  I am getting my carpets cleaned first.  Then the decorations out and up.  I won't be doing what I my mother used to do.  As a child growing up, Christmas was never up until the 15th of December.  I always had a birthday celebration without Christmas shadowing it.   Thank you Mom.

Larry, a house without a pet when there has always been one there does take some adjustment, different but the same as when the children leave home.

I am having a very quiet day at work today but must get back to it.

Have a great day everyone.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 21, 2006, 01:31:09 PM
I have put up four pictures of the helicopter and the man walking on the wires in the Gallery if you would like to take a look!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jeannine on November 21, 2006, 02:31:34 PM
Good Afternoon all,

Colin- I love the poems, they really touched me!

Marilyn- I hope they get everything done and fixed someday :(!

Etta Sue- Cool you got up close pics of a copter, and you have your tree up already? WOW.

JudyB- The Lord's timing is so cool  :thumbsup:  We sortof had the same thing happen except my hubby told his AA group and one of them loaned him enough to get at least part of the problem fixed. Way too cool. <3

Larry- great you got the CD's. I'm so sorry about Mr. Tiggers, I've been through it enough times.

Janet- Great you got your albums done. I still have to finish the scrapbook for Michael.

Pat- That link you put in so we could hear how Colin "tocks..." is so cool. It was music to my ears as I was stationed in Scotland for little over 2 yrs. I love the accent and the pipes. <3

If I've missed any one sorry!  Things here are just busy with Michael and my bum shoulder. I did manage to get a website started and got the church website updated. Other than that nothing new.

I'm thankful for so much that it would take too long to put into writing. My heart is just full to overflowing and all I can do is just keep praising God and Thanking Him. <3

I pray everyone has a Blessed Thanksgiving and a Blessed day!!!

Every Blessing to you all,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Al Moak on November 21, 2006, 02:36:56 PM
Etta Sue - I'm very glad I don't do that kind of work!  I assume he was doing it as an employee, not for a stunt.  Seems to me like there "must be a better way!"
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 21, 2006, 06:03:59 PM
That link almost sounds like Chris tocking. I love to listen to Chris. Margit has a German accent and she shound so cute too.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 21, 2006, 06:24:50 PM

Did anyone take a photo today?

Etta Sue, those are so interesting to look at.  I wouldn't want their job~ :eek:

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 21, 2006, 06:27:29 PM

What a great scripture on the left sidebar...

Today's Verse

I thank my God always on your behalf,
for the grace of God which is given you
by Jesus Christ; That in every thing ye
are enriched by him,
in all utterance,
and in all knowledge;

1 Corinthians 1:4-5
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 21, 2006, 06:30:59 PM


Kneel at the Cross  (
(Click to hear music)

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name
that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confesss that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11

by Charles. E. Moody

Kneel at the cross,
Christ will meet you there,
Come while he waits for you;
List to his voice,
Leave with him your care
And begin life a new.

Kneel at the cross,
Leave every care
Kneel at the cross,
Jesus will meet you there.

Kneel at the cross,
Give your idols up,
Look unto realms above;
Turn not away
To life's sparkling cup;
Trust only in His love.



Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on November 21, 2006, 08:15:41 PM
Pat, that's my second favorite verse - I really do thank God for my friends and loved ones.

I'll be in Georgia beginning tomorrow, so if I can, I'll use their computer to come here. If not, y'all have a good rest of the week.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Liz on November 21, 2006, 09:25:29 PM

No sun in sight and cold rain continues to pour from the sky.  I have to go outside to clean the rabbits every day as Amanda is home so late from Victoria.  Now after 6 P.M. and must have a late class tonight.  I went out again early in the morning, as the rain was light, got there and started the feeding, etc.  Down came a cloudburst, soaking me and Misty.  She was able to hide under the hutches......

We have been lucky here in Mill Bay at this spot, there is good drainage and so far good water.  So many places are having to boil it, including my former home.  The mainland is also having terrible problems and Vanc. is boiling water in many areas.  My bother phoned the other night and plans on a trip to Arizona in a few days.  Lucky him.  But also lucky us,  this little spot is rather 'A Shelter In a Time of Storm' compared to other areas. :) :) :)

I understand how you feel, Larry.  Felt that way when Perkins (Amanda's cat) had to be put to sleep shortly after I moved into the suite.  There was such an emply feeling until Squeek came along.....sometimes another pet is the answer, when one feels ready.

Time to go and tend to a few things. 
Pleasant Evening/Day and God Bless.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 21, 2006, 09:55:32 PM
Hmmm..........I thought I posted this morning, but seems I didn't. 

Good to read all the banter in here, Colin, you always give me a chuckle.

We say we are frittering away our time, and you say flittering.  Launguages are funny, huh?  :)

Colin, oil is my favorite to work with, as you have plenty of time to "footer" and correct things or make changes.  I enjoy painting landscapes and portraits.

Ruth Ann, have a lovely time while you are away.

JudyB, God is SO good, all the time!  Thanks for sharing about your blessing.

Our college boys are to be home tonight, can't wait to see them and collect some of those good hugs they always have for their Grams!  We will pick up both my Mom and Beth from the care home and take them to Hugoton for Thanksgiving with daughter Diane and family.  If they get too tired, someone will drive them back home, as it's only 30 miles.

I made and baked my pie crusts this afternoon, will make the fillings probably Thursday morning at Diane's.  I'm planning to make one lemon and one chocolate.  We already have a pumpkin pie in the freezer.  We are taking a turkey and the fryer set-up, and also a ham.  I really doubt anyone will go hungry. ;)

Darrel is talking to his brother, they hadn't called in a long time.  Darrel tried about 8 times and couldn't get Don, maybe he has a new number or something.  We were beginning to think they had moved, or gone on a very long trip! ;D

I'm off to see those helicopter and wire walker photos!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Al Moak on November 21, 2006, 10:31:35 PM
Well, it's time to say goodby for a few days.  We leave very early tomorrow morning, so it's early to bed tonight.  God willing, we'll be back by Monday evening.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 21, 2006, 11:23:32 PM
It is late and John has already gone to bed. We have a doberman called Dana.  Everynight she checks up on all the girls and then into the bedroom with us.  If John goes to bed first then when she goes up with me she does the rounds of the girls then jumps up on the bed to ake sure John is ok.  Last night it was a rather unusual wake up as He was already asleep.

ust go, I am tired tonight.

Love and {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} to all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 22, 2006, 07:11:01 AM
Good morning everyone.  I got up fairly early as have a bit of a sinus headache and laying down seems to make it feel worse.  It is nothing serious and the allergy medicine I take each day usually takes care of it.

Colin, you are a trip.  I was reading your bathroom poem and your punch line really got me. 

We had a 2 hour choir practice last night.  It is usually only 90 minutes but we had started 30 minutes early since there were no other activities at the church last evening.  We had a good practice as we are working on music for the special Thanksgiving service tonight, music for Sunday and our Christmas music. 

Al, have a safe and wonderful trip over the holiday.

JudyB, God does provide when we seek his help.  I have seen many evidences of that the last 4 or 5 months. 

Janet, It sounds like your car will be full of food.  Hope Beth, your mother and your entire family have a great gathering. I am sure your grandsons will be equally glad to get some hugs from you.  I know that was the case with my grandmother.

Liz, are you keeping your oars polished.  It sounds like you may need them. 

Ruth Ann, we are suppose to have beautiful weather here in the Atlanta area for the next several days and it is to be warmer in the 60s and 70s.

Jeannine, I see you must be the webmaster for your church.  That can be a big job.  I did that for our church for probably 5 years and just gave it up a few weeks ago.

Etta Sue, you are an early bird with your Christmas tree.  I don't think we will be putting one up this year as don't know where we would put it.  We used to have a nice spot for it but the big screen TV takes up that space now.  We also don't know whether our son and his wife will be here at Christmas.  I am sure our daughter will be here.  Our family is go small that we don't have big celebrations but have tried to maintain some Christmas traditions.  We will be attending a couple of Christmas dinners with our church and Senior Centers.

Marilyn, don't you just hate having to change your e-mail addresses.  I have registered on a lot of different sites and had several different ISPs over time and can get confused about what e-mail address I had used at the time.

I expect we will have a pretty quiet day today.  This evening Pat and I are going to the special Thanksgiving service, where I will be singing in the combined choir.  Hope everyone will have a blessed day.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 22, 2006, 08:18:27 AM

Colin; fifty two; went riding the other week
His first time on a horse
And his experience of it
Could not have been worse

It started off all right
As he climbed into the saddle
He held on to the reins
As the wee horse he did straddle

But it started to buck about
And Colin lost control
He went from side to side
Then took a forward roll

His foot caught in the stirrup
As he slid off the horse's back
And he held on like grim death
With his arms around its neck

The horse it galloped on
As Colin shouted WOW!!
But it never listened to him
And the harder it did go

Colin called for his Mummy
For he was filled with fear
He struggled to get back in the saddle
As the horse kicked up its rear

Just when he had nearly made it
The horse came to a grinding stop
For the manager came and turned it off
The horse ride outside his shop!

Colin Moffett

Hi everyone....I am still trying to introduce myself to you all! As they say over here..Irelands rears them!    :uglystupid:

Hi Larry...hope your headache clears up. The toilet brush really got to me as well!

Hi Janet... I like oils but the fumes keep overcoming me so I do not use them. I have done a lot of watercolours but they do not suit my stile of painting as I like to "footer"! I love doing the sky in them right enough. I was not sure about arcrilycs but deciced to give them ago. I do enjoy painting in this medium now but have to work fast sometimes to get the colours blended in as they dry out quickly.
Arcrilycs are great for craft work as I paint slates; bottles; shovels etc. Take care

Hello to everone else and I hope you all have a blessed day.

God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 22, 2006, 08:29:47 AM

It is the arms of God that hold you
When deep is your despair
When dark is your valley
His presence is always there
When He sees you are hurting
He sends you His sweet love
Caring and tender is the Father
Watching from above

He knows all your heartaches
Your hopes and your fears
He hears all your prayers
And sees the river of your tears
When the storms of trouble blow
Wicked; untamed and wild
He draws you to His breast
And says; lean on me my child

Just trust in Him completely
Let Him carry out His will
Rest on His promises
Humbled quiet and still
His ways you may know not
Some are hard to understand
But walk where He may take you
As He leads you by His hand

Colin Moffett

God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 22, 2006, 10:02:14 AM
Good Morning. Colin I love your poetry and you painting. Your posts are at time so funny.

Larry I pray your sinus headache goes aways quickly.

Janet I pray you will have a great time with your family for Thanksgiving.

Etta Sue you can come help me with my decorations. Just kidding.

Liz so nice to hear from  you again.

Judy did you get my email?

Got to get  ready to go workout now.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 22, 2006, 10:31:02 AM

Colin ~ Do you realize that your paintings are poetrys and your poetrys are paintings? Keep it up!

Thanks to all who have viewed my Helicopter and Man Walking on Wires photos.  I have been told that before the helicopter a man would ride a gondola and zip along under the wires.  Then they put the spacers between the wires and they couldn't get past the spacers in the gondola.  But the spacers keep the wires from wrapping around each other in wind storms.  I would love to know how high that man was the other day.  All I know is when black birds are on the tower they look like specks from my yard.  Noisy specks! 

Euchre was fun yesterday and best of all the host was doing great.  She found out early last spring that she had a cancerous tumor and has gone through chemo and now radiation.  She tires easily but looks oh so good!  And the tumor is gone!  God is good! 

Now today is dusting and sweeping and making a salad for tomorrow!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Samantha on November 22, 2006, 10:38:03 AM
 :) Good Morning all!

I hae been very busy trying to get the kids caught up with their schooling (too many moms days off!)  Just glad to have some time to read and post. 

The kids and I put up our tree on Monday.  They do all but the lights.  They had a lot of fun, and so did I. 

Have enjoyed all the posts as of late and especially the poems by Colin.  :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and doesn't eat too much ^-^

I myself am very thankful that through this trying year, Terry is still with us.  Today makes 1 year since his sickness started and we still don't know what it is.  But God is faithful and true to his word that He wont put on us more than we can bear.

Love all of you,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 22, 2006, 10:43:03 AM
Colin I do love that last poem  It so correctly describes how we feel at times.

Marilyn Yes I did get your email.  The proble is I a not sure of how long customs would hold it.  David (our CA cousin) sent Pat and I some product in September and it is still to arrive.  He continues to try and track it, but the hang up appears to be customs.  I think what is needed is an agricultural slip of some kind.  

Melaura has gone to Earlton for the balance of the week.  That is 2 hours or so north of us.  She will be home on Friday.  She will catch her work up quickly, so that is not a concern at this time.

We will not be putting our decorations up till mid December,  It seems too early to me and as we cut a real tree it would be bare of needles if it were put up too early.

Have a good day everyone, and may all God's blessings be yours.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 22, 2006, 11:40:23 AM
Good Morning Everyone...

Just thought I'd come in here while it's still morning and greet you all.

Colin, love your poems...  the humorous ones and the last one.  You are such a great addition to the site.

I have some things I must get done so I will love ya and leave ya for this little visit.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 22, 2006, 11:56:37 AM
Hi JudyB...Hope you are having a good day. Glad you like the poem. We put up an artificial tree which is eight foot tall. My son Steven got it free when he was working in B&Q. They were closing their store to move to a new one. It takes me all day building it up and then I put the lights on it. I start at the top and make myself dizzy walking around it until I get to the bottom! Marlene puts on the rest of the decorations. We ordered our turkey yesterday for Christmas...God bless

Hi Babycakes/ Samantha....Lovely to meet you and so glad you like my poems. God bless

Hi Etta Sue...Great photos. You drive on the right and you are right and we drive on the left and are right only left which is right over here. I know a woman who was learning to drive  and she was told to let the clutch out...So she opened the car door... :lol: That is really nice what you said about my poems and paintings. God bless.

Hi Marilyn...Sooo glad you like my poems and paintings.One day I was painting and Marlene set a cup of tea in front of me. Yes you guessed...I plonked the paintbrush into it without thinking! What do you mean I do not look like my wedding photos? Are you saying I am better looking now? Answer...I think my garden scene is better to look at so that is why it is there!   ;)  God bless

The weather is so cold here at the moment. I remember this summer on a really lovely day I took a car door down with me to the beach. When it got too hot..I was able to screw down the window to cool off!!....:lol:  :uglystupid:  :D

I am away to take my tablets!.....God bless

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 22, 2006, 12:01:58 PM
Sorry Pat...I did not mean to overlook you. Hope you are keeping well..God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 22, 2006, 12:20:21 PM
Hi Colin...

Just off to make my lunch now.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 22, 2006, 01:27:32 PM (
I forgot how to do a "Click Here" so just click on the link
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 22, 2006, 01:53:41 PM
Hi Marilyn...That is really lovely. Brilliant link...God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 22, 2006, 02:31:46 PM
Imagine with me back to the year 1746. A ship is docking on the coast of West Africa. Its purpose is to snatch unsuspecting people and sell them as slaves in the far off countries. The captain of this ship is known far and wide for his debauchery, vulgarity and blasphemy.

But one day in 1748, while reading the book "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas a Kempis, our captain comes face to face with his sin and turns his life over to Jesus, the Savior of sinners.

Our captain is John Newton. After his conversion and dedication to Christ, he became a pastor and hymn writer.

His most famous of hymns, "Amazing Grace", is a testimonial of his conversion to Christ.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 22, 2006, 02:32:14 PM

(Click title to hear music)

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, Who called me here below,
Shall be forever mine.

When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We?ve no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we'd first begun.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 22, 2006, 04:31:56 PM

His ship it tossed on the angry sea
He cried for mercy with impassioned plea
And God delivered from the angry waves
John Newton and his cargo of slaves

By amazing grace he was saved
And all on board who were enslaved
Who were chained together with iron link
God calmed the sea before they did sink

John called his deliverance great
Rescued from a watery fate
Like the chains that bound the slaves
He was fettered by sin until a God who saves

Broke the links with amazing grace
And now for John's soul a resting place
Slaves were shackled; but more bound was he
Until God snapped the bonds and set him free

He humbled himself and was not proud
When all was lost; to call aloud
His ship now ready to break apart
He gave his life to God and also his heart

He turned his back to the sea
No longer to enslave but set men free
By preaching to sinners of amazing grace
And in Christ alone their trust should place

For there is grace with God and amazing too
Love and mercy there is for you
And those who will humble; with grace will meet
And pardon find at Jesus' feet

Then let our voices rise again
Praise with words that John did pen
When Hell itself should have been our place
Sing once again of AMAZING GRACE

Colin Moffett

Hi Pat....I just had to put this in when I read your post. God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 22, 2006, 05:01:47 PM
Hey, Kids!  I am back from an adventure!  Grandson Curtis saw a photo I took while staying at a country bed and breakfast near Fowler.  That was during my week's painting class in June, a year ago in June, that is.  Anyway, he fell in love with the old, rusty pickup truck I had photographed, asked me to call the people and ask if they would sell it.  Long story short--today he and I and Darrel made the trip to get it.  No wheels, sitting in the dirt, no fork lift to load it, thus a very difficult and time consuming job.  But we got it home, and now it will sit here at our place for probably the next then years until Curtis gets time to go to work restoring it.  It's a 1942 Chevrolet.

I must run up to the care home for a bit, then see what else I can do toward the dinner tomorrow.

Sure nice reading all of your posts today!  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Liz on November 22, 2006, 08:41:05 PM
The pro football team had just finished their daily practice session when a large turkey came strutting onto the field. While the players gazed in amazement, the turkey walked up to the head coach and demanded a tryout. Everyone stared in silence as the turkey caught pass after pass and ran right through the defensive line. When the turkey returned to the sidelines, the coach shouted, "You're terrific!!! Sign up for the season, and I'll see to it that you get a huge bonus." "Forget the bonus," the turkey said, "All I want to know is, does the season go past Thanksgiving Day?"

HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY to all in the States.  (except the turkey)


God Bless,


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 22, 2006, 10:44:41 PM

I know this is kind of long, but wanted Colin (and all who are interested and don't know) to have the full story behind our Thanksgiving.   :)

The History of Thanksgiving

SOURCE:  The Federalist, 1998


The first day of thanks in America was celebrated in Virginia at Cape Henry in 1607, but it was the Pilgrims' three-day feast celebrated in early November of 1621, which we now popularly regard as the "First Thanksgiving." The first real Calvinist Thanksgiving to God in the Plymouth Colony was actually celebrated during the summer of 1623 when the colonists declared a Thanksgiving holiday after their crops were saved by much needed rainfall.

The Pilgrims left Plymouth, England on September 6, 1620. They sailed for a new world with the promise of both civil and religious liberty. For almost three months, 102 seafarers braved harsh elements to arrive off the coast of what is now Massachusetts, in late November of 1620. On December 11, prior to disembarking at Plymouth Rock, they signed the "Mayflower Compact," America's original document of civil government and the first to introduce self-government.The Puritan Separatists, America's Calvinist Protestants, rejected the institutional Church of England. They believed that the worship of God must originate in the inner man, and that corporate forms of worship prescribed by man interfered with the establishment of a true relationship with God. The Separatists used the term "church" to refer to the people, the Body of Christ, not to a building or institution. As their Pastor John Robinson said, "[When two or three are] gathered in the name of Christ by a covenant made to walk in all the way of God known unto them as a church."

Most of what we know about the Pilgrim Thanksgiving of 1621 comes from original accounts of the young colony's leaders, Governor William Bradford and Master Edward Winslow, in their own hand:

"They begane now to gather in ye small harvest they had, and to fitte up their houses and dwellings against winter, being well recovered in health & strenght, and had all things in good plenty; for some were thus imployed in affairs abroad, others were excersised in fishing, aboute codd, & bass, & other fish, of which yey tooke good store, of which every family had their portion. All ye somer ther was no wante. And now begane to come in store of foule, as winter aproached, of which this place did abound when they came first (but afterward decreased by degree). And besids water foule, ther was great store of wild Turkies, of which they took many, besids venison, &c. Besids they had aboute a peck a meale a weeke to a person, or now since harvest, Indean corne to yt proportion. Which made many afterwards write so largly of their plenty hear to their freinds in England, which were not fained, but true reports."
-W.B. (William Bradford)

"Our Corne did proue well, & God be praysed, we had a good increase of Indian Corne, and our Barly indifferent good, but our Pease not worth the gathering, for we feared they were too late sowne, they came vp very well, and blossomed, but the Sunne parched them in the blossome; our harvest being gotten in, our Governour sent foure men on fowling, that so we might after a more speciall manner reioyce together, after we had gathered the fruit of our labors; they foure in one day killed as much fowle, as with a little helpe beside, served the Company almost a weeke, at which time amongst other Recreations, we exercised our Armes, many of the Indians coming amongst vs, and among the rest their greatest King Massasoyt, with some nintie men, whom for three dayes we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed fiue Deere, which they brought to the Plantation and bestowed upon our Governour, and upon the Captaine, and others. And although it be not alwayes so plentifull, as it was at this time with vs, yet by the goodneses of God, we are so farre from want, that we often wish you partakers of our plenty."

-E.W. (Edward Winslow) Plymouth, in New England,
This 11th of December, 1621
The feast included foods suitable for a head table of honored guests, such as the chief men of the colony and Native leaders Massasoit ("Great Leader" also known as Ousamequin "Yellow Feather"), the sachem (chief) of Pokanoket (Pokanoket is the area at the head of Narragansett Bay). Venison, wild fowl, turkeys and Indian corn were the staples of the meal. It likely included other food items known to have been aboard the Mayflower or available in Plymouth such as spices, Dutch cheese, wild grapes, lobster, cod, native melons, pumpkin (pompion) and rabbit."

By the mid-17th century the custom of autumnal Thanksgivings was established throughout New England. One hundred and eighty years after the first day of Thanksgiving, the Founding Fathers thought it important that this tradition be recognized by proclamation. Soon after approving the Bill of Rights, a motion in Congress to initiate the proclamation of a national day of Thanksgiving was approved.

Mr. [Elias] Boudinot (who was the President of Congress during the American Revolution) said he could not think of letting the congressional session pass over without offering an opportunity to all the citizens of the United States of joining with one voice in returning to Almighty God their sincere thanks for the many blessings He had poured down upon them. With this view, therefore, he would propose the following resolution:

"Resolved, that a joint committee of both Houses be directed to wait upon the President of the United States to request that he would recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God..."

"Mr. [Roger] Sherman (a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution) justified the practice of thanksgiving on any signal event not only as a laudable one in itself, but as warranted by a number of precedents in Holy Writ...This example he thought worthy of a Christian imitation on the present occasion; and he would agree with the gentleman who moved the resolution...The question was put on the resolution and it was carried in the affirmative."
This resolution was delivered to President George Washington who readily agreed with its suggestion and put forth the following proclamation by his signature:

"Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness."

"Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the Beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplication to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our national government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a government of wise, just and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best."

-Given under my hand, at the city of New York,
The 3rd day of October, AD 1789
George Washington
After 1815, prophetically, there were no further annual proclamations of Thanksgiving until the Civil War when Abraham Lincoln declared November 26, 1863, the last Thursday in November, a Day of Thanksgiving:

"No human counsel hath devised, nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the most high God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy... I do, therefore, invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens...[it is] announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations are blessed whose God is the Lord...It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole American people."

- Abraham Lincoln, November 26, 1863
On October 3, 1863, Lincoln's proclamation passed by an Act of Congress. That proclamation was repeated by every subsequent president until 1939, when Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving Day up one week earlier than had been tradition, to appease merchants who wanted more time to feed the growing pre-Christmas consumer frenzy. Folding to Congressional pressure two years later however, Roosevelt signed a resolution returning Thanksgiving to the last Thursday of November.

Roosevelt's inclination to manipulate Thanksgiving for commercial interests, foretold much of the secular nature of "thanksgiving" to come. But, amid all the oppression of secular materialism in advance of that day in December when we give thanks for the birth of Christ, oppression vastly different but somehow remarkably similar to that of our Pilgrim forefathers, we are still at our core, a nation eternally thankful to God.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 22, 2006, 11:52:19 PM
Thank you for the true story of thanks giving.

Marilyn I sent the info you asked for.

Elizabeth was disappointed to miss youth meeting tomight, the ride did not materialize.  Well better planning will go into next weeks meeting.  We are off to bed as it has been a long day.  All the homework is done and the girls are sleeping.

We will be soon too.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 01:11:40 AM


Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends!


And you don't have to be American to enjoy the card!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 01:17:41 AM
Could I ask if you'd all go and welcome our newest member, Rod please?


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 01:28:43 AM


The Anchor Holds (
(Click to hear music)

Words and Music by Lawrence Chewning and Ray Boltz 1994 - Word Music

I have journeyed through the long, dark night
Out on the open sea,
By faith alone, sight unknown,
And yet His eyes were watching me.

The Anchor holds, though the ship is battered.
The Anchor holds, though the sails are torn.
Well I have fallen on my knees,
as I faced the raging sea,
But the Anchor holds, in spite of the storm.
I've had visions and I've had dreams;
Well I've even held them in my hands,
But I never knew those dreams could slip right through
Like they were only grains of sand.

O, the Anchor holds, though the ship is battered.
The Anchor holds, though the sails are torn.
Well I have fallen on my knees,
as I faced the raging seas.
O, the Anchor holds, in spite of the storm.
Now I have been young, but I am older now.
O and there has been beauty these eyes have seen;
But it was in the night, when I faced the storms of my life.
Oh, that's where God proved His love to me.

The Anchor holds, though the ship is battered.
The Anchor holds, though the sails are torn.
I have fallen, fallen down on my knees
as I faced the raging seas.
But the Anchor holds; O, in spite of the storm.
I said I've fallen, fallen down on my knees
as I faced the raging seas;
But the Anchor holds, in spite of the storm.  


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jeannine on November 23, 2006, 04:44:19 AM
Thanks for the awesome song Pat, it's one of my favorites.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 23, 2006, 04:59:05 AM

I will go beyond the stars because of His stripes
Far beyond the distance that the eagle can fly on high
For Heaven it is waiting; the place of eternal glory
Washed in the blood of the Lamb who for me did die

He came beyond the stars to take all my stripes
There is healing in each one that tore His flesh away
He was wounded for my transgressions and died an awful death
Upon a cruel cross; and for my sins He did pay

He arose above the stars; back scarred with the stripes
Nail prints in hands and feet; and wound that ran down His side
Triumphant over death and grave; victorious in His rising
And in the covering of His blood my sins He will hide

Some day I will see the face of the One who bore the thorns
Grasp the hands of Jesus and feel the nail print scars
Bow before the King who reigns in all His glory
And thank Him for His healing stripes that brought me home beyond the stars

Colin Moffett

This is dedicated to all my new American friends.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 23, 2006, 05:24:00 AM
Hi Pat....lovely song..not the one I know with the same title and which I play on the accordian...God bless.

Hi Janet...thank you very much for your lovely post. I am now fully enlightened. So nice of you to take the time and effort. Have a wonderful day...God bless.

Hi your joke! God bless

Hi to everyone else. Hope you all have a great day whatever you are doing.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 23, 2006, 07:29:51 AM
I forgot to say......I had such a terrible dream last night and I am not the better of it yet! It was about a horse. Yes was a nightMARE!   :lol:  :uglystupid:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Samantha on November 23, 2006, 08:35:48 AM
Colin, I just LOVED your poem about Amazing Grace.  Would it be alright if I shared it with my church?  Amazing Grace is the one song that Terry my husband plays the piano on at church.  (It's the only one he is comfortable playing) 

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.  Football games and overeating, what a day, what a day!!!!! :P :-[

Samantha :cheer:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 23, 2006, 09:10:38 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you that are celebrating today. 

We are leaving in a little while to have Thanksgiving with our daughter at a Country Buffet.  This is the first year, in many years when Pat hasn't cooked.  When we get back this afternoon I will watch some football.

Yesterday evening we attended the Thanksgiving service with 4 other Presbyterian and Lutheran churches.  I sang in the choir of over 30 folks and it was glorious.  What a blessing.

I have a couple of things to share today.  The first is another card for Thanksgiving by the same person as the one Pat shared. (

The second is a beautiful piece with lovely music attached: (

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 23, 2006, 09:48:51 AM
Amazing Grace has been featured here yesterday and I just came upon a lovely organ version of it and thought some of you might enjoy listening to it.  Also, if you like organ music, which I do, you will find a few other folks on this site that have shared their playing, especially a name named Eugene Hayek. (
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 10:34:21 AM
What lovely posts to read here today.

I do hope that you are all having a wonderful Thanksgiving.  That's an awesome card, Larry.  I love the way she makes pumpkin pie!  ;)

Nice poem, Colin.  Lovely words in it.

I have the organ music playing in the background Larry.  I love organ music.

Thanks everyone.

It's Thursday so I must give my friend her chemo injection and then I'll be back home again.

Talk later.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 23, 2006, 10:51:18 AM

Colin ~ You amaze me.  Your poetry....well, it is poetry to my ear.  I have often wondered how poets minds work.  I struggle and struggle to get things rhymn.  And your poetry seems to flow right out of you.  Love the Amazing Grace and the Stars and Stripes poems.

Janet ~ Old cars do not stay around here very long.  Too humid and they rust out too easily.  Even in a barn, they will rust. 

Pat ~ I enjoy the Thanksgiving season and all the festivities.  Don't forget to give your friend the chemo injection.

Larry ~ I love it when the choir sings at our church..not every Sunday and I love organ music.  It isn't Christmas without organ music and some songs just have to have organ music, doesn't it?

Samantha ~ I made a mistake of going on a diet last week.  So I won't be eating too much today and football isn't my sport.  It will be on the TV but us ladies will probably go to the living room and leave the men to football in the family room!

Jeanine ~ Give that little one a hug from me.  He is a precious brother of all of us.  I give my thanks to God for him.

JudyB ~ I can't imagine going 2 hours north of you.  That's in the Artic Circle, isn't it?  I can't imagine living at the Equator either though.  I guess I am a Hoosier through and through! 

Liz ~ Love your joke.  You find some funny ones, for sure.

Marilyn ~ What a neat website.  One can never have too many friends!

I called Ivalou and she has about everything ready except putting the dressing in the oven and fixing the corn on the top of the stove.  I am taking a layer salad and ice.  I have an ice maker so I take my ice to her house.  She said her daughter Teresa is coming early so I am watching for her car in Ivalou's driveway.  I enjoy all of Ivalou's family...they may not know it but I have adopted all of them! 


{{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}} {{{HUGS}}}

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 23, 2006, 11:16:07 AM
Etta Sue, 2 hours north isn't really that far.  Not as it is when measured as the crow flies.  If you can get a map of Ontario, look up the town of Earlton.  It is far North for you but it is just a short drive for us "truckers".

It is another cold day, John is going to light the wood furnace, it is shiverry in here.

I know there are Home school Mom's on this site, do you have any suggestions how to get kids to meorize spelling words?  It is a struggle here in our home, and for sure no fun for them or me. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Had an email from the friend Melaura is staying with.  They are having a blast with her. It is wonderful to have Christian friends in different parts of this HUGE province of ours. as wsll as in the world.  We all will meet, if not this side of heaven then the other side.

Well I have a lot to do today so Bye for now and ay all God's blessings be yours.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 23, 2006, 12:21:58 PM
Hi Etta Sue...You will never figure out this poet's mind!  ^-^  Well Marlene thinks I am good poet because I rhymne about this and rhymne about that...meaning..I go on and on about things!   :yakyakyak: I am so pleased you like my poems. The gospel ones are easy to write for the words come from the heart. God bless

Hi Pat...did you go to bed at all? Glad you like the poem. Hope you are having a brill day. God bless

Hi Samantha...of course you may use the poem. So glad that you want to use it. Have a lovely day yourself and God bless.

Had to get two tyres on the car today and then I went and looked at some cameras. I am actually looking for a camera that lies so I can take a photo of myself and it will turn out handsome!   :uglystupid: Some hope!

Going to look at these links now.
God bless

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 23, 2006, 02:25:59 PM
I am finally getting here today., first of all I couldn't get on line for some strange reason the isp wasn't working. then it started working and I had to change my email address and register at the new company who took over Cox Cable. You will get notification of the address change the only change is to from So I have been busy going to all my creditors bank etc to change my email address. I hope you all have an ice Thanksgiving, I am going to leave in 1½ hours for Eureka.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 04:15:55 PM
Hi Everyone...

Been out till now and I'm so tired I'd like to lie down but lots to do.

I've been out since 10:30 or 10:45 am and it's now 4:15!!

Hope you are all having a great Thanksgiving.  Marilyn, is it far to Eureka?

Hi Colin. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 04:42:24 PM


Over the river and Through the Woods (

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 23, 2006, 05:20:36 PM
Hi Pat...your link had a little mouse in it and Larry's had a pudding being mixed. This kind of rings a bell with me if you know what I mean.  :lol:  You know what I am talking about! All the links were beautiful. Powerful!
God bless

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 06:12:34 PM
Yes, Colin, I sure do.  HAHAHAHA

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Ruth on November 23, 2006, 07:53:10 PM

Hello all:    I have been busy doing this and that, in a few minutes I will have to leave and get the papers all read so they can go to the garbage tomorrow.  They sure do pile up by times.

I transplanted a couple of plants and again the old pots are going tomorrow as well. 

Colin:  You are sure a classic.  Love your poems

Sue:  You brought tears when you mentioned keeping your Birthday special.  Thanks

Pat:  Keep up the good work.

While all of our friends to the south are cooking their turkey I have ordered ours to have for Christmas.

Have a great evening   Ruth

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 23, 2006, 08:41:24 PM
I am looking at my weather icon and it says it is 4:53 when in reality it is 5:40 I don't know how to fix it.

Talk about some spoiled dogs. They sent home thanksgiving dinner for my dogs. So the dogs had a feast too.

Judy B check your email.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Judy McKenna on November 23, 2006, 09:57:58 PM
A lovely, but sad poem, Colin.  I could "read" your heart in those thoughts!

How are you Janet and Etta Sue?  Its always nice to read your posts too, Larry.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 10:23:41 PM
Hi Judy..  I bet Norm would like to see some of Colin's poems.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 10:30:08 PM
Marilyn, I went to the weather site and for some strange reason, all the gizmos like what you had were the wrong time and the one I put in your sig is the right time.  When they get it fixed, we'll have to change it but what's showing now is correct I think.

So you can see them now?

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 23, 2006, 10:39:59 PM

Thank you for welcoming Rod (those that have).  It's nice to see lots of welcome messages from our members to our new folk.    'Twill be nice to have someone from New Zealand.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 23, 2006, 10:50:14 PM
Marilyn I sent you that info you asked for.

Pat did you check your messages on the phone?

Ruth send your papers up here we can use them for the fire!

It has been another busy day.  I have a friend going into the Highway Book Shop ini Cobalt to see if they have a set of science books I need.  If they do I am set with most of next years cirriculum.  Elizabeth has been fast tracking with her math, and has done quite well.  Today I noticed a consistent stumble with fractions , so she is going back to the text to learn what she missed then she will go ahead again.  Her aim is to start the next grade in math with the new semester in February.  I didn't think she would have the drive to actually do it but I have been pleasantly surprised.  Looks like she will be up to grade/age level by the time she reaches grade nine.  

One of our pups are in their first season.  We are waiting for the second season to breed them.  As a result the neighborhood dogs are coming around.  We will have to keep a close eye on them next week.  Marilyn how are your house pets?  Etta Sue ready for another cat?  We have 4 to go and to go soon.  

well time to turn in.  Pleasant dreams everyone
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jeannine on November 24, 2006, 05:14:23 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

Hope all who celebrate turkey day had a blessed day!

Colin~I love your poems, I always wanted to be able to write them but haven't been blessed with that talent.

To all the painters~ I can't paint a picture to save my life  :'(so I always enjoy what others can do. <3  However I can do pen and inks when I have the money to get the supplies, mostly do any art i can on the computer with PSCS, at least that way the cat's can't mess it up. ;D Although, Fuzzy makes his presence known by trying to lay on the keyboard when I'm working on the computer.

It's very chilly here and frosty. I guess it's time to pull out the winter jacket.

Everyone have a blessed and God filled day!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 24, 2006, 09:33:30 AM

Prince of peace is Jesus
Almighty God is He
The innocent Lamb that was slain

Suffering in agony for me
Crucified on the wood of the cross
Overcame the hold of the grave
To rise above the drifting clouds of the sky
The One who my soul did save

Forgiven now I am
Redeemed by His precious blood
Over me it has covered
My sins washed away in its flood

Come to the One who is calling
Accept His offer of grace
Now is the time to accept Him
And find in Him a resting place
Do it now for your soul's sake
And He will not turn away His face

Colin Moffett

Call back later...Gregory wants on the computer.
God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 24, 2006, 09:43:41 AM
Hi everyone.  Just back from morning coffee at the Senior Center.  I guess most of the men must have thought we weren't getting together as we only had 6 show up this morning.  I then went to the grocery store for a few items.

Yesterday was a wonderful day for us as we went down and had Thanksgiving dinner with our daughter.  It was the best Thanksgiving with her we have probably ever had since she reached adulthood.  We had a delicious meal and then took her to Kroger's to get milk and  a few items, went by where she has started to attend church and plans to attend a Tuesday night Bible study (this is indeed one of God's miracles) and then back to her apartment.  We visited with her for about 90 minutes more.  This evening we are picking her up at 7:30 and she will spend the weekend with us. 

I am going to spend the day working on music for Calvin Cove (our church adult day-care center).  I am putting together CD's of several groups of songs that they have the words for but no background music for.  It is a fun project.  I am using several different software programs to accomplish what I want to do.

It is another beautiful day here in Georgia and is suppose to warm up to about 70 degrees this afternoon.

Guess I had better get to work.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 24, 2006, 10:07:51 AM
Good Morning

Thank you Pat for  putting up my weather monitor It's a big one like I have on my website.

Judy B my pets are doing great, They love going for the walks but Happy would sure like to  be off leash. Bebe seems to be training well she sets her pace the same as mine and  heels when I tell her to heel, sit before we cross streets and even looks both ways now. Happy doesn't sit but looks both ways. He must have learned that when we lived in the desert and he was never bound by a fence or a leash. We have lots of cats around our place belonging top the neighbor and they watch them through the screen door by don't try to bust out and go after them. (which is a surprise to me) they just sit and watch even in the backyard where the cats are just the other side of the fence. It is funny to watch them looking at each other. TMI  ???

I have to take your Pkg to the post office this morning and fill out the customs sheet I couldn't do it on the computer, it kept telling me there were errors and that I hadn't done it right.

Not going to be a busy day today, I have a load of laundry to do and that is about it.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 24, 2006, 10:37:18 AM

Colin ~ I love the poem you made with Pat Scott's name.  I will see what I can do with 'With Love From Etta Sue' and put that on the inside of my Christmas cards.  Got to get my mind busy! 

JudyB ~ No more pets!  I think Inky left me two presents in the night...a solid one in the dining room and a wet one just outside the entrance to the liter box.  At least, I know she isn't stopped up.  They are a delight but I sometimes wonder what is going on? 

Yesterday was very different for a Thanksgiving day.  The little kids and the young men even went outside and played football in their shirt sleeves.  That hasn't happened on Thanksgiving for years.  And today is bright and sunny and is suppose to get to 62°F and it is now 49°.  I have a few more things to put up in the garage and also I need to put the cover over my a/c condenser outside..then I am set for winter!!  Need to get my red bows from the garage and put them on the deck for Christmas decorations.

tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 24, 2006, 11:00:26 AM
It is absolutely lashing from the heavens here! Even the ducks have waterproof coats on! Houl yer tongue an' sey nithin!

Hi Ruth...Glad you like my poems. Classic?...mmmm!

Hi Judy McKenna.. My last boss was calied McKenna. How are you! It was a heartbreaking poem to write if we are talking about the one I think we are talking about. Take care.

Hi glad you like my poems. How are you today? I would love to see you pens and inks. I can hardly draw my breath. I take a pencil up to bed each night and before I get in ...I use it to draw the curtains with!  :lol:

Hi Larry...the only way I will get 70 degrees today is if I sit in the oven or into the coal fire!  brrrrr. Hope you are keeping well.

Have any the rest of you trouble with typing? A lady was teaching me to type and she looked over my shoulder while I was working away. Oooo Colin!; she said; you have only made five mistakes type the next word!  :lol:  :uglystupid:

Have to go now...some men with white coats have stopped with a van!

God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 24, 2006, 11:08:57 AM
Hi Etta dog was a Handyman. He did little odd jobs around the house. ;D
Love your picture. I know you will do a gand job with your little poem.
Take care my friend..God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 24, 2006, 11:27:13 AM

This link will probably not work knowing me! This is one of our local radio stations and if any of you can listen in on a Sunday afternoon around 3:00pm British time or afterwards; I would love to give you a mention on it and get a gospel song played for you. Just let me know if you can listen in.

Click on Radio North should work.

God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 24, 2006, 11:48:30 AM
OH Colin you are just too  :cool:  8)  <3 You keep my smilin' and that's a good thing. we all need to smile.

I watched the National Dog show yesterday after the Macy's parade. All wonderful dogs.  The poodle that got the best of show was really something to see, what a  hairdo. ;D Then there was the Dustmop that was too cute.  ^-^

I can actually see Blue sky today it was brighter a little bit ago tho' Guess the sun is hiding again.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 24, 2006, 11:59:33 AM
Hi is still rainging cats and dogs here..I just stepped into a poodle!  :uglystupid:  :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 24, 2006, 12:39:45 PM

Hi Colin!

Wow!  What a surprise to see that poem with all the red letters!  I'll keep that one in my archives for sure!  Thanks!

How are the rest of you today?

I saw this poem on the Cafe today and thought I'd share it with all you Americans:

After Thanksgiving Poem

I ate too much Turkey, I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie.
I'm stuffed up with muffins and too much stuffin'
I'm probably going to die.

I piled up my plate and I ate and I ate.
But I wish I had known when to stop,
For I'm so crammed with yams, sauces, gravies, and jams
That my buttons are starting to pop!

I'm full of tomatoes and french fried potatoes
My stomach is swollen and sore,
But there's still some dessert so I guess it won't hurt if
I eat just a little bit more!

Larry, that's wonderful news of your time spent with your daughter.  So happy to read that.

Glad that temperature "thingy" works now for you, Marilyn.    We'll have to get one for Colin so we can see if it's raining cats and dogs over there.  :lol:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 24, 2006, 12:43:17 PM

Colin, Even the poodles have frozen up here in the north.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Nita on November 24, 2006, 02:43:40 PM
You guys are sure laughing! I could hear you all the way in the other room.  I had to come see what you were all doing, and saw our Colin is up to his usual funniness. haha 

We have sunshine at the moment.  I guess it made it nice for all the people who were out shopping at 5 AM. 

Colin, I used to write some poetry.  You're making me think I want to have a go at it again.  Maybe the thought will pass. :)  I sure like your poetry.

Rob, if you find us here, welcome again.   I'll be looking for some of your pictures when you create your gallery.   There's lots of help here, so you can ask PAT anything.  She's the greatest helper.  We luv her.

Larry, I'm so glad you had such a nice dinner with your daughter.  I know it blessed you all.  When I read your post, I could just feel your happiness.

I'll go and tackle the vacuum cleaner.  My silly dogs aren't afraid of it.  The littliest one, Rocko, follows me around while I vacuum.  I'm always afraid his long tail will get caught.  Vacuuming is definitely a pack thing around here.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 24, 2006, 03:34:12 PM
Hi Nita I did my vacuuming earlier, I put my  Christmas lights around my front door, my roof lights are still up from last year. I got my tree out of the box and open the tub with the decorations. However, I think I will stop here and take the dogs for their walks before the sun goes away again.

Larry I know you are so pleased with your daughter's changes. I will keep on praying for your family.

JudyB how many dogs do you have now? Do you have another Rottie? I think I remember you having a pup before Jake went to the Rainbow Bridge.

Thanksgiving was great with my DIL's family but now I really have to start watching my caloric intake, I have never been this heavy in my entire life. 178 is a far cry from my younger life. Of course I was underweight then and was always trying to gain weight. Someone at curves said it could be muscle weight that I have put on since starting Curves. All I know is that some has to come off. I may be tall enough to carry the weight but my knees can't.  :P


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: mybcjazz on November 24, 2006, 04:16:29 PM
Hi Folks,

I have a fairly wild schedule for the next couple of days, then I'll be around to pester you on a regular basis.

Thanks to those whose have been to the gallery to look at the picts and comment, too.  We still have a few days of autumn colors left, but it's just about done.

Take a peek at the gallery to see just a bit of God's glory in autumn, in Colin's paintings, and lots more ;) .

Some more if you care to click here.

In His Grip,
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Carol on November 24, 2006, 06:22:27 PM
Welcome to newcomer Rod

Colin:  I am so enjoying your poetry, especially the one for Pat using her name.  Liked your vivid description of a "Lashing from Heaven". 

Judy B:  Still having some health problems?  I hope you recover totally. 

We have been with youngest son & I brought a sewing machine to start DIL sewing.  Am not sure if she is interested at all so I just basically taught her how to care for the machine & such.  She wants to hem some curtains. 

Yes, Thanksgiving was wonderful with almost the entire family.  I just put aside my private sorrows concerning the family - it would sink me deep to dwell on the things not going right - and so thankful they are all friends and loving.  As the poem or writing previously said -" He knows".


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 24, 2006, 06:41:02 PM
I am really behind in here!  I did a wild and crazy thing---my grandsons wanted me to spend the night at their house so I could go shopping with them this morning at.........4:30AM.  :-[  And I did!!  Oh, my goodness, people are crazy!!  I was there, too, so guess that includes me!  :-\  Walmart was the absolute worst!  You literally could not get down the aisles, especially the center one where they had the electronic stuff.  TVs were going out the door like there would never be another one made, ever!!  And people were buying cartloads of DVD players, and as many as 10 digital cameras at once!!  Guess what Janet bought?  NOTHING.  I couldn't get out of that place soon enough! :idiot:  Curtis managed to get the camera he wanted for his wife, but told me, "This is not fun."  And it wasn't!

Next, we went to Penney's, where we were each given a small snow globe, and I did buy a couple items there; then to Dunlaps, where we each received a gift of an angel bear, and I got a couple more things there.  Diane had to work, so we left and got back to Hugoton a little after 9, then the boys brought me home.  The things I do to spend time with those boys!  :D

We had a lovely day yesterday at Diane's.  Mom and Beth were ready to go home after dinner, so Mark and Darrel (Grandson and my husband) brought them back, then came back and we stayed until late last night, the guys watching football and the "girls" playing games.  I slept with Abby, but not much!  ;)  Then up at 4:00 AM, so I am fading fast!  And sister was here from central Kansas, so we took a roasted chicken and a ham to my younger sis's house and ate with them and my brother and SIL who drove up from Colorado.

I have read all the great posts, poetry, jokes, looked at some new photos, and now I think I will shut down and try to do better tomorrow in here---and also to NOT EAT much tomorrow!! :P  I feel more stuffed than the turkey!

God bless each of you.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 24, 2006, 07:00:20 PM

I went into this hire shop the other day
A Gospel CD. I wanted them to play
I wondered if the songs had a good going lilt
So I spoke to this bald headed man dressed in a kilt
But he just stood there and did not answer back
And the more I enquired; the less he spake
Is he deaf; I wondered; I prodded him in the tummy
I felt a right fool; he was only a plastic dummy

My face went red; my embarrassment was dire
Along with this dummy; more dressed in wedding attire
Oh gracious; I thought; your eyesight is not improving
I will only speak again when I see a "dummy" moving
A big head moved; a last a living guy
Can I hear that CD playing before I buy?
Yes----well all right; he grumpily answered me
Just hold on a wee moment; I have another customer to see

Dead on; I said; just take your hurry
I am not in any rush; please do not worry
For the fellow I could see was working non-stop
So I stood and viewed around the wee hire shop
But then I got tired waiting; so I spoke in a civil tone
I will be back again; but I must home to Portglenone
Just hold on there now sir; he shouted; I'm free!
And in the music centre he stuck on the CD

So I listened to a song and it was pretty good
But I will hear another one; so at the counter I stood
My eye had rested on the dummy dressed in tartan
When I heard someone say; measure me for a suit here Martin
On the shop floor an elderly couple stood
I did not want to stare; I thought it would be rude
As Martin around the man's waist did measure
The result of which made the couple smile with pleasure

It is forty; said Martin; I am sure that will do
A pair of trousers forty-two will be too slack on you
Oh my dear; said the woman; that is great
I am pleased; said the man; that I have lost some weight
I listened to their chat with a bit of a grin
And thought; I have also lost weight for the burden of my sin
From my wicked heart; by Jesus has been lifted
And now eternal life to me has been gifted

The length of the tape may measure your waist
The length of your time is departing in haste
And some day your soul will take flight
Have you been measured for a new robe of white?
How can you measure God's great love for you?
And the depth of suffering Jesus went through
Can you measure the width of His arms stretched wide
And the length He went for you when He died

Can you measure the heights He will carry you to?
When He reaches down in the depth of the pit for you
Tarry not long to take that outstretched hand
For the length of your time is at His command
The length of eternity has no beginning or end
Consider dear friend where in its everlasting you will spend
In the depths of the darkness or in the heights of the glory
And this is what I thought of when a tape told a story

Colin Moffett

This is a true poem and really happened except the bits where I might have used a little bit of artistic licence or maybe I didnt! My eyesight is not great! I went to the opticians one time to get my eyes tested and told him I was short sighted... and he took me outside and said..can you see the sun? I said...yes;of course. He is 93million miles away. How far do you want to see!  :lol:
Thank you for all your lovely comments and words of encouragement. I do appreciate them all.

Thank you Carol...have we met before?

Thanks Kevin...your photos are beautiful

Hi Nita...maybe we will write a poem together? You do one line and I will do the next.

Hi Judyb....powerful!

Hi Pat...glad you like your poem. Glad you are not from Checky so vackey or somewhere. I cant spell the proper name! ;) We must get on at the same time some time. You know I dont need a weather thing...I just hang dulse out the window!

Right...I be of to bed I be. Goodnight and God bless

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Al Moak on November 24, 2006, 08:00:03 PM
Well, here I am posting from Davis, California (about 20 miles west of Sacramento).  I preached here at Grace Valley Christian Center Wednesday evening on the unique subject of "Thanksgiving!"  It was received very well.  Then yesterday we were taken to two different houses for brunch and dinner.  Many others came to each place, and so we had good fellowship (and too much food).  Then today we've already been to another house to fellowship with still a different couple from the church here.  We've yet to go to another house this evening for dinner.  And so it will go all the way through Sunday - to various houses to enjoy the wonderful hospitality at so many of the member's houses, meet more of the people, and continue to eat too much!  It's a wonderful church of about 500 members who truly love our Lord.  I'll be preaching again Sunday morning and evening, then we'll be heading home on Monday - about 300 miles up the coast to McKinleyville.

By the way - I'm posting from our wonderful host's house.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 24, 2006, 09:03:13 PM
I am listening to Yesterday's Favourites on Radio North 846 AM.  My, these are yesterday's favorites....songs I heard years ago.  Elvis right now.  Great listening for old country music.  Thanks Colin. 

I wrote two acrostics today...I will mull it over a day or two to see if one is suitable for a CHRISTmas card.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 24, 2006, 09:30:05 PM
Question for Colin:  What is a hire shop?  I know to hire means to employ, as in "I hired a new helper today," but don't quite know what a hire shop might be.  So, more interesting discussion will follow, I'm sure!

It's fun to learn about each other's cultures, isn't it?  And at the end of it, we find out we are all very much alike.  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 25, 2006, 12:45:26 AM
I just checked in for a few moments.  Marilyn we have a Doberman.  she is quite the girl.  we are looking forward to breeding her in April.

One of the pups slipped her leash today and got hit by a car.  It was Melaura's dog.  She is quite upset.  If you think about it remeber her in prayer.

We had a good evening tonight there was a Christmas Walk in downtown North Bay.  The Christian Radio station provided all the Christmaas music, and it was really something.  If any of you want to check out the "K" go to and enjoy.  There is a lot of music and Saturday afternoon is all request time.  They take requests by email as well.

It is late I need to get some sleep
NN and may God bless you with rest.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 25, 2006, 04:54:14 AM
I realise the most of you are in bed as I type this. This is lonely for me when there is nobody about. I let out a guid gulder in the shoutbox to see if I could waken any of you up!  :)

Hi Janet...Some of the shops in the street are lower down and this one was just a little HIRE up!  ::)  No no! I jest!....probably not right just to call it a hire shop. We just stick names on things! They hired out bridal wear and formal suits. You go in...pick what you want for your the hire for it.. and after the big day is return it all again. They also sold Bibles; CDs etc. Hope that is a little clearer to you Janet. What a wonderful active lady you are! God bless.

Hi Etta glad you got tuned into radio. I tried it yesterday and it was not working. If I knew you were listening in on Sunday; I would get them to give you a mention. After 3:00pm British time if that is possible. Take care.

It is a cold morning in Northern Ireland but dry so far. I am listening to Radio Star. It is a far better station than Radio North..but is not on the web! They broadcast Irish Country music all day long as well as Country Gospel and Gospel programnes. Hope you all have a lovely day when you do eventually get up. God bless all.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 25, 2006, 08:36:12 AM
Good Morning Colin (and everyone else)!

It's frosty outside and if I had had a better sleep and wasn't so tired and grumpy, I'd be out getting some frost piccies.  But I was waiting for my granddaughter to get in and she didn't get in till 3:15 am!

"Hire shop" too, Janet is what we might call a "rental".

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 25, 2006, 09:47:57 AM
Colin and Pat........just before I went to sleep last night, the light went on, and I thought, "RENTAL!"  That's what he meant!  Duh  :idiot:  Well, I was a bit slow on that one, but I got there!  Thanks for the explanation.

Colin, I got the radio page, but was hurrying, and didn't take time to listen to the music.  How many hours difference are you from Central time in the USA?  (Questions!  Always with the questions!)  ;)

Pat, sorry you aren't getting enough rest.  Maybe you need to have a little talk with Kathleen about this.  You do need your sleep.

I was going to go have coffee with my sisters, but when I called, Jeanie said Shirley had left 15 minutes ago, and she was getting ready to go to work.  So I will do my vacuuming instead, and maybe get my tree set up.  Now, I said MAYBE.  :cool:

It has turned colder here, and they are telling us December will arrive with a capital D....guess that means dig out those coats!

My coffee should be done by now, think I will go get a cup.  But some mornings, and most evenings, I drink tea!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 25, 2006, 09:51:50 AM
Good Morning, still pretty dark here this morning although it is almost 7 am. I will be going to Curves to get in my workout  after 8 sometime.

Today is a do nothing day but I am going to start another quilt, thisd one will be for my friend Deanna for whom I have been taking home from work lately. She asked me for a quilt so I will make one for her.

Good to  see you up and about Pat I do pray you are doing well.

Hi JudyB, Janet and Colin too.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 25, 2006, 10:18:43 AM
Hi Janet....I see your clock flashing 9:10am and my time is 3:10pm I guess we are 6hrs apart. Why did I not think of rental too!  :uglystupid:

You grumpy Pat? NEVER!

Hi Marilyn!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 25, 2006, 10:47:59 AM
Hi everyone.  Our regular cafe was closed this morning so we had to go to McDonald's for coffee.  About 6 of the guys showed up this morning.  We are having a beautiful day again and it suppose to get up to 70 degrees again today.

I have a wedding to attend this afternoon for one of the ladies that sings in our church choir.  I will pick up the 90 year old couple, who no longer drive, so they can attend also as they were invited.  Following the wedding they are having a reception at "The Vines", which is a beautiful mansion not far from here that was converted into a restruarant and special events facility and surrounded by lovely gardens.  This evening we have something to attend with our daughter so it is going to be a busy day.  In between I want to watch a little college football as Georgia is playing Georgia Tech and Florida is playing Florida State and these are both rivalry games.

Marilyn, it is nice of you to make the quilt.

Janet, it sounds like you learned your lesson about getting into the shopping mob the day after Thanksgiving.  My good friend got up early and stood in line to get a sale item and I think he has decided it wasn't worth it.  However, sure you enjoyed the time with your grandsons and they with you.

Colin, as always I enjoyed your posts and your poetry.  Wish I could share some of our warmth over your way.

Al, it sounds like you are having a wonderful time, good preaching, and lots of food.  Hope you are enjoying every minute of it.

Carol, often we just have to look past those problems in family relationships for the sake of family unity.  If we individually can't do anything about the problem often the best we can do if look for the positives and not dwell on the negatives. 

I know I haven't addressed everyone here today but assure you I have read your postings and appreciate them.  I need to be moving on to some other things. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 25, 2006, 11:03:06 AM

What is this o' silent night
Your stillness broken with hosanna cry
A host of angels shining bright
Making darkness flee from your blackened sky

Here shepherds sitting beneath your cloak
Of darkness; now are bathed in light
What wondrous news is being spoke
A Saviour is born to you tonight

What message is this brought to ear?
To shepherds listening in fear and awe
When the angel said; be of good cheer
You will find the babe lying on bed of straw

Who is He in manger bed?
This babe in Bethlehem to Mary born
A pillow of straw for His lovely head
Which one-day would wear a crown of thorn

His gentle hands to a cross one day
Would be nailed to its wood for you and me
Gaze upon this babe lying on the hay
And the Son of God you will see

Jesus the Saviour born in a stable
No room for Him found in crowded inn
Has died; is risen and willing and able
To redeem precious souls and free from sin

Come with thanks giving; let us rejoice
The Saviour was born on Christmas day
Let out hearts unite and to praise give voice
For Jesus the light the truth and the way

Who is He born in Bethlehem?
Once sleeping so quietly in stable stall
Now for me sin will not condemn
For He is Jesus my Saviour and my all in all

Colin Moffett

I was going to post a really sad poem because I am so depressed.  :( The telephone bill came in...the electric bill came in...and even a duck came in with a bill! And to crown it all...the battery charger for my mobile phone has decided to pack it in.  :'(
One day I told Marlene my car battery was flat and she asked could I not pump it up with the pump!   :idiot:
I thought I would post a Christmas poem instead and try to get into the seasonal mood. One year Marlene started knitting me a sweater for Christmas. That was thirty years ago and she has just one sleeve done. She informed me it took three sheep to make a sweater and I replied....I did not even know sheep could knit! I must get out of this depressed mood. I will leave you with this little thought...

Blessed are those who sit on holly for they shall arise!  ;)

God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jeannine on November 25, 2006, 11:37:01 AM
Colin you are too much. You make me laugh when I need it. Thanks for being crazier than me. :lol:

Hope your mood lifts and is sunny and bright again like it is here.

God Bless!

PS: I love the scenery of Ireland and (shhhh) Scotland.  <3
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 25, 2006, 12:39:18 PM
Ohh, Colin!  I'm sitting here laughing.  Who could be depressed reading your posts?

Hi Jeannine!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 25, 2006, 12:41:29 PM
G'day all.  I came home from Praise Tea practise, and we listened to the Jerusalem Homecoming CD.  I enjoy their music but, cannot take a steady diet.

Melaura is doing a bit better.  She is really hurting though.

Jeannine The pictures are indeed awesome. BUT they don't show the green as you see it in that land.  It is a green that I have never seen elsewhere.  I do love it over the pond, I have said to Pat that we need to plan a trip someday.

It is a wee bit warmer here today, but damp.  The road crews have sprayed chemical down, like they are expecting bad weather.  So far the forcast is good till later in the week.  

Well I have enough to do and better get at it.

Love and blessings.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jeannine on November 25, 2006, 01:32:19 PM
Hi JudyB -  No the green isn't quite that green, it was more a drab yellow and I just played with the colors in photoshop til i liked it.

I see you are a truck driver, my brother is as well with Lisa out of Texas. He just was up here this past monday and it was so good to see him.  He usually drives the midwest.

Hi Pat!

Hope all have a great day and a Blessed one!!!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 25, 2006, 02:16:57 PM
Hi are you? It is still not sunny. I looked out the window and it is black. Maybe that is because its night! Nothing going right for me today! See the wife went shopping today and boy does she loves getting a bargain! Anything  marked DOWN and she will buy it! She landed home with an esscalator!!  ;D.
God bless.

Hi glad you are laughing...I am sitting with a face on me like a wet blanket. What a day! I was driving along the motorway and my mobile phone rang..the one I haven't got charged up... and when I answered it my son Steven said...Da; be careful.. in the news it says there's some eejit driving along that motorway in the wrong direction and to look out. One!...I shouted back..there are hundreds of them coming in the wrong direction!  :lol:
Take care my friend
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 25, 2006, 02:22:05 PM
Hi Jeannine, give wee Michael a gentle hug from me today!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 25, 2006, 02:53:16 PM
Pat I am getting red X's where the weather icon and our profile photos are supposed to be. I thought it was my Kerio Firewall but when I disabled it (the firewall) they still weren't there.  :ticked: Hey I just noticed that my photo is still there.

Hey Colin you must keep your poor wife in stitches, I see you have the humor all sewed up.  ;D

Hi Jeanine, It is good to see you posting more often. Is that because with your injury you have more time to spend chatting with the crazies on CP.   :crazy:

Well it looks like the sun has come out from behind the clouds, I think I should take this time to take the doggies for their walks before it  gets wet out there again.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 25, 2006, 03:55:18 PM
Colin, I see you have the gift (and blessing) of good humor, even when you aren't feeling so cheerful!  Like they said to me, "Cheer up, things could get worse."  So I cheered up, and sure enough, things got worse!   Not really.  I'm usually an optimist, and it takes quite a lot to get me down, and even then, I don't stay down.  I hope you won't, either.  Your humor is so welcome here, I think we are all enjoying having you around!  :D

We have been invited down to the kids' again this evening for steaks!  So it wasn't a hard decision.  Any time I can spend time with that family, I say yes!

Marilyn, would you walk me, too?  I have missed a few days' exercise now.  I will get back with the program on Monday, though.

I got my Christmas tree put up today!!!  YIPPEE!!  Now we should get in the Christmas mood around here.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 25, 2006, 04:10:03 PM

Colin ~ I think you figured out that it is 5 hours difference.  British time is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Time.  I am listening to Radio North right now.  It is very weird that I understand the words to the songs very well but when the MC comes on, I only catched about every 10th word.  He does have an accent.  And Sunday?  My Sunday's are never planned.  I don't get out of church and back home until at 6pm British time.  So count me out in mentioning me on your Radio North station.  But thanks for thinking of me.

I got an email from Kitty this morning saying if I wanted to see the stained glass windows she made with cellophane to come over before noon.  Her husband didn't like them so she was taking them down.  She is having two parties this year for Christmas and was planning Madrigal dinners.  Thus the stained glass windows in her dining room.  But now she is going back to her Santa decorations and familiar menu for food.  So I drove over there to visit with her.  My car hadn't been out of the garage since coming home from church last Sunday!! 

Then I walked over to Ivalou's to visit with her daughter, Jo.  Jo, her husband, Steve, Kara and Lydia are there from Kettering, Ohio.  I visited with them awhile. 

I fixed some lunch and washed the dishes and the started catching up on the computer.  Well, actually I was searching online for a part for Ivalou's Frigidaire.  Then I heard a noise that sounded like a Harley and it was my son.  We visited awhile.  And I searched some more.  Then Steve and Lydia came over so Lydia could see the cats.  Then I searched again and found the part.  I called Ivalou to bring her credit card and see if this was the right part.  I thought the part was curved, she thought it was straight so we both went back to her house and it was curved.  So she has the part ordered and should get it soon.  I know, too much information....

Just now getting online to do what I like to do every day.  It is so nice jackets needed!  Really nice for the end of November!!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 25, 2006, 06:16:23 PM
I got my phone charger to work again. It does help when you plug it switch it on! :idiot: No was not working at all but seems to be going fine now.

Oh Etta Sue...your little dog is cute! I do not know which MC you are talking about unless it was the English guy. Sorry you cant listen in on Sunday. Most of the progamnes are pre-recorded.

Hi Janet...I know you have a great sense of humour too. We always get big bills in before Christmas and does not help when you are on a tight budget. Maybe when the tree goes up next week I will get into a more festive mood. I just go through these kind of days. Take care Janet.

Hi Marilyn... I think my wife thinks I am like a Chrisrmas card....Always greeting! (moaning) Take care

Goodnight to the rest of you. God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Ruth on November 25, 2006, 06:59:36 PM

Colin:   I went to the Radio Station and now it will not shut up, it is sounding like a stuck record.  I think that I will have to shut the system down for it to stop

It was a lovely and sunny day here in fact I went shopping instead of staying home to do some baking.  Another day for that.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 25, 2006, 08:08:42 PM
Ruth, just find our what window you are using to listen to Radio North and shut that down and your sound program.  If they aren't open, you won't hear it.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: JudyB on November 25, 2006, 08:20:29 PM
Well Ruyth I got some baking done.  We have zucchini out on our front porch.  The closed in one. Because if the cold I am hurrying to get them crated or cooked.  They will spoil if I take much longer.  I made a zucchini loaf cinnaon buns and a loaf of bread.  Half way through the process I realized I am out of some key ingrediants.  That is the joy of having teenagers home who like to bake.  I will be listing some of the items for next shopping day.

I must have missed something, I didn't see the link to Radio North.  Do they still have the Saturday night programming???

John has taken the girls out to bring a friends pick up home.  John will be away this week and that leaves me without transportation.  If we lived in town that woould be a different story, but we are out in the boonies, and a vehicle is an absolute essential.

I am going for the night.  Having a hot bath and then into comfy clothes.

NN all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 25, 2006, 08:26:44 PM


Silent Night, Holy Night  (
(Click to hear music)

There were shepherds living out in the fields nearby,
keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord
appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them.
Luke 2:8-9

Words: Josef Mohr, circa 1816-1818.
Stanzas 1 & 3 translated from German to English by John F. Young, 1863;
translator of stanzas 2 & 4: anonymous

Music: Franz X. Gruber, circa 1820

Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and Child.
Holy Infant, so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night,
Shepherds quake at the sight;
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ the Savior is born,
Christ the Savior is born!

Silent night, holy night,
Son of God, love?s pure light;
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.

Silent night, holy night
Wondrous star, lend thy light;
With the angels let us sing,
Alleluia to our King;
Christ the Savior is born,
Christ the Savior is born!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: trisha on November 25, 2006, 09:50:52 PM
Hello all, I can't believe it is already past Thanksgiving and soon to be Christmas. WOW how time flies when you are busy (I mean having fun)! The Dr told me that I am doing well and I still need to stay with very little work and in bed most of the time. Today I have been to sore to move but I am doing better now. I hope everyone else is doing great sounds like everyone is getting Christmas up and going. Ours will be this upcomming weekend. I am off to lay back down and enjoy time with Danny. Have a good weekend
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Carol on November 25, 2006, 11:32:00 PM
Colin:  Hello - have not met you but I have once visited your fair country with fine and friendly people. 

Al:  What an enjoyable time for you this week - I know you love to give the sermons.  Have a safe trip back home.

Pat:  Your granddaughter came in much too late - and that isn't fair for you so she needs to know how you care for her safety & that is much too late.  I don't think I could handle teenagers living with me - just for nice little visits.  Hugs to you.

QuoteCarol, often we just have to look past those problems in family relationships for the sake of family unity.  If we individually can't do anything about the problem often the best we can do if look for the positives and not dwell on the negatives
.    This is so true.  I just cannot think only of negatives as it makes me physically ill so, I really try to hand all of the concerns over to the Lord - still, many times nothing changes. 

A phone call came telling me of the death of a 98-year-old uncle.  Uncle Dutch still drove the car and met for coffee daily - but he had forgotten me in September.  He died on Thanksgiving Day and coincidentially, that is the day of my mother's passing ten years ago.  She was his youngest sister.  The sad part is he became very ornery the last few years. 

We went to church tonight and enjoyed the youngest pastor singing with his wife.  Saturday night is almost entirely the same as Sunday morning but much more quiet and peaceful for us older folks - and we can hear the sermon as Don would say.  Daughter & family drive back from Chicago tomorrow morning after hockey tournament.  There certainly are a lot of fun places to visit and they filled the extra hours with much sight-seeing. 


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Jeannine on November 26, 2006, 01:52:43 AM
Yes Marilyn I do get to spend more time here with the shoulder and all. As long as Michael sleeps I can catch up on reading the posts. Only trouble is no is up when I am with my coffee. :'(.   But God is so.. <3.

I pray everyone has a restful and blessed night! God be with you all!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Etta Sue on November 26, 2006, 07:34:40 AM

I had several visitors yesterday and it was very much enjoyable.  They enjoyed seeing my Christmas things that are out. 

I am ready to head for church.  I just notice a beautiful pink sunrise.  So the camera will go with me today.  Hopefully I won't be too late for lovely photos.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 26, 2006, 08:46:28 AM
Hi is a beautiful day in Northern Ireland. It is dry and the sun is shining but cold. I will take a walk around the the garden later. Listening to Radio North at moment. I love the country gospel music.
I love your little pictures Etta Sue...they are cute and thank you Pat for posting Silent Night. I think that is my favourite carol. Begining to feel like Christmas!
Hi Ruth..dont know why station has stuck with you. I love home baking..were you baking something nice? Hello Carol...lovely to know you visited my country and found us friendly.
Hello to everyone else and hope you all have a blessed day.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 26, 2006, 08:50:36 AM

Click above for Radio North
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Carol on November 26, 2006, 09:38:48 AM
thanks for the clickables for both radio stations! 

Sipping coffee and I need to list some duties and purchases.  We only buy what we can afford as I believe most of all you very wise people do in here.  It really worries/bothers me that so many live on so much credit and don't think ahead for rainy days.  Stewardship drive is coming up at the church & I always remember my upbringing of being reminded that it truely is more blessed to give than receive.  When I think of Christmas, there isn't anything I really need and isn't that a blessing? 

Watched news pictures of the horrible crowds of people rushing into stores and it seems to get worse and worse.  I used to get up early for some sales and I don't think I would dare try it again.  The last time, I went to a discount store and parked my cart away from the frenzied aisle of wrapping paper and cards - going back to put in a few things each time and after enough was in the cart, I returned to find that someone had taken/stolen the cart with everything I had chosen.  That was the end of my early trips to the stores.   :-\ 

Pat:  Thanks for Silent Night.......


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Marilyn on November 26, 2006, 10:32:31 AM
Good Morning, Carol I see you were here before me this morning. Today is my twins 47th birthday i will be giving them each a call after I get home from church.

The rain has returned, Thank you God for the rain that makes everything grow and green again. Nita and Jane must really be getting the brunt of this storm according to the news it is very bad north of here in Oregon and Washington.
Hey you two please check in and let us know you are okay?

Please pray for travel mercies for Al and Marbeth for tomorrow they will be traveling in the rain.

Hello Colin How are you today? In better spirits I pray.

Hello Etta Sue you were here early this morning too .

Talk later y-all
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 26, 2006, 11:34:38 AM


Away in a Manager  (
(Click to hear music)

She gave birth to her firstborn, a son.
She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger,
because there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 2:7

Words: Verses 1 & 2, anonymous, in Little Children?s Book for Schools and Families, by J. C. File (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, 1885). Some sources show the author as Martin Luther; this attribution (probably incorrect) is based on the title "Luther's Cradle Hymn," given to these words by the composer, James Murray, in his Dainty Songs for Little Lads and Lasses (Cincinnati, Ohio: The John Church Co., 1887). Verse 3 is by John Thomas McFarland (1851-1913)

Music: "Mueller," James R. Murray, 1887

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes;
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray;
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 26, 2006, 11:35:34 AM
Good Morning Everyone!

It's such a lovely day here today.  I hope it's nice where you are.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 26, 2006, 12:53:41 PM
Hi everyone...I put a mention in for you all at Radio North. Really not in very good form. I got a text message from someone this morning which has put me in a very emotinal mood. Tears of a clown!  :'(  Anyway hope you are all well.

Marilyn...I cant believe you have twins fortyseven years old. Crongratulations to them by the way...but you look and sound so young yourself!

Hi Pat..another lovely Carol. I think I like the tune I sing it to better but it is nice all the same. Take care my friend.

Did someone mention thats where our rain went to today Marilyn! Hold on to it for awhile please!

God bless everyone

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Janet on November 26, 2006, 02:49:27 PM
Happy Sunday, everyone!  We had a lovely evening with the kids and grands.  Abby asked her big brothers to play Monoply with her, and they did....all evening.  At 9 years old, she can hold her own pretty well with a 21 and a 23 year old!  It is so nice to see them enjoying each other and getting along so well.  Another blessing for which to thank our God.

My son and his daughter, my only other granddaughter besides Abby, were in town for Thanksgiving, didn't call me or anything.  They did visit Beth in the care home, and Mom.  Both Beth and Mom encouraged them to come see me, told them they knew I wanted to see them........but it didn't happen.  :'(   (I wasn't even aware they were in town until Beth called me today to ask if they had been to see me.)  And, while I in no way understand it, I have learned not to let it put me in a blue funk and tears for days on end.  I know I haven't done anything to deserve this kind of treatment (or lack of; just being ignored) so I have to just leave it in God's very capable hands and go on with my life.

We have musical practice at 4:30, then church, followed by a potato bar, dessert and drinks.  It's a money raiser for a trip to the mountains for Family Retreat in February.  (Like any of us needs MORE FOOD this weekend!)   ;)

Colin, sorry you got an unwelcome message, but just remember, you are loved with an everlasting love.  And you have a whole bunch of new friends here on CP, too!  Then allow that great smile to return to your face!  Blessings, Brother!

Larry, what is the date of your Cantata?  Ours is December 10, so we need to get in some serious practice these next 3 times!

I have some Amish Bread Starter, and today is the day the bread is to be made, so I'd better go tend to that.  Anybody want a start?  I will have 3 extra ones to give away!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Colin on November 26, 2006, 06:11:24 PM
Hi can anyone be down long when you are about!  :) I do let people get me into tears. I know I shouldnt. I wish I could give you a hug when I read the story behind the little crying face. You dont deserve to be treated like that but then I could write you a book on it. I feel you and I have been touched by similiar sorrows.

Ok...what is a potato bar? Now one thing the Irish love are their spuds..prutus...praities...potatoes..or whatever you want to call them!

Take care my friend...God bless
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Larry Hanna on November 26, 2006, 08:39:31 PM
Hi everyone.  This has been a very busy weekend.  I attended the wedding yesterday of one of our choir members.  The couple are older and met about 18 months ago at our church.  It was a beautiful wedding and then a wonderful reception with a delicious buffet. 

Our daughter was with us this weekend and she attended church with us today and then we stopped and bought scrimp for lunch and invited the 90 plus year old couple to come home with us and share the scrimp.  They cannot drive anymore and can't get away from their home very much and the lady loves to be around people.  Her 92 year old husbands is in early stages of dementia so it is hard to understand what he is trying to say and generally he just smiles or laughs and doesn't try to say much.  She is almost deaf and has a very hard time understanding the conversation, but her mind is extremely sharp and they are both as spry as 60 year olds.  We had a nice time. 

I took them home after dinner and came home for a brief nap and then at 5 pm took my daughter back to her apartment.  I am really weary tonight so this is going to be short.  See you all tomorrow.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Ruthie on November 26, 2006, 09:23:37 PM
Thank you Pat for the Christmas Carols.    It is great hearing them now that Christmas is coming soon.    I heard that the stores and malls are going to go back to saying   "Merry Christmas"  more this year.  I hope so.    Never mind this Happy Holidays and Happy Season and Merry Whatever, like I read one sign!     I say Merry Christmas to whoever the person is that I am talking to.  I want them to know in this country we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.    God bless

Love Ruthie
;D ::) :ticked: :crazy: :yakyakyak: <3 <3
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on November 26, 2006, 09:25:03 PM
Hi, friends,

I have loved catching up tonight. The visit in Atlanta was marvelous. So much love and kindness for each other and toward me. My son and the girls went shopping on Saturday and gave my daughter in law a beautiful blue sweater with winter-time motifs and a pair of dangly earrings with a stone that was blue - she has blue eyes, and it seemed they never looked better than that evening.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and catching up. Y'all take care, and have a good evening.

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 26, 2006, 09:54:47 PM
Hi Everyone...

It's so nice to read alll your messages of love and concern to each one.  Ruth Ann, I'm so happy that you had a great time in Atlanta.

Nice to see you here Ruthie.

Colin, so sad that you got an unpleasant text message. 

Hope you're rested up now, Larry.

Give Michael a hug, Jeannine.

I'll be back.  I have the Photo of the Day to do on the Photography Cafe.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week of Nov. 19
Post by: Pat on November 26, 2006, 10:09:36 PM
I'd love to have some Amish Bread starter from you, Janet.  It would mean so very much but not sure if you can send it over the border.

Time to start our new "Thoughts for the Week".