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Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: Al Moak on March 06, 2011, 07:16:57 PM

Title: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Al Moak on March 06, 2011, 07:16:57 PM


:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

There's a wonderful time coming!


Morning Devotional...

Psalm 58

This psalm is a prayer that God would display His righteous judgement here on earth, so as to bring the injustice of men to an end and to let the righteous rejoice in the fall of their oppressors.  From our vantage point in the end of times, we know that the psalmist really had to be seeking messianic relief, the kind of relief Isaiah prophesied when he said, "righteousness shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea."  Man's unrighteous judgement  won't end until then.

And, indeed, there's no one like the true Messiah, our Lord Jesus Clhrist, to bring about such relief.  The fact is that  He really is going to do that.  When He returns to this earth,  He'll do it quickly and He'll do it thoroughly!

He Himself had to face unjust judgement at the Cross. But there was a wonderful purpose - He was oppressed so that we might be delivered! And now, because He completed that work, He IS our relief.  When man oppresses now  there is ultimate triumph, though now for a time there is pain.  With that in mind, our response now should be, "come quickly, Lord Jesus," and let righteousness reign in the earth!  Amen!  Let us all join that triumphant chorus of prayer!

Al Moak


Beneath the Cross of Jesus  (
(Click to hear music)

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Galatians 6:14

Words: Elizabeth C. Clephane, 1868; published posthumously in the Family Treasury, a Scottish Presbyterian magazine, in 1872, titled "Breathing on the Border." The magazine's editor, W. Arnot, wrote: These lines express the experiences, the hopes and the longings of a young Christian lately released. Written on the very edge of life, with the better land fully in view of faith, they seem to us footsteps printed on the sands of time, where these sands touch the ocean of Eternity. These footprints of one whom the Good Shepherd led through the wilderness into rest, may, with God's blessing, contribute to comfort and direct succeeding pilgrims.

Music: "St. Christopher," Frederick C. Maker, in the Bristol Tune Book, 1881


Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand,
The shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land;
A home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way,
From the burning of the noontide heat, and the burden of the day.

O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet,
O trysting place where Heaven's love and Heaven's justice meet!
As to the holy patriarch that wondrous dream was given,
So seems my Savior's cross to me, a ladder up to heaven.

There lies beneath its shadow but on the further side
The darkness of an awful grave that gapes both deep and wide
And there between us stands the cross two arms outstretched to save
A watchman set to guard the way from that eternal grave.

Upon that cross of Jesus mine eye at times can see
The very dying form of One Who suffered there for me;
And from my stricken heart with tears two wonders I confess;
The wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness.

I take, O cross, thy shadow for my abiding place;
I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of His face;
Content to let the world go by to know no gain or loss,
My sinful self my only shame, my glory all the cross.  

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: JudyB on March 06, 2011, 07:38:54 PM
Thanl you Al I love that hymn.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: RuthV on March 06, 2011, 10:55:00 PM
Thank you, Al

I remember singing the first stanza of this hymn, way back when I was a teenager.

What wonderful promises in both the Psalm (God is the righteous Judge who will reward the faithful and bring vengeance on the wicked) and in the song (O safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: JudyB on March 06, 2011, 11:45:51 PM
Hi Ruth!

This has been a busy week for me.  What with being allowed to drive again and moving Kassie it has felt like I have had to catch up on all my driving in 4 days?  Things I was to have got done didn't and unexpected things did.  Kassie has been sick and required a Doctors appointment as well as more blood tests.  The Doctor routinely gives us copies of reports from Hospital visits and blood works.  The report said that if she had not been treated when she was we could have lost her.  It has been a roughtime for her and us.  Thank God for praying friends and skilled Doctors.

The snow has stopped, and cold returned.  We can expect this for another 2 months unfortunately.

Well it is late, and we are going to bed.  We have an early morning tomorrow. So night all!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 07, 2011, 10:48:52 AM
Hi everyone.  It is a beautiful sunny day here iin Georgia and the sign at the bank this morning indicated it was 50 degrees.  Still a bit crisp but very pleasant. 

I have been to coffee, the post office, the bank and to Kaiser to have a blood test and to get a prescription filled.  We now have a Kaiser satellite facility nearby rather than a 30 minute drive away.  It has the pharmacy and you can get blood tests there and they have a few doctors in limited fields working in that office.  The poor nurse who drew my blood was using a crutch to walk as said her knee was very painful.  I felt for her having to be on her feet all day.

We are having a new garage door opener installed later this afternoon.  The other one broke again and was previously repaired twice so we decided to just replace it.  After being used to having it we really miss it not working the last few days.

Judy, sometimes are list of things to accomplish isn't in line with what we ultimately have to spend our time doing.  Sure glad you are feeling better.  Sure glad you got Kassie to the doctor when you did and do hope she recovers soon.

Ruth, when I saw your picture and saw the satellite dish was up on your roof I shuddered to think about having to climb up the ladder and walk in the snow on a roof.  Glad you have the process down but still looks very dangerous.  My satellite dish is on the side of my house where it can be reached without a ladder.  Of course we don't get the snow to cover it up but only have it lose the connection during heavy rains and then comes back on when the rain lessens or stops.

Al, thanks for the devotional thoughts for this week on the Psalm. 

John, I sure don't envy you having to drive all those miles in such a short time.  I can drive 400 miles and am exhausted and a second day is even worse.  Your new truck sounds exciting.

Hi Marilyn, are you expecting more severe weather out your way? 

I had someone coming to the house this morning but he just called saying he had gotten occupied and let the time escape him so we rescheduled for next week.  This gives the morning to take care of some things here at my desk.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Etta Sue on March 07, 2011, 12:49:50 PM


Good afternoon!  I am late getting here today.  First I took out the trash and then visited with Ivalou.  Then some laundry being done.  When I got back home from Ivalou's, my answering machine was beeping.  Two messages.  One from my insurance man that would love to take my money and invest it and give it back to me monthly or yearly.  So I called him on my cell.  My cell wouldn't work.  Tony called me last night and asked me why I didn't answer the cell?  It didn't ring.  So when I called the insurance man and I couldn't get the call off my phone, I got worried...thinking it was adding minutes to my account.

I changed clothes and was getting ready to go to Verizon, when I thought...electronics?  When all else fails, remove the power source, wait a few seconds and add the power source.  So I took out the battery, waited, and put it back in and all was fine!!  Saved me a trip to Noblesville AND the cost of lunch out!

I called the insurance man and let him know that I didn't want to give control over MY money to someone else!  There!!  Not really like that but he got the message. 

As for my crocheted baby booties, here is a website that I found for
Annie's Attic (  For those who are really interested, the Work Boots I made are in the middle of the seven pairs of booties.  If you click on 'See More Images' under the picture of the seven pairs of booties, you will see other booties.  I have all those patterns, too.  They are darling little gifts and you can make them with scrap yarn. 

And yes, Larry.  I have many, many patterns for fact, a whole bookcase of four shelves full of books and patterns.  I am so organized that I bought a file box and cataloged all the patterns by style, book, volume, page, description of pattern, (squares, motifs, stripes), how many colors and what size yarn.  Makes it so much easier to find a pattern that way!

Tonight is church council meeting.  I have heard that we are getting real close to starting the new church building...after a $500,000 change in the plans!  Whoo-eee!  Soon there will be no stairs to climb to go to church!


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 07, 2011, 06:46:43 PM
It me again.  I forgot to post a cute little piece that someone sent Pat and I wanted to share it with you. 

Etta Sue, I am really impressed at your organization.  I am sure it makes finding what you want much easier if you use the patterns a lot.  I looked at the site you indicated for the bootie's and they are very cute.

Here is the little piece:

A nurse on the pediatric ward, before listening to the little ones' chests, would plug the stethoscope into their ears and let them listen to their own heart. Their eyes would always light up with awe, but she never got a response equal to four-year old David 's comment. Gently she tucked the stethoscope into his ears and placed the disk over his heart. 'Listen', she said...'What do you suppose that is?' He drew his eyebrows together in a puzzled line and looked up as if lost in the mystery of the strange tap - tap - tapping deep in his chest. Then his face broke out in a wondrous grin and he asked,  'Is that Jesus knocking?'
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 07, 2011, 07:12:33 PM
Larry, I love it!  Kids say the cutest, and sometimes, the most profound things!

Etta Sue, thanks for the look at the cute booties.  I never learned to crochet or knit, so won't be making any of them, but they are darling. Good that you got the cell phone problem fixed.  I had the same a while back and Mark took out and replaced my battery, after cleaning the contacts.

Boy, work wore me out today.  We have one guy on the 200 hall who likes to yell "HELP" over and over and over and the top of his lungs!  Sheesh.  It gets so annoying!  He wants constant attention, to straighten him up, move his wheelchair, etc., etc., etc.  On of the ladies got so tired of his yelling that she started yelling, "Oh, shut up back there!"  Which didn't help matters at all.

I'm glad I am working on Beth's neighborhood tomorrow.  It is a lot easier!

It looks like we will be going to Amarillo again on Thursday, if the predicted storm allows.  Dolores needs Darrel's help with Mother's financial stuff.

This ol' girl is going to bed EARLY tonight.  (But not just yet!)   ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Carol on March 07, 2011, 11:21:07 PM
Thanks for the devotions of the week.  Love that hymn. 

RuthV:  We use a long pole & tie a towel on it to clean snow off the dish.  It is still iffy because we have to either step down some outdoor stairs or climb up from the bottom so it can be icy.  Your ladder looks daunting to me.  Someone said we could spray Pam or other veggie oil on the dish but we have never tried & I am always thinking maybe that would be the wrong thing to do. 

Talked with two sons today - that makes our day. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Jeanne Lee on March 08, 2011, 09:52:38 AM
I'm ready for spring!   :o
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Etta Sue on March 08, 2011, 10:03:35 AM


What started out being a dark, dreary day has turned out to be bright and sunny!  Yay!! 

I am missing Kitty.  She had company all weekend and we can't seem to coordinate swimming together this week.  And she leaves the 12th for Ohio for 9 days!  She is getting her living room painted today and can't swim.  So I plan to go by myself today as soon as I get caught up online.

Council meeting was informing last evening.  I thought we were ready to put a spade in the ground but nothing was said as to when that might happen!  Sounded like the same as it has been for months.  Sad!

>^..^<    >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<   >^..^<  >^..^<

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: JudyB on March 08, 2011, 10:24:53 AM
This is a bright day but there is some high up cloud cover.  The cold is a penetrating, damp cold.  Spring will be soon here.  I agree with Jeanne I am ready for spring.

Let's sing!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: JudyB on March 08, 2011, 10:36:28 AM

At the Cross  (
(Click to hear music)

"There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Who gave Himself as a ransom for all men." 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Words: Isaac Watts, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707; Ralph E. Hudson wrote the refrain in 1885.
Music: "Martyrdom," Hugh Wilson, 1800


Alas! and did my Savior bleed
And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For sinners such as I?
[originally, For such a worm as I?]

At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away,
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day!

Thy body slain, sweet Jesus, Thine—
And bathed in its own blood—
While the firm mark of wrath divine,
His Soul in anguish stood.


Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!


Well might the sun in darkness hide
And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker died,
For man the creature's sin.


Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.


But drops of grief can ne'er repay
The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give my self away
'Tis all that I can do.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 08, 2011, 06:26:53 PM
While you girls are longing for Spring, I am rejoicing for a little snow!!  :)  We had probably three inches of white last night and today.  It will be gone tomorrow, as the ground was so warm, but we are thankful for the little bit of moisture we got.  Weatherman is saying right now that we can expect cold for a few days now.

Work was so much easier today, and I was glad for that.  I told my boss that if she has a choice and needs me, to please schedule me on the 400 neighborhood as much as she can.  They are short-handed right now, so need me, and I will help out for a while, as I have an opportunity to go on a Missions trip to Malawi, Africa, and will need the money.  Haven't decided for sure whether or not to go; as we don't know what will happen with Mom (she is better!) or with Beth either, for that matter.  I don't feel Beth is in danger, and she told me yesterday that she is thanking God for keeping her alive, and for each breath she takes.  Sure is wonderful to hear one of your kids thanking God!!

My sister Shirley has a grandson who is called to be a missionary.  He went to Malawi last summer and will be going again.  It will be a small group, only 5 or so, and he wants her to go along.  She really would like me to go, as she is scared of new things and getting through airports, etc., and knows I have had a bit of experience in those things.  But Darrel will need to be in agreement, and I need to know that's God's will for me, for sure.  If you  would join your prayers with mine about this, I will appreciate it.  Eli (Shirley's grandson) is going for six weeks, but we could go for three.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 08, 2011, 06:34:02 PM
Larry, thank you for the lovely email.  I thank God for your friendship and encouragement--you are an inspiration!

Etta Sue, sorry you didn't hear the announcement you wanted to hear at the church meeting.  Keep on swimming, keep on swimming, keep on swimming...... ;)  said Dory, in Finding Nemo.  :)

The trip possibility I mentioned above would be this summer, probably in June; which doesn't allow much time for deliberating nor for making the money needed.

Okay, that's all for now!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Marilyn on March 08, 2011, 07:06:02 PM
Janet I am praying for  God to lead you in what you are to do.

It has been raining here all day long. I wen to the fitness center then to Albertsons to get  some Yogurt and Splenda, then next door to Bi Mart for Vitamins. I got wet but it wasn't bad. then I went to the Mall to have my nails done. My Nail girl moved to Arizona, so I had to find a new one and I sure like the way Rose did my nails today. She is Viet Namese and so nice.

O still don't have full use of my left thumb. the grip between the thumb and forefinger is almost nil. Even paper will slip out of my  my grip. I can grip larger things like jars where I can use all my fingers I see the surgeon again on Friday. Also my  Forefinger has been going completely numb starting at the tip of my finger, it  has no feeling and is totally white. Sometimes if I close my fist and keep it closed tight the finger will  return to normal  in about 15-20 minutes.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Carol on March 08, 2011, 11:56:39 PM
Janet:  That mission trip sounds terrific and especially if you could work for three weeks so you would see progress.  That would be some long flight. 

Marilyn:  I hope you get a good answer for your hand problems.  That doesn't sound right - maybe more exercise on the hand with a newer technique? 

Friends are coming over tomorrow for a short walk with them and then we will go have pizza where one huge slice is $1.50 for lunch.  They want to go to a nearby lake too & we will try to make the trip on a hour & half boat - I don't know if we have reservations or not.  I went to knitting & only knit two rows - talking too much again.  Free, fresh lemons at the table entrance so I brought 3 lemons back for a recipe & also to slice for water glasses. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Etta Sue on March 09, 2011, 09:46:29 AM


I am all ready to go out the door to take Ivalou to her appointment with the Nurse Practitioner.  I have an appointment after Ivalou.  I have some suspicious spots that have come up on me and want them looked at to see if they should be removed.  Then, of course, we will go somewhere for lunch. 

Tonight is Wednesday Night Live Bible study at church.  Again, I really like Andy Stanley.

I am in a rush so I won't comment to others other than you all are in my thoughts and prayers.  God bless you all.


Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 09, 2011, 09:55:37 AM
Carol---M-m-m-m-m!  I LOVE lemons, and noticed at our grocery they are $1.09 EACH!!  So free ones would really be a treat!  Yes, the flight will be 18 hours, yikes!  :eek:  I got the application form online and it is 18 pages long, plus they want personal reference letters from several people, and are asking all kinds of questions about financial condition, work history, etc.  I understand they need to protect the college kids who are going, but feel all this is a bit much.  So I haven't really made a decision yet.  Also, they say they want to purchase the tickets THIS WEEK--makes me feel pretty rushed.  More prayer needed.

Yes, Marilyn, you may need to get that hand checked again.  I have about given up on my tongue/mouth ever feeling normal again.  Sigh.....

I am going to the hospital lab for routine bloodwork, so have been fasting, am getting hungry.  They should be there by now, so see you later!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 09, 2011, 04:08:51 PM
Hi everyone. We have had a very rainy night and again today.  It seems to have lessened and I hope is about over.  After today we are suppose to have several days of nice weather.

We attended Bible study this morning and then had coffee with the group.  Following that we had lunch together.  I came home tired and took a nice nap.  It had been chilly everywhere we had been this morning and the dampness didn't help.  My electric blanket was nice and toasty and really felt good.

Tonight our church has Ash Wednesday services.  I am not planning to attend but do plan on attending our choir practice that will start after the service and last for about an hour.  It is our choir director's third wedding anniversary and she and her husband are in Florida for this week so our assistant director will be conducting the practice.

Janet, it sounds like you have a very serious decision to make on the mission trip.  It does seem that you are being rushed to make a decision and the form sounds daunting.  I am sure that God will guide you to make the right decision. 

Marilyn, sorry to hear that your hand continues to give you problems.  Hope your doctor can give you some instructions that will help restore the function fully.

Carol, those fresh lemons sound great.  I remember the size of some of the produce in Arizona and for sure the price was right.  My wife was in shock when she came back from Kroger's a couple of days ago about the large price increases she found.  Lettuce was $3 a head as an example. 

Judy, I went into the hymn and corrected the coding error that I had probably made if that is one of the hymns I had put together for CP several years ago.

Etta Sue, sorry your church meeting didn't provide new information on a new building.  It must not be time yet.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Etta Sue on March 10, 2011, 10:33:05 AM


Yes, Larry.  I thought that, too.  It must not be time to start the new building yet.  OR...the building committee isn't telling us everything! 

I made an eye appointment with a new source.  I found out that I do have vision insurance through my retirement insurance.  But WalMart doesn't use that insurance company.  So when I took Ivalou for her appointment yesterday, I saw that one of the places that used EyeMed insurance is across the hall from the nurse's office.  And since I have been having watery eyes, itchy eyes and burning eyes, my exam will be covered under my medical insurance.  Only the lenses and frames will be with EyeMed.  I haven't liked these glasses since I got them.  I was even re-examined and was told the prescription was right.  I have progressive lenses and when I am driving, especially, and shut my right eye, everything is crisp and clean.  When I shut my left eye, I can't even read the speed limit signs anywhere in that lens.  Something is wrong!  So I have an appointment March 24.

I got a call from Pastor Steve to call him back at my convenience.

Then I went across the hall and I went to see the nurse about my spots.  She sliced off one mole that was being irritated by my clothes.  Another she measured and will check it again in May when I go for my yearly.  If it is larger, she will send me to a dermatologist for that spot.  The other three she didn't question.  She said what she removed, she felt was benign but is sending it of to the lab to make sure. 

Then Ivalou and I ate Chinese at King Chef and went to Walmart for a few items. 

With my $10 gift certificate from church for having a unique jacket, I purchased a lambskin Bible cover.  She had to order it and it came in yesterday morning so we went by there and got my new Bible cover.

When I got home, I called Steve back and he wanted a picture of himself, one of Tom Cruise, one of George W. Bush, one of Peyton Manning and one of Jesus for me to put them on the overhead for Sunday.  It's a Look-a-like deal.  He plans to say, 'This is me.  (Steve)  Do I look like this man? (Tom)  Do I look like this man?  (George)  Do I look like this man?  (Peyton).  Obviously I don't.  I am just me.  (Steve)  I know who I am striving to look like and that is this man. (Jesus)'.  I got all of the pictures and put them on my flash drive.

I let Kitty know by email that I would have to see Ivalou to change the bandage on my 'spot'.  So she called me and said she could do it.  So I went to Kitty's, saw her newly painted living room and no drapes up...she put up large white handkerchiefs...looks very nice.  Then it got to be around 6pm and she followed me to Subway.  I ate a sandwich while we talked since she was going out to eat at 7:30 with her husband. 

Then off to Wednesday Night Live.  Afterward I went to Steve's office and I showed him the pictures I got for him.  Now to go install them in the Sunday Plus program. 

Then home.  Even I was bushed when I got home! 

Today is my Class Lunch, then Ivalou and I are to pick up our taxes and tonight is the planning committee meeting for the Women Retreat.  I have already changed the bed, ate breakfast, made some brickle for tonight, read my devotions and now catching up online. 

Some day I am going to have a day of rest!  But I like being busy....just not this busy.  I told Ivalou my calender for March on Droid looked like a leopard many spots!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 10, 2011, 04:59:31 PM
Hi everyone.  Wow, where is everyone?  It has been almost 24 hours since I posted and only Etta Sue has been by to post.

We had a very large rain storm early this morning with just a downpour for about 30 minutes after raining off and on all day yesterday.  Now it has turned cold and windy. 

Today was my retiree's luncheon.  It was at Ryan's and it seems each time I attend, every few months, that the food quality and variety has diminished.  The one exception is their dessert bar, which is very nice.  I made a nice ice cream sundae and really enjoyed it.  The food seems to have little flavor.  I don't see how they can stay in business very long if they don't improve the quality and variety of food.  They were not busy.  We have the Golden Corral's in the area and they seem to always be busy and their food is much better.

I walked at the gym this morning and it really bothered me with the arm and chest pain (it didn't last after I finished walking but has left me feeling very tired today).  I even had a nice little nap when I got home from lunch but it didn't return my energy. 

Today the Southeastern (SEC) and Atlanta Coast Conference (ACC) basketball tournaments begin.  I am walking a couple of the games now by switching back and forth between channels. The SEC tourney is being played at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.

Etta Sue, enjoyed your posting.  Glad you found you had some vision coverage.  Our insurance just covers an annual eye exam, but that is better than nothing.  It did cover Pat's cataract surgeries this last year.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: JudyB on March 10, 2011, 06:19:00 PM

Not commenting on posts today.  We had snow all night and all day rain.  As long as the temperature doesn't drop we are fine.  I am hoping we don't get the freezing rain two appointments tomorrow..
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Al Moak on March 10, 2011, 07:50:32 PM
Larry - did you happen to tell the restaurant about your observations re/the food?

Judy - sure glad we don't get as much snow, etc. as you  do.  I've had enough of that for a lifetime.  Hope it stops for you very soon.
Have you heard any more about the necessity of donations, etc.?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: JudyB on March 10, 2011, 08:32:19 PM
We can have this weather into the first of may.. Not nice I know but we as Northerners just accept it.  The benefits far outweigh the downfalls.  Just at this time of year it is getting a little tired even for us.  Tomorrow, provided we don't have the temperatures drop, the back roads will be snow pack free.  That will be nice.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Carol on March 10, 2011, 10:37:59 PM
Morning was spent at Costco's and two other places - we had to fix a toilet that kept running water so now that is fixed.  Time is flying by and we need to call a couple of cousins to come and visit plus go and visit another cousin before we leave.  I actually spent some time sewing a difficult quilt table runner after I took an early afternoon nap.  No walking today - a nap was calling my name.  Then, I made fish tacos for dinner. 

Larry:  sorry that you had problems with your walk.  It seems to come and go, doesn't it?  It is frustrating when you can't depend on the food tasting good because if you are like us, we don't go out to eat very often and it is a treat. 

Judy:  Mud season is really the worst time of the year for me to spend in the hills but it is so much fun to meet any newborn wildlife.  Still, it is so much work - I would rather have the snow until the last minute. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 11, 2011, 09:30:39 AM
Etta Sue, you are such a blessing to your church; bless you for using your skills and talents for the Lord!  Yes, you had an even busier day than usual!

Larry, sorry the walk made you so tired.  Please continue to take care of yourself.  I know you do know your limits, and I admire you for your philosophy of taking life one day at a time, and "keeping on keeping on."

Judy, sorry about your weather.  Every  location has its unique quirks in weather.  At least we aren't bracing for a tsunami---in Honolulu, they are.  My daughter who no longer claims me lives there, so I'm praying for protection over them.

Yesterday was both a good day and a stressful day.  Good in that Darrel and his sister got all of the financial things done for Mother's estate so her bills can be paid and the estate closed.  Dolores has been sick since Mother's death, she is in very poor health anyway.

BAD in that my Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  :'(  They say she is not a candidate for surgery, that there is another procedure they could do, but it wouldn't help, so why do it?  Doctor recommended calling in Hospice........  I plan to spend as much time with Mom as possible for the time (Dr. estimates two months, but only God knows) she has left here with us.  I am so thankful she has gotten all her accounts closed (emotionally and Spiritually) and that I know where she is going.  It will not be GOODBYE, but only 'FAREWELL.'

We had intended to stay in Amarillo overnight, but got things done early enough to get home by midnight, so we are home.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 11, 2011, 09:33:39 AM
Carol, I certainly did not intend to skip over you!  I always enjoy your posts, and often wonder how you manage to get so much done!  How much longer will you be there?  (And I'm not even sure where 'there' is, this time.  :-[  God bless you!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Etta Sue on March 11, 2011, 10:33:01 AM


Well, I do believe I have joined the 95% of the people in this country with a full blown cold.  I don't believe it is the flu...a cold.  A head cold.  What a difference a couple of days make.  I was fine...then iffy...and now I know I am into about a 10 day siege of watery eyes, congestion, sore throat, blowing, snuffing, sucking on name it.  I did find some cold tablets so I took some of them.  May have to run to the drug store and get more of them if they help me today.  I do not like to feel bad!  Don't like it! 

Today Ivalou and I are getting our haircuts and then something to eat somewhere.  I would like to stop by the church and install these pictures for Pastor Steve into the projection program...then I am done with that!

Since I have been so busy this week, I have things out to remind me to do this or that.  The book I use for CP devotions is sitting here by the laptop.  I had 4 knitted dish clothes out...they are in my purse to give to the haircut ladies.  Insurance papers for the Eye doctor is out.  Check book out to remind me to write my tithing check Sunday morning.  All my calender on Droid reminds me!  I shouldn't forget anything.  So far it is working! 

Bright and sunny today...sunshine always makes one feel better and warmer...even though it is below freezing.  Looks like there is a breeze so I still need to dress for cold weather! 

Thanks to you all for the lovely comments...just don't have time to return the comments about face!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 11, 2011, 10:48:35 AM
Hi everyone.  I am sitting here counting my blessings not to be experiencing what Japan is now faced with.  I can't even imagine where you would begin to pick up the pieces as the devastation was so great. Those are unbelievable videos coming from there.  I haven't heard about any damage in Hawaii and think it has yet to reach the West coast.  Hope that Al and Nita and Marilyn will not be impacted from the storm surge.  

Janet, so sorry to hear of the new diagnosis for your poor mother.  Why would they even suggest putting her through treatments that would not help the situation.  It sounds like she is looking forward to her Heavenly home and know that gives you comfort even though it is a sorrowful time for family members.  Glad Darrel and his sister were able to clean up the affairs for his mother.  I have always felt fortunate in that my folks did a wonderful thing for my sister and I by putting their affairs in order several years before it would have been too late.  It made dealing with their estates pretty easy for my sister and I.  

Carol, you are so right about how we feel not up to par on one day and perhaps the next feel fine.  I did walk again this morning and did seven rounds of the gym with no discomfort.  I then sat down to rest a few minutes and the chest discomfort (minor) returned.  I then walked three more rounds and knew that was enough for today.  I didn't want to repeat of yesterday.

Judy, I know you all must be counting the days until spring shows up in your area.  

Al, I didn't speak to the restaurant but probably should have.  They did have good ice cream and that is important.  :)

I may tackle my income tax today and then again I may not.  There will be a lot of good basketball tourney's on TV this afternoon and evening.

Etta Sue, sorry to hear you have come down with a cold.  That does interfere with what a person wants to do.  Your list making sounds little bit like mine.  I don't currently have a list except my taxes to do.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Carol on March 11, 2011, 12:21:41 PM
Janet:  I pray that your mother will be kept comfortable.  We now stay in Fountain Hills, Arizona which is north of Mesa and really just east of Scottsdale. 

The temperatures have been about 10 degrees above the normal of 75 lately.  I am going to call a cousin to see if they can come and visit tomorrow - wish he could come alone (should not say that) but he doesn't get to answer any question even if I pointedly say - "Jim".....and the question. I can't think about it - it makes all of us cousins really irked but that never changes anything. 

OK - got off subject.  That tsunami has warnings all the way to Washington and two nieces live right at Ocean Shores, Washington.  Am sure they will be fine but it is really striking to see the warning signs out there to move to higher ground.  What higher ground by the ocean?  Very far inland. 

Etta Sue:  Keep sipping chicken soup or make a broth with garlic and onions.

Larry:  Good luck with your taxes.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Marilyn on March 11, 2011, 02:33:53 PM
We are fine here on the Oregon coast. Actually we are not that close to the coast, but we are about 3 blocks uphill from the bay. High enough not to worry about a tsunami. However Gilbert's in laws had to evacuate from Eureka, I haven't talked to any of them since 7 am.

Just got back from the  Ortho Doc, he released me. He did  tell me that my  forefinger has what is called White finger Disease, one artery is not functioning at all and the other  artery is running very slow. He said it could be caused from smoking as it is common in ex smokers and smokers. Or it could be the onset of Raynauds disease. He told me to keep my hands warm and wear gloves when taking things out of the freezer.

He Xrayed my right knee because it has been bothering me ever since I fell before Christmas. Nothing shows up on the Xray but there is some tissue damage on one side of the knee.

No I am not falling apart yet. Hopefully not for a very long time.

Janet I am praying for your family and for your mother.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Al Moak on March 11, 2011, 02:59:05 PM
I was quite concerned this morning about Kevin Soileau in Japan.  I sent him a PM, though I didn't expect an answer for days or weeks.  However, as it turns out, Kevin and Midori live quite far from the epicenter, and they're quite alright.  Let us thank our Lord!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 11, 2011, 03:31:29 PM
Thanks for that, Al.  Kevin and Midori had been on my mind all morning, too--so thankful they are safe!!  We serve a GOOD God.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: mybcjazz on March 11, 2011, 03:56:40 PM
Good morning from western Japan,

We are some 600 miles from the epicenter, however when I checked the news at 5 am (it is now 5:46 am), there were earthquakes in other areas, too.  Still far from us, though.  What you have seen on the news are only snippets of what is being broadcast non-stop here.  The tidal waves were more devastating than the quake itself and I'm sure the death tolls will go well beyond what we want to imagine.  Also, fires are spreading in the affected areas and as roads are covered in tons of debris there are places with no access.

And add to that a nuclear facility that is severely damaged in Fukushima Prefecture (a prefecture is like a state or province).  Who knows what will become of that?

I received this from a faithful prayer partner this morning.

The LORD your God in your midst,
     The Mighty One, will save;
     He will rejoice over you with gladness,
     He will quiet you with His love,
     He will rejoice over you with singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

Please continue to pray.

kevin and midori
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Marilyn on March 11, 2011, 05:15:14 PM
Kevin I am so glad you checked in with us. We are keeping a close watch on fox news about the devastation in Japan. I am glad to hear that you and Midori are safe.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Jeanne Lee on March 11, 2011, 05:34:23 PM
Kevin, I am so glad to hear from you that you and Midori have not been directly affected by the earthquake and tsunami.  
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: JudyB on March 11, 2011, 06:26:56 PM
Kevin I called Pat on my cell long distance during prime time to see if she had heard anything from you.  I was thanking God for you and your familiy's  safety.  We here are praying for the folks there.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 11, 2011, 06:45:49 PM
Praise God for the news that Kevin and Midori are safe!!  But we pray for those in Japan who have faced such devastation.  This old world is being shaken!!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 11, 2011, 08:14:10 PM
Kevin, thanks for checking in here and letting us know your and Midori are safe.  I cannot even imagine dealing with such devastation.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 12, 2011, 07:49:58 AM
I am taking a little break today and going to my painting meeting.  I missed last month.  Lots of things I need to do, but Darrel encouraged me to go and get away from problems for part of a day.  Love that man!

We have a beautiful red sunrise here!  Thanks, God!   8)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 12, 2011, 09:32:14 AM
Hi everyone.  We are enjoying a beautiful and sunny day here in Georgia.  It is suppose to get up to 70 degrees.  I was just noticing as I came home from coffee how beautiful the bradford pear trees blooms still were.  They have been in bloom for at least two weeks or more.  I also noticed the first really green yards and it really looked good.

Not much on the agenda for today.  I will watch some basketball this afternoon.  I did get started on my taxes yesterday and it sure was discouraging.  I have started to work on putting together the information to see if I can itemize on the return this year but rather doubt that will be successful. 

Janet, good to see that you are treating yourself to something you want to do for yourself today.  That is important and the things you need to do will still be there when you have time to address them.

Marilyn, Jane, Nita and Al, I am sure glad to hear that things are fine where you are. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Etta Sue on March 12, 2011, 10:16:14 AM


So glad that our friends, Kevin and Midori, in Japan are okay and not in the earthquake or tsunami.  Not ever been to Japan, it took me back to hear that you are 600 miles from the epicenter.  Japan is an island, right?  Other than Australia, I didn't realize islands are that big.  That is like from my home to Mobile, Alabama!  That's far!

So many natural disasters throughout the world!

Ivalou and I got our hair cut, then had Chinese at China Inn.  I went in CVS and got more cold meds.  Then on the way home, we stopped at church so I could load the pictures into the Sunday Plus program. 

I am doing fine if I don't think about the watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, stopped up nose, then a runny nose, sniffing, snuffing and general yuck!  I will be better in, say, 7-10 days!

Today I don't have anything planned until 4pm when I leave to go to Tony's.  His wife and step-daughter are in Michigan this weekend to another step-daughter's home.  So Tony and I have a date tonight...and guess where?  'On the Border' for Mexican! 

Don't forget to change your clocks today/tonight!  If not, you will be to church an hour early tomorrow!!

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Jeanne Lee on March 12, 2011, 11:56:32 AM

We have the winners of our latest mini challenge "RED".  HERE (
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Carol on March 12, 2011, 02:39:19 PM
Kevin:  Our heartfelt prayers for all affected by this disaster.  I hope power is restored soon and food can be distributed.  Such a shock for all.  Thanks for sending the prayer you received. 

No turning the clock for us = Arizona still does not have DST.  It just makes it difficult for anyone to understand.

The updates on the congresswoman who was wounded in Tucson are just spectacular - she is recovering so well and way beyond expectations already.  We hear it on the news quite often. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Janet on March 12, 2011, 06:47:01 PM
No, Etta Sue, if we don't set our clocks forward tonight, we will be an hour LATE to church tomorrow!  ;)

I had fun painting today, got a lot done, too.  There is one very caustic ol' gal who is hard to be around, so we dcecided someone in the group must have prayed for patience, and He sent us Carma Lee!!  ;)

My friend who shares rides to these meetings with me is going to Thailand on a Missions trip, leaving on Saturday.

I stopped by to see Beth and Mom when I got back to town.  Mom is even more yellow today than yesterday, but smiled and seemed glad to see me.  They were getting her up for supper, so I told her I will be back tomorrow.

See you later!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Larry Hanna on March 13, 2011, 09:46:37 AM
Hi everyone on a beautiful Sunday morning.  I see it is 39 degrees so not too warm yet but suppose to warm up. 

Pat baked a turkey yesterday that we had had in the freezer for quite awhile.  That is a really big job and getting cleaned up from carving and baking it is also a job.  By the time I got that done (and Pat also helped after carving up the turkey) I was beat and went to bed early.  Of course, all that basketball I played yesterday (don't I wish) was also exhausting.  Pat did make a delicious dinner to go with the freshly baked turkey.  It was very tasty.

Janet, I was thinking that Etta Sue would be late to church also if she didn't move her clocks forward last night.  In two different years our minister and then our choir director got caught like that.  The minister missed the first service he was to do and the choir director, after one of the choir members called her, got there in time to direct the anthem.  You know it wasn't the end of the world and life went on just fine.

The news from Japan is just terrible.  I am very concerned now that they may have a nuclear meltdown.  This could easily have been the USA rather than Japan with all the fault lines we have.

Carol, we are also hearing about the miracle recovery of the Congresswoman.  The restorative capabilities of the body are pretty amazing.

Etta Sue, it sounds like you had a really busy day yesterday in spite of your cold.  Hope you are feeling better yesterday.  Those hours alone with our adult children are really special and know you enjoyed your time with Tony.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Marilyn on March 13, 2011, 12:55:07 PM
Good Morning, Not much going on around here this morning, we have been to Walmart for a few things. Nothing else on the docket for today.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week ~ March 6
Post by: Etta Sue on March 13, 2011, 01:14:53 PM

I am frazzled.  I was called to work the projector system again this morning.  So I wouldn't have been late or early since a call would have awaken me anyway.  And yes, if I hadn't have changed the clock, I would have been late...

Now I have to be back to church by 2am for the Baby Shower this afternoon.  And one of the ladies at lunch reminded me that Small Groups was tonight!  I had forgotten that! 

In the meantime you will find a new spot to post your thoughts
here (