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Oldiesmann: I'm not aware of any Jenny. Not sure why activity has died down on this site so much though 2023-06-12, 00:06:36

JennyW: Also, does anyone know other photo sharing sites that are Christian? 2023-05-16, 08:47:03

JennyW: Hello Everyone! I really miss activity on this site. I've been discouraged by photography sites where you have to sort through so much explicit content in order to see photos that truly glorify God. I'd love to see this site pick up again. 2023-05-16, 08:46:36

Janet: Carol, I am just reading this.  So sorry for your loss, glad your beloved Don knew the Lord and you have the assurance of his eternity  and that you WILL see him again.  Much love to you.  Janet 2022-06-18, 08:49:36

Oldiesmann: So sorry for your loss Carol. Praying for you and your family :( 2022-05-01, 17:13:05

Carol: My husband Don is with the angels.....Our family was able to hold  ourselves together for the last moments.  Juar rhoufhr you might want to know. 2022-04-29, 23:35:15

Carol: Thankful:  Don is home from hospital.  I found him unconscious with head outside on the floor and the rest was in the shower.  At the same moment, one son was walking through the front door to visit.  Two fire trucks came racing in and they took over After 2021-12-29, 22:01:26

JennyW: Autumn is shaping up to be quite beautiful this year! 2021-10-02, 12:24:03

JudyB: I will be back this evening to start July's thoughts..... The wedding was beautiful! 2021-07-02, 11:51:09

JudyB: June is finally started! 2021-06-07, 12:34:35

Thoughts for the Week of April 22

Started by Al Moak, April 22, 2007, 11:45:56 PM

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Well I did take the dogs for their walks and washed my car.  That is enough for today. I stopped a the  Kebab shop and bought some Gyro meat and sauce. Geez  ½ lb was $7.00 but it is sure good. and already cooked. That is pronounced "yearoh" in Turkish/Greek.

I have to do some shopping for my client this evening to make sure she has enough stuff for the weekend, I am also going to use the curling iron on her hair to touch it up so it will be nice for Sunday when her DIL takes her to the Interfaith Gospel choir prayer breakfast and concert. Her son will be out of town for a few days on some Masonic business.

Janet I hope Darrell is feeling better. There is some terrible flu going around lately that is very bad in the stomach with lots of vomiting. People here have had to got to the hospital, some from my church had  it come back Ont hem a 2nd time. That seems to be thee way this type of flu does. I am so glad I got my flu shot and take preventative herbals. Praise the Lord.

Go to go now.
"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Hello all!

Bernard is now off of his pain medicine, so he is hurting. :/ BUT, he is trying to keep a really good outlook, and is quite the trooper. 

We had to put Bingo, our cat, down this morning.  She had a huge knot come up on her leg/back just before Bernard's surgery, and it was huge and she could barely walk.  Also, she was almost 9 or 10 years old and acted like she felt completely miserable.  kinda sad.  Leave it to the 5 yo to give you perspective, though.  He said, "It's sad.  but, it is sadder when a human dies."  I understand that for some (and some of you), your animals are as important in some ways as your children, so you may not agree with him.   I'm an animal lover, but not quite that much. ;)

I hope everyone has a wonderfully, exuberantly awesome weekend!!



Karmat, I'm an animal lover, as you know...but I would never keep an animal alive and miserable.  We had a cat with a knot on her jaw, and it was probably cancerous, the vet said.  We could have put her through lots of expensive test, even treated it, kept her alive, but in pain.  I said no.  Sometimes letting go is the very best you can do for an animal.  When we adopt a pet we become  caretaker and pack leader,(for my critters) we also take the responsibility of making life decisions.  That's where we differ in how we care for humans. :)  God makes life decisions for humans, but he gave us the earth and all created beings lower than humans to care for.  That's my uneducated take on the whole thing. LOL

Sunshine today.  I got the lawn mowed. YES!!  It looks so nice.  Lilacs and fruit trees are in bloom. 

Blessings,  nita


Karma Sad about the cat....I do agree with Travis.  My pets are family, but there comes a time when you have to do the humane thing.  Each of our animals have a specific purpose.  2 cats as mousers 2 dogs as brood dogs and one little gal who has seen me through the toughest of days.

I am heading to bed very soon.  Back tomorrow.

Love to all


Well it is late but I had to tell you about a bit of excitement we had tonight.

The girls let the dogs out and I let them back in when I closed down the 'puter.  Dana the Doberman was rubbing at her mouth so I took a closer look and she hadd a mouth full of porcupine quills.  I called the girls for help Kass got the pliers and I held Dana's mouth open and she just lay there taking all the abuse of pulling out the quills.  There were a couple in her tongus and some on the roof of her mouth,, The poor girl didn't even flinch!  When we had all the quills out she was almost asleep at my feet.  I gave her a pet and she started licking my hands.  This dog doesn't lick, at all...  She then had a treat and to bed.  I can't get over how placid she was as we pullrd at the quills.  Some were really stuck.

Well that was my excitement for the night,  Now off to bed.

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone. 

Have a few minutes before leaving for coffee this morning.  The man I pickup each day to take to coffee is buying breakfast for everyone of our group that is at the cafe this morning.  He has come into some unexpected money (his own) from his retirement that was qualified and had to be paid out two years after he retired.  We have a meeting to attend today but think the rest of the day will be uneventful, at least I hope.

Ruth Ann, glad to read that the news was good from your test and hope your blood problem will be quickly fixed.

Time to headout. 

JudyB, that poor dog and she obviously realized you were helping her. 

Karmat, I feel for your family about having to put your cat down.  We had to do that a few months ago and have to admit we all shed a few tears but knew he wasn't going to live and didn't want him to suffer.  We had had him for 13 or 14 years.  It sounds like you and Nards are instilling proper values for your children to understand that pets are not people.  I hope the pain isn't too severe for Bernard.  Perhaps each day he will find it lessens.

Nita, glad you were able to get your yard mowed.  I expect the grass grows quickly and thickly in your area.

Marilyn, glad that you enjoyed the Gyro.  Some of this meat at the supermarkets or speciality stores are getting pretty pricey.


Good morning from sunny Kansas, where the temp is supposed to get up into the 80s today.

Thank our wonderful God, Darrel is much improved this morning.  I took him to the doctor yesterday, as he was stumbling around and dizzy.  Dr. said he had a virus, nothing to do but wait it out.  He gave him a script for anti-nausea med but we didn't get it filled, as he wasn't nauseous.  After we got home, Darrel took his sugar reading and it was the highest it had EVER been!  Then he realized he had neither eaten nor taken his meds for two days.  The lesson in that for me is that when he isn't feeling well I will have to take the responsibility of making sure he eats and takes his pills.  He has always been very independent, not needing help, but things do change as we grow older.  We need each other even more.  Anyhow, I'm delighted he's on the mend.  Says he may even feel like attending the Senior Citizens Prom tonight.  :thumbsup:

I went last night (after making sure Darrel was doing better) to Moscow to hear/see Curtis doing Karaoke.  He and his Dad get a big kick out of singing silly songs together, and the small crowd there enjoyed them, too.  There was pretty good participation in the singing.  I left early and came on home.

Ruth Ann, I'm praising God with you for your good report and still praying about the other things mentioned.  Glad you have the weekend to (I hope) rest and recover.

Larry, enjoy your breakfast with your buddies.  I'm sure you are very good company.

Pat, how are  you?  How are Judy and Norm?  You are one who needs to rest and recover, for sure!  I went to your Picture a Day and enjoyed the photos there.

I must go see if it's warm enough in my studio for scrapbooking and card making.  Later, I have to go take Beth and Gloria to a wedding.  One of the nurse aids at the home is getting married and she invited them.  They are so excited!

Karma, our old cat is also 13 or 14 years old.  We notice he is starting to move more slowly, but so far, his health seems good.  Travis sure got it right, and good for you as parents.  Those values are important.  It really gets to me when I hear animal rights people saying the life of a rat is just as valuable as the life of a child, or other stupid nonsense.  :clobber:

Have a happy Saturday!  (Or whatever kind you want to have.  ;)).
My book Rising Above available at

Al Moak

Janet, I couldn't agree more about the animal rights people.  They are willfully ignorant of the fact that both the animals and the humans are the property of the sovereign Lord God, and that same God has made us humans the keepers of the rest of His creation - we should care for it in His Name.  We humans are so valuable to Him that He gave His only-begotten Son for their salvation.  That puts humans at the very top of the list in my estimation.  It it gives them also the responsibility to decide the welfare of the other living creatures.  We ought to mimic Him in kindness to all creatures, but we may also decide which ones need to live, etc.  I do not (thought my aunt did) say to the fly I swat, "Sorry dear!"  And to me it's ok to leave poison out for the ants, etc.  I am responsible only to God in how I treat all animate and inanimate creatures.


JudyB do you breed your dog every time she is in season, or only once per year. A bitch can get totally worn out very quickly if she is bred every time she is in season.  they have a better quality of life if only bred once per year. According to the vet, I had who bred Rotts, when I was breeding Red Dobies.

Good Morning everyone. I am not doing much today. I have done a load of laundry and will go do some recycling later as well. I hope to get around to mowing and weed whacking the yard this afternoon.

Of course the dogs are number one on my list to get their walks. I am trying to keep them healthy and to lose  some of the weight they have gained by feeding them 1 cup of kibble with 2 tablespoons of veggies and 1 tablespoon of wet dog food on top for breakfast,  1 ½ cups of kibble for supper.  In between their meals they get baby carrots, and 1 dog cookie broken in pieces and divided between them  for treats.

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Gord Brown

 ;)  Hi to all.  I have finally got back to reading all the post's which I have missed.  My wife and I seemed to have been busy going all over the place and to many doctor's appointments.  I have had these feeling's in my chest very close to my heart which started one week from today.  I went to the doctor yesterday and he gave me a complete check up plus a E.C.G. and thank the Lord that there was nothing showing up on that.  But next week I have to go for more test's  So could you please pray that the Lord will see fit to answer them in what ever his will is for this situation.  My wife also still needs your prayer's as she is still haveing lots of medical problems.  I am not sure if I told you before but a word of praise for many things also.  We are going to be grandparents one baby in Sept and one in Nov.
I also was granted my disabillaty pension which helps with the finances praise his nam for these things.

PAT:  Your devotional about prayer was excellant and much needed and also will remember your request's for Judy and her Husband.  Please don't do to much or you will have no strength again.  God bless. <3

AL: Thank you for your beautiful prayer that you offered for Judy.  I am sorry to here about your leg problem and will be remembering you also in our prayers.  Thank you for your devotional for today.

LARRY: I could not agree more more about Mr. Tozer and what you said. Hope that you are looking after yourself.  The story about the seed's was excellent.

ETTA SUE:  I agree about the brick as my wife has done this before. Look after yourself also the blood pressure was likely high because of what she had told you. Just continue to keep trusting in Him.  God Bless you.

KARMET / NARD'S.  It seem's that so many men when they have had a major surgery that when they go home that they think they can get back into what they were doing before not possible. Nard's just let the Lod do the healing and you will be suprised how things go. Karmat please don't  work to hard and then you will get sick so both of you take it easy.

JANET/ DARREL:  I am glad to here that your husband is a bit better today and I hope that you are also o.k.  My sister-in-law had to do the same as what yo are going to have to do with regard's to making sure that your husband eats at the proper time.  Even I find if I don't eat at the proper time I feel weird.  Look after yourselves.

NITA: Just to say hi and hope that you are well. From Canada just near Niagara falls.

RUTH ANN BICE:  Will remember you in prayer and hope that your diabetes willstay excellent and for any other medical challenges.  Praise his name for the good reports.

JUDY B.: I enjoyed your beautiful prayer from the posting on the 17th.  I will email you soon.

LIZ: Thank you for what said in your posting on Apr. 20th.

HYPERGIRL: Welcome to C.P:  nice to see your posting hope you come back soon.

NARD'S: The Lord be with you and he will continue togive you strength.

CAROL: Hope that you are well but look after yourself and the gret physician will give you all the strength that you need.

Marilyn  Hii am back it just seems that life gets so busy.  Look after yourself and stay healthy. :thumbsup:

God bless to all and have a wonderful day in the house of the Lord tomorrow.
T Gordon Brown


Marilyn, your dogs eat healthier than I do. :)

Janet, I hope Darrell gets to feeling better.  I've alos noticed that I have to "take care" of Bernard sometimes, now.  It's kind of weird as he was always the one who never forgot anything and had a mind like a steel trap.  I suspect when all of the pain meds wear off (he's no longer taking anything) and he gets to feeling better, it will improve.

Right now, we are heading to Maggie Valley to see some Harleys.  They are having a "Rally in the Valley."




Marilyn  There is great disagreement amoung vets about the frequency of breeding.  I breed only for 5 years.....The vet I deal with said to breed every heat.  I don't but only because I don't want winter babies.  Dana is over 2 years old and we have missed 3 heats due to timing.  I believe she is going to have puppies as her tummy is filling out, Will know better in about 3 more weeks.

Karma Yes meds can do that....cause memory fogginess, especially pain meds.  I am continuing to pray.

Gord Be careful about that heart problem  It could be as simple as a panic attack.... or as serious as an impending heart attack.  I am praying that you find the reason soon and are able to move on.  Let Noreen know I pray for her also.  I miss seeing her, and having tea together. 

Well John will be home soon, I am going to meet him and will get a few groceries at the same time.  I have supper ready, soup and tea biscuits, so there will be no fussing, we can eat as soon as we walk in.

Bye for now



It has been a dull and dreary day here as well but that is the season, soon we will be cutting the grass so that will be our next complaint, grass and more grass.   

Janet: It would be nice if you lived closer then you would be able to share & teach me your scrap booking.
Janet: Say hello to Beth for me.

Al: It would be nice if you also lived closer and I would be able to learn more computor stuff.

Etta Sue:   I do not know what or how I would keep my mouth shut for a week but you could be sure my family would love it.

For everyone that is not well I do think of you all.

I went to visit a friend for lunch and had a lovely time of sharing.

Time to get dinner ready and eat before it gets too late in the day.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:6


Hello all you good people!  I so appreciate your writing back to me on my thoughts (sometimes) of what it is to be alone.  My husband traveled so often when the children were young and I really never felt afraid, although I did check the house all over before bedtime.  Here, we must lock the doors because last year a young man came into the bedroom of a neighbor & said "Don't make a sound" and she screamed.  Very odd - he was never caught but did the same thing at several homes. 

Marilyn:  Thank you for your message.  It is always nice to know that people care to reply - no, you are not "preaching" - I do know the comfort of turning to our Bible promises.

Etta Sue:  Read your note with interest and appreciate your thoughts as well.  It is good to see the words in print and know the Truth!

Jane:  Nita: and Ruth Ann:  I didn't take notes but read your comments as well and give thanks that I "know" what is in your hearts.  It is wonderful to read your notes. 

Larry:  Your state certainly needs a rain break and hope it is helpful in the fire situation.  Best to Pat!!!  Free breakfast from a friend for all the coffee guys sound fine to me.

Gordon Brown:  A Get Well Prayer for Noreen is on the way. 

Al:    Thinking of both of you and sending a prayer for good health. 

Cousin & husband just left here a while ago - they are only going a few hours today.  Yesterday, we took them only to the foothills to a reservoir west of the city and through the area, stopping for viewing & then lunch and coming home for dinner here again and thankfully, there was enough leftovers from our last dinner and a fresh salad.  We talked every night until almost midnight.  Their son & his family are leaving Uzbeckistan - missionaries are being booted - and going to another muslim country that may be a bit friendlier.  After about 15 years of work there, the government just took over a huge building they had built. 

Off to meet daughter & granddaughter for an early dinner. 


Etta Sue

Good Evening!!  Long day!  Busy day!  Ready to prop up my feet and rest awhile now. 

Tony, my son called this morning and said he was coming up to help me swab my deck!  I got in the car and got some bleach at Dollar General.  Then I had to sweep up the buds from maple trees that the freeze got and now they are falling.  Then I hosed the deck down.  Tony came and it was a lot easier with two swabbing the deck with a scrub brush on a broom handle with bleach and the other hosing the deck off.  One moving the deck furniture while the other goes after something.  Now I have a white deck.  It was beginning to look like a Holstein cow (Gateway)!!  :lol:  Oh, yes!  My deck is resin so moisture has to dry instead of absorb so therefore, it turns gray.  I do this once a year but better than painting to me.

He left and I fixed a bite to eat and then mowed the yard.  Then weed-whacked the edges of the drive and around the garage.  I was reading my mail when Ivalou came in.  Her mower wouldn't start so she put the charger on it and came over here to talk awhile.  She left and I got in the shower to clean up for church tomorrow. 

Now I am running a load of clothes in the washer.  Supper will be popcorn tonight. 

Tomorrow after church, Kitty and I are going to get our photos from Kokomo.  A fun day for us since she has been gone all week to her daughter's in OHio. 

I am thinking I am going to get a mouth guard somewhere and wear it when I can't talk...that would remind me not to talk!



Carol, I have had those thoughts, too, about being alone.  While I have never been afraid to be alone for days or even weeks, the thought of not having my husband to talk to, to just spend time with and know there is someone here who loves me, to discuss things with and work through problems together---those are the things I think would be the hardest of all.  I tell him sometimes not to even THINK about leaving me here alone.  (As if people really have a choice.)  Anyway, I think I understand some of what you meant.

Darrel is still feeling bad, so we didn't get to go to the Senior Prom tonight.  I sure hope he gets back to normal soon.  He said a little while ago that he is sure tired of being sick.  :P

There were three of us today scrapbooking.  Well, one was working on her scrapbook, the other two of us were making cards.  I joked about how much we would have to charge per card if we were going to sell them--mine would be really expensive!  About the time I really get the ideas flowing, it's time to stop.  My buddy Pat is getting really good at making cards.

Come on over, Ruth, we can just play and play! 

I went and took Beth and Gloria to the wedding.  The bride, Jennifer, was so happy to see them, said they were here favorite residents and special guests, and instructed the ushers to seat them right in the front with the family.  She had them come at noon, so they could watch her get dressed in her wedding dress.  I thought she was so sweet to make them feel special and share her special day with them like that.  They stayed until they could blow bubbles at them as they left.  Then I took them by Sonic to get something to eat before I took them back to the home.  They will have that to talk about for days.  God bless Jennifer!

See you tomorrow!
My book Rising Above available at

Ruth Ann Bice

Hi, friends,

It is tax holiday here in Tennessee for this weekend, so I used a gift card to a ladies clothing shop and ended up only paying $8.50 for 3 nice casual tops this afternoon.

Then bought groceries.

Was very tired when I got home, so decided to rest. About an hour later, my daughter called and we hadn't seen each other in quite a while, so we had dinner together.

Altogether, a very nice day, but I'm certainly ready to rest this evening.

Ruth Ann
...his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.


Hi folks!

What a bargain, Ruth Ann!  Wow!  Lovely. 

Well, the latest on Judy....

On Thursday, they had her stand up.  She was told by the surgeon to put all of her weight completely on both of her legs!!   :o   But he knows what he's talking about for sure.  He's a very strong believer in not lying in bed due to the dangers of pneumonia.

So, the next day she walked with a very high walker EIGHT STEPS!!!  She's so happy.  I looked her in the eyes and asked her if she was in pain when she was walking and she said, "No, just a feeling of very tight.  My legs felt that they couldn't move due to being restricted in some way." 

We feel that this is a natural feeling after two major surgeries in two weeks.

She was supposed to go to Guelph Hospital on May 1 but now that's changed as they are being careful of her blood and her oxygen levels.

Needless to say, I'm a tired lady but I'll get rested. 

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"


Amazing Love
(Click to hear music)

My Lord what love is this?
That paid so dearly
That I, the guilty one, may go free.

Amazing love, oh what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me
My debt He paid, and my death He died
That I, might live.
That I, might live.

And so, they watched Him die
Despised and rejected
But oh, the blood He shed, flowed for me.

Amazing love, oh what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me
My debt He paid, and my death He died
That I, might live.
That I, might live.

And now, this love of Christ
Will flow, like rivers
Come wash, your guilt away, And live again.

Amazing love, oh what sacrifice
The Son of God, given for me
My debt He paid, and my death He died
That I, might live.
That I, might live.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Larry Hanna

Hi everyone on this beautiful sunny and clear day here in Georgia. 

We will head to church after bit and then probably out to lunch with our friends.  Don't have anything else on the schedule for today.  We are starting to get the results from the various events in the Senior Golden Olympics so I need to work on the website and get these results shown.  I want to do some revisions on the website this year as it is time for a new look.

I spoke with my sister last evening and tomorrow is the last day of work for her before she retires.  They plan on being here in 10 or 11 days but know they won't stay long as she has it in her idea that a couple of days is enough.  I hope we can make a couple of side trips with them and maybe extend their stay a little bit.  It has been about 20 years since they visited us here in Georgia.  We are really looking forward to it.

I have read all the messages but think I will be brief today and give you all a break for Sunday as my postings are usually too long.  Good news about JudyM, praying for those that are still ailing and for each of our friends here on CP.  Hope everyone has a good day.

Al Moak

Larry - glad your sister can come - hope they can stay a bit longer.  As to your posting "such long posts" - they are most assuredly NOT too long!  Somebody's got to make up for my short ones!  I enjoy your posts.  So keep 'em comin.


Good Morning, I amr eady for church over an hour early but I am moving rather slow today. During the night I woke up to use the bathroom and once on my feet I have a very stiff and painful lower back. I have no idea what I could have done yesterday to cause this pain. I have prayed over it, put Ben Gay on it and tried to get it moving around a little bit, not to much. But to no avail.

Well Larry it is not Sunny California here today at least not yet. By the time the sun came out yesterday I had already decided that I wasn't going to mow or weed whack the yard as it was already about 4pm.

Hi Al How is your leg today?

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website


Great news about Judy McKenna!  Thanks, Pat, for telling us, and I do pray she keeps on getting better and better.

Al, is your leg better?  Will you get to go to the grandkid's graduation?  I hope you can; I know I am looking forward to attending both a high school and a college graduation in just a couple of weeks, both about 300 miles away.

Darrel is still really sick.  He is worried about whether he will even be up to the trip to Amarillo tomorrow to see his heart doctor.

No church this evening, and I haven't slept well for two nights, so I might decide a nap is in order for me today.  :sleep:  I have already practiced my piano lesson.

Ruth Ann, I think I need to go shopping with you.  You seem to know where to find the bargains!  :)

Marilyn, hope your back is better by now.

Larry, your posts are never too long.  I enjoy each and every one!
My book Rising Above available at

Al Moak

Thanks for your inquiies about my leg.  No noticeable changes.  However, my son has worked out a way (because of his frequent flier points) for us to stop more places, thus not being in the car as long.  It may work.  May our God's best be done.

I pray that Darrel's malady will clear up quickly and that Marilyn's back will quickly improve too.


So glad to hear a positive report on Judy.  I will pray that it continues.  :)


This monring I was so wrapped up in the pain in my back that I forgot to  mention the good news about Judy MC. Thank you Jesus, I pray she will be able to walk on her own again with out the use of walkers or canes.

My back pain is gone, I was prayed over at church and just took it easy this afternoon and now it is gone. Hallelujah!!

Tonight at 6 pm after prayer meeting we are starting a 13 week class on  finances. It is a partly video and partly not video.  Financial Peace University

"Good people take care of their animals, but even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" Prov. 12:10
Click for North Bend, Oregon Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150        My Website

Etta Sue

Good Evening!! 

Church was awesome.  Both sermons were about Saul/Paul being acatylist for God. 

I left church in Greenfield and stopped to get Kitty.  Then I drove to Kokomo.  We ate at a Deli...never ate there before.  Kind of like Panera Bread.  Then on to the Art Center for the Award Ceremony.  We did find out that there were 95 photos in the contest and 40+ of them were from the Photo Guild I am from.  Good showing.  Now I have my pelican photo hanging in my living room. 

Kitty and I were thirsty so we stopped at an Ice Cream place in Noblesville for Diet Caffeine Free Cokes.  Wish I could have gotten some ice cream.  It is like the old time ice cream stores.  Hand dipped hard ice cream.  Probably about 50 flavors.  But I was good and got a boring diet caffeine free coke!! 

When I got home the phone was ringing.  It was one of my step-daughters that I haven't talked to for a long time.  Probably talked way over an hour!  Good to get caught up on the family!  Geesh!  My husband would be Grandpa 26 times and Great-Grandpa at least 16 times.  And he loved kids.   :'(

Now I am sitting here about froze.  I turned on the A/C before I left home this morning and the A/C unit is in this room.  Brrrr!



Hi folks

Just in from Hamilton.  Judy wasn't so good today so we didn't stay long as she felt she needed sleep.  She seemed pale.  they are still checking her blood and oxygen.

I'm tired so might just go and have a nap even though it's just after supper time.

Did any of you watch the little video on photographing swans?

It's fantastic.  Whenever Pete makes one of these for the Cafe, I'll put it on our site here.  He's an amazing fellow--a school teacher in England and just does a great job with wildlife photography.

Here's a link if you think you can't find it.  And it's only about 3 1/2 minutes long.

"Click for Waterloo Wellington, Ontario Forecast"

Etta Sue

Time for a new week! 

For a fast way to get there, click