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Daily Chat => Thoughts for the Week => Topic started by: buddywoods on February 08, 2015, 09:31:40 AM

Title: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: buddywoods on February 08, 2015, 09:31:40 AM


:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:


Morning Devotional...

A Royal Priesthood in Christ

"You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (v. 9).

1 Peter 2:9–10

As we consider the Aaronic/Levitical priesthood, it is important to remember that although the tribe of Levi was set apart to perform the sacrifices and lead worship in the tabernacle and temple, God never intended the descendants of Levi to be the only priestly figures in the nation of Israel. In fact, the Lord originally called His people out of bondage in Egypt so that the entire nation would serve Him as "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Ex. 19:1–6). The priestly institution itself was needed only because the sin of the people had not yet been finally dealt with, and an intermediary was required between Israel and God lest His holiness break out and destroy His sinful people (v. 24; Amos 5:6).

Only when the wickedness of Israel had finally been dealt with could the people of God truly become that nation of priests that requires no Levitical mediator between them and the Almighty. Having sanctified and perfected us in His Father's sight forevermore through His offering of Himself (Heb. 10:10–14), Christ Jesus has made all who are in Him the priesthood that God always intended His people to be. No longer need we rely on an intermediary who is a sinner like us; rather, the Lord has become the mediator between Himself and His own in the person of the God-man Jesus Christ (9:15).

Peter explains in today's passage that we are that royal priesthood who need none but Christ to stand between us and the Father (1 Peter 2:9–10). Martin Luther pointed out in his Babylonian Captivity of the Church that "all we who are Christians are priests," and no believer has greater access to the Creator than any other. Pastors and elders are appointed to teach the church the will of God from His Word (1 Tim. 3:1–7), but they do not represent us before the heavenly throne like the Levitical priests did under the administration of the old covenant.

In Christ, there is a true priesthood of all believers. All of us who trust in Jesus alone for salvation have free access into His presence, and all of our lawful vocations are set apart for true God-honoring service. The janitor who does his work to the Lord is in no worse position spiritually than the most gifted preacher on the planet, for all Christians have been declared righteous servants of the creator God.

Coram Deo

In our justification, God has declared us righteous in Christ through His blood. In our sanctification, God is working to make us righteous in what we do, say, think, and feel. As the Lord's holy priesthood, we can be sure that His work to sanctify us is not in vain and that even though we might get discouraged at times, He will most certainly transform us into the holy priests He has designed us to be.

Passages for Further Study

Psalm 132:9, 16
Isaiah 66:18–21
Acts 6:7
Revelation 1:4–7

From Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: JudyB on February 08, 2015, 11:25:37 PM
Thank you Buddy!  Great message here!

We have had snow, snow, and more snow.  However I suspect Jeanne got the worst of the storm.

We had a wonderful restful weekend.  John has been under the weather so a lot of sleep has been in order.  Today I crashed on the couch for a couple of hours.  I am hoping to ward off what he has.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: JudyB on February 08, 2015, 11:26:52 PM
Here is my prayer for each of you.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Pat on February 08, 2015, 11:59:04 PM
Thank you Buddy for the great devotional to start the week. 

"In Christ, there is a true priesthood of all believers. All of us who trust in Jesus alone for salvation have free access into His presence, and all of our lawful vocations are set apart for true God-honoring service."

Thanks for the prayer Judy!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Pat on February 09, 2015, 12:01:39 AM

As some of you know, BigSkyKen aka Ken Bryan has had a long trip from his home in Montana down to the deep south.  He's not far from home now but look what I found on the internet:


:roflBig: :roflBig: :roflBig: :roflBig: :roflBig:

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Larry Hanna on February 09, 2015, 09:04:08 AM
Hi everyone.  We enjoyed a beautiful 70 degree day yesterday and look forward to a day in the 60's today with some showers thrown in.  Yesterday we attended the Methodist church in downtown North Augusta.  It was Boy Scout Sunday and they took an active part in the service. It is a large church, with a large choir and they even have a pipe organ.  A very nice lady came up to us after the service and told us about the church, which we appreciated.  We stopped to have a sandwich for lunch and then when we got home someone was driving into our driveway just ahead of us.  This was a nice couple from the church with a welcome bag.  They came in and we had a nice visit.  They answered more questions we had.  The rest of the day was for rest and listening to Don's classical music program.  Today I plan on attending a meeting at noon as haven't been since we moved.  We will do some more unpacking and straightening up.

Buddy, thanks for the fine Devotional Thoughts for the Week. 

Judy, glad you and John were able to get some rest this past weekend and that John's cold is much better today.  Thanks for the graphic from Numbers.

Pat, what a sense of humor.  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Jeanne Lee on February 09, 2015, 10:22:06 AM
Pat, I love the "Wanted" poster!   ;D

Judy, I think you're right about the worst of the snow storm being here, or at least more than you got.  Massachusetts and other New England states will be getting even more, though.  It seems to stop for a few hours and then starts up again - it's snowing hard right now.  But it's supposed to stop later today, a "mild" day tomorrow (in the 20's) and then the deep freeze.  It looks as though Thursday's high may not even get up to zero F.    :yikes: 

The Lord does take care of me.  He provided a wonderful caring neighbor who took me shopping last Thursday and I was able to get plenty of food into the freezer and pantry, enough for a couple of weeks.  And the propane company rescheduled my delivery after I made a fuss and the tanks were filled on Saturday.  So I don't need to worry about heat, either, no matter how cold it gets.     :thumbsup:

Larry, it sounds as though you have found a lovely church family already.  Will you keep searching, or do you think this is the one you've been led to?

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Carol on February 09, 2015, 12:41:09 PM
Thank you, Buddy, for devotions. 

Every window is open in the house because there is a strong odor from a resurfacing of the shower floor  - it looks like a new floor and won't be slippery.  The hummingbird feed is low on nectar so I made some yesterday and need to refill their nectar bar.  In the evening, there is almost a frenzy in that area and we can  hear the wing flutters. 

Our youngest son arrives next Sunday and has Monday free so he won't leave for a meeting in Phoenix until Monday afternoon.  Yippee.  Only one more son to visit  and then Don's cousins and my cousins and my brother. 

Yes, Don has had some improvement in his shoulder pain with the acupuncture and we shall see how the next few sessions go.  It was quite the deal - $55 for about 5 to 7 treatments - and after this the scale is sliding according to what you say you can pay. Interesting. 

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: buddywoods on February 09, 2015, 06:28:03 PM
I'm glad you all liked the devotional.  I liked it too.

Thanks for the prayer Judy.

That is a very funny "Wanted" poster Pat.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: BigSkyKen on February 09, 2015, 07:16:10 PM
Excellent devotional Buddy, thanks for sharing it with us.

Regarding the wanted poster, that would have been for crimes from back in my younger and more wild days ;)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on February 09, 2015, 11:13:23 PM
Hi friends,

I'm trying to catch up again. On Sunday I had a lovely afternoon with my daughter and her husband and with the two "grand-dogs." :) And today has been busy with the cleaning lady, a visitor and trying to get caught up on other things.

The devotional was good, and very interesting reading. I had never before thought of myself as being a part of the priesthood, yet the Lord has allowed me to win others to Him and also to mentor young Christians.

It's very late tonight, so I'll close, hoping for good rest of the day for each of you.

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Larry Hanna on February 10, 2015, 08:07:03 AM
Hi everyone on a cloudy but mild Tuesday morning.  It will be sunny this afternoon and then several days of sun and warmer temperatures.  We had some major rain yesterday afternoon.  Nothing major on the schedule for today.  I do need to contact the utility companies for our old house and ask for a final reading on Thursday.  I need to find a barber as am beginning to look like the shaggy dog.  I am also going to contact some geriatric doctors today as I need to get established with an Internist here.  I have a cardiologist who I will see in a couple of weeks.

Jeanne, I feel for you and other in the NE with all the snow and very cold temperatures.  Glad to hear you have plenty of food and your propane situation is taken care of so you will remain warm. I don't know yet about the church situation.  I did like the church we visited and the people seem very nice, as do all the people I have come into contact with here.  We will likely visit the Presbyterian church here. 

Carol, glad your youngest son will be able to visit you.  IT sounds like your visitor calendar is full for awhile.  The acupuncture treatments are certainly reasonable and hope Don continues to see improvement.  How often does he take the treatments?
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Jeanne Lee on February 10, 2015, 08:52:51 AM
Larry, I keep telling myself this weather will make us appreciate summer that much more.   ;D  But I'll still be glad to see the end of winter.  And there's more to come.   :o
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on February 10, 2015, 02:27:38 PM
Hi, friends,

It's a quiet day here in my apartment. I don't have a lot to say, just wanted to let y'all know I'm thinking of you. :)

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Larry Hanna on February 11, 2015, 08:15:33 AM
Hi everyone.  The sun is up and it is to get to 60 degrees late this afternoon.  Don't have a lot on the schedule for today other than to get the car loaded for our trip back to the Atlanta area tomorrow morning.  I loaded the moving boxes that would fit into the truck yesterday and will put the packing paper I can get into the car in the back seat to take to our friends who are in the process of getting ready to move.  There are still a lot of larger cartons that I couldn't get into the car.  Our friends have a pickup truck and they plan on coming over to get the remainder of the boxes before long. 

Yesterday evening we went over to Cheddars, which has already become our favorite restaurant after only two visits.  I found driving home after dark to be difficult so think we will try to limit any night driving and go out for lunch rather than dinner most often.  Yesterday afternoon I went to Walmart for some items and all the electric carts were in use so I walked the store very slowly but about did myself in. 

Jeanne, I understand that more snow is headed your way. 

Ruth Ann, it is nice to ge thought of and to think of our many friends in our web discussions.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Janet on February 11, 2015, 03:47:52 PM
I'm Baaaack!!  It has taken me quite a while to catch up on over three weeks worth of posts, but now I'm up to date on all of you again!  We got home on Monday afternoon around 4:30, and I got word that my friend Paula had been brought home from the hospital, taken off dialysis, and her time was very short before departing for heaven.  So I drove over to their house, wasn't able to touch her, as she had gotten Mersa at the hospital.  She was sleeping the whole time I was there (I really think she had slipped into a coma, as she never woke up again.)  I sat at the dining room table with her husband and daughter and prayed with them about everything they wanted to pray about.  They said they had been saying to each other, "Janet HAS to get here in time!  She has to!"  So I am glad we got home when we did.  Paula went home to heaven around 11:00 last night.  Now I am waiting for word of when the funeral service is to be.  I will miss her dearly, as we had been friends for many years.  I'm so concerned for her husband, as they were a very close couple, and Roy was just ashen-faced when I saw him.  But God is good, He is merciful, and will give the family the grace and strength to make it through this tough time.

My son in law, Jeff, had surgery this morning to remove a tumor from the front of his neck.  He should be home now if all went well, so I must call and check on him.  The doctor didn't think it would be malignant, but it was very close to his larynx, so she said he would be "quite uncomfortable" for a while.  It was to be an out-patient procedure.

Our Ecuador trip was just wonderful!  Such a bio-diverse little country, the three parts of it were like three completely separate trips.  And we had marvelous trip leaders.  There were only 11 in our group, so we had no trouble learning names, etc. after a few days, anyway.  Saw so much beautiful scenery, lots of birds, and the unusual 'critters' in the Galapagos Islands.  Wow!  Best trip ever, I think!

Beth is really excited!  John told her he is going to take early retirement so he can move HERE to be with her!  What a man!  I can scarcely believe the devotion and pure love John has for Beth, it's God's gift, for sure!  She said he is planning the move in early August, THIS YEAR!  Wow.  I'm astounded!

So glad Larry and Pat are in their new home and getting settled so quickly, that the other home has sold and all is going well.  Good to hear that Carol and Don are rocking along with lots of company, still making home improvements, having kids' visits, etc.  Ruth Ann, take care of yourself!  Jeanne, stay in out of that snow!  You, too, Judy!  Marilyn, I'm right behind you on that 75 landmark!  (June for me)  Pat, so glad you have your lovely new furnace and can finally stay warm and cozy.  We need to talk!

We have dentist and doctors appointments, and I think all will work out so that we don't have conflicts; then we go to South Texas for Darrel's brother Don's service on the 26th.  And I need a nap!  ;)

Jane, so glad you are home again, and so happy Joy had a great surgeon and will make a full recovery.  God is truly good, all the time!

I must get off here, have been on this computer for hours today, trying to catch up on things!

It's great to be home and to be able to have this link with all of you here.  God bless!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Carol on February 11, 2015, 04:24:09 PM
It is so good to come in here and speak my mind - such as this mind is these days  ;D

Larry:  Don has weekly treatments and the 2nd procedure took about 2 days to show relief but less pain did appear in his shoulder area.  Did Pat get her sewing room set up? 

Janet:  Double wow for John to think of moving to be near Beth - amazing grace surrounds us all the time. 

Back here, I had such a crabby beginning today with waking at 4:30 all in a tizzy about so much company without many breathers and then reality hit me - so blessed to have so many really want to visit us.  Of course, I can manage this with praying about it - Don sent me out today to go to my favorite thrift store where I found flannel sheets for the inflatable bed we use when more than a couple come.  So, that is one thing ticked off the list.  And, it was only $2.50 for what would have been a lot more money so that made me feel good too.  Called two friends, washed some stuff & tonight we pick up a 2nd cousin & wife (she has a form of cancer) as she wants to try the pizza place we found. 

A newsletter came online from the newest church we are attending and they call everyone "Saints". 

Janet:  So sorry for the loss of your friend and wishing your SIL Jeff to recover completely.  Ecuador looks like a beautiful area - a great trip for you and  Darrel. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Marilyn on February 11, 2015, 04:26:36 PM
Welcome Home Janet

We are  taking the two dogs to the vet today in Coquille, Bebe has the appointment for follow up and discussion about teeth cleaning and a mass removal from her hip. Freckles is going along for a meet and greet with the staff, I will be delivering the records ion her and the 3 cats while I am there.  They are all due for shots later this year, the cats need their boosters of FVRCP (booster of  5 in 1 vaccine) and Freckles will need a 3 yr Rabies plus boosters. ! of the cats is FIV positive and 1 is Feline Leukemia positive the there is Fritzy who is normal.

The sun is beautiful today. I took Keith to the eye Dr this morning for the "A"-Scan measurements  for the lens to be implanted during his cataract surgery.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on February 11, 2015, 05:18:11 PM
Hi, friends,

I'm in for a few moments, then back out to the car to bring in my groceries. I took my disabled friend to the doctor, then to eat breakfast at McDonald's, then to Sam's to bring in about a month's worth of groceries, then to Taco Bell for lunch, then to get my son's mail at the post office, loaded and brought in her groceries (thank goodness we have a few push-type grocery carts here to help us with loading and unloading our cars), and now it will be time for my own things. :)

It's so good to hear from y'all again today.

We have a cold front coming through tonight, so I expect it to be much colder tomorrow (about freezing) instead of the 50s reading we reached today.  ???

Y'all have a wonderful rest of the day. After the groceries are brought in, I think I'll put my feet up and rest in the recliner for a while!

Love to each of you,

Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Janet on February 11, 2015, 08:43:05 PM
Good news!  I spoke to Jeff this afternoon and he was feeling quite 'chipper' and not at all worried about the result of his surgery.  He said Dr. Rane removed a mass the size of a golf ball!  No wonder he looked as if he had a double chin!

Abby came in from school while I was talking to Jeff, and he told me she had made the Dean's list at the college in Liberal.  She is taking college classes, but is a junior in High School this year.  On her college courses, she made all A's!  And on her high school work, as well.  Good for Abby!  :)

My friend Paula's service will be on Friday at 10:00 AM.

And Janet is heading to bed!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Larry Hanna on February 12, 2015, 07:36:12 AM
Hi everyone.  Not time to read and post replies this morning as we will be out of pocket for the next couple of days.  All is well and it looks like the weather will be very cooperative with no rain and reasonable temps. 

I did have time to read the postings after all so just want to welcome Janet back home after what was apparently a memorable trip.  Good news about John retiring and moving so he can be with Beth.  Abby must be an exceptional student.

Carol, we are working on Pat's sewing room and got the furniture situated yesterday.  However, quite a bit more to do before she will do any sewing. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Jeanne Lee on February 12, 2015, 09:01:46 AM
Janet as the computer was starting up this morning I thought "It must be about time to hear from Janet" and there you were with the first post I saw!  What a great trip you seem to have had.  Now where are the pictures?   ;)  Heartwarming news about John's plans to retire and move closer to Beth.  She must be really pleased and comforted.  What a blessing that God has sent him into her life.

Ruth Ann, I'm beginning to wonder if we will ever get UP to freezing or above.  Of course, I know we will, and that will bring different problems with all this snow melting and bringing flooding, especially into the lower areas.  No worry here, though - I'm at one of the higher elevations in our town.

Meanwhile, today may be in the mid 20's and then several days of barely above zero - way below at night with wind chill added to that.  Some new snow, but probably only a couple of inches this time.  I'm fine and snug here, but oh how I pray for the Lord's comfort for the homeless.   :'( 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Janet on February 12, 2015, 01:59:08 PM
Marilyn, Larry and Jeanne--thanks for the welcome home!  Jeanne, I took LOTS of photos, and how I wish I were a LOT more techie.  :-[  I want to try to learn how to make photo books, digitally, as scrapbooking takes too much time and money.  Walgreen's sent me an email offer of 50% off on photo books through Saturday--think I can learn in time to take advantage of that?  :-\

I have been to get my hair cut and styled, and to get my teeth cleaned this morning.  This afternoon there is visitation at the funeral home for Paula's family.  I missed Beth's care plan this morning because of my dental appointment.

I'm going to the Walgreen's site and see how complicated those books seem to be.  Please, Lord, let it be simple!  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Carol on February 12, 2015, 06:20:54 PM
Janet:  You can learn the procedure - just take your time.  Congrats to Abbey.  Jeff too.

We are back from another acupuncture appointment for Don and he said he feels pretty good.  Wondering how long that will last when this is over.

I bit the bullet and wrote to two cousins and spouses to come and visit for a couple of days here - please let there be sunny skies so everyone can sit outdoors.   8)  They have been itching to come and I have not wanted people staying over until some of our painting was finished and some other work was done - they said it didn't matter but this place is tight in the kitchen and it will be noisy - hoping for the best.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Janet on February 12, 2015, 07:28:19 PM
Well, after spending two hours trying to make a photo book, I gave up.  Seems I can only use the photos Walgreen's printed for me, and there aren't enough of them that I like.  Plus, I can't figure out how to put more than one photo on a page, and it would cost a fortune at one per page!  I will try again tomorrow, maybe.

Carol, you are really a hostess!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Jeanne Lee on February 12, 2015, 10:24:51 PM
Janet, my offer of help for posting your photos here still stands.  (That's really a selfish offer - I want to see them!!!) ;D
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: JudyB on February 12, 2015, 10:27:17 PM
I am storing my photos on discs and labeling them according to location and date...Don't know if that helps Janet!  Oh and good to see you back!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: JudyB on February 13, 2015, 09:02:32 AM
Today is a snow day for buses, it is too cold.  -35, and and a wind chill of -42. that is about the same Fahrenheit.  It was just a few years ago that school buses wouldn't stop because of cold, they would have indoor recesses.  I realize that this is cold, but are we making the lil' darlings soft?  Parents still go to work, and can't stop because of cold.  Heavens I remember walking to school in all weather, with no idea of staying home.  If I was lucky my cousin's dad would drive us, and that was a wonderful treat.

$$ were tight last pay so I bought a cheep food for Zeke.  Foe a big dog his stomach  cannot handle the cheep dog food.  No other dog we have had has had such a touchy stomach.  Back to the expensive today.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Janet on February 13, 2015, 10:48:27 AM
Jeanne, thanks for your kind offer.  How do I get the photos to you?  Via email or by some other way?  There are SO many of them!

Judy, I always get my photos on discs, too, but that isn't much help re showing them to other people, unless I figure out how to do them as a slide show or Power Point.  Sigh.......... ???

Today is Paula's funeral.  I have a sharp pain in my side, so am going to the chiropractor in a few minutes.  I boiled two dozen eggs and deviled them for the funeral dinner....Paula's and Roy's favorite.  Roy said he will salute Paula with a deviled egg!  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Jeanne Lee on February 13, 2015, 12:20:27 PM
Janet, email will be fine - attach three or four at a time and send as often as you like.  I'll be looking for them!   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Larry Hanna on February 13, 2015, 07:20:13 PM
Hi everyone.  We got back home this afternoon about 4 pm.  We had a good trip, the closing went well and we enjoyed some time with friends and attending to some business matters.  Now we only own one home, one set of utility bills, and insurance polices.  The young many who bought our house is only 21 years of age.  His parents came to the closing with him. 

Janet, I have seen some beautiful photo books and don't think it is difficult and know you will be able to do it.  If you have the pictures on a disk then you could easily use a website called PhotoPeach, which is a free site, to make albums that you could share with others online.  You would simply put your cd in your computer and then from PhotoPeach attach the files you want to us in that particular album (s).  You find your photos on the disk by using the Windows Explorer (little file folder symbol on the task bar) and finding the letter that has your disk, just like the hard drive will be the C drive.  If you want to try this and need help give me a call and I will walk you through the process.  I have used this numerous time when I get a bunch of pictures of my great grandchildren that I want to share with others.  I think you have my phone number, if not email me and I will email my number back to you.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Janet on February 13, 2015, 07:38:12 PM
Whew!  I am wiped out this evening.  My rib was out again and hurting pretty bad, so I went to Dr. Saxon, he worked on it but it's still hurting.  After the funeral we went back to the church and I helped serve the family an early supper, then helped clean up everything, so am really tired.  Tomorrow is my painting day but I don't know if I will go; depends how I feel when I wake up.

Jeanne and Larry, thanks for your kind offers of help.  I will TRY again, and if I am stymied, will have to call for help.  I think the books might be less expensive than getting all those photos printed, but not sure.  Would be nice if I could get at least one ready tonight so I could take advantage of the half-price offer tomorrow.  Then I would go to paint, as we go through Garden where there is a Walgreen's!

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Marilyn on February 13, 2015, 10:00:54 PM
Janet I had to go to the chiropractor today also. One of u upper ribs was out and so was the left SI joint. The Dr and I discussed my workout routine and  decided it is the rowing machine that did my lower back in this time. I am to use  it at a lower number for a month then uincrese, not like I did using the lower number twice and the when to the very top number which is 6. He said to increase by 1  after a month  and do it that way until I am back where I was before all the trouble with my lower back.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on February 14, 2015, 12:57:00 AM
Wow! It's so good to hear from y'all tonight. My cell phone got damaged today, so I'm limping along without it. Hope the insurance plan will get me another one right away.

I'm so sorry to learn that Janet and Marilyn are having pain and going to chiropractors. They do good work, don't they.

Glad you're back, Larry. It sounds as if the stressors y'all have been dealing with are reducing in number.

Carol, wow - hosting company is a difficult thing for me to do. You're braver than I am.

Jeanne, Judy and John, what a winter y'all have had! It makes me feel small to even mention that we are supposed to have an accumulation of snow on Sunday night, then additional periods of snow Monday through Thursday of next week.

Y'all have a good evening.

Much love to all,
Ruth Ann

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: JudyB on February 14, 2015, 10:24:47 AM
Have a good day everyone.  This is day 2 of a 4 day weekend for John, so we are enjoying the time off.

Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Carol on February 14, 2015, 02:06:18 PM
Judy:  Nice Valentine to see today.  Agree on softies - the children do need to walk together though because truly things have changed. 

We walked through a flea market yesterday and I bought two reading glasses now in the larger number to help me read when the print is soft gray.   :cool:  That was it - my friend and I tried forever to find denim shirts but everything they had was too bright with fake diamonds and such - not our style at all.  Met our other friend who lost his wife a few months ago and he is really working hard at learning to live alone - he has planned an entire summer with two of his children and friends in the midwest so that was good news to us. 

Matthew ( means gift from God) arrives tomorrow for a short visit before his meeting. 

When I have seen pictures of the oppressed in the world, it is hard to imagine.  We never have a day of freezing in the house or without a shower or even a full day of hunger.  So, my iPad wasn't working for a while and that is the extent of any frustration here - how blessed we are and sometimes I don't even realize that blessing. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Larry Hanna on February 14, 2015, 03:45:24 PM
Hi everyone on a very nice Saturday afternoon here in South Carolina.  It is a sunny 59 degrees.  I spent all morning getting all the paperwork sorted, filed and now my office doesn't look like a blizzard hit it. After lunch I had a nice restful nap.  I did order a two sets of wireless headphones to use with our TV.  They should be here on Tuesday.  I also ordered a remote for the Dish Hopper.  We have one in the family room but Pat uses it and I wanted one at my chair as well that would turn on the TV and control the volume as well as change the channels. 

Janet and Marilyn, was there a special sale on out of place ribs?  My goodness.  I know that must be very painful. 

Ruth Ann, I would be lost without my cell phone as use it all the time.  I didn't take the insurance policy on mine but it sounds like it was wise that you must have done so.  You are right, there is less stress now with only a few more things on the "must get done list".  The major one is to get our driver's license and I think we now have all the documents together as got a certified copy of our Marriage license, which was the missing piece. 

Judy, is John's cold better?  Glad he has a long weekend.  It is a Federal holiday weekend here in the US as Monday is President's Day.

Carol, I agree with you that we really have little to complain about as all of our basic needs are met with housing and food and then are able to enjoy some non-necessities as well. 
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Ruth Ann Bice on February 14, 2015, 05:19:11 PM

I'm counting my blessings today. After having my car quit running right on a busy street (and in the center lane), someone called AAA for me, someone else got the car into Neutral (I had tried and couldn't get it to budge from Park) and rolled it into a parking lot, then later came by with his family to make sure I was still safe, and the kind AAA driver took me back to my apartment.

So many things could have been terrible, and all worked out and I'm in my apartment and safe and the car's on its way to the repair shop.

Y'all have a wonderful day. I think it's about time to go lie down for a while. :)

Love to all,
Ruth Ann
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: BigSkyKen on February 14, 2015, 06:32:28 PM
Ruth Ann, episodes like that sure do warm my soul!  So glad He took such good care of you today.
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Janet on February 14, 2015, 07:38:57 PM
I'm thanking God for taking such good care of Ruth Ann.  Scary to have car trouble when alone, much less in the center lane of a busy street.  But God provided kind folks to take care of her, and transportation home.  What a wonderful, kind and loving Father we have!  Thank you, Lord!

Larry,  :)  ;) on the "sale on out of place ribs!  It is quite painful, for sure.  Mine was enough better this morning that I went ahead and attended my painting meeting, but it was hurting pretty badly again by the time I got back to Ulysses.

We painted a very pretty project today.  If I can find another SD card, I will take a photo, send it to Jeanne and she can post it.  I left three SD cards at Walgreen's today to be put onto DVDs.  We have appointments with a heart doctor up there (Garden City) next Thursday, so they are to be ready by them.

Larry, where is a good place to purchase head phones for TV?  Darrel plays ours so loud I usually have to leave the room!  So I think those might solve the problem.

Marilyn, I agree that it's wiser to work up gradually to higher levels of exercise than try to jump too fast.  It's been four weeks now since I have been to the gym, and I will need to ease back into it, too.  Too much going on when we got home to get back this week!

I am going to bed before long.  Ridiculous, I know, but pain pills and my pillow are calling my name!

I came back to say I had a sweet and unexpected blessing this afternoon.  As Winona and I were driving home, Darrel called to say my oldest sister and her husband were in town for a short time, and asked how far I was away.  At that time, it was around 80 miles, but we keep on going, with the short stop in Garden at Walgreen's, and I got home in time to see them.  So we had a mini-reunion at youngest sister's house, with three of the four sisters there!  God is so good!  We all wished Shirley could have been here, too, of course.

Okay, bye now!   :wave:
Title: Re: Thoughts for the Week~Feb. 8
Post by: Don on February 15, 2015, 08:05:30 AM
A new week HERE (