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JennyW: Hello Everyone! Just checking in to see if anyone wants to get this group going again! Hope all is well where ever you live! 2024-08-14, 08:21:59

Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

Thoughts for the Week~May 15, 2016

Started by Jeanne Lee, May 15, 2016, 04:55:43 AM

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Jeanne Lee

:) From Our Forums :thumbsup:

  • Prayer and Praise     Thanks for visiting this area of our site to share prayer requests and items for praise!

Morning Devotional...

God's Timing

By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

As we choose to place our complete faith and trust in God, we must relinquish our grip on the plans we have made for our lives.

Even though we trust in God, our actions say otherwise when we grow fearful that life may not turn out the way we hoped it would. When we devote our lives to God, we quickly learn this Truth: Our plans and timing do not always line up with God's. Yet it is with much frustration that we struggle to understand that His way, His plan, and His timing are better than ours.

Some of our greatest mistakes are made when we run ahead of God's plan. We not only undermine our faith in Him, but we also challenge the notion that He indeed does know best. It is arrogance that assumes we know better than God.

However, we cannot live fearlessly under such presumptions, no matter how overt or discreet they are. To walk fearlessly through life with God, we must come to terms with the fact that God knows what is best for us when it is best for us. We are not mice in some cosmic maze, overseen by a God who enjoys our helplessness.

God has a plan for our lives, and when we seek Him, He will reveal it to us. We are loved by a heavenly Father who delights in seeing us become the fullness of who He created us to be.

Our shield is our faith. Our shield says: "We believe God's Word and we trust Him. We know that He knows what is best for our lives."

Prayer: Lord, I confess my prideful thinking that I know what I need better than You. I give You my plans and my dreams to do with them as You will. I trust You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord" (Lamentations 3:25-26).
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It is another beautiful day but cooler morning and only expected to get to 78 degrees by mid-afternoon.  I am fixing Pat's breakfast this morning to help her get around (she is not a fast starter in the morning) so we can get to Sunday School on time.  We will then attend church and eat out somewhere and then spend a quiet afternoon and evening.  I watched some of the golf yesterday afternoon as they were having a terrible time with the course as it was playing extremely difficult.  I will try to catch the finish of the Tourney this afternoon.

Carol, I don't envy you the traffic in the Denver area.  The traffic was bad when we were there for a few days a number of years ago.  It must be a Realtor's dream to be working in the Denver area now since homes are in such demand and selling so quickly. 

Jeanne, thanks for getting our new week off to a great start with the fine devotional thought for this week.  I expect when most of us look back over our lives we never expected they would turn out the way they have.  I firmly believe that God has a plan for each of us.  Sometimes it is hard for us to understand at the time why things happen but usually there is a reason that may be revealed down the road or it preparing us for something else.  God does know what is best for us. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a nice and cool but sunny morning.  Yesterday was delightful here and it appears that today will be the same. I have a fairly busy day planned as will attend a meeting at noon and probably stop at COSTCO for a couple of items on the way home.  This is evening is our final men's meeting at the Church until the fall. 

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

I'm beginning to get adjusted here at my children's home.

Not much to say except it seems chilly to me. We're dealing with some cool spring days.

Y'all take care.

Love to all,

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  It looks like we will have some rain off and on today and throughout the week.  We had a nice men's meeting last evening.  I got the best steak I have had since I started attending these meetings about a year ago.  The speaker was good and has brief in his remarks but got his point across.  Later this morning I will take my PT Cruiser to have the A/C fixed.  Pat will pick me up.  We might stop at Aldi's as hate to waste this $10 off on an order of $40 or more and this is the last day for this current offer.  We are going to stock up on some items we know we will be using in the next few months. It doesn't take long to spend $40 in a grocery store anymore.  I may go early and have coffee with the guys until about time to take the car in for the scheduled appointment.  Nothing else on the schedule for today.

Ruth Ann, nice to see you are becoming adjusted to being at your daughter's house.  Hopefully you will be having some warmer weather soon.  It was so nice and pleasant here yesterday with mild temperature and low humidity.   


Rain today and I like to think it is good for the farmers on the eastern slope.  My email server is not taking my password - I think it needs more sleep and will let it go for a few hours.  Yesterday, I did get some things accomplished around here and spent more than an hour on sewing for a change.  It was a good day to walk over to a single friend's home and visit plus get a cup of hot tea.  We discussed the loud and rambunctious music at church - Don timed it for 35 minutes and he couldn't hear a thing afterward.  Time for us "old" folk to check out a different church.  First, I will fill a backpack for the poorest children when they start school - this is a huge church and they are so active in community works that I still want to be a part of that program - plus, I love the women's bible study.  Do you see the dilemma?

Ruth Ann:  Our children all have bedrooms on upper or basement floors so I hope we could get care right here - it is wonderful that you have a loving daughter close to help you mend. 

A classmate wrote that she has been living on a beautiful island off Seattle for years and now with sudden health problems she will move to the area near her children. That would be the eastern slope of the Cascades and that is a totally different climate.  We can plan so many things and changes happen anyway.


I got a new car 2007 Subaru, Forrester, LL Bean edition. Only 97,000 miles on it and1 owner before me.

Click Here to see it

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  After a rainy day yesterday today is starting out overcast but we should see some sun later today with only a slight chance of rain.  I was able to get my car air conditioning fixed yesterday.  I took it in at eleven and got it back at 5 pm.  All car repair is expensive and this was no exception as needed a part and then the labor involved.  They called after looking at the car to see if I had replaced the timing belt as it was past the mileage before it needed to be changed.  Fortunately the friend I bought it from gave me very good records and I was able to determine that it had been changed at 83,000 miles so no need to change it again at this point.  That job would have cost me $1,200 dollars so I felt like I got a raise yesterday but not needing to have that work done.  Today the main activity is our Wednesday night dinner at church and spending time with Scott afterwards.  I have a number of small tasks that need doing here and will try to get some, if not all of them done, today. 

Carol, 35 minutes of loud and repetitive music would cause me to seek a different church.  If asked why you are not attending your current church you can let them know the reason.  Are there many older folks still left in the congregation?  Fortunately our church has both a contemporary service and a traditional service.  We go to the traditional service.  You are certainly right about "change happens" and sometimes we don't anticipate it until it is upon us and I guess that is the way it probably should be.

Marilyn, your new car should give you years of service and being a van type vehicle will provide a nice place for Freckles to ride.  You certainly had good service from your old vehicle and I remember when you got it.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this cloudy Thursday morning.  We have rain expected at different times throughout the day and this evening.  The birds are happy and singing a bright tune right outside my office window this morning.  A little later this morning I will pick up my friend and we will go to coffee.  Later this morning I will attend the Wisdom group at the church as I usually do on Thursdays. 


A message came through today regarding a cousin's husband - veterinarian for horses- he had some kind of an accident and was flown to the Twin Cities - now faces 12 weeks of not walking.  I'll call another cousin to check on them later.   :(

We did a Walmart and COSTCO run - expensive but saving in the long run.  Tuckered out and tired of overhead music - everywhere we go.  I have moved a lot of sewing things out of the carpet covered area of the basement as someone  arrives in the morning to stretch the carpet - just in the nick of time because the lumps are getting pretty high. 

Marilyn:  We had a Subaru Outback for a long time and it got us through snow and mountain driving. 

Larry:  I still want to stay in the Wednesday bible study for women.  My table is filled with wonderful women and we know each others situations and prayers.  We need to get on with the change or just get to the 7:30 AM Sunday service - sometimes that clock moves too quickly.  Don spotted a beautiful Oriole yesterday. 

I held the door open for a young woman today while she was on the phone, she bumped right into me and didn't say anything.  I told her -"You are welcome" and she apologized - when I told her about how dangerous a habit it is she said she would try to break the habit.  Do you think so?  I don't.  We left smiling at each other so that is my deed for the day. 

Jeanne Lee

As you may know, Pat has not been really well for some time.  Her latest doctor's appointment this afternoon was not encouraging and I have quoted her post in Facebook and requesting prayers HERE
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Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends. It's great to return here for rest from boredom brought about by the inactivity caused by this non weight bearing cast. Our Lord is giving me strength to endure. And the support provided by the cast has reduced the pain I was enduring before correct diagnosis.

Friends and family remain loving and supportive.

Much love to each of you.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on another overcast and a bit cool Friday morning here in South Carolina.  Pat has a doctor's appointment in a little while, just a routine matter related to her CPAP machine.  This will be the first time she has driven herself to this doctor's office but she shouldn't have any problems with it as have been there several times and not many turns after she gets off the Interstate.  I will stay home as the housekeeper is due this morning.  I expect we will go out to a late lunch and then Pat can have the evening off.  This is our usual practice when the housekeeper has been here. 

Carol, that must have been some accident your Vet cousin experienced as three months not walking is a long time.  I wouldn't even suggest that we attend a 7:30 or 8 AM church service as it is a task for Pat to get around so we can get to Sunday School at 9:45.  It sounds like you handled the situation with the lady and phone very well.

Jeanne, thanks for sharing the information from Pat.  I don't see her Facebook page.  Sorry to see that she is discouraged and feeling down. 

Ruth Ann, it was good to read that you are not experiencing as much pain as you were in your leg.  It sounds like the added rest, even if boring, is helpful to you.  Glad you have access to the Internet so we can hear from you as you recover.


Prayers for Pat.  Wishing you a quick recovery, Pat! 

Two men just left after stretching the downstairs carpet - one area was cut back two inches for it is one dangerous thing repaired.  We are discussing the downloading of Windows 10 on my laptop.  I guess I have to "get 'er done".  First to update all the protection and that seems a weekly chore.  Now to go to a store and find school supplies for an empty backpack to be given to poorest children in our county.  We need to take care of our own children, our veterans and elderly before taking on a mass from outside countries.  It isn't working out very well in Minnesota but you won't read much about it - I mean the huge numbers who are relocated in small towns. 

Larry:  Yes, that is a terrible accident for my cousin's husband.  He is in the Hall of Fame for quarter horse affiliation - very knowledgeable veterinarian.  I remember seeing him ride as a teenager.   

Jeanne Lee

I guess I've been slipping...  We've had a photo challenge "There's No Place Like Home" and the voting was open for a week with only 6 people voting.  That must be because I didn't remind folks here about it.  So it's now open again for another week - if you didn't get a chance to vote, or didn't even know about it, please have a look and vote for the five you like best:  HERE

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Good evening every9one, Praying for Pat. 

Carol I really like the Subaru, I love the positive steering and the way it handles. I just got the book today in the mail from Amazon. I also bought a seat belt  attachment and special harness for the dog. She likes to be in the car and we took her to California  at Christmas. We will be taking her to Vancouver Washington  in a few weeks. But i think I need to get her the longer  tether that attaches directly into the seat belt latch.

Tomorrow Gilbert and family are arriving and so are two of Keith's sons. We are taking them all out to dinner tomorrow night at the Pub in Coos bay, they have delicious organic meals.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this Saturday morning.  It starts out overcast but we are to have sun today with very little chance of rain.

Yesterday Pat and I went to a new restaurant for us called Tin Lizzie.  It is a small chain with locations around Atlanta, Augusta and a three or four locations in South Carolina.  It is an interesting concept in that it has a Mexican Restaurant in the front of the building and a Bar-B-Q place in the back of the building and these are divided by a bar in the middle and I expect the kitchen.  We decided on the Mexican half and had a very good meal trying a couple of tacos we had not had before including a scrimp one and a Korean Beef one.  You do have to pay for chips and salsa but they sent a big bag of chips home with us.  They make their own chips and they were thin and crispy with apparently taco seasoning on them--very tasty.  We will be going back there from time to time. 

They did finish the yard work yesterday and for the first time used a push mower on the back yard rather than a weed eater. We also have a nice clean house as the housekeeper always does a good job.   

Nothing on the calendar for today so will just go at an easy pace and take care of some things here at my desk and a couple of tasks around the house.  I will get some reading done and plan on watching some of the golf tournament later this afternoon. 

Carol, good luck on your installing the Windows 10 on your laptop.  I have it on our four computers and have had no problem using it.  Three of the four were updated without a problem and the fourth one required a totally new installation.  Nice of you to put together a backpack with school supplies for a needy child.  I agree with you totally on caring for our own children, veterans and needy elders.  I read of one small town, I think it was in Texas, where they relocated over 700 immigrants. 

Jeanne, thanks for the reminder on the photos and the link.  I will definitely go and vote as have already loaded the link in a new tab. 

Marilyn, I know this will be a big day for you and Keith with Gilbert and family and Keith's sons arriving. 


Battle with Windows 10 - it just went on this laptop without my clicking anything.  Something is wrong and we don't even want to think about it now.

Marilyn:  I like the driving on a Subaru -it  was a good vehicle for our mountain driving.

We invited neighbors over yesterday and then had to dis-invite them.   I was not feeling well suddenly and they understood all too well.  I am better today - and able to do house ****.  Tuesday is quilting at my house. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone.  We awoke to a bright, sunny and 72 degree morning with no rain in the forecast for the next couple of days.  Today will be the normal Church day and expect we will go out afterward for a quick lunch and then a restful afternoon.  I do hope everyone has a pleasant day.

Carol, it takes several hours to load Windows 10 as you probably know.  We had the same thing happen with Pat's laptop as it loaded the Windows 10 automatically rather than at my command.  Fortunately there were no problems with the software and nothing else was disturbed.  I think you have 30 days that you can restore to your previous version of Windows.  I do hope today finds you feeling much better.


Our church is doing the neatest thing - they have 900 empty backpacks and asking everyone to take one at least and fill it with specific school supplies.  About $20 at the most.  A local store is giving a discount.  So, we filled the bag today and will drop it off this week.  There are at least 900 school age children in our county living in under average income and the church decided to make this a project this year once again.  They ar not counting the under school age children - it certainly is tough to live a normal life these days with expenses going up and up. 

Larry:  I am typing and the note keeps going up and down and it isn't steady.  Don says he can't help me with this new problem.  Thanks - grateful to be feeling better. 

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on a beautiful clear and sunny Monday morning with zero chance of rain for the next 48 hours.  I will take advantage of this good weather to spray a bug barrier around the house.  Today I also must finally report my flowers on the front porch.  It isn't hard to do but something I have been putting off.  We had a wonderful church service yesterday that highlighted our graduating high school seniors and others pursuing further education.  Twenty-seven scholarships were awarded.  The senior class members conducted the entire service including two young women speaking of the impact our church has had on their lives from being infants until this point in their lives.  It was obvious that many parents and other relatives were in attendance as the church was close to full. 

I plan on attending my weekly meeting at noon and then Scott will be coming over to have a meal with us (don't know whether Pat will cook or we will go out to eat) and then just have an enjoyable day with him. 

Carol, if you are using your laptop I expect the jumping around on the page is due to accidentally grazing the touch pad.  If you don't use the touch pad for navigation on the computer and there is no key to turn off the touch pad, then tape an old credit card or cardboard over the touch pad and it should solve your problem.  I have done this with several laptops when I had the same problem and it solved the problem.  I used Magic Tape and it is easy to pull up one strip and make the touch pad available again if needed. 

Maryilyn, congratulations on your wedding.  I saw the addition to your name from your Facebook posting. 


Her is a link to ALL the photos Forest took yesterday. There are a lot of duplicate, Just take your time and wade through them.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
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